Mid-Day Snapshot · June 21, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.” —Benjamin Rush (1806)

ON THIS DAY in 1788, the U.S. Constitution officially took effect after ratification by the ninth state, New Hampshire. All 13 states would go on to ratify the document, which remains one of the finest achievements in government ever created by mankind.



Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler

Judicial Benchmarks

  • SCOTUS anti-2A ruling supports red-flag laws: Late this morning, the Supreme Court upheld a federal law that bans guns for those subject to domestic violence restraining orders. And we regret to say that in doing so, the court has likely invited leftist lawfare warriors and other mischief-makers to abuse “red flag” laws across our nation. The ruling was 8-1, with only stalwart Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts said, “We conclude only this: An individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment.” If this were the case, we’d be fine with it. No one wants domestic violence. But neither do we want innocent Americans to be victimized by vindictive partners or spouses or by overzealous or politically motivated prosecutors. Said Justice Thomas, “Not a single historical regulation justifies the statute at issue. … I respectfully dissent.”

Two-Tiered Justice & Anti-Semitism

  • Bragg drops all charges against Columbia vandals and occupiers: It’s great “justice” if you can get it: storm an Ivy League university building, break some windows and things, and barricade yourselves inside to promote your Jew-hatred and your pro-Hamas sentiments. Then get arrested. Then have a Soros-funded DA dismiss all the charges. We’re talking about the arrests in April of 48 hooligans who took over Hamilton Hall at once-proud Columbia University. As NBC News reports: “Of the 46 people charged with trespassing in connection with the building’s occupation, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office dismissed cases against 31 people largely due to a lack of evidence. Prosecutors told 14 others that their cases would be dropped if they avoid being arrested in the next six months, but those defendants rejected that offer and will be due back in court on July 25.” (Lucky they were flying Palestinian flags instead of, say, Appeal to Heaven flags.) But why would Alvin Bragg, who inflated a couple of misdemeanors into 34 felonies for Donald Trump, drop all the charges? “Lack of evidence.” Not only did the Black Blockers cover up surveillance cameras, they also wore masks. So let’s just throw up our hands and thereby encourage the next bunch of rabble. But let’s prosecute the heck out of hundreds of peaceful J6 tourists and those elderly pro-life protesters.
  • Democrat raises money for anti-Semites: Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry — especially if you’re a senator, and especially if you’ve aligned yourself with a guy who calls Jews “despicable apes.” Patty Murray, the Pride of Seattle, “is seeking millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for an Islamic organization in Washington state that has preached anti-Semitism, cheered Hamas’s ‘victory’ over Israel, and hosted Palestinian activists who urge resistance against Israel ‘by any means necessary,’” according to The Washington Free Beacon, which adds that the Muslim Association of Puget Sound hosted speakers who praised Palestinian “martyrs” and referred to Jews as “filth.” Murray, who chairs the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, requested $2.5 million for the Muslim organization last month, ostensibly for the construction of a clinic. As the Free Beacon adds, “That’s on top of an $850,000 earmark that Murray landed for the organization earlier this year to provide tech training for ‘underrepresented communities.’” No word on whether Murray has been successful in securing funds to educate her intolerant constituents against the world’s oldest hatred, which is Jew hatred.


  • Gender-bending male murders parents: Near the town of Washington, Utah, police located and arrested a 28-year-old male who identifies as a woman and who had on Tuesday evening fled after murdering his parents. According to police reports, the perpetrator displayed no remorse for shooting and killing both his parents, instead saying, “I would do it again. I hate them.” On the evening of the murders, the perpetrator broke into his parents’ home, shooting his mother and father multiple times to ensure that they were dead. He also shot a locked bedroom door where his brother and his wife sought to hide themselves when they heard the shooting. The perpetrator told police that he didn’t care if he killed his brother. According to neighbors, there was a lot of “volatility and bad vibes” in the family. Clearly, this man was not right in the head, as evidenced by his gender-bending fantasy.
  • Anti-white Disney: Thanks to James O’Keefe’s undercover journalism, it has been revealed that Disney engages in a practice of racial discrimination against whites, specifically white males. In an undercover video featuring Michael Giordano, Disney’s Senior Vice President and Team Lead at 20th Century Television, he states, “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job.” He adds, “There’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” When asked how Disney can legally get away with this blatant race-based discrimination, Giordano explains that the company uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid any direct or specific reference to race. He even claims that Disney rejected hiring a half-black individual because he didn’t look black enough. Giordano observed that Disney pushes DEI by awarding bonuses to those who practice and promote it. He even claimed that Disney had discriminated against him: “As far as Disney is concerned, I am a white male, and that’s not who they’re looking to promote at the moment.” That Disney is engaged in this kind of anti-white racial discrimination comes as little surprise because the company has embraced DEI ideology, which is inherently racist.
  • PornHub bans five more states after they enact laws preventing minors from accessing their site (Not the Bee)

