Daily Archives: December 7, 2023

Be Anxious for Nothing: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul

Worry and anxiety rob us of joy. How can we find relief from our fears? Today, R.C. Sproul encourages us to seek renewed joy in prayerful fellowship with our heavenly Father.

Hear more from Ultimately with R.C. Sproul: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL30acyfm60fWxph9skWjvcCF41XqShypw

Source: Be Anxious for Nothing: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul

The Overcomer | VCY

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.Revelation 2:7

No man may turn his back in the day of battle or refuse to go to the holy war. We must fight if we would reign, and we must carry on the warfare till we overcome every enemy, or else this promise is not for us, since it is only for “him that overcometh.” We are to overcome the false prophets who have come into the world and all the evils which accompany their teaching. We are to overcome our own faintness of heart and tendency to decline from our first love. Read the whole of the Spirit’s word to the church at Ephesus.

If by grace we win the day, as we shall if we truly follow our conquering Leader, then we shall be admitted to the very center of the paradise of God and shall be permitted to pass by the cherub and his flaming sword and come to that guarded tree, whereof if a man eat, he shall live forever. We shall thus escape that endless death which is the doom of sin and gain that everlasting life which is the seal of innocence, the outgrowth of immortal principles of Godlike holiness. Come, my heart, pluck up courage! To flee the conflict will be to lose the joys of the new and better Eden; to fight unto victory is to walk with God in paradise.

His Word Remains Forever | Daily Thoughts about God.

Matt: 24:35 “Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words remain forever”

Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words remain forever” Matthew 24:35

In a day of change and turmoil, the promise is made that the word of God will stand forever. The significance of that guarantee is monumental, incredible. It is not just that a book shall remain in print; rather, it is that the multitudinous truths contained in that book likewise will remain in effect steadfast and true.

Long after heaven and earth have passed away God’s holy Word will continue to endure.

That should mean much to you and me in our daily walk. God’s promise, “All things work together for good,” to the believer is just as true today as it was when it was written centuries ago.

In fact, every one of the promises in the Word of God – including the 365 referred to in this daily devotional – is bona fide, guaranteed by the God of the universe, the Creator of all things. That alone should strengthen our faith to know that we can trust him supremely with our lives and everything concerned with them.

When all else fails, when hope is almost gone, we can come back to the Word of God, which is “quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword.” It will have the answer for every problem, every burden, every need we face.

Bible Reading: Matthew 24:36-42

TODAY: I will place my complete confidence in God’s unchanging Word and will rest upon His faithful promises to all believers for supernatural living.

by Dr. Bill Bright
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• Enjoying God’s Word – by Brigitte Straub

 God’s Timeless Gift – A Devotional by Allan Mitchell

• What Is Your Measuring Stick? – by Dr. Henry Brandt


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The post His Word Remains Forever can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

Hope Changes Everything | Daily Thoughts about God.

Hope Jesus Winter Spring Light

Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God Psalm 43:5

A couple of weeks ago, before our recent snowfall, I looked out the window into our backyard. The grass was brown and the trees were bare. The bird feeder was empty and uninviting. (We fill it when the ground is covered with snow.)

It was a depressing scene, and yet I saw hope. In a few months the trees will have buds and the grass will turn green again. The birds will return to their nests and baby birds will learn to fly.

I know there is hope in the dead of winter because spring will come again. Every year. Without fail, the cold days will become warm again.

The weather seasons will change, but sometimes the seasons of life feel long and drawn out.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to go through life without knowing Jesus.

With Jesus, I know I’m not alone and that no matter how long winter seems to last, I know it will not go on forever.
Without winter, there would be no spring.

Without death, there would be no resurrection.

Without the valley, I wouldn’t see the mountain.

Without the hard days, I wouldn’t enjoy the good days.

Without chaos, I wouldn’t appreciate the quiet days.

Without Jesus, there would be no light to break through the darkness.

I don’t know what season of life you’re walking through, but I encourage you to not give up.

The calendar pages turn and the new life of spring will be here before we know it.

God is most certainly at work, whether we can see it or not. Life seasons change, often much slower or quicker than we would like. But in every season there is hope.

Because of Jesus, there is always hope. And hope changes everything.

By Laura Rath
Used by Permission
From https://laurarath.blogspot.ca/

Further Reading

• HOPE – A Devotional by Gail Rodgers

• A Poem of Hope – By Helena Fehr

• The God of Hope – by Helen Lescheid

The post Hope Changes Everything can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

7 Dec 2023 News Briefing

COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious
As of this morning, we are six days into the two-week climate change summit in Dubai. Yes, as we can all note for the thousandth time, literal fleets of private jets have descended on the desert so that bankers and billionaires can talk about making sure we don’t drive anymore or eat too much cheese. Charles III and UN Secretary-General António Guterres falling into a traditional good cop/bad cop hustle. Charlie warned that we are embarking on a “vast, frightening experiment”, asking “how dangerous are we actually prepared to make our world?”

Texas, The Daily Wire, & The Federalist Sue US State Dept For Conspiring With Newsguard To Censor American Media Companies
Following bombshell censorship revelations exposed over the last year, beginning with the Twitter Files, the state of Texas, The Daily Wire, and The Federalist have filed a lawsuit against the US State Department on Tuesday, alleging that the government agency funded censorship technology designed to bankrupt domestic media outlets which have disfavored political opinions.

Moms For America Endorses ‘Proven Leader’ Trump For 2024 Presidency
Conservative family advocacy Moms for America announced support for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, citing the need for “leaders who are not afraid to fight for what’s right.”

Senate Republicans Block Biden Ukraine Aid Despite Warning Over ‘Direct Conflict With Russia’
Joe Biden suggested that if Congress doesn’t send Ukraine more money, now, it may ’embolden’ Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade a NATO ally, which would precipitate “American troops fighting Russian troops.” The threat was not persuasive. To be clear a war between two nuclear powers is guaranteed to end with nuclear war. Didn’t the Democrats insist that Trump would start World War 3?

Some Democrats join Republicans in voting to strike down Biden’s EV mandate
The House voted Wednesday evening in favor of legislation striking down federal regulations targeting gas-powered vehicles which, according to the White House, are designed to “accelerate the transition to electric vehicles.” In a 221-197 vote, the House approved the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act with 216 Republicans and five Democrats voting in favor.

Fearful American Jews arm up and flock to the gun range
Many used to be anti-gun but their world has changed since October 7 As a wave of fear spreads throughout the US Jewish community triggered by October 7, such signs are becoming much more common as Jews have started arming themselves. Many who were staunchly anti-gun the day before the terror attack are now applying for their own firearms licences as they look on in horror at an exponential rise in antisemitism.

IDF Commando Brigade raids Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis in south Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces’ 98th Division, which includes the Commando Brigade and other special forces, launched a raid of Khan Yunis, Hamas’s stronghold in southern Gaza, IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari announced on Wednesday evening, adding that Hamas was surprised by the raid. From the outset, the troops eliminated a number of terrorists and with aerial support, located approximately 30 tunnel shafts and destroyed them,”

Temple Mount groups plan ‘March of the Maccabees’ through Jerusalem’s Old City
Temple Mount activists plan to conduct a march through the Old City of Jerusalem on Thursday, with organizers saying the march aims to call for the removal of the Waqf from the Temple Mount. The march has been approved by Israel Police.

IDF drops Gaza leaflets citing Quran, warns of punishment for ‘wrongdoers’
The IDF dropped leaflets over Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday citing a Quranic verse about how the wicked in the times of Noah were swept away by the biblical flood, according to Palestinian reports. “Then the Flood overtook them, while they persisted in wrongdoing,” read the leaflets which also included a Star of David and the emblem of the IDF.

IDF bursts through Hamas forces, operating in heart of Khan Yunis
Netanyahu: Israeli forces are surrounding Sinwar’s home So his house is not his fortress, and he can escape, but it’s only a matter of time before we get him,”

Netanyahu says IDF will demilitarize Gaza after war
“I want to say an additional word about ‘the day after Hamas’: Gaza must be demilitarized. And in order for Gaza to be demilitarized, there is only one force that can see to this demilitarization – and that force is the IDF.” “No international force can be responsible for this. We have seen what has happened in other places where they brought in international forces for the goal of demilitarization.”

IDF strikes 250 terror sites in Gaza as ground battles intensify
In Deir al-Balah in the central Strip, the IAF eliminated Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists and destroyed terror infrastructure. Six were killed and many injured in an IAF strike on Wednesday morning in the Nuseirat Camp, some 3 miles northeast of Deir al-Balah, according to Palestinian reports.

Having served in the US Army fighting in Afghanistan, I can tell you Israel is doing more to protect innocent civilians than any nation in history
Traditionally, warring nations have sent uniformed men and women to fight, and potentially die, in place of their fellow citizens. This practice stems from a government’s desire to shield its noncombatant civilian population from the horrors of combat by employing a professional military to fight on their collective behalf. Hamas has flipped this convention on its head.

Residents of Israel’s north won’t return home until Hezbollah is removed from border, says Israeli defense minister
The heads of the local authorities of Israel’s northern border communities demanded a meeting with the defense minister to receive an estimate on how long their residents would have to remain war refugees.

FDA shows interest in study that could lead to official approval for transgender hormones
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has expressed interest in a proposed clinical trial pertaining to “transgender” hormone use, potentially indicating future formal approval of yet another method of the controversial chemical procedures.

UN Sec-Gen invokes rare article in attempt to force a ceasefire
Guterres invokes rarely-used Article 99 for the 1st time to demand Security Council force a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. This is the first time Guterres has invoked this article since becoming Secretary-General. He did not do so in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban following America’s withdrawal in 2021.

IDF says it’s shelling Hezbollah targets in Lebanon after repeated attacks by terror group
The IDF says it has been shelling Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon with artillery and tank fire since this morning. An IDF drone also hit a Hezbollah command room and another site belonging to the terror group, it says. The strikes come amid repeated Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel.

Rocket barrages target Beersheba, Gaza border towns; alarms also sound in north
Air raid sirens have sounded in Beersheba and nearby towns and IDF bases, as well as in the northern kibbutzes of Malkia and Shtula near the Lebanon border.

Chennai flooded as heavy rains from cyclone Michaung batter south India
Rescuers used boats to reach people stranded in their homes amid widespread flooding in the India’s Chennai on Wednesday after cyclone Michaung barrelled into the southern coast, bringing in heavy rain and winds that uprooted trees and damaged roads.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23
Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday.

‘Jews Stand Proud’: Canada Rallies in Force for Israel and Against Rising Antisemitism
… Canadians stood in solidarity and defiance against Jew-hatred and the brutality of Hamas, an Islamic terror group, to honor the memory of the October 7 victims and amplify the call for the return of the hostages.

Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’
New Canadian government data has revealed the nation has suffered a staggering 135% spike in listed as “unspecified causes.” Statistics Canada, an agency of the Canadian government, has just published a new report revealing that the nation smashed records for deaths in 2022.

Whistleblower: 20% of New Zealand’s Vaxxed Population Have Died
…Due to strict mandates and heavy government pressure during the Covid pandemic, the vast majority of the New Zealand population is fully vaccinated. Official data shows that 95.8% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12 and over have received one dose of the Covid mRNA shots.

House Passes Resolution Stating ‘Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism’
The House on Tuesday passed a resolution that says “anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” the chamber’s latest piece of legislation conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism. The resolution, which is presented as a resolution condemning antisemitism, passed in a vote of 314-14-92. Only thirteen Democrats and one Republican voted against the legislation, while 92 Democrats voted “present” in protest of a line buried in the bill that explicitly claims anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

Biden Tells Israel To Wrap Up War By January As An Estimated 80% Of Gazans Displaced 

With a ground war now raging in the Gaza Strip’s second largest city of Khan Younis in the south, civilians have nowhere left to go. The Strip’s southern half was initially declared a ‘safe zone’ by Israel’s military, but it now says top Hamas commanders are hiding out there.

Senate Republicans Block Biden Ukraine Aid Despite Warning Over ‘Direct Conflict With Russia’ 
On Wednesday President Joe Biden suggested that if Congress doesn’t send Ukraine more money, now, it may ’embolden’ Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade a NATO ally, which would precipitate “American troops fighting Russian troops.”

Rice Nears 15-Year High As Global Food Crisis ‘Much Worse Than 2008’
Rice prices are on the verge of hitting new 15-year highs as the damage effects of the El Nino weather phenomenon across Asia have damaged farmlands, leading to dwindling supplies.  Thai white rice 5% broken hit $640 per ton this week. These prices are back to levels not seen since October 2008. Prices are up over 50% since the start of 2022.

Sick: Democrat Pennsylvania School Board President Sworn On Stack of Books That Includes Sexually Explicit Material Depicting Naked Teenage Boys
On December 4, Democrat Karen Smith was sworn in as the new school board president in Central Bucks, Pennsylvania. While most newly elected officials choose a bible for this type of occasion, incumbent Smith brought a stack of books to the ceremony instead.

An open letter to PM Benjamin Netanyahu and all Jewish people on the way to peace
Dear Mr. Netanyahu, here is the road to peace for your nation. In the Hebrew Bible, peace is mentioned quite frequently. “When a man’s ways please the Lord,” we read in Proverbs 16, “he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Peace depends on the Almighty as the Psalms reveal: “For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Ps. 4:8)

23andMe admits hackers accessed 6.9 million users’ DNA Relatives data 

23andMe confirmed that a recent breach leaked data belonging to 6.9 million users. In an emailed statement to The Verge, company spokesperson Andy Kill says the breach affected around 5.5 million users who had DNA Relatives enabled, a feature that matches users with similar genetic makeups, while an additional 1.4 million people had their family tree profiles accessed.

Canadian House of Commons committee admits China operated ‘police service stations’ in 3 cities 
Canadians learned last Wednesday from MPs that “yes,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operated police “stations” in multiple locations in Canada, which allegedly serve to target its citizens abroad, but no one has been held accountable yet for allowing this to happen.

Poland’s Windmill Scandal: Tusk’s proposed legislation facilitates German companies to build wind farms on expropriated farmland 
Legislation proposed by Poland’s new government facilitates the expansion of wind turbines in the country, it contains clauses that could make it much easier for Germans to buy Polish land.  These have been added to a bill to freeze electricity prices.

NZ Vaccine Data Whistleblower “Drops Truth Bombs” in First Interview Following His Release From Prison
…The New Zealand government is claiming and charging Barry Young with ‘accessing a computer system for “dishonest purposes’, but, he says he has done nothing dishonest. and according to CounterSpinMedia, “This data was carefully analysed, anonymised, and time shifted to prevent personal information from being released into the public domain. The data has already been handed over to a multitude of research organisations and is reportedly the best trove of official government data on the COVID scandal released so far.”

New Zealanders’ health and longevity are being sacrificed to save politicians and civil servants
Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights three recent studies from South Korea on the harms caused by covid injections.  In light of the arrest of the whistle-blower who revealed unprecedented deaths post-vaccination, Dr. Hatchard asks: “Who do you believe? The researchers in Korea who have published analyses of millions of post-vaccination health records officially made available by their government or our government who are still refusing to make health records available whilst insisting that covid-19 vaccination is safe and effective?”

PfizerGate: Plasmid DNA in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines enters the nucleus of your cells in 5 different ways… 
Covid injections contain therapeutic levels of DNA – this is the definition of gene therapy. When Pfizer and Moderna said that they produced an “RNA vaccine” and that an “RNA vaccine” meant that anything they injected into you would have a short-lived (days) effect at most, it was a lie.

Another Tsunami Prophecy – When Will The American People Start Listening To The Warnings?
…As an adult, I discovered that men and women of God all over the world have been shown enormous tsunamis that will absolutely devastate the coastlines of America.  One will hit the west coast, and one will hit the east coast.  I shared many of these warnings in Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America, and since that time I have heard from even more people that have had similar experiences.  God has been warning us over and over again, but most of those warnings have fallen on deaf ears.

Headlines – 12/7/2023

Guterres urges Security Council to act over Israel-Palestine crisis as threat to international peace and security

UN Security Council to discuss Gaza ceasefire after Guterres invokes rare rule

As UN chief uses rare clause to urge truce, Israeli envoy says he ‘reached a new moral low’

Israel accuses UN chief of backing Hamas, says his term is ‘a danger to world peace’

Israeli soldiers preparing pumps to flood tunnels to ‘dismantle Hamas terror’

Gazans say IDF dropped leaflets with Quran verse about flood carrying away ‘wrongdoers’

Israel Says It Has Killed Half of Hamas’s Battalion Commanders – Fighting is coalescing around Khan Younis, one of the group’s strongholds in southern Gaza. Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip have intensified in recent days.

Israeli raid kills 22 members of Al Jazeera correspondent’s family in Gaza

Report: Terrorists on Oct. 7 had photo of brigade chief, indicating they targeted him

IDF: Forces breached Hamas defenses in Gaza’s north, south; job is to find, kill Sinwar

IDF: We Broke Through Hamas Lines; Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar is Underground

Report: Furious Palestinians Curse Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza; ‘Explosion’ Possible

Israeli TV: Gaza residents increasingly directing anger at Hamas over war

Video said to show desperate Gazans ransacking UNRWA supplies stockpile

After US pressure, Israel approves increasing amount of fuel allowed into Gaza

Gaza crisis: ‘We are spiraling further and further down,’ says W.H.O. official

Turkey’s Erdogan Rejects ‘Buffer Zone’ Plan for Gaza

Leaked audio of heated meeting reveals hostages’ fury at Netanyahu

Urging deal, hostages’ families tell war cabinet some are facing death

Freed Thai Hostages Recount Horror of Hamas Capture, Declare ‘Israelis Had It Worse’

At least 10 freed hostages were sexually abused in Hamas captivity, doctor says

‘Rape-sistance’: Israeli Comedians Mock UN’s Indifference to Jewish Victims

US Jewish groups found ‘The 10/7 Project’ to fight denial of Hamas atrocities

‘The View’ Fights Over Colleges’ Right To Call For Genocide Of Jews

White House raps US university heads for refusing to say calls for genocide of Jews are harassment

White House Shames University Presidents Over Anti-Semitism Hearing: ‘Unbelievable That This Needs to Be Said’

Free speech has been replaced by institutional stupidity at Harvard, UPenn

Student Says It Is Unsafe to Be Jewish on Campus at Penn

Pfizer CEO slams presidents of elite colleges over ‘despicable’ antisemitism

Maryland AG reinstates hate crime task force member who claimed Israeli babies murdered by Hamas were ‘fake’

Israel raises threat level against travel to 80 countries due to Gaza war

In a rare action against Israel, US says extremist West Bank settlers will be barred from America

Bernie Sanders slams Schumer’s $110B aid package over money for ‘right-wing, extremist’ Israel

Knesset advances NIS 30 billion in new wartime funds, over intra-coalition objections

Footage shows pedestrians narrowly dodging falling rocket fragment in Tel Aviv

Erdogan warns Israel of ‘very heavy price’ if Hamas members harmed on Turkish soil

Israel could open second front in Lebanon, defense minister hints

Israel Won Mankind’s First Ever Space Battle by Destroying Houthi Missile Outside Atmosphere

Eilat-bound missile fired from Yemen, intercepted by Arrow over Red Sea

Biden team wary of retaliating against Houthi attacks at sea – Some current and former officials are frustrated with U.S. statements that they believe are downplaying the threat

Daniel DePetris: Blaming Iran for all the violence in the Middle East is not the right tack to take for US policy

Iran court orders US to pay $50 billion for Soleimani assassination

Greece, Turkey try to reset their relationship after years of hostility

US declares warring factions in Sudan have committed war crimes

88 dead after military drone mistakenly strikes festival in Nigeria’s Kaduna State, local officials say

Azerbaijan Warns of War Risks From Weapons Supply to Armenia

New Rwanda bill gives ministers power to disregard some human rights law

Preparing to Join NATO, Sweden Signs Defence Deal With U.S.

