Daily Archives: December 3, 2023

December 3 Evening Verse of The Day

10:13 The concept of salvation is as profound and extensive as God Himself. But the method of securing that salvation is simple enough for a child. Anyone who calls upon God will be saved. The word “saved” is picturesque. If one needs to be saved, he is in serious difficulty, as is clear from the very terminology. The term further implies the subject’s inability to help or save himself. The concept is that of rescue and deliverance.[1]

10:13 Paul quoted Joel (2:32) to further emphasize that salvation is available for people of all nations and races. call on the name. This familiar OT expression (e.g., Pss 79:5, 6; 105:1; 116:4, 5) does not refer to some desperate cry to just any deity but to the one true God as He has revealed Himself—a revelation which now includes recognition of Jesus as Lord (v. 9) and of the One who raised up Jesus from the dead (v. 9).[2]

10:13 Joel 2:32 is quoted to prove the universality of the gospel. One could scarcely wish for a simpler statement of the way of salvation than is found in these words: “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” The name of the Lord stands for the Lord Himself.[3]

10:13 This famous quote from Joel 2:32 has two new emphases in Paul’s usage: (1) in Joel YHWH’s name was used; Paul in Romans and Peter in Acts 2:21 substituted Jesus’ name (also notice John 12:41 and Isa. 6:9–10; Phil. 2:9 and Isa. 45:22–25; Rom. 9:33 and Isa. 8:13–14); and (2) in Joel “saved” implied physical deliverance, in Romans it referred to spiritual forgiveness and eternal salvation.

The OT concept of “to call upon the name” implied a public confession of faith in a worship setting. This same concept is seen in Acts 7:59; 9:14, 21; 22:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Tim. 2:22. See Special Topic: Called at 1:6.[4]

13 Paul brings to a close this paragraph with an implicit quotation from Joel 2:32 (LXX 3:5). The catchword “call upon” is clearly the link between the context and the quotation, which was important in early Christian preaching. The wider context of Joel refers to covenant renewal and predicts the coming of God’s Spirit—important reasons for Paul to go this text.508 But perhaps even more important for Paul was its emphasis on the universal availability of salvation. The quotation brings together two crucial terms from this context: “everyone” (vv. 4, 11, 12) and “salvation” (vv. 1, 9, 10). In the OT, of course, the one on whom people called for salvation was Yahweh; Paul reflects the high view of Christ common among the early church by identifying this one with Jesus Christ, the Lord.[5]

13 In support of this Paul cites Joel 2:32. Peter used the same passage in his Pentecost sermon to indicate to his Jewish audience that the door of salvation was open to them all, despite their shared guilt in rejecting the one whom God had sent (Ac 2:21). This calling on the Lord is the echoing within the human heart of the call of God according to his gracious purpose (8:28–30). The prayer promises of Scripture are restricted to the people of God, with one notable exception, namely, that God will hear the cry of any who call on him for salvation. When v. 13 is compared with v. 9, it becomes evident that the Lord of Joel 2:32 is being identified with the Lord Jesus Christ. Ho kyrios, “the Lord,” in the Hebrew of Joel 2:23 is Yahweh, and thus in effect Paul equates Jesus with Yahweh, an important name of the deity in the OT.[6]

[1] Criswell, W. A., Patterson, P., Clendenen, E. R., Akin, D. L., Chamberlin, M., Patterson, D. K., & Pogue, J., eds. (1991). Believer’s Study Bible (electronic ed., Ro 10:13). Thomas Nelson.

[2] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Ro 10:13). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

[3] MacDonald, W. (1995). Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments (A. Farstad, Ed.; p. 1722). Thomas Nelson.

[4] Utley, R. J. (1998). The Gospel according to Paul: Romans: Vol. Volume 5 (Ro 10:13). Bible Lessons International.

[5] Moo, D. J. (2018). The Letter to the Romans (N. B. Stonehouse, F. F. Bruce, G. D. Fee, & J. B. Green, Eds.; Second Edition, pp. 678–679). William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

[6] Harrison, E. F., & Hagner, D. A. (2008). Romans. In T. Longman III &. Garland, David E. (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Romans–Galatians (Revised Edition) (Vol. 11, p. 163). Zondervan.

Even the Faintest Call | VCY

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shalt be delivered.Joel 2:32

Why do I not call on His name? Why do I run to this neighbor and that when God is so near and will hear my faintest call? Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans! Why not at once roll my self and my burden upon the Lord? Straightforward is the best runner—why do I not run at once to the living God? In vain shall I look for deliverance anywhere else; but with God I shall find it; for here I have His royal “shall” to make it sure.

I need not ask whether I may call on Him or not, for that word whosoever is a very wide and comprehensive one. Whosoever means me, for it means anybody and everybody who calls upon God. I will therefore follow the leading of the text and at once call upon the glorious Lord who had made so large a promise.

My case is urgent, and I do not see how I am to be delivered; but this is no business of mine. He who makes the promise will find out ways and means of keeping it. It is mine to obey His commands; it is not mine to direct His counsels. I am His servant, not His solicitor. I call upon Him, and He will deliver me.

A Christian Worldview Applied to Every Area of Life

The Puritans wrote dozens of treatises about family life, describing the proper roles and relationships between husbands and wives, fathers, mothers, and children.9 They placed every family relationship in the light of God’s sovereignty and fatherhood, and called every family member to live in the faith and fear of the Lord. Part of their genius was teaching people to stop looking at what others were doing, and to focus upon what they must do as their loving duty to God. Christ, of course, is the model in this; for what would become of us if Christ treated us the way we treat Him? God’s sovereign love is freely given, and so should ours be.

