Daily Archives: December 17, 2023

December 17 Evening Verse of The Day

4:19 I will make you fishers of people Probably describes a change of vocation. Whereas they used to draw fish from the sea, they will now draw people into God’s kingdom.

This image may be an allusion to Jer 16:16. However, the image in Jeremiah is negative and speaks of eschatological judgment. Jesus may be adding a positive twist to borrowed prophetic imagery.[1]

4:19 “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” In its Jewish setting, Jesus was officially calling these men to become His disciples. There were set rules and procedures on how a rabbi did this. The terminology is a word play on their profession of fishing.[2]

Ver. 19. Follow Me.

Follow Me:—1. Follow Christ as your Teacher. 2. As your Example. 3. As your Friend. 4. If you see to the following what will Christ do? (D. B. Hooke.) 1. These heavenly fishermen follow Christ personally. 2. They follow Him circumstantially. 3. They follow Him singly, with a single eye. (H. Cole.) The great lesson of the text may be summed up in this—that successful work for Jesus must spring out of a devout imitation of Him. “Follow Me,” &c. In the example of Christ there are two points which it is important to look at. I. The estimate Jesus Christ gave to humanity in contrast with all the other objects that engaged His attention. In comparison with the claims of man, everything else was regarded as subsidiary. II. His whole career was evolved from this central conception in regard to humanity. To save men—that was His mission. I must work—that was His motto. These thoughts were always present to His mind. Our grand central controlling purpose must be the imitation of the Master, in striving to become the servant of all. 1. Christian work must so far resemble Christ’s work as to be inspired with the soul of earnestness. 2. The possession of yearning pity and interest in humanity. 3. The cultivation of a spirit of large self-denial. 4. Persistency in effort. 5. Prayer. Does this command stir your soul to nobler work and better service, &c.? What is your response? (W. Kelynack.)

Follow Me:

I. Whom? Not simply a human teacher, but Jesus, who qualified Himself by His earthly life, with its temptations, toil, and suffering, to be the efficient leader of men. II. How? We cannot follow His person as the disciples did; but we may—Obey His precepts and copy His example.

III. Why? We cannot direct our own course—there is no leader equal to Christ—if we follow Him we shall be in good company. Only thus can we escape spiritual danger and eternal death.

IV. Whither? To God: “I am the way,” &c. To heaven: “In My Father’s house,” &c.

V. When? Now. Always. (Seeds and Saplings.)

The attractive face of Jesus:—In lower human forms this magnetic attraction of man on man is not unknown. It is the orator’s power. The orators of revolutions—men like Mirabeau—are full charged with it; they are like jars laden with electric fire; there is that in their words which flashes out, and stirs, sways, and rules mankind. Christ constitutes in a still higher form the great Captain’s power. (J. B. Brown, B.A.) Fishers of men.

Ministers fishers of men:

I. The appropriateness of the figure. The world is the sea, the scene of their labours.

II. The duty to be discharged. This net must be employed—constantly, diligently, skilfully. 1. Let the Christian fisherman rightly understand his net, and the appointed way of using it. 2. Let success be the grand object of attention. 3. Be cheerfully devoted to the work. 4. Our resources are infinite and exhaustless. (Dr. Burns.)

Fishers of men:—1. To fish well, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of fish. 2. You must go to the fish. (Beecher.)

Scientific knowledge not enough for the preacher:—It is necessary to know more than the science of ichthyology. What a book can tell a man about fishing is worth knowing, but it is little that a book can do towards making a man a true fisherman. If a man is going to fish for fish, he must become their scholar before he becomes their master; he must go to school in the brook, to learn its ways. And to fish for men, a man must learn their nature, their prejudices, their tendencies, and their courses. A man, to catch fish, must not only know their habits, but their tastes and their resorts; he must humour them according to their different natures, and adapt his instruments according to their peculiarities—providing a spear for some, a hook for others, a net for others, and baits for each one, as each one will. To sit on a bank or deck, and say to the fishes, “Here I am, authorized to command you to come to me and to bite what I give you,” is just as ridiculous as it can be, even though it does resemble some ways of preaching. The Christian’s business is not to stand in an appointed place and say to men, “Here am I; come up and take what I give you as you should.” The Christian’s business is to find out what men are, and to take them by that which they will bite at. (Ibid.)

Fishers of men:—Christ came upon these men when they were busy at their everyday work. He saw them casting a net into the sea. His eye is upon us in all the work we do in the world. And as He looks upon us, so He calls us. It is true we may be so absorbed in other pursuits as not to hear the call. I. What was His call? They were to leave their work that they might engage in higher work. II. How shall we hope to be successful? 1. We must follow Christ. 2. We must submit to His teaching and influence. 3. Christ only can qualify us for the work. (A. Thomas.)

Industry an indication of worth:—Whether, as He watched them putting out the net, He saw signs, which were indications to His penetrating and prophetic eye of fitness for the higher work to which they were to be called, we cannot tell. It is possible. For a very small thing will serve as a revelation of character to those who are keen-sighted, and who understand how the little is allied to the great. Just as a student like Owen will construct the entire skeleton if you give him a single bone, so the master, in the study of the human nature, will often be able to give a fair judgment of the whole character if he sees only what many would regard as casual and meaningless acts. (Ibid.)

Men miss the call of Christ through over occupation:—You cannot attend to many things at once. There may be a glow of heavenly light on the mountain-top, but it will be nothing to the man whose eyes are fixed on the path along which he is painfully toiling. There may be the sound of sweet music carried on the night breezes; but it will be lost upon those who are disputing loudly and striving angrily with each other. (Ibid.) 1. A fisherman must be acquainted with the sea—we must know the locality in which we have to work. 2. A fisherman must also know how to allure fish. 3. The fisherman must be a man who can wait with patience. 4. A fisherman is one who must run hazards. 5. The fisherman must be one who has learned both how to persevere and how to expect. (C. H. Spurgeon.) A fisherman must also know how to allure the fish.—I saw on Lake Como, when we visited Bellagio, some men fishing. They had torches burning in their boats, and the fish were attracted to them by the glare of the light. You must know how to get the fish together. You know there is such a thing as the ground-bait for the fishes. You must know how to allure men. The preacher does this by using images, symbols, and illustrations. You must know how to catch the fish, throwing out first. (Ibid.) The Church enriched from the ranks of poverty.—A few years ago, on a wintry morning, a boy in the habiliments of poverty entered an old school-house among our western mountains, and avowed to the master his desire for an education. There was poverty laying one of her richest gifts on the altar of religion, for that boy was Jonas King. On his humble shoemaker’s bench, Carey laid the foundation of British Baptist Missions. John Newton found in his congregation an unfriended Scotch boy, whose soul was then glowing with new-born love to Christ. He took him to John Thornton, one of those noble merchants whose wealth, whose piety, and whose beneficence increased together. They educated him, and that boy became Claudius Buchanan, whose name India will bless when the names of Clive and Hastings are forgotten. John Bunyan was a gift of poverty to the Church. Zwingle came forth from an Alpine shepherd’s cabin; Melancthon from an armourer’s workshop; Luther from a miner’s cottage; the apostles, some of them, from fishermen’s huts. These are the gifts of poverty to the Church. (Dr. J. Harris.)[3]

19. Follow me (literally ‘come behind me’) would immediately suggest the disciples of a Rabbi (see Davies, pp. 422–423), who literally followed him around to absorb his teaching, though this was by their own choice, not by his summons. A good teacher would be expected to have a group of such ‘followers’. But Jesus calls his disciples not only to listen and learn, but to take an active part as fishers of men. Jeremiah 16:16 had spoken of fishing for men, but this was to catch them for judgment (cf. Amos 4:2); Jesus’ ‘fishermen’ will save men from judgment.[4]

Ver. 19.—Follow me; come ye after me (Revised Version); δεῦτε ὀπίσω μου. There is no thought of continuous following from place to place (ἀκολουθεῖν), but of immediate detachment from the present sphere of their interest and of attachment to Jesus as their leader. And I will make you fishers of men; Mark, “to become fishers of men,” laying more stress on the change in their character necessary for success in this new kind of fishing. Luke 5:10 brings out the change in the nature of the work (ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν). Fishers. The word suggests care, patience, skill, besides habits of life fitted for endurance of privation and fatigue. The same promise is, as it seems, related in Luke 5:10, where notice: (1) It is connected with the miracle of the draught of fishes. (2) It is not verbally identical with this: Μὴ φοβοῦ· ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν ἀνθρώπους ἔση ζωγρῶν. (3) The words are addressed individually to Simon.[5]

[1] Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Brown, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., Whitehead, M. M., Grigoni, M. R., & Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible (Mt 4:19). Lexham Press.

