Daily Archives: December 15, 2023

Tears Shall Cease | VCY

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.Revelation 21:4

Yes, we shall come to this if we are believers. Sorrow shall cease, and tears shall be wiped away. This is the world of weeping, but it passes away. There shall be a new heaven and a new earth, so says the first verse of this chapter; and therefore there will be nothing to weep over concerning the Fall and its consequent miseries. Read the second verse and note how it speaks of the bride and her marriage. The Lamb’s wedding is a time for boundless pleasure, and tears would be out of place. The third verse says that God Himself will dwell among men; and surely at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore, and tears can no longer flow.

What will our state be when there will be no more sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain? This will be more glorious than we can as yet imagine. O eyes that are red with weeping, cease your scalding flow, for in a little while ye shall know no more tears! None can wipe tears away like the God of love, but He is coming to do it. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Come, Lord, and tarry not; for now both men and women must weep!

GTY Blog Post – Mary’s Magnificat

Imagine how Mary must have felt when she was told by an angel that she would be the parent of the long-awaited Messiah—that she’d be responsible for raising and nurturing her Savior. How do you think you’d respond? You’d no doubt find the responsibility overwhelming and intimidating. You might be instantly overcome with worry. You might even attempt to respectfully decline the position altogether.



Lady Pen | Daily Thoughts about God.

Psalm 107:9 “For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness”

For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness” Psalm 107:9

One day I gave my two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter paper and crayons to play with while I was working on the computer. After a little while she came to me and said, “Grandma, I want a lady pen.”

A lady pen?” I asked. “What is a lady pen? Show me.” I opened the desk drawer and showed her all the pens. She took the one with the brightest lid and walked back to her papers.

Soon she was back, quite disgusted. “Grandma, this pen does not make a lady,” she said. Then I understood what she had meant when she asked for a lady pen. She had expected the pen to automatically draw a lady for her. Of course, we know that pens can’t draw anything by themselves — they can only do what our hands make them do. But she hadn’t learned that yet.

Later, I wondered how often we as adults expect our work, our ministry, our spouse, or material things to do the impossible for us. We expect them to satisfy the longing and hunger in our heart and soul. No created thing can do that for us —only God can.

However, we can be a pencil in God’s hand. Mother Teresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” If we become pens in God’s hands, He will make something beautiful out of our lives, and it will spill over to others.

I drew a lady for Tabitha that day, although it was no masterpiece. God is the Master Creator. He is an excellent artist and will mold us into something beautiful and pleasing — if we yield to His control. He promises that we will not be disappointed.

Lord, help us to continually realize that You alone can satisfy the deepest longings in our hearts. You can make something beautiful out of our lives. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• True Satisfaction – by Brigitte Straub

• Are You Enjoying the Goodness of the Lord?  by Kathy Cheek

• Satisfaction –  by Kathy Cheek

The post Lady Pen can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

15 Dec 2023 News Briefing

‘Scientific Dictatorship’: Critics Warn UN Climate Plans Would Usher In ‘Insane’ Totalitarian Form Of Global Governance
Top leaders at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are seeking the power to prescribe “climate” policy at the international level and then potentially even oversee its implementation and enforcement. Critics, however, warned that the demands were not just unscientific, but would undermine self-governance while ushering in an “insane” totalitarian technocratic form of government.

Large Solar Flare Reported: Here’s What That Means
A huge solar flare was just reported. Known as an X-class flare, it’s among the most potent solar flares that can occur, and it’s causing some shortwave radio blackouts on Earth. Here’s what else you need to know. (watch)

War Cabinet stops Mossad chief’s attempts at new hostage deal
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who heads Israel’s War Cabinet, prevented Mossad chief David Barnea from traveling to Qatar earlier this week to examine the possibility of reaching another deal to release hostages held by Hamas amid continued fighting in Gaza, Israeli broadcasting channel Keshet recently reported.

Gallant to Sullivan: Israel needs more than several months to destroy Hamas
The Israeli military has been planting and detonating explosives in Hamas tunnels, killing terrorists as part of a new technique; Israeli Air Force cooperates with ground forces to hit 500 Hamas targets this week. Hamas “is a terrorist organization that built itself over a decade to fight Israel and built infrastructure under the ground and above the ground, and it is not easy to destroy them. It will require a long period of time; it will last more than several months,

Vladimir Putin lost for words as he confronts his AI ‘double’
Putin appeared briefly lost for words on Thursday when confronted with an AI-generated version of himself. The “double” took the opportunity to put a question to Putin about artificial intelligence during an annual news conference where dozens of callers from around the country were hooked up to the president by video link. “Vladimir Vladimirovich, hello, I am a student at St Petersburg state university. I want to ask, is it true you have a lot of doubles?” the double asked, prompting laughter among the audience in the hall with Putin in Moscow.

What will Israel’s presence in Gaza look like after war? Ex-intel head explains
Israeli government officials have been making more and more noise about maintaining a security zone in Gaza even after the future withdrawal of most forces, but no one has discussed the elements of what this zone would look like and how it would operate. Israeli commandos would need to have freedom of action to go back deeper into Gaza to hunt for terrorists, a former defense leader told The Jerusalem Post.

Senior US official: Sinwar’s days are numbered
A senior US official told reporters in a briefing on Thursday that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s days “are numbered”. “He has American blood on his hands and he is holding American hostages. I think it’s safe to say it doesn’t matter how long it takes…justice will be served,” the official said.

Zionist Arab puts hostage photos, Israeli flag outside Rashida Tlaib’s office
Yosef Haddad, an Arab Israeli Zionist activist, posted a video of his putting up photos of hostages in front of the office of Progressive Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and hanging an Israeli flag over her Palestinian one.

Israel puts a bounty on the heads of Hamas leaders in Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces is urging Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to help topple Hamas rule, with flyers dropped in the coastal enclave promising up to $400,000 for information on the whereabouts of Yahya Sinwar and other terror leaders. “Hamas’s end is near.

The end of Hamas
The original Philistines, for whom the land of Palestine was named, were a civilization known for being voyagers who migrated to the Holy Land in the twelfth century BCE. They were not Arab. They were of Greek origin. They built five city-states: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath and Ekron. The current Palestinian people are not related to the original inhabitants of Gaza or what is called, Palestine. They have no long-standing historical claim to the lands of Israel.

British ambassador to Israel: ‘We do not call for a ceasefire – the mission to eliminate Hamas has not ended’
Simon Walters, the British ambassador to Israel, stated in a special interview with KAN News that the United Kingdom does not discuss deadlines for the war in Gaza in terms of weeks or months: “We don’t use that term. We say the sooner the war ends, the better, but we are not calling for a ceasefire because we know the mission to eliminate Hamas has not been completed yet.”

Terrorists killed in underground tunnel
This evening, the IDF and ISA reveal special footage from an operation that took place in recent days, in which IDF soldiers killed terrorists underground in one of the major tunnels of the Hamas terrorist organization. The tunnel was exposed by the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Division in cooperation with the ISA. The terrorists were identified and killed by soldiers of the Combat Engineering Yahalom Unit using a variety of means.

Toyota Electric Vehicles Will Get Wireless Charging Thanks to Israeli Technology
Electreon Wireless, an Israeli startup that creates wireless chargers for electric vehicles, has announced a partnership with Toyota and the producer of automotive parts DENSO to integrate its wireless charging technology into Toyota electric vehicles.

Divine Irony: Turkish MP’s Collapse Following Harsh Words Against Israel
In a striking turn of events that underscores the complexities of Middle Eastern politics and the power of words, … Bitmez, 53, concluded his impassioned address with a strong condemnation of Israel, stating, “You will not escape the wrath of Allah.” These words, heavy with foreboding, were his last before he unexpectedly collapsed, his head striking the floor,

Winter storm could dump over a foot of snow in NM, CO as heavy rain soaks Texas
Nearly a foot of snow has piled up in parts of the southern Rockies and High Plains as a winter storm blasted the region littered with winter weather alerts. The warm side of the system will also dump heavy rain on Texas through Friday.

Florida braces for possible tropical-storm-like conditions this weekend
The final weekend before Christmas is going to be a messy one across Florida as a low pressure system sweeps into the state from the Gulf of Mexico and brings with it possible tropical-storm-like conditions including heavy rain, gusty winds, flooding and potential for severe weather.

Powerful pre-holiday storm to pound 20 states, slow early Christmas travel
Christmas travel is getting underway this weekend, but the FOX Forecast Center is tracking a powerful pre-holiday storm that will impact millions in at least 20 states as it slides up the East Coast this weekend and into early next week, slamming the region with heavy rain and strong wind.

Satanic Statue in Iowa Capitol Gets Destroyed by Christian Veteran
The Republican Sentinel has reported a Christian veteran has beheaded the controversial Satanic statue that was erected inside of Iowa’s Capitol.

Netanyahu: ‘We Will Destroy Hamas’ Regardless of ‘International Pressures’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told soldiers on Wednesday that Israel “will destroy Hamas” regardless of “international pressures.”

Gallant warns US war against Hamas will take ‘more than several months’
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Thursday told visiting US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that the military campaign against Hamas will not be completed within the next few months, as intense battles raged for control of the terror group’s redoubts in the northern Gaza strip.