NATO Has Three Years to Prepare for War With Russia, Warns Poland Security Chief

Ukraine Downs 41 Russian Drones in Major Overnight Attack

US Hits 4 Russians With War Crimes Charges for American’s Torture in Ukraine

Putin makes rare foreign visit to UAE as Ukraine war grinds on

Russia’s Putin, Saudi crown prince discuss further OPEC+ cooperation in whirlwind visit

Ukraine Assassinates Former Politician Who Criticized Zelensky: ‘Traitor, Collaborator’

Kyiv assassinates pro-Russian Ukrainian politician outside Moscow: reports

Zelensky turning Ukraine into authoritarian state just like Russia, says Kyiv mayor in shocking interview

German FM Baerbock Scolds Hungarian PM Orban Over His Vetoes of Ukrainian EU Ascension and Further Military Aid for Kiev

Senate GOP blocks Israel, Ukraine aid package over border security dispute in key vote

Senate Republicans to Block Schumer’s Ukraine Funding Plan After Classified Briefing Turns Into Screaming Match

Biden White House desperate for Ukraine funding, claims GOP is ‘playing chicken with our national security’ by demanding border closure

Hoyer: The Border’s Been an Issue for a While, But Ukraine Needs Money Now So They Shouldn’t Be Tied

Zelensky Blows Off Congress as Republicans Walk Out of Ukraine Funding Meet: “There Has to be Border Security First”

China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge – In a sign of instability in Beijing’s top ranks, foreign policy and defense officials are vanishing as Xi roots out perceived enemies

Sen. Dick Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn

RFK Jr. claims he flew on Epstein’s jet twice: ‘I’ve been very open about this’

RFK Jr. Flew on Epstein’s Private Jet for ‘Fossil Hunting’ Trip – “It was before anybody knew about Jeffrey Epstein’s nefarious issues,” the independent 2024 hopeful said

Kevin McCarthy resigning from Congress after being ousted as House speaker

House advances resolution to censure Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman over fire alarm incident

“It’s a Bunch of Lies!” – Joe Biden Snaps After New York Post Reporter Asks Why He Interacted with Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Associates

Joe Biden Used a Fake Name to Exchange Over 50 Private Emails With Key Hunter Business Associate – Hundreds of Total Communications Between the Pair

Joe Biden’s Alias Exchanged 5 Emails with Biden Associate Before 2014 Ukraine Trip, 27 Afterward

National Archives to hand over 62,000 Biden records to House GOP, including emails using aliases

GOP Oversight Committee threatens Hunter Biden with contempt of Congress if he fails to appear for Dec 13 deposition

Hunter Biden refuses closed-door deposition and doubles down on public appearance

Report: James Biden to Skip Wednesday’s Impeachment Inquiry Deposition

Peter Schweizer: ‘End of the Country’ if House Bungles Frank and Hunter’s Testimony

Joe Scarborough Goes OFF on Fox News Audience Applauding Trump’s Dictator Pledge: ‘There’s a Sickness’ in Americans Wanting Authoritarianism

Jack Smith Drops Bombshell Filing Promising Proof Of Trump ‘Encouragement of Violence’ – And Knowledge Of ‘Consequences’

Georgia prosecutors put Mike Pence on their witness list in 2020 election subversion case against Trump

14th Amendment challenge to Trump’s eligibility heads to Colorado Supreme Court today

Wisconsin Trump Electors Forced through Struggle Session and Public Apology for Challenging 2020 Election

Nevada grand jury indicts ‘fake electors’ who backed Trump in 2020

Biden argues Trump is an existential threat to America; Trump tries to point finger back at Biden – Democracy and election denialism could be defining issues in the 2024 race

Voting Experts Warn of ‘Serious Threats’ for 2024 Elections

Cheney: Future Violence Likely Because of Trump’s ‘Extreme Attacks’

Lawmakers reach a deal to temporarily extend major federal surveillance program

House Judiciary Committee Advances ‘Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act’

Dems’ Censorship Demand Now ‘Insatiable,’ Constitutional Expert Warns

Biden State Dept blacklists conservative news outlets, lawsuit claims: ‘Censorship regime’

Eric Swalwell claims ‘nobody’ has been a ‘bigger victim of the weaponization of the intelligence community than me’

Google debuts powerful Gemini generative AI model in strike at OpenAI, Microsoft

AI Nightmare: Jimmy Stewart to Put You to Sleep With Wellness App Calm ‘Sleep Stories’

Multiple M-class solar flares erupt on the Sun triggering radio blackouts on Earth, reveals NOAA

One of the brightest stars in the sky will ‘blink out’ on Dec. 12 – Betelgeuse, the most famous red supergiant star and one of the sky’s brightest, will disappear for up to 12 seconds during an ultra-rare occultation by asteroid 319 Leona

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Aras-asan, Philippines

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Hinatuan, Philippines

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits eastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Vanuatu

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts 24,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 23,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft

Merapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

Chennai flooded as heavy rains from cyclone Michaung batter south India

An atmospheric river is soaking the Pacific Northwest with record-breaking rain

October or December? Unusual warmth to near record territory in Plains, Midwest – Temperatures will surge as much as 25 degrees above the historical average late this week in part of the central United States

European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms – Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates

Leo Hohmann: IMF Boss Says Governments Need to Impose Global Carbon Tax on Citizens to Punish Them for Using Energy

Some Democrats join Republicans in voting to strike down Biden’s EV mandate

Bitcoin Mining Used More Water Than New York City Last Year – New estimates find billions of gallons needed to support cryptocurrency, fueling concerns about the environmental impact

Jamie Dimon: Government Should Close Down Crypto

Venezuela’s Maduro Eyes Oil, Mines in Disputed Land

Powder Keg America: Socialist Dictator Maduro Orders Venezuelan Companies To Start Prospecting Oil and Gas in the Disputed Waters of Guyana

Venezuela raises stakes in border dispute, creates military zone to be carved out of Guyana

Guyana Boosts Security, Engages US to Defend Land from Venezuela

Panama Canal jam sends ships sailing continents out of way

Cargo ship breaks down in Egypt’s Suez Canal and crashes into a bridge. Traffic is not disrupted

Doomsday community wants people to live in 575 bunkers for ‘when all hell breaks loose’

Satanic Holiday Display Spotted Inside of Iowa’s Capitol

Six Dead in Texas Shooting Spree Over 8 Hours, Including Couple Discovered in Home at Grisly Scene; Suspect Charged With Capital Murder

Report: Multiple Victims in Shooting at U. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Suspect Dead

Muckraker Report: Secret Chinese Staging Hotel Exposed in Colombia with Military-Aged Men Heading to Open US Border

Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb: Every Illegal Alien Crossing Border Received $5,000 Gift Card

Illegal Alien Praises Joe Biden after Crossing Border: ‘I Love You…Thank You for Everything’

Biden Border Crisis: More Than 12,000 Illegal Aliens Flood Open Southern Border in Last 24 Hours – Highest Single Day Total Ever Recorded

Facebook and Instagram Steer Predators to Children, New Mexico Attorney General Alleges in Lawsuit

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of gang-raping 17-year-old schoolgirl in 4th sex assault claim

Police: Ex-security guard had sex with corpse inside Phoenix hospital morgue

Minneapolis man shoots trans ‘woman’ who made him feel ‘suspicious’ during sex

Family of gay man murdered in Phoenix park want suspects charged with hate crime

Democrat Pennsylvania School Board President Sworn On Stack of Books That Includes Sexually Explicit Material Depicting Naked Teenage Boys

Gavin Newsom: Toy Retailers Must Have ‘Gender Neutral’ Sections or Face Fines

Proposed Locker Room Ordinance Would Allow Staff to Ask Trans Gym Goers for Birth Certificate to Prove Gender

Dem witness who cannot define what a woman is says women should ‘learn to lose gracefully’ against trans athletes

Wisconsin Gov Evers vetoes bill to ban gender transition treatments for kids

Nikki Haley: Government Shouldn’t Ban Child Sex Changes

Major Dem donor, Biden supporter gives $250,000 to Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign

First CRISPR Sickle Cell Patient ‘Reborn’: FDA Approval Expected

Drug startup aims to cure blindness by developing medications in space

New Syndrome May Be Affecting Babies Exposed to Fentanyl

San Francisco faces deadliest year for drug overdoses due to rise of fentanyl

Drug shortages hit record highs

Illinois House Bill Requires Donated Blood to be Screened for mRNA Vaccines

Mayor’s Sudden Collapse During Interview Sparks Vaccine Conspiracy Theory

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

Ex-PM Johnson apologises to UK Covid victims’ families but defends record

Pro-Shutdown Teachers’ Union President Randi Weingarten Blames Drop in Worldwide Math Scores on Pandemic

Turkey prices are down. A deadly bird flu could change that

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · December 7, 2023

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” —John Adams (1775)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1941, the Japanese conducted a surprise attack on U.S. naval forces in Pearl Harbor, killing 2,390 Americans and drawing the U.S. into World War II. It was, as President Franklin Roosevelt said, “a date which will live in infamy.” —Mark Alexander




Debating the Debatable Merits of Debates

Four candidates are getting pretty desperate to give GOP primary voters any reason to abandon Donald Trump.

Nate Jackson

It’s getting awfully late in the Republican primary for anyone not named Donald Trump. So when every other remaining candidate not named Donald Trump gathered for last night’s NewsNation debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, each one was desperately hoping to make the kind of splash needed to separate from the pack and overtake the former president.

We’ll get to a couple of key exchanges in a minute, but first we’d like to provide some presidential primary context.

Iowa is and has long been the first in the nation when it comes to selecting presidential nominees. By definition, that makes winning there really important. Ron DeSantis in particular has put most of his eggs in the Iowa basket, visiting all 99 counties and shaking a lot of hands in hopes that he can dislodge Trump with a strong showing. But Iowa gets it wrong almost every time, at least if “right” means picking the eventual nominee.

In contested Iowa caucuses (i.e., without an incumbent president running unopposed) since 1976, voters chose the eventual nominee only three times — Gerald Ford in ‘76, Bob Dole in ’96, and George W. Bush in 2000. In other words, that’s not a great sign for DeSantis even if he somehow pulls off a miracle while fourth and goal at the 31 yard line (this Auburn fan may or may not have just cursed the crimson team from Tuscaloosa).

Then again, maybe winning Iowa is also not a good sign for Trump if he maintains his lead.

New Hampshire, by the way, has a far better track record picking the eventual nominee, since 1976 failing only with Pat Buchanan in 1996 and John McCain in 2000.

For further perspective, as political analyst Jim Geraghty observed before the debate: “Whether you prefer DeSantis or [Nikki] Haley, your candidate is currently about 30 percentage points behind in Iowa, about 30 percentage points behind in New Hampshire, about 30 percentage points behind in South Carolina, and nearly 50 percentage points behind nationally. This is consistent across all pollsters. You can find Trump leads that are a few points smaller here and a few points larger here, but the overall picture is very clear. Trump is way ahead. DeSantis and Haley are well behind, fighting over a distant second place.”

That news is even worse for Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy, though arguably both men are running more to make a point — Christie the Trump hater and Ramaswamy the Trump stand-in — than to win the nomination.

So, back to the debate. No one could have even hoped to have the kind of debate performance that would suddenly change a bunch of poll respondents’ minds and swing the race wildly in their favor.

None of them did, either, though that isn’t to say no one did well.

DeSantis, coming off last week’s clock cleaning of smug California Governor Gavin Newsom, again displayed a steady command of policy and facts. He does, after all, have a solid record to stand on.

That record includes standing strong for kids against groomers, and he did so last night to perhaps the most enthusiastic applause of the evening. “As a parent, you do not have the right to abuse your kids,” he said. “This is cutting off their genitals, this is mutilating these minors, these are irreversible procedures. And this is something that other countries in Europe like Sweden, once they started doing it, they saw it did incalculable damage, they’ve shut it down. I signed legislation in Florida banning the mutilation of minors because it is wrong. We cannot allow this to happen in this country.”

He also paid perhaps the best backhanded compliment of the night to Trump. “Look, the media is making a big deal” over fears of a Trump dictatorship, DeSantis said. “I would just remind people that is not how he governed. He didn’t even fire Dr. [Anthony] Fauci. He didn’t fire Christopher Wray. He didn’t clean up the swamp. He said he was going to drain it. He did not drain it.”

However, while DeSantis rebuffed “the idea that we’re going to put someone up that’s almost 80,” he was unwilling to say Trump is unfit for office, which prompted thorough and effective mockery from Christie. Trump’s “conduct is unacceptable,” Christie said. “He’s unfit.” DeSantis didn’t say that because primary voters clearly don’t agree.

Ramaswamy landed a couple of big punches against his favorite target, Haley. One was for that big Democrat donor of hers. He even held up a sign reading “NIKKI = CORRUPT” in case anyone needed a visual aid. Another punch was for her being unable to name the Ukrainian provinces she specifically wants to defend, which undermined her touted foreign policy experience, something Ramaswamy cleverly noted isn’t the same as “foreign policy wisdom.”

Once again, however, Ramaswamy was booed for a ridiculous attack on Haley as being “the only person more fascist than the Biden regime.” She’s absolutely guilty of a free speech miscue for wanting to identify all anonymous online speakers, but she walked it back and it doesn’t hold a candle to the actual fascism of the Left.

Haley has enjoyed a boomlet in polling lately, so all three other candidates targeted her. She brushed it off, saying: “I love all the attention, fellas. Thank you for that.”

Arguably the worst moment for any candidate was Christie’s first question and answer, 17 minutes in. Moderator Megyn Kelly kneecapped Christie with a question that began by comparing his dismal approval rating of 25% to Trump’s 81%. “Voters may wonder how you could possibly become the nominee of a party that does not appear to like you very much,” Kelly asserted. That left a mark.

All in all, the big winner of the night once again appears to be Donald Trump. His decision to skip the debates makes the other candidates angry and leaves them to nastily attack each other, which continues to pay off for him.

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Executive News Summary

McCarthy is leaving Congress, House censures fire-alarmist Bowman, attack at UNLV, and more.

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • “I have to run,” says unhinged Joe: Events continue to overwhelm Joe Biden, the president whom columnist and one-time stand-up comedian Kurt Schlichter called “a crusty, desiccated old pervert who was stupid to begin with but is now senile.” After mumbling at a Boston fundraiser Tuesday that if Trump weren’t running “I’m not sure I’d be running,” the Self-Anointed Trumpslayer tried to do some damage control yesterday by saying that “probably 50” Democrats could beat Trump but again insisting, “I have to run.” Some in the mainstream media, though, have determined that Biden is damaged goods politically, and they’re starting to turn on him by asking good questions as opposed to tossing scripted softballs. Get a load of how he comes unglued at the audacity of a question about his interactions with “so many of your son and brother’s foreign business associates.” Rather than calmly answering the question, Biden first stumbled, “I’m not going to comment,” and then he seethed: “I did not and it’s just a bunch of lies. They’re lies. I did not. They’re lies.” Of course, they’re not lies. As House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer points out: “Joe Biden dined at Café Milano with oligarchs from around the world that sent his son money. Joined by speakerphone with Biden family associates over 20 times. Used aliases as vice president to email with his son’s business associate. POTUS just continues to lie.”
  • McCarthy is leaving Congress: In a surprise development on Wednesday, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he will not seek reelection next year. Furthermore, he will retire from Congress come January. Despite having the ignoble distinction of being ousted from the position by every Democrat and eight members of his own party, McCarthy’s announcement contained no animosity for Republicans. Rather, he wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “The Republican Party is expanding every day, and I am committed to lending my experience to support the next generation of leaders.” McCarthy’s decision to leave office a year early will set up a special election in California, though it will likely not be held until the summer, leaving the seat vacant and therefore shrinking the House Republicans’ slim majority.
  • House censures fire-alarmist Bowman: This morning, House Speaker Mike Johnson pounded the gavel and demanded that Jamaal Bowman “present himself in the well” to be officially censured by the House for having pulled a fire alarm to obstruct an official House proceeding — namely, a vote to prevent a government shutdown. The vote was 214-191, with three decent Democrats crossing over to vote for censure. Bowman, a full-on “Squad” member and a former middle school principal, had laughably claimed that he was “rushing to make a vote” and “trying to get through a door” and that he “thought the alarm would open the door.” Uh-huh. When that didn’t work, Bowman and his surrogates went full Godwin, saying that House Republicans “need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.” The censure was thus a brief moment of decency and justice within the People’s House, and it flew in the face of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ridiculous claim yesterday, in defense of Bowman, that pulling a fire alarm to obstruct a House vote is hardly more serious a matter than “jaywalking.”
  • GOP senators blocks Ukraine aid: Mitch McConnell’s grip on the Senate’s GOP caucus ain’t what it used to be. Yesterday, as Just the News reports, Republicans in the upper chamber “blocked a procedural vote on a supplemental spending bill that included billions in foreign aid to both Ukraine and Israel, preventing the measure from advancing to the floor for consideration.” It was a close vote, 49-51, with strange bedfellow Bernie Sanders joining Republicans to oppose the bill, but it would’ve needed 60 votes to clear the Senate’s filibuster hurdle. Senate Republicans, like their House colleagues and the American people more generally, have become increasingly frustrated by the billions of taxpayer dollars being spent in Ukraine with seemingly so little to show for it. But this particular vote must be seen in its full context: The GOP is seeking to separate aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine, and to couple the latter with more spending to secure our porous southern border. Even McConnell has come grudgingly along, noting that now is “the time to pay attention to our own border in addition to these other important international concerns.”
  • Did House J6 Committee collude with Atlanta prosecutor? It’s no secret that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is a sleazy and unscrupulous Trump-hating hyper-partisan. But would she go so far as to collude with Nancy Pelosi’s rigged J6 Committee to prosecute her case against the former president? It seems so, and House Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of this alleged violation of Donald Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights with an inquiry into whether the January 6 Select Committee provided Willis with documents and materials to aid her criminal case against Trump. Naturally, Willis has been uncooperative. As a letter to her from House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan tells it: “Recently, the Committee became aware of cooperation between your office and the partisan January 6 Select Committee. We are in possession of a letter, dated December 17, 2021, and enclosed herein, from you to Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman of the partisan January 6 Select Committee, requesting access to congressional ‘records that may be relevant to our criminal investigation.’” The charges against Trump and his associates include forgery, racketeering, and soliciting a public official to violate their oath of office. Sounds more like a description of Willis and congressional Democrats.
  • Attack at UNLV: In Nevada, a former college professor with an MBA from Duke University targeted and attacked staff at Lee Business School on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, killing three people and wounding others before being killed by police. According to early reports, the 67-year-old assailant had applied for work with UNLV’s Lee School but had been rejected. Notably, the lockdown response to the attack continued for hours after the Las Vegas PD announced the assailant had been killed. It also included a ground stop of all flights at Las Vegas International Airport, a shutdown similar to the recent Thanksgiving Day closure of Buffalo International Airport after a false report of a “terrorist attack” at the Niagara Falls bridge. Astoundingly, and typical of the asinine tone-deaf posts by major social media platforms, the UNLV assailant’s LinkedIn page noted, “In memory of Tony Polito — This account has been memorialized as a tribute to Tony Polito’s professional legacy,” though it appears LinkedIn eventually took it down.
  • Billions allocated, no chargers installed: Back in 2021, under pressure from Joe Biden for the furtherance of his climate change agenda, Congress allocated $7.5 billion for the construction of hundreds of thousands of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. Two years later, the program has not constructed a single charging station. And Biden wants everyone driving EVs by 2040? Of that $7.5 billion, $2 billion has been sent by federal officials to the states, with fewer than half the states having even begun taking contractor bids for constructing charges. At this rate, the federal government will have built exactly zero charging stations by 2030, when Biden wants half the cars on America’s roads to be EVs. Welp, so much for saving the planet.
  • Gender fight in Congress: During a House hearing addressing the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX that would effectively redefine sex to include “gender identity” as opposed to biological reality, Democrat Representative Summer Lee (PA) preemptively attacked and smeared the panel of witnesses, including former NCAA swimmer and women’s rights advocate Riley Gaines. Lee inferred they’re guilty of espousing “transphobic” and “hateful misinformation.” Gaines took the smear in stride, expressing her competitive spirit by hitting back at Lee in her opening statement: “If my testimony makes me transphobic, then I believe you’re opening monologue makes you a misogynist.” That triggered Lee, who demanded that Gaines’s words be stricken from the record. Gaines countered by asking, “Can I just ask how it’s fair to be called transphobic?” To which Lee disingenuously responded, “I never called you anything.” After a bit of back and forth with the chair, Lee’s request was denied.
  • Sneaky nuns bully Smith & Wesson: A group of Second Amendment-opposing Catholic nuns recently filed a lawsuit against firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson in an effort to prevent the company from making AR-style rifles. The same group of anti-2A nuns first engaged in a sneaky effort to buy up stock in the company and then file shareholder proposals to end the manufacturing of the rifles. The nuns, who are members of four different congregations, effectively deny reality when they claim that AR-style rifles “have stolen the lives of so many innocent people and devastated communities across the nation.” Furthermore, they falsely claim, “These rifles have no purpose other than mass murder.” Vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation Lawrence Keane called the nuns’ lawsuit “frivolous,” observing that “this same group has been filing shareholder proposals and losing so I guess they’re trying a new tactic.”


