Daily Archives: December 19, 2023

Never Despair | VCY

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.Malachi 4.2

Fulfilled once in the first advent of our glorious Lord, and yet to have a fuller accomplishment in His second advent, this gracious word is also for daily use. Is it dark with the reader? Does the night deepen into a denser blackness? Still let us not despair: the sun will yet rise. When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest.

The sun which will arise is of no common sort. It is the Sun—the Sun of Righteousness, whose every ray is holiness. He who comes to cheer us, comes in the way of justice as well as of mercy, comes to violate no law even to save us. Jesus as much displays the holiness of God as His love. Our deliverance, when it comes, will be safe because righteous.

Our one point of inquiry should be—”Do we fear the name of the Lord? Do we reverence the living God and walk in His ways?” Then for us the night must be short; and when the morning cometh, all the sickness and sorrow of our soul will be over forever. Light, warmth, joy, and clearness of vision will come, and healing of every disease and distress will follow after.

Has Jesus risen upon us? Let us sit in the sun. Has He hidden His face? Let us wait for His rising. He will shine forth as surely as the sun.

What is Advent? | Daily Thoughts about God.

Advent calendar

One of my fondest childhood memories of the Christmas season is the Advent calendars my brother and I would receive every year. If you’re unfamiliar with this tradition, the particular version my family enjoyed consisted of a nearly flat decorated cardboard box, with tiny doors on it, numbered from 1 to 24 representing the days leading up to Christmas Eve.

Every day we would open one of the cardboard doors and behind each one we’d find a tiny chocolate. Every one of the chocolates was uniquely molded in a Christmas related shape. It was a fun diversion for us as kids as we impatiently awaited the arrival of Christmas day. But it doesn’t tell us much about the actual season of Advent. What is Advent?

The season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, somewhere between November 27 and December 3, depending on the year.  Advent is the period leading up to Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ. It is unknown when this tradition first began, but this period of waiting is often seen in the Christian tradition as a reminder that the world remains waiting for Jesus’ return.

The traditional color of Advent is purple, the color often associated with royalty, although today blue and red are also used. Modern day celebrations of Advent include  Advent calendars, Advent wreaths, lighting special Advent candles, and a series of themed Sunday messages leading up to Christmas day.

God’s blessing to you as we prepare to celebrate our Savior, Jesus’ birth.

By Darren Hewer
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• Christmas Articles
• Christmas Prayers
• Christmas Quotes

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The post What is Advent? can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

Waiting | Daily Thoughts about God.

This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said,“ The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:  ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’” Matthew 3:3

The wonderful time of Advent is upon us. A time when we eagerly anticipate and await the birth of Jesus.  Unfortunately, it is also a time of busyness when we rush around madly trying to find just the right present for a family member or friend.   We get impatient when we have to stand in queues to pay for our purchases and often become terse with shop assistants.  Smiles don’t seem to be as prevalent and there doesn’t seem to be enough time to stop and talk.  Each year the list for presents seems to grow as our children marry and grandchildren come along and so we worry about how much money we are spending and what will happen when we have to pay the credit card bill.  And so the meaning behind “waiting” fades into the background.

We should be waiting with expectation; watching with eagerness and a focus on just what this birth will bring – a fulfilling of God’s promise in Jesus Christ.  We should be reading God’s word and exploring what this tiny baby means to us, now and will mean to us in the future.  We need to be preparing the way for Jesus in our hearts.  His birth brings with it salvation and forgiveness of sins to all who confess their wrongdoings.  He brings eternal life and a place in God’s Kingdom for each one of us when we finally leave this earth.

So — rejoice as you anticipate, prepare and await this glorious birth.

Loving and Gracious God, we come before you this day full of excitement and anticipation awaiting the birth of your dear Son.  It is so hard to imagine that we mean so much that You would give us this most precious gift.  Help us at this time to slow down and dwell on the meaning of this wonderful event so that we can truly give thanks and worship You with our whole hearts.  Help us, also, to separate the secular meaning of Christmas (Xmas) from the real meaning and so make it CHRISTmas in our hearts as we wait.  Amen

by Terry Stead
Used by Permission

Further Reading

• Advent – by Gail Rodgers

• Advent – JOY by Gail Rodgers

 What is the Advent Season About? – by Gail Rodgers


The post Waiting can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

19 Dec 2023 News Briefing

Pope Francis publishes norms for clergy to ‘bless’ homosexual couples
Pope Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández have issued a text allowing “blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex” in contradiction to the unchangeable Catholic teaching that the Church cannot bless sinful relationships. The declaration Fiducia Supplicans, issued without warning on December 18 by the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith’s new prefect, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, presents the results of a project which he has been working on with Pope Francis.

Los Angeles-based TV channel set to launch AI news anchors in 2024
A television channel based in Los Angeles is set to launch news anchors generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in February 2024. LA-based Channel 1 will be debuting these digital humans – a mix of digitally created avatars and “digital doubles” created by the channel – by next year, the Daily Mail reported. These digital news anchors will be reporting news updates on global events. They will also be featured in free streaming TV platforms. (Related: Technology news website describes Microsoft’s AI chatbot as an emotionally manipulative liar.) AI-generated news anchors give new meaning to FAKE NEWS

‘Planet killer’ asteroids are hiding in the sun’s glare. Can we stop them in time?
In the glare of the sun, an unknown number of near-Earth asteroids move on unseen orbits. A new generation of space telescopes could be our best defense against potential disaster. Aten asteroids are the most dangerous, because they cross Earth’s orbit just barely at their most distant point,” You would never see one coming, to some degree, because they’re never in the darkness of the night sky.”

An earthquake in northwestern China kills at least 127 people and is the deadliest in 9 years
A strong overnight earthquake rattled a mountainous region of northwestern China, authorities said Tuesday, destroying homes, leaving residents out in a below-freezing winter night and killing 127 people in the nation’s deadliest quake in nine years. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck just before midnight on Monday, injuring more than 700 people, damaging roads and knocking out power and communication lines in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, officials and Chinese media reports said.

She made aliyah from Ethiopia and served in the IDF. Can she be elected to Congress?
Will she be our woman in Congress? Mazi Melesa Pilip, an American-Israeli of Ethiopian origin who served in the paratroopers brigade in the Israel Defense Forces, will run as the representative of the Republican Party in a special election on February 13 for a New York seat in the House of Representatives.

US officially announces multinational task force to deal with Houthi attacks
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin officially announced on Monday night that the US and a host of other nations are creating a new force to protect ships that have come under attack in the Red Sea by drones and ballistic missiles from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, The Associated Press reported. “This is an international challenge that demands collective action,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in statement. “Therefore today I am announcing the establishment of Operation Prosperity Guardian, an important new multinational security initiative.”

The Red Cross Must Stop Facilitating Pay-for-Slay Terror Salaries
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has announced that those Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israel who must submit new forms to continue to receive their terror salaries from the PA in 2024, must immediately have this arranged through the International Red Cross. A similar announcement was released in Hebron by the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs — Hebron Directorate:

Gallant: Parts of Gaza close to being able to transition to ‘day after’
Gallant’s statement marks the first time any Israeli official has publicly talked about the “day after,” the process of rebuilding any part of Gaza – since the start of the war. Though he declined to say where, his statement came only hours after the IDF announced that Division 252 “completed its mission” in the northern Beit Hanun area,

Hamas monument to 2014 APC attack in which Oron Shaul was killed destroyed
Soldiers from the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion have captured the ‘Palestine Square’ in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza City and destroyed a monument Hamas erected to commemorate an attack on an IDF APC during Operation Protective Edge in 2014 in which seven soldiers were killed. Lt. Col. Yuval Mazuz, the commander of the 13th Battalion, stated: “We are here, the 13th Battalion, at the place where the terrorist organization Hamas erected a statue glorifying the disaster that happened to the battalion during Protective Edge. We are sending a clear message to Hamas: Wherever such a statue is erected, we will come and destroy it.”

