Future Shock is Here! | Study – Grow – Know

Several articles I’ve recently read through inform readers of what is happening throughout society that will usher in absolute totalitarianism. R E Nichols on her substack[1], refers to Whitney Webb’s substack[2] (although does not link to any article specific directly dealing with what she discusses in her own article). A third article that won’t be discussed in this article is UPDATE: The Blood Supply Is Contaminated, from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.[3] Readers should keep in mind that none of these articles deal with hyperbole.

Nichols highlights what she believes has been happening through the dogmatic propaganda foisted onto society; a propaganda many to most seem oblivious to. The other article is from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. In this second article, Mihalcea reaches into the past highlighting the books, Future Shock and the follow-up book, After Shock. She goes into some detail regarding what futurists see our future being. Shocking indeed and society is clearly being carried along to that goal regardless of what many people refuse to accept. Many of course, completely fail to see anything shocking about the future (or even the present).

Ultimately, Mihalcea notes in her title, The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances. This technocratic focus on bringing the future into the present relies heavily on concepts and beliefs that are anti-moral, anti-people and anti-God. It is the belief that humanity can become physical gods by merging with technocracy to the point that as Yuval Noah Harari states, “When cars replaced the horse-drawn carriage, we didn’t upgrade horses- we retired them. Perhaps it is time to do the same with Homo sapiens.” In their quest to become gods, they fail to understand the limits God Himself has placed on the human race. They are part of a death cult, plain and simple; Satan’s goal exactly.

Technocracy is borne of the arrogance of super-wealthy Technocrats. They have nothing left to achieve so why not figure out a way to create Human 2.0 and in the process, eliminate humanity as God created us, imposing their new religion on the world at the same time. Mihalcea’s article is an interesting read and I would encourage everyone to read through it. It’s clear that Technocrats mean our harm and even our deaths, for their good, as they work to prepare the way for the next phase of humankind, a combination of technocracy and biology that will allegedly lift humanity from the limits of simply being human, making it possible to “live forever.” Again, Satan’s wishes for humanity and apparently, we are still suckers for it.

According to Nichols’ article, she highlights the many social experiments that have been happening and continue to happen around the globe. In many ways, C0V was a major social experiment and more people are waking up to that fact daily, but not enough. It was through the use of C0V, that fear was ginned to the maximum in order to get people to comply with every mandate issued by local politicians and bureaucrats. Fearful people always comply much more easily to the illogical.

Nichols refers to the mental health system (MHS) as a key example of how all of this was rolled out to global society. In essence, the MHS was studied to determine the best way to “treat” (read: deal with), people who were housed in mental institutions. Let the experimentation begin! Once technocrats best determined how to “treat” inmates in mental health institutions, it was merely a matter of greatly expanding that process to control all of global society. That may sound conspiratorial, but when we study how the threat and fear of C0V was broadly used to lock-down society, keep people away from other people and essentially control where, when and how people were allowed to go in society, it begins to make a great deal of sense.

Nichols notes that within the MHS, there are five individual steps that mental health officials have used to gain and keep control over inmates. What made that easy of course is that inmates were/are imprisoned within physical walls and often within their own rooms. The five steps used there are based somewhat on the compliance model, which uses negative aspects and positive rewards for compliance or lack of it. If a person obeys and is fully compliant, they will be given rewards (generally a return of freedoms previously removed); more freedom or better food or something else. Again, it’s fairly easy to control inmates in a mental health institution because of the walls and locking doors of the facility itself and the walls that individually house inmates in rooms.

But how to take what was learned within the MHS and literally extend it to all of global society? It’s really taking the same five steps and applying it globally, without physical walls of confinement. The steps are as follows:

  1. Disrupt
  2. Confine
  3. Confuse
  4. Conscript
  5. Disable

These five steps, when applied, bring about a major change in the way people think and act and go a long way in completely remaking society. Let’s consider them briefly (and for more detail, read the entire article at Nichols’ substack).

In this stage, it is important to “Inflict sudden severe trauma without the target (or consumer) being fully aware.” This is exactly what occurred with C0V. Officials came out of the chute warning everyone of a pandemic that could obliterate much of the population. They’re also doing it now with “bird flu.”

Because most people have an aversion to dying, this caused tremendous fear. Only some people were aware of the fact that something was weird about the way the whole thing was being handled.

