Hezbollah To Israelis: ‘Prepare to Wail and Weep’ | CBN NewsWatch – June 13, 2024 – YouTube

After its huge rocket barrage on northern Israel, a Hezbollah official promises “a dramatic increase” in the strength, intensity and number of attacks, and says “if the Israelis are crying about what happens to them in the north, they should prepare to wail and weep soon;” Secretary of State Antony Blinken blames Hamas for sinking ceasefire deal, but keeps pushing for an agreement, as recently rescued hostages talk more about their ordeal; an in-depth look at the impact of the Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel and the people who live there, the possibility of a full-blown war with Israel, and why the US needs to concerned about Hezbollah; Southern Baptists vote on key issues, including how to handle churches with women pastors, in vitro fertilization, and more; Emily Sturge of Campus Reform talks to CBN’s The Global Lane about why more Gen Z women are leaving the church than men; and as Father’s Day approaches, a look at the influence Christian dads can have on their children’s relationship with God.

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