  • FDA delays menthol ban following lobbying war (Roll Call)
  • Union workers at Jeff Bezo’s WaPo plan walkout as insiders question billionaire owner’s role in newsroom drama (Fox News)
  • U.S. migrant population reaches largest share in history (The Federalist)
  • U.S. military grounds entire fleet of Osprey aircraft following a deadly crash off the coast of Japan (AP)
  • DOJ brings first war crimes charges against Russians accused of torturing U.S. citizen in Ukraine (Washington Times)
  • Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about anti-Semitic graffiti scrawled all over bathroom, getting berated by workers (New York Post)
  • Israeli forces have started flooding Hamas’s terror tunnels with seawater (Townhall)
  • Venezuela orders drilling in Guyanese territory, raising prospects of conflict (Washington Examiner)
  • French farmers protest taxes with manure (Not the Bee)
  • Humor: Keeping you safe: Here are 10 more dangerous J6 criminals the FBI just arrested (Babylon Bee)

For more editors’ choice headlines, click here.

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Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Targets Women

Why does this cultural issue have such vehement backing when all science points against it?

Emmy Griffin

When the rare mental illness known as gender identity disorder became “gender dysphoria” under the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 2013, it set in motion a chain of events that have led to the “transgender” craze. This relatively small name change effectively morphed a well-documented mental illness that had always presented in young boys into a more generalized feeling of discomfort with one’s own body that’s become much more prevalent in adolescent girls.

“Dysphoria” means being uneasy or dissatisfied with life. In essence, the APA name change expanded something serious to make it more codable by the medical system, but in actuality it helped start to foster the monster that would later be dubbed by Dr. Lisa Littman as Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD).

In the early 2010s, renowned Finnish psychiatrist Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala was asked to head Finland’s first gender youth clinic and help pioneer the Dutch Protocol model knows more colloquially as “gender-affirming care.”

It was shortly after these two factors came into effect that a phenomenon started appearing in this particular field of mental disorders. There was a slow-building explosion of girls and young women who were presenting with the newly minted “gender dysphoria” label. Dr. Kaltiala wrote: “The ones who came were nothing like what was described by the Dutch. We expected a small number of boys who had persistently declared they were girls. Instead, 90 percent of our patients were girls, mainly 15 to 17 years old, and instead of being high-functioning, the vast majority presented with severe psychiatric conditions.”

What scientists like Dr. Kaltiala, Dr. Littman, Dr. Miriam Grossman, and so many others noticed is that these girls were saying they felt uncomfortable in their own bodies, but also that there were other more severe psychiatric symptoms going on underneath that surface-level dysphoria. They also noticed that before claiming gender dysphoria, these girls had no history of having any discomfort in their bodies or having talked about being the opposite gender. In 2018, Dr. Littman named the phenomenon ROGD because the girls’ dysphoria was kind of out of the blue. Besides being rapid in nature, many of these girls also had an autism diagnosis and many “came out” as part of a larger trend among their peers. In other words, it seemed to be a social contagion. This was quickly smeared and politicized by transgender activists.

However, gender dysphoria as a social contagion is a theory that is becoming more true with each passing year. Honest scientists and investigative journalists are coming out of the woodwork to sound the alarm on ROGD mainly because of the other caveat in this case: so-called gender-affirming care.

“Gender affirmation,” or the Dutch Protocol, is a model of treatment that instructs caregivers to unreservedly provide any medical service available to affirm a person’s psychological desire to become the opposite gender. This generally starts with puberty blockers, which have been falsely marketed as reversible and harmless. Then cross-sex hormones are introduced. For girls, that means testosterone. Next are surgeries: Remove healthy breasts here, create a fake penis there — in other words, gender mutilation in the name of caregiving. None of these treatments is harmless or fully reversible.

ROGD victims are pulled into the rabbit hole of medical transition quickly and all too easily. Some ROGD girls have even reported that they may have been manipulated into it even though they initially weren’t willing to go that far. The other tragic aspect of the medical financial hole that these suffering girls are stumbling into is that with each treatment, the initial euphoria isn’t sustainable. The dysphoria comes back and the girls find they need to go further down the transgender track in their desperate bid to become the other sex.

The truth is they will never become the other sex, and they will never feel at home in their own bodies because their bodies aren’t the problem. It’s their minds that are sick and need attending to by the physicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists overseeing their care.

“Gender-affirming care” and ROGD victims have the surface ability to draw women and men into the trap of “being compassionate.” They demand to know, Is it compassionate to allow a girl to suffer and “remain a girl” if she claims she feels like she should be a boy? This false “compassion” presented by transgender activists and gender-affirmation advocates appeals to the constituents of the party that is guided by their feelings and not their brains (i.e., Democrat voters). It’s not a coincidence that transgenderism is a battleground issue for the Biden administration, as it plays well with Democrats’ main voting bloc: women.

Using the “gender-affirming care” model to sweep ROGD under the LGBTQ rug is not compassion. Compassion is suffering with someone. If one is truly compassionate toward these girls presenting with ROGD, then one would strive to get to the real root of their distress. Gender dysphoria is a way of dissociating; it’s not the main underlying issue for these girls. Some use gender dysphoria as a way to protect themselves from past sexual violence or as a way to cover for another, more severe mental illness that is treatable with medicine and therapy.

Dr. Kaltiala has adjusted the requirements for girls who have shown up at her clinic in Finland. She has instructed her coworkers to treat the most severe mental issues first before addressing the “gender dysphoria.” This has worked not only to help these girls who are evidently in distress but also to cut down on the actual number of patients suffering from gender identity disorder. If others were treated in similar compassionate ways, the ROGD diagnosis would drop by as much as 90%.

Dr. Kaltiala and others have tried to warn the U.S. and Europe that “gender affirmation” is a disaster and is destroying girls’ bodies and minds, their families, and their communities through social contagion and the bully tactics of the LGBTQ activists seeking to take advantage. Many European countries are taking heed.

These warnings have fallen on deaf ears in the U.S. This medical/psychiatric issue is now a political issue — and one that keeps putting Democrats in office. They aren’t going to back down until the devastation is so obvious that future generations will look back at this time and think what idiots these ideologues were.

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Tuberville’s Noble Stand Ends

While he failed to end the Biden administration’s illegal policy facilitating abortions for military personnel, he was right to stand for life.

Thomas Gallatin

Why does it seem that so often when it comes to political battles in Washington, Republicans find themselves on the losing end? The answer often lies in the fact that Republican lawmakers by and large have a much harder time uniting, even on core policy issues, than do the goose-stepping Democrats.

Republicans’ seemingly inherent disjointedness has resulted in yet another loss for a core policy issue that the party claims to uphold as a primary concern. Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville stood his ground for months, holding up the promotion of hundreds of U.S. military officers over Joe Biden’s decision to use taxpayer dollars to provide abortion access for military members, a breaking of the Hyde Amendment that the “good Catholic” Biden long supported. But Tuberville finally ended his crusade this week.

“I’m not going to hold the promotions of these people any longer,” Tuberville stated. “We fought hard. We did the right thing for the unborn and for our military, fighting back against executive overreach and an abortion policy.”

The Democrat-controlled Senate still had the power to individually vote on promotions, though Democrats and the administration wanted the optics rather than an honest debate. The party of death, the party of unlimited and subsidized abortions, wanted the issue front and center following the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade last year.

So, Tuberville stood as the lone Republican senator for months, a man willing to take the smears and jeers of Democrats, their Leftmedia cohorts, and even his own side. Even our Mark Alexander has from the beginning viewed Tuberville’s promotion blockade as absolutely correct on principle but badly flawed in strategy and tactics. He argues Republicans are losing the abortion issue by being viewed as extremists and, in this case, are seen as hurting military readiness.

Respectfully, the rest of the editorial team here disagrees. Tuberville’s stand was not merely a principled but foolhardy effort; it was an effort to preserve Rule of Law, and if we don’t send our elected representatives to Washington to do that, what are we doing? To borrow a phrase from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

What the old football coach did was take a shot. He took the initiative. He took a stand against the egregious and blatantly unconstitutional action of the Biden administration. His only failure was that his own side abandoned him.

Near the end, several GOP senators including Joni Ernst (IA), Lindsey Graham (SC), Todd Young (IN), and Mitt Romney (UT) turned on Tuberville and adopted the dubious Democrat claim that Tuberville was endangering military readiness.

The question is: Why, after all these months, has Tuberville only now conceded his fight? “Senator Chuck Schumer changed the rules on us,” he argued. “And when you change the rules, it’s hard to beat somebody.” The rule change hadn’t happened quite yet, but the Democrats led by Schumer pushed a resolution that if approved by 60 senators would allow them to circumvent Tuberville. Thanks to the aforementioned Republicans, Schumer was likely to get his rule change approved.

As a Hill staffer said of Tuberville’s shift, “This is on everyone who sold him out.”

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Abandoning Bidenomics — the Word, Not the Policies

Biden and his administration think playing word games will fool people who experience economic hardship.

Samantha Koch

In a recent White House press conference, Karine Jean-Pierre reported to the American people that Joe Biden’s economy — fondly labeled by the current Biden handlers as “Bidenomics” — is working for everyday people, and that the costs of food, toys, and holiday items have all gone down since last year.

In his truly iconic way, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy routinely holds Jean-Pierre accountable for her statements. “On lowering prices,” Doocy pressed, “you said earlier that the actions the president has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members, they were saying to each other, ‘Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?’”

If Jean-Pierre were truly confident in the state of the economy and her belief that it is benefiting middle- and lower-income families throughout the country, the simple answer would have been “Yes.” However, when someone is intentionally being deceitful, they tend to use more words than are needed so as to distract the hearer from the fact that their response has no substance and that their statements aren’t backed by any evidence.

Jean-Pierre’s attempt at coherency went like this: “Honestly, I wouldn’t — I — I hear the question, but I want to make sure this is very clear — we take that very seriously. We take what families, the decisions that they make at their kitchen table, whether it’s at Thanksgiving or whether it’s every month as they’re trying to make hard decisions about how they move forward with taking care of their family — we take that very seriously. It’s not a joke to us. This is very important to us. This is a president who talks about it in a very personal way when he talks about what families have to go through, working families, middle class families. And that’s why he’s taken the actions that he has.”

It would seem as though Jean-Pierre feels that aimlessly rambling about Biden’s feelings should satisfy anyone who might be staring at their recent purchase receipts and having different thoughts about the situation.

It also seems as though the Biden administration believes that proper branding, paired with the use of comforting words and phrases about caring, should really make everyone feel better about the sorry state of their bank accounts and the dire trajectory of their finances.

The administration’s brain trust is thinking hard about the words used to inspire excitement and positivity toward the current U.S. economy. According to NBC News, “Since June, President Joe Biden had been freely peppering the word ‘Bidenomics’ into his speeches and remarks mentioning the economy — 101 times to be exact.”

Not anymore. The use of this word has backfired, and it has attached this administration to policies that most Americans don’t believe have worked.

Even Biden’s team seems to understand that Americans are associating their catchword with negative results. People haven’t latched onto the branding effort in the way that Biden’s campaign team would have hoped — which was to hear the word “Bidenomics” and relate it to all of the ways that their families and financial circumstances are thriving.

Several residents from Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, were asked how they’re faring in today’s market. One woman said: “It’s tougher for people, ya know? So how could he be seeing it through our eyes?” Another man responded, “This economy sucks. Everything is going up except paychecks.”

We know this is astonishing, but the voices of the working class do not align with what is being asserted in the White House press room.

To address the public’s increasing stress and displeasure about the rising costs of essentials — never mind trying to squeeze out a few more dollars for holiday extras — Team Biden is now coming to the rescue by changing the branding.

Over the last couple of weeks in Biden’s speeches and remarks, there has been a noticeable absence of the word “Bidenomics.”

Not only that, Democrats have now started using the word “MAGAnomics” in an attempt to shift attention away from the horrendous living situation their policies have created for millions of people. They’re reverting to the only tool they have in their limited kit: fear. They use the term “MAGA” and blame Donald Trump and his supporters for the disastrous state of affairs.

The Daily Caller explained the emergence of this new word: “The Biden Administration characterizes ‘MAGAnomics’ as an attempt to take away health care and raise prices for Americans by ending [Affordable Care Act] expansion.” The Caller cites a memo released by Democrats on Monday: “Efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Inflation Reduction Act put the differences between Bidenomics and MAGAnomics into sharp perspective.”

On that, we agree.

According to the leftists in charge, the solution this holiday season is not for government to stop spending money we don’t have and sending all of our resources overseas, or to find ways to actually lower the costs of goods and essentials that everyday people count on to survive. Instead, they want to rebrand the state of the economy and expect us to believe what we’re told when Biden’s press secretary says that he cares.

We’re sure children everywhere will understand when parents use “MAGAnomics” to make them feel better about their empty stockings at Christmas.

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Haley’s Big Demo Donor

Her acceptance of a $250,000 campaign contribution from LinkedIn lefty Reid Hoffman is disqualifying.

Douglas Andrews

Nikki Haley has been on a roll of late. The former South Carolina governor has pulled in some 70 new endorsements in Iowa, and last week she kicked off a $10 million ad buy in both the Hawkeye State and New Hampshire.

But if Haley thought she had the wind at her back going into last night’s fourth Republican presidential debate — the debate that no one watched — she was disabused of that notion in short order.

“The only person more fascist than the Biden regime now is Nikki Haley,” said Vivek Ramaswamy in an apparent dig at Haley’s recent call for the outing of everyone who posts comments on social media. Ramaswamy went on to lambaste the former UN ambassador for her ties to the defense industry and the sizable fortune she’s amassed thereby in remarkably short order. “Nikki,” he said, “I don’t have a woman problem. You have a corruption problem.”

But it wasn’t just Ramaswamy who went after Haley. It was also Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who himself was fresh off a one-on-one curb-stomping of Democrat shadow candidate Gavin Newsom. “She caves anytime the Left comes after her,” said DeSantis, “anytime the media comes after her. I did a bill in Florida to stop the gender mutilation of minors. It’s child abuse, and it’s wrong. She opposes that bill.”

It wasn’t the harsh words of her Republican colleagues that posed the biggest problem for Haley, though. Instead, it was a huge gift to her super PAC from a Democrat mega-donor — a $250,000 donation from LinkedIn cofounder and Big Tech billionaire Reid Hoffman.

Why on earth, you ask, would a lefty like Hoffman — a longtime Biden supporter who says he’ll vote for Scranton Joey Bagadonuts again next year — donate such a large sum to a Republican?

It’s a great question. And the answer: Simply to meddle. In a LinkedIn post titled “American Democracy, Joe Biden, and Nikki Haley,” Hoffman explained: “I did so because my first priority is American democracy and the integrity of our legal system. That means my first priority is to defeat Trump, and the primary is the first of two chances to do so.”

Apparently, Hoffman thinks that an extra 250 grand is all that’s keeping Nikki Haley from catching fire, winning over 50 million or so Trump voters, and running away with the Republican nomination. Uh-huh.

As to Hoffman’s meddlesome gift, DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin had this to say: “It makes perfect sense that liberal Democrat billionaires would support Nikki Haley’s bid for the White House because she is a liberal. She would let corporations set immigration policy, roll out the red carpet for China, hike taxes on hardworking Americans, and require social media users to register with the government. Ron DeSantis is bearing the banner of conservatism in this nomination contest and will defeat the swamp, starting with Nikki Haley.”

