Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

What does it mean to pray without ceasing? – YouTube

What does it mean to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17)? From our 2023 National Conference, W. Robert Godfrey explains this biblical command and our calling to be people of prayer.

Explore our playlist of trustworthy answers to biblical and theological questions:


— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Replay – Pete Garcia: The Times of the Signs, What Are The Odds? | Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

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[Original airdate: 8/4/23] PETE GARCIA is a retired military combat veteran and aviator, writer, researcher, speaker, and teacher of Bible prophecy and apologetics with a BA in International Relations and a graduate of the US Army’s prestigious Command and General Staff College. He was called by the Lord to start writing at the age of 33 and wrote for Jack Kinsella’s The Omega Letter from 2011-2018. He has since branched out to create this website under the banner of rev310. To date, he has written over 600 articles that are carried out on numerous websites and platforms. He has contributed written chapters to three Terry James published books (Discerners, Lawless, and Trajectory), co-wrote two non-fiction books (The Disappearing and the New World Order), and published three of his own Christian fiction novels Hobo Vol I and II, and Kingdom of the Ring. Pete is happily married to his wife of 16 years and has five wonderful children.

Mary Danielsen chats with Pete Garcia of Rev 310 ministry about the peaks and valleys of prophecy over history, and how the timing of certain prophecies can allow for some pretty interesting conversation since we cannot see even 1 minute into the future.  When expectations meet with fulfillment, God is the One with all the answers. The community of those who are watching regularly is probably quite small and shrinking regularly but God still commands us to watch regardless of what is swirling around us.  Don’t let the sheer volume of prophecies and cultural hurricanes throw you! The blessed hope is not to be feared.

Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

The post Replay – Pete Garcia: The Times of the Signs, What Are The Odds? appeared first on Stand Up For The Truth Podcast.


Prophecy with Purpose | Terry James

One of the most false and cutting accusations launched at the belief that the Bible teaches a person cannot lose his or her salvation when truly born again (John 3:3) is: “If you believe once saved, always saved, you are saying people can live any way they want without fear of punishment.” Or so the line of condemning criticism goes.

The absolute assurance of eternal security, of course, engenders no such thought within the mind truly regenerated by the saving power of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that the Lord convicts His children in their spirits, and that habitual, unrepented-of sin will result in severe penalties–even physical death, in some cases. The Heavenly Father’s patience is longsuffering, but it is not infinite.

A person who is a child of God cannot sin without severe repercussions if repentance isn’t forthcoming. But, that person will never be kicked out of God’s family. Never.

A kindred sort of accusation is thrown at those who believe in the pre-Trib view of Bible prophecy. The pre-Tribulation view, of course, is the one those of us here believe God’s Word teaches. It is the view that Jesus Christ will call all who are born again to Himself before the Tribulation, which is the last seven years of history leading to the Second Advent (Rev. 19:11).

The angry diatribe against the pre-Trib Rapture view–by even genuine Christians, in many cases–usually goes something like this: “People like you, who believe that the Lord is going to rapture them before the Tribulation, think you can live however you want, because you think and teach falsely that you are going to be rescued before God’s judgment and wrath fall, no matter what.”

The non-Christian accusers have their own version. It goes something like: “Christians who believe like that don’t care anything about making the world better. You even hope for things to get worse and worse. You wish for earthquakes, famines, pestilence, war in the Middle East, and for Armageddon to hurry up and get here so you will go to your pie in the sky, and watch the rest of us get ours.”

Although the first criticism is absolutely not true, I have to admit that, regarding the second, too often I’ve sensed–even heard–such sentiments from some of those who believe in the pre-Trib rapture. And, it is entirely the wrong attitude for the Christian to hold. There are no excuses for wanting the Christ-rejecting world of nonbelievers to be the recipients of God’s judgment and wrath. It is only by God’s unfathomable grace that every one of us isn’t headed into that time of unprecedented horror.

No matter how–to use Lot’s King James Version word–“vexed” we becomes by the debauched, debased actions of the lost world around us, our job as Christ’s children–His representatives here on earth–is of a completely different nature than wanting to see them “get what’s coming” to them. The changed nature produced by being born again into God’s eternal family should make you and me do just the opposite of wanting them, in our vexation, to get what we see as coming to them.

The Christian whose spirit is attuned to the Holy Spirit’s desire for the lost doesn’t want to see them “get what’s coming to them” either during the Tribulation or upon death. Rather, we want to do all within our power to keep them from having to go through the coming time of God’s judgment and wrath. That’s what Christ’s Great Commission to His disciples before He ascended to sit at the Father’s right hand is all about, you see. That is what God’s love–love that those who have Christ indwelling them possess–is all about. (Read Matthew 28:18-20.)

In the same vein, that’s what Bible prophecy is all about. Prophecy given in God’s Word has purpose–profound purpose. Bible prophecy has at its center the commission from the Lord to forewarn of God’s judgment and wrath to come upon all who oppose Him–the Lord of Heaven and Creator of all things. It is not the hatred of God for the lost people of this fallen planet that drives prophecy. It is the love of God that powers His prophetic Word. It must be the Christian’s desire, therefore, to study Bible prophecy and put forth those forewarnings out of a spirit of God’s love, not through an anger-filled abhorrence of those who are lost.

Christians who do study prophecy–and they seem to be few these days, I’m sad to have to say–are often heard wondering about when Christ will call the Church (born-again believers) in the Rapture. Everything seems so ripe for His plucking His people from this sin-darkened sphere.

Nothing and no one can change God’s timing for His next catastrophic intervention into earth’s history. It will happen exactly on time, as He has determined since before the foundation of this world. However, we might as believers look to ourselves for the Lord’s–often in our view–delay in calling us as outlined in 1 Corinthians 15:51-55 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

The Apostle Peter gave the heart of the reason Christ hasn’t raptured His church: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

The purpose of Bible prophecy is to show the love of God to a lost and otherwise doomed world. God is not willing that anyone should perish (die in his or her sins), but that all should come to repentance (accept Jesus Christ as the one and only sacrifice for sin that God will accept).

The Lord is “longsuffering.” The reason, I’m convinced, the Lord seems so “slack” to many in His coming is because those same people have neglected their duty to share the love of God with the lost–the lost whom God loves so very much that He sent His only begotten Son in order that they not perish.

It is well past the time for God’s people to begin investing in getting the message of the love of God to those who will otherwise not hear the warning of deadly things soon to befall this Christ-rejecting planet. Considering these times that so dramatically are signaling the coming Tribulation, Bible prophecy can and must be used as a productive tool for evangelism.

June is for Judgment | Founders Ministries

I love the month of June. It features the longest day of the year. It is hot but not the deathly hot of July and August, which means you can still enjoy some mornings and evenings outside and swimming is still refreshing. Baseball season is in full swing. Father’s Day lands on the third Sunday of the month. And my beautiful bride was born in the month of June.

Yet for all the highlights of the sixth month of the year, in the United States it brings a more sinister side. Our nation celebrates June as “Pride month.” Desecrated rainbows fill store displays and social media feeds. Sexual deviancy and perversion is celebrated as a virtue. Baseball teams host “Pride nights” at their stadiums. Government buildings are lit up with the colors of the rainbow. The US Navy joins in, changing their entire Twitter avatar and bio to boast in wickedness.

As Christians we might easily look at June as a month where the darkness has overtaken the light, where godless people brazenly mock God by taking His rainbow and use it to celebrate what He describes as an abomination. But we do well to remember that God in His sovereignty rules over the darkness, and that God is not mocked, no matter how vigorously men may try.

While the godless of society take this month to celebrate their ungodliness, we must acknowledge the sovereignty of God in that they label this celebration with a sin that is even worse than the one they are promoting: pride. Proverbs 6:16-17 says, “There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him; Haughty eyes…” Haughty eyes are the visible, outward manifestation of a heart of pride. The Lord hates pride. The Lord says that pride is an abomination to Him. Peter wrote, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5).  To celebrate pride is to celebrate what God hates and to put yourself in a position where God is opposed to you. That includes all pride, not just pride in sexual immorality.

To celebrate pride is to celebrate what God hates and to put yourself in a position where God is opposed to you.

When our nation celebrates pride month, it is a manifest indication of God’s judgment against us. The reason it is such a clear indication of judgment is not because of the rejoicing in unrighteousness that occurs, although that in itself would qualify, but because this rejoicing in unrighteousness is done under the banner of another sin that God hates, the sin of pride. God’s judgment is manifest in taking those who love sin and doubling their guilt. They no longer are guilty before God for one sin – sexual immorality – but two sins that God hates, as pride becomes their adornment. The judgment of God is manifest when He not only condemns sinners in their sin but aggravates their condition so that they become even more guilty before Him.

We see this throughout all of Scripture. Pharaoh hardened his heart before God, and God hardened Pharaoh’s heart as well. When Pharaoh refused to repent, God hardened his heart to such an extreme that Pharaoh drove his army to their death in the sea (Exodus 14). We see this with Herod in Acts 12. Herod was guilty before God for executing the Apostle James. His unrepentant heart became so hardened that he exalted himself over God, and God executed him for it. When Eli rebuked his sons for their godless behavior, including sexual immorality, “they would not listen to the voice of their father, for the Lord desired to put them to death” (1 Samuel 2:25).