One person dies and five are put on ventilators after catching deadly disease from contaminated WATER in California
A California resident died after being exposed to water that was contaminated with a deadly bacteria. They were one of more than a dozen people who contracted Legionnaires’ disease linked to a poorly-maintained water system in Napa County, about an hour northeast of San Francisco.

“Son of a B*tch… This Is Our Country!” – Muslim Youths Physically Attack Santa Claus in Germany, Rip His Costume
54-year-old Ranier B. has performed as Santa Claus for several years in Kassel, Germany. This year was different. A group of Muslim youths attacked Ranier, beating him and ripping his Santa suit. The Santa Claus performer was forced to flee as the youths screamed that this was “their country”

Nine abortion centers in Pennsylvania failed health inspections in 2023: report 
A total of nine abortion centers, making up half of the killing centers in the state of Pennsylvania, failed a health inspection in 2023, according to information made public by the state’s Department of Health.

These Amendments Would Open the Door to a Dangerous Global Health Bureaucracy
The Covid pandemic gave the World Health Organisation and its partners unprecedented visibility and a tremendous amount of “soft” power to shape public health law and policies across the world. Over the past year or so, the WHO has been pushing hard to consolidate and expand its power to declare and manage public health emergencies on a global scale.

Islamized Tennessee: Muslim Family Violently Attacks Son for Christian Conversion, Exposing the Dangers of Apostasy in the West
Islamic teachings, as confirmed by the words and deeds of Muhammad, state that those who abandon Islam are to be executed.

US Navy whistle-blower who exposed spike in pilot heart-related conditions post-vaccination has been placed under investigation 
An active-duty officer, Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter in the US Navy Medical Service Corps blew the whistle and revealed data indicating a significant rise in heart-related issues among military pilots following covid injections. Two weeks later he was placed under investigation.

London’s spontaneous bus combustion: How is this being allowed to happen?
Why are London’s buses spontaneously bursting into flames? And why are our politicians not addressing the problem?

SHOCKING: BBC Unwittingly Exposes COVID Vaccine’s Part in Historic Death Spike
The people of the UK should now be in a state of shock. Instead, they have been distracted by non-stop coverage of war in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel. So they will have most likely missed the tragic and devastating information published by BBC News of all organisations. Information that reveals the UK suffered the highest number of excess deaths throughout 2022 in over half a century.

Headlines – 12/15/2023

Ahead of meeting with US envoy, Israeli president says now isn’t time to discuss 2-state solution

UK’s Cameron hits back after Israeli ambassador rejects two-state solution

Biden says Israel must ’embrace’ Palestinian state, Israeli leaders disagree – “God forbid that after paying with the blood of our sons, we return to the illusions of the past,” says opposition lawmaker

Biden sends top adviser to Israel as pressure builds along Egyptian border in Gaza

U.S. Presses Israel to Begin Winding Down Gaza War – National security adviser Jake Sullivan meets with Israeli leaders

“High intensity” phase of Gaza war needs to end within weeks, Sullivan tells Netanyahu

Gallant warns US war against Hamas will take ‘more than several months’

Biden WH Delays Shipment of M16 Rifles to Israel

VP Harris Urges Biden, WH to Be ‘Tougher’ on Israel

Biden urges Israelis to protect civilian lives as national security adviser meets with Netanyahu amid developing rift

Holt, Wright: US-Israel Relationship ‘Getting Worse’

Joe Biden’s Backstabbing Dents Israeli Morale

Fact Check: White House Claims, Despite Polls, that Hamas Does Not Represent Palestinians

British Ambassador to Israel: We Do Not Call for a Cease-Fire

Ireland’s prime minister urges EU leaders to call for Gaza ceasefire

Leo Varadkar claims EU has lost credibility globally for stance on Gaza

Sullivan: Israel’s bombings in Gaza must ‘match its intent’ to protect civilians; revamped PA should ultimately rule

Haniyeh floats idea of negotiations, says postwar Gaza without Hamas a ‘delusion’

Hamas could recognize Israel to end war in Gaza, senior official says

Hamas to recognize Israel? Part of terror group’s deceitful plans – analysis

IDF to Maintain Post-war Presence in Northern Gaza

Billionaire Hamas Head Ismail Haniyeh Begs for Negotiations as Hamas Terrorists Keep Surrendering

70 Hamas Terrorists, Fighting from Gaza Hospital, Surrender to Israel

Israel’s $1M Bounty Targets Hamas Leaders

Israel said to place $400,000 bounty on Hamas leader Sinwar

Sinwar’s days ‘numbered,’ says top Biden aide in first such comments by a US official

Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it’s just the start

Israeli Use of ‘Dumb Bombs’ Further Proof of War Crimes, Experts Say

Israeli official denies report that war Cabinet blocked Mossad chief from resuming talks to free hostages

Families of hostages demand ‘urgent update’ from PM Netanyahu after report on no new talks

Families of Gaza hostages march on the Knesset, demand return to negotiating table

Biden meets families of hostages at White House, they plead for ‘Christmas miracle’

UN Official Says It’s ‘Unacceptable’ To Demand Hamas Release Hostages

‘God help us’: Displaced Gazans who fled bombardment now face health crisis in a makeshift tent city

Gaza families beg for bread, eat donkey meat as aid deliveries falter

Swiss parliament votes to cut funding for UNRWA amid incitement allegations – Watchdog says educational system of agency for Palestinian refugees ‘taught hate every day’ to those who took part in October 7 massacres

IDF Rejects Al Jazeera Claim of Massacre in Gaza School

Meta Oversight Board to Examine Israel-Hamas War Content

Hamas used toxic gas to kill IDF observers

‘They’re So Cruel’: How Oct. 7 Destroyed an Israeli Peace Activist’s Faith in the Palestinians

Erdogan says US has ‘historic responsibility’ to ensure Gaza ceasefire

‘God Bless Him’: Putin Praises Hamas Defender Erdogan for ‘Leading Role’ in Gaza War

Putin: ‘Catastrophe’ in Gaza incomparable with invasion of Ukraine

Touring Be’eri, US antisemitism envoy Lipstadt says world must ‘bear witness’ to the ‘horrors’ of Hamas

Hamas terror plot foiled: Mossad says seven arrested planning attack on Europe

Hamas Plot Targeting Jews in Europe Foiled, Arrests Made in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark

‘Free Palestine’ Activist Accused of New York Synagogue Shooting Immigrated to U.S. from Iraq

Palestinian Protesters Tell Jews Leaving Israeli Embassy ‘We Will Kill You All, Occupiers’

Ohio police arrest 13-year-old boy for plotting mass shooting at synagogue

Radical Pro-Palestinian Leftists Shut Down L.A.’s 110 Freeway; 75 Arrests

Brown protesters arrested, Haverford students end sit-in as war tensions roil campuses

Elise Stefanik, Other Republicans Call for Harvard to Be Stripped of Billions in Federal Funds

Pa. lawmakers defeat funding for Penn amid criticism over school’s stance on antisemitism

Rabbi highlights antisemitic issues beyond college presidents: ‘Something wrong with education’

Harvard trying to ‘redefine what is plagiarism’ amid accusations against Claudine Gay, says Carol Swain

House approves resolution demanding MIT, Harvard presidents resign after antisemitism testimony

Dutch mayor refuses to be photographed with Israeli ambassador at Hanukkah event

Menorah Destroyed in Oakland Park, Threatening Message Left at Scene

From Be’eri to DC, menorahs retrieved from the Oct. 7 wreckage light up for Hanukkah

IDF suspends several troops for singing Hanukkah songs into Jenin mosque loudspeakers

IDF pulls out of Jenin after 60 hours, says dozens arrested, bomb labs destroyed

UK slaps travel ban on settlers responsible for violence against Palestinians

IDF: One in five Hezbollah rockets fired at Israel land in Lebanon

Missile fired by Yemen’s Houthis misses container ship in Bab el-Mandeb Strait

US warship shoots down drone from Houthi territory while responding to commercial tanker attack

Commentary: How are Houthi seizures in the vital Red Sea shipping lane impacting global trade?