Kanye West compares himself to Hitler and disses Jews in filmed tirade
Rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West launched into a 10-minute tirade Friday among a group of friends, offering conspiracy theories linking American schools to “Zionists,” “Rothschilds,” and “Jewish niggas.”

Striking parallels: Jehoshaphat and Israel in 2023
Events in the country over the past year are reminiscent of the time under King Jehoshaphat of Judah. He had implemented legal reform and established a “Supreme Court” in Jerusalem. And then suddenly the country was invaded. Is it possible that disunity arose among the people back then, but that the people came together again in times of need? The Hebrew name Jehoshaphat (יְהוֹשָׁפָט) is a combination of “God” and “judgment” – you can read it as “God provides justice.” Jehoshaphat was crowned at the age of 35 and ruled the Kingdom of Judah for 25 years.

2,000 years later, search for Second Temple menorah continues
Let’s jump to the latest development in this 2,000-year-old story. Recently, the Chief Rabbi of Safed Shmuel Eliyahu reported that his son, Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, had been approached by an Italian parliamentarian. According to the rabbi, the parliamentarian, whose name was not mentioned, suggested jumpstarting the process of the return of the Temple vessels, including the menorah, looted by the Romans from Jerusalem after the destruction of the Second Temple, which, he claimed, were indeed in the Vatican.

Antisemitism surges 337% since October 7; highest level ever recorded
The Anti Defamation League reported that since the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, antisemitism has increased dramatically around the world but most markedly in the US. “Since October 7, 2023, ADL has recorded a surge of antisemitic incidents in the U.S. and tracked a spike in antisemitism around the world,”

MIRACULOUS BREAKTHROUGH: Food shipment finally reaches desperate Christians in Gaza after weeks of global prayer
Finally, some very good news amidst this hellish war. Around 1:30 a.m. local time on Monday morning, a small shipment of food, water and other humanitarian relief supplies was finally able to be delivered to the two historic churches in Gaza City, ALL ARAB NEWS has been able to confirm. This is a huge and very encouraging answer to the desperate prayers of Christians in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and around the world. To be sure, much more … needs to be delivered in the days ahead

Will the Deep State actually assassinate Donald Trump?
One only has to look at Robert Kagan’s recent unhinged rant in The Washington Post, in which he describes a Trump re-election as an America-ending apocalyptic event, to seriously wonder if the Deep State is actually considering the unthinkable.

Strong and shallow M5.9 earthquake hits Gansu-Qinghai border region, China 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M5.9 hit the Gansu-Qinghai border region, China at 15:59 UTC (23:59 LT) on December 18, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 11 km (6.8 miles).

Parts of Tamil Nadu record 950 mm (37 inches) of rain in 24 hours, India 
Parts of Tamil Nadu registered an astonishing 950 mm (37 inches) of rainfall in just 24 hours to December 18, 2023.

Pakistan creates first-ever artificial rain to combat smog in Lahore 
Pakistan marked a historic moment on Saturday, December 16, 2023, with its first artificial rain experiment in Lahore, aimed at reducing the city’s hazardous smog levels. The result was slight showers in several areas of the city.

Tropical Storm “Jelawat” (Kabayan) makes landfall in the Philippines, causing widespread evacuations 
Tropical Storm “Jelawat” — known locally as Kabayan — made landfall in Davao Oriental on December 18, 2023, prompting evacuations and causing significant flooding and landslides across the Philippines. Jelawat formed on December 17 as the 17th named storm of the 2023 Pacific typhoon season.

Record rainfall and major flooding hit Carolinas as storm moves up East Coast 
Heavy rains and flooding struck the Carolinas on December 17, 2023, as a powerful storm system moved up the East Coast, causing record rainfall in Charleston and significant flooding along the South Carolina coast.

How Globalists Are Using The ‘Climate Emergency’ To Bring About A One-World Government 
The climate alarmists have an unblemished record of failed predictions. Al Gore’s 2007 claim that by 2014 both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would be gone is typical of just how poorly their projections of doom have fared. Both places have recorded record low temperatures in the past five years.

Security network: 199 threats against Jewish institutions – in just 24 hours
Hundreds of synagogues and Jewish institutions across the United States received bomb threats by email this weekend, in a substantial acceleration of a months-long spree of hoax threats.

Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths
“Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign,”

Pope Francis Approves Blessings For Same-Sex Couples In Win For Progressive Catholics
Traditional and conservative Catholics worldwide are stunned and outraged in the wake of another ‘victory’ for the progressive wing of the church, which clearly more influence at the Vatican, a trend which has been very visible throughout Pope Francis’ liberalizing pontificate.

US Military Faces ‘Mutiny’ Of Enlisted Gen-Zers As TikTok Virus Spreads
Gen-Zers in the civilian world have already taken to the Chinese social media platform ‘TikTok’ to blast Washington and the military-industrial complex that they will not fight America’s endless wars. Even enlisted Gen-Zers are bashing the military amid a worsening recruitment crisis while neocon warmongers in the White House drag the world closer to World War III.

Another Jihad Attack on Christmas in Europe: Joseph, Mary, and the Three Wise Men Beheaded At Church Nativity Scene
The escalating attacks on Christmas symbols in Germany and Italy, ranging from the assault on Santa Claus to arson in an Italian church, represent a disturbing and dangerous trend.

A Record Number Of American 40-Year-Olds Have Never Been Married
A quarter of 40-year-olds in the United States have never been married, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center.

Illegal Aliens Tossing $1 Million Per Month in ‘Free Food’ While Citizens Contend with Drastic Budget Cuts
As untold billions of our taxpayer dollars are being shoveled toward free offerings for illegal border crossers, New York is finding millions in food waste also piling up.

Sharia France: Art Teacher Fears For Her Life After Displaying Renaissance Painting in Classroom Due to Muslim Students’ False Accusations
In Islamized France, a teacher’s presentation of a renowned 17th-century painting depicting naked women in Greek mythology to Muslim students in Issou has sparked protests and death threats, leading to the school’s closure and leaving her fearing for her life.

Ottawa is covered in 666 symbolism tied with WEF and puppet Trudeau
“Ottawa: the chosen location marking the beginning of NWO takeover. The city’s logo blatantly signals the infamous number 666, and Canadian dictator Justin Trudeau is in bed with the WEF, whose logo also signals 666 with the ‘OOO’ configuration”

Breaking: Islamic Attack by Muslim Youth Foiled in Canada Against the Jewish Community, Media Once Again Tries To Whitewash Islam
Following the arrest, a disturbing pattern emerges, one that the media seems determined to obscure: the undeniable link between Islam and acts of terror.

British men to be first in the world to try new male contraceptive pill
Scientists hope results of an upcoming trial of the hormone-free drug will ‘finally enable men to have an effective birth control option’

Pfizer Established As “Leading Oncology Company” After $43 Billion Purchase 
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced Thursday the completion of its acquisition of Seagen Inc., a global biotechnology company that discovers, develops and commercializes transformative cancer medicines.

Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020
According to Helsana, a major Swiss health insurance company, since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments has decreased. However, something changed in 2021 and 2022. In 2021, Helsana’s data shows there was a dramatic increase of 73% compared to 2020 in the number of patients receiving cancer treatments. And the high number of cancer patients continued in 2022 with an increase of 74% compared to 2020. Switzerland began its mass covid vaccination campaign on 23 December 2020.

