8 June 2024 News Briefing

“They Can’t Afford To Lose Their Grip On The Levers Of Power…”
Time To Jettison The Animals “The old left had intellectual commitments that were false in interesting and theoretically stimulating ways. The new left demands adherence to lurid absurdities so preposterous that merely entertaining them induces nauseating neurological disorders.” The most astounding part of America’s “Joe Biden” three-plus-years thrill ride is that the Party of Chaos and Hoaxes was able to pretend until just a few days ago that this political phantasm could run for re-election.

Individual Claiming To Be Juror’s Cousin Posted About Trump Conviction On Social Page Before Verdict, Judge Says “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted,” the commenter said, adding a celebration emoji. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!! <3”

US concerns mounting over Hezbollah-Israel escalation amid Gaza ceasefire talks
“If things carry on as they have been, then sooner or later, the Israelis will do something about it,” one diplomat told Al Arabiya English. Al Arabiya English has reached out to the National Security Council and the State Department for comment.

Public Celebration Of Sin: The Episcopal ‘Church’ Shows Pride In Their Apostasy
“Who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1:32, emphasis added). According to God’s Word, it is a sin to give approval to those who practice sin. Yes, the Episcopal church is showing its apostasy …..

Archaeologists discover ‘anomaly’ beneath Giza pyramid complex
An international team of archaeologists from Japan and Egypt has discovered what they describe as an underground “anomaly” near the iconic pyramid complex of Giza in Egypt. The complex, where members of the royal family and senior officials were buried, is located about 8 km from the city of Giza on the Nile and about 25 km southwest of central Cairo.

‘Associated Press’ blasts own reporting on Hamas casualty statistics
David Adesnik, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told JNS that the scrutiny of Hamas’s false claims about its own numbers is long overdue. “It’s a pretty stunning admission,” Adesnik said. “It’s probably not going to compensate for them repeating for months after months, time after time that 70% of the victims were women and children, but I guess better late than never.”

Danish PM assaulted in Copenhagen
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in Copenhagen on Friday,  The incident occurred at the Kultorvet public square in Copenhagen, Frederiksen was in shock after the incident, police and her office said. It was unclear whether she was injured by the attacker.

IDF identifies 8 more terrorists eliminated in Nuseirat strike
The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced on Friday that, over the past day, the IDF Intelligence Directorate and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) confirmed the identities of eight additional terrorists who were eliminated in a precise strike on their base of operations in an UNRWA school in Nuseirat on Thursday morning.

Qatar threatens to kick Hamas leaders out of Doha if they reject ceasefire deal
Qatar has given Hamas leaders the ultimatum that they will be forced to leave Doha if they don’t accept the current ceasefire and hostage release deal,

UAE calls Palestinian Authority a ‘den of thieves’
UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan last month called the leadership of the Palestinian Authority “Ali Baba and the forty thieves,” speaking during a meeting of Arab countries that was attended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “Why would the UAE give assistance to the Palestinian Authority without real reforms?” asked Abdullah.

Tachles with Aviel – No trust in Arabs
Israelis have lost faith that they can ever live in peace with the Palestinians. October 7th has destroyed all remaining trust.

Knesset Member Ohad Tal Challenges American Jews: Whose Side Are You On?
As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, Tal’s message is clear: the future of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide hangs in the balance, and the American Jewish vote will have profound consequences.

Biden: Forget ceasefire – Focus on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine
Biden has misleadingly claimed that Israel has offered a roadmap leading to an enduring ceasefire in Gaza: Biden’s assertion that this latest ceasefire proposal has emanated from Israel – has not been confirmed by Israel – as the Times of Israel reports:

United Nations to put Israel on blacklist of countries harming children in conflict zones
The Jewish state added to list that includes terrorist groups al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram Despite Israel’s weeks-long efforts to dissuade Guterres from taking this step, Israel is expected to be included on the list to be published next week as part of a report to the UN Security Council,

Biden DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at Texas hospital
‘It’s clear that the Biden administration is using its Department of Justice to punish its political opponents. It’s the very definition of abusive power,’ the Heritage Foundation’s Jay Richards said in response to the indictment of Dr. Eithan Haim.

Popular podcast host calls out Gov. Walz for poor governance, refusal to come on show
“This state has become a bleep show since you became governor, and you’ve proven to be the worst governor in the history of the state,” said host Joe Soucheray. “we do not have to live this way” in reference to the murder of Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell, host Joe Soucheray retorted, “here’s the problem, Governor. We are living that way.” You’ve stepped on your feet too many times to be taken seriously. I don’t know how you had the balls to even show up there and say, ‘we shouldn’t have to live this way.’ This is the way we live, Governor!”