Iran warns US will face ‘problems’ with Red Sea task force plans

Turkish MP Dies After Having Heart Attack During ‘Wrath of Allah’ Tirade

Iraqi PM’s office says some attackers of US embassy ‘linked to security services’ – After rockets fired at US diplomatic mission, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani slams assaults as ‘serious threat’ to Iraq’s security and stability

Japan PM purges cabinet in bid to ride out financial scandal

South Korea, Japan scramble jets after China, Russia warplanes spotted entering Seoul’s defense zone

China Locks Down GPS Data To Guard State Secrets

U.S. and China race to shield secrets from quantum computers

Vladimir Putin lost for words as he confronts his AI ‘double’

Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens”

Putin: No Peace in Ukraine Until Goals Are Achieved

NATO Chief Warns: ‘Real Risk’ Putin Attacks Europe

European Union agrees to open negotiations to allow Ukraine to join

EU greenlights accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova after Viktor Orbán lifts veto and abstains

Congress Passes Legislation Blocking Future Presidents from Exiting NATO Without Senate Approval – After Trump Forced NATO Nations to Pay Their Fair Share

Ex-FBI Counterintelligence Official Gets Over 4 Years for Aiding Russian Oligarch

Putin: Russian Inflation Could Near 8 Percent This Year

Global economy may avoid recession in 2024

A World in Disarray? A Longtime Diplomat Says It’s Worse Than That

Biden impeachment inquiry approval sets stage for likely court challenge, contempt charges

Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky Rumored to be Summoned to Joe Biden’s Impeachment Hearings Is Violently Beaten by Unknown Assailants in Ukrainian Detention Center

Hunter Biden Chaos Could ‘Ruin Things’ for His Dad’s Reelection Bid: ‘Unwelcome Distraction’

IRS whistleblowers respond to Hunter Biden: ‘Ample evidence’ of his father’s involvement

Andy Biggs calls for contempt charges against Eric Swalwell for aiding Hunter Biden

Prosecutor Accused of Stifling Biden Probe Leaves DOJ

Unconventional Trial Judge Could Remove Trump From His N.Y. Empire

Jury to decide how much Rudy Giuliani must pay election workers he defamed – Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, are seeking as much as $43 million for the false claims of fraud, an amount Giuliani’s lawyer said would be “the end” of him

How the 2024 Election Could Get Weird – Evaluating the prospect of viable, competitive third-party candidates

A24’s ‘Civil War’ Trailer Stokes Fear of Insurrection Ahead of 2024: ’19 States Have Seceded,’ ‘Three-Term President’

Seasons Greetings: House Passes NDAA with Deep State Surveillance Authorization

Senate Rejects Bill Stripping Section 230 Protections for AI in Landmark Vote

Pope Francis warns AI exploited by ‘technocratic systems’ could ‘pose a risk to our survival’

US Regulators Add AI to Financial System Risks

U.K. government considers crackdown on young teens’ social media use

Amazon to connect Kuiper satellites with laser links to boost space internet network

Sun unleashes monster X-class solar flare, most powerful since 2017

Largest solar flare in 6 years could lead to problems on Earth, scientists say

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the southern East Pacific Rise

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near the Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits the Banda Sea

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Puerto Madero, Mexico

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Fiji region

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 20,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Merapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 11,000ft

It’s Only a Matter of Time Before a Tsunami Hits the Northwest. Why Is It Missing from FEMA’s Risk Analysis?

With a rising death toll, Kenya’s military evacuates people from flood-hit areas

Florida braces for possible tropical-storm-like conditions this weekend with rain, flooding, severe weather

Winter storm could dump over a foot of snow in southern Rockies as heavy rain soaks Texas

Where’s the snow? Northeast snow drought nearing 700 days

Climate ‘Experts’ Now Say BREATHING Is Bad For the Planet

Senator J.D. Vance Wants Real Prison Time for Climate Change Activists Who Vandalize Historical Artworks

Historic climate deal does the ‘bare minimum’ as the world warms, burns and floods

Biden admin creates pathway with eco groups to shutter energy source serving millions of Americans

Guyana says it refuses to bow to Venezuela in dispute over territory rich in oil and minerals

Report: Venezuela State Oil Company Expects 27% Profit Bump After Biden Sanctions Relief

Satanic display at Iowa Capitol vandalized ‘beyond repair’

Satanic Statue in Iowa Capitol Gets Destroyed by Christian Veteran

Libs Have Started An Afterschool Program Teaching Children About Satan

Parents in Uproar over ‘After School Satan Club’ Coming to Memphis Elementary School

Sinking Ship: Sunak’s Popularity Falls to Lowest of Premiership as 70 Per Cent Disapprove Amid Migration Failures

Tens of Thousands of Illegals Continue to Catch Train in Mexico Bound For US on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation

Arizona Border Town Remains Shut Amidst Uncontrolled Flow of Migrants

Republicans Seek to Ban Biden from Using Dept. of Veterans Affairs to Give Healthcare to Illegal Aliens

Cartels Are Using a Police Database to Track and Target Their Enemies

Ex-FBI Official: US Vulnerable to ‘Catastrophic’ Attack

Ammo Prices Are Set to Spike Due to World Wide Shortage of Gunpowder

SCOTUS Lets Stand Ill. Ban of Some Semiautomatic Weapons

Dance company featured in Jill Biden’s Christmas video promotes ‘prison abolition,’ ‘defund the police’ groups

Oklahoma governor signs order effectively banning diversity programs at public colleges

Executive order eliminating DEI programs could put federal funding, accreditation at risk

Michelle Wu: Democrat Mayor of Boston Defends Her Decision to Host ‘No Whites’ Holiday Party for ‘Electeds of Color’ after Facing Backlash

Naked man found atop headless mom in Jersey Shore apartment

An investigation opens into the death of a French actress who accused Depardieu of sexual misconduct

Alleged Rapist Wants a Huge Payout to Step Down as Florida GOP Chair: Report

Surprising number of men, women open to multiple partners or spouses

Trans athlete wins girls’ U14 dance competition, sparking both fury, praise; Riley Gaines weighs in

A judge may rule on Wyoming’s abortion laws, including the first explicit US ban on abortion pills

Ohio Clinics: Strike Down Abortion Ban After Amendment Passage

Ramaswamy says Supreme Court should overturn FDA approval of abortion pill

Lawsuit: Ex-Harvard doctor accused of inseminating woman with his own sperm without permission

Elon Musk’s New Monkey Death Claims Spur Fresh Demands for an SEC Investigation

Canadian Man Charged With 14 Counts of Murder for Mailing Poison to Young People, Helping Them Kill Themselves

Canadian woman battling long COVID applies for assisted suicide: ‘It’s not a good life’

Biden to Impose Inflation Penalties on Drugmakers

In U.S., Physical Health Plummets After the Pandemic

Pfizer stock plummets as people turn away from Covid boosters

Pro-Vaccine Canadian Journalist Who Advocated for Vaxx Passport and Called for Unvaccinated to be Fired Dies at Age 33

GOP Rep. Blasts Pandemic Treaty on House Floor, Rejects WHO Authority Over United States

The avian flu virus is rapidly spreading through commercial flocks in the U.S.

Watchdog warns against lab grown meat in six-figure ad campaign

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · December 15, 2023

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.” —Samuel Adams (1775)

On this day in Patriot history in 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified. Ideally, our basic rights would remain secured by those amendments, but the Left never relents in tyrannically infringing upon those rights — especially free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. And we will never tire of defending our rights. —Mark Alexander




Higher Ed, Endowments, and Price Gouging

Universities should do more to decrease their price tags, particularly when many are sitting on billions of dollars.

Emmy Griffin

Pro-Hamas student supporters at Columbia University are attempting to organize a “tuition strike” against their university for the spring semester. Not only are these students most likely overplaying their hand in terms of the tolerance Columbia has shown regarding their calls for violence against the campus’s Jewish pupils, but they are directly attacking the Board of Trustees and by extension the political and financial framework of the university.

Columbia’s Board of Trustees oversees the overall governance of the school. To paraphrase The Washington Stand’s Joshua Arnold, the board chooses the university president and all of its faculty; it oversees all the finances of the school and its endowments; and it has a vested interest in protecting the physical school property.

It’s not a good plan to attack the hand that’s feeding you, particularly in a place where it’ll hurt — namely, the pocketbook.

This tuition strike, however, is an interesting segue into a larger discussion involving many former and present students: student loans and endowments.

Going to college is a privilege, not a right. It is something that is earned, and students are supposed to go there to learn. Colleges and universities have taken that status and perverted it into something unrecognizable, all for the sake of money and power. They are hotbeds for leftist ideological indoctrination, they have a bloated admin and staff that are heading departments under the DEI umbrella, and they continue to raise their prices.

Student loans are often astronomical for young people, and there are many reasons for this. For starters, the government’s financial meddling has helped facilitate a higher university price tag. The universities are also adding degrees for jobs that 10 years ago didn’t necessarily require them. This expansion is forcing students into debt.

The federal government under President Joe Biden has been on a crusade to redistribute the balance of student loans to those who didn’t agree to those loans. The administration has even figured out ways to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling that was intended to protect taxpayers from feckless government spending. According to The Wall Street Journal, a total of $132 billion in student loan forgiveness has been issued.

The price of a college degree should be decreased, but it is the government’s continued interference that is partially driving up the cost. Is it right that a plumber who decided to forgo a four-year degree in favor of a trade is forced to carry the burden of some LGBTQ dance major’s (yes, that’s a thing) student debts through taxes? No.

This also leads to another interesting thought. Why haven’t universities been asked to contribute more toward decreasing the cost of attendance through use of their endowments? Endowments are tax-free donations that accumulate over time. They are often spent on things like extravagant student amenities, bonuses for faculty, and supporting unnecessary and harmful DEI departments that have been a main facilitator of racism and hate in higher education.

If they so chose, universities could use a large portion of those endowments to help with student debt. According to PJ Media, “As of 2023, the cumulative total of university endowments is over $810 billion.” That is roughly half of all student loan debt, and vastly more than even the higher estimates of Biden’s ambitious “forgiveness” plans.

Take, for example, Columbia University, since it is facing a howling mob of unserious rabble-rousing students. The university this year has $13.64 billion in endowments; of that, $632.5 million was spent, 24% of which went to student support.

What exactly does “student support” entail? How much of that is financial aid provided by the school? That is not explained.