Headlines – 12/19/2023

After delay to avoid US veto, UN Security Council to vote on new Gaza ceasefire call

US defence secretary reasserts support but urges Israel to change tactics in Gaza

Visiting Israel, US defense chief says he won’t ‘dictate timelines or terms’ of war

Gallant says ‘no clock’ on phases of war; Austin urges Israel to work for two states

Benjamin Netanyahu Brags He’s ‘Proud’ To Have Prevented A Palestinian State – The declaration puts Israel’s prime minister at odds with President Joe Biden’s stated goals for the region

Chris Coons Calls Israel’s Netanyahu ‘An Exceptionally Difficult Partner’ To Deal With

Survey: Gantz’s party soars and he’s much preferred to Netanyahu as PM; no seats for Smotrich

‘Don’t test us’: Smotrich threatens to quit government if PA involved in running Gaza after war

“I’ve Got Your Back”, Security Minister Ben Gvir Tells Israeli Police Officer Suspended After Confrontation with Hamas Photographer

Israeli Local Council Head Calls to ‘Flatten Gaza Like Auschwitz Today’ in Radio Interview

Israel’s ‘killing rage’ will fuel conflict for 50 years, warns ex-UK defence secretary

Israel cornering itself into postwar Gaza military occupation, Western diplomats warn

New Hostage Deal Mooted as Mossad Chief, Qatari PM Meet CIA Director in Warsaw

Hamas releases propaganda clip showing 3 Israeli hostages; IDF: ‘Atrocious terror’

Hamas ‘Showed Me Off Like a Trophy,’ Freed Israeli Hostage Tells 60 Minutes

Freed hostage tells CBS: ‘You can’t object to anything. It could cost you your life’

Footage shows inside of ‘biggest ever’ Gaza tunnel

IDF Seizes $1.4M in Terror Funds From Hamas Home in Jabalia

Gaza war claims lives of five soldiers amid battles for Hamas strongholds

Officer tasked with arranging constant IDF funerals nearly died after heart gave way

Gaza health ministry says Israeli strikes kill 110 in Jabalia

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 73: Reports surface of Palestinian deaths inside Israeli detention camps

Human Rights Watch claims Israel starving Gaza civilians ‘as a method of warfare’

Jails running out of room due to war, prison service warns

‘Financially solid’: Despite war with Israel, Hamas’s funding remains resilient

San Francisco begins prosecuting dozens who blocked bridge in Gaza ceasefire protest

South Africa says its citizens serving in IDF could face prosecution back home

Algerian soccer player facing jail time in France after sharing antisemitic clip

Kanye West bashes Zionists, compares himself to Hitler in unhinged antisemitic tirade

Nearly half of British Jews considered leaving UK due to antisemitism – poll

More than 400 Jewish facilities received false bomb threats this weekend, non-profit says

Massachusetts police investigating after someone knocks over menorah; more than 200 swatting incidents and hoax bomb threats targeting Jewish facilities

Woman injured in West Bank shooting attack; IDF searching for terrorists

IDF says it shelled Syrian Army outpost after rockets fired at north

IDF jets hit south Lebanon; video seems to show strike near Hezbollah funeral

Israel Edges Closer to Full-Scale War with Hezbollah

Israel vows to take on Lebanon’s Hezbollah if diplomacy fails: ‘We will not hesitate to act’

Israel-linked group claims cyberattack that shut down 70% of Iran’s gas stations

UK Shipping Safety Office Warns of Another Blast Menacing Merchant Shipping Off Yemen

Oil giant BP joins mass exodus from Red Sea shipping as chemical tanker targeted

Fears of higher oil prices after Red Sea attacks

Pentagon announces new international mission to counter attacks on commercial vessels in Red Sea

US-led coalition of 10 nations to counter Houthi attacks on vessels in Red Sea

Suez Canal reveals damage caused by Houthis

Facing negligible opposition, Sissi wins third term as Egypt’s president

Egypt’s Sisi sweeps to third term as president amid allegations electoral rules violated

Shrugging Off Egypt’s Crises, El-Sisi Gets Set for 6 More Years

At UN, West accuses Iran of illegal missile testing, high-grade uranium enrichment

Iran gas stations reopen but payment issues persist after alleged hack chokes supply

China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia Recommit to Each Other in Beijing Meeting

North Korea test fires ballistic missile with potential to reach entire US, Japan says

North Korea’s Kim threatens ‘more offensive actions’ against US after watching powerful missile test

World of Trouble: Conscription on the Table as European Militaries Dwindle

Ukraine Discovers Their Military Chief Was Bugged, Other Devices Found

Rarely Used Loophole Could Allow Ukraine Allies to Unlock Aid Funds

Afghanistan: ‘I have to sedate my hungry baby due to aid cuts’

Javier Milei the Chameleon Ditches the Histrionics, Implements a ‘Shock of Capitalism’ in Argentina’s Devastated Economy

U.S. Steel, Which Helped America’s ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ Defeat Japan in WWII, Sold to Japanese Company

Japanese Firm to Acquire U.S. Steel for Almost $15 Billion – National Security and Labor Concerns Rise as Iconic American Company Changes Hands

Previously Unseen Photo of Bill Gates with an Accuser of Jeffrey Epstein Emerges in Damning Report Highlighting Epstein’s Continued Manipulations After his 2008 Conviction

The $1 Million Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Partner Patrick Ho Wired Him in 2017 Subject of Separate Bribery Investigation

CNN praises Hunter Biden for flouting Congressional subpoena after condemning Steve Bannon for not complying with his

Jen Psaki Suggests Hunter Biden Should ‘Disappear’ and ‘Stop Talking’ Amidst Father’s Tanking Poll Numbers

‘Adults in Charge’: Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals Under Joe Biden

Former Rep. George Santos Hints There Are “Cages” Inside of House Office Buildings

Chris Wray’s FBI Arrests Maine Nurse For Walking Through Open Door on US Capitol on Jan. 6 – Nearly 3 Years after Protes

Conservative Journalist Says Biden FBI Set to Prosecute Him Over Jan. 6 Coverage

Former Jan. 6 committee chair confirms probe records sent to prosecutors investigating Trump

House Democrats Launch Offensive to Force Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Recuse Himself From Trump Immunity Case

ICYMI: Michigan Court of Appeals Rules Trump Can Stay on 2024 Primary Ballot

U.S. Intelligence Confirms Communist Castro Regime Attempted to Interfere Florida 2022 Elections – Along with Russia, China, and Iran

Defamed Georgia poll workers who won $148M from Giuliani sue him again

Hillary Clinton Fuels Trump ‘Dictator’ Fears: ‘Take Him at His Word’

China, Russia, Iran and Cuba all tried to meddle in 2022 US congressional elections, intelligence assessment finds

DHS, DOJ find ‘no evidence’ foreign government affected ‘security or integrity’ of 2022 midterms

Serbia’s opposition takes to the streets claiming election fraud in Sunday’s vote

Serbia’s elections held under ‘unjust conditions’, say international observers

Imran Khan: Pakistan ex-PM used artificial intelligence to campaign from jail

Orwellian EU Commission Opens Formal Proceedings Against Elon Musk’s Platform X for Not Caving on Censorship

X vs. EU: Elon Musk hit with probe over spread of toxic content

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake kills 118 in China’s Gansu, Qinghai

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Tumxuk, China

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Bima, Indonesia

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Panguna, Papua New Guinea

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Padam, India

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Hihifo, Tonga

3.2 magnitude earthquake reported in Southern Illinois: USGS

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 27,000ft

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Merapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,500ft

Raung volcano in Indonesia erupts to 13,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia erupts to 11,000ft

Volcano erupts on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula weeks after town evacuated

Flights delayed for hours after Iceland volcano eruption

Deadly East Coast storm pummels Northeast with 90-mph winds, widespread flash flooding

At least 13 killed as fierce winds hit Argentina

Relentless rain smashes records in Central Florida. Here are the numbers

About 3 million Americans are already “climate migrants,” analysis finds. Here’s where they left.

