December 29 The $6 Haircut

Continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught.
(Colossians 2:6–7, NIV)

Just because something sells books and tapes and draws a crowd doesn’t mean God is in it.

It may just be good marketing, but you couldn’t support it from the Word to save your life. Once I had to recall an entire series of “prophetic” teaching tapes because the Soviet Union had unraveled and the Berlin Wall had come down. I remember thinking, “There go some of my finest insights!” All of us have a tendency to think that our revelation is not only important, but that it is the final one that will usher in the coming of the Lord. Denominational graveyards are full of wonderful people who believed that.

A small-town barber was doing well until a big company moved in across the street. They blitzed the area with signs reading, “EVERYTHING FOR $6. Six-dollar Haircuts! Six-dollar Perms! Everything for $6!” The barber lost all his customers. In despair, he hired an advertising expert. “I’m finished,” he declared. “I can’t compete with them!” The expert picked up the phone and called the town’s only billboard company and told them to put a big sign on the top of the barber’s shop. “And what do you want us to put on the sign?” they asked. He replied, “In big, bold letters put the words, ‘WE FIX $6 HAIRCUTS!’ ”


Child of God, make sure that when the “new waves” come in and go back out that you are still rooted and grounded in the truth.[1]


[1] Gass, B. (1998). A Fresh Word For Today : 365 Insights For Daily Living (p. 363). Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos Publishers.

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