Daily Archives: December 14, 2023

Precious Repentance | VCY

And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have committed.Ezekiel 20:43

When we are accepted of the Lord and are standing in the place of favor, and peace, and safety, then we are led to repent of all our failures and miscarriages toward our gracious God. So precious is repentance that we may call it a diamond of the first water, and this is sweetly promised to the people of God as one most sanctifying result of salvation. He who accepts repentance also gives repentance; and He gives it not out of “the bitter box” but from among those “wafers made with honey” on which He feeds His people. A sense of blood-bought pardon and of undeserved mercy is the best means of dissolving a heart of stone. Are we feeling hard? Let us think of covenant love, and then we shall leave sin, lament sin, and loathe sin; yea, we shall loathe ourselves for sinning against such infinite love. Let us come to God with this promise of penitence and ask Him to help us to remember, and repent, and regret, and re-turn. Oh, that we could enjoy the meltings of holy sorrow! What a relief would a flood of tears be! Lord, smite the rock, or speak to the rock, and cause the waters to flow!

Enemies of Christmas | Daily Thoughts about God.

“When King Herod heard this, he was disturbed… (he) called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared… (They) were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod…” Matthew 2

During these beautiful weeks of Advent, we shudder to think of the hatred and murderous plot of Herod and his son Archelaus. These men vividly represent those who feared the humble birth of an infant who was rumored to become king.

Perhaps one of the most striking aspects of this dark side of Christmas is how God dealt with these enemies and their schemes to kill Jesus. There were sufficient numbers of political zealots in Israel who could have been enlisted to fight off Herod and enforce God’s plan. He could have miraculously intervened to strike Herod dead, thus introducing God’s Kingdom in a way that would gain the world’s attention.

Instead of these headline-making actions, however, God quietly sends a dream to the searching Magi, and their route homeward is altered. Joseph, too, hears God’s warning whisper in a dream and travels to Egypt where his young family will avoid Herod.

Years pass, Herod dies and life should be safe for the small family. They prepare to return to the land of their birth but once again are warned by God in the stillness of night to change their plans and head toward Nazareth, the town where Mary first heard the angel’s news.

Christians often deplore what is called the “commercialization of Christmas,” and understandably want to take action against ideas that seem to threaten what is held sacred. Some suggest boycotts, picket lines or similar actions. None of these is wrong, but I wonder if perhaps God’s method of furthering His Kingdom that began with the humble birth of the King might be more subtle and in line with His character? Could God possibly whisper creative ideas in the quiet time we spend with Him? Would an encouraging word to the harried cashier reflect His plan? How about a loaf of freshly baked bread to the single working mom who just wishes Christmas would disappear?

How strange of God to say that His plan for dealing with His enemies is to love them.

Prayer: Reaction is easier for me than loving action! Bring to my attention how I can reflect your love during these busy December days. Amen

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• How Dearly God Loves Us – by Bill Bright

• Love: Answer to Hostility –  by Muriel Larson

• Your Kindness Quotient – by Max Lucado

The post Enemies of Christmas can be found online at  Daily Thoughts about God.

My Shepherd | Daily Thoughts about God.

[Jesus said,] “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15

Thoughts on today’s verse

The goal of our walk with Jesus is to come to know him as our shepherd just as intimately as he knows the Father. A key thing for us to remember: In a world where so many people want to attract our attention and are willing to give us advice, we can refuse their voice. c He is not a hireling, he is the Good Shepherd.


Holy Father, you are wonderful and generous beyond description. You have shown your love by sending your Son to be my Shepherd. Help me hear his voice through your Word. Help me hear his voice through the wise counsel of spiritual friends. Help me hear his voice through the words sung by my brothers and sisters when we are assembled. Help me hear his voice in the Holy Spirit’s work on my conscience. Father, I want to follow your Son as my Shepherd and Lord because I know he, like you, is good! Through my Shepherd and Lord I pray. Amen.

by Phil Ware
used by permission

Phil Ware: from http://www.heartlight.org

Further Reading

•  The Story of Andi, an Indonesian Student

• Falling in Love with Jesus –  by Sylvia Gunter

• God’s Steadfast Love – by Helen Lescheid

The post My Shepherd can be found online at  Daily Thoughts about God.

14 Dec 2023 News Briefing

Divine Retribution? Turkish lawmaker threatens Israel, immediately has heart attack
Hasan Bitmez, a 53-year-old parliamentarian representing the Islamist Saadet (Felicity) Party, delivered an address at the General Assembly of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday accusing Israel of ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Palestinians. He concluded by threatening Israel. “We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history… Israel will not escape the wrath of Allah,” he said about Israel’s war against Hamas. “You will not escape the wrath of Allah,” Bitmez said, … He then collapsed at the podium.

The Call of the Hour – Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley
The current war proves that Israel cannot allow terrorist organizations, or countries that house them, to have sovereignty over its borders. A plethora of potential military responses are constantly being considered both confidentially and publically in the media and in broader platforms.

Be Fruitful And Multiply?: Climate Activists Depict Having Children As Unethical
I wrote about an interview with a paleoanthropologist who referred to humans as a “very particular type of ape” and called us an “invasive species.” In that article, I noted that this view of mankind has consequences. And one of those consequences is the “anti-natalist” movement we see becoming increasingly popular in the West as people are urged not to have children for the sake of the planet

Israeli ambassador says two-state solution is dead in fiery interview
The Israeli ambassador to the UK has said that the idea of a two-state solution is no longer plausible after the October 7 attacks by Hamas. “It’s about time for the world to realise that the Oslo paradigm failed on October 7. “On October 7, Israelis were traumatised by the worst massacre since the Holocaust.”

Israel launches drone strike on terrorists in Jenin
An Israeli drone late on Wednesday attacked a group of terrorists who were planting explosives and endangering IDF forces in the West Bank city of Jenin during arrest operations. Palestinians report several terrorists killed and wounded.

No deal, no cash, no ceasefire – analysis
What is US policy on Iran now that everything fell apart, and how does this impact Israel?

Israel close to ‘diplomatic solution’ to move Hezbollah away from border – report
Israel is close to reaching a “diplomatic solution” to move terror organization Hezbollah away from the northern border with Lebanon, KAN News reported Wednesday morning. Along with Israel’s main goal of moving Hezbollah forces north of the Litani River and away from Israeli civilians, discussions with European partners included the potential strengthening of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), situated in the country’s south.

Aircraft strikes terrorist squad in Jenin for the second time in one day
Palestinian Arab sources reported on Wednesday night that an aircraft attacked a terrorist squad that threw explosives during arrest activities of Israeli security forces in the area of the city of Jenin. The Red Crescent claimed that three terrorists were eliminated and two were critically injured.

Hunter Biden defies congressional subpoena
Hunter Biden defied a congressional subpoena Wednesday by refusing to appear for a deposition with the House Oversight Committee, the latest development in the impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., threatened a contempt of Congress charge last week if Hunter Biden refused the deposition. In a statement Wednesday, Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said they will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.

An Omen of Victory? Bar Kochba Swords Listed as National Geographic’s #1 Archaeological find
Roman Iron Swords, hidden by Bar Kiochba rebels 1,900 years ago, were recognized by National Georaphic as the top archaeological find for 2023. Some see the announcement as an omen, foretelling the victory of Israel in Operation Iron Sword; the war against Hamas. At the top of the list of seven archaeological finds was the discovery of four remarkably well-preserved Roman swords …

When ‘Harvard of the South’ was an aspiration
When I attended Emory University in the 1980s, students expressed pride in Emory being the “Harvard of the South.” Then, albeit acknowledging Emory’s second-class status to Harvard’s longer history and being ranked one of the best universities in the U.S., if not the world, it was an aspiration. Today, association with Harvard is vile, corrupt and morally repugnant. For an institution whose logo bears the Latin word for “Truth” (Veritas), Harvard has become a den of evil,

‘We are continuing until victory,’ Netanyahu vows day after 9 IDF soldiers killed in single battle
“Yesterday we had a very difficult day, and every day we have precious boys dying,” Netanyahu said during a visit to an IDF base. “They are actual heroes of Israel. My heart and our hearts go out to both the fallen and the families. We know their lives have changed. And yet, I want to say most clearly what I just said to a commander in the field: We are continuing to the end.”

Homefront Command commander: ‘The situation in the north is worse than in the south’
Milo told the residents that Israel has already set a target date for a war with Hezbollah and admitted that the situation in the north is worse than that in the Gaza envelope, as far as the danger of threats and the treatment of the threat in the north.

Doctors tell hospital administration they won’t treat terrorists
After a Hamas terrorist was taken to Hasharon Hospital in Petah Tikva for treatment, group of doctors say this is the 1st and last time. “While our children and loved ones are risking their lives for the defense of the country and our security, we cannot give treatment to those vile murderers whose sole purpose is to murder us.”

Govt. Spokesman Eylon Levy: World wants us to give Hamas the fuel used to burn Israelis
He said that it was during this visit that he realized that Hamas had used cans of fuel brought in from Gaza to burn many of its victims, some the bodies of victims who had already been killed, others who were burned alive. “The world presses Israel to let fuel into Gaza, and they took fuel from Gaza into the kibbutzim on October 7 in order to burn people alive,” he said.

‘Biocomputer’ combines lab-grown brain tissue with electronic hardware
Researchers have built a hybrid biocomputer — combining a laboratory-grown human brain tissue with conventional electronic circuits — that can complete tasks such as voice recognition.The technology, described on 11 December in Nature Electronics1, could one day be integrated into artificial-intelligence (AI) systems, or form the basis of improved models of the brain in neuroscience research. The researchers call the system Brainoware.