Harvard University has the largest endowment in the country with nearly $51 billion in assets as of October. Here is how the university itself describes the distribution: “The endowment distributed $2.2 billion in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 contributing over a third of Harvard’s total operating revenue in that year. The overwhelming majority of the funds that make up Harvard’s endowment are donor directed to specific programs, departments, or purposes (dedicated scholarships, named professorships, etc.), and must be spent in accordance with terms set forth by the donor. Payout from these funds can only be spent in support of the fund’s designated purpose. Unrestricted funds, which account for approximately 20 percent of Harvard’s endowment, are more flexible in nature and are critical in supporting structural operating expenses and transformative, strategic initiatives.”

In other words, unless the donor specifically requests that the funds be used toward student loan relief, the school will likely direct it elsewhere and probably toward more unnecessary bloat.

It is the universities, not the American people, that are price-gouging. It stands to reason that the universities need to help contain the skyrocketing cost of tuition and rising student loan balances.

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Taylor Swift’s Democrat Values

Leftists canonize another wealthy entertainer.

Samantha Koch

As if we needed more evidence of the slide of values and morals, as reflected by our cultural icons, Time magazine decided to drive the point home in selecting Taylor Swift as the 2023 Person of the Year.

According to Time, this kind of recognition is accomplished through the “editor’s assessment of the individual who most shaped the headlines over the previous 12 months, for better or for worse.” Well, Swift has certainly become a mass media darling, “for better or worse.”

While “Swifties” are cheering this as a win for women, music, and entertainment, what this accolade really demonstrates is where our cultural values lie, and what we deem worthy of praise and honor.

Swift is a 34-year-old woman who is known for jumping from relationship to relationship, and then airing out her drama in a way that invites the public to wallow with her and blame others for her misfortune. What would you expect from a celebrity who in 2020 endorsed Joe Biden as her man?

Whether intentionally or not, she also perpetuates the idea to her millions of primarily young female fans that money and possessions are all you really need to be happy.

She models immaturity and has never really seemed to evolve from the teenage singer we were all introduced to almost 20 years ago.

In today’s society, young adults are increasingly averse to creating families of their own, and they seem to feel that traveling and being able to buy things are an adequate replacement for raising children and building a home when it comes to living a fulfilling life. It’s no wonder that a wealthy woman in her mid-30s, whose most meaningful relationship thus far has been with her cat, would be praised as a symbol of modern ideals.

As the Left heavily rejects anything of true meaning, including the value of home and family, it’s equally unsurprising that the Pennsylvania House spent time, energy, and taxpayer dollars to pass a resolution declaring 2023 as the Taylor Swift Era. Recognizing the many talents of the state’s native entertainer, these representatives applauded Swift for being a “role model of courage, self-acceptance and self-determination,” and they extended their gratitude for her influence on “the largest demographic of people eligible to vote,” as the “18- to 24-year-old demographic listens to her and does what she says.”

A party claiming to be in touch with the working class still chooses to promote an individual whose net worth is over a billion dollars and who does not have to deal with the consequences of the Democrat laws that have fueled a skyrocketing cost of living for everyday people, or that force working families to deal with the impact of legislation that allows crime to run rampant in their cities and communities.

During the Pennsylvania hearing, where the entirely bizarre discussion regarding this resolution took place, Representative Wendy Fink criticized the fact that time was being spent on such frivolous matters, encouraging her colleagues to “get back to actually governing.” In response, Democrat House Speaker Joanna McClinton attempted wit by quoting lyrics from a Taylor Swift song: “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate…”

Because the only possible basis for opposing an official resolution that idolizes a pop star in an official government meeting is hate.

Yes, most of us are tired of seeing the endless headlines surrounding the Grammy Award-winning artist, and her string of short-lived relationships with different men, and her interest-of-the-week that depends on who she is spending her time with.

However, the fact that she has been elevated to a level of being almost a figure of worship is concerning.

As the Pennsylvania resolution reads, Swift has “transcended the role of a pop star.” That seems to indicate a Democrat desire for their base to pursue a life centered on consumerism, implying that there is no regret in remaining childless and alone.

This is not about recognizing our unlimited potential simply by living in America. This is about a continued effort to keep the future voting base uninformed by pointing them in the direction of someone who is disconnected from the real world, with no concept of the issues that matter to everyday people.

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Executive News Summary

SCOTUS takes on abortion pill, Oklahoma axes DEI, San Francisco is a homeless camp again, and more.

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • SCOTUS takes on abortion pill: In August, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the FDA acted illegally when it lowered the safety standards for the abortion-inducing drug known as mifepristone. The Fifth Circuit’s ruling effectively ended the Biden administration’s attempt to make mifepristone available in states that have laws limiting or banning abortion. Under the Biden administration, the FDA in 2021 lowered the standards for obtaining mifepristone by eliminating the requirement of in-person doctor appointments and by allowing prescriptions of the drug to be sent through the mail. On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case after the Biden administration appealed the lower court’s ruling. This sets up another significant abortion-related ruling by SCOTUS next summer, right in the midst of a presidential election year.
  • Supreme Court fails on 2A: As liberty-loving Americans, we’re lucky to have a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Otherwise, we might see an erosion of, for example, our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Oh, wait. In a head-scratcher of a ruling yesterday, the High Court allowed to stand an Illinois law banning certain semiautomatic weapons. As Fox News reports, “In a Thursday order with no noted dissents or explanation of its decision, the Supreme Court denied a request from the National Association for Gun Rights, which asked for a preliminary injunction.” The ban, which was signed in January by the state’s gun-grabbing governor, J.B. Pritzker, covers anyone who “carries or possesses … manufactures, sells, delivers, imports, or purchases any assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle,” and it includes any device that increases the firing rate of a semiauto weapon. That “assault weapons” language is especially dubious, not only because it’s a meaningless term but also because rifles and shotguns are used in less than 3% of all homicides. The petitioner, though, isn’t backing down. Said NAGR President Dudley Brown: “A right delayed is a right denied, and every day these gun bans are enforced is a travesty to freedom. We will be back to the Supreme Court as soon as our legal team finishes drafting our cert petition, and they will have to decide if they really meant what they said in Heller and Bruen.”
  • Corrupt FBI “keenly focused” on 2024 election security: In a statement that ought to send chills down the spines of all 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020, FBI Director Chris Wray says his people are “keenly focused” on the possibility of election interference. “It is not seriously disputed,” he told lawmakers, “that our foreign adversaries have tried and are continuing to try to interfere in our elections,” adding, “We’re keenly focused on the risk … whether it’s Russia, whether it’s China, whether it’s Iran or others.” That’s all well and good, but the real interference in our last election didn’t come from without. It came from within. Indeed, the FBI executed the “Russia collusion” hoax against our nation’s duly elected president, and it intentionally sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop for nearly a year prior to the 2020 election. Furthermore, as the bureau’s own whistleblowers revealed, it used a disinformation campaign in an effort to throw Republican senators off the scent of the Biden family’s influence-peddling operation three months prior to the election. In addition, as Elon Musk’s Twitter Files revealed, the bureau interfered with the election by colluding with Big Tech and social media to “prebunk” and ultimately censor the New York Post’s bombshell laptop story — a story that polling later revealed would have changed the outcome of the election. So when Wray says he’s “keenly focused” on “election interference,” he’s actually making a threat. And we ought to take him seriously.
  • Good news: Oklahoma axes DEI: Thanks to an executive order issued by Oklahoma Republican Governor Kevin Stitt, no taxpayer dollars will be going to any state agency or institution for the funding of “diversity, equity, and inclusion positions, departments, activities, procedures, or programs.” Stitt defended his order by explaining: “In Oklahoma, we’re going to encourage equal opportunity, rather than promising equal outcomes. Encouraging our workforce, economy, and education systems to flourish means shifting focus away from exclusivity and discrimination, and toward opportunity and merit. We’re taking politics out of education and focusing on preparing students for the workforce.” According to Stitt’s order, state funding may not be used for a number of things: to force an individual to “participate in, listen to, or receive any education, training, activities, procedures, or programming”; to compel anyone to “swear, certify, or agree to any loyalty oath that favors or prefers one particular race, color, sex, ethnicity, or national origin over another”; to order that they “certify or declare agreement with, recognition of, or adherence to, any particular political, philosophical, religious, or other ideological viewpoint”; or to require a job applicant to “provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement” or “disclose their pronouns.” Oklahoma now joins Florida in banning taxpayer funding of DEI programs and initiatives within state-run agencies or institutions.
  • It’s happening — first charging station built: Two years after the Biden administration pushed Congress to allocate $7.5 billion for building “a national network of EV chargers” across the country, the first inaugural station is finally open for business. Located in the small town of London, Ohio, the station features an Arby’s and a Cinnabon. It opened on December 8, though on the first day no one was using it by midday. If you build it, they will come? Eh, apparently not. According to recent polling, just 19% of Americans say they are “very” or “extremely” likely to buy an EV when they purchase their next vehicle. Indeed, automakers are cutting their planned production rate of EVs; Ford announced it is halving its production of the F-150 Lightning next year. Anyway, based on the rate at which the Biden administration is rolling out its network of charging stations, why would anyone handicap their future mobility by buying an EV?
  • San Francisco is a homeless camp again: It might be time to invite Chinese President Xi Jinping back for another visit to the City by the Bay. Last month, when the Chinese strongman showed up for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom prepared for the visit by doing the “impossible” — he got San Francisco cleaned up. And that cleanup consisted primarily of ridding the city of its massive homeless population. When questioned about the rapid cleanup, Newsom admitted it was a show: “I know folks say, ‘Oh, they’re just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.’ That’s true because it’s true.” To Newsom’s, er, credit, he wasn’t lying — human feces and tents once again litter the sidewalks of San Francisco with the return of its homeless population. “It’s recognizable. San Francisco, same as before,” observed Crossfit Golden Gate Gym owner Danielle Rabkin. “Anyone they pushed out of important zones has just slowly crept right back in. Business as usual.”
  • Gaza’s useful idiots: Is the Arab world amenable to living in peace with the tiny Jewish state in its midst? Not if the beliefs of the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are any indication. A recent poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research shows that only 10% of these residents believe that Hamas committed war crimes during its October 7 invasion of Israel and its border communities. According to the poll: “The overwhelming majority of respondents say that they have not seen videos from international or social media showing atrocities committed by Hamas members against Israeli civilians that day, such as the killing of women and children in their homes. Indeed, more than 90% believe that Hamas fighters did not commit the atrocities contained in these videos.” Are these people filled with hate, or are they oblivious to the facts? As National Review adds, “The widespread backing of the 10/7 invasion, which featured the well-documented slaughter of civilians, has led to increased support for Hamas in both enclaves of the Palestinian territories.” Anyone who doubts the existential threat posed by Hamas to Israel should consider these numbers, and consider the sad reality of how far away from the prospect of peace are the hearts and minds of the Palestinian people.
  • Christian vet beheads Satan: We have some good news on a Friday — good news that concerns the ongoing battle between Good and Evil. A devout Christian and former Navy pilot named Michael Cassidy recently tore down and beheaded a Satanist altar that had been erected in the Iowa capitol building. As the Sentinel reports: “Members of the Satanic Temple of Iowa recently received permission to install the exhibit, which included a statue depicting the idol Baphomet holding a pentacle and surrounded by candles, on the first floor of the Iowa Capitol near displays of the Nativity. Cassidy pushed over and decapitated the statue before he discarded the head in a trash can.” Cassidy then turned himself in to the police. And he’s going to need some good legal representation because the satanic cultists have indicated that they’re going to press charges. Cassidy, though, seems certain in the righteousness of his cause: “The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan,” he said, “but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment. Anti-Christian values have steadily been mainstreamed more and more in recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water.” We wish him well. As this post by End Wokeness notes, “Not all heroes wear capes.”