[2] Utley, R. J. (2000). The First Christian Primer: Matthew: Vol. Volume 9 (p. 31). Bible Lessons International.

[3] Exell, J. S. (1952). The Biblical Illustrator: Matthew (pp. 40–42). Baker Book House.

[4] France, R. T. (1985). Matthew: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 1, p. 109). InterVarsity Press.

[5] Spence-Jones, H. D. M., ed. (1909). St. Matthew (Vol. 1, p. 109). Funk & Wagnalls Company.

A Heavenly Escort | VCY

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest.Genesis 28:15 

Do we need journeying mercies? Here are choice ones—God’s presence and preservation, In all places we need both of these, and in all places we shall have them if we go at the call of duty, and not merely according to our own fancy. Why should we look upon removal to another country as a sorrowful necessity when it is laid upon us by the divine will? In all lands the believer is equally a pilgrim and a stranger; and yet in every region the Lord is His dwelling place, even as He has been to His saints in all generations. We may miss the protection of an earthly monarch, but when God says, “I will keep thee,” we are in no real danger. This is a blessed passport for a traveler and a heavenly escort for an emigrant.

Jacob had never left his father’s room before; he had been a mother’s boy and not an adventurer tike his brother. Yet he went abroad, and God went with him. He had little luggage and no attendants; yet no prince ever journeyed with a nobler bodyguard. Even while he slept in the open field, angels watched over him, and the Lord God spoke to him. If the Lord bids us go, let us say with our Lord Jesus, “Arise, let us go hence.”

Holy Passion | Daily Thoughts about God.

“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17

Thoughts on today’s verse

God’s promises, God’s Scripture, and God’s clearest message of all, his Son, are truth. But only the last of these is truth, grace, deliverer, friend, Lord, Savior, brother, Redeemer…


O God, give me a holy passion to know your truth and live it in both word and deed. Make my life a reflection of your Word, who both proclaimed and lived your truth. In him I pray. Amen.’

By Phil Ware
used with permission.

You can also follow Phil’s daily devotionals on http://www.verseoftheday.com


Learn more about knowing Jesus at: https://thoughts-about-god.com/four-laws/

The post Holy Passion can be found online at  Daily Thoughts about God.

A Christ(mas) Meditation | Daily Thoughts about God.

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

You have prepared your gift list. You have begun preparing your house for the holidays. Take time to prepare your heart to make room for the One whose birthday we celebrate. My purpose in writing this devotional is to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17).

Read Luke 2:1-20. Open your eyes anew to really see the Christmas story. Through these questions, meditate on its present-day personal applications. What does it say about God’s ways and your response? Ask God what he wants to reveal to you. You may want to do this meditation over a period of several days.

Luke 2:1-5 Examine the setting: Jesus came to a city. How would Jesus like to come to your city?

Luke 2:6 Compare this verse with Galatians 4:4-5, the Christmas story according to Paul. What does this say about God’s timing? Ask, What do I need to surrender to Your timing, Lord?

Luke 2:7 Reflect on the words “no room.” Where are your “no vacancy” signs?

Luke 2:8-9 Note that ordinary people were doing everyday things, and they saw the glory of God. Where do you need to see the glory of the Lord shine in your regular routine?

Luke 2:10 Fear not and joy no matter what! Ask yourself, How is this real for me?

Luke 2:11 Meditate on the third verse of “Silent Night.” How personal is the phrase “born for you?” Have you seen Him as Savior-babe as well as Christ the Lord?

Luke 2:7,12 Compare this description of Jesus with the one in Hebrews 1:2-3. What does this say about humility?

Luke 2:13 How can you praise God as a lifestyle?

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest and on earth– Have you ever seen the world vision in the Christmas story? What will it take for the glory of God to be seen in all the earth? What will it take for everything in your life to say “Glory in the highest?

Luke 2:15,16a Instant obedience. The shepherds saw Jesus because they obeyed immediately. What has God shown you lately that calls for instant obedience?

Luke 2:16 Surrendered expectations. The King of the universe came into this world in a smelly stable! What expectations of how God is working do you need to surrender?

Luke 2:19 Do you have a “Mary heart“? Do you ponder God’s ways in your heart?

Let God prepare your heart with fresh joy, anticipation, renewed peace, vision… with whatever you need most. As you sing “Joy to the World” this season, really hear the words. Don’t let the familiarity of this great carol lull you into neutral. Receive your King who has the right to rule in the hardest circumstances of your life.

Submit, bow your knee to Him, and say, 

Yes, King of my life, I prepare You room and receive You. Reign in the midst of the world’s temporary insanity of the season and beyond. Rule in my heart and my family with truth, grace, righteousness, wondrous love, and glory.

By Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• Christmas Articles

• Christmas Prayers

• Christmas Quotes


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The post A Christ(mas) Meditation can be found online at  Daily Thoughts about God.

17 Dec 2023 News Briefing

The Fig Tree Is Alive: Are We Among The Generation That ‘Shall Not Pass Away’?
So, Jesus taught his Jewish disciples … Jerusalem was never the capital of any other nation but Israel. So, here you have the Jewish Messiah speaking to His Jewish disciples in the Jewish capital of the Jewish people. “when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know…” It’s not “you think” and it’s not “you guess.” It’s “you know that summer is near.

UK ‘Experts’ Say We Shouldn’t Breathe Anymore Because We’re Warming the Planet
The report, released by an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh named Dr. Nicholas Cowan, says “small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)” released by humans “both contribute to global warming.”

Saudi Arabia arrests 18,428 illegals in a week
Around 18,428 violators of residency, labor laws and border security regulations were arrested in various regions of the Kingdom within a week. The arrests included 11,664 violators of the residency system, 4,301 violators of the border security rules, and 2,463 violators of the labor laws. 36% were Yemenis, 62% Ethiopians, and 2% of other nationalities,

Pentagon To Launch ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’ To Reopen Red Sea Passage
There is still a lot of speculation but progress seems likely on reopening the Red Sea to shipping. The Drive is reporting that next week, on his trip to the Middle East, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is expected to reveal a ship protection initiative to protect ships from Houthi attacks, as disclosed by a U.S. military spokesperson to The War Zone. This announcement coincides with today’s news that the U.S. Navy intercepted 14 drones dispatched by the Houthis from Yemen in the early hours of Saturday.

Siberian Freeze Brings Power Outages and Death
“Towns and villages across Siberia have been hit by a succession of power outages as freezing temperatures grip much of the region, Russian media outlets reported Monday [December 11],” reports the Moscow Times. “Temperatures over the weekend fell to as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius

“AI, risk to finance”… First warning from US regulators
U.S. financial regulators have warned for the first time that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) could pose risks to the financial system. Specifically, FSOC believes that AI may pose certain risks, including cybersecurity, compliance, and privacy issues.

Korea-U.S. joint nuclear operations training starting next year… Hotline between leaders in case of nuclear crisis
By June of next year, South Korea and the United States will release nuclear strategic planning and operation guidelines containing comprehensive guidelines for joint response in the event of a North Korean nuclear attack.

Seizing Private Land Is Next Step in Fight Against Climate Change
Analysts speculate that in order to meet net-zero goals and build out a renewable energy infrastructure, enormous swaths of land will have to be converted for industrial use. “With current siting practices, an area the size of Texas is required to accommodate the wind and solar infrastructure we need to reach nationwide net-zero emissions by 2050,” said Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a renewable energy advocate.

US Unveils Additional Sanctions Targeting Hamas Officials and Financiers
The United States and the United Kingdom jointly announced a new round of sanctions against eight individuals associated with or directly involved in Hamas’ operations. the individuals in this round of sanctions have acted as liaisons for Hamas’ diplomatic and financial dealings with foreign entities. The sanctioned individuals,

The leaders of Italy, the UK and Albania meet in Rome to hold talks on migration
Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who held talks in Rome, were also joined by Albanian counterpart Edi Rama, who is seen as a key ally in the efforts to manage migrant arrivals from North Africa to European shores. Meloni’s office said in a statement after the meeting that the talks with Sunak “focused primarily on the joint work in the field of migration within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in London” in April.