Besides the judgment of God, we also see the sovereign providence of God over all of these events. God is no mere bystander, watching helplessly or disinterestedly as His creatures defy His authority and flout His law. God is intimately involved in ruling His world and reigning over His creation. Part of that sovereign providence is bringing specific and terrifying judgment from which there is no escape. From that vantage point, we can say as Christians that pride month is not merely a manifestation of the wicked heart of man but an indication of the righteous judgment of God. That means as Christians we realize that God is sovereign over pride month and that He has a good purpose in what man means for evil.

Pride month is not merely a manifestation of the wicked heart of man but an indication of the righteous judgment of God.

A heart of pride might be the most terrifying judgment of all, because it is the judgment from which there is no path of escape. The necessary element for salvation is the opposite of pride. God delights in a broken and contrite heart, not a proud countenance. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:3-4). The poor in spirit are those who recognize their spiritual poverty, and they are connected with those who mourn because they grieve over their sins. They are not proud, and they do not celebrate what God condemns. Their hearts are broken over their sins, and they are humbled to the dust before a holy and righteous God who judges everyone impartially.

The only way anyone can be saved is by abandoning their pride, their self-reliance, their delight in disobedience to God’s Word, and humbling themselves before the cross of Christ, seeking mercy through faith in His sacrifice for sinners.

God’s judgment becomes clear when the Lord begins to aggravate people’s sinful condition, so that one sin begins to pile on top of another. That is what is happening during pride month, and that is why June is for judgment. And yet in this present age, every act of judgment points us to the cross, where Jesus bore the penalty of the sins of all who would believe in Him for salvation. For those who repent and find their only boast in the cross of Christ, June – like every other month – is for Jesus.

The post June is for Judgment appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Does God Allow Free Will? (Video) first | Cold Case Christianity

If God is all-knowing, does He control or determine everything we will do in the future (and everything we are doing today)? Does God truly allow us the freedom to choose Him?

To see more training videos with J. Warner Wallace, visit the YouTube playlist.

For more information about the scientific and philosophical evidence pointing to a Divine Creator, please read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. This book employs a simple crime scene strategy to investigate eight pieces of evidence in the universe to determine the most reasonable explanation. The book is accompanied by an eight-session God’s Crime Scene DVD Set (and Participant’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.

The post Does God Allow Free Will? (Video) first appeared on Cold Case Christianity.

June 5 – The Location of the Temple | VCY

  2 Samuel 23:24-24:25
  Acts 3:1-26
  Psalm 123:1-4
  Proverbs 16:21-23

2 Samuel 23:24 — Our Bible reading plan jumps back in for the list of David’s Mighty Men. We may not all be part of David’s cohort, but we can be loyal soldiers!

2 Samuel 23:39 — Uriah the Hittite … the one that David had slain.

2 Samuel 24:1 — What was the big deal with the census? From GotQuestions.org:

In Exodus 30:12 God told Moses, “When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the LORD a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.” It was up to God to command a census, and if David counted he should only do it at God’s command, receiving a ransom to “atone” for the counting. This is why God was angry again with Israel and is also why David was “conscience-stricken” after he counted Israel. David knew it was wrong and begged God to take away the guilt of his sin (2 Samuel 24:10).

Was this from Satan or from God? From Answers in Genesis (AiG):

All temptation is permitted by God, but not caused by God. When evil spirits tempt us, they do so by permission (Job 1:12, 2:6; Luke 22:31). Satan therefore provoked David to number the people, and God allowed him to do so. God allows those things which serve to advance His holy and perfect will.

2 Samuel 24:3 — The loyal Joab who was ethically challenged realized that this was a bad idea. If your “Yes-Men” say “Wait a minute” … maybe they have a point …

2 Samuel 24:24 — What is special about the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite? In 2 Samuel 5, David captures the Jebusite city, but a threshing floor is fairly common. In 2 Chronicles 3:1, Solomon builds the house of the LORD on a threshing floor. From a sermon by Charles Spurgeon:

The threshing-floor of Ornan boasted no magnificence of size or beauty of construction. There was just the rock, and I suppose a composition spread upon it of hard clay or cement, that the feet of the oxen might all the better tread out the grain. That was all it was, yet when the Temple with all its glory crowned the place, God was never more conspicuously present than on that bare, ungarnished threshing-floor. “Meet God in a barn!” one says. Why not? Does that astonish you? God met Adam in a garden, Abraham under a tree, and Noah in an ark.

Acts 3:6 — And we’re back in the Temple, about a thousand years after our Old Testament reading. Peter had no silver or gold, but what have we read in Psalms and Proverbs that is better than silver and gold?

Acts 3:12 — Once you have a crowd – PREACH! I was with a young evangelist in training and a crowd had unexpectedly gathered around him at a local park. He asked me what to do – I said, “PREACH!”

Acts 3:19 — The message is reiterated from yesterday: Repent and be converted. But now we hear the message from the Mount of Olives – Jesus is coming!

Acts 3:22 — We read in the Torah about the coming of the Prophet. Now, Peter is saying this is the Prophet!

Psalm 123:2 — Yes, Jesus is our friend and our elder brother, but He is also our Master!

Psalm 123:4 — The Psalmist is repenting of sins of the heart here: pride at not being at ease and pride at not being proud (yes, that is an ironic sense of pride).

Proverbs 16:22 — Echoing Deuteronomy 30:19!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Absolutely No Remembrance | VCY

And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. (Hebrews 10:17)

According to this gracious covenant the Lord treats His people as if they had never sinned. Practically, He forgets all their trespasses. Sins of all kinds He treats as if they had never been, as if they were quite erased from His memory. O miracle of grace! God here doth that which in certain aspects is impossible to Him. His mercy worketh miracles which far transcend all other miracles.

Our God ignores our sin now that the sacrifice of Jesus has ratified the covenant. We may rejoice in Him without fear that He will be provoked to anger against us because of our iniquities. See! He puts us among the children; He accepts us as righteous; He takes delight in us as if we were perfectly holy. He even puts us into places of trust; makes us guardians of His honor, trustees of the crown jewels, stewards of the gospel. He counts us worthy and gives us a ministry; this is the highest and most special proof that He does not remember our sins. Even when we forgive an enemy, we are very slow to trust him; we judge it to be imprudent so to do. But the Lord forgets our sins and treats us as if we had never erred. O my soul, what a promise is this! Believe it and be happy.

3 June 2024 News Briefing

California’s Corral Fire growth escalates prompting evacuations
California firefighters face extreme weather conditions as they work to contain the Corral Fire outside of Tracy, which exploded to 12,500 acres over the weekend, prompting officials to order mandatory evacuations for some residents.

Severe storms threatens Plains on Sunday with large hail, damaging winds
Nebraska and north Kansas could see very large hail up to 3 inches in diameter, damaging winds between 60 and 80 mph, and the potential for a tornado spin-up or two. A greater area from Texas to Minnesota will also face potentially severe thunderstorms on Sunday.

Flood Watch issued as rare June atmospheric river takes aim at Seattle, Portland
Meteorological summer begins in the Pacific Northwest this year with a time warp back to winter as rare back-to-back atmospheric river-type storms sweep through the region to kick off the new week.

Life-threatening triple-digit heat to bake millions across West this week 
Meteorological summer has just started, and already millions of people across the West are preparing for potentially life-threatening heat-related illnesses due to a change in the weather pattern that will result in triple-digit temperatures during the region’s first summer heat wave.

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?
…everything has changed in recent decades. When Barack Obama boldly declared that “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” in 2009, he was speaking the truth. We are no longer a Christian nation and we haven’t been for a very long time. So if we aren’t a Christian nation at this point, what exactly are we?

During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called “Bidenvilles”
To those at the bottom of America’s economic pyramid, it feels like the economy has already collapsed.  When you can’t afford to put a roof over your head and you barely have enough food to eat, nothing else really matters.  During the Great Depression of the 1930s, millions of homeless Americans created large shantytowns known as “Hoovervilles” all over America.  Unfortunately, we are witnessing the same thing today.

Hal Turner Radio Show – French President Macron To Announce: “Europe is at war with Russia” on June 6
June 6 will be a landmark day for the whole of Europe. France will officially make the first announcement of sending military personnel from a European/NATO state to Ukrainian territory.

A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting To Sweep Across America, And That Is Really Bad News For The U.S. Economy
You can get a really good idea how the U.S. economy is doing by watching restaurants in your area.  When the economy is booming, restaurant parking lots are full and chains are feverishly establishing new locations.  But when the economy is struggling, restaurants get a lot less traffic and poor performing locations get shut down.  Sadly, in 2024 it appears that a “restaurant apocalypse” has started to sweep across America.