UN votes against Israel | Erdan: If you want a real ceasefire in Gaza, call Sinwar
The Ambassador presented a poster with the phone number for the Hamas office in Gaza and said, “…I have an idea: if you want a real ceasefire, here is the right address. This is the phone number of Hamas’ office in Gaza. You can all call +970-599-373765 and ask for Yahya Sinwar. Tell Hamas to put down their arms, turn themselves in, and return our hostages. This will bring a complete ceasefire that will last forever! So, why are you not doing this? Why are you not holding Hamas accountable?”

Tropical Cyclone “Jasper” makes landfall over the Far North Queensland coast, Australia
Category 2 Tropical Cyclone “Jasper” made landfall over the Far North Queensland coast, Australia at around 07:00 UTC on December 13, 2023, with sustained winds near the center of 100 km/h (62 mph) and gusts to 140 km/h (85 mph).

Nashville tornado unleashed fireball that appeared to disrupt storm
At least six people died and 23 were injured by multiple devastating tornadoes that rolled through the Tennessee Valley on Saturday. One of them, an EF2 twister (on the 0-to-5 scale for intensity) with 130 mph winds, carved a nearly 30-mile path through the heart of Hendersonville, just north of downtown Nashville.

Dengue cases break records in Americas amid warmer temperatures
Dengue is sweeping across the Western Hemisphere in numbers not seen since record-keeping began more than four decades ago, with experts warning that rising temperatures and rapid urbanization are accelerating the pace of infections.

Guess What Happened Immediately After A Member Of The Turkish Parliament Declared That Israel Will Suffer The “Wrath Of Allah”?

Very strange things continue to happen in the Middle East. Earlier today, a member of the Turkish Parliament named Hasan Bitmez delivered a passionate speech about the war in Gaza. As he concluded his speech, he boldly declared that Israel would experience the “wrath of Allah”. Moments after ending the speech, he literally collapsed on the stage and other members of the Turkish Parliament rushed to his aid…

Dog Respiratory Illness Maps Show Its Spread to 16 States
Dogs are falling sick with a mystery illness across the United States, with cases being recorded in at least 16 states, according to the latest figures from Louisiana State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

COVID-19 hospitalizations up 30% as docs urge patients to seek new vaccine
In the rush of holiday activities, you may have forgotten about COVID-19 — but it hasn’t forgotten about us. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that as of November 25, there were almost 20,000 weekly hospitalizations due to the coronavirus, a jump of nearly 30% in just four weeks.

In 2025, The U.S. Will Finally Begin Preparing To Fight A Nuclear War With Russia
Will the upgrades that are coming to our strategic nuclear arsenal be ready in time?  Right now, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that first went into service in the 1970s form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal.

Tech Bros Fight Back Against Democrat Socialist Who Blames “Capitalism” For Poop-Covered San Fran Streets 
“You understand why I donated $50K this year just to get this guy out of office, right?”

Scientists Now Say ‘Breathing’ Harms The Environment?
A new study led by Dr. Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh, claims gases exhaled by humans when breathing contribute to global warming. Sadly, this isn’t a parody.

U.S Signs United Nations Climate Deal Agreeing to ‘Transition Away from Fossil Fuels’
The United States has joined other countries in signing the United Nations (UN) climate deal to confirm a commitment to “transitioning away from fossil fuels.” Led by Democrat President Joe Biden’s unregulated “Climate Czar” John Kerry, the U.S. signed the pledge at the end of the UN’s COP28 climate summit, according to The New York Times.

Let The Games Begin: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Authorized By House
“The impeachment inquiry is necessary now…”

COVID Nurse Exposes Deadly Hospital Protocols
The Children’s Health Defense interviewed, Gail McCrae who was a nurse during the COVID times and worked in the Bay area of California, which was notoriously one of the most strictly compliant populations in the United States. As Gail says, “We were compliant, not just with the lockdowns and the masking, but also the Covid injections.”

CCP Behind Plans To Make Americans Addicted to Drugs, Former DEA Boss Warns.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is orchestrating a “strategic plan” to exacerbate America’s fentanyl crisis impacting millions of Americans across the country to supplant the United States as the world’s leading power, former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) director of special operations Derek Maltz Sr has suggested.

Pfizer Facing Lawsuits Over Failure to Disclose DNA Sequence In Its COVID-19 Vaccines
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is facing the threat of multiple major lawsuits after it failed to disclose information about a DNA sequence used in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to regulators.

Nativity Scene moved in Toledo after complaint, letter from Freedom From Religion Foundation
A Nativity Scene that has been displayed in front of the fire department in Toledo, Iowa for the last 15 years has been moved after the city received an official complaint from a non-resident and received a letter from the Freedom From Religion claiming the Nativity Scene should be removed out of respect for the First Amendment.

Steve Kirsch: New Zealand Whistleblower’s Data Conclusive, 1 Death per Thousand Covid Shots
Steve Kirsch has analysed the data obtained from Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine data whistleblower who was recently arrested under mass ‘breach of privacy’ legislation and faces up to seven years in prison.

Headlines – 12/14/2023

‘Absolutely not’: Israeli ambassador to UK rejects two-state solution

Govt. Spokesman Eylon Levy: World wants us to give Hamas the fuel used to burn Israelis

Israeli leaders: War to go on until Hamas defeated, ‘with or without’ world’s okay

Netanyahu: ‘We Will Destroy Hamas’ Regardless of ‘International Pressures’

Biden administration makes clear it has no plans to place conditions on military aid to Israel despite pressure from lawmakers

Israel Responds to Biden: IDF ‘Making Efforts That No Army in History Has Made – to Protect Civilians’

Biden aide: Israel taking steps to protect civilians that even US might not have done

Australia, New Zealand, Canada break with US to call for ceasefire in Israel-Gaza warv

U.N. General Assembly Passes Resolution Demanding Israel ‘Ceasefire’, Fails to Mention Hamas

Call Hamas: Israeli Ambassador Trolls UN General Assembly During Vote on Ceasefire Resolution That Ignored Islamist Terror Group

“Better Call Sinwar”: Israeli Ambassador Tells UN Off as IDF Begins Flooding Terror Tunnels, 8 IDF Soldiers Killed by IED

Israel is said to be flooding Hamas tunnels – a tactic Egypt already used in 2013, but with sewage

As Looting and Chaos Spreads, Gazans are Sick of Hamas: Commanders are “Sons of Dogs”

Amid outcry over Gaza tactics, videos of soldiers acting maliciously create new headache for Israel

Gaza healthcare workers ‘taken’ by Israeli forces, says doctor, amid ‘horrendous conditions’ at hospitals

Hamas terrorist wounded in Gaza being treated in Israeli hospital – reports

Rain Forces Gazans Out of Makeshift Camps, Increases Risk of Disease

Fresh sanctions on Hamas leaders highlights key NATO ally’s troubling relationship with terrorists

Hamas survivor refutes progressives downplaying terrorists’ sexual violence

House Sets Up Email Address for Antisemitism Reports

Seeking funds, White House to brief Jewish lawmakers on plan to combat antisemitism

“We Will Kill You All, Occupiers!”: Pro-Hamas Protesters Threaten Jews Attending Hanukkah Ceremony at Israeli Embassy in DC

Actor Michael Rapaport appears on Israeli show satirizing US college antisemitism

Jerry Seinfeld protested outside NY theater by pro-Palestinian group over Israel: ‘Complicit in genocide’

Nikole Hannah-Jones: Attacks on Harvard President Are ‘Racist’

Harvard only standing by Claudine Gay as too scared to ‘fire its first black president,’ claims professor she’s accused of plagiarizing

Harvard student says the decision to keep the president is ‘part of a really large toxic culture’ on campus

Poll shows soaring support for Hamas in West Bank, as 90% say Abbas should resign

EU chief says she backs imposing sanctions on Israeli extremists in West Bank

IDF continues 30-hour Jenin operation; 7 Palestinians said killed in fighting

Israel close to ‘diplomatic solution’ to move Hezbollah away from border – report

Israel strikes Hezbollah in Lebanon in response to latest attacks on northern border

Houthis fire two missiles at jet fuel tanker in Red Sea; US warship downs drone

Suicide attacker used 264 pounds of explosives to target police station in Pakistan, killing 23

India parliament: Security scare for MPs on attack anniversary

Man jumps on tables during security breach at Indian parliament

China-Philippines maritime standoff escalating on path that could drag US into conflict, analysts warn

Putin’s Fury: Kyiv endures ‘night of hell’ as Russia launches huge missile blitz hitting hospital & injuring 53 while Zelensky in US

Ukraine says 53, including 6 children, hurt in Russian missile strikes on Kyiv

Two Germans go on trial for handing Ukraine war secrets to Russia

US announces hundreds of new sanctions in push to isolate Russia

EU Summit Kicks off With Hungarian PM Orban as the Great ‘Villain’ Vetoing Ukraine Aid and Membership

Denmark plans to send $ 1.8 bn aid package to Ukraine, prime minister says

Ukraine faces a daunting winter after Zelensky can’t convince Republicans to move quickly on new aid

Dem Sen. Bennet pushes to keep Senate in session to secure Ukraine aid deal

US will ‘lose face before world’ if it abandons Kyiv, says ex-Ukraine president

Sullivan: ‘Arithmetic is simple’ on aid for Ukraine, ‘security of Europe is at stake’

‘People are going to suffer’: Argentines grapple with austerity shock

Brazil’s Lula says G20 to debate more representative global institutions

Dow closes above 37,000 for first time ever as Powell hints at rate cuts

Senate Dems’ Bill Will Expose Your Financial Data to Fraudsters

Hunter Arrives in DC and Announces He Will Defy House Subpoena at Press Conference Organized by Eric Swalwell