Eat Ze Bugs Alert – Over 100 products children eat contain insects. They have code names in the ingredients listing.
They are feeding your children insects without telling you. If you are feeding your kids anything conventional, there are two ingredients to look out for. E120 and E904 are additives found in many food products which are obtained from the insects. There are currently more than 100 products containing these additives. Most of them are products intended for children.

Moscow faces strongest snowfall in 150 years
Cyclone Vanya has paralysed Moscow on December 15. The height of snowdrifts in Moscow set a record in almost 150 years, meteorologists said.

Cold wave freezes most of China, shutting highways, roads
President Xi Jinping called for “all-out” emergency response efforts as a cold wave extended its grip over China on Friday, with temperatures falling below freezing across most of the country and snowfall affecting transport in many places.

Florida braces for possible tropical-storm-like conditions this weekend
Florida is experiencing the onslaught of heavy rain and gusty winds that will resemble conditions produced during a tropical storm. The FOX Forecast Center said an area of low pressure is deepening and will move across the state, setting the stage for severe weather and tornadoes in the southern half of the Peninsula.

Powerful pre-holiday storm to pound 20 states, slow early Christmas travel
Flood and high wind alerts have been issued for certain parts of the East Coast.  The FOX Forecast Center is tracking a powerful pre-holiday storm affecting millions in at least 20 states. The storm is expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds and will continue to impact the region through early next week.

Fury over secondary school teaching material which asks pupils if it’s ‘fair’ for Hamas to attack Israel and says terror group killed ‘some people’: Government launches probe
A school is being investigated after its teaching material asked pupils if Hamas’ terror attack on Israel was ‘fair’.  Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said she was left horrified to see educational material attempt to ‘justify’ the murderous attacks on October 7 which left more than 1,400 dead and hundreds kidnapped.

The Fig Tree Is Alive: Are We Among The Generation That ‘Shall Not Pass Away’?
…So, Jesus reminds the disciples, “Look, the fig tree, remember the fig tree (of Matthew 21:18-20)? That fig tree that died, it’s going to come back to life.” Then He said, “the generation that will see the ‘rebirth’ of that tree, that generation shall not pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:32-35). What things? His coming back.

Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’
A pro-vaccine doctor who administered thousands of shots has decided to blow the whistle and alert the public about a “major cover up” of “devastating side effects” including cancer and cardiac arrest caused by the Covid mRNA injections.

China is harvesting organs from detainees, tribunal concludes
An independent tribunal sitting in London has concluded that the killing of detainees in China for organ transplants is continuing, and victims include imprisoned followers of the Falun Gong movement.

Breaking: Islamic Attack by Muslim Youth Foiled in Canada, Media Once Again Tries To Whitewash Islam
Following the arrest, a disturbing pattern emerges, one that the media seems determined to obscure: the undeniable link between Islam and acts of terror.

SCOTUS to Hear Doctors’ Challenge of Mail-Order Abortion Pills
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, petitions in the landmark case in which a group of doctors are challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of mail-order abortion pills.

Wallingford-Swarthmore School District ‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses and Restricts Employees’ from Wearing Christmas Attire
In a recent memo addressed to all drivers and aides, Wallingford-Swarthmore School District in Pennsylvania outlined new guidelines regarding holiday decorations and attire.

The Death Protocol: Whistleblower Nurse Says “One Medical Blunder Cost Thousands of Lives.”
…The NG163 ‘end of life’ protocol from NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence had been issued to doctors and nurses across the UK on April 3, 2020 and remained in place until March 21, 2021. According to Roberts and other healthcare campaigners, NG163 essentially told medics to prescribe a deadly cocktail of powerful drugs to people in hospital and elsewhere who had been diagnosed with an “advanced case of Covid-19.”

The Richest are Leaving the Country
The richest people in Britain are leaving. Over half a million wealthy taxpayers left Britain last year and were replaced by over a million immigrants looking for free money and free housing.  The end result was a net increase in population of over 700,000.

Doctor Exposes the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVID 
…“And so, my advice to you: don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.” Instead of seeking help from the hospital, Dr. Marik recommended eating right, sleeping right, getting enough sunshine, lowering stress, and taking care of your lifestyle because, again, “The medical system will kill you.”

Pfizer’s Dirty Little Secret: Graphene Oxide is in COVID Vaccines and has Fatal Shedding Effects
…confidential Pfizer documents, that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of for 75 years, but were subsequently forced to publish by order of the US Federal Court; and various scientific studies have confirmed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine does in fact contain a highly toxic substance known as Graphene Oxide. A substance that is so toxic that it has and still is destroying red blood cells and forming strange blood clots.

Headlines – 12/17/2023

Pointing to Hamas’s ‘little state’, Netanyahu touts role blocking 2-state solution

PM Modi, Oman Sultan discuss Gaza crisis, back 2-state solution as way forward

Biden honors late Kuwait leader for commitment to ‘greater peace and stability’ in the Middle East

‘And suddenly darkness’: IDF’s tragic killing of 3 hostages a new, heartbreaking blow

Defense chiefs take blame for hostage killings, note complexities of Gaza battlefield

Initial IDF probe: 3 hostages were shirtless, waving white flag when troops shot them

Families rally for hostage deal, say IDF pressure failed, after mistaken killings

Israel said looking to boost efforts for new hostage deal, but expects hard road ahead

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Demand Total Ceasefire Before Any Hostage Release

Netanyahu: Pushing forward with Gaza war only way to free hostages

Netanyahu: Despite Hostage Tragedy, ‘Nothing Will Stop Us’ from Destroying Hamas

IDF says it nabbed some 90 terror operatives at north Gaza hospital, seized weapons

IDF Discovers Weapons Inside Incubator in NICU in Gaza Hospital

Some Christians killed, others wounded, amid fierce gun battles around churches in Gaza City

Communications blackout, rising hunger compound suffering in Gaza on 11th week of war

White House: Israel Opened Border Crossing to Allow Fuel into Gaza ‘At Our Urging’

Dem Rep. Stevens: U.S.-Funded Aid Is ‘Being Stolen by Hamas’

ABC News Refutes Biden’s Claim of Israel ‘Indiscriminate Bombing’

Dem Rep. Stevens: Media ‘Rarely’ Cover Hamas Firing Rockets at Israel that Hit Palestinians

NY Times: Israel uncovered vast Hamas financial network in 2018, took no action

Democrat Donor and CEO of Palantir Trashes Corporate America and Calls Out Dems for Response to October 7th Terrorist Attack on Israel

Poll: 51% of Young Americans Believe Israel Should Be ‘Ended’

Bill Maher Throws Down – Explains Reality of the Genocidal “From the River to the Sea” Chant

Radical Michigan Imam Calls for Muslims to Wage Jihad in US

‘Worst Christmas ever’ in birthplace of Jesus as impact of war empties Bethlehem

Reservist soldier killed as Hezbollah kamikaze drone strikes near northern town

US, UK forces down 15 drones over Red Sea as Houthis vow to keep up attacks on Israel

Shipping firms MSC and CMA CGM are latest to suspend passage through Red Sea – Four major companies have announced a pause in movement near Yemen amid Houthi attacks on ships

Israel, Arab States Create Overland Trade Route to Avoid Houthi Attacks

Russia’s Putin and France’s Macron Both Say They Are Open to Restarting Talks on Ukraine War

Biden admin warns North Korea any nuke attacks against US, allies would seal the ‘end’ of Kim Jong Un’s regime

Commentary: Americans Turn on Globalists Saying Government Spending, Greed, and Global Issues Drive Inflation

MSNBC Suggests Biden Impeachment Inquiry is Meant to Distract Americans From Booming Economy

Jim Jordan: Entire House GOP Approving Biden Impeachment Inquiry Will ‘Help Us in Court’

Scaramucci: House GOP ‘damaged our party’ with ‘specious’ Biden impeachment inquiry

Rep. Bob Good: Biden DOJ Will Protect Hunter Until Pardoned

Trump, Quoting Putin, Declares Indictments ‘Politically Motivated Persecution’

