Future historians will look back on our day with wonder. They will try to puzzle out just how it was that a handful of ideologues managed to convince the elites of our powerful institutions, political, educational, business, media and through them entire nations, to believe absurdities such as the notion that feelings triumph over science, and that sex is entirely flexible and dependent upon emotion.

Scholars will spend hour after hour writing PhD theses on how an advanced industrial culture dismantled itself by embracing the utterly fatuous idea that competence in every field of endeavour had to take second place behind perceived personal identity. Choosing leaders and workers on the basis of their sex, race or sexual preferences is a recipe for eventual destruction.

The Family Most of all they will be totally unable to grasp how a highly developed culture could quite deliberately set about destroying the institution which was foundational to its development and success: the family.

We have witnessed the deconstruction of the family. We have moved with ever-increasing pace from the widest understanding of the family, the clan, to the extended family with a close network of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins; then to the nuclear family of parents and children, until finally we have arrived at the destructive concept of the atomised family where none of the above are necessary.

Marriage, when not ignored, has become a system of temporary contracts which can be easily broken and reformulated at will. Elderly parents can be parked in euphemistically named ‘care’ homes where they may or may not receive actual care. Instead of fathers, children can have a succession of ‘uncles’. We teach children that the normative family is an illusion, that any combination of parents of whatever sex is a family and must be accepted and respected as such. The family has been reduced to such an extent that it no longer exists as a social construct. When anything can be a family, the family has disappeared.

Human beings are built for belief and we won’t rest until we believe in something.

Only Christians who faithfully live out biblical principles and social conservatives who value traditional standards are hold-outs against the all-pervasive woke progressive ideology.

A Radical Revolution When the basic building block of a culture is undermined to the extent that it is destroyed, that culture is unable to resist the corrosive pressures which seek to restructure society into a mass of malleable consumers. There is no conspiracy being run by shadowy figures in Davos intent on producing a pliant populace easily manipulated to become the drones of the New World Order. Rather we have an elite throughout the West who, motivated by the pursuit of their own personal power and commercial interests, and the promotion of their own private predilections, implement policies and promote ideologies which work to their personal advantage.

The most radical revolution our civilisation has faced would not have happened if not for the overturning of religious authority, especially by the rise of psychology in the 20th century. Psychology, with its concentration on the self and one’s inner life, and with its priestly caste directing the individual’s search for meaning, has replaced Christianity as the pathway to discovering purpose and direction in life.

Intersectionality The ultimately nihilistic focus on self has become the nexus of the seemingly separate strands of woke ideology. Intersectionality teaches that no social identity category exists in isolation of others; rather gender, race, sexuality, age, disability and all the other identities our culture emphasises intersect and influence each other. Thus we have the absurdity of Queers for Palestine, one group of supposedly oppressed people, homosexuals, supporting another group, Palestinian Muslims, who would cheerfully throw homosexuals from the tops of tall buildings.

To destroy one is to destroy all. When the feminist cries, as Taylor Swift did, ‘F**k the patriarchy’ before her millions of adoring fans, the implications go far beyond feminism. The intersectional feminist activist Maria Watanabe asserts the pervasive and intricate ways supposed patriarchy harms all people, regardless of gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation.

Taylor Swift

‘Patriarchy perpetuates oppressive and limiting gender roles, the gender binarytrans phobia and cissexism, sexual assault, the political and economic subordination of women, and so much more. And it is of the utmost importance that we prioritize dismantling the patriarchy in our intimate lives, as well as in a larger systemic sphere.’

The 34-year-old billionaire singer may not realise it, but the cry to dismantle the patriarchy is a cry to dismantle everything, just as the cry to promote Pride, critical race theory and body positivity all knit together in an attempt to restructure society as we know it.

Christianity In a saying often attributed to G K Chesterton, ‘When people cease to believe in God, they do not then believe in nothing, but in anything.’ Human beings are built for belief and we won’t rest until we believe in something. Along the way we have been sincere and even passionate believers in some of the most destructive ideologies imaginable: from Marxism to fascism, we invest our trust in that which ultimately destroys. Progressivism, beloved by our elites and propagated in our education systems, is the latest ideology to capture the minds and hearts of those who, having abandoned Christianity, long for something to give them meaning and purpose.

Ultimately the Christian church, in having watered down and in some cases even abandoned the faith, bears a significant responsibility for the state of society today. As Ezekiel tells us, when the watchmen are asleep and abandon their tasks they will be held responsible when the city falls to the enemy (Ezekiel 33:5-7).

Those of us who still hold to the faith, of whatever denomination or confession, have to prepare for the disintegration of our culture with its inevitable conclusions. The future is not going to be easy and we are faced with the challenge of strengthening what remains and readying ourselves for life as Christians in a hostile world.

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