13 June 2024 News Briefing

Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails “Invincible Comrades-in-Arms”
As G7 leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country’s ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border “invincible comrades-in-arms”.

HHS Sued Over Rule Requiring Health Care Providers To Perform ‘Gender Transition’ Procedures
The attorneys general of Montana and Texas on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), over a rule that says states must pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid programs and requires health care providers who receive federal funding to perform such procedures even in violation of state law.

Powell Admits The Biden Admin Is “Overstating” Jobs
we get that the actual number of “employed” workers plunged by 408K…

Chances for a hostage deal close to none
“Here, in a nutshell, is where we stand: A deal was on the table that was virtually identical to the proposal that Hamas put forward on May the 6th, a deal that the entire world was behind, a deal Israel has accepted, and Hamas could have answered with a single word: yes. Instead, Hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes, a number of which go beyond positions it had previously taken and accepted. The terror organization also demands not only an American guarantee to end the war, but also guarantees from China, Russia, and Turkey.

Russia Calls for Swift Release of Its Nationals Held by Hamas
Russia’s Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova on Tuesday announced that she appealed to senior United Nations (UN) and other officials to take action to secure the release of Russian nationals held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip after eight months after their kidnapping.

Israel’s enemies have no incentive to end the war
Israel’s enemies share no common values of freedom, civil rights, or humane principles. Thus, they don’t have the incentive to cooperate.

How Estonia is becoming a hotbed for drone warfare
With a close eye on Ukraine’s use of drones, Estonians are fielding new kit, changing doctrine, and revamping training for unmanned systems in case they also have to repel a Russian invasion one day. Estonia — a country with a population of just 1.3 million — is also being uniquely thrifty, working to field systems whose price is often orders of magnitude cheaper than similar U.S. systems.

Bring it’: Backup plan in Congress to arrest Garland for contempt
Later a transcript of the Hur interview with Biden was released, but the Republican majority in the House has demanded access to the audio tapes, explaining they can reveal a lot more than just the printed word. Attorney General Merrick Garland refused, and even suggested Biden claim “executive privilege” to keep the tapes secret. Now the fight is about to get brutal, with GOP plans as early as Wednesday to find Garland in contempt of Congress, a vote that could result in jail time for Garland.

Hamas guards reportedly ordered to kill hostages if IDF rescue attempt detected
The leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas reportedly told their operatives guarding Israeli hostages that “if they think Israeli forces are coming, the first thing they should do is shoot the captives,” The New York Times reported on Monday, citing Israeli officials.

Hezbollah launches massive 215 rocket barrage at northern Israel in retaliation for killing of senior commander
After Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike in southern Lebanon on Tuesday night, killing a senior Hezbollah commander, the terror group responded with one of the largest rocket barrages since the start of the Oct. 7 war in Gaza as Israelis celebrated the Shavuot holiday. For the first time during the war, the city of Tiberias, which lies some 35 km (20 miles) from the Lebanese border, was also targeted by Hezbollah.

Why I think Donald Trump is “God’s choice” for president of the US (and why I care)
we live less than ten miles from the border, the siren sounds at the same time as the attack, giving us no time to run for the shelter. It may seem that under these circumstances, I would be more concerned with what is happening in my backyard than the upcoming US presidential elections. But the opposite is true. As the rockets came closer, I cursed Biden and everyone who voted for him, blaming them for the policies that had empowered Iran to buy rockets for the terrorists who openly stated their intention to murder every Jew on the planet.

Russian warships conduct Atlantic drills en route to Cuba. New hypersonic missiles are on board
Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic, the military said Tuesday, as they were heading to visit Cuba, part of Moscow’s efforts to project power amid the tensions with the West over Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry said the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the Kazan nuclear-powered submarine conducted the exercise that was intended to simulate a missile strike on a group of enemy ships.

Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
At the SBC’s annual meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis, representatives will vote on whether to amend the denomination’s constitution to essentially ban churches with any women pastors — and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelming approval in a preliminary vote last year.