Blackrock Scandal: Tennessee Sues Company, Demands Transparency on Alleged Environmental Activism

German farmers’ protest over diesel tax break cuts brings traffic to a standstill in Berlin

At least 13 dead, 178 injured after a massive fuel depot explosion in Guinea’s capital

‘Fake’ Seal Impression of Biblical King Jeroboam Is Authentic, New Study Says

Orchestrated Invasion: The CCP’s Border War and the Global Agenda – Frontline Agents Reveal the Unfolding Plan to Destroy America

US closes two rail bridges to Mexico amid migrant surge

Gov. Greg Abbott signs bill making illegal immigration a state crime

Texas governor signs bill that lets police arrest migrants who enter the US illegally

Boston Debates Allowing Noncitizens to Vote Days Before Mayor’s Official ‘No-Whites’ Christmas Party

Revamped Minnesota State Flag Looks a Lot Like the Jubaland Somalian Flag for Some Strange Reason

Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Stresses Incompatibility of Islamic Culture with European Civilization, Deems Sharia Law Impossible in Europe

Jonathan Majors Fired By Disney/Marvel Studios After Assault Guilty Verdicts; Actor Had Played Kang The Conqueror

International House of Prayer in Kansas City founder admits to ‘past sins,’ denies ‘intense’ sex misconduct allegations

Anglican church blesses same-sex couple in first ceremony of its kind

In radical shift, Pope Francis approves priestly blessings for same-sex couples

Pope Approves Blessings for Same-sex Couples If the Rituals Don’t Resemble Marriage

Pope Francis’ Vatican says same sex couples can be blessed, but Church does not support unions

Catholics Shocked by Pope’s Gay Couples Blessing

Pro-life Groups Aim to Keep Abortion Off Ballots

Japan Approves World’s First ‘Self-Amplifying’ mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Without Published Efficacy Or Safety Data

EU countries destroy 4B Euros worth of COVID vaccines – analysis shows that more than 200M unwanted coronavirus jabs have been dumped

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · December 19, 2023

 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“To judge from the history of mankind, we shall be compelled to conclude that the fiery and destructive passions of war reign in the human breast with much more powerful sway than the mild and beneficent sentiments of peace; and that to model our political systems upon speculations of lasting tranquillity would be to calculate on the weaker springs of human character.” —Alexander Hamilton (1788)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1998, the House impeached Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice, marking only the second time a president had been impeached. He was, of course, later acquitted by the Senate. Democrats managed to double that impeachment total with Donald Trump, and Republicans are currently pursuing an inquiry of Joe Biden’s corruption. —Mark Alexander




Tell Us Again How It’s Not an Invasion at the Southern Border

Nearly a dozen improvised explosive devices were found at the border during a fight with cartels.

Emmy Griffin

On December 13, Tucson-area Border Patrol was drawn to a commotion. A gun battle had erupted between two rival cartels over a gap in a ranch fence. This particular gap had become a hotspot for illicit border crossings, drug running, and other nefariousness.

On the U.S. side of this dispute, only one perp was arrested. According to Fox Business, that person “had a loaded AK-47 rifle, two loaded AK magazines, loose rounds and a handgun.” On the Mexican side, 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were found by the Mexican military.

Now U.S. Border Patrol officers are on high alert for other such devices actually entering the country.

This discovery, along with heightened warnings from the likes of FBI Director Christopher Wray earlier this month, should be the catalyst for change vis-à-vis this administration’s lax border policies.

Everyone knows that the Biden administration’s current border policies are a dereliction of duty and a facilitator of massive human-rights violations. Under President Joe Biden’s watch, the number of migrants crossing the border has exploded. One report puts the number of “gotaways” as high as 13 million. Only California, Texas, New York, and Florida have populations exceeding 13 million. Put another way, 13 million is greater than the combined population of Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

A slow mutiny amongst Democrats has been building ever since New York City Mayor Eric Adams started shouting about the devastation that Biden’s policies are having on sanctuary cities. Adams has been under FBI scrutiny about minute campaign contributions from an entity associated with the Turkish government, which seems like a shut-up tactic based on the amount of funds they are quibbling over. It’s hard not to think that Adams’s vocal objections to federal border policy aren’t the reason for this sudden interest in his campaign.

This week, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) remarked: “You have to stop the influx of people coming and the incentive for people coming from all over the world to this country. It’s very, very dangerous, very dangerous. And I think you have seen the numbers and the countries they’re coming from. I have seen them. I’m very much concerned. It has to stop now.”

Manchin is hardly a stranger to breaking ranks with Democrat Party positions that are controlled by the radical flank. He is not alone, though.

Democrats in border states and border towns have had enough. Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona has joined with other border-state governors in taking action through executive orders to secure her citizens’ safety and the integrity of her state’s border. She stated: “I am taking action where the federal government won’t. But we can’t stand alone, Arizona needs resources and manpower to reopen the Lukeville crossing, manage the flow of migrants, and maintain a secure, orderly and humane border. Despite continued requests for assistance, the Biden administration has refused to deliver desperately needed resources to Arizona’s border.” The National Guard has been called in to assist U.S. Customs and Border Protection to diffuse the Arizona border crisis.

Other border state governors have already been taking action. Republican Governor Greg Abbot of Texas has announced that his state will be funding and building its own border wall. Texas has also tried to empower its law enforcement to detain illegals and deport them. This, however, is a tenuous proposition, as SCOTUS has already declared that immigration is a province of the federal government.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is trying to get Biden and the Democrats in Congress to get on board with a funding bill stipulating that the borders actually be secured and a return to a Title 42-type regulation to stem the flow of illegals and take away an incentive for migrants to try to cross the border. It’s being stymied by the Democrats because Biden doesn’t like that money for Ukraine is contingent on this bill’s passing. He wants to have his cake and eat it too.

It seems that it’s only a matter of time before something breaks. One can only hope it doesn’t claim the lives of thousands of Americans like 9/11 did.

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Executive News Summary

Homeless in Biden’s economy, student loan borrowers miss repayments, a win against DEI, and more.