  • Biden admin pushes Israel to end large-scale war with Hamas (Free Beacon) | “High intensity” phase of Gaza war needs to end within weeks, Sullivan tells Netanyahu (Axios)
  • FBI official who helped launch Trump-Russia probe sentenced to four years in prison for work with Russian oligarch (National Review)
  • Capitol Police commander who ordered evacuations of Senate and House: “J6 was not an insurrection” (PM)
  • Federal prosecutor who allegedly interfered in Hunter Biden probe leaves Justice Department (New York Post)
  • “Defund the rot”: Congress eyes elite universities’ endowments amid anti-Semitism probe (New York Post)
  • House unites behind plan to end Obama-era ban on whole milk in school lunches (Washington Times)
  • Virginia Supreme Court backs teacher fired for not using student’s preferred pronouns (Daily Wire)
  • First Satanic Temple kids club comes to Memphis elementary school (Daily Wire)
  • Facebook’s former head of DEI pleads guilty to swindling the company out of $4 million (Hot Air)
  • Megan Rapinoe calls playing for U.S. team “worst job in the world” (Daily Wire)
  • VW spent $2 billion to build America a charging network. It’s ranked dead last. (Washington Post)
  • Satire: Boston mayor hires bouncer to check skin color outside of entrance to holiday party (Babylon Bee)

For more editors’ choice headlines, click here.

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Fighting the Good Fight on Abortion

The pro-life movement has been beset by electoral losses since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.

Brian Mark Weber

When the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade last year, conservative Christians and other Americans with a sound moral compass rightly claimed victory in what had been a decades-long struggle to defend the lives of the unborn. Something that seemed impossible had become a reality thanks in part to President Donald Trump, who in four years appointed three constitutionalists to the nation’s highest court.

But we can’t lose sight of what’s happening in the wake of that historic decision, as the effort to fight back against the pro-life movement remains strong. Roe was a major battle, but the war continues.

Another big battle is for public opinion. Politically, Democrats haven’t slept a wink since the Supreme Court put the issue back where it belongs: in the hands of state courts and legislatures. But the Left, fearful that more states may enact partial or full bans on abortion, is intent on creating flashpoints.

Case in point: A Texas woman named Kate Cox wanted to abort her child due to a diagnosis of Trisomy 18, a condition that often results in a child dying in the womb or soon after birth. The abortion could have been approved, despite the Texas ban on abortions, if her doctor had merely found legitimate medical reasons to do so.

While pro-abortion activists often claim the decision to abort should be solely between a woman and her doctor, in this case Cox decided to appeal to the courts in order to make a state and national issue out of a very private situation. Cox’s doctor, or someone who encouraged her behind the scenes, knew the Texas Supreme Court would rule against the abortion. But they wanted the decision to be splashed across news sites and social media platforms for all to see.

Indeed, that’s exactly what happened, as the Leftmedia raised up Cox as the new face of the pro-abortion movement and as a woman oppressed by the hard-hearted patriarchy.

Ultimately, the court ruled that Cox couldn’t legally have the abortion in Texas, so she left the state to end her child’s life. In the end, appealing to the court was really nothing more than an effort to bludgeon Republicans as cold and heartless.

But it didn’t work entirely in the Left’s favor because it also gave our side a chance to make its case. As Christian podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey observed: “A fatal diagnosis of an unborn child is not a justification for killing them. When the choice is between dismemberment and delivery, you deliver. You show them love and dignity. You give them a funeral. You don’t discard them like medical waste.”

Soon, the issue will return to the Supreme Court, which will decide whether to limit access to the abortion drug mifepristone. Although the drug was approved more than 20 years ago, The Washington Post reports, “The changes made over the last few years included allowing the drug to be taken later in pregnancy, mailed directly to patients and prescribed by a medical professional other than a doctor.” A lower-court ruling had made it more difficult for women to access the drug, which resulted in the manufacturer and the Biden administration appealing to the higher court.

The United States is one of seven nations in the world — along with the likes of China, Vietnam, and North Korea — to allow unfettered elective abortions during all nine months of pregnancy. Yet in January, a Marist Poll revealed that the majority of Americans favor some restrictions on abortion. In addition, they oppose federal funding of abortion. Despite this, the effort by Democrats and their media mouthpieces to turn “private” discussions between women and doctors into very public and political propaganda is working. Indeed, billions of dollars from public and private sources continue to pour into abortion mills such as Planned Parenthood.

Back in 2017, the Trump administration established the Protect Life Rule, which mandated that organizations receiving Title X funds cannot use proceeds to make referrals for abortions. Planned Parenthood decided not to use the funds at all, and then the Biden administration eliminated the Protect Life Rule in 2021. And while the Hyde Amendment restricts federally funded abortions, money is fungible, so the vast amount of money going to Planned Parenthood and other organizations each year no doubt finds its way to abortion services.

According to National Review, the Government Accountability Office found that from fiscal years 2019 to 2021, “Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion over the three-year period. That funding included $1.53 billion from Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP reimbursements; $148.5 million in grants and cooperative agreements; and $90.41 million in loans forgiven in the Paycheck Protection Program.”

That’s right. Money supposedly reserved for keeping small businesses afloat during the COVID lockdowns was taken by Planned Parenthood — essentially to perform abortions.

The takeaway from all of this is that conservatives and others who believe in the rights of the unborn need to gird themselves for an ongoing struggle. In addition, they must prepare for a media onslaught that will portray them as the extremists. Our opponents are well-funded and organized, and they’re not going to stop fighting for the power to kill unborn children. Our job is to saves lives with compassion.

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The Politics of Impeachment

It’s a political act, and the Republicans have, so far, gotten the politics right.

Douglas Andrews

Much has been said this week — mostly by Democrats — as House Republicans moved forward with a 221-212 party-line vote on an impeachment inquiry into the influence-peddling operation of Joe Biden.

“These are not serious people,” said seriously censured California Congressman Adam Schiff. “This is not a serious impeachment inquiry.”

Echoing the Left’s “unserious” theme was CNN anchor Erin Burnett, who said, “221 people, without evidence, voted to launch an impeachment inquiry.”

Without evidence. Really? Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley, for one, begs to differ. When he testified before Congress in late September, he made clear that he’d already seen and heard enough to meet the threshold for such an inquiry. He reiterated this position in a column Wednesday headlined, “Don’t believe Democrats’ myths: There’s clear evidence for investigating President Biden.”

Turley then lists those three myths, those three refrains that have been repeated ad nauseam by defenders of the president: that Joe Biden did not benefit from the influence peddling; that it’s about Hunter Biden’s addictions, not his actions; and that it’s all about Hunter’s truck — that is, the bank records that Republicans say are direct evidence of influence-peddling payouts from Hunter to the Big Guy are really just the repayment of a loan for Hunter’s truck.