NASA Watches Mars Light Up During Epic Solar Storm
Mars scientists have been anticipating epic solar storms ever since the Sun entered a period of peak activity earlier this year called solar maximum. Over the past month, NASA’s Mars rovers and orbiters have provided researchers with front-row seats to a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections that have reached Mars — in some cases, even causing Martian auroras. If astronauts had been standing next to NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover at the time, they would have received a radiation dose of 8,100 micrograys — equivalent to 30 chest X-rays. While not deadly, it was the biggest surge measured by Curiosity’s Radiation Assessment Detector, or RAD, since the rover landed 12 years ago.

Sarasota hit by record-breaking 1-hour rainfall, all of South Florida under Flood Watch
Disorganized showers and thunderstorms produced by a broad and elongated area of low pressure are affecting parts of Florida. On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, this low pressure dropped record-breaking rainfall over Sarasota, causing significant flash flooding. Heavy rain is expected to continue in the days ahead and the flood threat will remain through the end of the work week.

Trudeau again says nothing after another church suspiciously burns to the ground in Canada
On Sunday, during the early morning hours, a four-alarm fire ripped through the historic church. Built in 1908, the Byzantine-style building burned almost to the ground in a matter of hours. Flames shooting through the roof confirmed what many suspected: Everything is gone.

Aliens might be living among us, according to new Harvard study
Aliens might be living among us, according to a study by Harvard academics. A new paper suggests extraterrestrials could also be living underground or in a base inside the Moon.

World Economic Forum Says, ‘Let Them Eat Fake Meat!’ 
The globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins in a coordinated effort to change consumers’ behavior.

After Protesting Exhibition Honoring Victims of Nova Music Festival Murdered by Hamas, Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’
On Monday, a group of masked anti-Israel leaving a protest outside an exhibit honoring Oct. 7 victims took over a New York City subway car and demanded Jews identify themselves.

Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
…The vote is partly the culmination of events set in motion two years ago. That’s when a Virginia pastor contacted SBC officials to contend that First Baptist and four nearby churches were “out of step” with denominational doctrine that says only men can be pastors. The SBC Credentials Committee launched a formal inquiry in April.

‘Intifada revolution’: Mob converges on NYC exhibit for Oct. 7 victims 
A mob of protesters chanting “intifada revolution” on Monday night rallied outside a New York city exhibit memorializing the hundreds of victims of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on the Nova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel.

Idaho’s 500,000-acre curtailment order is irresponsible, unjustifiable and reckless
…I warned that this would place every acre within the boundaries of the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer, along with adjacent industries, countes, and cites, in constant jeopardy of widespread curtailment. Yesterday afternoon, that threat became very real for thousands of farmers across the Snake River Plain, who were greeted by an order from the department that they must immediately cease irrigating crops on approximately 500,000 acres.

FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs
…what has become clear is that the origins of these agencies are not what they make them out to be. Why are they lying about their origins?  Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses … There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.”

Enormous Mobs Are Literally Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis
Every night, huge groups of young people are literally taking over streets in large cities all over America.  In many cases, major intersections are completely blocked off for stunts and dangerous competitions involving vehicles.  These events are called “street takeovers”, and they are often accompanied by theft, violence and other acts of crime.

Headlines – 6/13/2024

215 rockets fired at north after IDF killing of ‘most senior’ Hezbollah officer yet

IDF confirms killing Hezbollah regional division commander Taleb Abdullah, the ‘most senior’ officer targeted amid war

Hezbollah lobs rockets at Israel as U.S. accuses Hamas of prolonging Gaza war

US military urges de-escalation as Israel-Lebanon tensions rise

‘Immense’ Scale of Gaza Killings Amount to Crime Against Humanity, UN Inquiry Says

U.N. Confirms Hamas Horrors on October 7 but Blames Israel for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

UN inquiry says Israel and Hamas have both committed war crimes since October 7

UN reports accuse Israel of ‘extermination,’ crimes against humanity; Hamas of war crimes

Foreign Ministry: UN report ‘ridden with lies and blood libels,’ describes ‘fictional reality’

Hamas urges US to pressure Israel, claims no indication Jerusalem agrees to truce deal

Hamas seeking US guarantees over Gaza ceasefire plan, sources say

Terror group Hamas seeking amendments to U.S.-backed ceasefire proposal, Blinken frustrated

Hamas Says Blinken ‘Part of the Problem’ as Ceasefire Deal Falters

Blinken pans Hamas response to Israeli offer, saying some proposed changes ‘not workable’

Sources: Talks stuck on Hamas demand for Israeli up-front commitment to permanent truce

Biden pushed to revoke Al Jazeera credentials after Israeli hostage reportedly found in journalist’s home

Rescued hostage, ‘brainwashed’ by Hamas, thought IDF forces had come to kill him

Democrat Congressman Gerry Connolly Makes Sure to Use Hamas Terrorist Talking Points-Refers to Rescue of Israeli Hostages as “Release”

Israel’s Ben-Gvir Attacks Decision to Release 30 Jailed Terrorists

Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier – They say food is ‘flowing’ to the people, but data shows the opposite. Pull the curtain down on this theater now.