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • Homeless in Biden’s economy: Homelessness has hit a record high of 650,000 people, “the highest number of people reported as experiencing homelessness on a single night” since the Department of Housing and Urban Development began tracking the data back in 2007. HUD reports that across the country homelessness has risen 12%, with Asian Americans seeing the biggest increase, up 40% since last year. When it comes to states, California leads the list with the highest percentage of unsheltered homeless at 68%, followed by Oregon at 64.6%. This is Bidenomics at work. Is it any wonder Democrats want to distance themselves from the term?
  • Student loan borrowers miss first repayments: The COVID-era freeze on student loan repayments ended in September. However, according to the Department of Education, just 60%, or roughly 13 million borrowers, have made their first monthly payment. A whopping 40% have failed to begin repaying what they owe. The reason the underpayment rate is so high is thanks to Joe Biden’s efforts to push his loan cancellation gambit. Failure to repay now will not get one counted as delinquent until next September. Why September? Well, that’s a perfect time for a last-minute get-out-the-vote campaign issue for Biden, just two months before the 2024 presidential election.
  • Iran is raising prices: The cost of everything will continue rising, thanks in part to Iran. The Yemeni Houthi militants funded by Iran have engaged in a campaign to attack commercial shipping in the Red Sea. Using missiles and attack drones, the Houthis have broadened the focus of their targets beyond Western navies to now include attacks on commercial shipping. The result has been that large commercial shipping companies have elected to avoid the region entirely. Those avoiding the region include Maersk, MSC, and BP. The latter most recently joined in the decision to suspend shipping through the Red Sea, which will have a significant negative impact on the price of oil. And thanks to Joe Biden’s anti-fossil fuel agenda, events in the Middle East have a much greater impact on prices at the pump. This sheds a spotlight on the Biden administration’s abysmal foreign policy record, specifically with regard to coddling Iran. Rather than the U.S. making a stronger presence felt across the globe, American leadership has been falling behind under Biden, just as it did under Barack Obama.
  • How bad has crime gotten under Joe Biden? It seems that there’s no honor in America these days — not even among thieves. We’ve documented the surge in violent crime under Joe Biden, and it’s no laughing matter. Indeed, the Democrat Party has a well-earned reputation as The Party of Crime. But still. A recent armed robbery in Commerce City, Colorado, went awry because the perps were foiled in mid-heist when someone — get this — stole their getaway car. The cops ultimately chased down two of the three suspects, and as the Commerce City Police Department posted on its Facebook page: “In an unexpected and ironic twist … as the trio was robbing the business … a fourth criminal stole their getaway vehicle … which may have already been stolen. We don’t know.” What’s the world coming to when a group of criminals can’t even count on a getaway car? Suffice it to say, we’re at a loss for words beyond what the cops already posted: “We can’t make this stuff up.”
  • U.S. military at smallest size since before WWII: It’s not a good time to be short of military manpower, but that’s precisely what the Biden administration is facing due to an abject failure to meet its recruitment numbers. As the Military Times reports: “Under end strength levels outlined in the annual defense authorization bill passed by [Congress] … the total number of active-duty troops in the armed forces will drop to 1,284,500 in fiscal 2024. That’s down nearly 64,000 personnel in the last three years and the smallest total for America’s military since 1940, before the United States’ entry into World War II.” Since the end of 2020, the Army is down 8.4%, the Marines are down 4.9%, the Air Force is down 4%, and the Navy is down 2.9%. The Biden administration has been in a state of denial throughout this recruiting shortfall, claiming that the military’s newfound wokeness — its obsession with white supremacy and its insistence on paying for sex-change operations, for example — has nothing to do with it. We disagree. And so does General Thomas Spoehr.
  • Good news: A win in Wisconsin against DEI indoctrination: Republicans in the purple state of Wisconsin have registered a big win against the promulgation of the neo-Marxist ideology that runs under the woke acronym DEI: “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Wisconsin Republican assembly speaker Robin Vos insightfully dubs it “division, exclusion, and indoctrination.” Republicans who control the state legislature demonstrated how to use their position as holders of the power of the purse to get Wisconsin Democrat Governor Tony Evers to agree to sign legislation that not only prevents the funding of DEI programs within the state’s university system but also abolishes an affirmative action faculty hiring program. Republicans accomplished this feat by tying the legislation to pay increases for all other state employees. Naturally, university officials originally balked, but Republicans held strong and, eventually, administrators and Evers capitulated in order to secure funding.
  • The leftist agenda of our intel officials: It’s no secret that our intelligence services were weaponized by the Obama administration against Donald Trump. Nor is it a secret that the perpetrators of the Russia collusion hoax were never held accountable. Such is life in the Democrat-dominated DC swamp. And given that sad reality, it should come as no surprise that those same intelligence services are now pushing a leftist agenda. Former CIA agent and adjunct Georgetown professor John Gentry warns, “The politicization of the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, created a problem that threatens American security to this day.” In his new bookNeutering the CIA: Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences, Gentry also writes: “A new, dramatically stronger and damaging form of politicization — partisan, political activism willing to damage or destroy politically a sitting American president — had taken root in parts of the U.S. intelligence community. It dwarfs the politicization episodes of the past in magnitude and importance, and it promises to have lasting, negative consequences.” Here, we’re reminded of Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s chilling warning to then-President-elect Donald Trump in January 2017, after Trump had publicly criticized our nation’s intel efforts: “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” It appears Schumer was right. The question for Trump and all other Republicans is: What are we prepared to do about it?
  • A update on yesterday’s Confederate monument flap: Yesterday, we reported on our nation’s obsession with whitewashing its past, noting that a Confederate memorial in Arlington National Cemetery was scheduled to be removed in the coming days. The erasure is part of the Left’s push to eliminate what were intended to be unifying symbols of our past that some find offensive — namely, those that commemorate the losing side in the War of Northern Aggression. We have an interesting update, though: It seems that a Trump-nominated federal judge, Rossie Alston, on Monday halted the Biden administration’s plan to remove the Civil War Reconciliation Monument from Arlington. What’s even more interesting, though, is that Alston happens to be black. As our friends at Not the Bee quipped, we “look forward to the media telling us how this is racist!”


  • Greg Abbott signs bill making it a state crime to enter Texas illegally (National Review)
  • More bad news for Bud Light? Anheuser-Busch is facing a workers strike (Fox Business)
  • Tennessee attorney general sues BlackRock for misleading investors about ESG agenda (Daily Wire)
  • Ayanna Pressley introduces “Books Save Lives Act” to require “diverse” libraries (National Review)
  • Twenty-six states that banned therapy for LGBT people upped suicide risks (The Federalist)
  • “American Society of Magical Negroes” trailer sparks anger for saying “white people” are most dangerous animal (Fox News)
  • Storied U.S. Steel to be acquired for more than $14 billion by Nippon Steel (AP)
  • “Satire”: Proud parent installs “My kid didn’t go to Harvard” bumper sticker on car (Babylon Bee)

For more editors’ choice headlines, click here.

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Dems Weaponize Government Against Musk

Biden’s FCC revoked its $886 million award to Musk’s Starlink satellite system for bringing broadband access to rural communities.

Douglas Andrews

Elon Musk must really love free speech. And the Democrats must really hate him for it. Otherwise, there’s no logical explanation for the way they’re targeting him.

Last week, Joe Biden’s Federal Communications Commission revoked an $886 million subsidy to Musk’s satellite-based SpaceX Starlink Internet service. The subsidy was meant to bring high-speed broadband to rural areas, where the cost of running cable is prohibitive. The decision can only be seen as vindictive, since it wasn’t accompanied by a granting of the subsidy to a better, more suitable provider.

Thus, rural Americans are left hanging. No broadband for you, rubes.

As the New York Post reports, “The five-member FCC, led by Democrat-appointed chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, affirmed that decision on Tuesday, finding that Starlink had ‘failed to demonstrate that it could deliver the promised service.’”

We know what you’re thinking: $886 million is chump change to Musk. And it is. But a billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon we’re talking about real money. And besides, it’s the principle of the thing.

How so? Taxpayer money for broadband Internet is not exactly a constitutional expenditure, but let’s take a step back and remember how naked was the directive from Joe Biden to his regulatory henchmen around a year ago, when it became clear that Musk intended to turn Twitter (now X) into the free-speech menace that the Left had feared. When asked at a rare presser what was likely a prepared question about Musk’s international business relationships, Biden responded, “I think that Elon Musk’s cooperation and/or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being looked at.” When another reporter asked how that might be done, Biden answered, “There’s a lot of ways.”

Sure enough, there are a lot of ways for a banana-republican administration like this one to debilitate its enemies. In a scathing indictment of his agency’s hyper-partisan targeting, Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr took to Musk’s X platform and let ‘er rip: “Last year, after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, President Biden gave federal agencies the green light to go after him. And they have. Today, the FCC adds itself to the growing list of federal agencies engaging in the regulatory harassment of Elon Musk. I dissent.”

About those agencies that have their sights set on Musk, Carr names some names: “The DOJ, FAA, FTC, NLRB, SDNY, & FWS have all taken action. The FCC now joins them.”

As for Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s claim that Starlink “failed to demonstrate that it could deliver the promised service,” it was pure rubbish. What the FCC did was demand that Starlink prove that its capabilities would be sufficient not just now but a decade from now. As Carr noted, “The FCC did not require — and has never required — any other award winner to show that it met its service obligation years ahead of time.”

Christopher Cardaci, head of legal at SpaceX, wrote in a letter to the FCC, “Starlink is arguably the only viable option to immediately connect many of the Americans who live and work in the rural and remote areas of the country where high-speed, low-latency internet has been unreliable, unaffordable, or completely unavailable, the very people RDOF was supposed to connect.”

Musk isn’t a natural Republican, not by any stretch. He’s more a classical liberal who’s been chased out of the Democrat Party. If a specific date can be ascribed to this break, we’d say it’s May 18, 2022. On that date, Musk tweeted this: “In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.”

Talk about your crystal-ball predictions.

For a presidential administration to target a private citizen and an individual businessman is vile enough all by itself. But what the Biden administration gets here is a twofer: Not only are they able to punish Musk for his free-speech advocacy and his political views, they can also punish a cohort of voters who are overwhelmingly conservative: rural Americans. By denying them the same quality of Internet service the rest of us enjoy, the Biden administration is sentencing our rural brothers and sisters to second-class citizenship.

