The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church | Christian Research Network

TGC’s consistent pandering to worldly interests reveals a glaring neglect of their duty to uphold and defend biblical truths. While McCracken and his peers are busy engaging with Hollywood’s latest offerings, the real issues—abortion, sexual immorality, apostasy within the Church—are largely ignored or addressed with a tepid, accommodating tone.”

(The Dissenter) The Gospel Coalition

 (TGC) is notorious for its center-left-leaning views on everything from spiritual to cultural to political issues while masquerading its social agenda as “gospel issues” to maintain a veneer of spiritual authority. In its relentless quest for relevance, TGC consistently promotes worldliness over the inconvenient truths of Scripture.

One of its most “culturally aware” contributors, Brett McCracken, in his latest article on “Inside Out 2” perfectly illustrates TGC’s misplaced priorities. Rather than grappling with the substantive and controversial biblical issues of our time, McCracken and his brand at TGC are preoccupied with dissecting the latest Hollywood productions. View article →



The Gospel Coalition

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5 thoughts on “The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church | Christian Research Network

    1. Truth2Freedom Post author

      Thanks for that link. I did go there and read the issue. That’s unfortunate and sad to see! I am sorry you had to experience that!

      1. Truth2Freedom Post author

        Yes, they do have numerous questionable activities, theology and writings.

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