The universal scope of God’s sovereignty teaches us that we must glorify Him with all of our being. There is no “must” to enjoying God; it is but the consequence of glorifying Him. Do the one, and you will have the other. The Puritans fervently practiced this conviction in seeking to bring all of life under the direction of God’s Word. They believed in the great conclusion of Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” John Bunyan (1628–1688) said that fearing God “sanctifies the whole duty of man.”1 He wrote, “It is a universal grace; it will stir up the soul unto all good duties. It is a fruitful grace, from which…flows abundance of excellent virtues, nor without it can there be anything good, or done well that is done.”2

To be lived out, a worldview must be practical, and that requires wisdom. The Reformation doctrine of justification by faith alone released Christians from an unbiblical system of sacramental salvation and church-mandated penance. After the Reformation, the human tendency to drift into formalism and inconsistency of doctrine and practice became commonplace. The Puritans revived Reformation doctrine and made it more practical by stressing how to live the Christian life in every possible facet. Authors such as Richard Greenham (c. 1542–1594), Richard Rogers (1550–1618), William Perkins (1558–1602), William Ames, and Richard Baxter (1615– 1691) wrote treatises addressing various “cases of conscience” to guide believers on how to fear the Lord and do His will in every sphere of human existence.3

Since so much is available today on Puritan views of personal godliness, family piety, and church reformation, we will touch briefly on these topics before immersing ourselves in the Puritan views of economics and politics.

Godly Personal Life

Ultimately, each of us will stand before the Lord to be judged for our own thoughts, words, and actions in life (2 Cor. 5:10). Therefore, the Puritans placed great emphasis upon personal godliness. The most important “case of conscience” they addressed was, “Am I a true child of God?”4 The Puritans relished full assurance of salvation and peace with God through the blood of Christ, for both afforded the believer the stability and power to serve God. Knowing God as a loving Father through Jesus Christ helped a believer live for God’s pleasure by the Holy Spirit as directed through the written Word.

The Puritans believed that all of life should be offered to God as a continual act of consecration in response to His mercies (Rom. 12:1).

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Hindsight | Daily Thoughts about God.

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.”   Genesis 28:16

They say hindsight is 20/20. That means that when you look back you can see things more clearly. Sometimes that is true. Other times, our memory is skewed by our emotions or our perception of how things happened.

The point is, none of us can see exactly what lies ahead in our lives. We can assume, but we cannot see with a hundred percent certainty because we live in the moment, literally. That is the nature of our temporal existence.

So, when Jacob had his famous “ladder” dream, it wasn’t until he woke up that he realized he had had an encounter with God. It made him gasp to think the Almighty Creator had actually paid attention to him personally. Him! Such a thing was unheard of at the time.

I get that. There have been times I recognized God moving in my life, but only after the fact. It made me drop to my knees. Of course, being born after Jesus’ death on the cross, I realize Jesus has bridged the gap between earth and heaven, and because I believe that, the Holy Spirit guides me. But a few times, God has touched my situation in an unforeseen way. Me! Despite my shortcomings and imperfections. I could only react the same as Jacob — humbled.

I am not special. God is moving in your life as well. Open your heart to his presence, even if it is after the fact. His love is amazing. Remember, he is there and he cares…always.

Lord, thank you for the times you have broken through into my life to show me you care and are there. Your love for me is beyond my comprehension, but I am so grateful for it. It helps me realize there is nothing that I will go through that you don’t already know about. And that brings me comfort. Amen.

Think back to ways God has been at work in your life, and thank him for his constant, caring presence as you go through your various tasks today.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission


  • A Struggle of Faith – my son first showed signs of mental illness in his 20’s
  • Gentle Spirit How do I embrace a gentle spirit when I have been hurt and/or deceived?

Learn more about knowing Jesus at: https://thoughts-about-god.com/four-laws/


The post Hindsight can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

3 Dec 2023 News Briefing

US House Speaker Johnson prays for God’s blessing over the nation of Israel
The newly-elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, addressed the JPB Day of Prayer gathering via a recorded message during the event, which coincided with 76-year anniversary of the United Nations’ decision to adopt the partition plan of the British Mandate.

Another Russian general reportedly dies in Ukraine
Russian Major General Vladimir Zavadsky died on November 28, according to the reports, which say his death was confirmed by an organization of graduates of his military school. The Russian research group Conflict Intelligence Team also confirmed Zavadsky’s death, citing Russian military sources.

Charges: Derek Chauvin stabbed 22 times in prison by former FBI informant, gang member
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed 22 times in a Tucson, Ariz., prison Nov. 24, according to federal charges filed Friday. John Turscak, 52, faces charges of attempted murder, assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, and assault resulting in serious bodily injury.

Jan. 6 Committee Tapes Have Disappeared, Says House Republican
The disappearance of videotapes of witness interviews conducted by the Democratic-led House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack has alarmed the chairman of the House panel that replaced it. “We found out about this early in the investigation when I received a call from someone who was looking for some information off one of the videotapes, and we started searching, and we had none,” Mr. Loudermilk explained. “I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them. And he confirmed that they did not preserve those types. He didn’t feel that they had to.”

Earthquake in Philippines triggers tsunami warnings and evacuations
Evacuations were under way in the Philippines after a quake of at least magnitude 7.5 struck the southern region of Mindanao on Saturday, triggering tsunami warnings in the country and in Japan, though a US agency said the risk of large waves had passed.

‘Dehumanizing’: Minnesota Democrats’ infighting on Israel-Hamas war boils over
A group of 13 Democratic legislators have publicly condemned a Jewish colleague who spoke out forcefully against the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement at a press conference Wednesday.

‘Israel going for the absolute elimination of Hamas’
“In the last two days, we are operating in areas we have not been active in over the last month, and it will increase and intensify,” said Gallant. “This operation will reach every point that needs to be reached. We are going for the absolute elimination of the Hamas terror organization.

