School Lunches Are Sickening

School lunch is sick, literally. “Corn”-fed cows pumped with steroids and antibiotics provide the cheese, pesticide-soaked tomatoes provide the sauce, and highly hybridized, nutrient-negative wheat provides the crust that’s cut into squares and served up to students daily. Unfortunately, as economic times get tougher, the number of parents relying on the government to provide their children lunch is on the rise.

Even though free or reduced-price school lunches may sound tempting, parents should avoid them at all costs. School gruel tastes like dog food, deprives children of rich, nutrient-dense foods and turns them into zombie-like slaves to the state.

Tastes like dog food

Even as a young lad I realized how disgusting cafeteria food was. The lunch lady would shove the most atrocious looking and sour smelling slop in my face, on a yellow Styrofoam plate. Everyday she greeted me with the same scary grin, ever so happy to serve me globs of GMO vile.

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