29 June 2024 News Briefing

Experts say Israel’s energy grid well prepared for war, as many Israelis brace for the worst
After a senior state electricity official said that war with Hezbollah could knock out Israel’s electricity, some Israelis began preparing for potential blackouts

Biden resists calls to withdraw from the presidential race after poor showing at debate: I intend to win this election.
Josep Borrell, the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy who has been frequently critical of Israel in its war with Hamas and escalating tensions with Hezbollah, is set to be replaced by Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, according to reports from Friday.

Biden: I know I’m not a young man, but I know how to do this job
Biden resists calls to withdraw from the presidential race after poor showing at debate: I intend to win this election.

Iranian candidate: May we have good relations with all countries except Israel
One of the candidates in Iran’s presidential election is hoping for Iran to have good relations with all countries – except for Israel. Masoud Pezeshkian, who is the sole reformist running in Friday’s election, made the comments to journalists after voting, according to The Associated Press. Responding to a question from a journalist about how Iran would manage international relations if he were president, Pezeshkian replied, “God willing, we will try to have friendly relations with all countries except Israel.”

Biden ‘a very bad … weak’ Palestinian, Trump says at debate
The current and former US presidents clashed briefly but explosively on Israel in a debate that raises questions about Biden’s age and fitness for office.

40-rocket Hezbollah barrage rains on Safed after Israel kills senior drone operative in Lebanon
Hezbollah forces in Lebanon launched a volley of approximately 40 rockets toward the Israeli town of Safed in the Upper Galilee on Thursday evening, following a relative lull over the past few days. The terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it was a response to earlier Israeli strikes, one of which killed a senior operative of Hezbollah’s drone unit.

ICC postpones decision on arrest warrants for PM Netanyahu and DM Gallant
The International Criminal Court (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber I decided on Thursday to delay its decision on whether to allow ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over alleged war crimes.

Pro-Israel Estonian PM Kallas nominated next EU foreign minister
Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who is known to be sympathetic toward Israel, has been nominated to replace Joseph Borrell as the next European Union foreign minister. Kallas, who has yet to be formally appointed, belongs to the liberal European political camp. She supports the two-state solution but, at the same time, has expressed strong support for Israel.

Netanyahu warns of Iranian threat, says ‘Iran on the march to conquer the Middle East’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with delegation of generals and admirals from the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) on Thursday, during which he briefed them on the challenges facing Israel on all fronts and emphasized the determination of IDF fighters and Israel’s commitment to return all of the hostages. Netanyahu also stressed that Israel’s war against the Iranian regime is a war being fought on behalf of the entire free world.

Was Biden’s terrible debate showing intentional sabotage by the Democrat Party?
The only conclusion one can come to is that the Democrats did it on purpose. They want to replace Biden and they knew his debate performance would cinch the deal. They set him up to fail, and fail he did.

Israel worried about Iranian nuclear breakout, re-establishes working groups to deal with the threat
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel’s security system to re-establish six working groups focusing on the threat of an Iranian nuclear breakout,

Major rural retailer Tractor Supply ditches LGBT, DEI, ‘climate change’ activism after backlash
Tractor Supply announced it will stop sponsoring ‘pride’ events, ‘eliminate DEI roles,’ and ditch other woke initiatives in response to customer backlash.

Former Trump adviser: ‘We broke the social contract’ by harming children during COVID
A former adviser and dissident on the White House Coronavirus Task Force condemned the U.S. COVID policy response for having ignored scientific data and “brok(en) the social contract” by “harming our children as a society.” “There was never a single meeting — and this is sort of shocking to even keep reliving — not a single time where Deborah Birx or Anthony Fauci or Robert Redfield brought scientific papers into the meeting,”

Very strong M7.2 earthquake hits near the coast of central Peru, hazardous tsunami waves possible
A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.2 hit near the coast of central Peru at 05:36 UTC on June 28, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 28 km (17 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.0 at a depth of 56 km (35 miles).

