Daily Devotionals: (3rd Aug.) The False Promises of Sin. Pt. 2

thinkGOSPEL blog

Reading: Genesis 3:4-5

Continuing on from the previous part, we are still considering the destructive course that ensues by following the false promises of Satan. The first promise that Satan made to Eve was impunity: he said there are no consequences to sin.

The second promise was the promise of improvement: “Your eyes shall be opened” (verse 5). Notice the venom, the unfathomable deception, as Satan leads the infant humanity to the rim of the deadly precipice.  The promise was based on the idea that God does not want you to walk in darkness. He wants you to better yourself, to expand your education and experience of the world—to know “good and evil.”

Having removed the danger-sign, he replaces it with a sign reading “Play-Area.” “There is no danger here.” In fact, he says, “This is an exciting adventure you are about to experience.” Standing looking over the cliff…

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