In his justification for trying to rig a Republican primary election, Hoffman trots out one tired trope after another:

I agree with The Economist that a Trump re-election is the greatest threat the world faces in 2024 and with The Atlantic that a second Trump term would pose an ‘existential threat to America and to the ideas that animate it.’ Those of us who believe in America must link arms to block Donald Trump from regaining the White House. America needs both major parties to nominate sane people who will honor their oath of office. …

If America is to avoid another Trump presidency, it will be because Trump loses an election next year. If he is to lose, it will either be to Nikki Haley in the primary, or Joe Biden in the general. I have invested in the Stand for America PAC supporting Nikki Haley because I agree with Jamie Dimon’s recent comments that Democrats should support Haley in the primary and Biden in the general election.

What we have here is a case of election interference. Hoffman is clearly Trump-deranged, and he has no legitimate business meddling in the Republican primary.

As for Haley, she should’ve returned that ill-gotten cash. Or donated it to her favorite charity. Or donated it to the Republican National Committee. That she didn’t do so immediately speaks volumes about her tone-deafness and her opportunism.

It also says something about her character. But now that Hoffman has exposed her willingness to take money from anyone, all that’s left is to haggle over the price.

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Hating God

Marxists are only interested in using believers until they come to power — after which their religious allies are disposable.

Laura Hollis

The news continues to be filled with shocking accounts of Jew-hatred (or as it is more blandly called, “antisemitism”). Ed Morrissey at HotAir described attacks on Jews and Jewish-owned businesses in Philadelphia and New York City last weekend as an “American Kristallnacht.” Yet another article — this one by Darlene McCormick Sanchez at the Epoch Times — connects the support for Hamas and opposition to Israel with the many Marxist movements that have proliferated in the U.S.

Observant Jews and believing Christians may take issue with that conclusion; surely one can support the end of hostilities that take the lives of countless innocents without subscribing to Marxist philosophy.

Of course you can. But the Marxists are using you, nevertheless.

Throughout the history of Marxism, ideologues and activists have often aligned with religious believers by couching their revolutionary aspirations in terms like “fairness” and “justice” that they know will resonate with those having a religious worldview. But Marxists are only interested in using believers until they come to power — after which their religious allies are disposable.

Karl Marx himself was quite specific on this point. At best, Marx viewed religion as a necessary evil in a world of oppressors, the need for which (like the state) would wither away once everything was owned by the proletariat, or working class.

Despite his purported concern for “the people,” Marx was a contemptible racist who referred to Blacks and Hispanics as being “closer to the animal kingdom.” He despised Jews (“The Israelite faith is repulsive to me”) and had nothing but contempt for “hypocritical” Christians, saying, “The social principles of Christianity preach cowardice, self-contempt, abasement [and] submission.” His ultimate goal he expressed thusly: “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”

Marx sought not only the abolition of religion and free commercial exchange but “the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions,” including private property, the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian principles of sexual morality.

It is no accident, therefore, that his acolytes in America advocate for the sexualization of childhood and grade school curricula, a movement that is little more than a thinly veiled attempt to validate the sexual choices and behaviors of adults and to undermine the moral authority of parents trying to instill traditional values in their children.

Nor is it surprising that certain segments of our society insist that men can become women (and vice versa) merely by so identifying. When one raises the scientific objection that neither personal identification, nor chemical or surgical interventions can change chromosomal biology, one is accused of being a bigot or a “transphobe.” This accusation is tossed out even if those scientific realities are being asserted to protect safety and fairness for women (a group considered by the Left to be an “oppressed” class until about 15 minutes ago), as champion swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines saw yet again this week, this time when testifying before Congress.

In other words, to point out that human beings are not God triggers sputtering outrage.

Similarly, much of the hatred of Israel seems rooted in Jews’ biblical claims of God’s gift of the land to them, a fact overlooked by those claiming Israel is an “occupier.”

The same can be said of the laws God gave to the Israelites — most notably, the Ten Commandments, which have provided the foundation for Western society. Those who attack Israel and despise the Jews are openly hostile to the societal principles set forth in the Ten Commandments.

For example, God tells us not to steal or even covet other people’s property; Marxists argue that no one should have personal property, and that the government should take people’s property by force and give it to others. God says “Thou shalt not kill”; Marxist revolutions are inevitably bloody affairs — 100 million people have died under communist regimes. God tells us to honor our father and mother; Marxists claim that family ties interfere with the proletariat’s love of the state. (In communist countries, children are routinely encouraged to report their parents to the authorities for being “enemies of the state.”)

Marxism is utterly unprincipled. The ideology is peppered with phrases like “the end justifies the means” and “whatever it takes to bring about the glorious revolution.” Without a belief in God, there is no supreme authority or natural law to which their own laws and policies must adhere in order to be just.

Instead, it is the “class struggle” of “oppressor” versus the “oppressed,” a struggle in which the vaunted status of “oppressed” can change in the blink of an eye. Facts don’t matter, history doesn’t matter, philosophical consistency doesn’t matter, theft and enslavement and murder don’t matter.

If principles hold no sway with Marxists, neither does precedent. In 2020, Black Lives Matter marches quickly turned to anarchy: riots, arson, looting, violence and even murder. The unrest was often excused as understandable actions by “oppressed” minorities. Now, Jewish Americans who thought they stood proudly with the BLM movement find themselves targeted by increasingly violent mobs shouting, “Intifada revolution!” and “F*** the Jews!”

Where are their defenders? Good question. When the college presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania testified before Congress this week, not one would state for the record that calls for Jewish genocide were violations of university policies.

Just not “oppressed” enough, I guess.

The same thing will happen to Christians — yes, even “social justice” Christians — if the Marxists ever take control and no longer need their support.

There can absolutely be common cause between those who believe in God and those who don’t (or who simply aren’t sure). But there can be no common cause between those who believe in God and those who hate Him.


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The BIG Lie

“I did not and it’s just a bunch of lies.” —President Joe Biden regarding interactions with the Biden Crime Family’s foreign business associates

Requesting Cleanup on Aisle 46

“No, I’m not the only one who can defeat [Trump], but I will defeat him.” —Joe Biden (“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win for the sake of the country.” —Joe Biden on Tuesday)

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

“Republicans have to decide if they want a political issue [or] if they want a solution at the border.” —Joe Biden

“I don’t think they want to solve it. I think they want to keep it as a problem without the tools to make it any better.” —Joe Biden


“Extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress will not support the essential assistance to Ukraine unless we follow the most draconian actions possible to keep immigrants out of America, building walls and the like.” —Joe Biden

“Republicans are now holding urgently needed Ukraine funding hostage to a set of completely unrelated … partisan … border demands.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


“The immigration system has been broken for decades, and our Department of Homeland Security has been underfunded for years and years. And President Biden has addressed both issues with strength from day one.” —DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Baghdad Bob

“When the president got into the White House, we all know that the economy was at [sic] a tailspin. … And the president came in and had to fix that because obviously the last administration did not have a comprehensive plan. … The actions that he took … really took effect on the economy in a good way.” —Karine Jean-Pierre

Dumb & Dumber

“A vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in.” —former Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY)

“We are talking about opening up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are underage, potentially just because someone can point to someone and say, ‘I don’t think you are a girl.’” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

“I know a little something about voter suppression. … My election should not give people the false impression that there’s no voter suppression in Georgia.” —Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA)

“The Heritage Foundation loves Texas. … They always sending us some nonsense bills that somehow set this country on the wrong trajectory. They send them to Texas. They send them to Florida. Every deplorable state that we can think about they usually coming out of y’all’s think tank.” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

Race Bait

“I don’t think white people worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is shaped by constructions of whiteness, and how much that construction of whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity.” —Boston University Center for Antiracist Research founder and director Ibram X. Kendi

Belly Laughs of the Day

“There’s nobody on this committee who has been a bigger victim of the weaponization of the intelligence community than me.” —Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

“I support real solutions at the border.” —Joe Biden

For the Record

“To those concerned with the damage in Gaza: take your complaints to Hamas. Hamas started this war, continues to hold hostages, and built its terror infrastructure in civilian areas. Israel should continue its righteous mission of destroying Hamas.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“Several years ago, some colleges were demanding contracts or ‘affirmative consent agreements’ before students engaged in physical intimacy. Now many leftist students on these same campuses are marching for Hamas!” —Gary Bauer

“Perhaps the FBI should be less worried about pro-life Catholics than it is about hateful and potentially violent Hamas-sympathizing atheists and Muslims who want to harm or kill Jews. Perhaps university presidents should get back to educating students instead of indoctrinating them in hateful and potentially violent Marxist ideology. And perhaps adherents of the Religion of Peace™ could stop threatening, attacking, and killing members of other religions.” —Nate Jackson

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The Foundational Reasons Behind the Conflict in the Land of (Eretz) Israel – Daily Declaration


The current crisis in the land of Israel affects us all in different ways.  Most of us in the West are shocked and even traumatised by the evil and brutality which occurred on 7 October 2023, which can only be described as a demonically inspired massacre.  Sadly, others have seized upon this act of pure brutality and made it a convenient platform in which to expound anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiment.  As Israel endeavours to destroy the perpetrators of this heinous act of brutality and cowardice, such anti-Semitic and anti-Israel sentiment is bound to escalate.

I personally have witnessed numerous times over the last forty-plus years how quickly the world forgets the atrocity and murder of Israelis which precipitates a response, and then focuses solely upon Israel’s response.  This dynamic is even more significant when many ordinary people, in the Church and out, seemingly pay little attention to terrible acts of violence throughout the Islamic and Arab-speaking world, and get very agitated and opinionated when it comes to perceived and actual Israeli violence against the ‘Palestinians.’

This is not negating the fact that many innocent Arab-speaking people in Gaza, Judea and Samaria do suffer and are caught up in the conflict – but there is most definitely an imbalance in people’s attitudes and responses, fed by the often-erroneous media reporting. Why is this so?

But more importantly, why did this cowardly act of barbarism occur in the first place, and why has it so quickly escalated into an anti-Jewish and anti-Israel worldwide crusade?  The main purpose of this paper is not to analyse the events of 7 October and the subsequent response of the Israeli government, as there are numerous other avenues covering these aspects, but to hopefully provide some broader background and context to the current crisis.

The Middle East situation is neither simple nor straightforward, especially to the Western mindset.  It is composed of many layers and is therefore quite complex and complicated, and cannot be even remotely understood unless one looks at these different layers.  Some of these layers stretch back thousands of years, while some are more recent in time. But all these layers are connected.

The very foundational layer relates to the cosmic battle between Almighty God and the adversary, named Satan, Lucifer or the devil, between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.  This brief analysis by no means covers all such layers, nor does it pretend to cover all aspects of those layers. Hopefully though, it might provide some comprehension of this dynamic, a dynamic which affects every person in the entire world.

Explanations of Terminology

Several basic explanations for my terminology will be necessary at the start. I will invariably use the term “the land of Israel”, which is the translation for the biblical term Eretz Israel, the term used in the New Testament.  (See Matthew 2: 22-23.)  The land of Israel encompasses the regions of the present-day State of Israel, Gaza (under the control of Hamas), Judea and Samaria (much of which is governed by the Palestinian Authority – PA).

The term ‘West Bank’ is a relatively modern term for the region of biblical Judea and Samaria and is politically loaded.  The term refers to the period when Jordan illegally annexed that region, and it originally referred to the west bank of the Jordan River, meaning the west side of the nation of Jordan.

Most Arabic-speaking people and especially Christians within the land of Israel most likely did not originate from Arabia when the Islamic armies from there invaded and illegally occupied the land from AD 638.  Strictly speaking, they are not Arabs, although they speak Arabic.

In most instances, local Arabic-speaking people only began seeing themselves as Palestinians after 1948, if not later.  During the period of the British Mandate, it was mostly the Jewish people who called themselves Palestinian.  The Arabic-speaking peoples were mostly aligned to their family or clan (or Church) rather than to having a national identity.

Personal Interest

My personal perspective is shaped by having lived in Israel altogether for some twenty-five years, stretching between 1979-2009.  While there, I was introduced to Jesus; I met and married my wife there, and my four children were all born there.

Although most of my/our interaction was with Israeli people, there was considerable interaction with Arabic-speaking people, both Christian and Muslim. For one year, I worked with physically handicapped Arabic-speaking and Jewish young adults and did all that is required in such a capacity.

For three years in the mid-1980s, I/we lived in what was then a totally Muslim village, Silwan (the City of David); while many of my work colleagues and staff in several work situations were Arabic-speaking people. Just as in any part of the world, there are pleasant and unpleasant Israelis, and there are pleasant and unpleasant Arabic-speaking peoples.

In the years before the first Intifada (an uprising of violence against Israel inspired by the Arab leadership), which began in late 1987, I visited Gaza on numerous occasions, and even spent time walking through the refugee camps.  Back then, they were overcrowded and not at all pleasant places to visit, let alone to live in.

Then from 1988, I began conducting In the Steps of the Light Horse tours from Jerusalem down to the area near Gaza and then onto Beersheba. The Australian Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifles were infantry on horseback, part of the Anzac Mounted Division, and they played an important role in the British-led campaign to liberate the land of Israel from Muslim-Turkish occupation between 1916-1918.[i] The region near Gaza was particularly significant, as this is where the Anzac Memorial is located.  As a result of conducting dozens of such tours, I became quite familiar with much of the territory which was to become well known on 7 October 2023.

The Broader Spiritual Dynamics Behind the Conflict

As a born-again follower of Jesus (John 3:1-17), I became somewhat aware of many of the spiritual dynamics associated with the Jewish people, Jerusalem, Islam and the land of Israel, and particularly of the principles of covenant.

What unfolded on Saturday 7 October can never be understood at the physical level. It is a spiritual conflict at the highest level. Unless there is some comprehension of these spiritual dynamics, then it is well-nigh impossible to comprehend the conflict on the ground. Paul, Moses and Jeremiah summarised the matters at hand:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Then the LORD God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

There is a spiritual conflict of the highest order over the land of Israel.  This battle is over the accomplishment of the purposes of Almighty God for worldwide redemption and the attempts by God’s adversary to hinder and thwart the accomplishment of this grand plan of redemption.  Central within this plan are the dual themes of covenant and the heart of humankind.

Why is Man’s Heart Prone to Deceit and Evil?

The foundation of the conflict in the land of Israel and of the very essence of evil as it affected humankind began in the Garden of Eden.  There, Almighty God created Adam and then Hava (Eve) and enjoyed a personal relationship with them, and there was total peace and harmony.  Such a relationship was based on trust and obedience.

Almighty God gave them just one commandment to obey, but also gave them the gift of free will, to choose for themselves how they were to live. Disobedience, though, would result in the breaking of that relationship of trust – and the penalty for this disobedience would be separation from Almighty God and death. (Genesis 2:17.)

But there is an adversary, a fallen angel named Satan or Lucifer, often mentioned in the Scriptures as the devil, one who opposes God’s plans and purposes for humankind. The characteristics of the adversary are perhaps best summarised by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 14: 12-13), who described Lucifer as an usurper, desiring to exalt himself and ‘unseat’ Almighty God. Jesus said that the devil was a ‘murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.’  (John 8: 44.)

Although the text in Genesis does not specifically say so, but Satan operated through the serpent and craftily and deceitfully enticed Hava (Eve) and then Adam into disobeying Almighty God.  That close relationship was now broken, and the penalty of death was legally and rightfully invoked.  This separation and penalty of death thereupon came upon all the descendants of Adam and Hava (Eve), all of humanity, as we are ALL ‘in Adam’. (Romans 5:12-17)

Almighty God, though, greatly desires for communion with humankind, so He set in motion a plan to restore this personal relationship.  This plan of redemption revolved around a coming seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent – that is Satan.  (Genesis 3: 15).  From the very outset, Satan has endeavoured to thwart God’s plan of redemption.

The fruit of Adam and Hava’s act of disobedience to God’s spoken word was that the spiritual nature of Satan took authority over them.   The authority given to Adam (and Hava) to govern as God’s regents was usurped, and they were now subject to another kingdom – the kingdom of darkness.  Peace and harmony were now lost.

The nature of this new authority was evidenced when Cain, the son of Adam and Hava (Eve), murdered his brother Abel.  Matters thereafter spiralled out of control, as Moses stated: ‘Then the LORD God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.’ (Genesis 6:5)

The Plan of Redemption to be Carried Out through the Institution of Covenant

Almighty God’s great plan of redemption would be worked out through the institution or avenue of covenant, which is a legal agreement between two parties, in this instance, between God and representative men.  There are some very important principles involved in the institution of covenant.  One of these is that the destinies of the two parties entering into such an agreement are then united, they become as one.  If one group or party is attacked or violated, then so too is the other group or party.

Additionally, they are committed to the welfare of each other (as in a marriage covenant). Invariably, the stronger party or group has a responsibility of caring for the weaker party. The stronger party would also invariably give certain stipulations undergirding the relationship.  If these conditions were obeyed, there would be peace and harmony, but if they were disobeyed, there would be dire consequences – as was evident in the Garden.

Covenants were then formally instituted with the killing of an animal and shedding of its blood, whereupon representatives of the two parties would walk between the two halves of the animal, upon the spilled blood.  By so doing, they were making a pledge, swearing an oath, to uphold the conditions of the said agreement.  This in the Bible is termed ‘cutting of the covenant.’

Without a basic understanding of the principles of covenant, it is very difficult to understand God’s plan of redemption as it entails the ensuing history of Israel and an individual’s status once they enter covenant union with Jesus.[ii]

God’s Covenants with Israel

Almighty God called Abram (Abraham) to be a representative man and gave him a number of promises, especially:

  • A land, the land of Canaan, which became the land of Israel.
  • A people, the descendants of Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob, the people of Israel, known also as the Jewish people.
  • That all people groups and nations would be blessed through Abraham, that is through the promised individual seed who would come from Abraham. (Genesis 12: 1-3.)
  • That those who blessed (supported) Abraham (and his descendants who inherited the covenant promises) would be blessed; while those who cursed (opposed) Abraham and his descendants of promise, would be cursed.

These promises were conditional upon Abram obeying Almighty God, leaving his own land and going to the land of Canaan – which he did. Then, while in Canaan, he wanted confirmation from Almighty God that these promises would indeed be fulfilled.  In Genesis 15, God says to him: “I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.” (Genesis 15:7.)  To this incredible promise and statement, Abraham retorted: “LORD God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?”  (Genesis 15: 8.)  This is an amazing response – Abraham is questioning the integrity and word of Almighty God!

Yet God did not rebuke Abraham.  Instead, He gave him the most tangible proof known in the ancient world to reveal the integrity of His word – He cut a covenant.  What is interesting to note here is that God, in the form of a ‘smoking oven and a burning torch’, went between the pieces, while Abram did not.  God was Himself swearing an oath to fulfil the conditions of this covenant!  (See Genesis 15.)

What is equally interesting is that God cut the covenant to confirm His promise concerning the land – although we know from the broader context of Scripture that all those other wonderful promises, including that the Gentiles would be blessed, were included in the cutting and sealing of this covenant with Abraham.

So, the land of Israel is important, not because it is holier than any other land, but because God’s redemptive plans are to be instituted and fulfilled in this land of covenant promise. Is it any wonder, then, that there is a cosmic conflict over this land? Incidentally, one is to worship the land of Israel or be proud because the land is part of their inheritance.