Rep. Eric Swalwell “Aided and Abetted” a Crime After Colluding with Hunter Biden’s Lawyer to Defy Congressional Subpoena, House Sources Allege

Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena, Lashes Out at ‘Trump Attack Machine’ in Stunning News Conference

Hunter Biden Says He Won’t Testify Behind Closed Doors, Resisting Subpoena

Defiant Hunter Biden on Capitol Hill: ‘My father was not financially involved in my business’

Hunter Biden Rebukes Republican Investigators, Tells TV Cameras “I Am Here” On Capitol Hill; GOP To Begin Contempt Of Congress Proceedings

Far-Left AOC Claims Hunter Biden Complies with Congressional Subpoena by Simply Standing Outside the Capitol

Rep. Comer: Hunter Biden Doesn’t ‘Dictate’ Subpoena Terms

Contempt of Congress Proceedings Initiated Against Hunter Biden, Potential Imprisonment and Fine

Flashback: Watch as Joe Biden Affirms DOJ’s Duty to Prosecute Anyone Who Defies Congressional Subpoena

Nolte: Hunter Biden Plays Victim After Refusing Child Support While Spending $872K on Sex

House votes to authorize Biden impeachment inquiry

All 221 House Republicans Vote to Open Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden

Support for Biden impeachment inquiry grows with a notable level of Democrat backing: poll

Dershowitz: Dems to Blame for Probing of Hunter – “If you impeach President Trump, who I didn’t vote for, but if you impeach him on unconstitutional grounds, you can be sure the Republicans are going to play tit for tat”

Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed

US Judge Pauses Trump’s 2020 Election Case While He Appeals Immunity Ruling

Supreme Court Takes Case with Major Implications for Trump, Jan. 6 Defendants

83 percent in new poll concerned about political violence

How Meta’s New Face Camera Heralds a New Age of Surveillance

Tesla recalls nearly all vehicles sold in US to fix system that monitors drivers using Autopilot

“AI can destroy 21st century” – PM Modi flags threats posed by AI

Where’s the Beef (and the Humans)?: Wendy’s Introduces AI Drive-Thru Order Takers

Sad Robot: ChatGPT may have become ‘seasonally depressed’ as creators race to fix AI after users moan over bizarre change – ‘I mean, aren’t we all feeling a little lazier now that the sun is setting at 4pm?’

Living machine? Scientists create biocomputer combining circuits with real human brain tissue

Report: China Already Hacking into U.S. Utilities, Pipeline, Port Companies

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the Norwegian Sea

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits the Norwegian Sea

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Vailoatai, American Samoa

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 20,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Nashville tornado unleashed fireball that appeared to disrupt storm

CNN Blames Climate Change for ‘Record’ Bear Attacks in Japan

Nations at climate summit reach final agreement to transition away from fossil fuels with caveats

Activists vandalize Christmas tree displays to show outrage over global climate summit outcome

Guyana vows to defend itself ‘by all and any means’ from Venezuela threat

Guyana president calls Venezuela’s Maduro an ‘outlaw’ in border dispute

Homeless man allegedly holds Atlanta news crew hostage, threatens to shoot them – before cops show up 90 mins later

NAACP Leader Blasted After Calling Migrants Rapists, Savages

Mexico Detains Two Iranian Migrants on FBI Watchlist

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against IBM for Racial Discrimination and Unlawful Hiring Practices Targeting White and Asian American Executives

Visa Overstay: Tunisian Migrant Arrested in New York For Allegedly Trying to Buy Child

‘Nudify’ Apps Using AI to Make Deepfake Porn of Women Skyrocket in Popularity

Ohio Senate passes bill limiting transgender athletes’ participation, medical care for minors

Teachers sue Florida over pronoun restrictions in schools

Wisconsin lawmakers look to enshrine marriage equality in state constitution

New report to Congress exposes Uncle Sam’s investment in Abortion Inc. – Federally funded programs routed $1.89 billion to abortion providers over three years, GAO reveals

Supreme Court agrees to hear high-stakes dispute over abortion pill

Pregnant women take a leading role in new legal battles over abortion

Virginia elementary students receive medical treatment after ingesting fentanyl-laced gummy bears

Dog Respiratory Illness Maps Show Its Spread to 16 States

‘Most dengue in recorded history’: Millions are infected as virus flares with hotter temperatures

COVID-19 hospitalizations jump 30%: ‘Virus is still very much with us’

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · December 14, 2023

 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“Where there is no law, there is no liberty; and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community.” —Benjamin Rush (1788)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1799, George Washington died at his Mount Vernon home after a brief illness. “First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life,” said Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee. Thomas Jefferson added, “It may truly be said that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a great man.” Washington was the greatest president, and his example for American Liberty is eternal. —Mark Alexander




Hunter Invites an Impeachment Inquiry

The first son exposed himself yesterday morning on Capitol Hill as he defied a congressional subpoena and railed against mean-spirited “MAGA Republicans.”

Douglas Andrews

It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least.

There was the normally reticent Hunter Biden on Capitol Hill yesterday morning railing against “MAGA Republicans” and defying a subpoena to appear before the House Oversight Committee for a private deposition. Instead, with high-priced DC lawyer Abbe Lowell at his side, he was demanding a public hearing and claiming that the old man was not financially involved in his business.

Once again, then, Team Biden has moved the influence-peddling goalposts. For the longest time, it was Joe’s dubious claim that he had “never spoken to [his] son about his overseas business dealings.” Then, when that lie became increasingly untenable, it took the form of what White House spokesman Ian Sams artfully said in late June: “As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son.” And now, we have Hunter saying the following: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business — not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of Burisma, not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman, not in my investments at home nor abroad and certainly not as an artist.”

So now the claim is that his dad wasn’t financially involved in Hunter’s influence-peddling racket — a word, by the way, that The New York Times left out of its quote. But how could he not have been? What kind of influence could Hunter have possibly peddled if not for his dad’s status as Barack Obama’s vice president? Are we to believe that the Big Guy’s cut wasn’t really the Big Guy’s cut?

“Republicans do not want an open process where Americans can see their tactics,” said tough guy Hunter. “What are they afraid of? I’m here. I’m ready.”

He was “there” alright, but he wasn’t “ready,” as he quickly skedaddled after reading his prepared remarks, refusing even to take any questions from the assembled media.

We suppose this qualifies as acceptable behavior for a Biden, but only because they’ve set the bar so low. Setting aside the hookers and the blow and the money-grubbing and the narcissistic nude selfies and the schtupping of his deceased brother’s wife, Hunter recently took to a podcast to blast his GOP critics as “motherf***ers” who are “trying to destroy a presidency” and “trying to kill me.” This is what a shrink might call projection.

On the other hand, it might be that he was merely trying to stay a step ahead of the law. After all, he’d just defied a congressional subpoena. And his dad is on record saying those who defy subpoenas should be held in contempt. “Subpoenaed witnesses have got to show up,” said then-Senator Joe Biden in a 2007 press release. Recall, too, that Peter Navarro, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, was arrested and shackled at the airport in Nashville for having defied a subpoena from the rigged January 6 Committee. Where are the handcuffs for Hunter?

At the very least, where’s the contempt citation? House Republicans are working on it. “Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings,” said House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. “We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden.”

Yes, Hunter was there on Capitol Hill, but he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. And thus the contempt proceedings. Said legal analyst and former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy on Fox News this morning: “Where he was supposed to be by law yesterday was in a deposition, where he would’ve had to face actual hostile questioning under oath. So to bray that you’re ‘here’ when you’re not willing to answer the questions really doesn’t advance the ball much in my mind.”

McCarthy doesn’t think Hunter ought to be the target. “Joe Biden is the business,” he said. “And Hunter may have been the front man, but it’s a mistake to tee this up as, ‘It’s Hunter’s business, and we have to trace the threads from Hunter to Joe.’ Hunter couldn’t have sustained this business on his own.”

All of this somewhat overshadowed another bit of news from Capitol Hill yesterday: that of a party-line vote to move forward with an impeachment inquiry against Hunter Biden’s dad. As Fox News reports: “The House voted to formalize its impeachment inquiry into President Biden on Wednesday, taking a critical step that GOP leaders have argued is necessary to force the White House into complying with their investigation. The measure passed 221 to 212, with every Republican voting in favor of it and all present Democrats voting against. Light cheering could be heard on the GOP side of the chamber after the measure passed, with pin drop silence on the Democratic side.”

We’re not surprised that every Democrat voted against the inquiry, but the show of unanimity from the Republican caucus is noteworthy. Perhaps those congressmen who were on the fence — those GOP House members from swing districts and pro-Biden districts — were put off by Hunter Biden’s spectacle. Perhaps they felt emboldened to move forward given the act of defiance they’d seen earlier in the day.

“There is no fairness or decency in what these Republicans are doing,” whined Hunter Biden yesterday. “They explain naked photos of me during an Oversight hearing.” Strangely, though, Hunter neglected to mention that he’s now under multiple indictments from the Biden Justice Department.

Here, we’re reminded of an old legal expression that Hunter and his legal team seem to be employing: When you have the facts, you pound the facts. When you have the law, you pound the law. And when you have neither, you pound the table.

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A Lefty Atheist’s Anti-Christian Nationalism Documentary

Is it a serious commentary, or merely leftist fearmongering and Christophobia?

Emmy Griffin

There is a new documentary in the works by atheist and leftist filmmaker Rob Reiner entitled “God and Country.” This film ostensibly seeks to explore the existential threat of so-called Christian Nationalism in America. Thus far there has only been a trailer, but it is troubling enough.