Tornado hits Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, damaging over 20 homes
A small tornado swept through the village of Mišin Han near Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 3, 2024, leaving significant structural damage.

Severe floods hit Algeria, claiming the lives of at least 15 people 
Heavy rainfall and severe flooding affecting parts of Algeria over the past couple of days caused widespread damage and claimed the lives of at least 15 people.

Retail Bloodbath: More Than 2,600 Store Closings Have Been Announced So Far In 2024
Retail stores are being shut down at a staggering rate all over the country. If we stay on the pace that we are on, the total number of stores closed in 2024 will be nearly 40 percent higher than the total number of stores closed in 2023. That is what you call a crisis! Meanwhile, banks are shuttering hundreds of branches from coast to coast, and a “restaurant apocalypse” is sweeping across the nation.

Dutch researchers say there have been 3 million excess deaths in 47 countries during 2020-2022; this could be 35 million globally 
A bombshell study was recently published in BMJ Public Health by a group of researchers in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Analysing data from 47 Western countries, the researchers found there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020, and covid vaccines may have helped fuel the rise.

Portugal Tightens Migration Policy Under New Right-Leaning Government 
Portugal’s new center-right government, led by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), has announced plans to tighten immigration rules. This move follows significant gains by the country’s conservative opposition party, Chega, in recent elections, which campaigned on massively restricting migration.

Islamized Austria: School Disallows Reading From Bible Out of Fear ‘Mohammad’ Would be Angry
Teachers’ fears are justified as Muslims have warned the Western world: insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or ignore Sharia law, and they will retaliate, as evidenced by incidents like the murder of Samuel Paty, job losses, and legal battles faced by educators.

Security Threat: Biden Administration Loses Track of 77,000 Afghans in America While Over a Million Unchecked Migrants Flood the Borders
As seen last week in open borders Germany, where an Afghan refugee deemed ‘well integrated’ stabbed Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger and killed a young German police officer, will the Biden administration act shocked when one of the unmonitored Afghans in America carries out a similar attack on non-Muslims here?

Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts
The Latin American leftist network of leaders is delighted by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in the ultra-violent Mexican elections that saw over 28 candidates killed during the election cycle.

The bird flu operation is looking like a repeat of the covid operation. So are the vaccines safe?
This week the World Health Organisation warned that bird flu has a “potential for high public health impact.”  This spurious claim came after a Mexican died after testing positive for bird flu.  All indications are that a potential bird flu pandemic is a wash, rinse and repeat of the falsified covid pandemic. With covid, one of the objectives was to vaccinate the world, and it seems bird flu also has this in common with covid.  The vaccines for covid were unsafe. So, are the bird flu vaccines safe?

Disabled Canadian man says he has been offered euthanasia ‘multiple times’ while in the hospital
The ‘traumatized’ 49-year-old says he is ‘being prevented from the resources that I need to live safely back at home’ and has been told he can apply for assisted suicide.

Musk’s X Appears to Permit Porn Under New Rules.
The social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, now permits porn. The social media site has updated its guidelines to permit the sharing of “consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior.” Under the new guidelines, this material must be labeled appropriately and cannot appear in prominent locations such as profile pictures or banners.

BOYTCOTT COMING? Walmart Introduces Gay LGBT Pride Collection
Wow. This is just another confirmation that corporate America is all about shoving their LGBT agenda down everyone’s throat. The latest retail giant that’s been activated to make the push is Walmart. They just launched a new collection of merchandise promoting gay- and lesbian-owned companies.

US Bombers Drop Live Munitions In Threat To North Korea
Two US B-1 strategic bombers dropped live munitions on the Korean Peninsula in a show of force eyeing Pyongyang. Tensions in the region have ratcheted up during the Biden administration as the president has taken a hardline approach toward the DPRK.