Such acts are a form of idolatry. God covenanted the land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that his redemptive plans for the entire world can be consummated. Conversely, no-one else is to covet possession and ownership of the land. (It should be noted that God has not covenanted any other portion of His world to any other people group.)

When God’s redemptive plans are fully consummated, when God and humankind are again reconciled with each other, then Satan will be banished from interfering in the affairs of humankind.  Additionally, all those human emissaries who are empowered by Satan and who drive various ideologies and worldviews that are opposed to God’s plan of redemption will be disempowered.

The covenant promises given to Abraham were transferred to Abraham’s son of promise Isaac and not to his eldest son, Ishmael. They were then transferred to Isaac’s son Jacob and not to Esau.  These three patriarchs all lived in or near Beersheba and were all buried in the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron.

But Jacob (also named Israel) and his entire family then moved to Egypt, and the children of Israel lived there for four hundred years, where they were mostly in bondage to Pharaoh.  In such a position, how was God’s plan of redemption ever to be fulfilled?  Yet at one point, the people cried out from under their bondage. Moses, whom God raised up to be a representative Israelite, wrote: ‘So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.’ (Exodus 2: 24.)

God redeemed or delivered the people of Israel from under slavery, a deliverance known as the Exodus.  Redemption from slavery was due to the obedience of the people to remain in their homes, kill a lamb, and paint its blood on the doors and windows for protection. This national redemption is remembered each year at Passover.

Through Moses, a separate covenant was ‘cut’, and God’s Kingdom Constitution (His law or Torah) was given to Israel, a time synonymous with the feast of Shavuot (Weeks).  There would be blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience of the associated commandments in what is often referred to as the Sinai-Mosaic Covenant.

A relationship of sorts was now possible with Almighty God, through (1) a repentant heart, (2) the blood of an animal sacrifice, and (3) the mediation of an officiating priest from the family of Levi. The purpose of Israel as a nation was that it would reveal the character and knowledge of Almighty God to the world and would be the conduit through which the seed of the woman, the redeemer, the second Adam, would come.

The only way that there could be a complete restoration of relationship between Almighty God and humankind, though, would be if the penalty of death imposed upon Adam and all those ‘in Adam’, was legally rescinded or overturned. This could only happen if a totally pure and unblemished human (not a lamb) would willingly take that penalty in place of us, as we are all ‘in Adam.’  As no human being can be pure and unblemished, then only God Himself can fulfil this legal requirement and become at the same time a representative human.  Such an event would require a mighty miracle.

The forthcoming representative Israelite who would be the individual seed of Abraham would come through the family of David (from the tribe of Judah), with whom Almighty God also cut a covenant. (1 Samuel 16: Psalm 89: 3-4.) David became the arch-type of the coming redeemer, known in Jewish terms as Messiah, as a representative Israelite.[iii]

It was King David who made Jerusalem the national and spiritual capital of the nation of Israel, and his son Solomon built a magnificent Temple there.  Jerusalem was dedicated to the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and was destined to be the physical location where the plan of redemption would be instituted – and consummated. The choice of Jerusalem was significant, being centrally located in the land of Israel.[iv]

The prophet Isaiah foretold that the future redeemer would indeed come from the family of King David (Isaiah 9: 6-7) and who would be as a pure and unblemished lamb (Isaiah 52: 13-53: 1-13).  The prophet Micah foretold that this person would be born in Bethlehem and whose origins had been from everlasting (Micah 5:2) while the prophet Jeremiah wrote that this coming redeemer, or Messiah, would be called by the people ‘HASHEM is our righteousness.’ (Jeremiah 23: 5-6.)[v] HASHEM means ‘The Name’, referring to Almighty God.

Jeremiah also foretold that Almighty God would institute, literally cut, a new covenant with the people of Israel, which would not be like the covenant He cut with them when He took them out of Egypt.  This new covenant would include a restored relationship, as indicated by the words ‘they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them.’

The term ‘know’ in Hebraic thinking refers also to relationship.  This restoration of relationship could happen as there would be forgiveness of sin. (Jeremiah 31: 31-34.)  This new covenant, Jeremiah continued, would not invalidate God’s ongoing covenant relationship with the nation of Israel.  (Jeremiah 31: 35-37.)  Such a new covenant would require:

  • A representative Israelite.
  • A sacrifice in order to be instituted.
  • A sacrifice so that sins and iniquity can be forgiven.

The institution of these wonderful promises, however, was short-circuited when the nation of Israel went into exile – the northern kingdom to Assyria, and the southern kingdom of Judah (which was basically collective Israel) to Babylon. This exile occurred because the nation was disobedient to God’s Kingdom Constitution (Torah), as revealed in the Sinai-Mosaic Covenant.

But as Almighty God had to honour His word and covenant promises, a remnant of those in Babylonian captivity returned to the land of Israel. One person in particular, Daniel, interceded and reminded God of His covenant grace. (Daniel 9.) This restoration occurred because Persia had conquered the Babylonian Empire, and the new Persian king, Cyrus, permitted their return.

This restoration from exile meant that in the fullness of time God could send forth His promised seed, the redeemer, to Israel and to institute the new covenant.  But in their absence, other peoples had settled in the land and usurped possession.  There were immense challenges for the people of Israel to resettle in the land of covenant promise.

This physical restoration occurred within a broader geo-political framework.  The land of Israel and Jerusalem were strategically located in the centre of the earth.  (Ezekiel 5:5.)  As such, they were sandwiched between the large empires of the north (namely the Hittites, Mittites, Assyrians and Babylonians) and the south (always Egypt.) At that time, it was Persia to the north and Egypt to the south. It suited the Persians to have a suitable ally in the strategic land of Israel.

Additionally, due to its location at the centre of the known world, major trade routes either crossed through or were adjacent to the land.  One such major trade route was the Via Maris, (The Way of the Sea), which went from Egypt up to Damascus.  A major location on this route was Gaza, due to its plentiful water supply and proximity to the coast.

The land of Israel continued to be a region of conflict.  In 332 BC, the Greeks under Alexander the Great conquered the land, and in the process, they introduced a new culture and religious system – Hellenism.  This new worldview was a great cultural challenge for the Jewish people who were endeavouring to reform their religion so they would not again succumb to idolatry – which was the main reason they went into exile.  Some Jewish people, though, were enticed to adopt this new tempting worldview, while most did not.

At one time, the evil Syro-Greek emperor, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, endeavoured to destroy the national identity of the Jewish people.  His evil plans were thwarted by a revolt orchestrated by the Hasmoneans (Maccabees).  This episode was thereafter remembered each year at Hanukkah (John 10:22-39) and became etched into the minds of all Jewish people.

From circa 165 BC, a degree of Jewish autonomy was established in the land of Israel, but then significant rifts began showing up in Jewish society.  The people were mostly aligned into two major blocks, one being those more prone to the Greek or western culture and worldview, and especially associated with the Sadducee Party.  The other group were much more conservative and endeavoured to maintain true worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  These were mostly associated with the Pharisee Party.

In time, other smaller parties also began to emerge.  The differences between the two main groups became so pronounced that it often spilled out into conflict. It was not a peaceful time, and those words of Jeremiah concerning the condition of the human heart were often revealed during this period.  The superpowers of the time, Rome and Parthia, were always hovering on the periphery, with Rome ultimately occupying the land in 63 BC.

The First Coming of Jesus

The constant conflict in the land of Israel did, however, create a deep desire and expectancy among many for a redeemer, known as the Messiah, to come.  It was at this time, about 6 BC during the reign of the illegal King Herod, that a baby named Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus the son of Joseph) was born in Bethlehem. The baby was a total miracle, as His mother, Miriam, was a virgin (betulah)[vi], as foretold by Isaiah and the Archangel Gabriel. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-36) When his parents presented baby Yeshua before the LORD at the Temple in Jerusalem, an aged man named Simeon took the baby in his arms and proclaimed:

“For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
Which you have prepared before the face of all peoples,
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.”
(Luke 2:30-32)

When of age, Jesus became an itinerant rabbi teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven (God).  But the main purpose for Jesus coming to earth as God-incarnate was to live in perfect obedience to the ‘Constitution’ of the Kingdom of Heaven (God).  If He did then He could legally take the penalty of death which had been imposed upon Adam and his descendants – upon humankind.

About the year AD 27, Jesus and His followers visited Jerusalem for the Passover (Pesach). While on the way, He told His followers that He would be condemned to die, and that His life would be a ransom for many.  (Mark 10:33-34; 45)  Then, while eating the Passover meal, Jesus took a cup of wine and declared: “This cup is the new covenant in My blood which is shed for you.” (Luke 22:20) Jesus was alluding to Jeremiah 31.

Then, according to His own words, He was arrested and condemned by many of the Jewish religious leaders of the trumped-up charge of blasphemy.  He was then charged by the Roman civil leader, Pontius Pilate, with the trumped-up charge of treason.  Although totally innocent, Jesus was sentenced to die and was subsequently brutally (but willingly) executed on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.

While on the cross, Jesus said of His persecutors: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.”  (Luke 23:34) Then Jesus also said, “Peace be with you” (John 21: 19) and “It is finished.”  (John 19:30) In other words, God’s plan of redemption was completed – a pure and innocent man (akin to a lamb) was dying in place of all of humankind to restore true peace.

In total vindication of his innocence and that he was completely obedient to Almighty God, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. The death and resurrection of Jesus was the greatest act of love ever witnessed in human history.  It revealed the great depths that Almighty God was willing to go to restore relationship with humankind, to bring them into personal covenant union with Himself.

Thereafter, many Jewish people believed that Jesus was in fact the sacrificial lamb of God (Isaiah 53) and the representative Israelite of the new covenant.  They repented, that is, changed their allegiance, from being ‘in Adam’ to being in covenant union with Jesus.  (Jeremiah 31: 31-34; Luke 22: 20.)  Not only was the penalty of death over them legally rescinded, but they also received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life.  (Romans 5: 12-19; Hebrews 9:13-15.)

The coming of the Holy Spirit in power was foretold by Jesus at the time of His ascension.  On that occasion His followers asked Him: “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?”  Jesus responded: “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.  But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1: 6-8.)

Jesus did not say that God’s kingdom purposes for Israel had now been negated by His coming; He merely said that God the Father alone knew the ‘times and seasons.’  The task of His followers was now to take the message of what He had accomplished by His death and resurrection out to all nations.

At that point, Jesus ascended into heaven in a cloud, and His followers gazed steadfastly at His departure.  Then, as written in the book of Acts ‘two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?  This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”’ (Acts 1: 10-11.)

Being Jewish men immersed in the Scriptures, they knew that Zechariah had declared of the coming Messiah: ‘And in that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the east.’ (Zechariah 14: 4.)  The hope of the followers of Jesus thereafter was that Jesus would return in like fashion, to the Mount of Olives to the east of Jerusalem.

The Birth and Growth of the ‘Messianic Israel’ Movement – the Church

Ten days later, during the Jewish feast of Weeks or Shavuot, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon Jesus’ followers, and thereafter thousands more were added to the movement of ‘Messianic Israel’. Later Gentiles also willingly accepted this pardon from the death penalty and were also born-again of the Spirit.

Many of these Gentiles were introduced to Jesus though Saul, or Paul, who later wrote to the congregation of Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus in Rome about the relationship between Gentile Christians and Jewish people who yet did not know Jesus as Messiah. Paul’s clear instruction for the Gentile Church was that they were to provoke Israel to jealousy – for their Messiah. (Romans 11:11)  He also said that ultimately, there would be a full or complete number of the Gentiles who would believe and then all Israel would be saved. (Romans 11:25-26)

But all the nation of Israel did not repent and accept Jesus as their Messiah and sin-bearer (Isaiah 53); they did not personally ‘know’ Him (Jeremiah 31). In fact, most of the leaders openly rejected Him.   So, does this mean that God’s word spoken through Jeremiah and Paul is wrong?  Does this mean that God has rejected the people with whom He entered covenant? Does this mean that Simeon’s prophecy that Jesus would be the glory of God’s people, Israel, was wrong?

Jesus never rejected His own people according to the flesh, but stated of those who persecuted Him: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34.) He also had to practice what He preached concerning loving one’s enemies.  Jesus knew that His people according to the flesh would ultimately accept Him as their King Messiah when He said, ‘You shall see me no more till you say ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’. (Matthew 23:39; Psalm 118:26)

That time is most likely synonymous with what the prophet Zechariah prophesied: “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on me whom they pierced.  Yes, they will mourn for him as one grieves for his only son, and grieve for him as one grieves for a firstborn.”  (Zechariah 12:10)

The timing of this incredible reconciliation in Jerusalem (like Joseph being reconciled to his brothers in Egypt) would be somewhat delayed.  In AD 66, a revolt broke out against the Romans.  By the year AD 70, the Romans had defeated the Jewish people, destroyed both Jerusalem and their Temple and exiled many of the survivors from the land of covenant promise.  One survivor, Rabbi ben Zakkai then redeveloped Judaism, so it could survive without a Temple, a priesthood and a sacrificial system. One major building in Jerusalem was not destroyed by the Romans – the Fortress or Citadel, which was left as a symbol of Roman victory and Jewish defeat.

Then some years later, the Romans renamed Jerusalem, calling it Aeolia Capitolina – in honour of the chief deity of the Roman state, Jupiter Capitolinus. They even built a temple to Jupiter on the very place where the Temple to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had once stood.

It was most likely this event that provoked a second major revolt against the Romans in AD 132.  This Jewish revolt was led by Shimon bar Kockba, who was even endorsed as being the messiah by the great Rabbi Akiva.  The Jewish followers of Jesus could not fight under someone whom they believed was a false messiah.  As such, they were persecuted and ostracised by many within the Jewish community.

The Second Exile

During this period, the Jewish leaders basically ousted the Jewish followers of Jesus from the community of Israel.  The collective attitude towards Jesus and Jewish followers thereafter became progressively more negative.  In time Jesus was given the name Yeshu, which is an acronym that basically means ‘may his name be blotted out.’  These Jewish followers of Jesus were often badly treated during this period.

By AD 135, the Romans had defeated the Jews.  They again exiled many of the survivors from the land of Israel (especially from Jerusalem and Judah).  Then, to disconnect the Jewish people from their earthly inheritance, they renamed the land Syria Palestina, or Palestine, in honour of the pagan Philistines!  David would have rolled over in his grave!

This exile included the Jewish followers of Jesus – and the ecclesia or Church in Jerusalem thereafter became Gentile-led.  The broader Church progressively thereafter became more Gentile-led and in the process, lost much of its Jewish character as it mostly erased the Jewish identity of Jesus.  Much of this process came following the conversion of Emperor Constantine in AD 312 and especially the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), which Constantine convened in order to consolidate the Christian faith throughout the Roman Empire.

As the Christian faith became the official religion of the Roman Empire, there was less emphasis given to personal repentance and faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.  In such a case, more than likely many ‘members’ of the institutional Church were not born-again of the Spirit. (John 3.) Additionally, a wide rift developed between this new Roman religion of Christianity and the Jewish people and religion.

Constantine established a new capital for the Roman Empire at Byzantium on the Bosphorus Straits in AD 330, which was then renamed Constantinople.  Today it is Istanbul.  In time, the Roman Church in the east was centred upon Constantinople, capital of the eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, while in the west it was based upon Rome, capital of the western Roman Empire.

It was within this broader dynamic that some unbiblical doctrines were espoused by the leaders (known as Church Fathers) of the Gentile Church, including: (1) that the Jewish people were collectively responsible for the death of Jesus, and (2) that the Gentile Church inherited all the promises and blessings once bestowed upon the nation of Israel and that the Church was now the new Israel.[vii]  The Roman Church, be it Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, basically adopted these attitudes.

These teachings were contrary to those of Jesus and the New Testament.  While on the cross, Jesus asked His Father to forgive His persecutors, for they knew not what they were doing.  Additionally, Paul clearly stated that God’s gifts and calling to the patriarchs ‘are irrevocable.’ (Romans 11: 29.)  Gentile followers of Jesus, he wrote, were grafted into the natural olive tree (Romans 11:17-24), which is the new covenant community.

This new covenant is instituted with the nation of Israel, a covenant which is yet to be fully consummated – with Israel. Besides this, the very purpose of Jesus coming to earth as God-incarnate was to take the death penalty which was upon ALL humankind, the Gentiles and the Jews.

Through many centuries, the custodians of God’s revelation concerning Jesus, the Church, were also the main persecutors of Jesus’ own brethren according to the flesh.  Many evil acts occurred, especially on Easter Friday, following anti-Jewish sermons relating to how the Jewish people had murdered Jesus. It is essential for Gentile Christians to become familiar with this history.[viii]

This factor reveals what happens when any individual, institution or movement does not understand the principles of covenant, as revealed in Scripture, does not understand that God’s covenant commitment to the nation of Israel had not been revoked, does not abide by the teachings of Jesus, as stated in John chapters 14-17, for instance. A result of this negative attitude towards the Jewish people by the institutional Church was that it further hardened the hearts of the Jewish people against Jesus.

In the physical realm, then, the likelihood of a Jewish restoration from exile and the associated reconciliation between Jesus and His brethren according to the flesh seemed well-nigh impossible. But as God’s gifts and calling to Israel are irrevocable (Romans 11: 29), for the sake of His holy name, of His integrity, and of His word, God will honour the oaths He swore to the fathers, the patriarchs.

The Land of Covenant Promise Occupied by Islamic Imperialists

In the following centuries, other imperialist regimes and ideologies occupied and coveted possession of the land of covenant promise – although a minority of Jewish people did remain in the land.  The most notable of these regimes was Islam, an ideology that originated in pagan Arabia through Muhammed. Even a cursory reading of the life of Muhammed and the birth of this movement reveals the huge difference between his character and that of Jesus.

The Islamic armies invaded and illegally occupied the land of Israel from AD 638, offering the residents three options: accept Islam, live as second-class people known as dhimmis under Islamic hegemony, or die. Terrible evil was perpetrated by the followers of Islam as they endeavoured to spread their worldview, mostly by the sword — by jihad.

Islam usurped the promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, stating that the promises went through the line of Ishmael. Islam was therefore a counterfeit ideology and worldview. This attitude is no better revealed than the Al Aksa Mosque and Dome of the Rock which they built on the Temple Mount – the very location where the Temple had been built to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Various Islamic empires coveted the land and declared it to be part of the region of dar al Islam – the region of Islam. The Jewish people living under Islamic domination, even in their own land, were thereafter classified as second-class citizens with very few rights.[ix]  Islam, though, was not completely homogeneous.  Two major streams developed, one being Sunni Islam, centred upon Arabia (Saudi Arabia today), and the other, Shia Islam (Shi’ite), centred upon Persia (Iran today).

In the late eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks began seriously persecuting Christians living in and visiting the so-called ‘Holy Land.’ In response, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church called for a crusade to redeem the land from Islam. The so-called Christian forces, known as the Crusaders, captured Jerusalem in 1099.