Rudy Giuliani Following “UnAmerican” Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 Million Ruling – Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election

Rudy Giuliani: ‘This Is Not the Only Desecration of Justice’

Georgia Elections Board “Continues” Investigation into 17,000 Ballot Images Missing from 2020 Presidential Election

Arizona joins state bar associations going after lawyers who challenge recent elections

Investigative Reporter Lee Fang: NewsGuard Demands News Orgs Conform to Government Narratives

Heartland Institute’s Chris Talgo: The 2020 Election’s Mass Mail-In Voting Was ‘Invitation for Fraud’

Report: Microsoft’s AI Chatbot ‘Hallucinates’ Election Misinformation

Elon Musk’s ‘Grok’ AI Is Just as Woke as Other Chatbots

How AI could power the climate breakthrough the world needs

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits near Tadine, New Caledonia

5.7 magnitude earthquake hits the Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 23,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 21,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts ot 14,000ft

Tropical storm ‘Jelawat’ moving westwards towards the Philippines

Tucker Carlson Makes Ominous Comments on the Truth Behind UFOs: ‘Really Dark… There’s a Spiritual Component There I Don’t Fully Understand’

Navy vet defends beheading Iowa capitol’s satanic Baphomet statue: ‘Christian civil disobedience’

More than 60 people drown in migrant shipwreck off Libya, UN says

The legal border crossing in this tiny Arizona town has been closed indefinitely because there are too many migrants

Maryland Sanctuary County Freed Illegal MS-13 Killer from Prison After Obama’s DHS Released Him into U.S.

Gavin Newsom’s California drowns in $68 Billion deficit, defaults on $20 billion loan from fed

Maligned by the MSM, Argentina’s Javier Milei Is Not Joking Around: Gets Rid of ‘Ministry of Culture’ Along With 8 Others, to the Dismay of Libs Worldwide

O’Keefe Media Group Obtains Internal Document From IBM That Trashes White People, ‘Only White People Can Be Racist’

Elon Musk Writes That DEI Initiatives Must DIE – And That Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are ‘Just Propaganda Words’

Elon Musk warns Italy to not import the ‘woke mind virus’ from America: “Woke mind virus, in my view, amplifies racism amplifies frankly sexism and all the isms.”

NSFW: Capitol Hill rocked by sex tape scandal featuring famous Senate hearing room

Senate sex tape: Capitol Hill hearing room where leaked video was recorded home to several historic events

Democrat Senate Staffer Involved in Gay Sex Scandal Inside Capitol Has Been Fired

Democrat Senate Staffer Involved in Gay Sex Scandal in Capitol Now Threatens to Pursue Legal Action – Denies Disrespecting Workplace and Cites Personal Attack for Political Agenda

Senate sex tape: Congressional staffer allegedly seen in leaked video could face charges, legal expert says

“I Told You” – Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn Reacts to Capitol’s Gay Sex Scandal Following His Previous Revelations

City pays Catholic $825,000 for farmer’s market ban because he won’t host gay weddings

Florida prosecutors challenge SCOTUS precedent by seeking death penalty for child sexual abuse

SCOTUS case on mifepristone access ‘could have devastating consequences for the entire country’

An Ohio woman was criminally charged after a miscarriage, highlighting the perils of pregnancy post-Roe

State supreme court dismisses Ohio’s effort to enforce abortion ban

Senator Fetterman denies he’s ‘a progressive,’ just ‘very committed’ to abortion, defending Israel

How a well-timed legal assault unraveled Mississippi’s stellar record in vaccinating kids – Mississippi was forced to grant religious exemptions from vaccines. Now, doctors and public health officials brace for the fallout.

29-Year-Old Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses Without Contact on Field During Live TV Broadcast, Causing Match to Be Suspended

Research finds COVID mRNA vax makes ‘Pfrankenstein’ proteins, but feds seem unphased

Tropical disease found in mainland U.S., stunning physicians: ‘There’s no effective vaccine’

Scientists are bringing molecules back from the dead in quest to fight superbugs

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Bill Maher Uses Bethlehem as Powerful Example in Opening Monologue About Palestine | The Western Journal.

I’m not a fan of Bill Maher, but occasionally, even a broken liberal can find a very good point or two.

On Friday, on “Real Time With Bill Maher,” Maher gave a genuinely brilliant monologue focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict, injecting a dose of “realism” into the inflamed rhetoric that surrounds it.

All wars end with negotiation, but it’s hard to negotiate when the other side’s bargaining position is “you all die and disappear.” pic.twitter.com/x72h9Zlqjy

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) December 16, 2023

Maher talked about Christmas time and the nativity scenes he sees all around, which depict “the little town of Bethlehem,” one of the most sacred sites to 2.3 billion Christians around the world.

“And I can’t help thinking about where that manger really is. It’s in the West Bank on Palestinian land, controlled by the Palestinian authority,” Maher said. “In 1950, the little town of Bethlehem was 86 percent Christian, now it’s overwhelmingly Muslim.

“And that’s my point tonight, things change. To 2.3 billion Christians, there can be no more sacred site than where their Savior was born but they don’t have it anymore.

“And yet, no Crusader army has geared up to take it back.”

Maher continued his monologue by delving into history, the changes that have occurred in nations, and who controls them.

“Things change,” he said. “Countries, boundaries, empires. Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire for 400 years, but today, an ottoman is something you put under your feet.

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“The city of Byzantium became the city of Constantinople, [which] became Istanbul.”

“The Irish had the entire island to themselves, but the British were starting an Empire, and well, the Irish lost their tip,” he joked.

“Was it unjust that even a single Arab family was forced to move upon the founding of the Jewish state? Yes. But it’s also not rare — happening all through history, all over the world, and mostly what people do is make the best of it,” Maher said, pointing out multiple nations and ethnic groups that have changed in demographics due to conflict or war.

“After World War II, 12 million ethnic Germans got shoved out of Russia, and Poland, and Czechoslovakia. A million Greeks were shoved out of Turkey in 1923, a million Ghanaians out of Nigeria in 1983, almost a million French out of Algeria in 1962. Nearly a million Syrian refugees moved to Germany eight years ago. Was that a perfect fit?” he asked.

Maher even brought up Mexico further along in his monologue, whose borders used to extend up to the top of California.

“But no Mexican is out there chanting, ‘From the Rio Grande to Portland, Oregon,’” he said.

“And no one knows more about being pushed off land than the Jews. Including being almost wholly kicked out of every Arab country they once lived in,” Maher pointed out, reminding his viewers of how Tevye the Milkman’s family in “Fiddler on the Roof” had to keep moving because of the Cossacks.

“They coped,” Maher said. “Because sometimes, that’s all you can do. History is brutal and humans are not good people. History is sad and full of wrongs, but you can’t make them un-happen.”

Maher pointed out that while many act as if colonization was only done by white Christians, much of the world was actually colonized by followers of Islam.

“Nobody was a bigger colonizer than the Muslim army that swept out of the Arabian Desert and took over much of the world in a single century. And they didn’t do it by asking. There’s a reason Saudi Arabia’s flag is a sword. Kosovo was the cradle of Christian Serbia, then it became Muslim. They fought a war about it in the ’90s, but stopped. They didn’t keep it going for 75 years,” he said.

Making a more recent point, Maher then talked about the fact that Palestinians had multiple chances to have peace — and a lot more land than they have right now.

“There were deals on the table to share the land called Palestine. In 1947, ’93, ’95, ’98, 2000, 2008,” he said.

“And East Jerusalem could have been the capital of a Palestinian state that today might look more like Dubai than Gaza. [Former Palestinian President Yasser] Arafat was offered 95 percent of the West Bank, and said, ‘No.’”

In his direct manner, Maher spoke to Palestinians, telling them that Palestinian leaders and “useful idiots on college campuses” were not doing them any favors by propagating the “from the river to the sea” myth.

“I mean, where do you think Israel is going?” he asked.

“Spoiler alert: Nowhere,” he said.

“It’s one of the most powerful countries in the world with the 500-billion-dollar economy, the world’s second largest tech sector after Silicon Valley, and nuclear weapons. They’re here, they like their bagel with a shmear, get used to it,” he added.

Maher then said the quiet part out loud, noting that while what is happening to the Palestinians is “horrible,” the reason Palestinians never accepted the deals they were given is because they want “all of it,” not just the West Bank, which was the original UN partition deal they rejected.