National Security

  • The arrest records of Obama’s DACA Dreamers: As our nation reels from one sickening illegal immigrant crime after another, and as we “celebrate” Barack Obama’s ill-conceived and unconstitutional DACA executive order, which granted amnesty to some 800,000 young illegal immigrants, we learn that within the first five years of that order, nearly 80,000 of these “Dreamers” were released into the U.S. with arrest records. As Just the News reports: “According to a USCIS report, in the first five years of DACA being implemented, from June 2012 to October 2019, nearly 80,000 illegal foreign nationals with prior arrest records, including for violent crimes, were granted DACA status. According to the data, of the 888,818 DACA requestors, 765,166 were approved, including 79,398 who were approved with an arrest, or 10.38% of applicants, according to the report.” Thanks, Obama!
  • Ecuadorian migrant who raped 13-year-old NYC girl said he recorded the attack in sickening confession (NY Post) | Joy Reid and Rep. Jayapal laugh at report of 13-year-old getting raped by illegal immigrant in Queens, call it “fearmongering” (PM)
  • Illegal immigrants charged with killing 12-year-old Texas girl were released by Border Patrol (Washington Examiner)
  • As few as 50 hostages held by Hamas are still alive, U.S. officials estimate (NY Post)
  • Cyberattack hits car dealerships across the U.S. (Axios)


  • Climate change makes politicians dumber: In yet another instance proving that the climate change narrative is little other than a cult, a recent “study” claims that climate change is responsible for “[reducing] politicians’ language complexity.” Ridiculously, this purported study claims that temperature, specifically hotter temperatures, has a greater negative impact on the complexity of a politician’s speech than does age. You see, the only reason Joe Biden’s speaking abilities are falling off is not because he’s an old man being impacted by dementia but because the climate is getting hotter. The study concludes: “Overall, the study holds important implications on how climate change could affect human cognitive performance and the quality of political discourse.” Really? So, in brief, every bad and negative thing can be blamed on the bogeyman of “climate change.” The absurdity should have everyone laughing, but we’re living in a world where people believe that men can become women. In such a world, the only thing considered absurd is telling the truth.
  • Just Stop Oil activists tried to target Taylor Swift’s jet but spray-painted random planes instead (Not the Bee)


  • RFK-less debate: As expected, only Donald Trump and Joe Biden will take the stage next week in the CNN-hosted first presidential debate. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. failed to meet the qualifications CNN delineated, which included the requirement that candidates be on the ballot in enough states to secure enough Electoral College votes to win, the threshold being 270 votes, and polling at 15% in at least four national polls. Neither Biden nor Trump wants Kennedy on the stage. Kennedy filed a complaint against CNN last month, alleging that the media outlet was essentially rigging the requirements to ensure that only Trump and Biden would qualify. Kennedy claims he will be on the ballot in at least 22 states, equalling 310 Electoral College votes. CNN contends that, to date, Kennedy has only officially secured the ballot in six states, totaling 89 Electoral College votes. Both Trump and Biden have agreed to a second debate scheduled for September 10. We’ll see if Kennedy can meet the requirements to make that debate stage.

Humor: World’s top scientists convene in secret lab to develop the perfect drug cocktail for Biden to make it through 90-minute debate (Babylon Bee)

  • FBI raids home of far-left Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao (Daily Wire) | Oakland’s progressive mayor will face recall, along with its progressive DA (Hot Air)
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci writes COVID-19 lab leak is a “conspiracy theory” in memoir — but told Congress it wasn’t (NY Post)
  • Wikipedia is biased in favor of liberals, study finds (Daily Signal)

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Since the dawn of our nation, Liberty has been threatened by those who promote tyranny and seek to empower themselves. We rise every day tasked with a mission to “support and defend” our Constitution and the Liberty it enshrines. The future of Liberty rests on all our shoulders, and with God’s help, we will keep moving the line forward.

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When a Nation Abandons the Ten Commandments

Louisiana’s new law reignites a critical debate about the foundation of Western Civilization.

Nate Jackson

The Ten Commandments are the foundation of Judeo-Christian ethics, which, in turn, are the foundation upon which our nation was built. “Our Constitution,” wrote John Adams, “was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

The Rule of Law depends on moral people abiding by it and enforcing it. Today, we’re short on both.

Part of that is because people don’t even know what the Ten Commandments say, much less abide by them. Jews have never made up more than a tiny minority of Americans, and Christians have become a minority in recent years.

Earlier this week, Louisiana passed a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. The law intentionally targets Supreme Court precedents, such as its 1980 Stone v. Graham decision striking down a similar Kentucky law. Republican Governor Jeff Landry said, “I can’t wait to be sued.”

Naturally, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) immediately obliged because the only religious displays allowed in public school classrooms are rainbow tributes to a deviant sex cult.