Sources Say Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops’ Lives for a ‘Photo-Op’

After Protesting Exhibition Honoring Victims of Nova Music Festival Murdered by Hamas, Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’

Thugs on NYC Subway Car Tell ‘Zionists’ to Leave

Multiple acts of vandalism across NYC linked to war in the Middle East

27 Pro-Palestinian Activists Arrested in UCLA Unrest; Congress Investigates

More Universities Refuse to Adopt Boycott Movement Against Israel

French conservative leader embraces Marine Le Pen’s far-right party with history of antisemitism

Iran seen expanding enrichment after IAEA rebuke, but response tamer than feared

India: Modi Gives No Cabinet Positions to Muslims for First Time in History

40 Indians Killed, 50 Injured In Kuwait Building Fire, PM Takes Stock

PM Orban: Hungary Will Not Block NATO Support for Ukraine

Hungary agrees not to veto NATO’s deepening support for Ukraine in exchange for nonparticipation

Armenia to quit Russia-led ‘answer to NATO,’ the Collective Security Treaty Organization

US to Send Another Patriot Missile System as Kyiv Pleads for Air Defenses

Biden and Zelenskyy will sign a security deal, as G7 leaders agree to use Russian cash to help Kyiv

US, Ukraine to sign 10-year security deal for troop training, weapons production, ongoing military aid

Biden to sign security agreement with Ukraine, sending ‘signal of our resolve’ to Russia

Russian warships, nuclear submarine enter Havana Harbor under watch of U.S. destroyers

Putin’s fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say – Putin has threatened to arm America’s adversarial neighbors

Farage Offered Government Security, Man Charged After Campaign Trail Attack

Democracy ‘Directly Under Threat’ From ‘Mob Violence’ Says Nigel Farage After Being Attacked

Buenos Aires rocked by clashes over Milei reforms

Riot police unleash tear gas, water cannons on rowdy anti-Milei protesters in Buenos Aires – Demonstrators gathered against libertarian president’s state overhaul, tax proposals

House GOP sets Garland contempt vote over refusal to turn over Biden interview audio

GOP lawmaker planning to follow Garland contempt vote with proposing resolution to arrest him

Two Tier Justice: Biden’s Gestapo DOJ Says Garland Cannot be Prosecuted for Contempt for Withholding Embarrassing Biden-Hur Audio

‘Nothing but hypocrisy’: House GOP doubtful DOJ will charge Garland like former Trump aides

Report: Joe Biden Says Hunter Is Victim of Weaponized System of Justice

Biden reportedly blames re-election bid for Hunter’s conviction: ‘He would have gotten the plea deal’

White House won’t rule out commuting Hunter Biden’s sentence

GOP rep: Hunter Biden conviction ‘creates an opening’ for Michelle Obama

Senate Democrat probes Jared Kushner’s investment firm – The effort is parallel to GOP probe of Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals

Kushner’s Deal with Pro-Russia Serbs Raises Hackles

Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on November 18,2022

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters Says DEI is Important Because Black Prosecutors and Judges Like Letitia James and Tanya Chutkan Are Going After Trump

Maddow: GOP, Trump ‘Running Against the American System of Government’

‘Hellscape Dystopia’: Just 42% of Young Adults Are ‘Proud’ to Be American, Poll Shows

Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported In Primary Election, Including Machines Incorrectly Counting and Reversing Totals

Explosive cases flow to US Supreme Court from ‘bold’ regional court

US supreme court in ‘crisis of legitimacy’ says AOC at House oversight round table

Sen. Lindsey Graham says he will block Democrats’ effort to unanimously pass Supreme Court ethics bill