“Because you wanted all of it and always have. Even though, it’s indisputably also the Jews’ ancestral homeland.”

“And so, you attacked and lost. And attacked again and lost. And attacked again and lost.”

“As my friend, Dr. Phil, says,” Maher continued, “‘How’s that working for you?’”

Maher put into words history and reality in one solid eight-minute monologue, bringing it around to the simple truth: Palestinians don’t want peace. They want to end all Jews.

They say they want the Jews to “go back where they came from” but while some Jewish people did live in Europe, many of them were thrown out from Muslim nations.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, in 1945, around 1 million Jews lived without incident in the various Arab states of the Middle East.

After the 1948 partition plan announcement, however, Arab governments turned against their Jewish citizens. Jews in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Yemen, and other nations faced state-sanctioned riots, violence, arrests, and freezing of assets. Over the next few years, more than 800,000 Jewish refugees fled or were expelled from their homes in Arab lands.

Would they be safe in any of those countries now?

It’s been 75 years, but at the end of the day, all the chanting in the streets cannot change this simple reality: Palestinians don’t want a two-state solution — as Maher and years of historical context have noted: They just want to eradicate every last Jew.

Despite what leaders on all sides say, there will not be peace until the Palestinians accept reality and learn, as Maher so eloquently put it, to “cope.”

The post Bill Maher Uses Bethlehem as Powerful Example in Opening Monologue About Palestine appeared first on The Western Journal.

Sodom-likeness Grows | Terry James

The homosexual lobby in the days of Lot in Sodom, according to the nineteenth chapter of Genesis, must have indeed been in control of city government—and of all other aspects of city life. This is likely because Lot was a high official in city government. He sat in the gate to Sodom as a judge, a position from which he adjudicated business matters and, I presume, other matters of judicial interest.

The homosexual men of Sodom showed no deference to or regard for Lot in surrounding his home and demanding that he send out the man’s visitors who appeared as men, but were angels sent by God to assess what was going on in the wicked city. We can therefore assume that these blatant, would-be rapists were fully in charge and unafraid of consequences for their rapacious activities once the sun went down. A city judge’s (Lot’s) guests were to be their victims.

The comparison I wish to draw between America today and ancient Sodom is that the homosexual lobby, although insignificant in constituting a percentage of the American population, has become a powerful influence over everything from business and law to entertainment and government, and even religion. Most troubling is that the homosexual lobby is becoming a devilish intrusion into American family life.

We know of the stories of the current presidential administration allowing—or instructing—the FBI to investigate the matter of a number of public schools introducing pornographic sexual curriculum to minors. The salacious material is not just heterosexual in nature, but it more and more involves homosexual inculcation.

The Sodom-likeness part of all this is that the FBI agents, in many cases, aren‘t sent into the school boards and other forums to investigate those who are introducing these inappropriate themes to under-age kids without parents’ permission. Rather, the agents are sent to investigate and charge (with various levels of domestic terroristic threatening) the parents who object to the wickedness.

Government and the homosexual-controlled cabal are often intricately linked. A growing number of officials are like the ones must have been in the city government of Lot’s day. They join in moving ever farther into evil conduct, against which the Lord is bound to bring judgment at some point.

A pertinent report and analysis grabbed my attention in considering all of the above. It is quite telling as to where we stand on God’s prophetic timeline, I think.

Biden wants to essentially ban Christians from adopting foster care children based on their religious beliefs and opposition to radical LGBTQ ideology. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a new rule that would prohibit families who do not support LGBTQ ideology from caring for foster children.

According to the Social Security Act, federally funded foster care agencies must provide “safe and proper care” for foster children. The United States Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division within HHS, proposed that foster families meet three specific criteria to ensure that LGBTQ-identifying children are in a “safe” and “nurturing” home.

Those criteria essentially force Christian parents to affirm a child’s pretend gender as opposed to supporting children truthfully based on their biological sex and providing them appropriate support and resources to move away from the radical leftist ideology that pushes hormones, sex changes and mutilation of children to conform to its extreme sexual agenda.

“Responding to the radical proposal, 19 Republican attorneys general are pushing the Biden administration to back down on a new rule they say will effectively exclude Christian families from fostering kids and jeopardize the foster care system nationwide,” Fox News reports.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, along with 18 of his GOP colleagues, sent a letter Monday to the Department of Health and Human Services alerting them that a new proposed rule that alters requirements for foster care families violates the Constitution and discriminates against people who practice the Christian faith. (“Joe Biden Wants to Ban Christian Families from Adopting Children in Foster Care,” Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com, November 28, 2023)

This proposed new rule hits home particularly hard with my wife and me. Although we weren’t given official foster-care responsibility because we were the age of grandparents rather than parents, we were asked a number of years ago by local government people to temporarily care for a young girl because of her family’s terrible situation. We still think of her as a grandchild, although she is now twenty years old.

We saw firsthand the public education and its effect in less-than-favorable light when, at eleven years old, she informed us she should be a boy, not a girl. This is what she was told by those in authority at school. And ours is a small city in the South, and quite conservative.

Of course, we had quite a bit of conversation and loving counsel with our little girl. She grew up and out of that inculcation she had received, although she still suffers from that time of such teaching in public schools—adding to her biological family’s troubles.

Today, my wife and I would probably be charged with some kind of criminal neglect, at the very least, for going against some teacher’s instructions, the way things in America are going with such teaching by some still allowed, and with proposed rules such as that above.

This illustrates how very important is the need for Christian influence, thus Holy Spirit restraint, in this age, during which the Antichrist spirit is growing exponentially.

Just like in Lot’s day, the Lord of Heaven must be on the very cusp of calling believers to Himself in the clouds of Glory. I believe with all that is within my spirit that every child below the age of accountability will go to Christ when He summons His Church (see Revelation 4:1, when the Apostle John was so summoned.)

Be sure you are part of that blessed throng of believers who are caught up in the Rapture. Here is how to be certain you will:

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)

‘We should be worried’ about a terrorist attack, House Homeland Security chair warns

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., tells ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ that he will move to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in January. #foxnews

Source: ‘We should be worried’ about a terrorist attack, House Homeland Security chair warns

Renewed Trust in Public Health Agencies Lies in a Return to Science, Not Special Interests | The Gateway Pundit

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Michael Chamberlain
Real Clear Wire

Among the direst casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic is Americans’ trust in public health authorities. According to a Pew Research poll, prior to the pandemic more than three-quarters of adults rated “public health officials – such as those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” as doing an excellent or good job. Now just a little over half rate them so highly. Among some groups, it’s far lower. As new CDC Director Mandy Cohen has acknowledged, “Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild.”

For citizens to trust the public health establishment, they must have confidence that these institutions are guided by science, free of political or social agendas. Yet on countless issues – even the most critical to public health – federal health agencies appear to be failing this challenge.

Take the significant public health issue of youth tobacco use. CDC’s annual National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) is a key input for informing federal regulators’ tobacco-related policy agenda. The voluntary survey is administered to middle and high school students through their schools “to provide national data on long-term, intermediate, and short-term indicators key to the design, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive tobacco prevention and control programs.” Why then, did the 2023 survey ask kids if they are transgender? How does it further tobacco regulation to know kids’ sexual orientation, or if they’ve felt discriminated against because of their race?

Furthermore, the CDC may be offering inappropriate financial incentives to underage NYTS participants, potentially influencing the integrity and accuracy of responses. Because “[t]obacco research studies with adolescents report that recruiting smokers to participate is substantially more difficult than recruiting nonsmokers,” the CDC said, “we propose to offer a $50 incentive to boost participation in the cognitive interviews among youth.”

Given that eventual Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of tobacco products is driven by NYTS results, the ethical and methodological implications of paying kids to say they smoke are far reaching.

Like the CDC’s questionable approach on the NYTS, the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) has used its mandate to reduce youth tobacco use in ways even the courts have found incompatible with sound science. For instance, in July a federal judge struck down the FDA’s attempted regulation of premium cigars because of the agency’s misrepresentation of data on the prevalence of youth cigar smoking.

Now the FDA is preparing to finalize a ban on menthol products even as evidence mounts that such bans can increase cigarette sales and use, building much of its case on reducing youth tobacco addiction.