Catholic priest in Poland participates in ecumenical ceremony to bless homosexual ‘couples’
A Catholic priest in Poland has participated in a public ceremony to “bless” same-sex couples. The attempted “blessings” took place on May 17, during an ecumenical service at the Evangelical Reformed Parish in Warsaw in which both Catholic and Protestant clergy were present,

Hundreds of Lawmakers Worldwide Warn The WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ Would Usher In ‘Tyranny And Oppression’ 
Hundreds of officials from dozens of countries have put the leader of the World Health Organization on notice that if he persists in violating WHO rules to adopt a controversial global pandemic agreement or amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), it will render those provisions “null and void.”

Confronted By The Celebration Of Sin: ‘Pride Month’ Tests Our Commitment To The Truth Of God’s Word
Today marks the beginning of what has become known as pride month—a 30-day celebration of sexual sin and sinful identities by the media, many corporations, and even cities and towns. As those who believe God’s Word and understand that what these individuals are celebrating is nothing short of bondage and slavery to sin, June can be a discouraging month. But it can also be more than that—it can be a month that tests our commitment to the truth of God’s Word.

Mark-to-market: A BIS scheme that helped to set up the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Global Financial Crisis, was a severe economic downturn that was triggered by a housing market bubble burst in the United States. The crisis began in 2007 and lasted for several years, affecting many countries around the world…was it caused by banks acting recklessly? In 2016, Mark Arnold…discovered that the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) imposed an accounting policy on US commercial banks only months before which helped set the world up for The Great Recession.

Hospital worker tells Scottish Covid Inquiry hospitals were only “half full” during the covid outbreak
A porter has testified at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry that the hospital he works in was “half full” at “the outbreak” of covid and the beginning of the first lockdown. In April 2020, gradually covid patients began being admitted to the hospital but it was still not anywhere near as busy as on a normal day pre-covid.

Headlines – 6/3/2024

White House ‘expects Israel to say yes’ to Gaza peace plan despite early rejection

Blinken presses Gallant, Gantz on hostage deal proposal, says onus on Hamas

US expects Israel to commit to its hostage deal proposal if Hamas agrees

Senior Netanyahu adviser: Israel okayed Biden-touted hostage deal, but work needed

Biden’s cease-fire plan tightens political squeeze for Netanyahu in Israel

Netanyahu tries to avoid coalition implosion over Gaza ceasefire plan – Israeli prime minister juggles differing demands of partners after Joe Biden announced latest peace proposal

Netanyahu May Face a Choice Between a Truce and His Government’s Survival

‘Fighting the wrong enemy’: Bernie Sanders sparks debate as he reaffirms vow to boycott ‘war criminal’ Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress

Gallant vows war won’t end until Hamas is destroyed; IDF advances further in Rafah

‘We will not accept the rule of Hamas in Gaza at any stage’ – In a further sign Israel won’t agree to Joe Biden’s announced ceasefire proposal, defence chief Yoav Gallant says Hamas must first be ‘dismantled’

South Africa warns US could be liable for ICC prosecution for supporting Israel

Chile joins developing nations rallying behind genocide case against Israel at international court

Maldives Sides With Terrorists: Bans Israelis From Entering Country Over War in Gaza

UNRWA says over one million people have left Rafah

Children die of malnutrition as Rafah operation heightens threat of famine in Gaza – Arrival of Israeli troops in the southern border town has choked aid supplies, as hunger deepens in southern Gaza

Kibbutz medic, missing since Oct. 7, confirmed dead as remains identified

Up to 40,000 people march through central London at rally for the hostages

Chanting ‘bring them home,’ New York marchers rally for Israel under heavy security

The Revolution Eats Its Own: Pro-Hamas Agitators Crash and Block Philly Pride Parade While Confronting Angry LGBTQ Marchers

Maher: Pro-Hamas Protesters Should Get ‘a Taste’ of How Hamas, Iran Treat Women

Visiting Israel, Michael Douglas suggests anti-Israel campus protesters ‘brainwashed’

Green Party candidate ‘leaves the party’ after antisemitism probe

Top NYC private school devolves into ‘hotbed of Jew-hate’ as parents detail teacher flipping off rabbis, group trying to ‘cancel’ Holocaust survivor

Argentinian president’s surprising devotion to Judaism and Israel provokes tension

Claudia Sheinbaum wins election to become Mexico’s 1st woman, 1st Jewish president

‘A crying need for more soldiers’: Justices lose patience with Haredi draft evasion

2 Palestinian teens shot dead by troops; IDF says they were throwing firebombs

Hezbollah rocket barrage forces over 100,000 Israelis into bomb shelters, injuring 2 people and causing fires and damage

2 hurt as Hezbollah shells north, launches explosive drones after wave of IDF strikes

Syria says several killed in alleged Israeli air attack on Aleppo-area factory

Iran’s Hard-line Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Registers for June 28 Presidential Election

European powers seek to censure Iran at UN nuclear meeting for lack of cooperation

Yemen’s Houthis threaten escalation after American strike using 5,000-pound bunker-buster bomb

German policeman dies after being wounded in stabbing attack at anti-Islam rally

Energy shutdowns hit Ukraine after Russian attacks target infrastructure

Ukraine puts faith in robot army to hold back Russia

The US allows Ukraine to use its weapons to strike inside Russia, but it is unlikely to be a game-changer

Zelensky Accuses Communist China of Blocking Peace Process with Russia

Zelenskyy accuses China of pressuring other countries not to attend upcoming Ukraine peace talks

China defence chief says Beijing ready to ‘forcefully’ stop Taiwan independence

Those who back Taiwan independence face ‘self-destruction,’ China’s new defense minister warns in combative summit speech

South Korea Vows ‘Unbearable’ Retaliation Against North Korea Over Its Launch of Trash Balloons

Justice Department says it is not releasing Biden-Hur audio due to ‘deepfake’ concerns

Hunter Biden’s gun charge trial set to begin three days after verdict in Trump case

Donald Trump calls on the Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing

President Trump Reveals that He is Prepared to Go to Jail

Trump says potential house arrest in hush money conviction would be ‘tough for public to take’

El Salvador’s President Tells Donald Trump Jr.: ‘We Don’t Jail the Opposition’

California Sheriff Backs Trump After Conviction: ‘It’s Time We Put a Felon in the White House’

NYT: A Felon in the Oval Office Would Test the American System

‘They Want Trump Dead’ – Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson Pushes ‘Disgraced Act’ to Strip Trump of Secret Service Protection if He Goes to Prison

Michael Savage Likens Trump Verdict to Internal 9/11: Biden ‘Gang’ Trying to Kill Trump with ‘1,000 Cuts’

J.D. Vance: They ‘Cooked Up These Prosecutions’ to Distract from Biden’s Failures

Jesse Watters: “There is Something Very Fishy About How Judge Merchan Came to Preside Over This Case”

Speaker Johnson: “House Republicans Are Investigating Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for Targeting Political Opponents”

Waters: Trump’s Revenge Rhetoric Could Lead to ‘Civil War’

Former CISA Chief Chris Krebs Lied Under Oath When He Said 2020 Was Most Secure Election Ever – Newly Recovered CISA Report Reveals Vulnerabilities in 76% of Election Infrastructure Entities

Donald Trump joins TikTok after reversal on app he tried to ban as president

President Trump Joins TikTok – Debut Garners 35 Million Views in Just a Few Hours

AI and War Top Agenda as Globalist Elites Gather for Secretive Bilderberg Meeting in Spain

Commentary: U.S. Money Supply Is Doing Something So Scarce That It Hasn’t Happened Since the Great Depression

China Lands on the Far Side of the Moon in Historic Mission

Devil Comet makes closest pass to Earth Sunday morning

Long-duration M7.3 solar flare produces possible Earth-directed CME

Earthquakes shake Japanese region, collapse 2 homes that were damaged in deadly January quake

Magnitude 5.9 Earthquake Hits Japan’s Ishikawa Region

5.9 magnitude earthquake hits the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Gizo, Solomon Islands

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Kermadec Islands region

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Tobelo, Indonesia

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Hualien City, Taiwan

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits Kermadec Islands, New Zealand

3.5 earthquake near South Pasadena shakes parts of Southern California

USGS raises Kilauea alert level as earthquakes increase

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 27,000ft

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 25,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 24,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 23,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 20,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Ebeko volcano in the Kuril Islands erupts to 10,000ft

This hurricane season is shaping up to break records. Anxiety levels are too.