Unfortunately, although the overall objective might have been worthy, the outcome was anything but a true reflection of the character of Jesus.  Not only were many innocent Arab-speaking people indiscriminately killed, but the Crusaders also massacred Jewish people, all the way from Kings Lynn in England to Jerusalem.[x]  The Crusader armies left a stain on the character of Christianity in the minds of many communities in the Middle East.

The Muslim Mamelukes from Egypt finally succeeded in defeating the Crusaders in 1291, and the land of Israel returned to Islamic control.  Then a new Islamic imperialist force, the Ottoman Turks, entered the scene.  They captured Constantinople in 1453, and by 1517 had captured Jerusalem.

Birthpangs of Restoration – the Reformation and Enlightenment

Within this geo-political context, the likelihood of there being a physical restoration of Israel to the land seemed well-nigh impossible.  God, though, would at the right time honour His covenant promises so that Israel and the world could enter the fullness of what He had determined.  A process of restoration began with the Protestant Reformation, when Bible-believing Christians all over Europe, Britain and Ireland began to read of His promises to the people of Israel.

They then began to remind God about these promises – akin to Daniel reminding God during the period of the first exile. (Daniel 9)  God then ‘remembered’ His covenant promises, just as He did when the children of Israel cried out while in bondage in Egypt.  (Exodus 2:24)  The process of restoration now began, led by Christians associated with the Puritans, Pietists, Moravians and Evangelicals, primarily in Britain, Ireland and ‘Germany.’  Many Jewish people became followers of Jesus, especially in ‘Germany’.[xi]

Unfortunately, not all Protestant leaders understood the Word of God concerning the Jewish people.  One notable example was the great reformer Martin Luther who wrote terrible and vitriolic statements against the Jewish people, especially in his book The Jews and their Lies (1543).  A later generation of anti-Jewish Germans used these writings to substantiate their plan to eradicate all vestiges of the Jewish people!

Almost simultaneously, two other movements occurred which shaped the cultural environment of Europe, these being the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment had greatest impact upon northern Europe, where it challenged the hegemony of the established Church and lead to the increase of what could be termed ‘secularism.’

It was during this time that an increasing number of Jewish people were able to leave the narrow confines of Jewish Orthodoxy and enter mainstream European society.  This exposed them to streams of academia hitherto out of their reach.  The representative of this movement was Moses Mendelsohn.

Geopolitical Moves In and Near the Land of Israel

After the Ottoman Turks took control over the land of Israel, they monopolised the ancient trade routes, forcing the prices to increase.  This in turn forced the European powers to seek alternate routes to the regions of the east.  The Eastern Mediterranean region was, temporarily, no longer at the centre of the trade system.

It was within this broader dynamic that the lands of South and North America, Australia, New Zealand and Oceania were ‘discovered’ through the voyages of Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Magellan.  Ultimately, a number of these ‘newly discovered’ regions would become involved in Israel’s modern-day restoration from exile. There were, of course, people already living in these land masses, going there sometime after the great dispersion following the flood. (Genesis 9)

One landmass was central within this broader dynamic — India — which came progressively under British control.  In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte and a large French force set sail to India to oust the British. This large invasion force landed in Egypt, with the intention of then sailing from the Red Sea to India.  When thwarted in Egypt by British intervention, they entered the land of Israel in 1799.

Napoleon understood the connection between this strategic location and the Jewish people and made a proclamation near Nazareth calling upon the dispersed people of Israel to return to their promised land. This plan though was not fulfilled as (a) Napoleon was defeated by a combined British-Turkish force, and (b) the Jewish people were not in a position to effect such a restoration.

Bible-believing Christians, primarily in Britain and Ireland, from both Anglican and non-Anglican streams, recognised that the events of the 1790s could well be related to the ultimate return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel – and the return of Jesus to Jerusalem.[xii] They began to further remind God of His covenant promises.[xiii]  One such person was Rev. James Bicheno, a Baptist minister in England.[xiv]

Simultaneous to these happenings, Jewish people began awakening from their slumber in Europe through the influence of the Enlightenment, and some thereafter began contemplating a national restoration, although most of the Jewish religious leaders opposed any such restoration.  They basically believed that shivat Zion, the restoration of Zion (Israel), would occur after Messiah came.

Beginnings of the Second Return from Exile to the Land of Israel

In 1823 (exactly 200 hundred years ago), the first tangible signs of that spiritual and physical restoration from exile began, when British Christians associated with an Evangelical Anglican society, named CMJ,[xv] restored the message of the Jewish Jesus to the city of the Great King — Jerusalem (Matthew 5:35).  Such a pioneering move was dedicated to introducing Jesus as Messiah to the ‘Jew first, and also to the non-Jew.’ (Romans 1:16)

Such a move was virtually impossible though under Ottoman Turkish control, but in 1832-33, the Egyptians rose in revolt and ousted the Turks – and thereupon permitted CMJ to establish its presence in Jerusalem which they did in 1833 – the first Protestants to do so.

Thereafter, the message about Jesus being the Jewish Messiah was consolidated in Jerusalem.  This was furthered when the British and Prussians (Germans) joined in establishing the Anglo-Prussian Protestant Bishopric in 1841, a Protestant bishop was sent to Jerusalem – who was a former rabbi named Michael Solomon Alexander.[xvi] The Protestant-Anglican foundations in Jerusalem were very much associated with the restoration of Israel.

These pioneering moves were associated with the first tangible European political involvement in the city and land, when the British sent a consul there in 1838. Among the first instructions given to the British consul, were to ‘protect the Jews generally.’ This was a tangible beginning point for Jewish people obtaining some redemption from their terrible status as dhimmis, or second-class citizens under Islamic law.

The physical symbol of this restoration became the Anglican-Protestant Christ Church inside the walls of Jerusalem, also the location of the Consulate.[xvii] Incidentally it was forbidden under Islamic law for new churches to be built – so the building of Christ Church was indeed quite significant.  Christ Church was built in part to resemble a synagogue, which itself was quite a statement in a city where anti-Jewish sentiment was very prevalent even in the Church. Just how anti-Jewish is revealed by an official letter sent by the British consul is 1839, in which he stated:

… the Jew in Jerusalem is not estimated in value much above a dog – and scarcely a day passes that I do not hear of some act of Tyranny and oppression against a Jew – chiefly by the soldiers… If a Jew… were to attempt to pass the door of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, it would in all probability cost him his life – this is not very Christian like, considering Christ Himself was a Jew.[xviii]

Interestingly, there was a conflict in the land of Israel in 1840, known as the Syrian Crisis, in which Britain aided the Turks in ousting the Egyptians (who were being supported by the French) from the land. It was at this time that the British Government, with firm support from the Evangelical Christians, officially proposed there be a restoration of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. This proposal was thwarted, however, because (a) the British were allied to the Turks, and they would never consent to such a proposal, and (b) the Jewish people still were not ready for such a restoration.

Although CMJ was an Evangelical Anglican society, it represented a much broader range of Evangelical Christians throughout Britain, Ireland, Europe and elsewhere, including the United States, who held a similar worldview – that Jesus was to be introduced once again to the Jewish people so that a remnant would be saved from the penalty of death, while the Jewish people as a collective entity were to return to the land of Israel.

There, at some time known only by God the Father, they as a nation would come to recognise Jesus as their King Messiah.  This event would be closely associated with the return of Jesus to Jerusalem.  Opinions differed as to exactly how all this would happen, but in the main, these pioneer British Evangelicals adopted a very basic perspective concerning the full restoration of Israel. Later generations, especially in the USA, developed quite elaborate schemes – which often seem to complicate the matter.

The Jewish interest in a physical restoration thereafter also grew.  Those advocating such a restoration were not primarily the Orthodox Jews, but basically more secular or cultural Jews.  These were the children of the Enlightenment, those who had been accepted into mainstream European society and could divest themselves of the constraints of an Orthodox Jewish life.  But it became progressively more apparent, especially with the growth of European nationalism after 1860, that Jews were not completely accepted within Europe unless they completely assimilated. Many desired to leave Europe and escape this growing anti-Jewish sentiment.

This feeling increased following despicable pogroms (outbreaks of violence) within the Russian Empire in 1881 – which were often supported and encouraged by the leaders of the Orthodox Church.  Many Jewish refugees sought a haven in Turkish occupied Palestine, which for the most part was under-developed and under-populated (as glass slides from the 1860s onwards and diplomatic records of the time substantiate).

These Jewish settlers often purchased very infertile land usually at exorbitant prices – and began to make the desert places blossom.  In 1905, many more Jewish settlers came to the land of Israel following further outbreaks of violence against them in Russia.  Most of these people were imbued with quite a pronounced socialist humanist worldview and were associated with what became known as socialist Zionism.

In the period following Napoleon’s French incursion, the focus of Britain and other European powers shifted back to the region of Egypt and the land of Israel, as this region offered the quickest route to India and the Far East. It is within this dynamic that a French consortium constructed the Suez Canal in 1869.  Thereafter this small area became a major economic and geo-political focal point – and became even more so in time with the discovery of huge deposits of oil in the region in the next century.

The involvement of France in this region was due firstly to their desire to reach the markets of the Far East, and to develop economic interests in the Eastern Mediterranean region, while they also offered protection to numerous educational and philanthropic interests in the ‘Holy Land.’[xix]  Britain’s main involvement in the region was to hinder French encroachment and ensure the link to India was not cut off.

The number of British institutions was few, with CMJ and other Anglican-related entities, and Palestine Exploration Fund being the most prominent. But from the 1860s and in the wake of the Crimean War the Russian Empire became a major factor in the land.  The Russians built enormous complexes, and it was common knowledge that they coveted possession of the ’Holy Land’, which had once ‘belonged’ to the Byzantine Empire.  After Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman Turks, Orthodox Russia thereafter viewed itself as being the custodian of all that once ‘belonged’ to Byzantium, including the land of Israel.

The land of Israel, mostly referred to then as southern Syria, or Palestine, was still very a much neglected and impoverished region of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, whose government did virtually nothing to improve the productivity and general quality of life within the province of Syria.  The region was governed according to the millet system.

The Muslims were predominant, and all the other communities were minorities, be they Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Armenian, Maronite – or officially from 1850, Protestant. The Jewish community, or millet, was at the very bottom, and they often received harsh treatment.

Yet, with the growing western influence in the land, through political, Christian and Jewish involvement, living conditions improved for all people.  Many Arabic-speaking and other Muslim groups now immigrated there from surrounding regions.

Most Arabic-speaking peoples did not view themselves as being part of a national entity; they did not see themselves as being Palestinian or Syrian or Lebanese.  Their first allegiance was to their clan or family or ethnic group or whether they were Sunni or Shi’ite, or as far as the Christians were concerned, which Church they belonged to.

But from the 1850s, many residents benefitted from Western education, especially in Christian missionary schools.  In Syria and Lebanon, most of these schools were operated by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.  It was in this environment that seeds of a national Arab identity began, especially from Arabic-speaking Christians.

They desired acceptance as equals but realised that under Islam, they could never achieve this goal.  But if the region could be united under the banner of an Arab identity (Pan-Arabism) rather than a Muslim identity, then they could all have a common identity and destiny. The Arab nationalist movement thus began from the 1860s.

The Jewish nationalist desire for physical restoration increased with the formation of the Zionist Movement under Theodor Herzl in 1897.  Such a restoration, however, depended upon the sympathy of a modern-day ‘Cyrus’ nation which could support their goal to obtain a charter from the Ottoman Turks to settle in the land of Israel in great numbers.  They first approached Germany, and thanks to an Anglican minister named Rev. William Hechler,  Herzl was able to present the matter to the German Kaiser on his official visit to the Turkish Empire in 1898.[xx]  But ultimately, the Germans refused the opportunity to be the modern-day ‘Cyrus’ nation, as they did not want to jeopardise their geo-political relationship with the Turks.  This rebuff occurred when Kaiser Wilhelm II visited Jerusalem, to open the new German Church.

The possibility of obtaining support and endorsement from the Islamic Ottoman Turks was an impossibility. The Sultan was the Caliph of Islam, and Islam could not endorse any form of Jewish national autonomy in the region known as Palestine and which Muslims regarded as part of dar al Islam. The Jewish leaders then looked to Great Britain, which initially was not at all interested in supporting their goal as they too were seeking to maintain a good geo-political relationship with the Ottoman Turks.

End of the Islamic-Ottoman Occupation of the Land of Israel

The outbreak of the First World War completely changed these dynamics.  The Ottoman Turks made a very unwise decision to join with the German alliance against the Allies of Britain, France and Russia.  This costly decision ultimately resulted in them losing control of much of their huge empire.  This process began with the Dardanelles or Gallipoli Campaign of 1915. Although the Turks were victorious there, nevertheless, it was at this time that the Allies began to consider the future of the Ottoman Empire in the event of its ultimate defeat.  Thoughts of a future Jewish physical restoration to the land of Israel now came into focus.[xxi]

Following their victory at Gallipoli, the Ottoman Turks then endeavoured to seize control of the Suez Canal. The best form of defending the Suez Canal was through capturing the Sinai, so in 1916, a British-led force, including Anzac horsemen (the Australian Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifles), captured this vast desert region. Then, in early 1917, following a decision from the new British prime minister David Lloyd George, this British-led force crossed into Turkish-occupied Palestine.

The first battles were at Gaza, which was strategically based on the ancient Via Maris, near the coast and which had a sizeable water supply. Two major battles were fought in and around Gaza — and the Turks won on both occasions.  Many Allied soldiers fought and died in this region, including Australians and New Zealanders, and for this reason, many years later, the Anzac Memorial was built there.

During this same general period, the desires and ambitions of both the Jewish and Arab nationalist movements came to the fore.  The Jewish movement was associated politically with Chaim Weizmann and militarily with Zev Jabotinsky, who was instrumental in forming both the Zion Mule Corps at Gallipoli and the ‘Jewish Legion’ for service in the land of Israel.

The Arab nationalist movement was associated especially with the Emir Hussein of Mecca, his son Feisal and T.E. Lawrence.  There are some who maintain that the British authorities gave assurances to the Arab nationalists that the land of Israel would be included in a future Arab kingdom.  These considerations are not substantiated when observing the broader perspective and taking into consideration the deception of Muhammed al-Faruqi.[xxii]

Following the defeat at Gaza, the military objective now turned inland to the town of Beersheba, a town associated with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  The British-led force attacked there on 31 October 1917, and following British and New Zealand successes, victory was ultimately gained by the gallant charge of the Australian Light Horse.  On that very same day the British War Committee meeting in London promised to establish a Jewish national home in the land of Israel – once the land was fully redeemed from Turkish-Islamic occupation.  This decision was later known as the Balfour Declaration.[xxiii]

This campaign was fought with geo-political factors in mind – the land of Israel was sandwiched between Britain (and Europe) on one side and India and the empire, including Australia and New Zealand, on the other.  Nothing new under the sun!  These were very similar dynamics operating at the time of the first restoration of exile, which led to the first coming of Jesus, although the imperial dynamic then was the rivalry between Rome and Parthia.

This quest for the redemption of the land from Islamic control took another major step forward on 9 December 1917 when British-led forces captured Jerusalem.[xxiv]  At the official surrender ceremony on 11 December 1917, soldiers representing the British, Australian and New Zealand forces stood outside the gates of Christ Church Jerusalem facing General Allenby, who stood on the steps of the Citadel or Fortress of Jerusalem opposite.

Ultimately, by 31 October 1918, the Islamic Ottoman Turkish Empire, which had unwisely first attacked the Allied forces, was defeated.  A Conference was convened in San Remo in Italy in 1920 for the victorious Allies to determine the future of the regions once occupied by the Ottoman Turks.  The Allies offered mandates to both Britain and France to prepare these regions for local sovereignty.

The Mandate for Palestine was officially offered to Britain by the League of Nations in 1922, and was entrusted by all member states of the League of Nations to prepare the land for a future Jewish national home.  The League of Nations recognised the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, and this endorsement became enshrined into international law.[xxv] This was one of the most momentous occasions in modern history. Islamic control over the land of covenant promise was being revoked.

In the huge swathe of territory captured mostly by British, Australian, Indian and New Zealand soldiers, at great cost of life, the Arabic-speaking mostly Islamic nations of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan were ultimately formed.  A very small percentage of that captured region was to become the Jewish national home – although there were a considerable number of non-Jewish people living there.

Unfortunately, most of these residents, be they Muslim or local Christians, opposed this decision and promise.  Like those opponents did after the first restoration from Babylon, they did not understand the principles of covenant and of Almighty God’s plans and purposes for the redemption of the world.  They obviously did not realise that it is not advisable to oppose those with whom Almighty God has entered covenant!

Oh, if they had only understood what great blessings such a restoration was sure to bring for them and for the world! But perhaps in the plans of a sovereign God, it was also destined that they would not acknowledge such a restoration.  Perhaps He desires to reveal His holiness to all the nations of the earth in a way and at a time known only by Him!

The Full Restoration Draws Near – and Opposition Intensifies

The full restoration of Israel was now drawing nearer, a restoration which would precede ‘all Israel’ coming to know God in a personal way through the new covenant.  This reconciliation would be closely associated with the physical return of Jesus to Jerusalem. (Matthew 24:30-31; Acts 1:6-9; Zechariah 9: 3-4a)  Such a reconciliation would be, as Paul wrote, ‘like life from the dead.’ (Romans 11:15)

Mind you, most Jewish people living in the land of Israel at the time (and still today) were not at all inclined to consider turning to Jesus.  Many Jewish people were either religious to varying degrees and maintained a vigorous opposition to the claims of Jesus being the Messiah of Israel or were secular humanists with strong socialist tendencies.  Most of these secular Jews had rejected Orthodox Judaism and any semblance of religion.  It would be nothing short of a miracle for the nation to turn en-masse to accept Jesus as Messiah.  But miracles are known to happen in Israel’s history, especially in the land of covenant promise!

Satan, though, knows that when Jesus returns and establishes His reign over redeemed Israel and the nations from Jerusalem, he is bound, and will do everything possible to hinder this return and the associated spiritual restoration of Israel.  It was during this very period that local Arabic-speaking leaders, such as the senior Muslim cleric in British Mandate Palestine, Haj Amin el-Husseini, began to violently oppose the Jewish people.  Such violent opposition further invigorated the Jewish people to succeed in establishing the Yishuv, or settlement — on lands which they legally purchased often at exorbitant cost.

The adversary of Almighty God then inspired the Nazi Party in Germany to persecute the Jewish people living there.  From 1933, many thousands came to the land of Israel, and once again, the Arabic-speaking leaders resorted to violence to stop this immigration.  As a result, the British proposed a partition of Mandate Palestine in 1937, into a very small Jewish State and a much larger Arab State.  Although the Jewish leadership was not completely satisfied with this proposal, the Arab leadership rejected the offer outright. For them there could be no Jewish State at all.

