Daily Devotionals: (21st Aug.) Managing Manhood

thinkGOSPEL blog

Reading: Genesis 3:17-19

Eve’s responsibility was more passive, whereas Adam’s was distinctly active; Eve must submit, but Adam must support. She will find difficulty in submitting, and he will struggle with the responsibilities of leadership. Both demand humility.

It is not difficult to see how Adam’s mismanagement of the home led to his sin; Eve is “calling the shots,” making the suggestions, and all beside her silent husband. Adam did not try to develop his home or channel his wife’s potential. He was not definite in his leadership but allowed circumstances to chart his course rather than taking the helm himself. To change the metaphor, Adam allowed his home to evolve rather than creating it. How easy it is to allow the current mood to effect the home, to shape the thought, and to mold the home into something we never intended and end like the old Chinese proverb that…

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