Heavy monsoon rains hit Nepal, leaving widespread damage and 28 dead 
With monsoon rains intensifying in Nepal, at least 14 people were killed in just 24 hours on June 25 and 26, 2024, raising the overall death toll to 28 since June 9 and causing significant property damage.

“Feels Like September”: Atlantic Disturbance Could Be Upgraded to Tropical Storm Beryl This Weekend
The National Hurricane Center is tracking three tropical waves, one of which could develop into Tropical Storm Beryl this weekend. As of 0800 ET, NHC said the tropical wave about 1500 miles east-southeast of Windward Island is “gradually becoming better defined,” indicating a 90% chance of strengthening into a tropical depression or storm over the next 48 hours.

Massive U.S. Pharmacy Chain to Close ‘Significant Share’ of Stores as Locations Struggle
Walgreens will be closing what The Wall Street Journal reports will be a “significant share” of its approximately 8,600 U.S. stores.

Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026.
The Biden government is seeking an 18-month delay in releasing COVID-19 vaccine safety data, pushing potential disclosure until at least 2026. This regime claims an influx of pandemic-related information requests is overwhelming the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that releasing vaccine records requires extensive staff training and onboarding, which could take up to two years.

Hezbollah shells north with 40 rockets after operative killed in IDF drone strike
Hezbollah launched a barrage of some 40 rockets at northern Israel on Thursday afternoon, in what the terror group said was a response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, including the killing of one of its operatives earlier in the day.

It’s All About The Money: There Are Tens Of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In Ukraine
…It turns out that Ukraine is sitting on natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars.  Most of those natural resources are located in eastern Ukraine, and of course that is where all of the fighting is happening.  Whoever is victorious in this conflict is going to get their hands on all of that wealth.  I think that this helps to explain why the Russians and the western elite are so obsessed with winning this war.

An outbreak of E. coli in the UK is due to salad leaves; or is it?
We are being told that a recent outbreak of E. coli in the UK is due to salad leaves. Considering the falsities we’ve been told over the last four years about covid, it is reasonable to at least consider whether there could be other causes – such as genetic engineering research or vaccines.

“He’s Not Dropping Out”: Biden Digs In After Disastrous Debate
President Joe Biden is “not dropping out” of the 2024 race despite his party’s collective freakout over last night’s debate performance, which put his severe cognitive decline on display, raising questions about who’s actually running the country.

Why Won’t The US Help Negotiate A Peaceful End To The War In Ukraine?
For the sake of Ukraine’s very survival, and to avoid nuclear war, the President of the United States has one overriding responsibility today: Negotiate.

Nearly 1-In-3 Americans Earning Over $150,000 Worry About Making Ends Meet: Fed Report
More than 15% of people earning over $150,000 took an additional job over the past year to cope with tighter financial conditions…

Doctors Without Borders denies knowledge of staffer’s alleged terrorist ties after IDF releases images
The medical charity Doctors Without Borders denied it had prior knowledge about one of its staffer’s alleged ties to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad after reports surfaced following his death by an Israeli air strike that the employee was a prominent member of the terrorist organization.

Baptist evangelist tied down with ropes, killed by Muslim extremists in Uganda
An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was killed after leading Muslims and others to Christ in eastern Uganda, sources said.

Iowa Supreme Court allows heartbeat abortion ban to take effect
The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that a state law banning most abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected, typically around six weeks into a pregnancy, can take effect.

Headlines – 6/29/2024

IDF says fighter jets carried out ‘wave of attacks’ against Hezbollah in southern lebanon

Shabbat tables to bomb shelters: Rockets, drones pour over northern border

IDF: Three Drones From Lebanon Explode in Western Galilee, 25 Rockets Fired at North

Deterring Israel-Hezbollah war: US stations amphibious assault ship in Mediterranean

Gallant: Israel ‘not looking for war’ with Hezbollah, diplomatic route always better