As Turley said, don’t believe it. There’s plenty of smoke and fire.

But while Turley is serious about these things, one person is decidedly unserious: Hunter Biden himself. Clearly, the noted artist and first son is upset by all the trouble he’s caused his old man. It was Hunter’s abandonment of a deeply incriminating laptop computer at a Delaware repair shop, after all, that set all this in motion.

As we reported yesterday, the normally reticent Hunter was on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning, where he railed against those mean-spirited “MAGA Republicans” and defied a subpoena to appear before the House Oversight Committee for a private deposition.

“They’ve invaded my privacy, attacked my wife and children,” he railed. They’ve “tried to dehumanize me and embarrass and damage my father.”

Whoa, they’re trying to embarrass the old man? The nerve of those MAGA Republicans, muscling in on Hunter’s own turf. If anyone’s going to embarrass Joe Biden, it’s going to be the guy with the hookers and the blow and the crack pipes and the naked selfies.

As for Joe Biden himself, he issued a White House statement on Wednesday dismissing this as a “baseless House Republican impeachment stunt.” He then went on to catalog all the hard work he’s doing on behalf of the American people: “We have to address the situation at our southern border,” he said, richly, “and I am determined to try to fix the problem. We need funding to strengthen border security, but Republicans in Congress won’t act to help.”

Got that? Only now that he’s facing the lowest poll numbers of any incumbent president to ever run for reelection, only now that he’s already allowed untold millions of illegals to invade our country is he interested in securing the southern border. This guy. He continued:

I wake up every day focused on the issues facing the American people — real issues that impact their lives, and the strength and security of our country and the world. Unfortunately, House Republicans are not joining me. Instead of doing anything to help make Americans’ lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies. Instead of doing their job on the urgent work that needs to be done, they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even Republicans in Congress admit is not supported by facts.

Again, there are plenty of facts at the GOP’s disposal. But impeachment is, first and foremost, a political act. And so far, Republicans have gotten the politics right. They’ve been methodical, and they haven’t gotten out over their skis. As the editors of National Review write: “This is a political victory for House Speaker Mike Johnson. Prior to yesterday, Republicans didn’t have the votes for an inquiry and had relied on the Nancy Pelosi precedent of simply deeming an inquiry open. This was embarrassing, since they had so strenuously objected to Pelosi’s tactic back during the Trump administration. Now, thanks to the unanimous support of their members, they have done it the right way.”

The Democrats did it wrong when they impeached Donald Trump, and the country largely knows it. By doing this the right way, Republicans can clearly illustrate to the American people which political party is the serious one and which party deserves their vote of confidence.

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Good News: There Are More Voters With Guns

The demographic most responsible for the uptick is one you might not expect.

Nate Jackson

Today we recognize the ratification in 1791 of the Bill of Rights, a foundational moment in the history of Liberty, not just in America but around the world. At a time when most nations were dominated by monarchies, the idea that human beings are born with natural rights that cannot be taken away by government was revolutionary.

The Second Amendment recognizes the right of self-defense against crime or government tyranny. That right protects all the other rights. The Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That seems pretty clear to us, but our humble shop is also full of gun-owning Patriots who prize the Constitution.

The good news is that those ranks are growing, and in demographics you might least expect.

Recent polling from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal highlights this, even more so because many gun owners don’t answer polls (especially about guns), which makes the numbers likely an undercount. Here are some key takeaways:

Households with a gun: 52% (up from 46% just four years ago)
Republicans with guns: 66%
Independents with guns: 45%
Democrats with guns: 41%
Whites with guns: 56%
Blacks with guns: 41% (an astounding 17-point jump from four years ago)

It’s the first time in two decades of asking the question that a majority of households report owning a gun, and the number has grown 10 points in just 10 years. But it is that last number that deserves the most attention. Blacks are increasingly buying firearms, and the largest subgroup is urban women. Why?

Well, since the 2020 death of George Floyd and the ensuing riots by Black Lives Matter goons, American urban centers have experienced a deadly rise in violent crime. Murders are up, largely fueled by black-on-black violence in Democrat-controlled cities.

Instead of honestly and forthrightly dealing with the issue, Democrats have gone after so-called “assault weapons” and touted other questionable gun control measures, to go along with demonizing and demoralizing police — all while totally ignoring the crises of fatherlessness, gangs, and drugs that drive young people to crime.

The fact that more black women are taking matters into their own hands is good news because an armed citizenry will eventually deter and control crime, and because gun owners tend to vote to protect their own rights.

That’s also true of people who carry firearms, and that number is also growing. As more states enact constitutional carry, eliminating the need for a permit, more people are electing to carry a gun.

“What that means is it’s a lot less costly, a lot less difficult, for people to carry, and that primarily impacts poor people that live in high-crime urban areas,” says John R. Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. “If you want to reduce crime, you have to make it that the likely victims of crime will be carrying. That’s what constitutional carry does.”

Fundamental rights don’t depend on polls, but on the other hand, it helps if a solid majority of Americans understand, support, and exercise those rights.

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  • KJP Denies There’s ‘Evidence’ Against Biden — The White House press secretary repeatedly denied that there was any evidence Joe Biden had done anything wrong.
  • Time Bomb — The U.S. Commercial Air Transport System has seen some 40,000 flights per day without a single fatality in 22 years among U.S. carriers domestically. But, true to form, the government is now insisting on lowering those hard-earned standards in order to promote diversity and inclusion.
  • ‘They’re So Cruel’ — Irit Lahav, 57, was a peace activist who believed in the decency of the Palestinian people. Then, on October 7, ordinary Gazans joined in a terrorist attack that left more than one in four of her neighbors in Kibbutz Nir Oz dead or abducted.
  • Humor: People Actually Think This Is Beautiful — Meet the best plastic surgeon in America!
  • Humor: Fixed Leftist Memes — 304 304 304! Merry Christmas!



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World’s Smallest Violin

“I was completely heartbroken. I did not know that [20 Democrats] were going to, you know, stand with the fascist side of the aisle.” —Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) regarding censure

“I always say it’s the worst job in the world because if you do your job, then you were supposed to, and if you do one hair less, then you are gonna get lambasted for it.” —Megan Rapinoe on playing for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team

“For six years, MAGA Republicans … have impugned my character, invaded my privacy, attack[ed] my wife, my children, my family, and my friends. They have ridiculed my struggle with addiction, they’ve belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass and damage my father who has devoted his entire public life to service.” —Hunter Biden

For the Record

“Let’s start with … Hunter Biden defying the subpoena. He did it in a typical Biden fashion. He showed the world the amount of arrogance and entitlement that he believes he has because he’s a Biden. I mean, he doesn’t think the rules apply to him.” —Congressman James Comer (R-KY)

A Trip Down Memory Lane

“Subpoenaed witnesses have got to show up.” —Senator Joe Biden, December 2007

“I hope that the [J6] Committee goes after [subpoena defiers] and holds them accountable criminally.” —President Joe Biden, October 2021

Lack of Self-Awareness

“It was a very unfortunate abuse of the solemn and serious impeachment authority that we have in the House of Representatives. … Effectively what we saw is that the extreme MAGA Republicans in the House were ordered by an organized crime boss … to launch this illegitimate impeachment inquiry as a political hit on President Joe Biden.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“[Republicans] are not serious people. This is not a serious impeachment inquiry. It is a tragedy and a farce. … They want to dilute the stain of Trump’s two legitimate impeachments with an illegitimate impeachment of Joe Biden. They have no affirmative agenda for the country.” —Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA)

“These House Republicans don’t seem to be serious people. They’re launching an impeachment inquiry based on lies with no evidence while jetting out of town and leaving Ukraine aid on the table. I mean, this is really frightening behavior and unserious behavior.” —White House Counsel’s Office spokesman Ian Sams

“They’re just making up lies to attack the president in a relentless smear campaign that frankly has been going on for four straight years now.” —Ian Sams


“Every single Republican in the House of Representatives … 221 people, without evidence, voted to launch an impeachment inquiry.” —CNN’s Erin Burnett

Belly Laugh of the Day

“The only thing that they have revealed in these hearings is that we have a president that loves his son even through his imperfections.” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

Non Compos Mentis

“[Republicans] are continually trying to tear us down from within. When we swore our oath, we swore our oath to protect against enemies foreign and domestic, and let me tell you something … I feel like we are constantly fighting domestic enemies.” —Jasmine Crockett

“The pro-Putin caucus within the House Republican conference …. actually wants Putin and Russia to prevail.” —Hakeem Jeffries

The BIG Lie

“What [Republicans have] asked to do actually hurts the issue, hurts the problem that we’re seeing at the border. They said ‘no’ to border agents. They’ve said ‘no’ to new technology to fight fentanyl. They said ‘no’ to additional troops. And they voted on eliminating 2,000 Customs and Border Patrol agents. That is what Republicans have done. The president is asking to do this in a bipartisan way, to find some compromise to deal with an issue that has … existed for decades now.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


“When pictures of German death camps were published, the country was shocked and revolted. The Nazi hatred of Jews 80 years ago has been resurrected in our day. This, too, is revolting, especially as it comes from what are supposed to be institutions of ‘higher learning.’ More like lower learning.” —Cal Thomas

“The reluctance to admit to objective standards of right and wrong — even in the face of truly egregious behavior — smacks of arrogance and pride. ‘It depends upon the context’ sounds like ‘It isn’t wrong unless we say it is.’” —Laura Hollis

“A 2017 study in Econ Journal Watch examined the party registrations of college professors at 40 top colleges and universities. In five departments, Democrats outnumbered Republicans 11.5-to-1. This explains the tone-deafness during the congressional hearing by the heads of these elite schools. Who, in a village of the tone-deaf, stands up to say, ‘Maybe we’re being a little tone-deaf’?” —Larry Elder

“Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. … The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization — or its destroyers.” —Victor Davis Hanson

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

“Once They’re Dead, They Won’t be Able to Run Anymore”: Terror Leaders Flee Qatar for Turkey as Hamas Crumbles in Gaza | The Gateway Pundit

Israeli soldiers destroyed the Hamas command and control center of Shejaiya Battalion,  killed numerous terrorists and destroyed a terror tunnel, the IDF reported.  Hamas leaders are on the run, with many leaving Qatar for Hamas-supporting Turkey, technically a NATO member.