Tallahassee Mayor Says Cost from May 10 Tornadoes Now Tops $50 Million as City Seeks Federal Aid

Floods in southern Germany: 40 hours of disaster

Rescue worker dies, several thousand evacuated in southern Germany floods

Atlanta mayor declares state of emergency following water main breaks, hospital that moved patients resumes normal operations

California Firefighters Battle Wind-driven Wildfire East of San Francisco Overnight

OPEC agrees to keep oil production cut, likely maintaining high prices through November election – Saudi Arabia has ambitions to diversity its economy away from fossil fuel exports

Mass shooting leaves one dead, 24 hurt in Akron, Ohio; police plead for community help

Biden admin offers ‘mass amnesty’ to illegal immigrants, terminates 350,000 asylum cases: report

Dramatic Increase in Turkish Illegal Aliens in San Diego Sector with Help of Smugglers on Social Media

Iceland Elects Diversity and Inclusion Champion Halla Tomasdottir as President

Maui fire battalion chief charged with sex assault of minor

Allegedly Deaf Transgender LGBTQ Activist Charged with Murdering His Husband With a Samurai Sword

3rd-strike ‘trans’ rape suspect prompts rebellion against CA law after attack in women’s prison

Woke Defense Department Mistakenly Posts LGBT Pride Graphic for PTSD Awareness Month

Idaho bar celebrating ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’ in June creates stir

Conservative parents call to boycott ‘Ms. Rachel’ over latest Pride Month video: ‘Kids look up to’ her

Blue city sets Guinness World Record for largest drag queen story hour – Children exposed to gender ideology as drag queens read LGBTQI+ stories, talk about Pride

Seattle-area city to host taxpayer funded LGBTQ Pride catwalk for toddlers

Bird flu attacks cats after cows

Anthony Fauci Admits COVID Rules Like Social Distancing And Masking Had No Scientific Basis

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not Infection

Guillain-Barre syndrome ‘more common than expected’ with RSV vaccine in older people, CDC reiterates

Global pandemic treaty to be concluded by 2025, WHO says

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 3, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” —Alexander Hamilton (1775)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1880, Alexander Graham Bell used his newly invented photophone to send the first wireless telephone message. Today, we carry our wireless phones everywhere and rarely use them for calls, instead using them primarily for texts and photos. —Mark Alexander




A Big Weekend for a ‘Convicted Felon’

Donald Trump greeted enthusiastic crowds and raised tons of money after Joe Biden’s goons convicted him.

Nate Jackson

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed,” Joe Biden reassured an anxious nation at a press conference Friday. The funny thing is he didn’t mean that as a punchline.

Of Donald Trump’s absurd conviction on 34 misdemeanor-upgraded-to-felony charges last Thursday, Biden rambled a few other things about how Trump “was given every opportunity to defend himself” and how the case “was heard by a jury of 12 citizens” who “after careful deliberation … reached a unanimous verdict.” Then he warned, “And it’s reckless, it’s dangerous, and it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.”

I’d be surprised if anyone is calling the verdict rigged just because they don’t like it. Millions of Americans know it was rigged and are calling it as they see it. The verdict was a predetermined outcome ensured by a highly partisan DA with a history of downgrading nearly everyone else’s felonies and a judge who donated to Joe Biden just to show he’s a team player. Oh, and the jury pool was chosen from 85-15 Democrat Manhattan.

As for complaining about court rulings, Joe Biden bragged about ignoring the Supreme Court so he could transfer student loans to taxpayers anyway. Talk about reckless and dangerous.

There was some speculation before the verdict that Biden would make a big speech about it. Instead, he dedicated a couple hundred words to it to open a press conference focused on Israel and Hamas. Other than surrogates outside the courthouse and everywhere in mainstream media, Biden will limit the perception among low-information voters that he is behind the verdict, especially as his son Hunter goes on trial beginning today.

Yet Biden’s PR hacks at the Associated Press have no such consideration. Here’s one illustrative headline: “Trump’s attacks on US justice system after his conviction could be used by autocrats, say experts.” The AP wants readers to think that Trump is just like Vladimir Putin, first up in its “story.” The reality is that Putin and others like him will take any opening to discredit America, and Biden’s goons in New York handed them the perfect opportunity on a silver platter.

As for Trump, he kicked off a fantastic weekend with his own press conference on Friday, which received wall-to-wall coverage from every television network. “I’m honored in a way,” he said sarcastically. “It’s not that it’s pleasant. It’s very bad for family, it’s very bad for friends and businesses. But I’m honored to be involved in it because somebody has to do it. And I might as well keep going and be the one.”

He is, he added, going up against “the worst president in the history of our country” and “the dumbest president we’ve ever had.” Trump just says what millions are thinking and saying themselves.

On Saturday night, Trump made an appearance at UFC 302 in Newark, New Jersey, and received a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He’d already held massive rallies in Jersey and even the Bronx recently.

He also got a huge “ovation” of sorts on social media. After reversing his position on banning TikTok because doing so would only help Facebook, Trump joined the Chinese-owned, leftist-dominated platform and immediately soared to 3.6 million followers. His lone video has more than 63 million views as of this writing. Biden joined TikTok in February and currently has 345,000 followers, less than 1/10 as many as Trump.

Trump knows culture is king, whereas Biden’s “big cultural moment” was that, er, “Let’s go Brandon” chant.

Since that Manhattan jury handed down the guilty verdict, Eric Trump says his father’s campaign has raised over $200 million. In fact, noted Jazz Shaw, “Both of the primary Trump fundraising websites crashed under the strain for a brief time.”

Looking ahead, the “experts” all seem to agree that because Trump is a first-time offender, he won’t see jail time. Who are they kidding? Nothing about this persecution has proceeded normally, and if you think Democrats were like kids in a candy store over the guilty verdict, just wait until they can snap a pic of Trump in jail. That’s exactly where they’re going to put him.

Democrats usually love felons. Not this one.

Finally, Patriot Post readers know the score, as do any Americans still possessing their sanity. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has a massive audience, and most Americans pay little attention to politics. When they do, “convicted felon” may not sit well. A Morning Consult poll says that almost half of independents think Trump should drop out of the race now.

When low-information voters see and hear that Trump is a “convicted felon” while ordering their latte at Starbucks, the question is whether they’ll care more about the words “convicted felon” or the exorbitant prices they’re paying in Joe Biden’s America.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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Executive News Summary