First of all, how does Reiner define “Christian Nationalism”? From the trailer, it seems that the definition is a range — from militant J6 rioters to regular everyday Christians whose political decisions are informed by their faith. Granted, there are extremes to Christian Nationalism, defined first by its nationalistic fervor that then justifies extreme positions with Christianity. Hardcore Christian Nationalists stake out positions like “Trump is a prophet” or “Trump sits on the right hand of God” (i.e., he’s practically the second coming of Christ) or “America is the next Israel/has replaced Israel.” This particular group numbers extremely small and isn’t a particularly powerful presence in the grander political landscape. But if Reiner is lumping in Christians who use the Bible and the historical teachings of the church to influence their political decisions, that is a bad-faith attack — we might even call it Christophobia.

Christophobia is a blatant attempt by the Left to demonize Christians who use their faith as moral guidance when they discuss and decide on political ideas. It’s also worth pointing out that our Founding Fathers built the ideas and framework for this country based on Judeo-Christian morality. Attacking Christians for being guided by their faith in political matters is in a very real sense an attack against America and by extension the West. The Left, particularly its radical flank, doesn’t really like America and its values and has been seeking to undermine it at every turn, especially on the cultural issues.

And if Reiner is pointing out the one fringe group covering itself with Christianity to justify extreme nationalism, how about the other extreme of Christian Statism wherein leftists have co-opted Christianity and the secular humanism of this age? That religious syncretism is a veneer of religious piety to cover the political and alternative morality. Christian Statists have much more political power and sway.

It’s also troubling to see well-known Christians David French, Phil Vischer (of “Veggie Tales” fame), and others put their names and reputations to this project. Particularly when it is likely espousing values that are not from a Christian worldview. Did these Christians understand what they were doing when they agreed to take part in this documentary?

Not the Bee writer Peter Heck points out that perhaps these Christians were unaware of what perspective they were undergirding:

Prominent Christian commentators like Skye Jehtani and Phil Vischer of the Holy Post podcast, David French of The New York Times, Russell Moore, and a handful of other professing Christians all agreed to sit for interviews and participate in the making of this film. Facing backlash, both Vischer and author Kristin DuMez have claimed they didn’t know an atheist radical was the one masterminding the project. Though evidence has now surfaced that Reiner was attached to the making and financing prior to their involvement, I’m willing to believe their claim of innocent ignorance.

The last question that should be considered is this: What is Reiner’s intended takeaway for audiences? Is it to intimidate Christians and further push them to the edges of society? Or is it to force them into the heretical perspective of religious syncretism in order to be more liked by the Left?

When considering that Reiner is both an atheist and a left-wing activist, the latter is more likely. In a recent episode of Allie Beth Stuckey’s “Relatable” podcast, she interviewed John Cooper from the band Skillet. Cooper had this insight: “The movement to destroy America, to destroy western civilization, at it’s root is against Christianity. And what I think that some people don’t understand is they’re not against us because we believe that Jesus is God. They don’t really care if you believe that Jesus is God.” He goes on to paraphrase German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche, who was virulently against Christianity. Nietzsche instructs his acolytes to attack Christianity at its moral base. He understood that if morality itself can be undermined, then men are “free.” Hello, moral relativism and all its poisonous fruits.

This heightening attack against Christianity by those on the Left should surprise no one.

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Patriot Fund Update

The deadline to meet our funding requirements is around the corner. Please help keep us front and center in the battle for Liberty as we charge into a critical election year. Your gift to The Patriot Fund is put directly toward our 2024 daily operations budget. Thank you for helping us meet this critical goal! —Christy Chesterton, Director of Advancement

January 6 Trials Just Got More Complicated

The Supreme Court will soon hear a case that could change the course of hundreds of trials, including one for Donald Trump.

Nate Jackson

The Supreme Court may be poised to upend not only one trial of Donald Trump but also the charges brought against more than 300 January 6 defendants.

The case at hand is Fischer v. United States, which the justices agreed on Wednesday to hear. To sum it up, a small-town Pennsylvania police officer named Joseph Fischer was part of the crowd that entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021. According to Amy Howe at SCOTUSblog, he “was charged with (among other things) assaulting a police officer, disorderly conduct in the Capitol, and obstruction of a congressional proceeding.”

He has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and he has even challenged the obstruction charge now all the way to the Supreme Court. That charge stems from a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S. Code 1512, which states, “whoever corruptly otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

Fischer argues the law criminalizes only destroying records or evidence tampering in order to obstruct or impede official proceedings. His presence in the Capitol doesn’t qualify, he says, and the justices will now rule on it.

More than 300 people — roughly a quarter of all J6 defendants — have been charged under the same law, meaning the Court’s ruling could affect the 152 people already convicted and the others still awaiting trial.

That’s also true of Trump, who likewise has been charged with two felonies under the same law by Joe Biden’s hatchet man, special prosecutor Jack Smith. Trump faces a total of 89 other charges in four indictments.

Regarding Fischer’s case, Claremont Institute senior legal fellow Tom Caso marvels that the law has “never been applied in this particular manner before.” He points to Code Pink and other congressional protesters who obstruct hearings and proceedings as a matter of course. “Why have they never been prosecuted under this statute?” Caso asks. “They are obviously trying to impede an official proceeding. It’s kind of strange that the statute is only now been discovered.”

Until you realize that the whole January 6 fiasco has been kind of strange from start to finish.

By the way, Smith just asked the Supreme Court Monday to expedite a ruling on Trump’s argument that he’s immune from prosecution, but unless the Court does likewise in Fischer, Trump’s March 4 court date could be delayed. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan hinted at that Wednesday when she said that with Trump’s immunity appeal pending at the Supreme Court, she now lacks jurisdiction. Her order “automatically [pauses] any further proceedings that would move this case towards trial or impose additional burdens of litigation on Defendant.”

It sure would be a real shame (sarcasm alert) to allow Super Tuesday to happen the next day without Trump stuck in court dealing with election interference from left-wing hacks like Smith and Chutkan.

The Democrats’ entire charade of prosecuting Trump by throwing the legal kitchen sink at him has, as designed, made him even stronger in the GOP presidential primaries. Democrats still insist they beat him in 2016, and after beating him in 2018, 2020, and 2022, they’d love to do it again in 2024.

That calculation may badly misfire if Biden somehow remains the nominee, or if Trump wins some key cases in court. On top of that, the prosecutions of hundreds of J6 defendants might end up being undone because Democrats just couldn’t help but grossly overreach due to their blinding rage hatred of the former president. That would be a great blow against two-tiered justice.

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Biden Pours Taxpayer Money Into Rail Boondoggle

The White House announced a plan to spend another $3 billion on California’s long-overdue and massively over-budget high-speed rail.

Thomas Gallatin

When it comes to a prime example of a government boondoggle, few projects are as clear as California’s high-speed rail line. As originally conceived, the project promised to provide a high-speed rail line running 220 miles per hour and connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles. Begun in 2008, the line was projected to cost a total of $33 billion. No small potatoes.

Here we are, 13 years later, and little track has been laid, while the cost has ballooned to a whopping $113 billion. It’s the money pit of all money pits. The boondoggle is so bad that even California Democrat lawmakers now join Republicans in criticizing the waste.

Criticism is typified by Republican Representative Doug LaMalfa. “This commuter train isn’t even ‘high speed,’ is at least 13 years behind schedule, and will now cost four times the original price tag promised to voters,” he complained. “Far too much taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this boondoggle. It’s in everyone’s best interest to cut the losses and rescind every cent dedicated to this foolish project.” He added, “Any fool can see this project isn’t going to be completed. The state is $68 billion in debt, hasn’t laid a single inch of track and is over $120 billion short. Biden and Newsom sure know how to waste your money.”

Evidently, Joe Biden likes trains so much after his halcyon days on Amtrak that his administration will gladly continue throwing money at this boondoggle. The White House recently announced that an additional $3.07 billion would be poured into the project, justified with the excuse of climate change.

“This 171-mile rail corridor will support high-speed travel with speeds up to 220mph. The project will improve connectivity and increase travel options, along with providing more frequent passenger rail service, from the Central Valley to urban centers in northern and Southern California,” reads a statement from the White House. “New all-electric trainsets will produce zero emissions and be powered by 100% renewable energy. By separating passenger and freight lines, this project will benefit freight rail operations throughout California as well. This project has already created over 11,000 good-paying union construction jobs and has committed to using union labor for operations and maintenance.”

Furthermore, the Biden administration has shrunk the focus of the funding by targeting a line section between Bakersfield and Merced. Wasting more taxpayer dollars on a shrinking project. Brilliant.

However, funding this smaller section is all part of building Biden’s broader nationwide high-speed-rail dream. Per the White House statement, “The Biden-Harris Administration is building out a pipeline of passenger rail projects in every region of the country in order to achieve the President’s vision of world-class passenger rail.” Connecting the nation via railroad? Democrats always scream about turning back the clock, but the year is not 1823.

The real ideology behind the Biden administration’s plan has long been the dream of globalist elites — a desire to exert more control over society. That’s why they focus on building rail lines for moving people rather than goods, which is what America’s railroads are primarily used for today. It’s all part of the 15-minute cities vision, where people will be confined to cities, and travel between them will be limited to various forms of public transportation such as high-speed rail lines. When will this nationwide network of high-speed rail lines be realized? Well, Californians have been waiting for the answer to that question for well over a decade now.