Netanyahu: ‘I asked myself: How do you hold talks with the devil?’
“I asked myself: How do you hold discussions with the devil, a person who has no value for human life? But I was convinced that there was a way to rescue people from the devil’s fingernails,” Netanyahu said. “We held tough negotiations, and we applied pressure on the brokers to improve the plan. The efforts bore fruit, and we doubled the number of people released.”

Defense Min.: ‘Every commander in Gaza understands what his future holds’
“Hamas will not determine what happens – only the IDF will. Hamas’ morale is low. Eight weeks have passed since the start of the war – including 3 weeks of strikes, 4 weeks of maneuvering and one week during which hostages returned home.”

Israel informs Arab states it wants buffer zone in post-war Gaza
The Egyptian sources said Israel had said in a meeting in Cairo in November that the Hamas leaders should be tried internationally in return for a full ceasefire. Israel has informed several Arab states that it wants to carve out a buffer zone on the Palestinian side of Gaza’s border to prevent future attacks as part of proposals for the enclave after war ends, Egyptian and regional sources said.

IDF discovers Gaza rockets, missiles hidden under UNRWA equipment
IDF destroys Gaza mosque used by Islamic Jihad as operational HQ • IDF strikes over 50 terror targets in Khan Yunis from air, land, and sea … 50 of the 400 targets attacked were hit as part of an air raid on Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, the IDF said. Israeli naval forces used precision-guided missiles to strike Hamas terror infrastructure, as well as naval equipment, located near the Khan Yunis harbor.

American Jews are failing to combat leftist Jew-hatred
Liberal Jews are more interested in being in the ‘vanguard’ of civil rights than protecting Jews themselves.

Sandra Day O’Connor, Supreme Court justice who reaffirmed Roe v. Wade, dies at 93
Sandra Day O’Connor, who sided with the pro-abortion majorities in key cases such as Planned Parenthood v. Casey, died on Friday, December 1. She was 93. An announcement from the United States Supreme Court said that O’Connor died in Phoenix, Arizona, from complications related to dementia,

Israeli research center warns: Hezbollah ready to invade Jewish state
An Israeli NGO dedicated to research on security challenges on Israel’s northern border has warned that the Iranian-backed Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah is ready to invade the Jewish state when it receives the green light to do so.

Truce and hostage release talks with Hamas reach dead end as Mossad negotiating team leaves Qatar
“Due to the dead end in negotiations, and following instructions from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad director David Barnea ordered the negotiating team in Doha to return home,” the statement by the PMO and the Mossad said. The Israeli army resumed the fighting on Friday morning

Intense thunderstorms hit Uruguay, causing severe flooding in Montevideo
Intense thunderstorms hit southern Uruguay on December 1, 2023, causing severe flooding and travel disruptions in Montevideo.

Munich hit by heaviest snowfall in 20 years, wakes up to 50 cm (1.6 feet) of snow and severe traffic disruption, Germany
Munich woke up to a record-breaking snowfall of 50 cm (1.6 feet) on December 2, 2023, marking the city’s heaviest snowfall in two decades. The German Weather Service had previously issued Level 2 and Level 3 weather warnings for heavy snowfall in southern Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg, leading to significant disruptions in air travel and ground transportation.

Shallow M7.6 earthquake hits near the coast of Mindanao, Philippines – tsunami waves produced
A powerful earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.6 hit near the coast of Mindanao, Philippines at 14:37 UTC (22:37 local time) on December 2, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 32.8 km (20.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.5 at a depth of 63 km (39 miles).

IDF Finds Dozens of Rockets in Gaza Home Under United Nations Boxes
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed Saturday that it had found dozens of rockets in a private home in Gaza City underneath boxes labeled for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the institution devoted solely to Palestinian refugees.

Syrian military official: Israeli strikes near Damascus overnight result in ‘material losses’
Israeli airstrikes hit several points on the outskirts of Damascus overnight, Syrian state media reported, resulting in some damage. State news agency SANA, citing an unnamed military official, says the strikes came from the direction of the Golan Heights and that Syrian air defenses shot most of the missiles down. The strikes resulted in only “material losses,” the statement says.

One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Attacker Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar” 
An Islamist murdered one man and injured at least two others in a knife and hammer terrorist attack Saturday in Paris.

Foreign-born US population tops 49 million in 2023, beating Census prediction by 10 years: study
The Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) conducted in October shows that the United States population has more foreign-born individuals than at any other time in history, at 49.5 million people, or 15 percent.

Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status
Biden’s Department of Justice has slapped a whopping $700,000 fine on Covenant Transport Inc. and the affiliated Transport Management Services LLC, both stellar examples of Tennessee’s robust transportation sector.

Cosmopolitan endorses Satanic ‘ritual abortion’ provided by The Satanic Temple
Cosmopolitan Magazine has jumped aboard the Satanic Abortion Ceremony bandwagon in a new article  praising the practice. The women’s magazine details the specifics of how the “ritiual” abortion is meant to take place and writes favorably about The Satanic Temple (TST) and their New Mexico abortion clinic named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mother.

BREAKING: ‘Allahu Akbar’ Attacker Leaves 1 Dead in Paris.
A deadly attack in Central Paris has claimed the life of one person and left another injured, officials reported tonight. The assault occurred on a street in the Quai de Grenelle area, where an unknown attacker allegedly screaming “Allahu Akbar!” targeted passers-by.

Court Orders Texas to Remove River Buoys Meant to Stop Illegal Border Crossers
Back in July, the state of Texas installed buoys in the Rio Grande River in order to deter illegal border crossers. Democrats freaked out, naturally. Now the 5th Circuit Court has ordered Texas to remove the barriers from the river. This is a perfect reminder that the left wants these people to enter the country illegally. All of this is being allowed to happen on purpose.

Canadian cancer patient told condition untreatable, doctors offer government-assisted suicide—she gets life-saving surgery in the US
A Victoria, BC woman with abdominal cancer had to go to the United States for a life-saving operation because wait times in Canada are so long.