In essence, it seemed to some of us the entire narrative and warnings were being highly exaggerated. It is noteworthy to look back over the past few years and see very clearly that every year the flu hit. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, during the flu season of 2020-2021, flu cases went from the normal millions to virtually nothing, while C0V that same year purportedly went into the millions. It almost seems as though the powers that be simply took the cases/deaths were normally ascribed to the flu and switched it over to the C0V column and exaggerated that as well. Maybe that’s why C0V conveniently occurred during the flu season. Most folks bought it.

The hype surrounding C0V was off the charts. People were told to stay home. Shopping at big box stores, liquor stores and even strip clubs was fine, but avoid churches or especially singing in churches. Family gatherings were firmly discouraged but violent protesting was fine, as long as the people wore masks. People still think masks work.

If people had to go to the hospital due to illness, they were often PCR-tested, placed in the ICU, given Remdesivir and hooked up to a ventilator. Many died due to that combination and more healthcare workers are sounding the alarm (although where were they when people were being murdered in the hospitals?). All of this was done to ramp up the fear level throughout society? It worked.

This is a big one. After we were told C0V was here, we were also told drastic steps were needed to slow the spread of this atrociously deadly disease. People were kept apart. Elderly were not allowed to see or touch family members. They often died alone without comfort of family. In fact, people who were hospitalized even much younger than the elderly, were also kept apart from spouses or other family members. It was done to “slow the spread” but these people died alone. I’m not sure how healthcare doctors and nurses can live with that, except to parrot that they were trying to “save lives” and just “doing our jobs.” That’s what Hitler’s Nazis said at Nuremburg Trials.

Confining people turned out to be mandatory forced isolation. I cannot imagine losing my wife and not even being able to be with her or bring her home to let her die surrounded by me and other family members. All of this was done through the constant fear messaging designed to make people think death was just around the corner for everyone. The more people were confined, the more they were willing to obey in the hopes of regaining at least some of their freedom prior to C0V and to be kept “safe.”

Confusion was officially and intentionally created by Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Walensky and others. These “health” officials became the go-to people and were treated as though gods. What they said we were to obey. The confusing utterances by these paid bureaucrats simply muddied the waters and greatly confused people. First we were told children were the least group to be affected by C0V. Then we learned that they needed to be jabbed and moms-to-be also needed the jab to “save” their unborn child (but I thought it was just a clump of fetal cells?). Just like in MHS, the messages given to society were meant to be confusing and depressing. They needed us to think that the world has changed so drastically and was never going back to what it had been previously, that without adopting new behaviors and standards, society was doomed.

In reality, the world did change but only artificially because the new narrative was pushed so vehemently and without let up. The terrible part is that they are still doing it today with growing warnings about the coming “bird flu” pandemic. They’re preparing the minds of people to be in great fear, even going so far as to cull millions of chickens and some cows. Birx wants every cow tested (using the unreliable PCR test). This is all by design as they want us living in fear so that we will be compliant to their mandates. The goal is not our health but to control all people throughout the world. If deaths occur, oh well.

The fact that they continue pushing their fearful narrative is sickening, yet it works for too many people who are very willing to do exactly what they are told to avoid dying. Yet, death comes in many ways, not simply through a pandemic. There are roughly 100,000 deaths daily from many reasons. People forget this though when faced with a “pandemic.”

Nichols notes that the measures to control people through confusing narratives should always be based in negatives leading to depression in people. The word “don’t” should be used often with increasing emphasis. Don’t leave your house. Don’t go to stores. Don’t go outside without a mask. Don’t forget to get the next jab, etc.

This is where people are conscripted (willfully coerced) into doing something but usually without realizing it. This step uses people who are essentially “useful idiots.” They can’t think for themselves as they push the official narrative. Many doctors were part of this during C0V and now we are finding out that many were paid for their efforts by Pharma.

Others used are family members and even ministers. They only know what they are told and because they are family (or church leaders), they have the ability to help others “see the light.” It’s all about getting the world to understand that we can get through this, if everyone will comply and do their part. This has been done often throughout history, even with Margaret Sanger’s abortion clinics, who used black ministers to help make black women feel more safe about an abortion.