IDF Claims Control of 70% of Rafah, Reports Killing 550 Terrorists

US pier again removed from Gaza coast due to sea conditions, Pentagon says

US Removing Gaza Aid Pier, May Not Put It Back

Tibi says Arab Israelis being persecuted for Gaza sympathies in wake of October 7

Tempers fray in cabinet as Smotrich accuses IDF chief of ‘going to sleep’ on Oct. 6

UK Challenges International Court’s Netanyahu Arrest Warrant Push

France: Parents of Gang Raped 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl Say Attackers ‘Mimicked’ Hamas

Palestinian woman slated for deportation from Canada after working for Hamas-related group

Far-left activists protest CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, call for ‘intifada’

Germany condemns Israel’s regulation of communities: Serious violation of int’l law

Security cabinet okays legalizing 5 outposts, sanctioning PA officials

Israel’s Smotrich promises ‘a million’ new settlers under expansion plan

Palestinians, Israeli left slam cabinet move to legalize settlement outposts

Palestinian Authority official: Legalization of West Bank outposts aimed at pursuing ‘genocide’

Palestinian Authority Warns of Terror Groups’ Rocket Capability

5 Missiles Land Near Red Sea Ship in Likely Houthi Attack

Preparing for action in Iran? IAF practices strikes on distant targets

Iran installs half of planned new centrifuges at Fordow, IAEA report says

Netanyahu Warns of Iranian Threat: Aims to ‘Conquer Middle East’

PM warns visiting former US officers Iran seeks to conquer Jordan, Saudi Arabia

Iran’s sole reformist candidate wants warm ties ‘with all countries except Israel’

Iran Election Pits Engagement With West Against More Confrontation – Voter turnout will also signal whether Iranians are getting fed up with their system of governance

As Iran Votes for President, New Report Exposes How Regime ‘Rigs’ Elections Through Shadowy Group

ISIS remains global threat a decade after declaring caliphate, US military official says

A decade after the Islamic State group declared a caliphate, it’s defeated but remains lethal

China urges U.S. to stop supporting the Philippines’ ‘provocations’

Kim’s North Korea Is Executing More Young People in Public

US official: World should be ‘alarmed’ by growing North Korea-Russia cooperation

US and allies clash with Russia and China over North Korea at UN meeting

Russia Protests to Japan About Joint Exercises With NATO Countries

US and Israel in talks to send Patriot systems to Ukraine – report

Putin: Russia May Resume Global Missile Deployment

Russia Warns US on Black Sea Drone Flights

Russia Claims Control of Ukraine Settlement

Zelensky Says Preparing ‘Plan’ To End War With Russia

Putin Too ‘Busy’ Crushing Dissent to Deal with Terrorism: Exiled Top Rabbi

Report: Spotify Removes Russian Artists Supportive of Vladimir Putin’s War in Ukraine

Poland Likely to Sign Security Deal With Ukraine

Le Pen Says Faction Would Block Macron Sending French Troops to Ukraine if Elected

AP Reports on Ukraine Suspending Democracy

Report: Trudeau Admin Prioritized Rescuing Afghan Sikhs over Canadians from Taliban, Failed Both

Mike Johnson backs bringing House vote to hold Merrick Garland in ‘inherent contempt’ of Congress over refusal to release Biden-Hur tapes

Ron Johnson Floats Plan for Merrick Garland’s Arrest: ‘Now, It Hasn’t Been Used in the House Since 1916’

Longtime Democrat Donor Bill Ackman Blasts Democrats and Fake News Media: ‘Lying and Misleading the Country on Biden’s Mental Acuity and Health is an Indictment of the Democratic Party’

Panic In DC: Green-Lighting the Long Planned PSYOP to Replace Joe Biden – It’s no longer denied, Joe Biden must go.