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • Biden is underwater in 48 of the 50 states: When a politician can’t even carry his home state, it’s usually a hint and a half. Think of Al Gore in 2020. All that fuss in Florida would’ve been moot had Gore simply carried his home state of Tennessee. Perhaps similarly, we’re seeing just how bad things are getting for Joe Biden. Civiqs has been polling nearly a half-million people across the 50 states since Biden’s first day in office, and the organization’s latest results found that only Hawaii (+7) and Massachusetts (+1) have Biden’s approval rating in positive territory. Perhaps most stunning are his numbers in his home state of Delaware, a reliably blue state that he carried by nearly 20 points in 2020. There, he’s currently at 35% approval and 57% disapproval for a -22 points rating. As for his worst state, that’s West Virginia, where his disapproval is at 78% and his approval is at 18% for a -60 rating. More crucially, Biden’s numbers in the swing states are worse than his overall rating. The Civiqs polls give Biden a net approval of -22, which is better than he’s doing in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan. How low can Limbo Joe go? Stay tuned.
  • Hunter Biden’s gun charge trial is underway: We’d be remiss if we didn’t wish First Lady Jill Biden a happy birthday today, as she’s spending it in a Delaware courtroom in support of her wastrel son Hunter, whose 2018 felony gun charge is finally being adjudicated. Specifically, he’s being charged with lying on a federal gun form. As for the president, he’s been trying to keep Hunter’s legal troubles at arm’s length, at least publicly. “I am the president, but I am also a Dad,” Joe Biden’s handlers penned in a statement this morning. “Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us.” Just before the 2020 election, Biden called his son “the smartest guy I know.” Mind you, this was after he learned that his son had abandoned his laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop — a laptop replete with images of Russian hookers and blow, as well as incriminating evidence of influence peddling. If this is the smartest guy Joe Biden knows, the old man definitely needs to get out more.
  • Fauci’s confessions: Dr. Anthony Fauci is once again testifying before Congress regarding the lack of scientific evidence behind some of the COVID pandemic rules he supported and promoted. As it turns out, Mr. “I Am the Science” wasn’t basing his opinions on actual science. Two of the most glaring examples of Fauci’s faux science at play were the six-foot social distancing rule and child masking. The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability recently released transcripts from Fauci’s January closed-door testimony, which show that Fauci could not provide any scientific data or studies to support his recommendation for those two official pandemic policies. Fauci said he “was not aware of studies” on the six-foot distancing rule, which “would be a very difficult study to do.” When asked about the potential negative impact of child masking on their learning development, Fauci dismissed such concerns while admitting he could not cite any specific studies. “I believe that there are a lot of conflicting studies,” he said. Some say “there is an impact,” while others “say there’s not. I still think that’s up in the air.” In short, Fauci apparently went with his gut feeling and not the science when making these policy recommendations. That raises a lot of questions regarding his other pandemic policy recommendations.
  • Pandemic cash-out: While many Americans were forced to lock down during the COVID pandemic, which saw millions lose their jobs, those running the National Institutes of Health were rolling in the dough. According to recent reports, private drug companies shelled out some $710 million in royalty payments from 2021 through 2023 to scientists within NIH. Most of that money, $690 million, went to the 260 scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which was headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. To obtain this information, OpenTheBooks, a watchdog organization, sued the NIH — twice. OpenTheBooks found that from 2009 through October 2021, the NIH received roughly $325 million in royalties. However, from the end of 2021 through 2023, the amount of royalty payments the agency received more than doubled. It’s not clear exactly what is responsible for the sudden increase in royalties, but it’s a good bet it’s tied to the COVID vaccines, as Moderna alone agreed to pay the NIH $400 million. Senator Rand Paul has sponsored a bill dubbed the Royalty Transparency Act that would require the agency to disclose all royalty payments and which NIH scientists they went to.
  • Manchin switches party affiliation from Democrat to independent: “Our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground.” So said retiring West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who has finally decided to wash his hands of the Democrat Party. To this, we say: Better late than never — but just barely. Manchin says he’ll still caucus with Senate Democrats, and he’s already done plenty of damage as a deciding Senate vote for some ruinous Biden policies. As our Nate Jackson pointed out more than a year ago, Manchin deserves plenty of blame for our current predicament, specifically the fiscal part of it: “Manchin loves to play the part of the fiscally sane middle man before going right along with just about everything Chuck Schumer and the rest of his Democrat pals want. He negotiated the terms of the Inflation Reduction Act and then provided the deciding vote. His act is all about getting reelected in West Virginia (Trump by 39 points).” The good news is that Manchin is on his way out, and the overwhelming favorite to replace him is the former West Virginia governor, Democrat-turned-Republican Jim Justice.
  • Crime? What crime in Manhattan? As he basks in the glow of his banana-republican show trial conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony counts for what amounts to an incorrectly labeled bookkeeping entry, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg might want to take a look around him. If he does so, he might see a city awash in real and violent crime, as opposed to trumped up non-crimes. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes: “In the 28 days ending May 26, a period that covers about two-thirds of Mr. Trump’s trial, the New York Police Department’s patrol boroughs of Manhattan North and Manhattan South reported 4,900 total arrests, according to the NYPD’s CompStat crime tracking program. That figure is up about 700 compared with a year earlier. It includes six arrests for murder, 12 for rape, 15 grand theft auto, 210 burglary, 214 robbery, 362 grand larceny (over $1,000), and 390 felony assault.” Perhaps here, Bragg could invoke the name of former Washington, DC, “Mayor for Life” Marion Barry. After all, as Barry once claimed, if it weren’t for all the robberies and rapes and murders and the pushing of bystanders onto subway tracks, New York City would probably be a relatively safe place.
  • Mexico election: On Sunday, Mexico elected its first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum. Most recently the mayor of Mexico City, she won what is believed to be the largest election in the country’s history, with almost 100 million Mexicans voting, as she pulled in as much as 60% of the vote. She credited her victory to “our heroines who gave us our homeland.” Sheinbaum claimed, “We have demonstrated that Mexico is a democratic country with peaceful elections,” but the record across the campaign season says otherwise, as more than 20 candidates were killed running for both local and state offices over the last three months. Sheinbaum comes into office facing many challenges, including cartel violence, drug running, illegal migration through the country, and a growing debt problem from the state-owned oil company. The early speculation is that the country will continue on the leftist track forged by outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. As Mexican political analyst Carlos Heredia contends, “[Sheinbaum] needs him. She doesn’t have the charisma, she doesn’t have the popularity, she doesn’t have the political stamina of her own, so she needs to borrow that from López Obrador.”
  • Vermont climate cultists make oil companies pay for weather: Last Thursday, thanks to the Democrat-dominated legislature, Vermont became the first state to pass a law mandating that oil companies pay the damages for weather-related disasters. Bill S.259 establishes a Climate Superfund Cost Recover Program where large oil companies and other organizations deemed to be emitting “greenhouse” gases will be held accountable for the damages caused by extreme weather events. The bill calls it “climate change cost recovery.” Going back 30 years, the state will compile and calculate the cost of extreme weather events and damages and present the totals in 2026. Those companies deemed to have contributed over a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will be required to pay a portion of the damages. The American Petroleum Institute blasted the legislation, noting that it “retroactively imposes costs and liability on prior activities that were legal, violates equal protection and due process rights by holding companies responsible for the actions of society at large; and is preempted by federal law.” While Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott refused to sign the bill, he did not veto it, so it has become law. Ultimately, this is a money-grabbing scheme aimed at collecting money to help cover the costs of over $2 billion in damages caused by a torrential flash flood last summer.


  • GOP senators send message to Biden: No more cooperation on legislation or nominations (Hot Air)
  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (ABC News)
  • OPEC+ extends collective crude production cuts into 2025 (CNBC)
  • Laken Riley murder suspect Jose Ibarra pleads not guilty (Fox News)
  • Seventy-five-year-old woman sentenced to two years for praying outside an abortion clinic; husband fears she will die in prison (Not the Bee)
  • U.S. government, corporations dive into Pride Month homage (Daily Wire)
  • Anti-Israel protesters clash with gay pride marchers in Philly (Not the Bee)
  • Humor: Twelve things that are illegal during Pride Month (Babylon Bee)

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

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Follow Thomas Gallatin and Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

Jill Biden’s ‘Evil’ Ways

The first lady took to “The View” not to soothe the nation but to demonize Donald Trump.

Douglas Andrews

In a day when our political fights are as nasty as ever, when the mood of the nation is less like a tinderbox and more like a powder keg, we look to voices of reason to help soothe us and to reconnect us with what Abraham Lincoln called, at the end of his first inaugural address, “the better angels of our nature.”

In Lincoln’s case, it didn’t work. In the months and years after he invoked those “better angels,” he prosecuted a war that preserved the union at a cost of 600,000 American lives. But still.

Rather than invoking fear, loathing, and distrust, a calming voice can help relieve the pressure and turn down the temperature. We might expect, for example, a nationally known pastor or priest to offer such words, as the Reverend Franklin Graham did last week in the wake of Donald Trump’s 34-count felony conviction in a banana-republican show trial: “Pray for our nation,” said Graham, “for God’s guiding hand that this republic will be one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”

We might also look for a first lady to fill this void — to embody class and decency and transcend the political to help soothe her fellow Americans.

But not if that first lady is Jill Biden.

Last week, the nearest thing we have to a Lady Macbeth took to “The View” to denounce her husband’s political opponent and the party he represents as “evil.”

We wonder: Could she be more specific? What exactly does Jill Biden mean by using that word? Does she mean “demonic”? Because it sure sounds like that’s what she means. Because refusing to enforce our nation’s laws, pitting one race against another, and promoting the lopping off of children’s body parts sure sounds like evil to us.

And it’s one thing for a candidate to use harsh rhetoric when referring to his political opponent. Donald Trump has hurled any number of insults at Joe Biden, and Biden and his surrogates have spared no expense in trying to brand Trump as unfit for office and an existential threat to our democracy. (It’s a republic, but whatever.)

But a candidate’s wife? And a first lady? What are people to make of this? What about those on the Angry Left? Do they listen to their leaders comparing their political opponents to Hitler and Mussolini and the devil himself, and take it with a grain of salt? Or do the deranged ones among them see these words as a call to action?

This is dangerous stuff, and a first lady should know better, and she should be better.

It wasn’t a mere slip of the tongue, either. Jill Biden was frantic. She was raising her voice and waving her arms. “And think of the Supreme Court!” she cried. “For God’s sake, talk about things getting worse. Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?” Biden asked, her eyes wide. “No! We will lose all of our rights! So we’re talking about women’s rights, gay rights. … We will lose all our rights and freedoms.”

What “rights” are these? Our Nate Jackson recently posted a few of them: “The right to kill babies in the womb. The right to mutilate those who survive. The right to say [censored for political reasons]. The right to have your guns outlawed. The right to pay for someone else’s student loans and healthcare.”

Wednesday in Philadelphia, the same day Jill was appearing on “The View,” Joe Biden was shamelessly demonizing the High Court in front of a largely black audience: “If, in fact, we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire, and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had [sic], tell me that won’t change your life when Trump justices are already gutting voting rights, overturning Roe, decimating Affirmative Action, and so much more.”

To all this his-and-hers hogwash from the Bidens, Trey Gowdy offered this case-by-case corrective: “I guess they forgot it was actually a Republican-appointed judge who wrote the Roe v. Wade opinion; it was a Republican-appointed judge who preserved Obamacare; it was a Republican-appointed judge who first dipped her toe into the Affirmative Action pool, and another one who put limits on the death penalty. It’s funny how exorcised the Left gets when anyone goes after a judge, except it’s fair game for the first lady to do it while she’s promoting a children’s book.”

What’s that? You didn’t know Jill Biden was there on “The View” to hawk a children’s book? It’s true. As the New York Post reports: “The first lady’s appearance on ‘The View’ was meant to promote her new children’s book, ‘Willow the White House Cat,’ which is slated for release on June 4. ‘It’s about the cat’s-eye view, from behind the scenes, about all the wonderful people that work in the White House,’ she said. ‘I wanted to say thank you to them for their acts of kindness because I think acts of kindness really matter in life.’”