Headlines – 6/8/2024

US urging Arab allies not to set deadline for post-war two-state solution

Netanyahu To Address Congress Amid Tensions With Biden

Pelosi: Netanyahu Should Not Have Been Invited to Address Congress – ‘This is Wrong’

Schumer justifies congressional invite to Netanyahu amid liberal outrage

CIA assessment concludes Netanyahu is likely to defy US pressure to set a post-war plan for Gaza

Blinken to push cease-fire proposal in eighth urgent Mideast trip since war in Gaza erupted

Shouting match ensues between senior Arab officials at Blinken meeting – The sharp confrontation reflects the skepticism regarding the planned reforms of the Palestinian Authority, and the internal disputes between the leaders of the Arab world

Russia, China Wrangle With US Over UN Resolution on Cease-Fire

US says still awaiting official Hamas response to hostage-ceasefire deal proposal

NAACP urges Biden to halt weapons to Israel and help end Gaza war

David Israel: All the October 7 Generals Must Resign Now to Save the IDF

Cabinet secretary: ‘Time not yet ripe’ to investigate state’s handling of Gaza war

IDF reportedly reaches coast of Rafah, completing control of key Gaza-Egypt border road

At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

Report: Half of Hamas Terrorists Killed; 7,000 Remain in Rafah

IDF says strike hit Hamas command room housed in container at Gaza City UN school

Israel defends attack on U.N. school: ‘Terrorists inside the school were planning more attacks’

UN chief to place Israel on ‘list of shame’ – Antonio Guterres to put state on blacklist of parties committing major violations against children during war

UN adds Israel to ‘list of shame’ for alleged rights violations against children during war; Netanyahu: ‘Delusional’

Unemployment nears 80% in Gaza, UN agency says

US-built pier in Gaza is repaired, aid will resume: US Central Command

Biden’s Gaza Pier Runs Up $22 Million In Repair Costs After Storm Washed It Away

George Clooney fretted to White House that wife Amal could face sanctions over ICC case against Israel: report

‘The hatred it sows’: Pope recreates 2014 Vatican summit to pray for end to Gaza war

Portland teachers union publishes guidebook on ‘organizing for Palestine’ in public schools

19 anti-Israel activists detained after blockade in campus building in Sweden

Attacks on businesses linked to US brands rattle Baghdad as anger over the war in Gaza surges

Israeli officials encourage ‘aliyah’ while affirming US Jewish communities strong

The Next Israel-Hezbollah War Could Be a Far Greater Catastrophe Than Gaza

In apparent deepest attack of war, drone launched from Lebanon strikes near Nazareth

Hezbollah UAV penetrates Israel’s border to land in open space near Afula, IDF fails to intercept

US citizens face charges ‘punishable by death’ in alleged coup attempt in Congo

South Africa’s ANC leans toward a ‘unity’ government that evokes Mandela but divisions are there

US encourages China to attend peace summit on Ukraine

Ukraine Launches Major ATACMS Strike On Russian-Occupied Territory

Russia-Installed Governor Claims 22 Killed In ‘Double Tap’ Attack In Kherson Region

Germany needs 75,000 more troops as NATO eyes Russia threat, Spiegel reports

Zelenskyy is in France with more asks, and some skepticism

Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete

France to supply Mirage 2000-5 jets to Ukraine, train pilots

Biden Publicly Apologizes to Zelenskyy as He Announces $225 Million in Additional Ukraine Aid

Biden apologizes to Zelenskyy for monthslong congressional holdup to weapons that let Russia advance

Biden apologies to Zelenskyy for holdup over military aid: ‘We’re still in. Completely’

Cut off from the West, Putin says almost 40% of Russian trade turnover is now in rubles

Putin woos China and India investment to build sanctions resilience

Putin says he sees no threat warranting use of nuclear arms but warns Russia could arm Western foes

‘Exodus’ of Russian Ships From Black Sea Fleet’s Reserve Base Sparks Rumors

Russian Fleet, Air Assets Expected to Begin Operating Near US Shores

Oceans can no longer protect America

House panel expected to consider Garland contempt resolution next week

Attorney General Merrick Garland Will Defy GOP Congressional Subpoenas

Businessman Tells Jury He Bribed Senator Menendez With a Mercedes-Benz

Clarence Thomas Blasted After Disclosing Paid Trips: ‘Beyond Belief’

Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledges he should have disclosed free trips from Texas billionaire

Beyonce gave concert tickets to Ketanji Brown Jackson, according to docs also showing large payments for justices’ book deals

Prosecution rests in Hunter Biden gun trial as defense calls for an acquittal

Hunter Biden trial highlights: Naomi Biden testifies about her father’s drug use

Witness Says Hunter Did Crack ‘Every 20 Minutes’ While Managing Multimillion Dollar China, Ukraine, Russia Deals

Napolitano: Hunter Biden, Trump Prosecuted Over Politics

“President Biden Needs to Stop All of This – Don’t Be Naive People!” – Dr. Phil Interviews President Trump and Goes Off on Biden’s Destruction of US Justice System

Damning Report on Judge Cannon Reveals She’s Prone to Exploitation

Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld Offers a Legal Roadmap for Trump’s Legal Team to Overturn ‘Guilty’ Verdict Before the Presidential Election

Judge Merchan Issues Letter to All Parties Acknowledging Potential Juror Misconduct on Social Media

Trump Hush Money Judge Says Juror’s Supposed ‘Cousin’ Predicted A Conviction On Facebook – But It’s Unclear If It’s True

Celebrity Trainer Jillian Michaels: ‘How Is Trump Going to Jail, but Fauci Isn’t?’