Children All Over The United States Are Starting To Develop “White Lung Syndrome”
What in the world is going on?  Last week, we were getting reports that hospitals in China were being absolutely overwhelmed by sick kids that had developed a condition known as “white lung syndrome”.  Unfortunately, now we are learning that large numbers of children in the United States and Europe are also developing “white lung syndrome”.  In many of these cases, “white lung syndrome” is being caused by “a bacterial infection that many antibiotics cannot fight”…

Geert Wilders’ Electoral Earthquake: Exclusive Insights with Eva Vlaardingerbroek on the Political Road Ahead and the Globalist Obstacles

“There’s a shift going on, not just in Dutch politics but, I think, everywhere in the Western world. People are starting to wake up to the horrors of mass migration and the totalitarian COVID regimes that we’ve all faced”

Charles “The Great Reset” King demands $5 trillion per year to tackle climate change
Yesterday, King Charles III delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of COP28.  He said that “they” needed $4.5 to $5 trillion per year to drive their transformation that’s needed because of “climate change.”

Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer
Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection. The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna’s patent shows that its (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

COVID Vaccination is Suddenly Changing the Personality of Recipients
…experts explain how the mRNA “trans”jections not only cause physical damage to organs but how they also damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier and eventually lead to massive personality changes.  They also discuss how the mRNA injections are breaking the will of some of those who receive them.

The Microchip Agenda: Freemasons are collecting the DNA of your Children
The Freemasons have long stood at the epicentre of numerous conspiracy theories, their secretive nature adding fuel to the fire of speculation. Now the introduction of the MYCHIP (MasoniCHIP) program, dressed up as a benevolent child protection tool, has provoked further debate. But could there be concealed objectives beyond the surface?

Headlines – 12/3/2023

Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: Drop the Two-State Solution – In one of the final interviews before he died, the famous statesman said the two-state solution was no longer viable and that the U.S. must reconcile with China.

Mossad negotiators leave Qatar as truce talks hit ‘dead end’

Top Hamas official says hostage negotiations are off until war ends

UK surveillance aircraft to search for Hamas hostage sites in Gaza

IDF discovers Gaza rockets, missiles hidden under UNRWA equipment

IDF strikes 400 terror sites in Gaza as war against Hamas resumes

IDF says head of Israeli brigade on Gaza border was killed Oct 7, body held by Hamas

IDF eliminates Hamas commander integral in October 7 attack, 2014 war

Israel kills Hamas commander behind deadly attacks; rocket barrage targets Tel Aviv

Israeli Offensive Shifts To Crowded Southern Gaza, Driving Up Death Toll Despite Evacuation Orders

Israel Orders Evacuations Amid ‘Intense’ Attacks on Southern Gaza

IDF Publishes Map of Gaza with Zones to Help Civilians Avoid Fighting

US defense chief says Israel will only win in Gaza if civilians are protected

White House: We Don’t Support Israel Operating in South Gaza ‘Until They Have Factored in’ ‘Additional Civilians’

White House: Can’t Confirm Blinken Told Israel It Lacks ‘Credit’ and Won’t Talk About Private Talks

White House: Won’t Say We Support Qatar Extraditing Hamas Leadership in Their Country

Turkey’s Erdogan Rejects U.S. Pressure to Cut Ties with Hamas Terrorists

Erdogan: ‘I cannot accept Hamas is a terror group’

Bin Laden of Gaza: The twisted mind of Hamas terror monster who masterminded October 7 horror and IDF say war won’t end until he is dead

Arab Leaders to Israel: Annihilate Hamas – Arab leaders are privately siding with Israel against Hamas, even if some are publicly condemning the operation in Gaza as endangering innocent civilians

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: ‘Israel going for the absolute elimination of Hamas’

Netanyahu vows ‘total victory’ against Hamas; says PA rejects Israel, can’t rule Gaza

Macron says ‘total destruction of Hamas’ would take 10 years of war

Olmert: World will halt war soon if Israel doesn’t offer viable vision for Gaza

Kamala Harris lays out US vision for Gaza post-conflict at COP28

VP Harris: ‘Under no circumstances’ will the US permit forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza

Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

Swing State Muslims Start #AbandonBiden Campaign Over Support for Israel in War with Hamas: Report

Dem Sen. Welch: We Shouldn’t Include Bombs in Israel Aid

Almost 400,000 Palestinians have lost jobs due to war, report says

Abandoned babies found decomposing in Gaza hospital weeks after it was evacuated

Too Little, Too Late: Eight Weeks After Oct 7 Massacre, UN Women Condemns Hamas’ Use of Sexual Violence Against Israeli Women

One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Islamist Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar” During Attack Near Eiffel Tower

Man killed in terror stabbing in Paris; attacker allegedly upset over Gaza war

French police source: Suspect in deadly stabbing attack follows radical Islam, is mentally ill

French interior minister says Paris assailant convicted in 2016 of planning another attack

Libya said to free four Hamas members held since 2016

UAW President Compares Israel to Nazi Germany as Union Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

Pro-Palestinians in London ‘march in favour of terrorists’, says Liz Truss

Harvard Students Accuse School of Being ‘Complicit in Genocide’ After Push Back Against Pro-Terror Students

Maher: Trump Is Right that Schools Teach Kids to Hate America, That’s Why Dem Staffers Are Protesting for Hamas

Dem Rep. Smith on Vandalism of Home: Many ‘Peace Activists’ Are Really Anti-Israel and Use ‘Same Tactics’ as January 6

‘A terrible mistake’: Susan Sarandon backpedals on controversial remarks about Jews – Actress apologizes for saying US Jews fearing for their safety amid antisemitism surge ‘are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country’

ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter, But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’ with Antisemitism

Holocaust survivors in UK worried about rising antisemitism in country since Oct 7

