Overemphasizing the Family

The Reformed Reader Blog

Church Is the family more important than the church?  Certainly family is a blessing from God, emphasized in Scripture, and is part of God’s ordinary covenantal way of working his grace in the world.  Family is important for sure!  And as many of our readers know, our culture has been attacking the traditional family unit and many Christians have started pro-family movements to combat these attacks.  But this isn’t always as good as it sounds, since it’s possible to overemphasize the family.

“A certain pattern has played out many times through history: an established idea or institution comes under assault, and well-meaning people respond by doubling down their efforts to defend and support it; but they end up overreacting and hence emphasizing it so much that they lose proper perspective and neglect other ideas or institutions that may be just as or even more important.”

So writes David VanDrunen in an…

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