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Hallmark Leans Into LGBT Content, Vows More ‘Inclusion’ in 2024

Instead of returning to a family-friendly formula, Hallmark has decided to go even further down the rabbit hole.

Suzanne Bowdey

It’s been Christmas since July on the Hallmark Channel, but viewers got their first taste of the network’s woke holiday programming Saturday. With the debut of “Christmas on Cherry Lane,” management made it abundantly clear that the “heart of TV” will continue to push the LGBT envelope — despite America’s towering wave of pushback. Unlike other companies who’ve reckoned with the shifting consumer tides, Hallmark has no plans to change course. And their refusal to read the room could cost them.

Television’s home for clean, predictable, and endearing romance had already faced an internal revolt in 2020 with the departure of longtime CEO Bill Abbott. Frustrated by the company’s decision to take Hallmark in a more progressive direction, Abbott left to form Great American Family — a booming entertainment alternative that’s been TV’s “fastest growing network” in 2023. With total viewers up 150%, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Hallmark has its hands full keeping its share of the market. 

But instead of returning to the family-friendly formula that made Crown Media the titan of tinsel, Hallmark has decided to go even further down the rabbit hole, embracing an agenda that most American consumers have flatly rejected. According to the company’s executive vice president of programming, Lisa Hamilton Daly, 2024 will be the most “diverse” yet. 

In an interview with The Wrap December 8, Daly explained how the writers’ strike complicated things for their annual Countdown to Christmas. “We started preparing for [the strike] last October,” she told reporter Loree Seitz. “I don’t think we understood how long the actors would be on strike, but I was aware that we’d have a writers’ strike, so we started to push our partners to deliver stuff a little early (and) for a large number of our shows, we were able to produce early.”

That foresight spared the company a lot of turmoil (they produced 42 original movies), but it also prompted their teams to get a head-start on the 2024 line-up. Most of next year’s projects, Daly explained, have already been decided. And big changes are afoot.

“Inclusivity” will be a “core goal” going forward, Seitz gleaned from their conversation. “We really want people to be able to see themselves in our movies, and we know that people seeing themselves means that there’s a wider range of people who really are excited when we tell their stories,” Daly explained. Those include more “queer-forward” movies like “Christmas on Cherry Lane” and the lesbian romance “Friends & Family Christmas,” airing December 17.

Ali Liebert, who identifies as lesbian and stars in “Friends & Family Christmas,” is one of the budding producers Hallmark is counting on to bring the company more LGBTQ representation. “As I move forward as a producer and hopefully director,” Liebert said, “I’m focusing on — really taking the opportunity to create queer content.” 

The network has also tapped into a growing bench of LGBT-identifying actors and actresses, including the first non-binary star to appear on camera. “The opportunity to play Suzette in ‘The Secrets of Bella Vista,’” Donia Kash explained, “taught my hard shell of a heart that I am moving through this particular world that easily expresses love and the importance of family on the screen,” Kash stated. “To allow the queer community see themselves thriving out there in this world.”

George Krissa, who was the lead in Hallmark’s first gay feature film, “A Holiday Sitter,” last Christmas, cheered the growing slate of LGBT content. “If you watch the Countdown to Christmas this year, there’s LGBTQ folks all over the place,” he said of the 2023 line-up. Even in storylines not centered around same-sex attraction, actors like Jonathan Bennett, applaud Hallmark for giving them an opportunity to be “authentically queer.” “To be a part of this movement that is making sure that people watching these amazing Christmas movies feel like they’re represented on-screen … is so important.”

“Next year, Hamilton Daly said, Hallmark fans can expect a renewed dedication to even greater diversity in the network’s programming. But no matter the cast or storyline, she said, the thread that connects all of its projects will continue to be love,” Seitz wrote.

As for concerns that she may be alienating audiences with such an overt agenda, Daly seems blasé. “Every change we think about,” she told Vulture, “we center it by asking, ‘Does this stay true to the mission of a purpose-driven life of love, of emotion, of family?’ So we’re just trying to find different ways to tell stories that are still centered on those characteristics.”

But the market is changing, along with what Americans will tolerate. And yet Hallmark may not care, Family Research Council’s Joseph Backholm pointed out, because “progressivism increasingly prides itself on not being in touch with the average American. … And while the recent experiences of Bud Light, Disney, and Target indicates Hallmark will drive off customers and lose money by placing greater priority on ‘diversity,’ their worldview teaches them those customers should not be given consideration given their grave moral deficiencies. They are modern, secular puritans. Will it cost them money? Maybe,” he told The Washington Stand, “but many of them don’t care…”

In February, Daly took a swipe at their biggest rival, chalking up the public feud over Great American Family’s refusal to feature same-sex couples to Abbott’s desperation for attention. “That’s what they needed to get press,” the content maven claimed. “And we just decided, this is not our story. This is their story, and whatever they’re doing — they’re shadowboxing at this point. … We wanted to define ourselves on our own terms, and we wanted to let our programming speak for itself about where we sat in that debate.”

And it continues to. But unfortunately for Daly, what her programming is saying is that Hallmark doesn’t understand its audience. As more viewers flock to GAF, Abbott is drawing an even starker contrast with the competition. The meaning of the season is “Jesus’ birth,” Abbott insisted in an interview last week. “It’s gotten so lost in the secular world of what the real meaning of Christmas is.” His goal is to change that.

Now, with an ever-expanding talent pool (many of them popular Hallmark alums), he says, “I would put our Christmas movies up against anybody else’s. … It’s about telling great stories that inspire,” Abbott insisted. And “they may all end in a kiss, but they are different, and they are not going to be the same experience over two hours, because they’re going to incorporate the spirit of the season, which is faith and family” — two things, the CEO argues, that most of Hollywood is “denigrating.” While Hallmark veers off the path that made them a holiday staple, Abbott is vowing to “try really hard to reinforce those values.” 

In their early months, Daly waved off GAF, insisting, “their ratings speak for themselves.” These days, that’s exactly what should concern her. 

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

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Latest PodcastPopCon #25: Daily Wire’s Movie ‘Lady Ballers’The Daily Wire is calling its new movie “Lady Ballers” the most triggering movie of the decade. Did The Daily Wire expertly mock the absurdity of the transgender sports movement? Or is this another flop in the entertainment media culture war? Join Thomas, Sterling, and Andrew to discuss.

Executive News Summary

Senate passes NDAA, DC loses two sports teams, Boston mayor’s “no whites” holiday party, and more.

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


Correction: Yesterday we published a summary with the lead, “Wisconsin pro-life firebomber arrested,” which should have more clearly read, “Wisconsin pro-life center firebomber arrested.”