It’s rich, isn’t it? Jill Biden calling a former president “evil” and talking about how “acts of kindness really matter in life.”

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MLB, Negro Leagues Rewrite the Record Books

To assuage guilt over Major League Baseball’s discriminatory past, the league is changing history that cannot be changed.

Thomas Gallatin

Until someone invents a time machine, the prospect of changing history will remain outside the realm of possibilities. In the meantime, however, the woke contagion that has been negatively impacting our nation for the last few years will continue its course.

America’s original sin, its greatest historical blight, is its treatment of blacks. They entered the nation as slaves, held in that state until the bloody War Between the States ended the practice, and then were subjected to racial discrimination for nearly a century afterward. It is a shameful stain on our national history, especially so because America was founded upon the principle of the equality of every human being; as the Declaration of Independence articulates, “All men are created equal … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” But blacks were denied those rights.

Thankfully, all Americans today enjoy equal rights protected by law. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the legal racial discrimination against blacks. And we as a nation rightly celebrate this process of becoming more fully the nation the Founders set out to build.

As noted above, history is history; it cannot be changed, no matter how shameful or embarrassing it may be for us today. Furthermore, we cannot right the wrongs of the past. However, we can learn from the mistakes of the past to avoid repeating them.

The problem with today’s woke ideology is not that it recognizes the sins of the past; it’s that it seeks to transfer the guilt of those sins onto those living today who are wholly innocent of them. The big irony is that in doing so, those advocating this woke ideology are actually engaging in promoting the very same spirit of racial prejudice and hatred they claim to be so offended by.

So, what does all this have to do with Major League Baseball?

Well, MLB has announced that it has incorporated all the Negro Leagues’ stats and records into those of MLB. This move follows a decision in 2020 to officially recognize all the Negro Leagues from 1920 through 1948, of which there were seven, as Major Leagues.

By doing so, the historical records of MLB were shaken up quite a bit. One of the biggest changes is that Josh Gibson, who never played in the MLB, now tops the record book with a career batting average of .372, supplanting Ty Cobb (.367). Gibson also tops the all-time slugging average, dropping Babe Ruth to second. Furthermore, Gibson now tops the MLB for the highest single-season batting average in Major League history at .466.

There is no question that Gibson was a great player. He deserved to and would have played in the MLB had the league not discriminated against blacks.

But the trouble is, Gibson never played in the MLB. Was it an injustice? Certainly, but this injustice cannot be remedied by now, nearly 80 years after he played, artificially incorporating his stats into the MLB record books as if he had played.

He never faced MLB pitching, so the comparison between him and Cobb or Ruth is flawed. We don’t know, nor can we ever know, what Gibson’s career numbers would have been had he played his entire career alongside the best white players of the day. And this is, indeed, a shame. And the same goes for all the Negro League players.

Recognizing their contribution to history, it took these great athletes years to prove they were just as good and oftentimes better than many players in the MLB of their day. This allowed them to be taken seriously and for Jackie Robinson to break through the color barrier in 1947. But even more so, these Negro League players played baseball for the love of the game. It wasn’t about the stats.

Ironically, Major League Baseball is attempting to rewrite history rather than recognize it. Will there be an asterisk next to Gibson’s name, noting that he never played a game in MLB? Or put another way, what would Cobb’s numbers have looked like if he played his career in the Negro Leagues? There is no way to answer these questions, and baseball’s actions actually do an injustice to history in order to placate people’s feelings today.

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Tragic Deaths of Missionaries in Haiti

The purpose of missionaries in the face of very palpable heartache.

Emmy Griffin

Haiti has been in a dangerous downward spiral that culminated with the assassination of its president in 2021 and the ensuing power struggle. Rival bloodthirsty gangs have taken over blocks of cities and are stealing resources belonging to the Haitian people. Residents are in desperate need of help and the Rule of Law. Haiti is not a safe place, and the people there are in turmoil.

These are exactly the people who need the love of Jesus the most, and so brave missionaries have been continuing the work that God has commanded them to do. Sadly, Davy Lloyd, Natalie Lloyd, and Jude Montis were killed by gangs not two weeks ago after being ambushed on their way back from a church activity. The missionary trio worked for Missions in Haiti Inc., an Oklahoma-based missions group started by Davy’s parents in 2000. Davy and Natalie were a young married couple who had been full-time missionaries in Haiti since 2022. Jude was the group’s country director.

Missions in Haiti Inc. focuses on caring for children, particularly the orphaned, by providing them with an education, protecting them from gangs, breaking the cycle of poverty, and teaching them about Christ.

In the face of tragedy, one always sees the very best in people and the very worst in people. A prime place where one sees humanity’s worst is on social media. Controversy arose over the news of these tragic deaths. Some question why these missionaries were even in Haiti considering the level of chaos. Others condemn missionaries altogether as “colonizers” who “traffic” these children and sow evil as they go. Then there are those asking why there was even a need for missionaries in Haiti if the country identifies as 90% Christian.

To adequately answer these questions, we need to start with Jesus’s words in Matthew 28:18-20, commonly called The Great Commission: “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” We are called to make disciples of all nations.

But why? 1 John 4:19-21 sums that up as well: “We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.”

Why do missionaries go to places where there is turmoil, death, destruction, and dysfunction? Because missionaries love God and want to love others in tangible ways. Also, that is where people need help and the comfort of the good news that faithful followers of Jesus share. If not us, then who? The answer is very often no one.

Is being a missionary a form of “colonizing”? No. In the first place, colonization, as it is categorized by hacks today, places people of white skin color in the wrong and people of color in the right. It is refuted very simply by the fact that not all missionaries are white.

Finally, why serve in Haiti when it is ostensibly majority Christian? Well, the nation may claim to be Christian, but many Haitians practice Voodoo, which borrows ideas from Catholic teachings but is, in fact, demonic. The fact that there is so much turmoil there with the diaspora of gangs speaks to the need for evangelism.

The loss of Davy Lloyd, Natalie Lloyd, and Jude Montis does not diminish God’s work, nor does it reflect poorly on those whose lives were lost. They died serving God and loving others. If anything, this episode highlights Haiti’s deep and abiding need for God’s intervention to help heal the country.

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Is Anyone Above the Law? No, But…

Big Brother is doing much more than just watching you.

Jack DeVine

The culmination of the first of the Trump “lawfare” trials marked a frightening new direction for our country.

Make no mistake: My angst is not about Donald Trump or his 2024 presidential election prospects. Every American — left, right, or center and regardless of political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, or age — should be disgusted at what we just saw and very concerned about where it will lead.

The trial and its verdict were an ominous demonstration of what our government, either state or federal, can do to anyone and at any time if it chooses.

Bad government actors can take an alleged misdemeanor five years past its statute of limitations and turn it into 34 felony counts. They can convene a grand jury and convince it to deliver an indictment. They can arrange a trial in a favorable location with a prosecution-friendly jury pool. They can select a biased and conflicted judge who can direct the entire show (an apt term) to its desired conclusion — in effect, side-stepping the constitutional guarantee to every citizen of a fair trial.

Through it all, they can insist that “no one is above the law.” Sure.

And if you think our government will only target big-wig, wealthy presidential candidates, think again. Consider, for example, the plight of the approximately 1,400 Americans arrested for J6 involvement, in many cases for nothing more threatening than being there, and recognize that many of the nearly 1,000 already convicted agreed to a guilty plea as their only way of avoiding the certainty of far more severe punishment should they resist.

Violent protesters, J6 or otherwise, deserve punishment. But many of these defendants are nothing more than convenient bit players in the administration’s J6 “insurrection” narrative. Ah, but don’t forget: no one is above the law.

Here are a few other gloomy observations on the heels of this disgraceful show:

1.) The visceral hatred shown by so many people to our former president and their absolute glee that they “finally got him” are profoundly disturbing. Since 2016, I’ve written dozens of columns critical of Donald Trump, and Trump’s words and actions have provided much to criticize. But it’s not unusual for me to get responses to those columns casually asserting that Trump should have been jailed years ago (for what?).

On the Republican side, we’re already hearing from some who now can’t wait until the Hunter Biden trial in two weeks — as if punishment of that pathetic character will somehow balance the score.

One thing for sure is that this sorry episode will exacerbate the already sky-high partisanship that poisons all aspects of political and social interactions among Americans. We must find a way to turn down the heat.

2.) It is unclear how Trump’s guilty verdict will affect the election. It may give the Biden team the boost they’ve been searching for (their obvious objective in launching this lawfare mess in the first place), or it might electrify and expand the Trump support base. We’ll see.

But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that this nutty indictment and trial, and the others on the way, constitute the most severe election interference in American history. They will affect the 2024 election, they will preclude any possibility that the election will be viewed as fair and transparent (no matter who wins), and they will open the door to more of the election denial that followed the 2020 election.

3.) Perhaps most astonishing is that this first installment of 2024 government lawfare (and probably not unlike the ones to follow) is so blatantly improper — an in-your-face exercise of raw political power by our own government to let us know who’s boss. They make no effort to hide it. It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience — with a wink, a nod, and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American due process.