New York Times Runs Seemingly Pre-Written Op-Ed Calling for Biden to Drop Out of Presidential Race – The URL indicates that the article was, at least partially, pre-written and loaded up on June 25

White House Abandons ‘Cheap Fake’ Claim; Admits ‘He’s Not As Smooth as He Used to Be’

Biden: ‘I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to do this job’

Body language expert’s brutal take on Biden’s debate against Trump: ‘Like a dead man walking’

Nolte: CNNLOL’s Pro-Biden Debate Rules Backfired Spectacularly

Focus Group of Undecided Voters Overwhelmingly Swayed by Debate – It Wasn’t Even Close

Biden Collapses After Debate, Instant Carnage in Betting Markets

Internet roasts Biden’s catastrophic debate performance in savage memes

Jason Miller: ‘Who’s Running the Country?’

U.S. Allies Watch the Debate With Shaking Heads and a Question: What Now?

China Mocks U.S. Presidential Debate: ‘Very Entertaining’

‘The View’ Joins Calls for Biden to Drop Out for Good of ‘Humanity’

James Woods Unloads on Biden Debate Debacle: ‘Man Suffering from Serious Cognitive Challenges’

Hollywood Celebrities Rage at CNN as Biden Struggles During Debate: ‘What is Wrong with These Two Moderators’

‘I give up’: Bette Midler and Roseanne Barr lead celebrity reactions to Biden-Trump debate

Hollywood celebrities abandon Biden as they lash out at Donald Trump

Hollywood’s Top Donors Freak Out After Biden’s Debate: ‘If He Doesn’t Drop Out, We’re Not Giving Any More Money to Democrats’

As Biden Falls Apart at Debate, Demands to Replace Him Become Absolutely Deafening

NYT editorial board calls on Biden to quit race: ‘Failed his own test’ in debate

New York Times editorial board calls for Biden to drop out: His candidacy is a ‘reckless gamble’

Daily Beast: Jill Biden Must Step Up Now to Help Oust Her Husband

Biden vows to return for second debate against Trump after disastrous performance

White House, Biden campaign slam replacement chatter after debate

Biden campaign official: He’s not dropping out

Here’s why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket – It would be nearly impossible for Democrats to replace President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee unless he chooses to step aside following his halting debate performance against ex-President Donald Trump

Speaker Johnson: Cabinet should consider removing Biden through 25th Amendment

Chip Roy says he’ll call on Harris to remove Biden under 25th Amendment

Trump’s New Ad Imagines President Kamala Harris

Democrat Party Insider Doug Kass Reports Biden, Klain, and Obama are Having Critical Meeting Today – Harris Furious that She is Not Being Considered as a Replacement

Wayne Root: For 4 Long Years I’ve Been Warning Joe Biden Belongs in Nursing Home, Wife Jill Should Be Indicted for Elder Abuse, Obama is the Real President, and Biden Will Be Replaced at Convention by Michelle Obama. Believe Me Now?

Who could replace Joe Biden after disastrous presidential debate?

RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to The Idea of Replacing Biden on Democrat Ticket

A crisis comms expert says now is Gavin Newsom’s chance to get what he wants: the presidency

The whispers of Hillary Clinton 2024 have started

Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Biden Support

Pelosi on Biden’s debate performance: ‘We saw integrity on one side and dishonesty on the other’

Obama says he still supports Biden for his moral character despite ‘bad debate night’

Obama urges voters to consider Biden’s ‘entire life,’ not just ‘bad debate night’

Biden’s Debate Performance Further Imperils Already Vulnerable Senate Dems

Axelrod to GOP: If Biden Out, ‘You Guys Are in Trouble’

Joe Biden: ‘Tens of Millions’ of Trump Supporters Are Voting ‘Against Democracy’

Another Contentious US Election Means a Worker Productivity Dip

Trump Media stock surges following Biden’s disastrous debate

Pastor Jack Hibbs Calls All Americans to Pray and Fast for Our Nation

Judge in Mar-a-Lago docs case delivers blow to Jack Smith, considers tossing evidence from Trump’s former lawyer

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

Supreme Court Limits Obstruction Charges For Jan. 6 Rioters – And It Could Affect Trump

Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Torpedoed After Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge

US Supreme Court Toughens Criteria For Charging Capitol Riot Defendants With Obstruction, Trump Calls It ‘Massive Victory’