Herein lies the physical foundation of the conflict – the Muslim leadership cannot endorse any form of Jewish sovereignty in the region, which it contends is part of dar al Islam – be that entity small or large.

The negation of any Jewish immigration into the land of Israel meant that Jewish people desiring to flee from Nazi-controlled Germany were stopped from doing so.  Their plight, and those of all Jewish people in Europe, then deteriorated when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, plunging the world into another War. Persecution of Jewish people then intensified, and mass murders began in earnest in 1941.

Then in 1942, the Nazi leadership decreed at a Conference in Wannsee near Berlin to complete the murder of eleven million Jewish people in Europe and surrounding regions.  This included all those living in the land of Israel and the Middle East. There can be no greater evidence of the nature and spirit of evil than what the Nazi leadership planned to do.[xxvi]

The quest to murder the 700,000 or so Jewish people in the Middle East would be conducted together with local collaborators, people of the same character as Haj Amin — who was then living in Nazi Germany. Thankfully the attempt upon the lives of the Jewish people in the land of Israel and the Middle East was stopped, due mostly to the victory of the British-led forces under General Montgomery at the battle of El Alamein in Egypt in late 1942.  Tens of thousands of British-led forces, including Australians and New Zealanders, were involved in this strategic victory. One of those killed there was my mother’s cousin.[xxvii]

Unfortunately, though, some six million Jewish people were murdered in what became known as the Holocaust.  The spiritual force behind the perpetration of this greatest crime in human history and the greatest evidence of the existence of evil, is the same which endeavours to destroy all those connected to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The State of Israel Established – a Modern-Day Miracle

Following the end of the War and with hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors desperate to leave Europe, the British sadistically closed the gates to ‘Palestine.’  Further conflict broke out between Jewish, Arab and British forces, forcing Britain to finally relinquish the Mandate to the United Nations.  The United Nations ultimately formulated a plan for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish State and an Arab State.

A vote was taken at the United Nations on 29 November 1947, at which a majority of nations voted for the establishment of both Jewish and Arab States. While the Jewish leadership accepted the offer, the collective Arab leadership refused to accept the United Nations decision, these being the Arab leaders in British Mandate Palestine and those in the Arab League.  Instead, they ordered the immediate attack upon Jewish settlements. This decision meant the collective Arab leadership refused the opportunity to form their own sovereign state!

Herein is tangible proof that the Muslim-Arab leadership again made unwise decisions and was not committed to what was best for their own people.

The Jewish people had no choice but to defend themselves – and in the process, they managed to secure certain strategic areas which had originally been designated to be part of the Arab State.  Those unwise decisions made by the Arab leaders caused considerable angst for the ordinary Arabic-speaking peoples.

The British were to withdraw at midnight on 14 May 1948.  The Jewish leadership made the courageous decision to establish a State and thereupon be able to obtain weapons and thus to defend themselves. This they did – and immediately five surrounding Arab nations invaded the fledgling Jewish State.  It would still be near impossible to defend itself against national armies, as the weapons Israel had purchased would need to arrive and be assembled.

Although this invasion by belligerent nations was a clear violation of the United Nations decision, the UN did not tangibly intervene on Israel’s behalf.  This, unfortunately, became a trend thereafter.  No other nation has received more condemnation and negative resolutions against them than has Israel!  This itself is clear evidence that Israel’s restoration as a nation is a challenge to the powers and principalities that control nations and political entities in the world.

In the ensuing conflict, Israel somehow managed to not only defend and preserve itself, but they also gained more strategic territory.  Unfortunately, in the process, numerous Arab people were forced to leave their homes, some by the Israeli forces for strategic reasons, some of their own accord, and some by order of their leadership. Those who left by order of their leaders were told they could come back once the Jews had been driven into the sea.

Many Arabic-speaking peoples in the southern region were forced into the region of Gaza, which was then taken over by Egypt. They were encamped thereafter in refugee camps – and like elsewhere, they were not permitted to assimilate. Jordan took control over much of biblical Judea and Samaria, including the Old City of Jerusalem, and illegally usurped control over this region.  Later, they annexed it and did not permit the establishment of an independent Arab State – as voted for by the United Nations!

Altogether more than 500,000 Arabic-speaking people became refugees, including many Arab-speaking Christians, a few of whom were housed at Christ Church.  But almost an equal number of Jewish people also became refugees, being forced to leave surrounding Muslim countries.  Israel was able to absorb these into their small State.  As in any conflict there were bound to be innocent victims and atrocities were committed on both sides.

Interestingly, during those very same years, there were multiple conflicts which involved population exchanges and refugees, including in post-War Europe and India-Pakistan, so this situation was not an isolated event in that period.  Yet, while Israel managed to integrate its refugees, the surrounding Arab countries refused to allow their co-religionists to be absorbed.  This was done purposely.  Additionally, a large mostly Muslim population remained within the State of Israel, with most of them, thankfully, prepared to co-exist.  No Jewish people, though, were permitted to live in those regions illegally occupied by Egypt and Jordan.

The preservation of the Jewish people in the land of Israel from the evil designs of Nazism and from the evil designs of the mostly Muslim leaders enabled the establishment of Israel in 1948 — a modern-day miracle.  (See Isaiah 11:12, where the word banner in the context of a second national restoration is the Hebrew word nes — miracle.) The very existence of the modern State of Israel, despite its many imperfections, is clear testimony to the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One who keeps His covenant oaths and promises.

It is not surprising, therefore, that any ideology and worldview which does not acknowledge the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would seek to destroy or discredit Israel’s very existence.  Foremost of these is Islam. Western worldviews such as secular humanism will also be reluctant to accept claims that Israel’s restoration is testimony to the existence of this sovereign God.  Unfortunately, there are also many in the worldwide Church who do not accept Israel’s establishment as being part of God’s universal plan of redemption.  Most of these adhere to what is often termed ‘replacement theology’ or ‘supercessionism’ – the false belief that the Gentile Church has replaced the nation of Israel.

Somewhat ironically, the Communist regime ruling the Soviet Union supported Israel’s establishment, most likely viewing it as a possible platform for increasing its geopolitical goals in the strategic Middle East.  Over time, however, Israel’s main support came from the United States of America.

There were many Jewish people living in the USA, while there was also many conservative Christians, who like the Puritans and Evangelicals in Britain and Ireland in a former period, well understood that Almighty God had not revoked His covenant commitments to the people of Israel.  As the influence of the USA increased, that of the Soviet Union decreased, and they began supporting the antagonistic Muslim nations, especially Syria and Egypt.

The support of a larger power is like the situation facing Australia and New Zealand for the last two centuries, who have only been able to withstand larger opposing forces and thereby prosper due to the big power support of either Great Britain or the United States!  Many countries are in a similar predicament, including Ukraine today.

After 1948, while the surrounding Islamic countries licked their wounds, and were making no efforts at all to integrate the Arabic-speaking refugees, the Jewish people set about consolidating their fledgling state.  But their existence was always going to be somewhat precarious.  There were constant border infiltrations and clashes – which always resulted in responses from the Israelis.

Cross-border and even international terrorism against Jewish people increased after the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) was formed in 1964 by mostly nationalist and ‘secular’ Muslims – with some Christian participation.  For the most part, this terrorist organisation was composed of young men from the refugee camps who were imbued with the ideal of redeeming the lands from which they and their families had to leave.

The PLO itself was not homogenous, but was composed of several groups, the largest of which was Fatah, whose leader became Yasser Arafat.  Also, although Egypt and other antagonistic nations were predominantly Muslim, they were not governed by Islamic or sharia law.  But in the aftermath of these humiliations by Israel an Islamic group named the Muslim Brotherhood emerged in Egypt.

The Six-Day War of 1967 and Yom Kippur War of 1973

By June 1967, the nations of Egypt, Syria and Jordan were preparing for an unprovoked attack upon Israel.  Israel had to preempt this attack – or she would have been overwhelmed. This she did through her airforce, and as a result, Israel was able to successfully limit the attack from these three nations. Fighting was intense, and ultimately Israel found itself in control of the regions of the Sinai, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights, Gaza – and Jerusalem.

One unfortunate result of this War was that again there was a human tragedy – more people were killed, and more Arabic-speaking people became refugees.  Once again, the Arabic-speaking leaders made very unwise decisions and created considerable angst for their own people.  It also now meant that Israel, almost against its will, found itself in possession of areas which combined had a very large Arabic-speaking population.  Israel began to administer these regions as best they could – but it was never going to be easy and mistakes in governance were bound to occur.

Perhaps this could have been the opportunity to create an ‘Arab State’ as decreed by the United Nations in 1947 and which the Arab leaders had refused to establish.  To achieve this there would need to be a just settlement with Israel which would provide her with security.  This possibility was nullified when the Arab League met in Khartoum in Sudan shortly after and on 1 September 1967 the eight member nations categorically stated:

‘No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.’

This stark statement was followed in November 1967 when the United Nations issued Resolution 242, which called for the ultimate withdrawal of Israeli forces from those captured areas. But the problem now facing Israel was the realisation that Egypt, Syria and Jordan had all launched their assaults upon the small Jewish State from those very regions – and unless there was a complete change of attitude, further attempts would be made to destroy Israel.  Such a distinct possibility is evident in the statement of the Arab League at Khartoum and the Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), which clearly called for the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. (Until today, the wording of their Charter has not been changed.)

Israel at that time realised that to ensure such an attack could never happen, they needed to establish settlements in places of strategic significance. In time, these settlements grew in number and size.  Yet, it must be said, had the Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians not attacked Israel, then there would have been no such settlements!  But in view of the clear goal of the Arab, mostly Muslim, leaders to destroy Israel (see Psalm 83), can one seriously expect Israel to dismantle these settlements and withdraw from that region?

This Israeli victory in 1967 was a serious affront to the Islamic world. They now had to avenge the dual defeats of 1948 and 1967.  This it attempted to do with a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in 1973 (fifty years ago), the solemnest day in the Jewish calendar. In the first days, the Egyptians and Syrians almost succeeded in overpowering Israel.  Israel was caught unawares, due to shoddy intelligence, complacency, and perhaps even due to pride in their armed forces following the success of the Six-Day War.

Once again, Israel somehow miraculously survived — due to a large degree to the timely assistance of the United States, which at one point came close to conflict with the Soviet Union.  The United Nations issued Resolutions 338 and 339, and finally, the fighting ceased.  Is it any wonder that Israel thereafter would do all in their power to ensure her borders were secure and that never again would they come so close to being militarily defeated?

There is no doubt that this near miss sent shock waves through the tiny nation, and many were forced to reflect upon this near defeat. What is also interesting is that although there had been Jewish followers of Jesus in the land since the 1830s and of Israeli followers of Jesus from 1948, in the years after 1973, there was a marked increase in the number of Jewish people coming into a personal relationship with Jesus as the God-incarnate Messiah.

By the end of the 1970s, the modern-day Israeli Messianic movement became very vibrant – and has continued to grow ever since.  This movement has witnessed more Jewish people coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah in the land of Israel than at any time since 135 AD.  Ironically, whereas in that period, Jewish followers of Jesus refused to fight under the false messiah Bar Kockba, today, almost all the eligible Messianic Jews serve in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

Settlements an Obstacle to Peace — Really?

It has been the slogan of many opposers of Israel’s existence and Israelis on the political and ideological left for many years that Israeli settlements in the Sinai, Judea and Samaria, Gaza and the Golan are an obstacle to peace and that so-called occupied Arab lands had to be surrendered.  Thus, there was somewhat of a receptive audience when President Sadat of Egypt made an offer to enter into a peace treaty with Israel – peace for the dismantling of settlements and surrender of the region of the Sinai.  This treaty was signed between Sadat and Prime Minister Menachem Begin in 1979.  This treaty has been quite successful – but there was no sizeable Arabic-speaking population in the Sinai.

As for Judea, Samaria and Gaza throughout these years, there was a great amount of ‘goodwill’, and tens of thousands of Arab workers would enter Israel each day for work.  Living conditions throughout the Israeli-administered territories improved dramatically.  Life for the ordinary person in Gaza was now as good as it could possibly be, indeed much better than when it was occupied by the Egyptians.

But all this goodwill changed in late 1987 with the outbreak of very serious Arab-led violence known as the first Intifada – and Arab workers were thereafter stopped from entering Israel.  Israel, however, needed labourers, and thus began to bring in many overseas workers, especially from Romania and the Philippines.  Once again, the Arab leaders had made unwise decisions which negatively impacted the lives of ordinary Arab peoples.

This outbreak of violence saw the formation of an Islamic organisation named Hamas (an acronym for ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’), and whose founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, had been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood movement.  Hamas was ideologically dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel and the return of the land of Israel to Islamic control. Another similar organization named Islamic Jihad was also formed.

Ultimately, regional leaders recognized this outbreak of violence needed to end.  Such endeavours resulted in the first major political steps in obtaining a lasting ‘peace’ with the ‘Palestinians’ – even with Yasser Arafat, the violent leader of the PLO.  As such, in 1993, the Oslo Accords were signed, in which varying degrees of autonomy were to be handed over to local Arab leaders, especially Arafat.  It was a huge gamble.

A large part of the Israeli-administered territories was to be designated as the Palestinian Authority, or PA. It was never officially named Palestine.  Jordan relinquished its claims to the so-called ‘West Bank’ and this resulted in a peace agreement between Israel and Jordan in 1994.  Many Israelis, although pleased that there would now be peace, were at the same time quite apprehensive.

In good will, Israel was involved in arming the police force of the PA.  ‘Peace’ did initially follow – but it was rather short-lived. Instead, a sustained period of terror against Israeli civilians began, much of it instigated by Hamas, as well as by Islamic Jihad.  Terrorists crossed over into the State of Israel and began bombing buses and indiscriminately murdering Israel’s citizens.  We lived in Jerusalem during that period and can testify that it was not pleasant.

There were some cases of Israeli retaliation and aggression towards Arabic-speaking people.  One such atrocity was when a right-wing Israeli named Baruch Goldstein entered the mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Machpelah) in Hebron on 25 February 1994 and shot dead some twenty-nine defenceless Muslim worshippers.

Almost all Israelis abhorred this senseless act of indiscriminate murder.  There is a minority of ultra-nationalist Jewish people in Israel who desire to oust all Arab people from the administered territories.  Every time there is a terrorist attack upon innocent Jewish people, the number of people holding this view is bound to increase.

To dissipate this intolerable violence, which was precipitated on almost all occasions by acts of terrorism against Israelis which then resulted in often times a harsh Israeli response, President Clinton of the USA invited Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Arafat of the PA to a meeting at Camp David in the year 2000. Although significant concessions were offered to Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, these were rejected.  The PA wanted more than Israel was prepared to agree to, including control over part of Jerusalem.

This setback was followed in late 2000 by the beginnings of a second Intifada, which resulted in terrible consequences, first for the Israeli population upon whom the atrocities were perpetrated, and secondly upon the ordinary Arabic-speaking population who endured the often-harsh Israeli responses.  The reason given by the Arab leaders for this outbreak of violence was the visit of Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount – but this was only an excuse to have a ‘legitimate’ reason to begin a new cycle of violence.

The violence then spiralled out of control.  In 2002, a security fence began to be constructed to thwart the infiltration of murderers into Israel.  We lived there during that period and are supportive of this initiative – even though a few Arab landowners lost some land in the process.  The higher ideal was the preservation of life.

Preservation of Israeli lives also meant better conditions for the local Arab population, as they would not get caught up in the crossfire of Israeli countermeasures.  Unfortunately, and inevitably, with each terrorist attack, Israeli measures became more restrictive and harsher. The number of Israelis being murdered was significantly reduced by the security fence, which in part was also a security wall.

This new wave of deadly terror basically ended on 8 February 2005 at a Summit at Sharm el-Sheik in the Sinai which was attended by many regional leaders, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.  Then quite amazingly, also in February 2005, Prime Minister Sharon and the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) passed a law calling for the unilateral withdrawal of all Israeli settlements in Gaza.

Most Israelis were shocked by this decision and were extremely apprehensive – except for those who continued to hold onto the adage that peace would follow the dismantling of the settlements and the surrender of territory. The final Israeli withdrawal in August-September 2005 was done in good faith – that the Palestinian Authority would adhere to their adage that ‘settlements were an obstacle to peace.’

Unfortunately, this did not happen.  During those years, I would take the Light Horse groups down to that area on a bi-weekly and even weekly basis, especially to the Anzac Memorial near Kibbutz Be’eri. Only on rare occasions was I stopped going there for security reasons. However, following the Israeli withdrawal, I would often be thwarted from going there because of security reasons, primarily rocket attacks – from Gaza.

Wait, that can’t be right. They always said the Israeli settlements were an obstacle to peace – but all the Israeli settlements were withdrawn, so there should not have been any rockets being fired into Israel. Yet there was.  Such incidents increased when the radical and extremist Islamic group Hamas gained control over the political life of Gaza from 2007 onwards, and militarily defeated the Fatah faction of the PLO.  Hamas, as stated, is an avowed enemy of Israel and the Jewish people and is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State.

The Current Crisis

Since then, there has been constant tension emanating from Gaza.  The Hamas leadership, though, is not able to sustain such violent opposition without financial, moral and military support from a senior party, mostly Iran, but also from other sources.

Somewhat surprisingly, Israel has of late established diplomatic relations with several Islamic nations, the so-called Abraham Accords, and was even forging closer links with Saudi Arabia.  Such a move would potentially further isolate Iran, and it was this which might very well have precipitated the recent violent attack upon innocent Israelis, whereby some 1,400 were murdered, mostly in cold blood.

Interestingly, following this recent massacre, the Palestinian Authority seemingly gave financial ‘rewards’ of some US$2,789,430 to the families of Hamas terrorists who were killed![xxviii]  Many democratic countries provide financial support to the PA, so perhaps this is the time to seriously reconsider this support and call the PA leaders to account.

It was known by Hamas that Israel would retaliate and retaliate hard, as has been the case on several previous occasions when they sent numerous rockets into Israel.  It is well known that Hamas will shelter within civilian locations and use the general Arab population as shields.  On this occasion, they also have Israeli hostages as human shields.  What is quite amazing is that Israel, although by no means a perfect army, will nevertheless broadcast to the people what it intends to do, to allow them the time to move out of harm’s way.  Yet this move is still criticised.

But let us ponder on this for a moment.  Most informed people will agree that D-Day in June 1944 was a necessary event to rid Europe and the world of the evil Nazi regime.  Yet tens of thousands of innocent French people were killed, wounded and uprooted in Normandy, as the Allies could not broadcast their intentions for fear of surrendering their invasion plans.

The main problem in this situation at the physical level is not the Israeli government and army – even though both parties are by no means perfect. The main problem is the leadership of the Arabic-speaking people, as these leaders have time after time made unwise decisions.

A clear indication that the Palestinian leadership in whatever form is not really interested in the welfare of their own people, is indicated by the fact that each time they endorse major terrorist operations, especially from Gaza, they know there will be a strong Israeli response.  This means that despite Israel’s best intentions and best efforts, innocent civilians will be affected.  So why do it?

