Weekly Watchman for 12/07/2018

Questions, Comments, and Biblical Answers

Questions and comments from listeners today include:

Is it wrong that I don’t tithe to my church but instead support Christians organizations and ministries that are spreading the gospel and equipping believers? My pastor said this is wrong, but my church is not making disciples.
Are Word Faith or prosperity preachers crooks for making promises that God will bless people financially if they give money to them?
As believers, can we sanctify ourselves?
I am a former Muslim and appreciate the grace you exhibit in reminding people not all Muslims are terrorists in waiting.
Listening from Alberta Canada, we attend a large church that is biblical and has good leadership. But groups are growing within our church following a lot of Bethel propaganda believing everyone should speak in tongues and prophesy. Some claim those who do not aren’t filled with the Spirit. What can I say to my friends about this?
Regarding the Mark of the Beast, I have friends who claim that when a person allows an electric device to be installed, even a pacemaker or does electronic banking, it’s wrong. Aren’t they overreacting?
Is Hebrews 6 referring to those who were not saved to begin with or those who lost their salvation?
Israel is a free republic like America, but aren’t the two nations spiritually “un-Christian” considering only a small remnant are true, converted believers in Jesus Christ?
Love the show on creation and evolution with Jay Seegert (December 5). Too many debates about creation focus on science rather than Scripture and end up veering away from the fact of a literal six-day creation and the age of the earth being thousands of years old, not millions.

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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We Celebrate An Anniversary Today

Eight years ago today we came on the air because of a stand we had to take

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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Feelings and Opinions Vs Beliefs and Truth

Feelings, opinions, beliefs and truth are parts of the thought process that leads to our ultimate actions and behaviors. But the order in which they form our complex thought and subsequent action makes all the difference in the world. If we get them in the wrong order we can start down a slippery slope where our beliefs and actions contradict what God says in His Word, and nothing good will come out of that. But if we align them correctly according to the teachings of the Bible, we can lead a life of joy, victory in Christ, and the peace of God.

Dave Wager of Silver Birch Ranch and Nicolet Bible Institute joins us to discuss how to correctly line up these elements comprising our human thought process, and the dangers of incorrectly prioritizing them.

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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Did God Use Evolution as His Process of Creation?

The number of Christians who trust the authority of the Bible and are truly taking a stand for what they believe is rapidly decreasing. Many churches that were once stalwarts for the faith have slowly compromised, moving into obscurity, becoming either irrelevant, or in some cases actually hostile to the Bible. This doesn’t happen overnight, but rather through deception and sometimes subtle teachings that gradually erode their views on the authority and sufficiency of Scripture.

One of these slippery slopes is related to the origins account found in the book of Genesis. There’s a view that has been around for quite a long time, but has recently made a resurgence within evangelical circles. This is the idea that perhaps God didn’t actually do things as literally and simply stated in Genesis 1-2, but used more of a “natural” vs “supernatural” process (tenets of Darwinian evolution). Sadly, this is becoming increasingly popular not only in churches, but also in Christian seminaries, colleges and universities.

Jay Seegert of The Starting Point Project joins the program to discuss some unbiblical ideas being considered in some Christian circles.

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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Sexuality and The Church in America

There is no doubt we live in a sexually-charged society. God has given us clear definitions and teachings about sexual relations and gender, but society has brought confusion, and many people – young and old – are suffering the consequences. Homosexuality is practically accepted and promoted and young people especially, are facing depression and emptiness because they have become confused about their God-given gender.

God’s Word gives us all the knowledge and instruction we need to correctly understand sexuality. It provides the answers to everyone’s questions but for some reason, with our culture rapidly deteriorating and even sincere Christians facing sexual challenges, some believe that the church has been generally silent.

Are pastors responding to sexual challenges within the church and society? And if not, why? Daniel Weiss of Brushfires Foundation joins us to share the findings from a comprehensive study about if and how pastors and churches are meeting the challenges of church members and society regarding sexual questions and confusion.

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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Social Media Big Guns Silencing Christians

Satan is the perfect liar. He has mastered his art of deception over thousands of years and he can present something to us that looks “good” when in reality it is his instrument for enslaving us once man abuses it. In the final segments today, Mike and David look at how the Internet, presented in the 1990s as man’s gateway to knowledge and communication, is slowly becoming a system of intimidation against anyone who dares to live by or proclaim Christians values. Are we willingly walking into slavery through our obsession with social media?

In the first segment, Mike and David look at how radical leftists twist information and opinions to advance their godless agenda. Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council joins us to discuss how the radical left is now blaming Christians for the crisis in adoption, when, in reality, we are a solution to the crisis.

Daily podcast, relevant articles on issues pertaining to Christians and more can be found on Stand Up For The Truth.

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