A Yale School of Public Health study partly funded by the FDA found that banning menthol e-cigarettes increased the sale of regular cigarettes and that 71 percent of the increased cigarette sales were non-menthol, “suggesting that restrictions on menthol cigarettes would not substantially reduce sales.”

Concerned the ban “would simply create a black market for these products,” Congressionalinvestigators cited real world state experiments: After California’s 2022 ban, “a study found that roughly one in five cigarettes smoked were menthols even six months later, of which 27.6 percent were imported.” Clearly, illicit smugglers (read: China and Mexican drug cartels) will fill the void created by a ban.

Ironically, the scientific integrity issues plaguing the administration’s proposed ban may be overshadowed by social justice concerns. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network has come out against the proposed rule, saying the ban targets “black adult smokers” and could lead to incidents like Eric Garner’s death while police were arresting him for selling “loose, untaxed cigarettes.”

Is the FDA staffed by anti-tobacco zealots who ignore studies they themselves funded? Or are special interests helping drive the agency’s crusade? CTP is 100 percent funded by user fees. Yet user fees are a black box of accountability. Protect the Public’s Trust has been forced to sue the agency for information about how the CTP – as well as its sister agencies at the FDA focused on other important health issues like women’s health –spends these fees.

If the public can’t rely on public health authorities to make decisions based on sound science for the most serious and high-profile issues, what confidence can it have in the countless other decisions and advice it renders every day? Americans need to be able to trust the actions and pronouncements of public health authorities. For that to happen, sound science can’t be substituted for the sake of advancing a special interest agenda.

Michael Chamberlain is Director of Protect the Public’s Trust

 This article was originally published by RealClearHealth and made available via RealClearWire.

The post Renewed Trust in Public Health Agencies Lies in a Return to Science, Not Special Interests appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

David Platt’s Prosperity Gospel: Platt buys $1.1 million home | Capstone Report

‘Radical’ David Platt buys $1.1 million home in exclusive Virginia suburb. Platt has lived in the home since McLean Bible Church purchased it for him in 2018. Platt incurs a hefty $5,817 a month mortgage while telling his flock that Americans enjoy too much affluence.

Megachurch pastor David Platt who urged his congregation to forsake the American Dream recently purchased a $1.1 million home in an exclusive Virginia suburb. Platt purchased the home November 1, 2023, from McLean Bible Church—who bought the home for Platt in March of 2018.

The Church will hold the mortgage on the property charging Platt 5.5 percent interest for 30 years. The average mortgage rate on November 1, 2023, according to Forbes was 8.25% for a thirty-year fixed mortgage and 7.35% for a 15-year fixed mortgage. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the 30-year fixed average among loans submitted to Freddie Mac for November 2, 2023, was 7.76 percent.

Platt’s monthly mortgage payment even at the lower-than-average rate totals $5,817.00 per month beginning December 1, 2023. The payment includes principal and interest.

Previously, McLean Bible Church paid the utilities on the home, landscaping, trash removal, a fiber connection to the Internet and other expenses on the home’s upkeep, according to the 2020 MBC Budget reviewed by the Capstone Report. Until recently, Platt was regularly spotted driving an upper end Range Rover around his elite Virginia enclave. (See below the page from the 2020 budget showing parsonage costs.)

Platt guilted American Christians for having fries with their fast food burgers, but David Platt was previously exposed of living the Lifestyle of the Rich & Famous with flying first-class across country. Now he owns a $1.1 million home while the average American home in 2023 is worth $412,000 and the average Virginia home is worth $413,000 and the average home in Washington, DC is worth $626,000, according to data published by Forbes.

Platt preached a December 3, 2023, sermon wondering how many Americans have a blind spot because of material comforts. Platt said“I wonder if followers of Jesus a hundred years from now, if Jesus has not returned, will look back at Christians in America today and wonder, ‘How could they worship, sing, study the Bible and live in such affluence, while billions of people were going to hell without even hearing how they could go to heaven, many of whom were living in impoverished, dire conditions on earth? They gathered for worship, they read the Bible, they sang the songs, they lived what they said were Christian lives. How could they keep prioritizing their comforts and preferences to the neglect of so many people in need?’”

The purchase is another sign that Platt has one foot out the door of the church that Platt has killed. Previously, Platt elevated Mike Kelsey to become a Lead Pastor. Under Platt’s leadership McLean Bible Church saw attendance collapse and its budget fall by about $10 million. Platt’s sneaky, dishonest management style created a backlash among key church leaders and members who penned an extraordinary series of rebukes culminating in David Platt being rebuked for lack of transparency and promotion of racial identity politics.

Come back this week for more on David Platt and the saga of McLean Bible Church.

Source: https://capstonereport.com/2023/12/17/david-platts-prosperity-gospel-platt-buys-1-1-million-home/42532/

‘Absolutely absurd’: Putin rejects Biden’s warning that Russia could attack NATO

American warnings that Russia could launch an attack on NATO’s eastern flank are “absolutely” absurd” and designed only to justify more U.S. financial support for Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday.

Source: ‘Absolutely absurd’: Putin rejects Biden’s warning that Russia could attack NATO

House Ways and Means Chairman: Joe Biden Was Using Air Force Two as Corporate Jet to Travel Country and Meet with Hunter Biden’s Business Associates (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion Chairman Smith described how Joe Biden was using Air Force Two as his personal jet to meet with Hunter Biden’s business associates and enrich his family.

Chairman Jason Smith: Well, just this week, Hunter Biden’s in his press conference says that Joe Biden was not financially involved. Well, let me tell you, the emails and documentation we’ve been getting from the IRS whistleblowers prove otherwise… We’ve seen this White House continue to block and stonewall subpoenas that we’ve had witnesses to come forward, documents that we’ve requested. And by having this official impeachment inquiry vote, we’re able to be able to use additional tools to get this information. There’s a lot of information that we need to get, Maria. There’s folks at the Department of Justice, the FBI, the IRS that needs to come forward, answer questions, but there’s also documents and tax records that we need to be looking at…

Maria Bartiromo: …I know back in 2013 there was a memorandum of understanding that then Vice President Joe Biden signed allowing thousands of chinese companies to trade on us exchanges and not follow any accounting rules, not follow the SEC rules that all public companies have to follow. I wonder if he was paid for that. And I also wonder if when he first got into the Oval Office and canceled the China initiative, was he paid for that? You’ve identified other areas with regard to Ukraine, like the prosecutor being fired. Can you talk to us about policy changes? You know he was paid for.

Chairman Smith: That’s what we’re doing in this impeachment inquiry, is following the facts. But you just highlighted, Maria, several examples. There’s actually more than 20 different countries where we’ve seen some kind of business associate with Hunter Biden and foreign entities. President Biden said that his son had not received or his family had not received any money from the Chinese. According to documentations that’s came forward of bank records. We know that that is no longer true. There’s money coming in from all different entities. We’ve seen it from Ukraine, Romania, China, all of it. We’ve also seen numerous examples where it appears that Joe Biden was using Air Force Two as a corporate jet, traveling all over the country and meeting with Hunter Biden’s business associates. That’s unacceptable. We also know what happened in Ukraine, where the prosecutor was fired at the demand of Joe Biden because that prosecutor was investigating Burisma, which his son was sitting on the board of Burisma getting paid millions of dollars. It’s all not looking too good for the Bidens.

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

The post House Ways and Means Chairman: Joe Biden Was Using Air Force Two as Corporate Jet to Travel Country and Meet with Hunter Biden’s Business Associates (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Russia is no threat to NATO – member state | RT World News by RT

No one would risk attacking “the strongest… defense alliance in the world,” Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto has said

Russia is no threat to NATO – member state

Russia poses no immediate threat to NATO, including to those members of the bloc located close to its borders, because any attack would trigger an overwhelming response, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has suggested.

Speaking in an interview with French broadcaster LCI, part of which was uploaded on Szijjarto’s Facebook page on Sunday, the minister was asked to comment on the warning of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who suggested that after the end of the Ukraine conflict, Russia would threaten NATO countries.

“I don’t think that Russia would attack any NATO member state,” he replied, explaining that most EU members are also part of the alliance.

According to Szijjarto, the US-led military bloc is “the strongest security and defense alliance in the world.” He cited Article 5 of the bloc’s treaty, which stipulates that if any NATO nation comes under attack, it will be interpreted as an attack all members.