Hezbollah continues attacks on north, prompting IDF strikes in Lebanon

Netanyahu: Lebanon will be destroyed if Hezbollah launches war

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards says 2 officers killed in alleged Israeli strike in Syria

Iran ‘using Gaza conflict as cover’ for execution of 127 people since war began

CENTCOM: Iranian Drone Made Unsafe Pass by USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Carney Downs Houthi Missile

Iranian cyber attack targets Israeli tech used by several US bodies

Imprisoned Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Faces Fresh Criminal Charges

Ukraine’s security service alleges Russian plot involving ex-president

Zelensky ‘Not Satisfied’ With the Level of Western Weapon Donations

North Korea warns any interference with spy satellite would be ‘declaration of war’

South Korea launches its first spy satellite after rival North Korea does the same

Joint Chiefs chairman says ‘we all should be’ worried about China possibly invading Taiwan

Oversight’s Comer says will ‘absolutely’ use the courts to enforce subpoena for Hunter Biden deposition

Comer Rejects Hunter Biden’s Testimony Demands, Accuses Legal Team of Bullying, Intimidation

GOP Has Votes to Launch Biden Impeachment: Speaker Johnson Says, ‘I Believe We Will’

Speaker Johnson Says Vote on Biden Impeachment Inquiry is “Necessary Step” After Biden WH Stonewalled Congressional Investigations

McCarthy, Laboring to Adjust to Life After the Speakership, Eyes Exiting Congress

John Fetterman says Bob Menendez’s ‘sinister and serious’ conduct tops any lies by George Santos

Santos threatens slew of ethics complaints against former colleagues

Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made Significant Changes to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

Trump: Ballot Ban Push Shows They Don’t Want to Run Against Me

Biden Claims 7 Republican Senators Have Privately Told Him They “Agree with Him” But They’re Afraid They’ll Get Primaried and Lose Their Elections

Just Like A Dictatorship: Florida Democrats Announce Only Joe Biden Will be on the Primary Ballot – And No Write In Candidates Allowed

George and Alex Soros Have Already Maxed Out Their Donations to Biden

The mega rich are the new political bosses. Is that bad for democracy?

Philippines Bans Smartmatic Voting Machines from Country’s Elections to ‘Safeguard Integrity of Elections’

Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

Federal Censorship Machine Started Years Before COVID, Involved Military Contractors: Whistleblower

Report: US and UK Military Contractors Conspired to Develop Global Censorship Strategy

Greg Gutfeld stands up for Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, drops truth bomb about censorship industrial complex on Fox News: “Musk may be the last man standing between real freedom of speech and the suffocating block of the censorship industrial complex…”

Ian Miles Cheong: Greg Gutfeld stands up for Elon Musk and says the quiet part out loud: Tucker Carlson was canceled from Fox by special interest groups tied to political interests

Tucker Carlson Talks About Leaving FOX News and How Advertisers Can Shape Media Stories

Man Arrested in Plot to Kill Elon Musk, Cause ‘Mass Casualty Event’ at Tesla Cybertruck Launch, Officials Say

Trudeau-funded media demands pro sports boycott Elon Musk’s X

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Sues FTC Demanding the Right to Monetize Data of Children

‘Drones for Ducks:’ Federal Grants Fund Research to Use AI to Count Birds

Sam Altman, Sugarcoating the A.I. Apocalypse

US, UK, Australia Defence Chiefs Tout ‘Deep Space Radar’ and AI in Joint Deal

‘Impossible’ orange auroras spotted in UK after solar storm slams into Earth

USGS reports magnitude-7.6 earthquake off the Philippines’ Mindanao island. A tsunami warning has been issued

6.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

6.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

6.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

6.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

6.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits the Philippine Islands region

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Kepulauan Babar, Indonesia

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits west of Macquarie Island

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Masohi, Indonesia

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Mindanao, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits the Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Santa Maria, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Santa Maria, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Santa Maria, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Marihatag, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Marihatag, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Masohi, Indonesia

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Marihatag, Philippines

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Marihatag, Philippines

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 50,000ft

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 25,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 22,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft

Klyuchevskoy volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 20,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia eurpts to 11,000ft

Cyclone Michaung: IMD issues Orange alert for Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu coasts

Travel chaos worldwide as heavy snow blankets European cities to Hawaiian peaks

Flights grounded and trains cancelled as snow paralyses Europe

A snowstorm brings Munich airport to a standstill and causes travel chaos in central Europe

Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference “Literally Frozen On Runway”

The EU Wants to Seize Your Old Car to Meet Climate Goals

COP28 Craziness: EU Chief Demands ‘Trillions’ for Green Agenda at U.N. Climate Summit

King Charles: Pay $5 trillion annually to prevent climate catastrophe

John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’

Pope pleads with global leaders to find breakthrough on climate change

Pope Francis to COP28: Climate Has ‘Run Amok,’ Planet ‘Overheating’

Pope Francis calls for end to fossil fuels at COP28 in Dubai

Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry Announces Global Push for Coal Phase-Out: ‘First Step is Stop Building New Unabated Coal Power Plants’

COP28: Oil companies make surprise pledge to curb world’s most pressing climate threat

UAE Throws Money at Climate Alarmists, Makes No Promises on Oil at COP28

Venezuela’s Socialist Regime Prepares Sham ‘Vote’ to Annex Most of Guyana

Powder Keg America: World Court Forbids Venezuela To Invade Oil-Rich Guyana, as Socialist Dictator Nicolas Maduro Uses Referendum To Distract From His Unpopular Rule

Democratic strategist says ‘Christian nationalists’ are a bigger threat to US than al-Qaeda

Commentary: How American Evangelicalism Became ‘Mister Rogers With a Blowtorch’

Bombing attack on Catholic mass in Philippines kills four – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr condemns ‘senseless and most heinous acts’