  • Interest rate cuts in ‘24? On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve decided to maintain the 22-year-high interest rate at the current 5.25% to 5.5% range for the third straight time. With increasing signs that the economy is cooling off, a majority of Fed officials predicted that interest rates will likely be cut down next year to an estimated 4.6%. Furthermore, no Fed official anticipates interest rate hikes next year. This sentiment was reiterated by Fed Chair Jerome Powell: “We added the word ‘any’ as an acknowledgment that we are likely at, or near, the peak rate for this cycle. But participants also didn’t want to take the possibility of further hikes off the table.” In other words, wait and see what the economy does. Will inflationary growth cool down enough? The Fed has repeatedly pointed at 2% inflation as its target. Inflation is currently at 3.1% over this time last year, considerably higher than the Fed’s target.
  • Senate passes NDAA: The Senate approved the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act by a 87-13 margin, with seven Democrats including Bernie Sanders and six Republicans voting against it. The bill authorizes a significant 5.2% pay increase to military personnel and provides billions for aircraft and ships. It also includes another $800 million in funding for Ukraine. Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) heralded the NDAA’s passage by saying that it “enables us to hold the line against Russia, stand firm against the Chinese Communist Party, and ensure that America’s defenses remain state-of-the-art.” Republican Senator Josh Hawley (MO) voted against the NDAA, criticizing it for failing to include continued compensation to victims of radiation exposure. “When the government causes injury,” he said, “the government should make it right. It is wrong to let it expire, it is an injustice, it is a scar on the conscience of this body and on this nation.” The legislation now heads to the House, where it faces criticism from some Republicans for failing to sufficiently remove woke policies from within the Pentagon.
  • Crime-ridden DC loses two sports teams: The Spectator’s Ben Domenech calls it “the ultimate indictment of incompetent Mayor Muriel Bowser and corrupt Democrats on the city council who let crime take over the nation’s capital.” And who can disagree? The decision by both the Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League and the Washington Wizards of the National Basketball Association to pack up and hightail it out of DC is damning indeed. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser tried to keep the teams in DC with a promise of $800 million for a three-year renovation of the Capital One Arena, which opened in 1997 and is where both teams play. No dice. Instead, she should’ve promised to clean up the crime-ridden city and make it a more desirable place to take the family and watch a game. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, whose state will benefit from the move, announced grand plans for “a brighter, more extraordinary future,” a $2 billion sports and entertainment district in Alexandria’s Potomac Yard. Youngkin also had this observation about the competition between governing philosophies: “States that are led by Republican governors are winning, and states that are led by Democrat governors are losing.”
  • Boston mayor’s “no whites” holiday party: You’d think a mayor with a surname like Wu would be attuned to such things as racism, especially given that a nearby school, Harvard, was the defendant in a landmark legal case about discrimination against Asian students. But then you’d be wrong. Wu is facing some backlash — and rightly so — for holding an “Electeds of Color” holiday party. That’s right: no whites allowed. Unfortunately for Wu, the city’s director of city council relations, Denise DosSantos, mistakenly sent an email invitation for the party to all city council members rather than just the colorful ones. Oops. Asked about the divisiveness that such an event might engender, Wu seemed unpersuasive, even evasive. “We had individual conversations with everyone,” she said, “so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field.” DosSantos has since sent out The Email of Shame, a semi-literate walk-back of the original email that read: “I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a holiday party for tomorrow. I did send that to everyone by accident, I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.” No confusion here, Denise. You’re apologizing not for holding a racist holiday party but for getting caught. It seems to us that Mayor Wu has three choices: cancel the event, open it to everyone, or resign.
  • House condemns campus anti-Semitism: Much to the chagrin of Democrat Squad members, the GOP-led House of Representatives passed a resolution yesterday condemning both anti-Semitism and the disastrous and morally bankrupt testimony last week of The Three Stooges: University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill, who rightly resigned under pressure on Saturday, and Harvard President Claudine Gay and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth, both of whom somehow managed to hang on to their jobs. “The world is watching,” posted New York Republican Elise Stefanik, the hero of last week’s evisceration of higher-education hatred and elitism. As The Daily Wire reports: “A final tally showed 303 members voting in support of the bipartisan measure, 126 members voting against it, and three lawmakers voting ‘present.’ Two others did not vote.” It’s noteworthy that all but one of those who voted against the measure are Democrats. The exception, as is often the case for resolutions such as this, was Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, whose free-speech absolutism isn’t to be taken lightly.
  • Media Matters sues Texas: Leftmedia propaganda outfit Media Matters filed a lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after he launched an investigation into the organization over “potential fraudulent activity” following its dubious claims that Elon Musk’s X platform was running major corporate advertising alongside anti-Semitic and white supremacist content. Following Media Matters’s reporting, several companies including Disney and Apple pulled their adds from X. In its lawsuit against Paxton, Media Matters is ironically alleging that the Texas AG is violating the organization’s free speech rights, arguing that the investigation has imposed a “chill” on its “ability to investigate and publish news stories and further chills their ability to participate in a robust public discussion around political extremism on the X platform.” Talk about a classic case of “rules for thee but not for me.” The folks at Media Matters have no qualms over conducting a disingenuous “investigation” into X, but they object when an investigation is raised against their own questionable “journalistic” methods. Meanwhile, Media Matters was hit with another investigation on Monday, as Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced that he is looking into whether the media organization engaged in fraudulent solicitation for donations from Missourians.
  • Douglas Emhoff botches Hanukkah: Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s husband, on Monday posted a video on social media that featured them lighting a menorah and included his written recounting of the story of Hanukkah. Emhoff, who is Jewish, wrote: “The story of Hanukkah and the story of the Jewish people has always been one of hope and resilience. In the Hanukkah story, the Jewish people were forced into hiding. No one thought they would survive or that the few drops of oil they had would last. But they survived and the oil kept burning. During those eight days in hiding, they recited their prayers and continued their traditions. That’s why Hanukkah means dedication. It was during those dark nights that the Maccabees dedicated themselves to maintaining hope and faith in the oil, each other, and their Judaism.” Evidently, Emhoff wasn’t paying very close attention when he was taught the history of Hanukkah, which didn’t involve eight days of Jews hiding. Rather, Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabees defeated their Greek-Syrian oppressors. The oil referred to was the sacred oil for use only in the temple, where only a day’s supply was found for the rededication, but that oil supply miraculously lasted for eight days.


  • Supreme Court to rule on access to abortion pill (National Review)
  • Out-of-state travel for abortion doubled since 2020 (Washington Stand)
  • Seattle student failed quiz for answering “only women can get pregnant” (Fox News)
  • Oklahoma governor joins DeSantis, bans using funds for DEI at all state agencies, universities (Daily Wire)
  • Detroit man, 28, charged in killing of synagogue leader Samantha Woll (Detroit Free Press)
  • Only 10% of Palestinians believe Hamas committed atrocities during Israel invasion (National Review)
  • Divine justice: Turkish lawmaker declares Israel cannot “escape the wrath of God,” instantly collapses from heart attack (Daily Wire)
  • “Satire”: “Did not attend Harvard” now number one quality employers seeking in job candidate (Babylon Bee)
  • Humor: McConnell dresses as prostitute to lure Hunter into closed-door hearing (Babylon Bee)

For more editors’ choice headlines, click here.

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World’s Smallest Violin

“For six years, I’ve been the target of the unrelenting Trump attack machine.” —Hunter Biden

The BIG Lies

“There is no fairness or decency in what these Republicans are doing.” —Hunter Biden

“They’re trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. And so, therefore, destroying a presidency in that way.” —Hunter Biden

“Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business.” —Hunter Biden

Circling the Wagons

“[Republicans] have no evidence of course to support this [impeachment] inquiry, but since this majority never lets facts get in the way of a good set of Fox News talking points, here we are.” —Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

“There is zero evidence that President Biden has engaged in an impeachable offense. There is zero evidence that President Biden has engaged in any wrongdoing whatsoever. There is zero evidence that President Biden has broken the law. … They can’t find a scintilla of evidence to justify this impeachment inquiry.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“[Republicans] haven’t allowed anybody to testify publicly because they do not have a single witness to any of their … allegations.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

“Republicans are weaponizing [Hunter’s] addiction and using it to attack President Biden, a man of decency and integrity.” —Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA)


“The longer [Republicans] take for Ukraine [aid], more people will die, more women will be raped, more children will be kidnapped — and it’ll be all on them” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“Holding Ukraine funding hostage in an attempt to force through an extreme Republican partisan agenda on the border is not how it works. We need real solutions.” —Joe Biden

“The pro-Putin caucus of the House Republican conference is extreme, it’s loud, and it’s growing.” —Hakeem Jeffries

Dumb & Dumber

“President Biden has an incredible track record of success. He’s produced over and over again on issue after issue. From the American Rescue Plan, shots in arms, money in pockets, kids back in school — allowing us to emerge from a once-in-a-century pandemic and put our economy on an incredible path forward.” —Hakeem Jeffries

“I’m very happy with the outcomes we’ve seen in the economy over the last year or so.” —Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Spin Doctor

“When people go to the grocery store … their grocery prices go up because they’re paying for executive bonuses and stock buybacks. And that’s pretty clear and voters understand that when you talk about it that way.” —Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)


“I think that [Joe Biden] loves his son and lost another son in a war.” —political pundit Juan Williams


“You would think that every single woman who has ever posted the hashtag #MeToo on her Instagram feed and on her Facebook page would be vocal in her outrage about what happened in Gaza. You would think that someone like Rashida Tlaib or Pramila Jayapal, women who regularly complain about the abuse of women of color, would be at the forefront of condemning these brutal attacks on women of color. But with a few notable exceptions on the left, there has been virtual silence.” —Christine Flowers

“A country can have open borders or a generous social safety net, but not both. President Joe Biden is the poster boy for that mistake, and cities across the U.S. are paying the price.” —Betsy McCaughey

“Trump is a former president accused of crimes, and there has never been such a case before in U.S. history. But why does that mean the case must be speeded through the courts? [Special Counsel Jack] Smith does not say, but the reason seems clear: Smith is in a hurry because he has very little time to try the case and imprison Trump before the 2024 election. He just can’t come out and say it that way; if he did, he would highlight the fundamentally political nature of the prosecution.” —Byron York

“War is about life and death. Abortion is about life and death. War is about values that go beyond self. Abortion is about values that go beyond self. [Senator Tommy] Tuberville may have caused inconvenience to hundreds of officers in line for promotion. But if those officers do not see or understand the importance to our nation of the pro-life values to which Tuberville has drawn national attention, this is a sign of a major problem in national security. I cannot imagine a healthy military guided by officers who do not appreciate the sanctity of life.” —Star Parker

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Tens of Thousands of Illegals Continue to Catch Train in Mexico Bound For US on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are trying to catch a train in Mexico en route to the United States.

According to Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins: FOX sources capture tens of thousands of migrants attempting to catch a train in Mexico 3 hours south of Piedras Negras bound for the U.S. border where Border Patrol agents are already overwhelmed with unprecedented numbers.

A video posted to X on Wednesday showed an endless line of mainly military-age males standing next to the train waiting to catch a ride to the US.

Congressman Tony Gonzales said the train is headed to Eagle Pass, Texas.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: FOX sources capture tens of thousands of migrants attempting to catch a train in Mexico 3 hours south of Piedras Negras bound for the U.S. border where BP agents are already overwhelmed with unprecedented numbers @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/bnnF6gvgKm

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) December 13, 2023

Former ICE Director Tom Homan reported live from the southern border in Alpine, Texas on Tuesday and revealed the number of illegals who crossed into the US in November will be “another historic record.”

“The numbers continue at historic records. I’m being told the November numbers will be out at the end of the week, there’ll be another historic record,” Tom Homan said.

Between 9,000 and 12,000 illegal aliens poured over the US border per day in November.

Drone footage taken Tuesday morning in Eagle Pass, Texas, shows a massive group of illegal aliens crossing the southern border into the United States.

“This is going to go on now for several hours and it’s the numbers that are just unsustainable. In this sector last week they had more than 17,000 unclear what this week is gonna bring, but one thing is guaranteed it’s gonna overwhelm agents in this sector and it’s also gonna overwhelm those agents a thousand miles to my west in Lukeville, Arizona where they’re absolutely getting hammered as well.” Fox field reporter said.

“They don’t care in Washington, they are going on vacation. They are not gonna get anything done and they are just gonna go home on Friday. Unbelievable.” the Fox anchor had said.


