Week in Review · June 3-7, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.



A rated PG-13 reminder of the sick obsession flaunted by rainbow cult members.

Profiles of Valor: The D-Day Medals of Honor

It was an epic battle in defense of American Liberty and, by extension, that of all mankind.

Caitlin Clark Targeted by Bitter WNBA Thugs

The WNBA is a pro sports backwater, and it isn’t doing itself any favors by beating up on its brightest young star.

California Lefty Lawmaker Eats Her Own

When you realize your party supports evil, sometimes you have to say or do something.

Fauci’s Blame-Shifting Revisionism

The former head of the nation’s draconian COVID-19 response seeks to downplay and rewrite his disastrous role in it.

The Lawfare Fallout, For Real

Like a rogue virus, a hijacked justice system can hurt everyone it touches.

A Big Weekend for a ‘Convicted Felon’

Donald Trump greeted enthusiastic crowds and raised tons of money after Joe Biden’s goons convicted him.

What a Difference a President Makes

The comparison between Ronald Reagan’s remarks 40 years ago and Joe Biden’s remarks yesterday couldn’t be more glaring.

Hunter Heads to Court

The first son’s federal gun charge case is being held in the Bidens’ friendly home state of Delaware.

Confusing Adoption With the Gender Agenda

The Biden administration is doing everything it can to obstruct foster care and adoption by good, caring Christian families.

Ibram X. Kendi’s Self-Destruction

An autopsy of a briefly lucrative race-baiting grifter.

Groomer Month at Scholastic

The children’s book publisher has gone all in on siding with those promoting a culture of sexual deviancy.

Biden His TIME

A long-form interview exposes what we all already know: Joe Biden is fading fast.

Jill Biden’s ‘Evil’ Ways

The first lady took to “The View” not to soothe the nation but to demonize Donald Trump.

Why Are Homeowners Insurance Rates Soaring?

Joe Biden’s media hacks will blame just about anyone or anything other than him, and that includes — wait for it! — climate change.

The D-Day ‘Nazi’ Hunter

Hillary Clinton does what leftists always do — wrongly assume Nazis were right-wing and compare Republicans to them.

Profiles of Valor: The Last D-Day Vets Standing

“The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. … And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

Visit our archive for more analysis commentary.
Catch up on the latest news headlines with our executive summary.

Video: Satire: Exclusive Interview With Robert De Niro
Video: Humor: Trump — ‘The Outlaw President’
Video: Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 96)
Video: Trump’s NY Criminal Case Explained Without the Political Spin

See our extensive currated video library for more!

Non Compos Mentis

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans
fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we
have to do is vote.” —Hillary Clinton

“We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk
across the world than any point since the end of the World War II, since these
beaches were stormed.” —Joe Biden on D-Day

Theater of the Absurd

“The same resolve that the extraordinary men and women
that we’re celebrating today showed then [D-Day], [Biden] is showing now.”
—Secretary of State Antony Blinken

The BIG Lies

“Under my leadership, we were well positioned to
respond to COVID-19.” —Anthony Fauci

“The NIH did not fund gain-of-function research at the
Wuhan Institute of Virology.” —Anthony Fauci

“None on my part. … I’ve kept an open mind throughout
the entire process.” —Anthony Fauci when asked, “Do you agree that
there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?”


“I did my job. Our job is to follow the facts and the
law without fear or favor, and that’s exactly what we did here.”
—Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg regarding the Trump trial

“There is only one tier of justice. … We don’t give
any benefit to a powerful person over a non-powerful person, any benefit to a
Democrat over a Republican.” —Attorney General Merrick Garland

“After careful deliberation, the jury reached a
unanimous verdict. They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. …
It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was
rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.” —Joe Biden

“The American principle that no one is above the law
was reaffirmed.” —Joe Biden

“Not at all. I didn’t do anything wrong.” —Joe
Biden when asked, “Are you worried that this could happen to you someday —
somebody comes up with some charges and tries to bring you in to court after
your term?”

Baghdad Bob

“There is one candidate standing up for the rule of
law, standing up for our democratic institutions, defending our Constitution,
defending our democracy, and that’s Joe Biden.” —Biden campaign
communications director Michael Tyler


“Yes, of course. This verdict … was a validation of
the American judicial system.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries
(D-NY) when asked, “There are questions about the validity of the …
untested legal theory that was used… Would this case have been brought
against anyone other than former President Trump?”

Lack of Self-Awareness Awards

“The justice system should be respected, and we should
never allow anyone to tear it down. It’s as simple as that.” —Joe Biden

“Donald Trump Confirms Plans to Jail Opponents.”
—Biden-Harris campaign press release

Who Wants to Tell Them?

“If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services
against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn.” —NBC

“Trump’s attacks on US justice system after his
conviction could be used by autocrats, say experts.” —Associated Press


“It’s conservatives … who want to lock everybody up,
including Hillary Clinton. That’s not the way I feel as a liberal. And I don’t
want to inflict any suffering on anybody.” —Congressman Jamie Raskin

Braying Jenny

“They’re talking about revenge and I think that that’s
dangerous. [Trump’s] even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there
would be bloodshed. I am going to spend some time with the criminal justice
system, with the justice system, asking them, ‘Tell us what’s going on with the
domestic terrorists. Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be
concerned about our safety? What is he doing with this divisive
language?'” —Congresswoman Maxine “You Tell Them They’re Not Welcome” Waters (D-CA)

Useful Idiot

“The answer is it’s uncertain.” —Joe Biden when
asked, “Have Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza?”

“There is every reason for people to draw that
conclusion.” —Joe Biden when asked, “Some in Israel have suggested
that Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation.
Do you believe that?”

More BIG Lies

“The president of the United States has been working to
lower costs.” —Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu

“Campaigns do NOT work with media to pay off sources to
suppress stories. It is not normal. It does not happen.” —MSNBC’s Jen

“I’ve known [Vladimir Putin] for over 40 years. He’s
concerned me for 40 years.” —Joe Biden

“We are constantly and will continuously look at all
options to try and really deal with the immigration system.” —White House
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

“I’ve come here today to do what the Republicans in
Congress refuse to do: take the necessary steps to secure our border. … I’m
moving past Republican obstruction and using the executive authorities
available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border.
… Republicans have left me with no choice. … I’m doing my part. We’re doing
our part. Congressional Republicans should do their part.” —Joe Biden

“Due to the arrangements that I’ve reached with
[Mexican] President [Andrés Manuel López] Obrador, the number of migrants
coming… to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped
dramatically.” —Joe Biden


“To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants,
we must first secure the border and secure it now. … Doing nothing is
not an option. We have to act.” —Joe Biden

Race Bait

“The governors of Texas and Florida … sent the problem,
if you want to call it a problem, of undocumented people, and they’ve shipped
them all over the country like the old, you know, segregationists … used to
put black people on buses and say, ‘Hey, let’s send them to your city so that
you’ll be upset.'” —MSNBC’s Joy Reid

Dumb & Dumber

“I can tell you that he is sharper than ever.”
—Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod

“I don’t even know what that question means.”
—Adrienne Elrod when asked, “How much should a candidate’s cognitive
function factor into that decision when someone votes?”

“I’ve spent time with every House speaker over the past
30 years and Joe Biden. It’s just not close. If you want to talk about
international affairs, if you want to talk about how to get bipartisan
legislation, Joe Biden is light years ahead of all of them.” —MSNBC’s Joe

Belly Laughs of the Week

“Look, I know I’m accused of being a congenital
optimist.” —Joe Biden

“This campaign is under no false illusion that the
media is going to do our jobs for us.” —Biden campaign communications
director Michael Tyler

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

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