Over the last day, IDF troops conducted a targeted raid on terror infrastructure in the city of Khan Yunis, Arutz Sheva reports. “The complex was struck by IAF aircraft, tanks, and engineering forces.  In addition, IDF troops from the 414 Battalion used the “Maoz” drone for the first time, using it to locate and strike terrorist cells in the area. “

During the targeted raid, the troops struck a weapon storage compound using the precise “Iron Sting” munition, Arutz Sheva writes. “The troops also located a tunnel shaft in which they located motorbikes used by the Hamas terrorist organization in the October 7th massacre.  An IAF fighter jet struck a military compound used by terrorists as a hideout and another aircraft struck three terrorists who attempted to attack IDF troops.”

Israel Defense Forces discovered that Hamas uses USAID and UNRWA sacks as sandbags, JNS reports. The sacks were discovered in terror tunnels under Hamas-controlled and EU-funded Al-Azhar University in Gaza City. Behind the tunnel’s concrete walls were large sacks belonging to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The sacks were filled with sand, possibly intended to stabilize the tunnel before a concrete layer was added. “When the excavator dug down, we could see that there were first sacks and then the tunnel. We went to look at the tunnel closely and saw sacks there with UNRWA and an American aid organization markings on them. There was no aid in these sacks, no flour or anything else,” the IDF commanding officer said.

The sacks “were found in several places in the tunnels; at least in two places that I witnessed myself,” the unit commander said. “I was not shocked to discover this, after all, we have known for years that part of Hamas’s method is to use aid funds for terror purposes.”

The tunnel was destroyed.

Six terrorists were eliminated Wednesday an in IDF operation in Jenin.

Israel Defense Forces soldiers have recovered the body of three hostages from Gaza, the IDF announced.

As the terror organization collapses in Gaza, corrupt Hamas leaders are fleeing Qatar with their entourages, cutting off communications including cellphones, Jewish Press reported.  “The leaders left for Algeria, Lebanon, Iran and other countries, according to sources cited by Kan News’s Arabic channel.”

Hamas leaders in Qatar include Ismail Haniyeh, head of the terrorist group’s political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook and Khaled Mashal, who live a life of luxury in Doha as many Arabs in Gaza live in poverty.

Hamas leader,Saleh al-Arouri, who lives in Beirut, Lebanon, has moved to Turkey, Jewish Press writes.  Turkey is officially a NATO ally and hosts 50 US nuclear weapons at Incirlik air base. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan hosted Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in July and congratulated him on the phone after the barbaric Hamas rape-torture-kill attack of Oct. 7.

Haniyeh may have been  hiding in Turkey Oct. 7, Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s chief foreign policy and security adviser Akif Cagatay Kilic said. Kilic stated he didn’t know if Haniyeh was in Turkey on October 7, but conceded “he might have been.”

Kilic defended Turkey’s longstanding ties with Hamas: “The issue is not where [Hamas members] are at what time, the issue is how can we resolve the conflict that we’re having, the war that we’re having right now,” he said.

Kilic said that any Israeli assassination attempt on Turkish soil would be “unacceptable on any terms.”  Shin Bet head Ronen Bar said  Israel will eliminate the leaders of Hamas in Qatar and Turkey Dec. 3.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a liberation group, ‘mujahideen’ waging a battle to protect its lands and people,” Erdogan told the Turkish parliament on Oct. 25.

Many observers speculate Turkish Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may be a member of the secretive Muslim Brotherhood. In “The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Industry of Death”, Cynthia Farahat speculated Erdogan may even be the head of the Muslim Brotherhood (“General and Secret Guide”), a radical Islamist organization which is modeled on the Medieval death cult The Assassins.

Hamas is the Gaza arm of The Muslim Brotherhood, which Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, claims has 100 million members world wide.

The EU funds Turkey’s “refugee program” with €6 billion.

The net worth of Hamas’s top leaders abroad Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzouk and Khaled Mashaal— is estimated at $11 billion, the New York Post reported.

And it isn’t just the Hamas leadership abroad living in luxury, Yosef Kuperwasser, senior research fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, told JNS. “I have been once or twice to the Kerem Shalom crossing (with Gaza). You would not believe the number of jacuzzis going into the Strip,” he said.   and they do not  hide their taste for the high life.

CHECK OUT: The Gaza you don’t see

Hamas finances itself through taxes on goods arriving through the Rafah crossing with Egypt and the Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel, in addition to tariffs on contraband entering the Strip through vast networks of smuggling tunnels. Hamas raises hundreds of millions of dollars annually this way, JNS reports.

Iran tunds Hamas with approx. $250 million a year. The Biden Regime released $10 billion in funds for Iran last month. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies estimates Biden’s months-long Iran sanctions relief campaign at more than $50 billion.

Qatar has also been transferring tens of millions of dollars in cash monthly to Hamas since 2018, reaching nearly $400 million per year, JNS writes.

The Palestinian Authority transfers to Gaza approximately 33% of its total annual budget. Hamas also receives hundreds of millions of dollars “from various aid groups and its web of so-called charitable organizations,” JNS writes. “From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza.”

The IDF estimates that the terror organization comprised approximately 30,000 fighters before Oct. 7, some 7,000 of whom have since been killed during the war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to target the heads of Hamas “wherever they are.” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said “they are living on borrowed time.”

These statements were made for psychological effect, Yoel Guzansky, senior fellow at the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies, told JNS’s Amelie Botbol.  “One of the reasons that I think Netanyahu and Gallant said it out loud, publicly, is that they want them (the Hamas leadership to feel chased,” Guzansky told JNS. “They want them to feel fear. It’s psychological warfare. They are letting them know that Israel is coming from them,” he added.

“Once they’re killed, they won’t be able to travel anymore,” former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu IDF Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror said

The post “Once They’re Dead, They Won’t be Able to Run Anymore”: Terror Leaders Flee Qatar for Turkey as Hamas Crumbles in Gaza appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Whitaker: Just more spin from Hunter

On Friday’s “Wake Up America,” Matthew Whitaker says the impeachment inquiry is about getting down to the truth and not about hurting the president, which is just spin from the Biden family. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes.

Source: Whitaker: Just more spin from Hunter

DOJ sued for refusing to disclose records related to Hunter Biden’s alleged sex trafficking

Earlier this year the Heritage Foundation requested documents from the DOJ and Weiss’s office related to their investigation into evidence of violations of the Mann Act by the President’s son Hunter Biden.

Source: DOJ sued for refusing to disclose records related to Hunter Biden’s alleged sex trafficking

Biden lashing out at White House aides over Hunter: Report

Fox News contributor Joe Concha joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss a report alleging Biden is increasingly anxious about Hunter’s legal woes as he faces his own impeachment inquiry. #FOXNews

Source: Biden lashing out at White House aides over Hunter: Report

The Three Myths Of The Biden Impeachment Defense | ZeroHedge News

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

Below is my (slightly updated) column in the New York Post on three myths being widely repeated in the Biden impeachment inquiry. These false narratives have been eagerly repeated in the media despite lacking legal or factual support. In the interest of interjecting a modicum of reality into this debate, here is why these defenses are illusory.

With the formal approval of the impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Joe Biden, the alarm and denial in Washington has reached an almost hysterical level.

Despite overwhelming evidence of a corrupt Biden family influence-peddling operation worth millions of dollars, not a single Democratic member voted for an inquiry into the allegations.

Nearly 70% of voters (and 40% of Democrats) believe Biden has acted unlawfully or unethically or both.

Yet every Democrat voted to stop any further inquiry.

Even in our blindly partisan times, that is no easy rationalization.

That’s why members are repeating three myths like a mantra on the Hill.

They’ll likely continue as the House moves to compel testimony of key parties.

When I testified at the first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing months ago, I said the threshold for an inquiry was obviously satisfied by the evidence of these massive payments and the contradictions of the president’s past claims.

Indeed, at least four articles of impeachment could be established if the House confirms critical facts.

That is the point of an inquiry: to compel not impeachment but answers. That’s why I encouraged the House to hold this formal vote.

Three myths, however, will have to be set aside.