German Chancellor Scholz and His Globalist Coalition Are Under Fire for Budget Shenanigans and Unchecked Mass Migration

Biden’s Push to Allow Illegal Aliens to Live in National Parks Using Federal Funds Results in House GOP Block

Nicaragua’s Miss Universe franchise owner accused of conspiracy, money laundering and spreading fake news

Police raid Moscow gay bars after a Supreme Court ruling labeled LGBTQ+ movement ‘extremist’

California Father Says Transgender Volleyball Player Gave His Daughter a Concussion, Knocked Her Out of Playing Entire Season

Conservative Patricia Bullrich Will Join Javier Milei’s Government as Argentina’s Security Minister, Vows to Wage a ‘Relentless Fight Against Drug Trafficking’

Denver Health administers 1st shots of Ebola vaccines

Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

National Library of Medicine: Neurological Complications Following COVID-19 Vaccination

DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Trudeau signs partnership with EU to promote digital IDs, counter ‘disinformation’

WaPo: Childhood pneumonia outbreak in Ohio unrelated to China, Europe

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

2023 12 03 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Digital gods”

With the advent of Ai, we have come to the point in human history where the unwashed masses will begin to worship the created things, instead of their Creator. In the case or technology, it is invading every aspect of our lives, and now, even occupying some pulpits.

Source: 2023 12 03 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Digital gods”

‘Is our Commander in Chief compromised?’: Maria Bartiromo

‘Sunday Morning Futures’ anchor Maria Bartiromo joins ‘FOX & Friends Weekend’ to discuss House Republicans’ concerns with the Department of Justice ‘stonewalling’ their Hunter Biden investigation. #foxnews

Source: ‘Is our Commander in Chief compromised?’: Maria Bartiromo

Bill Maher Says He Agrees With Trump That Schools Teach Kids to Hate America (VIDEO)

Article Image
 • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com By Mike LaChance

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is correct that schools teach kids to hate America and “this is what I see when I see kids demonstrating, these progressives demonstrating for Hamas,” including White House and Democratic congressional staffers, “that, oh good, we’re going to give America its comeuppance, asshole America.”

While discussing things in Trump’s platform, Maher said, “He says under his administration, his next one, schools will teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught now. I’ve got to say, this one doesn’t bother me so much. Because I think that — this is what I see when I see kids demonstrating, these progressives demonstrating for Hamas, the most illiberal people in the world, that, oh good, we’re going to give America its comeuppance, asshole America. This is — they kind of have been indoctrinated this way. And Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made a speech this week. He said, antisemitism is a five-alarm fire that must be extinguished.

FNC’s Gutfeld Just Signed His Television Suicide Note by Daring to Side With Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld launched a scathing critique on what he termed the “censorship industrial complex,” comprised of technology companies, the government, and the news media. Gutfeld pointed to the ousting of Tucker Carlson from Fox News as a prime example of censorship. He highlighted Elon Musk as potentially standing against this “censorship industrial complex,” citing Musk’s recent message to advertisers who paused ads on X (formerly Twitter). Musk’s blunt response, “Go f*ck yourself,” came after advertisers expressed concerns over his endorsement of an antisemitic tweet. Gutfeld asserted that Musk recognizes the influence special interest groups and political allies wield over advertisers. Notably, Gutfeld extended his critique to include advertisers in general and took a bold step by targeting his own network, referencing Tucker Carlson as a case in point. The comment stirred reactions from the audience and left Gutfeld’s co-hosts visibly surprised.

Source: FNC’s Gutfeld Just Signed His Television Suicide Note by Daring to Side With Tucker Carlson

Armageddon’s Trigger | Terry James

My first book had the title Storming Toward Armageddon. It was released during the assault termed “Desert Storm” by the George H. W. Bush administration. It seemed at the time—more than thirty years ago—that all attention was directed back to the Middle East and things regarding God’s warning about humankind’s most horrific war: Armageddon.

My attention, in thinking on that military operation, was drawn to the prophet Zechariah’s vision, given him by an angel:

Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth. And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth. And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base. (Zechariah 5:5–11) 

My thinking was—and continues to be—that the Desert Storm action was the beginning of the wrap-up of the Armageddon scenario. In other words, that action was turning the attention of history to the arena where humankind’s final war this side of the Millennium will be fought.

God’s Word is quite specific about where and why it will be fought. It will be fought because that is where all the wickedness of anti-God forces will be gathered by God, Himself. Here is the prophecy about that gathering:

For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. (Joel 3:1–2)

The way God deals with wickedness will be ultimately based upon how the nations of the world deal with His chosen people and nation. There is one specific element of that wickedness among this prophecy that will serve as the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back:

God will bring all of the nations’ armies to Armageddon and to their complete devastation, as His Word says, because, “they have scattered [His people and His heritage Israel] among the nations, and parted my land.”

The matter of parting God’s land is the constant effort by all involved to force Israel into accepting a “two-state solution” in order to have peace.

To get right to the heart of the matters involved, Satan’s purpose is to break God’s promise to the nation He has chosen as His heritageLucifer is thus doing all he can to stir the world against Israel to convince that tiny nation to fall for this devil-inspired plot. (That plot has especially ramped up after Israel’s coming into modernity as a nation in 1948, and even more specifically since Desert Storm.)

The Hamas attack of October 7 is but another part in the implementation of Satan’s plan to cause God’s promise to His chosen nation to be broken. Lucifer is totally reprobate in terms of Romans 1:28, but his insanity drives him to nonetheless carry out the plan that is infinitely greater than his own.  That is, he is providentially forced to carry out the plan of the omniscient and omnipotent God of Heaven. Thus preparation is in process for the wrapping up of all of history before Christ’s Second Advent, in focusing back on the Middle East.

Wickedness has returned to that region, more violent and with greater viciousness than ever before. It is prophetically destined to become much more violent and vicious, thus convincing Israel’s leadership to accept some form of dividing God’s land for peace—the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob forever.