This is scummy, gangsterish stuff.

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Did Pope Francis Just Okay Blessing Sinful Unions?

The Vatican released its official response to those questioning Rome’s apparent permission for the blessing of same-sex unions.

Thomas Gallatin

Did Pope Francis officially bless same-sex unions? A slew of recent mainstream media headlines such as that from The New York Times — “Pope Francis Allows Priests to Bless Same-Sex Couples” — would certainly give one that impression.

However, as the old expression goes, the devil is in the details.

The short answer to our headline question is “No.” But that answer comes with a massive caveat.

We have previously observed that Francis is a man to the left of his predecessor, Pope Benedict. As such, he has expressed social views that more often than not align with the concerns of the progressive Left rather than conservatives.

Thus, back in October, several conservative cardinals sent a letter, or Dubia, to Francis asking for clarification from the Vatican over several topics, including the issue of liberal priests giving blessings to same-sex couples. The pontiff’s initial response was less than clear.

At the time, Francis claimed to uphold the church’s teaching on marriage, which he called the “exclusive, stable, and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to conceiving children.” He added, “For this reason, the Church avoids all kinds of rites or sacramentals that could contradict this conviction and imply that it is recognizing as a marriage something that is not.”

If he had left it there, without addressing the elephant in the room — liberal priests blessing same-sex couples — it might have sufficed to tamp down the growing concern among many conservatives in the Catholic Church that Francis is poised to change the church’s long-held positions and teachings on not only marriage but human sexuality.

However, apparently wanting to not dissuade liberals, Francis added a rather unclear explanation that, far from rebuking, effectively appeared to give permission to priests to bless same-sex couples based on the concern for upholding charity, but done so with “pastoral prudence.” As we wrote at the time, “In other words, Francis will not rebuke priests who have been blessing same-sex unions, while at the same time claiming to uphold the church’s doctrine.”

Well, this week the Vatican published its Dicastery, Francis’s official response to the cardinals’ Dubia. In it, Francis once again reaffirms the church’s traditional teaching on marriage being between one man and one woman, and he includes the forbidding of blessing of “couples in irregular situations.”

But once again Francis did not offer a definitive rebuke against the blessing of same-sex couples. Rather, he said that the church continues to not recognize same-sex unions as marriages, but it does not forbid homosexual individuals from receiving generic nonjudgmental blessings from a priest. These generic blessings are described as “simple gestures that provide an effective means of increasing trust in God on the part of the people who ask for them.”

Furthermore, the Dicastery explains that priests who offer these blessings be “careful that they should not become a liturgical or semi-liturgical act, similar to a sacrament.”

Of course, the glaring question that arises is the issue of homosexuality itself. To put it another way, is or is not Francis condemning homosexuality as a sin in need of repentance? The Dicastery does explain the reason for the freedom now to bless what in 2021 the Vatican refused to bless with the following explanation: God “cannot bless sin.” Furthermore, “There is no intention to legitimize anything, but rather to open one’s life to God, to ask for his help to live better, and also to invoke the Holy Spirit so that the values of the Gospel may be lived with greater faithfulness.”

As Francis DeBernardo of New Ways Ministry, an organization pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality within the Catholic Church, sees it: “The significance of this news cannot be overstated. It is one thing to formally approve same-gender blessings, which he had already pastorally permitted, but to say that people should not be subjected to ‘an exhaustive moral analysis’ to receive God’s love and mercy is an even more significant step.”

So, is Francis simply offering a general gospel call — come as you are — without communicating the presumption of a gospel-based, Spirit-empowered transformation of life away from sinful lifestyles, practices, and identities such as homosexuality?

Once again, the lack of clarity on the issue speaks volumes. Francis is apparently trying to avoid putting a hard line in the sand, and the result is more blurring of the lines than clarity.

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Chicago Schools Choose Mediocrity

By ending an achievement-based school choice program for gifted students, the Chicago public schools are sentencing their students to a failing system.

Michael Swartz

“It is far easier for governments to handicap the proficient than it is to better the circumstances of people who, for whatever reason, struggle through life.”

So said National Review’s Noah Rothman as he observed “the perversity of the ‘equity’ agenda and its hostility toward” American exceptionalism, in this case in the Chicago public schools.

Unlike cities such as Baltimore, which is known for its failing schools, Chicago allows gifted students to submit applications to a group of 11 selective-admission high schools intended to support academic achievement via the city’s robust school choice menu. Selective admission is part of an overall school choice program that began three decades ago and was intended to serve as a method for seventh graders who did well enough on standardized testing and their grades to enroll in a school that focused on academic achievement. Indeed, three of these selective high schools rank among the top 60 achieving schools in the country. Yet any student in the Chicago Public School system, no matter how poor and wretched their upbringing, has an opportunity to be part of these schools via a competitive process, much like the best colleges. Imagine the joy felt by a single mom — a mom who’s fighting against the temptations that gang life has for her son — when she finds out that her young man made the grade for a school that could get him out of the ‘hood.

Unfortunately for students coming up the middle school ranks, that’s been deemed unfair by Chicago’s aptly named Mayor Brandon Johnson. Despite his campaign promise to keep those schools in operation, his appointed school board — along with the teachers union whispering in its ear every step of the way — voted for a proposal to eliminate the successful gifted and talented program. Instead, students who make it to high school will be automatically enrolled in the school serving their home district in order to reverse the “stratification and inequity in CPS” that “drive(s) student enrollment away from neighborhood schools.”

“This moment,” said CPS Board President Jianan Shi, “requires a transformational plan that shifts away from a model that emphasizes school choice to one that elevates our neighborhood schools to ensure each and every student has access to a high-quality educational experience.” This despite the fact that caring parents had a tried-and-true system to advance their child and perhaps break the cycle of poverty plaguing them. Neighborhood schools have had decades to be “elevated,” but since they could not or would not do so, parents voted with their child’s enrollment: More than three-fourths of high school students in Chicago attend a high school outside their district.

Shi’s “progressive” solution — to end the pursuit of individual excellence in favor of the pursuit of mass mediocrity for the district’s 330,000 students — seems almost insidious, especially given that the district’s makeup is 90% minority. Born in Communist China, Shi seems to have brought the proletariat teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong to one of our nation’s largest school districts.

While the Johnson administration desires “equity,” it’s likely this change will have the opposite effect. “It’s poor students who are academically gifted and rely on their grades, coursework, and standardized test scores to rise to the top who will be limited,” states Zachary Faria at the Washington Examiner. “Those students also happen to be racial minorities, meaning Chicago is only going to make its racial inequity worse as it drags those students down.”

This is yet another example of how elections matter. Back in May, Chicago ousted former Mayor Lori Lightfoot in a jungle primary, leaving a choice between Johnson and fellow Democrat Paul Vallas. The latter was an interesting choice as a “law and order” Democrat who was also a former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, but he lost as Johnson scored 51.4% of the vote in the runoff. There’s no guarantee that a Mayor Vallas would not have done the same thing with the selective admission schools, but having run CPS, he probably knew how well the program worked at improving the lives of those whose parent(s) cared enough to make them mind their academics.

Instead, the city will further mediocrity in the name of “equity,” and the youth — who already run a significant risk of being innocent victims in Chicago’s continuing (yet all but ignored by the national media) crossfire of gang-related youth violence — will have one more strike against them.

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Even Kamala Harris Is Outpolling Joe Biden

It’s not that she’s likable, but rather that the president is so widely disliked.

Nate Jackson

Well, Kamala Harris isn’t the least popular politician in America — not by a long shot, actually. That dubious distinction doesn’t even go to Joe Biden. Nope, the least-liked swamp creature in the country is still Mitch McConnell.

But the much-hated McConnell is also not the point of this story; Harris is.

In fact, new polling shows her approval rating has edged up to 35%, which tops her boss’s 34%. In other polls, the vice president has been inching ahead of the president for about a month now, and we confess that leaves us scratching our heads.