You won’t believe your eyes after after footage exposes US border utterly overrun by illegal migrants pic.twitter.com/kQc6pgk0vj

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 12, 2023

The post Tens of Thousands of Illegals Continue to Catch Train in Mexico Bound For US on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Israeli Officials Knew of Hamas Plot but Dismissed It as ‘Conjecture’

The Netanyahu government in Israel is facing internal criticism over the October 7th massacre. News reports indicate that Israeli intelligence officials had advance knowledge of Hamas’ diabolical plot, but they dismissed it as unrealistic.

Source: Israeli Officials Knew of Hamas Plot but Dismissed It as ‘Conjecture’

Israeli Officials Knew of Hamas Plot but Dismissed It as ‘Conjecture or Nonsense’

JERUSALEM – The Netanyahu government in Israel is facing internal criticism over the October 7th massacre. News reports indicate that Israeli intelligence officials had advance knowledge of Hamas’ diabolical plot, but they dismissed it as unrealistic.

The stunning revelation comes from various news outlets. The reports point to Israeli officials having advance knowledge of a detailed battle plan for the large-scale terrorist attack, but didn’t think it was possible. This critical failure led to the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

On Oct. 7, Hamas launched its gruesome attack targeting Israeli civilians. While committing countless crimes against humanity, the terrorists murdered 1,200 people and took 240+ hostages. Despite having a detailed 40-page operation plan, named “Jericho Wall,” according to the New York Times Israeli authorities underestimated Hamas’ capabilities, dismissing their scheme.

Read the full story from CBN’s New Correspondent Chuck Holton:

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

Source: Israeli Officials Knew of Hamas Plot but Dismissed It as ‘Conjecture or Nonsense’

Biggs: Hunter’s stunt backfired on Bidens

On Thursday’s “Wake Up America,” Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs says Hunter Biden failing to show up for closed-door testimony helped solidify vote for impeachment inquiry. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes.

Source: Biggs: Hunter’s stunt backfired on Bidens

Reporter corners KJP with Biden’s own words about defying congressional subpoenas after Hunter Biden does exactly that – Conservative Review

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to reconcile Hunter Biden defying a congressional subpoena with President Joe Biden’s words that such individuals must be prosecuted.

The elephant in the briefing room on Wednesday was Hunter Biden’s Capitol Hill speech and his refusal to comply with a subpoena requiring that he testify before House investigators probing allegations of Biden family corruption.

The first two times reporters asked about the first son’s defiance, Jean-Pierre refused to address the issue. “I’m just not going to speak to that,” she said. But when a reporter asked if Biden watched his son’s speech, Jean-Pierre said the president “was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say,” suggesting the two had conversed about it beforehand. But she later declined to provide additional details as to what exactly she meant by “familiar.”

Finally, a reporter confronted Jean-Pierre with Biden’s own words about congressional subpoenas.

“You were asked what the president — what his stance was on people who defy congressional subpoenas. In 2021, he was asked that question specifically and said that he believed the Justice Department should prosecute them,” the reporter noted.

“Is that still his position?” the reporter asked.

But Jean-Pierre took the coward’s way out.

“I don’t have anything to add to what you just quoted me from the president. I just don’t have anything to add,” she responded

.@DailyMail‘s @RobCrilly: “You were asked what the President — what his stance was on people who defy congressional subponeas. In 2021, he was that…and he said he believes the Justice Dept should prosecute them. Is that still his position?”

KJP: “I don’t have anything to add” pic.twitter.com/n6MZbocrxm
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) December 13, 2023

In October 2021, Biden was asked about individuals who had defied the Jan. 6 committee and ignored subpoenas requiring their testimony.

“I hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable criminally,” Biden responded.

When asked if he thinks that accountability should come in the form of Justice Department prosecution, Biden confirmed, “I do, yes.”

And that’s exactly what happened. At the time of Biden’s comments, Steve Bannon had ignored a congressional subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee. The Justice Department then secured an indictment against Bannon for contempt charges, and he was later found guilty and sentenced to prison.


Jill Biden Shares Charming Christmas Performance By Twins From ‘The Shining’ | Babylon Bee

Article Image

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Critics are raving after First Lady Dr. Jill Biden shared a delightful video of a charming White House Christmas dance performed by none other than the twin girls from The Shining.

“I just want to do my part to spread a little holiday cheer,” said Jill as the twins stood ominously in a candy-cane-colored hallway. “Just look at them! Aren’t they simply adorable?”

“Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Danny,” said the two girls in ghostly unison. “Come play with us forever, and ever, and ever.”

Gathered officials clapped and cheered at the whimsical holiday performance.

“This year I really wanted to put on a White House Holiday presentation that would illustrate exactly where America is and where it’s going,” said the First Lady, who is also a very real doctor. “I only hope it fills the hearts of everyone who sees it with warmth and cheer. Happy Kwanzaa, everyone!”

At publishing time, President Joe Biden had still not seen the performance, as he was busy in his room furiously typing “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” over and over again on an old typewriter.

Here is a comprehensive list of the only instances it is acceptable for men to shed a tear.

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Why Is U.S. Intelligence Lying About The War In Ukraine? | The Gateway Pundit

The Biden Administration declassified a U.S. intelligence assessment on the war in Ukraine and it was promptly shared with the media as part of a Biden Administration full court press to persuade Congress to cough up more bucks for Ukraine. The information reported by Politico and CNN is disturbing because it shows the U.S. is out of touch with reality and furiously spinning in order to give the politicians what they want to hear. These are classic examples of politics taking precedence over intelligence.

Politico’s piece — US declassifies intel as the White House pushes for more Ukraine funding — focuses on the nonsensical meme that Russia is banking on a stalemate and insists that Russia is suffering terrible losses:

The U.S. assesses that Russia believes it is helped by a military stalemate with Ukraine that saps Western support for Kyiv, making its war easier to win. “Russia is determined to press forward with its offensive despite its losses,” National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement. “It is more critical now than ever that we maintain our support for Ukraine so they can continue to hold the line and regain their territory.”

Further American intelligence indicates the Western-backed Ukrainian campaign is having some success. More than 13,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded and over 220 combat vehicles destroyed along the Avdiivka-Novopavlivka axis in eastern Ukraine since October, Watson said. She added that the Kremlin’s forces continue to pound targets in eastern Ukraine including around Avdiivka, Lyman and Kupyansk.

The IC is not presenting an accurate picture of what is unfolding in Ukraine. The assessment pushes the claim that Russia is suffering massive losses because of the “Western-backed campaign.” This is intended to convey the message that there is still hope for Ukraine. But a proper “intel assessment” should have made the three fundamental points:

  1. The uptick in Russian casualties since October is a consequence of Russia going on the offensive all along the line of contact and that Russia is making significant progress in pushing Ukrainian forces out of long held positions. Avdeevka is the most salient example.
  2. There is no stalemate. Ukraine’s losses, as compared to Russia’s, are greater by a factor of at least 5 to 1, and Russia, unlike Ukraine, has ample reserves of troops, tanks, artillery pieces and ammunition.
  3. Russia’s defense industry is operating on a war footing and is churning out massive numbers of tanks, armored personnel carriers, drones, planes, artillery and ammunition. The United State and NATO combined are producing only a fraction of what Russia is doing.

What about Russia’s 13,000 casualties? It is conceivable that Russia has 3,000 KIA and 10,000 WIA since October, but these losses are not reflected in social media and do not represent a degradation in Russia’s military power. Not so for Ukraine. Hell, even Zelensky told U.S. Senators he was going to draft 40 year old men. That means Ukraine’s losses are so great that they are being forced to dragoon men too old for the rigors of combat.

The CNN report is even more disingenuous. The IC is lying. I am talking Gulf of Tonkin kind of lie. Take a look at the piece written by Katie Bo Lillis, Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment. She writes:

Russia has lost a staggering 87 percent of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks, a source familiar with a declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress told CNN.

Still, despite heavy losses of men and equipment, Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to push forward as the war approaches its two-year anniversary early next year and US officials are warning that Ukraine remains deeply vulnerable. A highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive stagnated through the fall, and US officials believe that Kyiv is unlikely to make any major gains over the coming months.

Reuters provides a more accurate account of what is contained in the assessment:

A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the intelligence said on Tuesday.

The report also assessed that Moscow’s losses in personnel and armored vehicles to Ukraine’s military have set back Russia’s military modernization by 18 years, the source said.

If this were true then Russian social media would be on fire with pictures of graves and grieving families burying their soldier. Those do not exist, at least not in the quantity that appears in Ukrainian social media. There are hundreds of videos and photographs of Ukrainian cemeteries that are bursting at the seams with newly buried soldiers. The following are but two examples. There is plenty more where that came from.

We also know that Russia is not dragging 40 and 50 year old guys off the streets and forcing them to join the army. That is Ukraine. Russia, by contrast, signed up more than 40,000 soldiers a month during the first 11 months of 2023:

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said on Friday that more than 452,000 people were recruited to the military under contract from January 1 to December 1, 2023.

Not even the U.S. military can match recruiting numbers like that. Did the U.S. intelligence analysts fail to tell members of Congress that Russia is now building up its military personnel to 2.2 million because it is prepared, if necessary, to fight the United States and NATO?

There is news, unfortunately, that we are moving in the direction of a full on war with Russia. The New York Times war team — Julian E. Barnes, Eric Schmitt, David E. Sanger and Thomas Gibbons-Neff — report that the United States is taking greater control of Ukraine’s military planning by sending a three star U.S. General to run things in Kiev. Here is the key take away from the NY Times piece — U.S. and Ukraine Search for a New Strategy After Failed Counteroffensive:

The United States is stepping up the face-to-face military advice it provides to Ukraine, dispatching a three-star general to Kyiv to spend considerable time on the ground. U.S. and Ukrainian military officers say they hope to work out the details of a new strategy next month in a series of war games scheduled to be held in Wiesbaden, Germany. . . .