Joe Biden did not benefit from the influence peddling

After years of suppressing this scandal, the media and even some Democrats now admit Hunter Biden and his uncles have long been involved in influence peddling.

The United States has led global efforts to criminalize and deter this common form of corruption for years.

Recent testimony from Biden associates confirmed they were selling “the Biden Brand” and Joe Biden regularly called into meetings and met with business associates.

The last line of defense has been to argue that while millions may have been sent to Biden family members in raw influence peddling, there is no evidence Joe actually benefited from the money as opposed to his children, brothers and grandchildren.

This false narrative is being repeated despite the fact courts have rejected this claim in actual criminal cases.

Not only have payments to children and other family members been viewed as benefits to a defendant, but the same is true in impeachments.

I served as lead counsel in the last judicial impeachment tried before the Senate.

My client, Judge G. Thomas Porteous, had been impeached by the House for, among other things, benefits received by his children, including gifts related to a wedding.

It’s about Hunter Biden’s addictions, not actions

Democrats are again insisting that a complex, multimillion-dollar influence-peddling operation was simply the product of Hunter being a blacked-out drug addict for years.

The argument obviously cuts both ways.

Even if Hunter was some addict thinking only about his next fix, it only highlights that these foreign figures were giving millions for access to his father, not the advice or expertise of his son.

But Hunter’s own counsel has undermined this claim by arguing in Hunter’s gun case that he had emerged from his addiction just in time to sign the allegedly false gun form.

Much of the misconduct occurred when Hunter was, by his own lawyers’ account, suddenly clear and responsible.

The evidence belies claims that Hunter was not responsible for these transactions or the underlying influence peddling.

It shows a knowing, organized effort with the involvement of his uncles and, in some cases, his father.

The effort to portray Hunter as some purse-snatching junkie does not fit the evidence as he flies around the world to meet with corrupt figures and secure millions.

It’s all about Hunter’s truck

The latest myth is particularly maddening.

The House Oversight Committee released new evidence showing payments to the president out of Hunter’s business accounts.

The committee used the payments to show these business accounts were being used for personal payments and there was an intermingling of funds.

Democrats and the media immediately latched onto payments where Hunter was allegedly paying back loans to help pay for his truck.

Members told the Ways and Means Committee this was merely “a father’s love” and not anything impeachable.

It’s a cynical effort to focus on a few thousand dollars while ignoring the millions the committees detailed in months of investigation.

Democratic members make it sound like the impeachment inquiry is based on a couple alleged truck payments. It is not.

The truck payments are a handful among dozens of transfers found from these accounts to Hunter or his family members.

The point is the proceeds of influence peddling may have been used to pay back the president, who was supporting his family members.

Dollars are fungible. The money in these accounts were intermingled with personal expenses, including payments to Hunter’s father.

Once again, President Biden would be viewed as benefiting from the millions of dollars going to his family even without direct payments.

The question is his knowledge and involvement — not those benefits.

That not a single Democrat is demanding answers about this corruption is disappointing but hardly surprising.

But Biden is now facing an impeachment inquiry that will finally demand answers, not myths, on the Biden family’s influence-peddling operation.

Source: The Three Myths Of The Biden Impeachment Defense

O’Reilly: Left believes ‘white men are bad’

On Thursday’s “Eric Bolling The Balance,” Bill O’Reilly says one of the core beliefs of the progressive movement in America is that “white men are bad.” Watch NEWSMAX, an independent news network with a conservative perspective, available in 100M+ U.S. homes.

Source: O’Reilly: Left believes ‘white men are bad’

Here’s the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel

“The students who are most passionate about hating Israel know the least about the conflict because they are suffering from a social contagion, not acting upon a reasoned conclusion. Those who actually study the issue, if they do so thoroughly and honestly, will come out supporting Israel. Our nation’s colleges and universities are doing their level best to prevent that outcome.

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) It’s simple, really. Why do so many college and university students hate Israel? Because they know nothing about it, and have bought into the propaganda they’ve been fed.

In the midst of the recent and nationwide demonstrators featuring students (and many others) denouncing Israel for its alleged crimes, Algemeiner reported that “students who care strongly about the ‘Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories’ do not have knowledge of basic facts surrounding the subject, and do not share similar concerns about other geopolitical conflicts.” View article →

Source: Here’s the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel

WAYNE ROOT: TRUMP VS. OBAMA: Get Ready for the Greatest Political Battle in History | The Gateway Pundit

By Wayne Allyn Root

Donald J. Trump is the still the heavyweight champion of the world. He is the greatest brander, promoter, salesman, pitchman and politician in history.

Name the most popular presidential brand names ever in our history…George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama.

Not one of them could be leading a presidential race (let alone pulling away) after being impeached twice, indicted four times, and facing 700+ years in prison!

Trump is one of a kind.

The latest Rasmussen poll is out. Trump is winning by a ten point landslide. He’s beating Biden 48% to 38%. And that’s with only two candidates in the race. If RFK Jr. and Senator Joe Manchin join in, making it a four-way race (starring 3 Democrats vs Trump), I predict a 15 point Trump victory.

But of course, presidential races aren’t based on the popular vote. The Electoral College is what counts. We all know that race is based on seven ultra-competitive purple states. In the latest Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll out today, Trump is winning all seven battleground states that will determine the 2024 election:

Georgia- Trump up 6 points

Michigan- Trump up 4 points

Pennsylvania- Trump up 2 points

Nevada- Trump up 3 points

North Carolina- Trump up 9 points

Wisconsin- Trump up 4 points

Arizona- Trump up 4 points

Everything is coming up roses for Trump. It’s all Trump, all the time. If this was poker, Trump would be holding a royal flush. Trump’s on a roll.

Again, let me stress, this is after two impeachments, four indictments, and facing 700+ years in prison. And with the media calling him a dictator who will never leave office if he’s elected again. And Democrats accusing him of wanting to execute his opponents. The debate is over…

You’re looking at the greatest brander, promoter, salesman, pitchman and politician of all-time.

But here is a warning to my great friend President Donald J. Trump. You’re NOT going to be facing Joe Biden. Biden is finished. Kaput. Busted. Yesterday’s news.

First, Joe Biden is fading at a speed that is hard to watch. He is an old man with dementia who should be in a nursing home, with a sign around his neck with his name and phone number, in case he wanders away. Everyone sees it- even Democrat voters. Biden can no longer do the job.

But that’s just his mental health. I believe his actual life is fading away as well. It’s far from certain if Biden can even survive another year, let alone another term.

Next, we come to the crimes of Joe Biden. He is the single most corrupt politician in the history of America. And for the first time, everyone sees it. The preponderance of evidence is beyond overwhelming. The story gets worse every day. Democrats cannot take a chance on putting Joe Biden on the ballot, while all his extortion, bribery and treason is flooding out of the closet.

Now add in the disastrous poll numbers and it’s over for Biden. The man is facing a landslide of George McGovern proportions. Democrats have no choice but to throw grandpa under the bus.

So, who’s going to replace Biden? It’s not Gavin Newsom. He was exposed and emasculated on national TV in his debate with Ron DeSantis. Gavin is the emperor with no clothes. Gavin’s new nickname is Gavin “Feces Map” Newsom. Gavin’s own in-laws ran away from his failing state.

And that was all BEFORE the announcement that California now has an all-time record $68 billion budget deficit.

The Biden replacement sure isn’t going to be Kamala. She’s the only politician in America more unpopular than Biden. Biden has been exposed as old, over the hill, confused and corrupt. Kamala is simply the dumbest human being to ever serve in high office. Kamala couldn’t spell C-A-T if I spotted her the C and A. She is as dumb as a doorknob. Everyone sees it- even Democrats.

That leaves one choice- Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama is the only Democrat in America with the name recognition, brand, and popularity to have at least a chance to beat Trump. I’ve warned for a year now that she would be the Democrat nominee in 2024.

First, because of her famous brand name. Name recognition is 90% of the battle in politics.

Second, because her husband Barack is the real president of the United States. He calls all the shots in this White House. He has all the power in the Democrat Party. Michelle’s election would give him five terms as president to finish the job of destroying America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, freedom, and Israel too.

Third, Democrats picked Chicago as the site of their convention for a reason. It’s “the land of Obama.” Chicago is Michelle’s launching pad. This convention is her “coming out party.”

Democrats no longer have a choice. And so, we are about to get the greatest battle of all-time between the two biggest brands in modern political history…


Get out your popcorn. This will be the battle of the century, to determine the future of America.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at FrankSpeech.com. He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Patriot-BUY-cott-Book-Conservative/dp/099173372X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1676215826&sr=8-1

The post WAYNE ROOT: TRUMP VS. OBAMA: Get Ready for the Greatest Political Battle in History appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Gary Kah: A Proper Worldview Includes a Promise to Israel – Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Gary Kah joins Mary Danielsen as we discuss his latest insights on Israel and globalism. Gary was talking about globalism long before most of us and has unique insights. He is a sought after speaker and has been faithfully watching the clock since the early 1990s.  Also, what does it really mean to stand with Israel and of course, don’t look to the UN or the US at this point. This open ended war may indicate it’s later than we think, on God’s timeclock at least. Stay awake!

The post Gary Kah: A Proper Worldview Includes a Promise to Israel appeared first on Stand Up For The Truth Podcast.