“I don’t think that anyone, not only Russia, would risk any attack against any NATO member state,” he stressed.

When pressed on why the Baltic states and Poland disagree, the minister explained that some countries have “different histories and different geographic locations.”

“I don’t know what would be my position if I was in the geographic location of the Baltics [or Poland],” he said, noting that Hungary has always respected their position and never tried to challenge it.

Read more

Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russia wants to improve ties with NATO, not fight – Putin

“This kind of respect should be given to every position of every member state. My problem is that this respect is very rarely given to the Hungarian position. This is unfair and weakens the European Union,” he added.

Szijjarto’s remarks come on the heels of comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has said that his country does not have any intention of attacking NATO. Putin told Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin in an interview aired on Sunday, that the US-led bloc itself is well aware that the Kremlin harbors no such plans.

“Russia has no interest… geopolitically, economically or militarily… in waging war against NATO,” Putin stated, dismissing the recent claims by US President Joe Biden that Moscow might attack if it wins the Ukraine conflict as “nonsense.”

“I think that President Biden understands that this is just a figure of speech to justify his misguided Russian policy,” the Russian President suggested.

Source: Russia is no threat to NATO – member state

MORE THAN JUST AN ELECTION YEAR: How legal battles could shape 2024

‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-hosts Will Cain and Pete Hegseth discuss the legal challenges faced by the Bidens and Donald Trump as well as the impact on the 2024 presidential election. #foxnews

Source: MORE THAN JUST AN ELECTION YEAR: How legal battles could shape 2024

2023 12 17 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Ultra Woke Lunacy”

Source: 2023 12 17 John Haller’s Prophecy Update “Ultra Woke Lunacy”

As the World Knocks on Death’s Door, We Await a Savior – Jonathan Brentner

The climate alarmists have an unblemished record of failed predictions. Al Gore’s 2007 claim that by 2014 both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would be gone is typical of just how poorly their projections of doom have fared. Both places have recorded record low temperatures in the past five years.

Why such an abysmal record? It’s because the climate emergency is a hoax as are the models upon which it’s based. I shared a sampling of the evidence backing up this claim in a recent article: COP28: The Ruse behind the Elite’s Insatiable Quest for Power.

Why then do the climate alarmists continue to make predictions based on models that have led to bogus prognostications? What factors lie behind the globalists’ passion to prescribe draconian solutions for an emergency that does not exist?

The Quest to Be Lords of the Earth

The globalists seek to bring about a one-world government over which they will rule. In order to assume the role as lords of the earth, they need an impending crisis that will unite the nations. They regard the climate emergency as the vehicle that will enable them to fulfill their quest.

The year 2030 is magical to those who would imagine themselves as our chieftains; it’s the year that they plan to have everything in place for their future reign. COP28’s agenda aligned precisely with the UN’s Agenda 2030 with its seventeen sustainable development goals. It’s all about controlling the lives of serfs, those that survive the brutal changes ahead, all for the cause of saving the planet.

Jeffrey Ludwig, in an American Thinker article, provides this overview of Agenda 2030 in regard to its unmistakable Marxist theme:

The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The earlier ideas and ideals of rights, freedom, equality, and justice are subsumed under meeting of needs and an explicit environmentalism which emphasizes preventing the depletion of scarce planetary resources. Of course, the takeoff is the Marxist axiom that society should be organized around the idea of “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.” Thus, Marxism is implicit in sustainability, but is nuanced by its alliance with seemingly scientific adjustments and goals related to environmentalisms.[1]

Why do the elite believe that only a Marxist world order can solve the “climate emergency?” It’s because both the problem and solution are not only a ruse, but the demonic path by which the elite hope to become lords of the earth.


Our archenemy Lucifer lies behind the motives of these elite powerbrokers. Population reduction, an essential aspect of their agenda, has long been the objective of the globalists and it’s now more evident than ever before in history. The devil is a master deceiver and a murder (John 8:44; 10:10); those advocating the killing off of the “useless eaters” are his pawns.

The elite’s intent to shrink the earth’s population to a more manageable number appeared on the Georgia Guidestones in 1980. One of the ten inscriptions on this granite monument set the sustainable level of the human population at five hundred million. That’s just a fraction of the earth’s current population of over 8 billion. Though the Guidestones now lie in ruins, the murderous goal remains set in stone for those who would enslave humanity to their every whim.

The Biden administration spokesperson, John Kerry, has stated on several occasions that his plans include the elimination of farming as we know it. In Europe, they plan to kill 100,000 head of cattle for the cause of saving the planet. How do sane people even remotely think that cattle are bad for the planet? How will people survive apart from growing the food and raising animals on the farms? It’s all about reducing the earth’s population to a manageable level.

After one hundred years of failed projections of doom, do those sounding the alarm over the climate truly believe we have just seven years left before the environment implodes? Is it possible that many of them believe their own lies as they knock on death’s door?

Depraved Minds

In Romans 1:19-32, the Apostle Paul give us remarkable insight into the thinking of those who would bankrupt the world, kill multitudes of people via the total elimination of “fossil fuels,” and subject the remaining population to Marxism.

The downward path to such depraved thinking begins with the refusal to acknowledge God, His attributes, and His eternal power. This, according to Romans 1:28, leads to futility in thinking and after that, to the Lord giving them up to a “debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” The word in the Greek, adokimos, applies to something, such as a metal, that doesn’t endure when tested thus proving to be unfit, or “reprobate” as the King James Version translates it.

The following verses describe the debased mindset of those with minds that “fail the test.” They become incapable of making morally sound decisions and in many instances, even rationally sound ones:

They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:29-32)

These verses aptly describe those leading the charge to subjugate the world under the obscene demands of the climate alarmists. Apart from oil, natural gas, and coal, most people on planet earth could not survive. Either these purveyors of doom cannot think clearly enough to perceive this deadly outcome, or they do not care.

Please understand that the phrase “fossil fuels” itself is totally bogus. John Rockefeller coined this term so he could sell his oil and gas at a higher price. The natural gas reserves off the coast of Israel alone are estimated to be a trillion-cubit feet in just this one location! The amount of oil consumed in one day alone throughout the world require an astronomically high number of prehistoric animals to generate. These sources of energy most certainly are most certainly NOT “fossil fuels.”

The Lord provided the rich deposits of coal, oil, and natural gas to sustain the earth’s current large population. Without these fuels, billions would eventually perish. Used properly, they do not harm the environment, nor will they raise temperatures to unsafe levels.

Economic Suicide

The attendees at the COP28 summit in Dubai agreed to work toward the elimination of “fossil fuels,” but did not put a date in place to do so. This objective, of course, is impossible because the windmills themselves need sixty gallons of oil, changed regularly, in order to function. It’s also unfeasible to put the windmills in place apart from the use of copious amounts of diesel fuel to power the many trucks needed to deliver the massive amounts of needed concrete and parts to assemble just one of the windmills.

Alex Newman, a fellow believer, author, and award-winning journalist who attended the conference in the United Arab Emirates, wrote the following:

“At the conclusion of COP28, there was a sense of euphoria among the climate faithful that they achieved something monumental, specifically securing a document called the ‘UAE Consensus’ to ’transition’ away from fossil fuels,” said Craig Rucker, who attended the summit as head of the conservative-leaning environmental group Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT).

“But let’s face it, China has been constructing new coal plants at a rate of two per week and India is expected to increase its coal fleet 25 percent by 2030,” Mr. Rucker told The Epoch Times.

“Only Western nations steeped in global warming alarmism will undertake the foolish measures the Greens demand to gut their energy infrastructure.”[2]

As populous nations ramp up their dependence on oil, natural gas, and especially coal, western nations such as the United States will continue down a path to certain economic suicide with its green agenda. Mr. Newman also wrote about this in the above referenced article:

Stephen Moore, chief economist at FreedomWorks, said the administration’s pledges would shut down 60 percent of U.S. electrical power generation.

“Biden is playing a dangerous game of unilateral energy disarmament,” said Mr. Moore. “Whether intentional or not, this radical green agenda will cripple our global economic leadership, cost our economy millions of jobs, and make Americans colder in their homes in the winter and hotter in the summer.”[3]

I believe the outcome of such a foolish agenda will be far worse.