In this current situation, Israel has every right from a legal perspective as a sovereign nation to hit back against Hamas.  Any democratic country would do the same. Unfortunately, the innocent civilian population will again suffer.  Once again, the ultimate blame must be upon Hamas and the Arab leaders, who have made a serious mistake.  But many will then say that Israel must grant them more autonomy, even statehood, and even dismantle their settlements in the administered territories of Judea and Samaria.  Then, they say, there will be peace.

Here, though, we need to ask the basic question – what constitutes peace?  Is it harmony and acceptance between nations, in this case between Israel and the surrounding Muslim nations, and within the land of Israel between Jewish and Muslim peoples? If this is the peace people are seeking, then it just is not going to happen.  Basically, Muslim leaders cannot tolerate an independent Jewish national entity within the land of Israel.  The humanistic worldview of some Israelis, especially on the political and ideological left and many others of a similar persuasion throughout the world (including some Jewish people) is that peace will result from (a) the dismantling of Israeli settlements (b) the surrendering of land and (c) recognition of Palestinian statehood. But even if all these criteria are met there still would not be any true peace.

All it will do is create a larger platform for the enemies of Israel to launch further attempts to destroy the State of Israel. Those who entertain such a possibility really have little or no understanding of the broader ideological and spiritual dynamics involved.  There is no political solution – although there could be a false peace, which Islam allows, seeing it as a precursor for the accomplishment of its ultimate goals.  But this would be a false peace.

This current crisis has again brought to the fore the hate and venom present in the human heart. In the end nations, individuals, movements and ideologies will align themselves against Israel.  They all think they are doing a noble thing by opposing the so-called pariah nation of Israel.  But ultimately, they will find themselves battling against God, as He will defend those who are in covenant relationship with Him.

What is True Peace?

I postulate that true peace is only possible when there is harmony and reconciliation with our Maker and Creator – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  This peace and harmony can only occur if we approach Him in the way that He has prescribed – through (a) a repentant heart, and (b) through a blood sacrifice.

As there is no blood sacrifice offered in the prescribed way according to the Sinai-Mosaic Covenant, there is only one option.  This is by accepting that reconciliation is accomplished by the finished work of Jesus, who took the penalty of death that is upon us all.[xxix] Through repentance, we enter a covenant union with Jesus, and because of this, we have restored relationship and access to the presence of Almighty God. (Jeremiah 31: 31-34.)  Then there is peace.

Today, there are many thousands of Jewish people confessing Jesus as the God-incarnate Messiah.  But there are many within Israel, however, who do not accept that such a person remains Jewish, and they will oppose and even persecute those who do. But it is unwise to attack anyone who is in a covenant relationship with Almighty God – as Pharaoh and other dictators, nations, and empires have discovered over the centuries.

This principle is obvious in the story of Saul (Paul) — while en route to Damascus, Jesus spoke to him saying: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” (Acts 9)  When Jesus said that Saul was persecuting Him, Jesus meant that Saul was persecuting those in covenant relationship and union with Jesus.

This situation facing the Messianic Jews today is like that of the first century.  In fact, there are many similarities to that period.  Then there were two main blocks, and many smaller groups, as there are today.  Then there were some more so-called ‘secular’ in outlook, while there were many who were more conservative adherents to Judaism.  There were ultra-nationalists, the zealots, as there are today. Some rabbis contend that Israel was defeated, and Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed in 70 AD, not just because of Roman might, but because of internal division within Jewish society at the time.

What will need to happen, therefore, before the nation of Israel as an entirety comes to that point of acknowledging that Jesus is the King Messiah of Israel?  Perhaps it will be that they will recognize that they can no longer depend upon the strength of their own arm, upon their much-vaunted high-tech and military prowess, upon a superpower ally.  Perhaps it will be when they realise that their only sure support is their senior covenant partner, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Perhaps then they will call out while in bondage and God will remember His covenant.

But God desires for all humankind to enter a personal relationship with Himself, and as this includes those under the spiritual bondage of Islam, what will be required to bring the Muslim peoples to repentance and acceptance of the source of true peace found only in the Jewish Messiah Yeshua?  Perhaps it will be when Islam is just not able to conquer Israel and ‘redeem’ the land for Islam.  The very best future for the Arab people living in Gaza, in the areas governed by the PA and in those areas administered by the Israelis, is to accept the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to accept God’s prescribed way to live in true peace.

It is not a simplistic cliche to say that the only solution rests in both people groups submitting to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and accepting His prescribed way of true reconciliation.

What Role Should the Church Now Be Playing?

What role then should the Church, the custodians of this message of true peace and reconciliation, play at this time?

  • First and foremost, it is to reveal the true face of Jesus and the true gospel to all peoples, Jewish and Arabic-speaking. Paul wrote ‘The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all people, to the Jew first and also to the non-Jew.’ (Romans 1:16.)
  • It must comprehend the principles of covenant, and understand that it must not oppose those with whom Almighty God has cut covenant and entered relationship with, namely Israel and the Jewish people. Israel is not perfect and does make many mistakes, as all nations do, and as too does the Church. If God is displeased with Israel, then He must be even more displeased with the Church for not behaving the way it should be. The Church is far from being that entity that Jesus asked for in that profound prayer in John: ‘… that they all may be one, as you Father, are in Me, and I you; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.’ (John 17:21.)
  • It must renounce the false teaching that the Gentile Church is the new Israel. This attitude is akin to the sin of covetousness.
  • It must renounce all forms of anti-Semitism, which is often cloaked under the banner of anti-Israelism. This is contrary to the teachings of Jesus, who said that ‘Salvation is of the Jews’. (John 4:22.) Besides, true followers are in covenant union with Jesus, who is a circumcised Jew.
  • It must recognise that by supporting anti-Israel activities, they are endorsing the objectives of Islam, which is to restore the land of covenant promise to Islamic hegemony and for it to once again become part of Islamic territory.  Seriously, what status would Christians and Jews have in such an entity?
  • It must heed Paul’s instruction for the Gentile Church to provoke Israel to jealousy – for their Messiah. (Romans 11:11) Such Gentiles can be from the nations, and more importantly, Arabic-speaking Christians and Muslim-background followers of Jesus. What a great witness it would be for these people to reveal the true face of Jesus to the Jewish people and to provoke them to jealousy for their own Messiah.


What a great time it will be for the entire world when the nation of Israel turns to Jesus, when ‘all Israel shall be saved’ and when Jesus shall be the glory of God’s people Israel.  Concerning Israel, Paul further declared that: ‘… if their casting away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?’ (Romans 11: 15)

Which of Jesus’ followers would not want to see this happen?  If one believes that Jesus did what He said He came to do — to be a ransom to set humanity free from the prison of sin and the penalty of death — then how can we withhold this great message from them, or from anyone.

But there is an adversary who opposes this very message, who opposes everything associated with Almighty God’s plan of redemption, who opposes the fulfilment of God’s covenant promises.  This is the ultimate source and foundation of the current crisis, and in fact, of every crisis in the world. Yet the contention is at its most intense when it revolves around the people of Israel in general, and the people of Israel in the land of Israel – for this is where God’s great plan of redemption will be consummated.

But for the here and now, there is only one matter of immediate concern.  This revolves around the only remedy for true peace, which is God’s desire for all people to repent and call upon the One whom God has raised from the dead (Acts 17: 30-31) and to receive a heart transplant.  True peace results from individuals entering covenant union with Almighty God, through Jesus.

True peace for the world will be when the nation of Israel enters the fullness of this new covenant relationship and have their hearts of stone replaced by hearts of flesh and have God’s Spirit indwelling them. (Ezekiel 36: 24-28.) Having such a heart transplant is the key for ALL peoples, the Jewish people, the Arabic-speaking people and every other people group in the world. When this happens, then there will be no further evil in the world, evil of the likes that was witnessed on 7 October 2023.


[i] The Australian and New Zealand soldiers were collectively known as ANZAC – an acronym for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.  My own research on the subject is found in Anzacs, Empires and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948Anzacs & IsraelGallipoli – The Road to Jerusalem.

[ii] My research on this subject is found in The Oath of the CovenantIn Covenant with JesusIsrael, Jesus and Covenant.’

[iii] For more on this, see Israel, Jesus and Covenant, published by Heritage Resources.

[iv] Jerusalem was also associated with the ‘mysterious’ priest-king, Melchizedek, to whom Abraham once gave a tithe. David later wrote of a coming leader of Israel who would be a priest-king of the order of Melchizedek. (Psalm 110:4)

[v] As recorded in the Jewish Stones Edition of the Tanach (the ‘Old Testament’).

[vi] Some would say that she was an almah, a young woman. But Scripture reveals that invariably, a young woman was always a virgin.

[vii] For more on this subject, I recommend the writing of Marvin Wilson, Our Father Abraham, Michael Brown, Our Hands are Stained with Blood; and the various writings of Rev. James Parkes.

[viii] I refer you to the previously mentioned sources.

[ix] There are numerous sources detailing this dynamic. My own research is mostly found in Gallipoli – The Road to Jerusalem.

[x] While recently visiting the small town of King’s Lynn, I located a Jewish cemetery, and on the wall was a plaque from the local historical society detailing how many in the Jewish community were massacred by Crusaders en route to the ‘Holy Land.’

[xi] There was no actual nation of Germany, but a conglomeration of many German-speaking entities.

[xii] For more on this, I refer you to Anzacs, Empires and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948Gallipoli – The Road to JerusalemThree Sons of Abraham.  Important primary sources are found in these publications.

[xiii] The beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 was also a major stimulus for the formation of many evangelical missionary societies thereafter, as many Christians saw the Revolution as a sign of the coming end of days, and they felt they needed to obey the command of Jesus in Matthew 24 to take the gospel message out to the uttermost ends of the earth.

[xiv] Bicheno wrote a profound book entitled A Glance at the History of Christianity and of English Non-Conformity, (London, 1798).  Further details are located in For the Love of ZionA Jewish Bishop in Jerusalem, and Gallipoli — The Road to Jerusalem.

[xv] Church’s Ministry among Jewish People, originally the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, which was formed in London in 1809. Its founder was a German-born Jewish follower of Jesus named Joseph Frey, and one of its first vice-Presidents was William Wilberforce.

[xvi] Ironically, in the 1970s, one of the assistant bishops of the Anglican diocese of Jerusalem was Elias Khoury, a member of the Executive of the notoriously anti-Jewish terrorist organisation the PLO.

[xvii] My research on this subject is found in For the Love of ZionA Jewish Bishop in JerusalemThree Sons of AbrahamCMJ – 200 Years of Serving the Jewish People;  From Exile to Restoration.

[xviii] Consul Young to Lord Palmerston, March 1839, FO 78/368, No. 131. Cited in Hyamson, A. British Consulate in Jerusalem in relation to the Jews of Palestine 1838-1914 (London, 1939), Vol. p. 6.

[xix] France had been a protector since the Capitulation agreement with the Turks in 1535.

[xx] For more on this subject, I refer you to the research of Rev David Pileggi of Christ Church, Jerusalem.

[xxi] My research on this subject is found in Gallipoli – The Road to Jerusalem.

[xxii] This is not the place to provide an in-depth description of this scenario, but there many excellent publications on the subject.  My own research is primarily found in Gallipoli – The Road to Jerusalem.

[xxiii] My own research and involvement in this period is found in Journey to Beersheba.

[xxiv] On this occasion one Anzac unit was involved – the 10th Light Horse Regiment from Western Australia.

[xxv] Space does not permit to provide more details about this process, but I point you to the exceptional work of ‘The Hague Initiative for International Co-Operation’, Thinc, headed up by Andrew Tucher.  Also, to the various works of Hugh Kitson of Title Deed Media. My own research is found in For the Love of ZionAnzacs, Empires and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948.

[xxvi] My own research on this subject is mostly found in Seven Phases of the HolocaustBazyli & Anna Jocz – Jewish Christians Victims of the HolocaustJewish Christians in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

[xxvii] My own research on this subject is found in El Alamein – Halting an Impending Holocaust in the Middle East.

[xxviii] Palestinian Media Watch, 15 October 2023.

[xxix] Jesus is also a priest according to the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 5:1-7;28).


Photo by Ron Rov.

The post The Foundational Reasons Behind the Conflict in the Land of (Eretz) Israel appeared first on Daily Declaration.

Fourth GOP Debate Left Out the MSM. Republicans Say That’s a Good Thing. – Conservative Review

Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate was the fourth of the year. But it was the first to feature moderators from outside of mainstream media—a move that brought fresh questions on important issues for GOP voters, campaign operatives told the Washington Free Beacon.

The post Fourth GOP Debate Left Out the MSM. Republicans Say That’s a Good Thing. appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.


Ron DeSantis Turns In Killer Performance Slashing Trump’s Lead To 39 Points | Babylon Bee

TUSCALOOSA, AL — Excitement ran rampant following last night’s Republican presidential debate, as the Ron DeSantis campaign celebrated an outstanding performance that slashed former President Donald Trump’s lead in the primary to just 39 points.

“He’s really building some momentum now,” said DeSantis’s campaign manager James Uthmeier. “With last night’s impressive performance, the governor is hot on Trump’s heels! We’re only trailing by a margin that would have other candidates quickly announcing the end of their campaigns, which means we’re really gaining steam.”

The governor’s campaign, which has been the object of criticism due to a reluctance to leave the race despite a seemingly insurmountable deficit in the polls, hoped to use this sudden surge to its advantage. “The tide turned last night,” Uthmeier said. “At this rate, we’ll only be 37 points behind by the time people start voting in the primaries, and by the summer of 2030, we’ll really make this race interesting.”

With the Iowa caucus just over a month away, the remaining GOP hopefuls are putting the finishing touches on what promises to be a series of resounding defeats throughout the 2024 primary season. “There’s no stopping us at this point,” Uthmeier said confidently. “When we look back on our decisive primary losses, we’ll remember last night’s debate as the turning point.”

At publishing time, the campaigns of fellow Republican candidates Christ Christie, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy were said to be ramping up their efforts to trim Trump’s lead to a mere 35 points by January 1.

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Far-Left Drives 44 Percent Hate Crime Increase Against European Christians – Daily Declaration


Far-left political groups including Antifa, radical feminists and LGBTIQ activists have contributed towards a major surge in anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe.

Anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe have risen by 44 percent in just one year, with far-left groups behind a majority of the attacks, according to a shocking new report.

Published in October, the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe’s Annual Report detailed a wave of violent attacks, church arson, and rising extremism battering Europe’s historic Christian communities.

The Austrian group, better known as OIDAC Europe, noted that their 60-page report did not have room to address the more than 5,000 cases of “social hostility or threatened religious freedom” archived on their website. However, their latest report did draw attention to 748 anti-Christian hate crimes that took place in 2022/23, up from 519 a year earlier.

A subset of that figure was 105 arson attacks, up from 60 the year prior, representing a 75 percent increase, the majority of which took place in Germany, France, Italy and the UK. Alarmingly, the report drew attention to “a very common slogan among certain political groups” inciting these attacks: “The only Church that illuminates is the one that burns.”

Far-Left Political Groups Behind a Majority of Attacks

The crimes, which were committed between September 2022 and August 2023, spanned 30 European countries and included 38 instances of physical assault and three murders. OIDAC Europe noted that the real figure is probably higher than 748 but remains elusive due to “limited reporting on anti-Christian hate crimes, the ‘chilling effect’ among victims, and the lack of media coverage.”

Researchers warned that after more than a decade of studying anti-Christian hate crimes, they have continued to witness a steady rise in numbers.

One new trend OIDAC identified was the increasingly overt anti-Christian ideology of the perpetrators, in contrast to prior years when “most [hate] crimes had an unclear motive or were perpetrated by private persons.”

“[O]ur research shows that one of the main sources of aggression are radicalised members of extreme political groups, with a majority of cases coming from far-left political groups, such as Antifa, radical feminists, or LGBTIQ groups,” the report noted.

Satanists and radical Islamist groups were also common sources of persecution for Europe’s beleaguered Christian population.

Christian holidays such as Easter and Christmas were popular times for criminals to target the faithful, while “processions, public celebrations, and events with public decorations and symbols” also provided instances of heightened risk for Christians.

Legal Developments and the Criminalization of Christianity

In addition to criminal assault and vandalism, OIDAC identified legal developments that threaten the religious freedom of Christians, such as “vaguely formulated and overreaching laws that would criminalise parents, pastors, and teachers if they express dissenting opinions regarding LGBTIQ-related discussions or discourage their children from undergoing ‘hormone therapies’ because of their religious convictions.”

“New ‘buffer zones’ around abortion clinics are one form of state regulation that has led to the criminalization of Christians for praying silently on the street,” they likewise noted.

Attempts to erase “conscience clauses from legal provisions in the medical sphere” that place undue burdens on religious adherents, and “underreporting by the media” following the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the majority world were among other injustices highlighted in the report.

A Wake-Up Call for Western Leaders About Persecution

The OIDAC Europe report provides a welcome wake-up call to Christian leaders across the Western world—and in the United States, especially—who are guilty of shifting the goalposts on what actually constitutes persecution.

Biblically speaking, persecution is any ill treatment of Christians—whether ridicule, discrimination, physical violence, imprisonment or death—due to their devotion to Jesus Christ.

Persecution is not merely opposition aimed at people who are actively preaching the gospel; nor is it limited geographically to non-Western nations.

In fact, perpetrators of persecution do not necessarily have to harbor ill will toward Christians: Their fanaticism for other agendas—whether medical or sexual, national or globalist, religious or secular—may be the wellspring of their harmful actions. Indeed, in many examples arising in the OIDAC Europe report, it was ignorance, apathy, neglect, or a preoccupation with more fashionable causes—from political leaders especially—that resulted in the suffering of Christians in Europe.

What matters most is whether Christians are punished for living “Christianly”—that is, made to suffer simply for living in accordance with their biblically-informed worldview and conscience.

As Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), quoted in the OIDAC report, states:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice, and observance.

‘A Cornerstone for Free and Democratic Societies’

In their conclusion, the researchers write, “As freedom of thought, conscience, and religion is a cornerstone for free and democratic societies, we hope that states will not compromise on the protection of these fundamental rights, and thus ensure an open and peaceful climate in our societies.”

It’s certainly worrying for Christians in the West. But even for those who are not Christian, this rise in violence should be cause for alarm. If attacks against Christians are normalized, which group will become the next target? As Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller famously wrote in 1946 in the aftermath of Nazi persecution of both Jews and Christians:

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Originally published at Intellectual Takeout. Image via Unsplash.

The post Far-Left Drives 44 Percent Hate Crime Increase Against European Christians appeared first on Daily Declaration.

This is a ‘clear and present’ danger to every American, GOP sen warns

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., joins ‘Mornings with Maria’ to discuss GOP lawmakers’ push for border policy change prior to approving more aid for Ukraine and the U.S.’s relationship with China. #foxbusiness

Source: This is a ‘clear and present’ danger to every American, GOP sen warns