The conservative media labels like “show trial” and “kangaroo court” are not far off the mark. Meanwhile, our left-leaning media nod approvingly, pretend to present thoughtful, expert day-by-day analysis, and periodically toss in that tiresome reminder that no one is above the law.

Anyone with a smidgen of objectivity can see this trial for the politically motivated disgrace that it is. (OK, you don’t have to admit it out loud — but you KNOW it’s true.)

Recently, my wife and I attended a graduation ceremony at Parris Island, SC, for a company of U.S. Marine Corps recruits who have successfully met the challenges of the famously arduous USMC training. I could not help but wonder if our nation is still living up to its bargain with these young men and women committed to go into harm’s way on our behalf.

On that score, we’ve got a lot of work to do.

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For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.


Jordan Candler


“After careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict. They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. … It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.” —Joe Biden

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“The justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It’s as simple as that.” —Joe Biden

Belly Laugh of the Day

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed.” —Joe Biden

Can’t Fix Stupid

“Trump’s attacks on US justice system after his conviction could be used by autocrats, say experts.” —Associated Press

The BIG Lie

“Campaigns do NOT work with media to pay off sources to suppress stories. It is not normal. It does not happen.” —MSNBC’s Jen Psaki


“Putting Trump on trial will change the court system forever. From now on, using the justice system as a weapon to go after an ex-president or your future political opponents will be fair game.” —Michael Reagan

For the Record

“It’s hard to believe, but our ‘news’ media think Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife hanging a flag upside-down outside their home for a few days is a much more serious matter than an attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2022.” —Tim Graham


“Deterrence has failed. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea act with impunity, confident that President Joe Biden will acquiesce in or react incompetently to their misdeeds. In this environment, where Biden’s passivity and ineptitude entice aggression, there is no painless way to restore America’s edge. We will have to pay in either blood or in treasure. I choose treasure. Better to avoid direct intervention by scaring your enemies with overwhelming strength than to fight them directly at the cost of American lives.” —Matthew Continetti

Follow Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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For more of today’s memes, visit the Memesters Union.



For more of today’s cartoons, visit the Cartoons archive.

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Cartoons and Memes · June 3, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Nation in Maps

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Adapting the Rule

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Legendary Actor and Snowflake

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Robert’s Friends?

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Says Right Here

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Above the Law, Exhibit A

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Don’t Worry, Guys

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Good Father?

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Throw It In Reverse!

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Bit Gooey In There

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Nailed It, Jill

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Going Home

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Humans Aren’t Ready

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Let’s Not Go Left

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Politicians Make Promises

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Happy Little Prince

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Told You So

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What Makes Us Human

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Israel Against Peace Deal, IDF Defeating Hamas | CBN NewsWatch – June 3, 2024 – YouTube

After President Biden makes a speech about ending the Gaza war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel’s conditions haven’t changed- including the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities and freeing all hostages, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says Israel will keep fighting until Hamas is destroyed, as Israeli forces push deeper into Rafah; Chris Mitchell talks about the key issues in any deal between Israel and Hamas, Israeli military successes in Gaza, the Israeli public’s support for the war, how long the war might last, and more; how heavy seas damaged the temporary pier off Gaza built to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, and the high cost of that aid; some Congressional Republicans want to retaliate for the trial and guilty verdicts against former President Trump, while his campaign rakes in a massive fundraising windfall; how cyberattacks threaten the US health care system; and veterans of D-Day honored in France as the 80th anniversary of the historic invasion approaches later this week.

Want more news from a Christian Perspective? Choose to support CBN:

https://go.cbn.com/ugWBnCBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Good or Bad Economy? | VCY

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Kerby Anderson

Michael Barone is a political analyst and best known as the principal author of The Almanac of American Politics. He has been writing about the disconnect between the left-leaning media and the typical American voter. He cites one writer for The Atlantic who argues that the Biden years have seen “the strongest economy the United States has ever experienced.” Her suggestion is that voters are not knowledgeable or sophisticated enough to understand how the economy is doing great.

His response is to point you to a pair of charts that were recently published in the Wall Street Journal. The two writers say the best way to compare two presidencies is to look at net worth. The first chart shows that net worth under Trump was a little better than under Biden.

The second chart then takes inflation into account. The red line (Trump) increases but has some dips along the way because of factors like the pandemic and lockdowns. The blue line (Biden) has a brief increase in net worth and then turns negative for the rest of his time in office.

Rebecca Downs also addresses the disconnect between the media and voters by citing an article in Axios. The article cites a Harris poll showing that more than half of Americans (56%) believe the US is in a recession and then confidently says they are all wrong.

It is true that according to the traditional definition, the country is not currently in a recession. But there is a reason why the latest polls show that most Americans (70%) say the cost of living is their biggest economic concern and why most (68%) also say inflation is an important issue.

Pundits and politicians can point to low unemployment and increasing wage growth. But the American people don’t feel these few positive economic indicators in their pocketbooks.

viewpoints new web version

Now it’s Hunter’s Turn | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/03/24) – YouTube

Today’s 20-min top headline news brief includes:
0:17} -Hunter Biden felony gun trial begins.
0:58] -Trump raises boatloads of money and joins Tik Tok
1:22] -Newsmax’s Greg Kelly: “They do anything not to talk about the real headlines.” [Greg Kelly Reports]
5:09] – “President Trump, you’re the man and I’m donating to your campaign!” – UFC fighters and audience rally around the former President.
5:28] -Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj believes the rule of law can no longer be trusted. [Sunday Agenda]
7:42] -Iowa Senator Joni Ernst: “Conviction has voters flocking to Trump.” [America Right Now]
10:33] -NY Congressman Anthony D’Esposito: Hopefully New Yorkers will vote Alvin Bragg out. [Saturday Report]

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Joe Biden’s Fingerprints Are All Over The Criminal Prosecutions Of Donald Trump

Joe Biden

Joe Biden and those seeking to ensure his re-election have their hands all over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of the former president.

Prepping Your Kids for Pride Month by Amy Davison | Truthbomb

 In October 2021, Brian Auten and I interviewed “Mama Bear” Hillary Morgan Ferrer about her book, Mama Bears Guide to Sexuality.  You can find that interview here.

In this featured post, Mama Bear Amy Davison offers some practically ways to equip your children to think about and discuss Pride Month.  

She writes:

“For the past month, our local stores have been gradually stocking gear for the next holiday: Pride Month. Rainbows have become the pumpkin spice of late spring. Your toddler can now rock a trans rights tee-shirt. Even Mittens the cat can have an oh-so-fabulous scratchpad to boast their owner’s pride. Cuz nothin’ says equality like commercialism.The influx of over-priced swag might catch some parents off guard. But we here at Mama Bear know that this can be a great teaching moment to discern truth before the parades assemble. So, let’s take a quick look at the top slogans you and your children are going to see during Pride Month.”

The slogans that Davison considers include:

  • “Love is love”
  • “Everyone welcome”
  • “Equality”
  • “Love Wins”

You can checkout this helpful resource here.

To learn more about Mama Bear Apologetics, go here.

Courage and Godspeed,


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How America changed its mind on gay marriage | Denison Forum

Hand holding a LGBTQ flag at pride festival. By teksomolika/stock.adobe.com.

In 1989, neuropsychologist Marshall Kirk and advertising executive Hunter Madsen joined their psychological and marketing expertise to chart a game plan to make same-sex marriage the law (and sentiment) of the land:

  • Focus on the normalization of homosexuality.
  • Identify churches that can be manipulated to promote homosexuality and the idea that gays are victims.
  • Convince Americans that the issue is anti-discrimination, not gay rights.
  • Reclaim or invent a noble history of gay people.
  • Caricature opponents of gay marriage as hateful.

Their book became a seminal reading for gay activists. And their game plan worked. According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans opposed same-sex marriage in 1996; today, 71 percent support it.

Now activists have an entire “Pride Month” in which to pursue their four-fold strategynormalize LGBTQ behavior, legalize it, stigmatize those who oppose their agenda, and criminalize such opposition.

Meanwhile, evangelicals like me will be writing articles like this one seeking to counter their strategy. Why?

After all, we live in a free country where legislated morality is typically defined as keeping us from harming each other. If people want to live in same-sex relations, “transition” their gender, or otherwise identify with LGBTQ ideology, what harm are they causing others? What business is it of mine?

Is my opposition, at its root, not homophobic discrimination?

Three defensible reasons to oppose Pride Month

There are three reasons evangelicals oppose Pride Month agendas that are defensible, and one reason that is not.

One: We genuinely believe LGBTQ lifestyles harm those who practice them.

The Cass Report is just one example of recent research demonstrating that “gender-affirming therapies” are often damaging to those who experience them. We are likewise alarmed about legislation limiting (and even criminalizing) parental engagement with regard to “transitioning” children. And we are concerned about the unfairness of biological men competing in women’s sports. These are just a few of the many reasons we believe we are “speaking the truth in love” on this issue (Ephesians 4:15).