The left in America are pursuing two conflicting goals. On the one hand, several states now require that all cars sold be electric in the next five to seven years. On the other hand, President Biden seeks to drastically reduce the supply of energy needed to empower these cars. It’s a trainwreck waiting to happen; it’s economic suicide by any other name.

Will the self-destructing ruse of saving the environment bring the nations of the world together under a central government? It’s doubtful given the lack of public support for it, but there’s an event looming in the near future that might just accomplish the globalists’ quest for power, at least in the short-term.

The Rapture of the Church Will Change Everything

The Rapture of the Church will at first seem like a dream come true for people with the mindset of Romans 1:28-32, but it will later prove to be the worst nightmare imaginable for them.

The elite will have the bona fide global crisis they crave, but their failure to recognize God’s authority or believe Scripture will prove fatal for them as it will for all who worship the beast that’s coming.

Someday, hopefully soon, Jesus will take us to glory and initiate the dreadful time judgment known in the Old Testament as the Day of the Lord. Once the devil confirms a covenant with the many, including Israel, the seven-year period we know as the Tribulation will start. During this time, the Lord will pour out His wrath on mankind and by its end, utterly destroy Satan’s kingdom.

Not only will the Rapture change everything for those on the earth, but also for us as New Testament saints.

Our “citizenship is in heaven” and because of that we “await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body by the power that enables him to subject all things to himself” (Philippians 3:20-21).

As God’s wrath descends upon the unbelieving world, we will rest in paradise with our Savior. At the moment Jesus appears to take us to His Father’s house, He will give us immortal bodies that will never perish, get sick, or become weak with the passage of time (John 14:2-3; 1 Corinthians 15:47-55).

If you have not yet put your trust in Jesus, please, please read my post, Jesus Is the Only Path to Eternal Life. In it, I explain how you can know that Jesus has forgiven all your sins and that you possess eternal life and with the sure hope of receiving an immortal and incorruptible body at Jesus’ appearing (1 Corinthians 15:48-54).

Please don’t delay; call upon Jesus while you may! Tomorrow may be too late to avoid the path of death advocated by those who would enslave humanity under their demonic schemes.

The Rapture will change everything for those alive at the time, one way or another.

Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/. Thanks!

[1] E. Jeffrey Ludwig, The UN Wants to be Our World Government by 2030, American Thinker website, October 27, 2018

[2] Alex Newman, Critics Respond to UN Climate Deal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels: ‘Soviet-Style Central Planning’, December 13, 2023, at: https://libertysentinel.org/critics-respond-to-un-climate-deal-to-phase-out-fossil-fuels-soviet-style-central-planning/

Source: As the World Knocks on Death’s Door, We Await a Savior – Jonathan Brentner

10 heretical views regarding Jesus | The Christian Post

  | Paul Ellis/AFP via Getty Images

Having a biblical view of Jesus during this Christmas season is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Christianity have erroneous concepts: some think He was a created being, some think that He was just a good teacher, some think that He was fully divine and not human, and some believe He was fully human and not God.

Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” (Matthew 16:13-17). It was important to Him that men correctly understood who He was. To know precisely meant a blessing, and not to know indicated you could not be blessed by Father God.

The great doctors of the early church who fought erroneous views regarding Jesus made the correct belief of who Christ was of primary importance:

The beginning of the text of the Athanasian Creed is as follows:

“Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence.”

Also, the first three post-apostolic ecumenical councils aimed to grant believers the proper views regarding Jesus so they could be distinguished from heretical beliefs.

(By heresy, we refer to a belief or opinion profoundly at odds with established doctrine, especially in a religious context, leading to denial of orthodox tenets. Regarding this, Jude 3 admonishes us to earnestly contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the Saints.)

  1. Nicene Creed (325 AD): Formulated at the First Council of Nicaea, this creed was designed to establish an explicit doctrine of the nature of Christ in response to Arianism. It affirmed the full divinity of Jesus, stating that He is “of the same substance” (homoousios) as the Father. This creed was pivotal in defining the orthodox understanding of the Trinity and Christ’s divine nature.
  2. Constantinopolitan Creed (381 AD): Expanded at the First Council of Constantinople, this creed refined the Nicene Creed. It further clarified the nature of the Holy Spirit, affirming His divinity and co-equal status with the Father and the Son within the Holy Trinity. It also addressed various heretical views that emerged after Nicaea, strengthening the Church’s stance on the Trinity and the full divinity and humanity of Jesus.
  3. Chalcedonian Creed (451 AD): Formed at the Council of Chalcedon, this creed addressed the controversies of Nestorianism and Monophysitism. It defined Christ as having two distinct natures, divine and human, united in one person “without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.” This creed aimed to balance the understanding of Jesus’ dual nature, emphasizing that neither nature was diminished by the other.

Consequently, Christians should know these councils since history repeats itself, and many of the same heresies are popping up again in the modern-day church.

The following are ten heretical views regarding Jesus:

1. Arianism: Arianism, named after Arius, a priest in Alexandria, held that Jesus Christ was created by the Father and thus was not co-eternal or of the same substance as God. This belief challenged the concept of the Holy Trinity by asserting that Jesus was subordinate to God the Father. (Modern-day Jehovah’s Witnesses, under the name, “Watchtower”, are a modern-day version of this heretical view.)

2. Docetism: Docetism, from the Greek “dokein,” meaning “to seem,” claimed that Jesus only seemed to have a human body and suffer on the cross. This view denied the true humanity of Jesus, suggesting that his physical form and sufferings were mere illusions. (This was a form of Gnosticism.)

3. Gnosticism: Gnosticism was a diverse set of beliefs; some posited that Jesus was a divine being who came to impart secret knowledge (gnosis) necessary for salvation. This belief often denied the humanity of Jesus, viewing the material world as inherently evil or imaginary.

4. Nestorianism: Nestorianism, associated with Nestorius, Archbishop of Constantinople, emphasized the disunion between the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ. It suggested that there were two separate persons in Jesus, one divine and one human, rather than two natures united in one person.

5. Monophysitism: Monophysitism, from the Greek “monos” (single) and “physis” (nature), held that Jesus had only one divine nature rather than both divine and human natures. This belief was a reaction against Nestorianism and was seen as undermining the full humanity of Jesus. In  this view, the divinity of Christ totally subsumed the human aspect of Jesus, thus diminishing the incarnation

6. Marcionism: Founded by Marcion of Sinope, this belief system rejected the Old Testament and viewed the God of the Hebrew Bible as inferior to that of the New Testament. Marcionism posited that Jesus was the son of the New Testament God, entirely distinct from the Yahweh of the Old Testament and contemporary times. Christians who neglect the Old Testament because they think the New Testament reveals the love of God better than the First Testament have an adopted form of Marcionism.

7. Adoptionism: Adoptionism was the belief that Jesus was born as a mere man and was adopted as the Son of God at his baptism, resurrection, or ascension. This view contradicted the orthodox belief in the pre-existence of Christ and his divine nature from birth.

8. Apollinarianism: Proposed by Apollinaris of Laodicea, this doctrine held that Jesus had a human body and a human sensitive soul, but not a human rational mind, which was replaced by the divine Logos or Word. This view denied the full humanity of Jesus by asserting that his divine nature took the place of what would be the human mind, thus making him less than fully human.

9. Ebionitism: Ebionites were a Jewish Christian sect that viewed Jesus as a mere human and a prophet, but not divine. They rejected the concept of the Virgin Birth and insisted on the necessity of following Jewish law and rites. They saw Jesus as an inspired human messenger but not as God incarnate.

10. Patripassianism: Also known as Modalistic Monarchianism, this belief, held by figures like Sabellius, proposed that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not distinct persons within the Godhead but somewhat different modes or aspects of God. Patripassianism suggested that the Father suffered on the cross as Jesus, thus denying the personal distinctions within the Trinity.

The modern-day “Jesus only” expressions of Pentecostalism are a contemporary version of this view.



Dr. Joseph Mattera is an internationally-known author, consultant, and theologian whose mission is to influence leaders who influence culture. He is the founding pastor of Resurrection Church, and leads several organizations, including The U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and Christ Covenant Coalition.

To order his books or to join the many thousands who subscribe to his newsletter, go to josephmattera.org

Source: 10 heretical views regarding Jesus