During C0V, when things got worse because Fauci forbid the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to treat C0V (pushing Remdesivir), the blame game went into high gear there as well. It didn’t matter that many to most people who had been jabbed were the ones who were dying, not the unjabbed (though it was said then that it was the unjabbed who were dying). The blame game shined the light on the “anti-vaxxers” in society. Even if you had routine vaccines but not the C0V jab, you became labeled “anti-vaxxer.” Even now The WHO’s Tedros is ramping up anger and vilification against the so-called “anti-vaxxers.” He wants everyone to push back against those who refused the C0V jab because of the alleged problems we create in society. There are still enough critically-stunted people who will see this as a credible and necessary approach.

This one is the final step and leads to the ultimate goal. Nichols notes that this step is designed for, “Causing long term disability to create permanent dependence on the System…” Those who aren’t killed by the jab often have ongoing permanent disabilities. There are millions of examples of people who have been seriously harmed with the C0V jab. They often have some form of paralysis. Their speech and motor movements are dramatically affected. Some end up in wheelchairs or in bed because they cannot support their own body weight or experience ongoing systemic uncontrollable seizures. They have many physical problems that people like Fauci, the government and Pharma continually ignore.

But don’t worry because according to Schwab, we will own nothing and be happy, even if we are permanently disabled. This will likely occur through drugs and the digital world where people can immerse themselves and “enjoy” the fake reality there and not miss real life that much. Consider all the movies over the past number of years that have dealt with this particular subject priming people for it; Avatar, Ready Player One, etc. In these movies, people found “freedom” by immersing into the digital world and doing what they cannot do in real life. Nichols ends her article with these statements.

The disabling stage should be incremental. The true physical disabling should be subtle. Dismiss it as side effects. Say, “It’s better than suffering from Bipolar or getting sick with Covid.” Or, “Your suffering would be worse without your safe and effective treatments.” Slight brain injuries and autoimmune issues are ideal.

I’ve lost count of how many posts I’ve seen from people who say something like, “I’m sick from C0V again but imagine how much worse it would be if I hadn’t gotten jabbed,” or thoughts like that. They tend to explain away their myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain–Barré, seizures and everything else with, “just think how bad it could have been!

It’s like watching someone poke themselves with a knife and exclaiming, “I can only imagine how much this would hurt if I hadn’t sharpened my knife first!” It’s idiocy but they believe they see things intelligently.

For those who remain alive following C0V/CoV jab, the recommended “treatments” are intended to make people fully dependent on the system. People will get their food, supplies and everything else from the hand of Big Brother who really loves us and will, in turn, be loved by the people.

There is quite a bit being written today on unorthodox methods of dealing with cancers. Do you think Big Pharma/Big Medicine goes along with that? No, they continue to push chemo and radiation that has zero guarantees. Yet, more doctors are noting the praises of some repurposed drugs among other things to eradicate cancer. If you’re not sick, you do not need the rely on the medical industry and that industry loses money.

Nichols also notes that the disable step is not yet completed.

Disable—the final stage—has not yet been completed. But from glancing at the WEF’s not-so-secret plans, I can see how much it resembles the mental health system or psychiatric welfare state. Not a pleasant system to live under! And the federal government (has) been funding it throughout the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, and Europe.

The best thing we the people can do is resist for as long as possible. If powerful people aren’t pushing their narrative bathed in abject fear, they dangle in front of us promises of things being voluntary to regain lost freedoms. Digital IDs? Digital currency? Fake meat? 15-minute cities? All of these will be introduced as voluntary measures at first, but will become mandatory. If most people globally refuse, they’ll have a much harder time making these things mandatory.

What are you going to do? What is your response to the increasing drive to totalitarianism? If you cannot see it, I’m sorry for you. Look beyond your personal space to see the bigger picture.

The five steps used in the MHS have been extended it to the entire world. We are living in a mental health facility without walls right now. It happened because too many people feared the possibility of death. I have news about that troubling aspect of life. No one gets out of here alive. Death will come for all of us.

In the meantime, you can, if you want, become impervious to the fear used to generate the chosen narrative. Laugh at it. Decide how you will live your life. Be free as you intentionally focus on God and His provision for you.

1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2 NKJV)

[1] https://rnichols.substack.com/p/installing-medical-totalitarianism

[2] https://unlimitedhangout.com/

[3] https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/update-the-blood-supply-is-contaminated-a25

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