Not that the ACLU put it quite that way…

Naturally, the law provoked much debate, and two particular columns caught my eye — the first by Ben Shapiro, a Jew who supports posting the Ten Commandments, and the second by David French, a Christian who opposes doing so.

Shapiro begins by considering the secularist argument that some commandments are fine, like don’t kill or steal, but that some are inherently religious, such as God’s prohibition on worshiping other gods, which therefore prohibits any government posting. “Here is the problem with this particular argument,” Shapiro says. “The United States is not a fundamentally secular country.” He rejects, as have we, the “wall of separation” argument, which was never the intent of the First Amendment.

“In fact,” he adds, “nine of the 13 colonies had established churches at the time of the Revolutionary War.” Conversely, “The idea that secularism was supposed to predominate in the United States is obviously untrue; none of the Founders believed that.”

Indeed, God’s commandments about worship imply that we will worship something, not nothing. Again, most public schools actively promote a sex cult, which, by the way, violates several of the Commandments and reveals the real objection for most leftists — God’s insistence that He alone receive worship violates the leftist commandment that only their self-serving fetishes deserve such devotion.

What about the objections of someone like French, then? As anyone who has read his work over the last eight years will be painfully aware, French is afflicted with an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. His mission in life became not promoting conservative values at National Review but rhetorically ripping to shreds his former allies as the token “conservative” at The New York Times. Then he plays the victim when people don’t like it. It’s quite sad, actually.

French’s article, “Thou Shalt Not Post the Ten Commandments in the Classroom,” seems to be an extension of this. It’s a short piece, but he spends all his time attacking the Right instead of the Left. He makes no mention of the left-wing religious displays in schools, instead focusing on condescending assertions about Republicans. They are hypocrites on the Rule of Law, he says, and this is little more than a “Christian mysticism” belief “that the Ten Commandments have a form of spiritual power over the hearts and minds of students and that posting the displays can change their lives.”

Surely, French knows that the revealed Word of God does, in fact, have spiritual power. He certainly seems to think Supreme Court precedents do. Surely, this New York Times scribe knows that Western Civilization itself was built on Judeo-Christian values, the cornerstone of which is the Ten Commandments.

Yet he testifies of his own experience growing up in Kentucky before 1980 that seeing the Ten Commandments posted on the walls of his school “had no impact on our lives.” Posting without teaching is indeed insufficient, though I don’t think that’s his point. (It is the point for The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson.)

My questions for French are simple: Were public school kids better behaved then or now? Were they better educated then or now?

Those are rhetorical questions.

Now, I’m not arguing that posting the Ten Commandments in 2024 in one state will fix that. It certainly won’t in a nation that increasingly rejects the Bible and the morality it teaches. Even huge numbers of Christian churches flagrantly violate these things.

Our Brian Mark Weber wrote about political divisions today. One reason I’d add is that Americans no longer even agree that the Ten Commandments are a good thing. It’s one thing to argue over where they should be displayed or to fail to fully adhere to them. It’s another thing entirely to view them as a symbol of oppression, which seems to be where today’s Left is.

Ignoring or even fighting against the Ten Commandments doesn’t make them less important. In fact, Shapiro rightly notes, “A society that abides by the Ten Commandments is going to be better than a society that does not.” That’s not a prediction. It’s a survey of the last 50 years.

P.S. You can always visit The Patriot Post Shop to buy a Ten Commandments magnet.

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For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.



The BIG Lie

“House Democrats are fighting to make life more affordable.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

Useful Idiot

“October 7th was incredibly traumatic. It was a war crime. … However, the response has been collective punishment and tens of thousands of civilians have been killed.” —Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)


“We’re suing Louisiana for requiring all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Public schools are not Sunday schools.” —ACLU (“No surprise here. Expect the alphabet soup of anti-Christian organizations to do their best to suppress what George Washington said was the key to America’s political prosperity: religion and morality.” —Tony Perkins)

“If you want your child to have a religious education, send them to a religious school. There’s nothing stopping you. Get out of my pocket, get out of my body, and get out of my school.” —”The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg

Spin Doctor

“If trying to save people’s lives is a crime, then I’m guilty.” —Dr. Anthony Fauci

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“Is no journalist the least bit curious about why tens of thousands of Chinese are sneaking into our country? Is anyone in the intelligence community doing anything to stop it?” —Gary Bauer

For the Record

“No surprise that corrupt DA Alvin Bragg dropped most charges against the antisemitic protestors who vandalized and trespassed at Columbia University. He can fabricate charges against President Trump with ease, but gives actual criminals nothing but a slap on the wrist. Pathetic.” —Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

“Joe Biden’s [student loan] bailout scheme not only hurts normal Americans but is also dragging down our economy. This was always an electoral stunt by Joe Biden, no matter the actual costs to people who pay their bills.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

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