Trump on Supreme Court Ruling: Free J6 Hostages

Biden’s AG ‘disappointed’ over Supreme Court Jan 6 ruling, vows to hold protesters ‘accountable’ with ‘all available tools’

Dershowitz: Supreme Court J6 Ruling Victory for Civil Liberties

Ingrassia: The Supreme Court’s Attack On Free Speech Proves The Federalist Society Can No Longer Be Trusted As An Authority For Selecting Judges In A Second Trump Administration

Supreme Court overturns Chevron ruling, blocks federal agencies’ power to interpret ‘ambiguous’ statutes

Chevron is Gone – SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws

Overturning the Chevron Deference Could Mean a Regulatory RevolutionBusiness groups have long argued that federal agencies have too much power in their rulemaking. The Supreme Court agrees.

Supreme Court overturning ‘Chevron’ decision could change banking regulation forever

Bidenomics Rends Nationwide Drugstore: Walgreens Chain Set to Shutter Significant Number of Locations

Wall Street Seems Calm. A Closer Look Shows Something Else.

Milei Wins Approval for Bold Economic Reforms in Argentina

British High Court Judge Orders Prince Harry To Address Allegations That He Deleted Evidence Pertinent to His Phone Hacking Case Against Sun Newspaper

Mark Zuckerberg warns AI companies are ‘trying to create God’ in stark warning – but he has the key to save us all

Hot AI Jesus Is Huge on Facebook

AI Version of Al Michaels to Deliver ‘Personalized’ Recaps During Olympics

New York to ban phones in city’s classrooms amid fears for ‘fully addicted’ children’s mental health

Florida Man Arrested for Shooting Walmart Delivery Drone: Cops

Russian RESURS-P1 satellite breaks in orbit, releasing over 180 pieces of trackable debris and forcing ISS astronauts to take shelter

G4 – Severe geomagnetic storm in progress

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Houma, Tonga

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Port Blair, India

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 20,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 20,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 12,000ft

Lewotobi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

A new tropical system just formed. It poses a rare early threat.

Tropical Depression 2 expected to become Hurricane Beryl before impacting Caribbean

Heavy monsoon rains hit Nepal, leaving widespread damage and 28 dead

Delhi airport roof collapse leaves one person dead as heavy rains hit India capital

Historic floods in Midwest cause severe damage to farmlands

Elderly Couple Injured in Mexico When Cartel Drone Drops IED on Home

ISIS Entering Through the Southern Border

Mayorkas moves to shield hundreds of thousands from deportation back to troubled Caribbean nation

FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

In major decision, Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless camps

AOC complains that there are too many white men in Congress during hearing on diversity

WSJ: Diversity Was Supposed to Make Us Rich. Not So Much.

Tractor Supply Vows to Eliminate DEI Programs and Stop Sponsoring Pride Events After Backlash

New York judge dismisses lawsuit seeking release of Epstein documents

Austin Wolf, popular gay porn star, arrested on charges of child pornography

AP News: Can a marriage survive a gender transition? Yes, and even thrive. How these couples make it work

Woman claims she, her toddler son and mother were kicked off United plane for misgendering flight attendant

Orthodox Anglicans set out their positions on Church of England’s same-sex blessing plans

‘Very serious’ holiday warning as deadly tiger mosquitoes found in Two Spain hotspots – how to spot a dengue-carrying bug

Left-Leaning Media Lament Biden’s Answers on Abortion During Debate

Joe Biden Refuses to Name Abortion Restrictions He Supports During Debate

Iowa’s Top Court Upholds 6-Week Abortion Restriction

Pooping in Olympic river? Not even the 2024 Paris games can bring divided France together

Paris’ Seine River still dangerously contaminated for swimmers as Summer Olympics near

Paris’ Seine River tests for E. coli 10 times above acceptable limit a month out from 2024 Summer Olympics

CDC recommends updated COVID-19 vaccines for Americans ages 6 months and older – The new COVID vaccines are expected to be available in the fall

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

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