Alito recording plunges Supreme Court into deeper controversy

Liberal filmmaker defends secretly recording Alito, Roberts, says her ‘lies’ elicited ‘truths’ from justices – Windsor argued her recordings served the ‘greater public good’

Phony ‘news’ portals surpass US newspaper sites, researchers say

Macron backs ban on use of smartphones for under 11s

Tesla’s ‘Full-Self Driving’ Feature Creates Deadly Situations on the Road

Boeing’s Starliner Now Has 5 Leaks While Parked Outside the ISS

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits near Sarangani, Philippines

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 27,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 21,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 16,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Lewotobi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Southern Florida receives record rainfall and flash flooding in a 500-to-1,000-year event

South Florida underwater: Tropical rainstorm delivers 17 inches of rain in 24 hours

Sarasota hit by record-breaking 1-hour rainfall (almost 4 inches), all of South Florida under Flood Watch

DeSantis declares state of emergency after torrential rain leaves South Florida roads underwater

Athens heatwave: Tourist attractions shut and schools suspended as huge fire breaks out in city

Biden EPA Rules Will Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans, Study Warns

As Baltimore shipping channel reopens, DOT estimates at least $1.7 billion to rebuild bridge

More than $100M spent to remove Key Bridge wreckage, feds say

Thefts of charging cables pose yet another obstacle to appeal of electric vehicles

Crime is So Bad in Hawaii Police Are Urging Beachgoers to Take Their Valuables Into The Ocean

Police: Toddler Murder Suspect Said She Wanted to ‘Kill Someone and Eat Their Flesh’ Before Judge Released Her onto Streets

Arizona man wanted to start ‘race war’ with mass shooting at Atlanta concert: DOJ

Atlanta bus ‘hijacker’ hid inside Peachtree Center mall during mass shooting hours earlier

Multiple People Shot in N. Ill. in ‘Mass Casualty Incident,’ Authorities Say

After shooting, Seattle parents regret school kicking out officers in 2020: ‘Who is protecting our babies?’ – A 17-year-old student was killed in a school parking lot last week

Sandy Hook survivors call for gun control as they graduate high school

Arizona man sold firearms to undercover FBI agent for mass shooting, indictment says

Woman taken into custody after armed standoff at FBI building in Seattle, authorities say

Joe Biden Scolds Gun Owners After Hunter’s Conviction: ‘Who in God’s Name Needs a Magazine That Holds 200 Shells?’

Ted Cruz warns Biden’s border crisis puts US at risk of a ‘major terrorist attack’

Terror fears mount after arrests of border crossers linked to ISIS: ‘We’re headed for another 9/11’

ACLU sues Biden administration over new executive action on the southern border

24 Hour Fitness says BLM, Pride flags are approved ‘symbols of expression’ but American flags are only for designated holidays

Republicans Move to Ban DEI in Federal Government

Elon Musk Had Sex With SpaceX Intern, Asked Woman To Have His Babies, Claims Report

Kevin Spacey says he thought Jeffrey Epstein put Bill Clinton at risk: ‘There were these young girls’

‘Virtual Strip Club:’ Utah Sues China’s TikTok over Platform Sexualizing Children

Major Victory: Texas AG Ken Paxton Crushes Biden’s Overreach, Blocks Radical ‘Transgender’ Policies in Schools Nationwide

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Middle School Student Who Wore ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt

Colorado Republicans call to oust party chairman after he attacked Pride Month

Survey: Nearly 60% of Biden Voters Confused About Basic Biology

‘Major Step to Protect Women’s Sport’: Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Barred from Olympics After Losing Key Lawsuit

Clinton Judge Mocks 75-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist’s Catholic Faith as She Sentences Her to Prison For Peacefully Protesting Abortion Clinic

House Dems Seek to Force Vote on IVF Bill Via Discharge Petition

Why the Southern Baptists’ vote opposing IVF could change national politics

Southern Baptists reject ban on women pastors in historic vote

Tiger mosquitoes blamed for spread of dengue fever: ‘Most invasive species’

4 yr old child in India tests positive for H9N2 bird flu, second such case in country, confirms WHO

Drug-resistant “dual mutant” flu strains now being tracked in U.S., CDC says

New Congress Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic

Moderna president: Company outlook ‘stabilizing’ thanks to new flu-COVID vaccine data

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

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