Push to Promote Transgender Ideology is Backfiring | Christian Research Network

“Seven years ago, just over half of those surveyed said sex is determined at birth. Now, that number is nearly two-thirds. After all the White House proclamations, all the media talk, all the change in language to “gender neutral” pronouns — after it all, the number of Americans rejecting the foundation of transgenderism has increased.”

(Byron York – Front Page) President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever. A scroll through the White House archives shows statement after statement, proclamation after proclamation, speech after speech, in which the president praises what he calls the “extraordinary courage and contributions” of transgender Americans.

Last year, the White House, as part of its observation of Transgender Day of Visibility — an event that included the White House Roundtable on Affirming Transgender Kids — the Biden administration released a list of 42 actions and policy initiative it has undertaken to support transgender Americans. The list included Justice Department civil rights enforcement actions, “intervening legally when states violate the rights of transgender youth and their families,” signing a “historic executive order to advance equality for LGBTQI+ people,” expanding access to “gender-affirming care,” and much, much more. On that last subject, the Biden White House has gone all-out even at a time when doctors in Europe have expressed growing concern about the lasting damage caused by the irreversible medical treatments known in some circles as “gender-affirming care.” View article →

— Read on christianresearchnetwork.org/2024/06/18/push-to-promote-transgender-ideology-is-backfiring/

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