We are witnessing the entire world system beginning to build pressure against Israel. The United States’ presidential administration, not just the hate-filled Islamic states, is implicit in helping build this pressure.

We see this in the fact that the resolute Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, vowed to not agree to any ceasefire until the hostages are released. Yet the negotiations, directed by the US and other powers that be, have forced this strong-willed champion of Israel to acquiesce to their demands. They are thereby allowing Hamas terrorists to regroup.

Satan, his evil, supernatural genius on display, presently puts Israel’s leadership in the position of looking like heartless villains themselves if they don’t agree to the cease-fire so that two hostages per day are released. Thus as long as the cease-fire holds.

Eventually, the Israeli government will be dealt with in a similar way by Antichrist himself, as he, through satanic inspiration, maliciously negotiates a division of Israel’s land in order to achieve peace (Daniel 9:26–27). Of course, it will be a false “peace that destroys many,” as Scripture puts it.

It will be an agreement made with death and hell, Isaiah foretells (28: 16, 18).

The “covenant” (dividing of God’s land as part of that agreement) will be “disannulled,” as God has said. But the attempt to bring about the division of His land will be the trigger to Armageddon. God will deal with all nations that come against the returning King of all kings—the Lord Jesus Christ.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. (Revelation 19:11–16)

With all raptured believers and the armies of Heaven following closely behind you on heavenly white Steeds, even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs processed 161,000 medical and dental claims for illegal aliens in 2022 while delaying service to US veterans who served their country.

Pete Hegseth exposed this shocking abuse on FOX News.

Concerned Veterans for America and senior adviser Darin Selnick is calling on lawmakers to investigate this horrible abuse by the Biden regime.

Darin Selnick: Hey, Pete, thanks for having me on your show. Yeah, it’s happening. And, I gotta tell you, when I found out about this a few weeks ago, it made me mad. And everyone I’ve talked to who is a veteran, it makes them mad. The VA’s mission is to serve veterans. It’s not to help ICE and the Border Patrol – which we have the documents, which on your websites and from a memo – it’s not to help them go ahead and process medical claims and pay medical claims and make it easy for the unauthorized migrants to get healthcare and dental care.

So what is happening is and look, as someone who’s a former senior advisor in the Trump administration at the VA and advisor at the White House, I would have stopped this. We would have stopped this because it’s not right. The mission of the VA is to serve veterans, not to serve unauthorized migrants. And so what’s happening is, and we have this from the undersecretary health he’s put out in a video which I’ve seen, hey, make it hard for veterans. Make it hard for veterans to go ahead and get community care. But at the same time, they are processing for 2022, 161,000 medical claims and paying those claims for unauthorized migrants.

Meanwhile, veterans are having a hard time getting health care. They’re literally dying because they can’t get mental health in a timely manner. They can’t get cancer treatment. Bills are being sent to them because they’re not paying the providers on time. So it makes it hard for veterans. They’ve told the staff to do that only default to the VA community care when you have to. At the same time, they’re helping border Patrol and ICE make it easy button. Easy button for unauthorized migrants. Hard button for veterans. It’s got to stop. Congress needs to investigate this. Last year, Mayorkas said in testimony that they were working with the VA to go ahead and expand this, possibly in medical centers. We don’t know exactly how deep this is. It’s got to be investigated.

Pete Hegseth: It’s insane.

And to think, the Republican members of Congress could not even impeach Alejandro Mayorkas!

And, they’re not even focusing on the open borders and destruction of our country and its sovereignty under Joe Biden. They wanted to expel George Santos instead.

Via FOX News.

Now look at how US veterans who fought for our country are treated.
Via I Meme Therefore I Am

The post Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

“One of the Greatest Injustices in American History – We’re Saw a Grandmother Thrown Down the Steps by Capitol Police” – Kari Lake Responds to Latest Evidence of Police Abuse and FBI Operatives on Jan. 6 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Arizona US Senate Candidate Kari Lake joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion Maria Bartiromo asked her about the new evidence that there were dozens of FBI informants in the Trump crowd on January 6 and that the police were viciously beating the Trump prostesters, including a grandmother they threw down the steps – twice!

Kari Lake told Maria the treatment of the Trump supporters is one of the great injustices in American history!

Kari Lake: It’s terrible what happened. I mean, this, to me, is one of the great injustices in American history. We have people who are rotting in this DC. prison. Jake Lang, he’s been there almost three years. He’s never had a trial. He’s rotting in prison. He’s just one of dozens upon dozens of people. And now we’re starting to see this video pour out the 40 plus thousand hours that Mike Johnson is finally putting out, and he needs to put all of it out quickly. And we’re seeing the treatment that these people who were just there protesting, peacefully protesting, we saw grandmother being thrown down a flight of stairs by Capitol Police. We’re seeing people being beaten by Capitol Police. Now we want to get to the bottom of it because we don’t want American citizens held as political prisoners. And that’s what we have right now. We’ve got to get to the bottom of this. The conditions inside that DC jail are medieval, and we can’t forget these men who are being held right now.

These are trespassing charges, and you’re facing more than a year behind bars or eight years behind bars. Meanwhile, these pro Hamas protesters who were defacing property like the White House and were in the Capitol got slapped on the wrist and all of their charges dropped. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s a two tier level of justice, and the American people are wisening up to it.

That’s what makes Kari Lake so special. She is not afraid to take on the establishment and tell the truth to the American public.

Kari nailed it.

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

The post “One of the Greatest Injustices in American History – We’re Saw a Grandmother Thrown Down the Steps by Capitol Police” – Kari Lake Responds to Latest Evidence of Police Abuse and FBI Operatives on Jan. 6 (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Hemingway: Dems And Media Can’t Answer What Corrupt Oligarchs And CCP Got For Tens Of Millions That Went To Bidens | RealClearPolitics

“The Federalist” editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway and Biden campaign surrogate Kevin Walling discuss the Hunter Biden allegations as the date of his much-expected deposition with the Houe Oversight Committee approaches, during a panel on FNC’s “Media Buzz” with Howard Kurtz.