Low poll numbers are also reportedly a source of great irritation for Joe and Jill Biden. They should stop to think how the rest of us feel.

Back to Harris. “We all watched the television coverage of just yesterday,” she thoughtfully opined this week. “That’s on top of everything else that we know and don’t know yet, based on what we’ve just been able to see. And because we’ve seen it or not doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. But just limited to what we have seen.”

Kamala and her truly dizzying intellect are competing with Biden for the most incoherent politician in America.

Voters especially hate the way the Biden administration has handled (we’d say caused) the two biggest crises in America today: immigration (69%) and inflation (68%). Given that Harris is Biden’s “border czar,” she ought to be thoroughly disliked. Then again, voters don’t necessarily associate Harris with the border, especially since she hasn’t even been there since June 2021.

To be sure, we in our humble shop tend to be rather poll-averse because, as we’ve said for decades, pollaganda is the Leftmedia’s effort to control public opinion by using polls. That’s why we take even increasingly numerous polls showing Donald Trump beating Biden with a block of salt.

That doesn’t mean those polls aren’t impacting big decisions, which is precisely why Harris’s shift is intriguing. Indeed, we’ve long thought that it’s highly likely that Biden will not be the Democrat nominee in 2024. Another new poll reveals that 54% of Democrat primary voters want someone to replace Biden.

How that happens is a matter of serious debate.

Clearly, Democrats (and 57% of Americans in general) don’t like Harris any better, which doesn’t really commend her for the top job if Biden steps stumbles aside. Arguably, the reason Harris’s polls numbers have improved is her recent disappearing act.

But we also don’t doubt it causes serious nausea for Democrats to contemplate picking someone like Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer to replace the First Black Female Vice President™. Those genetic traits, rather than any skill or talent, were Biden’s self-acknowledged primary criteria for selecting Harris as his running mate, and Democrats can’t just discard her easily. That’s why we called her Biden’s impeachment insurance way back in mid-2021.

Still, Trump doesn’t fare anywhere near as well against any Democrat not named Biden, and you can bet your far less valuable bottom dollar that Democrats are strategizing about how to pull Biden off stage left. These polls greatly inform those discussions.

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Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. Click here for a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed therein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.




For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.



“You’re reading the wrong polls.” —Joe Biden when asked, “Why are you losing to Trump in the polls?”

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

“The Republicans have never gotten immigration right. That’s just the fact of it. There’s not very much that the Republicans get right in general.” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

The BIG Lie

“[Republicans are] continuing to defund border security.” —Jasmine Crockett

Braying Jennies

“To basically say that issues of national security as it relates to how we’re going to take care of allies should be tied to this mangled immigration process is absolutely insane.” —Jasmine Crockett

“When you look at somebody like Greg Abbot, my governor … his solution is to basically say, ‘Hey, we’re gonna kill people that are trying to come in.’” —Jasmine Crockett

“We’ve got this situation here where Speaker [Mike] Johnson is not somebody who has seriousness of purpose. … When you pull out 40,000 feet, you see someone that is essentially doing Putin’s bidding.” —Congresswoman Becca Balint (D-VT)

“[Republicans] have not one thing that they offer as a solution other than privatizing or voucherising schools, which is about undermining democracy and undermining civil discourse and undermining pluralism.” —American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Randi Weingarten

Circling the Wagons

“The Republican attempt is to distract from the fact that Republicans have no agenda for the American people. In fact, they are trying to take away freedoms, protections, and rights for the American people. … The House Republicans have no basis of evidence to bring this impeachment. In fact, their own people who testified in the hearings could not state with any evidence why they were bringing this impeachment inquiry against President Biden.” —Congressman Steven Horsford (D-NV)

“It’s just perverse to me that Republicans are weaponizing [Hunter Biden’s] addiction because they’ve never accepted his father, Joe Biden, as president. … There’s no dot to connect between his own personal issues with finances and then-Vice President Joe Biden.” —Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Friendly Fire

“If you’re sitting in the White House right now, you’re like: ‘Please, Hunter Biden, we know your dad loves you. Please stop talking in public.’ … The White House would like him to probably go away right now.” —former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

Spin Doctors

“We’re on the right path. We’ve got more work to do, but we must stay the course, OK?” —Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein

“Continue to implement the policies that we’ve been talking about thus far — bringing down costs. We talked about some key areas: groceries, I’ve talked about gas, talked about some of the items that are important around the holidays. … We’re getting it done now.” —Jared Bernstein (“Food prices remain up 20.3%, gas prices remain up ~30%, and overall prices remain up 17.4% from when Biden took office.” —RNC)

“We need to make sure that … some in the media, instead of covering what type of shoes Joe Biden has on for the day, to actually cover the work that’s being done.” —DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

Veep Thoughts

“We all watched the television coverage of just yesterday. That’s on top of everything else that we know and don’t know yet, based on what we’ve just been able to see. And because we’ve seen it or not doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, but just limited to what we have seen.” —Kamala Harris

Yellow Journalism

“Senate staffer alleged by conservative outlets to have had sex in a hearing room is no longer employed.” —NBC News (“The Democrat propagandists over at NBC say the real story of this ‘alleged’ Senate tryst is that ‘conservative outlets’ are just pushing a political agenda. Remember, that’s after the guy did the deed, posted the video, admitted to it, and was fired for it.” —Nate Jackson)

And Last…

“Democrat deviancy is no longer confined to the bedroom but infects the very halls of government, along with almost literally everywhere else because these narcissists can’t seem to abide a world that isn’t enthralled with them 24/7/365. How very sick and sad.” —Nate Jackson

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 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Over 170 people with Jeffrey Epstein links likely to be named in court docs set to be unsealed in coming weeks

More than 170 of Jeffrey Epstein’s possible associates and accusers are set to be named publicly in the coming weeks after a Manhattan federal judge ordered the release of a trove of long-sealed court documents.

Source: Over 170 people with Jeffrey Epstein links likely to be named in court docs set to be unsealed in coming weeks

Netanyahu: ‘This is a Battle against Iran’ | CBN NewsWatch – December 19, 2023 – YouTube

Thousands of people without power. We’re just weeks away from 2024 when election season will get into high gear. In North Carolina, the first African American to be elected Lt. Governor is setting his sights on the top spot. The next time you see your regular Doctor, don’t be surprised if, in addition to asking about how your body feels, they also ask about your emotions. Author and trauma therapist Dr. Anita Phillips says too often people have been taught to view their emotions as problematic or something to be suppressed. There’s a bold new take on a literary, film and Broadway classic “The Color Purple”. The new adaptation is produced by Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey.

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Visualizing $97 Trillion Of Global Debt In 2023

Article Image
 • https://www.zerohedge.com, by Tyler Durden

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments introduced sweeping financial measures to support the job market and prevent a wave of bankruptcies. However, this has exposed vulnerabilities as higher interest rates are amplifying borrowing costs.

