Sharing Your Story

Have you ever come up tongue-tied when wanting to tell someone about Jesus? Most believers have the desire to tell others about Jesus, but do not know how. Many associate witnessing with a certain personality type—generally one who is friendly and outgoing.

But Scripture shows us that there are various ways to witness that vary from personality to personality. The Bible also teaches that true boldness comes from the Holy Spirit, not from a certain personality. With the unique characteristics and gifts God has given you, you can be an effective witness! Take a look at the following Biblical examples and ask God to show you which style or styles apply to you.

Peter: Confrontational Style (Acts 2:14) — Confident, assertive, direct, no small talk. Make sure you share the gospel in love so that people do not get defensive.

Paul: Intellectual Style (Acts 17:16-34) — Inquisitive—loves to learn, analytical, logical, likes to debate and work with ideas. Do not just give answers, but give the gospel and do not compromise. Guard against arguing.

The Blind Man: Testimonial Style (John 9:25) — Good communicator, tells others about what Jesus did for him, good listener, able to relate well with others. Do not talk about yourself the whole time. Take time to listen.

Matthew: Interpersonal Style (Luke 5:27-32) — Loves to be around people, conversational, friendship-oriented, focuses on people and their needs. Do not value friendship over the truth.

Woman at the Well: Invitational Style (John 4:27-30, 39-42) — Hospitable, relational, persuasive, meets new people and makes new friends. Be careful not to let everyone talk for you (1 Peter 3:15).

Dorcas: Serving Style (Acts 9:36-39) — Others-centered—receives joy in providing for others, humble, patient, not always vocal. Do not substitute actions for words (Romans 10:14).

The Bible clearly teaches that every believer is to be a witness for Jesus to those around them, to those who are different from them (cross-culturally), and even to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Jesus says, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). As you follow Jesus and maximize your style of evangelism, you will become a successful fisher of men for the kingdom of God.

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