“When you think about what happened during the Russia collusion scam where people invented stories of engagements with Russians and said this meant that Donald Trump had stolen the 2016 election, and here you have millions of dollars flowing from Communist China to the Biden family and we have a media that acts like it’s no big deal,” Hemingway said.

HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS: Politico reports that some White House officials are irritated with Hunter’s more aggressive approach because it shines a bright spotlight on his past addiction, his legal problems, and questions about his father’s involvement in his business.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: They might be saying that in part to put things on Hunter, when really this investigation is about Joe Biden. The people are interested in this story not because Hunter Biden or James Biden were taking money from foreign oligarchs. They want to understand what was the Biden family business. Millions of dollars through eight family members, dozens of shell companies, was sent from communist Chinese-affiliated groups. Hunter Biden referred one as “the spay chief of China,” “the energy chief of China.” This guy actually had been convicted of bribing I think it was the like eight other presidents of other countries, so people want the know what was going on with this Biden family business.

Nobody, and I doubt Kevin or anybody else can even come up with an explanation, what were they getting in response to the millions of dollars that went to Biden family members?

You’d like people in the media to press the Biden administration and other people on what was it that people were getting in exchange for this money from these corrupt oligarchs, these energy officials, these Communist Chinese officials? What were they getting in response? Why were they so keen to give money to people who weren’t businessmen, who weren’t criminal defence attorneys, but were getting money for those things?

HOWARD KURTZ: You know, Hunter Biden has acknowledged in an e-mail that has bene unearthed that he was well aware part of what he was selling, or much of what he was selling, whether to Ukraine or China was his last name. He explicitly said that. Kevin, I’ll let you respond to Mollie, but let me also give you the flipside, which is some in the White House are also said, according to this Politico report, to be happy that Hunter is fighting back, feeling you can’t let these allegations go unrebutted. But as he’s swinging away and filing lawsuits, all that sort of thing, doesn’t it add fuel to the House impeachment inquiry of President Biden?

KEVIN WALLING, BIDEN SURROGATE: Well certainly, you know, I think, Howie, the president’s son has been subjected for years to this kind of awful, these awful attacks without any ability to defend himself. Let’s not forget James Comer ran a committee hearing where Marjorie Taylor Greene held up a naked photo of Hunter Biden in that committee hearing. So Hunter Biden should have his day in court in the public sphere, which this committee would provide, to clear his name.

And Mollie knows well as do you, Howie, this is not the first son or daughter of a president, brother, sister of a president to use their last name in order to, you know, gain money, influence, what have you. But again at the end of the day, as we’ve seen, there is no direct link whatsoever back to President Biden. They’ve failed to identify any direct link, any direct action that the president or then-vice president or even Senator Biden took in reaction to any of these kind of conversations that Hunter Biden had in his business dealings.

HOWARD KURTZ: Let me just follow up briefly. You say that Hunter Biden until recently didn’t have any ability to defend hardships? He’s gone on TV and does interviews, he issues statements, he is pretty prominent as a result of all this, so why do you say he can’t — wasn’t able to defend himself?

KEVIN WALLING: Surely, he’s provided interviews, he wrote an impactful memoir talking about his addiction in the past and how it destroyed his life, but certainly having the ability to come forward in this kind of setting, I think, would be critically important to talk about all these kind of accusations that James Comer and others have thrown at him.

HOWARD KURTZ: Mollie, there are a lot of unanswered questions, no question about it, about Hunter Biden, including his dad as VP joining a whole bunch of business calls with Hunter associates. A $20,000 check from the president’s brother, James Biden, who’s also been subpoenaed. But assuming we eventually get to some kind of public showdown, would the media root for Hunter and praise his testimony? You’re laughing.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Well, the one thing we know is that the media truly don’t think their job here is to do anything other than to protect the Biden family.

And, again, this was a family business. Everyone admits they were trading on the name of Joe Biden and his position of privilege. To view this as an abuse of his position that the family was able to get so much money, and we do know now from some of the documents that have been released, like official government documents, official copies of checks that money did flow to Joe Biden himself from some of these business dealings that were done because of his name. This is something the media should be obsessed with, and instead they protect Joe Biden by even not asking questions like why was he using his son for this family business, when his son clearly did have so many demons and so many problems. I think a lot of people look at that and say that son should have been protected from the family business of taking money from foreign oligarchs in exchange for millions of dollars, instead of being exploited and used in the way that he was.

HOWARD KURTZ: I should add that the White House says that $20,000 check from the president’s brother was repayment of a personal loan. Just giving the other side.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Again, if he benefited from this — first of all, they’ve shown no evidence what the loan was for or that a loan existed, but even if you say that, that still shows that he was benefiting financially from these financial arrangements with the Chinese Communist Party which controls China, which has so much to do with American policy making, you know, foreign policy, domestic policy. We really, you know, when you think about what happened during the Russia collusion scam where people invented stories of engagements with Russians and said this meant that Donald Trump had stolen the 2016 election, and here you have millions of dollars flowing from Communist China to the Biden family and we have a media that acts like it’s no big deal.

Source: Hemingway: Dems And Media Can’t Answer What Corrupt Oligarchs And CCP Got For Tens Of Millions That Went To Bidens

Biden Administration Promises $3 Billion Gift to U.N. Green Climate Fund

The Biden administration announced Saturday it is sending $3 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds to the U.N.’s flagship Green Climate Fund (GCF) in a move applauded by Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry.

Source: Biden Administration Promises $3 Billion Gift to U.N. Green Climate Fund