Two: We believe that rejecting biblical morality threatens our future as a nation.

We must keep God’s covenant to experience its blessings (cf. Psalm 132:12). This is not legalism: obedience positions us to receive God’s best for us. By contrast, a holy Father cannot reward sin without committing sin and encouraging that which harms us (cf. Isaiah 27:11; Joel 3). “The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17), but “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lᴏʀᴅ” (Psalm 33:12).

Three: We are alarmed by the rising assault on religious freedom.

Recent legislation requiring schools to open girls’ bathrooms to biological boys is just one example of ways LGBTQ advocates seek to force compliance regardless of religious disagreement or freedom. As Judge Ken Starr warned, religious liberty and the separation of church and state are increasingly in crisis today.

Americans are starting to enjoy hating each other

Here is the indefensible reason for opposing Pride Month ideology: viewing its advocates as our enemies. When we caricature or slander Pride Month advocates, we forfeit our ability to be used by the God who “is” love (1 John 4:8) and adopt the manipulative methods of our broken culture.

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan warns that Americans across our partisan divides are beginning to enjoy hating each other. There’s a reason for this. As a political science expert once explained to me, you can get people to vote for you if you do three things:

  1. Convince them they have an enemy.
  2. Convince them they cannot defeat their enemy.
  3. Convince them you will defeat their enemy if they vote for you.

Weaponizing opposition also works for fund-raising, marketing, and other forms of public persuasion. And it is a strategy Christians must refuse at every turn.

We are called to share God’s word with compassion rather than condemnation. For example, Paul had to expose and respond to sexual immorality in the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 5), but he then explained his motive: “I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you” (2 Corinthians 2:4).

“Abundant love” should motivate everything we say and do as well.

“The greatness of Christian exiles”

As Pride Month begins, it is easy to become discouraged about the direction of our broken culture. But the God who redeems all he allows wants to use the challenges of this present world to remind us that this world is not our home. We are “strangers and exiles on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13) whose “citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). Thus we should say, “Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come” (Hebrews 13:14).

When I lived in East Malaysia as a college summer missionary, I sought its welfare and wanted the best for its people (cf. Jeremiah 29:7), but I did not feel its problems viscerally as my own. That’s because I knew this “foreign” country was not my true home. At the time, I thought my true home was America.

Now I know better.

John Piper is right:

The greatness of Christian exiles is not success but service. Whether we win or lose, we witness the way of truth, beauty, and joy. We don’t own culture, and we don’t rule it. We serve it with brokenhearted joy and longsuffering mercy, for the good of man and the glory of Jesus Christ.

Whom will you serve with “brokenhearted joy and longsuffering mercy” today?

NOTE: As Denison Forum celebrates 15 impactful years, we have a special opportunity for you to double your impact. A generous donor has offered a Matching Grant, and any gift you give now through July 12 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $70,000. Please give now to help reach our $550,000 Summer Campaign goal — and help transform more lives with Christ-centered content.

Monday news to know:

Quote for the day:

“The deepest reason why the Church is weak and the world is dying is that there are not enough saints. No, that’s not quite honest. The reason is that WE are not saints.” —Peter Kreeft

The post How America changed its mind on gay marriage appeared first on Denison Forum.

During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called “Bidenvilles” | The Economic Collapse

To those at the bottom of America’s economic pyramid, it feels like the economy has already collapsed.  When you can’t afford to put a roof over your head and you barely have enough food to eat, nothing else really matters.  During the Great Depression of the 1930s, millions of homeless Americans created large shantytowns known as “Hoovervilles” all over America.  Unfortunately, we are witnessing the same thing today.  Our homeless population is rapidly exploding, and those that have nowhere to live are creating shelters for themselves out of wood, cardboard boxes, tents, tarps, construction materials and whatever else they can find.  In some cases, very large shantytown communities are being established, and they are primarily populated by our young adults

During the Great Depression (1929 to 1933), 48 percent of the nation was homeless, living with relatives or in “shantytowns,” “Hoovervilles.”  Today, between 47 and 52 percent of young adults are homeless, living with parents or shelters, a direct result of Biden’s radical overspending, energy and immigration policies, inflation, and high interest, turning America into a giant “Bidenville.”

One “Bidenville” that has been getting a lot of attention recently is located in Oakland, California.

A video of that “Bidenville” that was posted on social media on May 31st shows “massive temporary houses built along service roads”

Shocking footage has emerged showing a gigantic ‘shantytown’ that has sprung up in Oakland, as the California city’s slide into crime-ravaged squalor continues.

Michael Oxford, the host of CaliBased, posted a video on May 31 of massive temporary houses built along service roads that open up into main roads in Hooverville, Oakland.

The footage showed trash strewn around scores of houses that were built of wood, tarp and other discarded materials.

I write about this stuff all the time, but it is still hard to believe that so many people are living in third world conditions in the United States of America in 2024.

The man that shot the video, Michael Oxford, used the term “absolute squalor” to describe the conditions that he witnessed…

Particularly shocking was just how large the ‘shantytown’ is, with a lengthy stretch of road in the Bay Area city covered with the makeshift dwellings.

Oxford could be heard calling the area a ‘shantytown’ that is ‘absolutely mindboggling,’ as he remarked how ‘insane it is that [city officials] allow this.’

He captioned the video, ‘Parts of Oakland are worse than a third world country. They just allow people to live in absolute squalor, wherever they choose.

If you live in “wealthy America”, you may never even drive into areas where people are living like this.

Your reality may be filled with tree-lined streets and rich people sipping coffee.

But in the worst areas of Oakland, the lawlessness never ends.

In fact, authorities in Oakland recently removed traffic lights at one major intersection and replaced them with stop signs because thieves were constantly stealing copper wire from the electrical boxes

The city of Oakland recently removed traffic lights from one busy intersection and replaced them with stop signs after the electrical boxes that controlled the traffic lights were repeatedly tampered with and copper from them was stolen.

Local residents and those who own businesses in the area say the issue with the traffic lights stems from the nearby homeless encampment, which has grown over the years.

The owner of a vehicle repair shop on the corner of the intersection, Tam Le, said the city is signaling that it is ‘giving up on us,’ by installing the stop signs.

If you want someone to blame for this mess, you can blame the politicians in Washington.

Thanks to the horrific inflation that they have created, approximately a quarter of the population in California is either living in poverty or is very close to living in poverty…

Biden needn’t worry about losing California to Trump, but it has one of the nation’s highest rates of inflation, according to Moody’s Analytics, worsening its already outlandishly high costs of housing and other living expenses. It’s the biggest factor in California having the highest level of functional poverty of any state, 13.2% according to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 50% higher than the national rate.

The Public Policy Institute of California, using similar statistical methodology, has found that a quarter of Californians are either living in poverty or financially close. More recently, the PPIC has explored the impact of inflation, especially on California families which struggle to pay for housing, food and other necessities.

Sadly, this is just the beginning, because our economy is going downhill really fast.

In May, pending home sales plunged to a depressingly low level

Well, the analysts had the direction right but magnitude was way off as pending home sales plunged 7.7% MoM – the biggest drop since Feb 2021 (and below the lowest estimate), leaving sales down 0.7% YoY…

This is the 29th straight month of YoY declines for non-seasonally-adjusted pending home sales.

This MoM decline pushed the Pending Home Sales Index back to record lows…

Meanwhile, Zero Hedge reported that the Chicago PMI index fell so low in May that it suggested that “the economy is in a depression”…

After unexpectedly slumping last month to 37.9, the Chicago PMI index cratered even more unexpectedly in May, when it defied hopes of a rebound to 41.5, and instead tumbled even more, sliding to a cycle low of 35.4 which was not only below the lowest estimate, but was staggeringly low. To get a sense of just how low, the last two times it printed here was during the peak of the covid and global financial crises…

… which seems to suggest that at least according to Chicago-based purchasing managers, the economy is in a depression.

I would agree with that assessment.

Things are getting really bad out there.

To top everything off, in May the Dallas Fed Services Sector survey was in contraction territory for the 24th month in a row

Despite Bernstein and Biden demanding the great unwashed realize just how great they have it in America, this morning’s Dallas Fed Services Sector survey offers some insights from actual real people in the actual real world trying to do actual real business… and it’s not pretty.

For two straight years (24 straight months), the Texas Services sector has been in contraction (below zero) with May’s -12.1 print worse than expected. For context, the Great Recession of 2008/2009 also saw 24 straight months of negative prints…

But if you live in “wealthy America”, you may not care about these numbers because you still live in a nice home and you still have plenty of nice things.

Unfortunately, the number of people that can afford to live in “wealthy America” is shrinking with each passing day.

And the gap between the wealthy and the rest of us just continues to get larger and larger.

Ultimately, the stage is being set for a societal meltdown of absolutely epic proportions.

The bottom 50 percent of the population only owns just 2.6 percent of all the wealth, and they are becoming very restless.

When people have nothing left to lose, they become very desperate, and very desperate people do very desperate things.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called “Bidenvilles” appeared first on The Economic Collapse.