In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist’s Niccolo Conte and Dorothy Neufeld show global debt by country in 2023, based on projections from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Debt by Country in 2023

Below, we rank countries by their general government gross debt, or the financial liabilities owed by each country:

Country Gross Debt (B) % of World Total Debt to GDP

???????? U.S. $33,228.9 34.2% 123.3%
???????? China $14,691.7 15.1% 83.0%
???????? Japan $10,797.2 11.1% 255.2%
???????? UK $3,468.7 3.6% 104.1%
???????? France $3,353.9 3.5% 110.0%
???????? Italy $3,141.4 3.2% 143.7%
???????? India $3,056.7 3.1% 81.9%
???????? Germany $2,919.3 3.0% 65.9%
???????? Canada $2,253.3 2.3% 106.4%
???????? Brazil $1,873.7 1.9% 88.1%
???????? Spain $1,697.5 1.7% 107.3%
???????? Mexico $954.6 1.0% 52.7%
???????? South Korea $928.1 1.0% 54.3%
???????? Australia $875.9 0.9% 51.9%
???????? Singapore $835.0 0.9% 167.9%
???????? Belgium $665.2 0.7% 106.0%
???????? Argentina $556.5 0.6% 89.5%
???????? Indonesia $552.8 0.6% 39.0%
???????? Netherlands $540.9 0.6% 49.5%
???????? Poland $419.4 0.4% 49.8%
???????? Greece $407.2 0.4% 168.0%
???????? Türkiye $397.2 0.4% 34.4%
???????? Russia $394.8 0.4% 21.2%
???????? Austria $393.6 0.4% 74.8%
???????? Egypt $369.3 0.4% 92.7%
???????? Switzerland $357.7 0.4% 39.5%
???????? Thailand $314.5 0.3% 61.4%
???????? Israel $303.6 0.3% 58.2%
???????? Portugal $299.4 0.3% 108.3%
???????? Malaysia $288.3 0.3% 66.9%
???????? South Africa $280.7 0.3% 73.7%
???????? Pakistan $260.9 0.3% 76.6

C.S. Lewis’ ‘Christmas Sermon’ Warned of a World that No Longer Believed in Right and Wrong

A 77-year-old magazine article by C.S. Lewis is receiving renewed attention in American culture for its discussion of a world that does not know right from wrong.

Source: C.S. Lewis’ ‘Christmas Sermon’ Warned of a World that No Longer Believed in Right and Wrong

Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 23, Compassionate Healer | Elizabeth Prata

By Elizabeth Prata

This section of verses that show Jesus’ life are focused on His earthly ministry. We’ve seen Him as servant, teacher, shepherd, intercessor, and now healer.

Jesus healed people of their afflictions and diseases. He healed Mary who had 7 demons. He healed the woman who’d had a blood issue for 12 years. He healed lepers, even touching them, a dramatic departure from protocol. He healed the Centurion’s servant from a distance. Whether with a word or a touch, the power of Jesus to heal was demonstrated. He healed the blind, the sick, even the dead. He healed Peter’s Mother-in-Law. Strangers or friends, he healed. He did this to show who He was who He said He was- from God and Son of God, Messiah, the prophesied one.

He did this to show His omnipotence. He healed to show His compassion. The word Splagchnizomai, meaning compassion, is used 12 times in the New Testament, and each time it’s used it’s Jesus who is experiencing it. Prior to the NT, the word when used meant courage. Splanchnizomai is not the only word used for compassion in the NT but it is distinctly used with Jesus and in the context of His healings.

Jesus took the term a step further and used it to define the attitude that should capture the life of every believer. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the master had compassion and forgave the servant’s debt (Matt. 18:27). The prodigal son’s father had compassion on him (Luke 15:20). The good Samaritan had compassion on the injured traveler (Luke 10:33). Jesus had compassion on the crowd (Mark 6:34). People needing help asked Jesus for compassion (Mark 9:22; cp. Matt. 9:36; 20:34). Source: Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary

People who need help are the ones who need compassion. Jesus is a God of compassion and He demonstrated this in His willingness to heal.

Usage: This word is used 12 times:

Matthew 9:36: “when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted,”
Matthew 14:14: “a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed”
Matthew 15:32: “his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because”
Matthew 18:27: “lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him, and forgave”
Matthew 20:34: “So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately”
Mark 1:41: “And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and”
Mark 6:34: “much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were”
Mark 8:2: ” I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me”
Mark 9:22: “him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help”
Luke 7:13: “Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said”
Luke 10:33: “where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion”
Luke 15:20: “his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran,”

thirty days of Jesus day 23 clean
Photo by Karen Maes @karen1974 at Unsplash

“When God visits with sickness, we should think (in the use of means) our work is more in heaven with God than with men or with medicine. When David dealt directly and plainly with God and confessed his sins, then God forgave them and healed his body too.” Puritan Richard Sibbes

Further Reading

S. Lewis Johnson The Healing of the Blind Man

“It’s a picture of an omnipotent Savior, master of human fate, able to heal, able to give forgiveness of sins, able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by him. And when he touches the eyes of our blindness we sing, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me”

Sermon: Does God Still Heal?

Perspectives on faith healing often seem as varied as the number of faith healers around. Some say God wants to heal all sickness. Others come close to conceding that God’s purposes may sometimes be fulfilled in our illness and infirmity. Some equate sickness with sin. Others stop short of that but still find it hard to explain why spiritually strong people get sick. Some people just flat out blame the Devil, and they think if they can tie the Devil up in a knot and send him off to Tibet or something, everybody’ll get well.

Joni Earickson Tada: A Deeper Healing

He asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’  Jesus said to him, ‘Get up and walk.’  I cannot tell you how many times I would lie in that bed, straining to make my muscles move, and I would sing a hymn that I had learned as a child, ‘Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry.  While on others Thou art calling, Jesus do not pass me by.’”  But I never got up out of that bed and walked.  And it seemed back then that Jesus had passed me by.


Thirty Days of Jesus Series, Overview-



Day 1: The Virgin shall conceive
Day 2: A shoot from Jesse
Day 3: God sent His Son in the fullness of time
Day 4:  Marry her, she will bear a Son

Birth & Early Life-

Day 5: The Babe has arrived!
Day 6: The Glory of Jesus
Day 7: Magi seek the Child
Day 8: The Magi Offer gifts & worship

Day 9: The Child Grew
Day 10- the Boy Jesus at the Temple
Day 11: He was Obedient
Day 12: The Son!
Day 13: God is pleased with His Son

The Second Person of the Trinity-

Day 14: Propitiation
Day 15: The Gift of Eternal Life
Day 16:  Kingdom of Darkness to Light
Day 17: Jesus’ Preeminence
Day 18: The Highest King
Day 19: He emptied Himself
Day 20: Jesus as The Teacher
Day 21: The Good Shepherd
Day 22: The Intercessor

December 19 – Zephaniah Had the Message that Jonah Wanted! | VCY

Zephaniah 1:1-3:20
Revelation 10:1-11
Psalm 138:1-8
Proverbs 30:11-14

Zephaniah 1:1 — There’s a debate as to whether Hezekiah, the ancestor of Zephaniah, was the King of Judah; if so, that would make him a cousin of Josiah.

Zephaniah 1:5 — Note what … or who … the LORD will judge: those who swear by the LORD AND by Molech/Malcham. They were lukewarm followers (Revelation 3:16) who tried to hedge their bets; they “halted” between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21).

Zephaniah 1:17 — God judges those who “have sinned against the LORD.” Sin has consequences!

Zephaniah 1:18 — Peter echoes this thought (1 Peter 1:18).

Zephaniah 2:3 — ”Before the decree … Seek ye the LORD …” (Zephaniah 2:2-3). As Isaiah said, “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found!” (Isaiah 55:6).

Zephaniah 2:11 — The LORD is jealous.

Zephaniah 2:13 — Interesting to think of: Zephaniah had the message that Jonah wanted to have! Ninevah will be destroyed! But God gave the message to Zephaniah and not to Jonah. It came 100 years later than Jonah wanted! Jonah was bitter because he wanted God to act on his timetable not on the LORD’s. This verse helps us understand the “imprecatory psalms.” It’s okay to hurt and to seek justice, but it must be on God’s time not ours (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8).

Zephaniah 3:2 — That’s a scary epithet on a tombstone: “She trusted not in the LORD.”

Zephaniah 3:9 — This verse hasn’t been fulfilled yet! Some day all will call upon the name of the LORD! The LORD will save (Zephaniah 3:17)!

Revelation 10:6 — Yes, there is coming a day when time will be no more! This verse was included in the song, “The Great Judgment Morning.”

Psalm 138:2 — If you have the time, notice the similarities between this and Jonah 2:4 and Jonah 2:7.

Psalm 138:6 — We saw pride in Zephaniah 2:10 today, and we see it again here. God loves the lowly, not the proud.

Proverbs 30:13 — And if you didn’t notice the theme of the problem of pride, we have our Proverbs reading!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.