The Pentagon has also decided to dispatch Lt. Gen. Antonio A. Aguto Jr., who commands the support of Ukraine from a base in Germany, to spend lengthy periods of time in Kyiv. General Aguto will work more directly with the country’s military leadership to improve the advice the United States is offering, American officials said. While the White House has opted not to have U.S. military advisers in the country permanently, General Aguto’s frequent rotations in and out of Kyiv would inch toward the end of that restriction.

We did not learn a damn thing from our debacle in Vietnam. Sending “advisors” to the front lines has never fixed a thing. There is not a single active duty general in the U.S. military that has any hands on experience with fighting a combined arms war against an industrial peer. Aguto is not going alone. He will be accompanied by at least a company sized element of staff officers. If Russia decides to hit the Ukrainian planning cell it is likely that we will have significant U.S. casualties on the ground in Ukraine. This is madness.

Russia, for now at least, is keeping its powder dry. But that could change if Ukraine, with the backing and encouragement of the U.S., launches a terror campaign in Crimea. Russia is not going to sit back and allow its civilians to be slaughtered by Western weapons. I hope Aguto understands that. If he does not, he may very well end his tour of duty in Ukraine in a body bag and the United States will be in a war it is not ready to fight. Pray for peace.

The post Why Is U.S. Intelligence Lying About The War In Ukraine? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Social Media Users Roast Jill Biden After Releasing ‘Tacky, Tasteless, and Anti-Christmas’ Ads at the White House (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Last month, Dr. Jill Biden unveiled this year’s tacky and tasteless White House Christmas decorations.

“Nearly 15,000 feet of ribbon, more than 350 candles, and over 22,000 bells were used for the decorations, the White House said. More than 142,425 lights twinkle on trees, garlands, wreaths and other displays.” CBS News reported.

“Seventy-two wreaths sporting red ribbons adorn the north and south exteriors of the White House.” the outlet said.

“For this year’s holidays at the White House, our theme is inspired by how children experience this festive season: completely present in the beauty and bounty around them, their senses alight, with hearts open to the “Magic, Wonder, and Joy” of the season,” Jill Biden said.

We have Santa’s magical sleigh suspended in the air in the Grand Foyer, a working train running around the Official White House Christmas Tree, and a Gingerbread White House that celebrates the 200th Anniversary of a childhood favorite, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!” Jill Biden said.

“In this season of reflection and goodwill, we hope you will embrace your inner child and delight in simply being present with those you love,” Joe and Jill Biden wrote in a welcome letter. “It is a time for our senses to awaken — for each of us to smell the aroma of favorite family recipes, to hear the warmth of a dear friend’s voice, to see the glow of lights and decorations, to taste the sweetness of candies and treats, and to feel the quiet stillness and strength of faith.”

Jill Biden did not even mention Jesus Christ in her message to Americans.

We have Santa’s magical sleigh suspended in the air in the Grand Foyer, a working train running around the Official White House Christmas Tree, and a Gingerbread White House that celebrates the 200th Anniversary of a childhood favorite, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas! pic.twitter.com/uj37XwY9P0

— Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) November 27, 2023

On Wednesday, released a Christmas advertisement filmed within the esteemed halls of the White House.

“A bit of magic, wonder, and joy brought to you by the talented tappers of Dorrance Dance, performing their playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite,” Jill Biden wrote.


A bit of magic, wonder, and joy brought to you by the talented tappers of Dorrance Dance, performing their playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite.

Enjoy! pic.twitter.com/qXtCm4t37o

— Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) December 13, 2023

The advertisement, which cost taxpayers a significant sum, was intended to enchant viewers with a “bit of magic, wonder, and joy.” However, many social media users found the advertisement to be less than enchanting.

As viewers chimed in with comments on X, they brought the debate into the viral spotlight.

It’s a mentally ill Christmas at the Biden White House.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) December 14, 2023

Delete this it’s horrible.

— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) December 14, 2023

Is everyone at the White House on drugs???

— Milenka~ (@MilenaAmit) December 13, 2023

Stop normalizing mental illness.

— Julia (@Jules31415) December 14, 2023


— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) December 14, 2023

Nothing magical about dudes in dresses with d*cks ruining a holiday classic. You’re damaged goods lady

— Jordyn Trump (@JT4DT24) December 13, 2023

OMG!!! This can’t be real? Horrible—the one guy looks like a perv character from the Shining. Yikes. Hide the children if you don’t want nightmares. Disturbing IMO.

— Dianna Erwin (@Dianna_Erwin) December 14, 2023

One user nostalgically recalling former First Lady Melania Trump’s holiday decorating, pointing out the huge difference. The user’s comment encapsulated the overall discontent, stating, “How utterly tacky, tasteless and ANTI Christmas. Melania’s was tasteful, seasonal, appealed to everyone and was absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous.”

How utterly tacky, tasteless and ANTI Christmas.
Melania’s was tasteful, seasonal, appealed to everyone and was absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous.pic.twitter.com/v3FQ81ytxJ

— Peri Fine (@Perifinesse) December 14, 2023

The post Social Media Users Roast Jill Biden After Releasing ‘Tacky, Tasteless, and Anti-Christmas’ Ads at the White House (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

“The President Was Familiar With What Hunter Was Going to Say Today” KJP Opens Door to Questions of Joe Biden Coordinating With Hunter to Defy Congressional Subpoena | The Gateway Pundit

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre opened the door to questions of Joe Biden coordinating with first son Hunter Biden in Hunter’s defiance of a Congressional subpoena to provide testimony in a closed-door deposition on Wednesday. KJP told reporters at Wednesday’s press briefing, “The President was familiar with what Hunter was going to say today.”

Hunter read a statement to reporters Wednesday morning on the Senate side of the grounds of the Capitol. Hunter attacked Republicans and ran interference for Joe, saying, “My father was not financially involved in my business.” Hunter later repeated the line, adding, “Because it did not happen.”

Wednesday afternoon at the White House, KJP stunned reporters by acknowledging for the first time Joe Biden being involved with Hunter’s legal troubles, saying several times that he was “familiar with what Hunter was going to say today.”

CBS News White House reporter Ed O’Keefe spoke about the change in White House strategy, saying, “this was one of those ‘things that make you go ‘hmmm’ moments” that is going to lead to more questioning by reporters and Congress.

Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy said, “The wall that has been up between them to protect President Biden has been breached”:

Excerpts from the White House transcript of Wednesday’s briefing by Karine Jean Pierre:

Q And amid everything else today, did he spend any time watching what his son had to say outside the Capitol?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, a couple — just a couple of things on that. And I want to be really clear. Look, as you know, Hunter Biden is a private citizen. And so, I certainly would refer you to his representatives.

Look, you know, the President was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. And I think what you saw was from the heart from his son. And you’ve heard — you’ve heard me say this; you’ve heard the President say this: When it comes to the President and the First Lady, they are proud of him continuing to rebuild his life. They are proud of their son…


Q Thank you, though. Is the President okay with his son defying a congressional subpoena?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I’m just not going to get into — into specifics on that. I would have to re- — would have to refer you to the President’s — not the President, but Hunter’s personal — personal representatives. He is a private citizen, so I’m just not going to get into it.

Q Can you tell us when the last time the two of them spoke?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I mean, I’m also not going to get into private conversation that the President has with his family. We’ve been pretty consistent. That’s nothing new. We’re just not going to get into it from here.


Go ahead, Rob. I haven’t called you in a while. Go ahead.

Q No, you haven’t. (Laughter.) Thank you very much.

You just said the President was familiar with what his son was going to say today. Was the President involved in drafting it, discussing it? Did he offer advice? What did you mean by “familiar”?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything else to add. He was familiar. I don’t have anything else to add.

Q Okay. And you — you were asked what the President — what his stance was on people who defy congressional subpoenas. In 2021, he was asked that question specifically and said that he believed the Justice Department should prosecute them. Is that his — still his position (inaudible) —

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything to add to what you have — what you just quoted me from the President. I just don’t have anything to add.


Q Thank you. Thanks, Karine. You said that President Biden was familiar with what his son was going to say on Capitol Hill. If I called my dad and said, “I am about to violate a congressional subpoena,” he would probably say, “Son, you shouldn’t do that.” Was there any attempt by President Biden to talk Hunter out of it today?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: You’re going to call your dad “Steve”?

Q I call him “Dad” usually. (Laughter.)

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Look, I don’t have anything else to add. The President was familiar with what Hunter was going to say today. And, you know — look, he’s proud of his son. He and the First Lady are proud of his son, how he’s rebuilding his life back. He’s going to focus on what is needed on the American people.

Hunter — and I’ve said this many times — is a private citizen. And so, certainly, I would have to refer you to — to his representatives.

I’m just not going to get into private conversations, because what you’re asking me is actually a private conversation. I’m just not going to get into it.

Q Okay. The first briefing since Hunter was indicted again in Los Angeles. Why doesn’t President Biden just pardon him?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: The President — I’ve been very clear — the President is not going to pardon his son.

The post “The President Was Familiar With What Hunter Was Going to Say Today” KJP Opens Door to Questions of Joe Biden Coordinating With Hunter to Defy Congressional Subpoena appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

House approves impeachment inquiry into Biden after Hunter cameo

The House voted Wednesday to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, allowing committee chairmen to further their case that he benefitted from Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

— Read on nypost.com/2023/12/13/news/house-approves-impeachment-inquiry-into-biden-after-hunter-cameo/