Republican Group’s Ad Counters Trump Immunity Claim

Jimmy Kimmel Biden Fundraising Email Claims ‘Democracy May Not Survive Another Four Years of a Trump Presidency’

ABC’s Hostin: Black Male Trump Supporters as Real as ‘Unicorns’

A new account rekindles allegations that Trump disrespected Black people on ‘The Apprentice’

They Hate You: Democrat Congressional Candidate Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Proposes Re-Education Camps for Trump Supporters

House GOP investigates Fani Willis’ relationship with J6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson

RNC hires a prominent ‘Stop the Steal’ advocate to help craft its 2024 platform

Mark Meadows pleads not guilty to criminal charges in Arizona over election challenge

Arizona Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes to Launch Criminal Investigation into Gov. Katie Hobbs for Bribery and Fraud

Election Interference: Google Blacklists PragerU App from Play Store for ‘Hate Speech’

Chinese provinces bring in AI to stop cheating in gaokao university entrance exams

OpenAI Insiders Warn of a ‘Reckless’ Race for Dominance

OpenAI Whistleblower Warns of 70% Chance AI Could Destroy Humanity

The next generation of the ‘Internet of Bodies’ could meld tech and human bodies together

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Abepura, Indonesia

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 22,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 13,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 11,000ft

Tornado hits Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, damaging over 20 homes

Severe floods hit Algeria, claiming the lives of at least 15 people

US Southwest sizzles under heat dome in an ominous prelude to summer

Millions remain under heat alerts as Phoenix and Las Vegas break temperature records

Fires in Brazilian wetlands surge 980%, extreme drought expected

The Insurance Market Is Flirting with Natural Disasters

Virginia Beach residents say offshore wind construction is shaking houses, breaking mirrors

India’s Modi, Humbled by Voters, Faces Potent Economic Struggles

Trump Vows to Be ‘Crypto President’ at Silicon Valley Fundraiser

Report: Banks Close 79 Branches Over 6 Weeks in Cost-Cutting Move

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones agrees to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families

Alex Jones files to liquidate assets after Sandy Hook families reject $55 million settlement

As California Faces Massive Deficit, Newsom Proposes Reducing Funding For Police, Prisons, And Public Safety

Dollar General Shifts 12,000 Stores Away from Self-Checkout Due to Thefts

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Physically Attacked in Copenhagen; Suspect Arrested

Man transporting illegal immigrants in car leads police on chase through Texas Air Force base

Biden border order on ‘shaky legal ground,’ immigration advocates say

‘Abolish ICE’: New Yorkers join with illegal immigrants to protest Biden’s border measure

Number of Foreign-Born People in US Hits 46M

Half of New Jobs Since October Have Gone to Immigrants

From Brigitte Bardot to Burkinis, French ‘Way of Life’ Is Being Destroyed by Mass Migration, Says MEP

Vermont Blocking Religious Families From Fostering

NFL free agent Xavien Howard shared ‘revenge porn’ with victim’s child, lawsuit alleges

Nashville Covenant School Trans Shooter’s Manifesto Leaked: Transgender Killer Audrey Hale Wrote About Her ‘Imaginary Penis’ and How She Would ‘Kill’ to Get Puberty Blockers

Google Snubs 160,000 Men Who Landed at Normandy 80 Years Ago, Instead Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day

Town Refuses to Fly Thin Blue Line Flag for Slain Trooper, Pulls Insulting Move with ‘Pride’ Flag Instead

Woke Culture Declares War on Beauty: Morbidly Obese Female Wins Miss Alabama and a Man Wins Miss Maryland USA

Kentucky parish offering scheduled same-sex blessings despite Vatican directive

Gallup Poll: Most Say Gender Change ‘Morally Wrong’

Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Sex-Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, Serve Him Federal Indictment

DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for minors – Dr. Eithan Haim was hit with four felony charges related to HIPAA violations

Jim Jordan lashes out at Fauci for giving allegedly ‘false’ testimony on COVID-19 cover up

COVID Panel to Question Ex-Gov. Cuomo on Nursing Home Deaths

Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain That Killed 59-Year-Old Man

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

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