Series: Christian Growth, Maturity and Discipleship (Lesson 1: Who Is Jesus Christ?)

Objective: To recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God

Read: John 1:1–34

Memorize: John 14:6

What if you could predict that a major world event would take place five minutes from now?

What if you could accurately describe what would happen?

Would knowing the future give you unusual power?

Would anyone believe you?

Possibly some would, but how many would not?

Many people do not believe the Bible, yet it miraculously foretells hundreds of events, sometimes in minute detail, and usually hundreds—sometimes thousands—of years ahead. Some prophecies concern cities and countries, such as Tyre, Jericho, Samaria, Jerusalem, Palestine, Moab, and Babylon. Others relate to specific individuals. Many have already been fulfilled, but some are still in the future.

Jesus Christ is the subject of more than 300 Old Testament prophecies. His birth nearly 2,000 years ago, and events of His life, had been foretold by many prophets during a period of 1,500 years. History confirms that even the smallest detail happened just as predicted. It confirms beyond a doubt that Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Bible Study

Jesus’ Claims Concerning Who He is

  1. In your own words, write the claims Christ made concerning Himself in the following verses:

Mark 14:61,62 (I am the Christ.)

John 6:38; 8:42 (God the Father sent me.)

John 5:17,18 (I do whatever God the Father does.)

John 10:30 (I and the Father are one.)

What did those who heard what Jesus said think He meant?

John 14:7 (We know God by knowing Jesus.)

John 14:8,9 (Anyone who has seen Jesus has seen the Father.)

  1. What did Jesus claim to do in the following verses?

John 5:22 (Judge mankind.)

Matthew 9:6 (Forgive sins.)

John 6:45–47 (Anyone who comes to Jesus comes to the Father too.)

  1. What did Jesus predict in the following verses?

Mark 9:31 (His betrayal and death.)

Luke 18:31–33 (He would be handed over, mocked, spit on, flogged, and killed.)

John 14:1–3 (He would go to heaven to prepare a place for His followers, then come back again.)

  1. What characteristics of Jesus are attributes of an omnipotent God?

John 2:24 (He knows all men.)

Matthew 8:26,27 (He controlled nature.)

John 11:43–45 (He raised the dead.)

According to the above passages, Jesus claimed to be God. He made the kinds of claims that only a person who presumed he was God would make. Both His friends and His enemies called Him God, and He never attempted to deny it. He even commended His followers for believing He was God.

The Importance of the Truth About His Identity

  1. Suppose Jesus Christ were not God. If He knew He was not God and that none of those claims were true, what could we conclude about Him?

(That He was a liar or an imposter.)

  1. Suppose Jesus were sincerely wrong. Suppose He sincerely believed all these fantastic claims even though they were not true. What could we conclude about Him?

(He was crazy.)

  1. Why is it important to investigate His claims?

(He claimed to be the only way to God. If that is true, His claims are essential for our future.)

What Others Said About Who He Was

  1. His followers: John the Baptist (John 1:29)

(The Lamb of God who takes away sin.)

Peter (Matthew 16:16)

(The Son of the living God.)

How did Jesus respond to what Peter said (verse 17)?

(God has revealed this to him.)

Martha (John 11:27)

(The Son of God.)

Thomas (John 20:28)

(My Lord and my God.)

How does Christ’s response to what Thomas said (verse 29) apply to you?

(We are blessed because we believe even though we haven’t seen Jesus.)

Paul (2 Corinthians 5:21; Titus 2:13)

(He was made sin for us; He is God and Savior.)

  1. His enemies:

The Jews (John 10:33)

(He blasphemed because He claimed to be God.)

Judas (Matthew 27:3,4)


Pilate (Matthew 27:22, 23)

(Hadn’t committed any crime.)

The Roman soldier (Matthew 27:54)

(He was the Son of God.)

  1. Who do you believe Jesus is and on what do you base that belief? List the facts that particularly help you know that He is God.


  1. Why is it important that you personally recognize who Jesus Christ really is?
  2. Have you invited Jesus Christ into your life? (See “Your Invitation to Life” on page 33.)
  3. What changes do you expect to experience in your life as a result of receiving Christ as your Savior and Lord?
Excerpt From Ten Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity: Leading an Effective Bible Study by Bill Bright