The Chosen creator, Dallas Jenkins, ends a business partnership with a Mormon-owned company over broken agreements | Christian Research Network

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) If I were a gloater, I’d be gloating over the news that creator/writer/director of The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, has parted company with Mormon owned Angel Studios. The Angel Studios (AS) team was involved for 8 years in producing the series.  AS never hid the fact that they are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints a.k.a Mormons. Since Dallas Jenkins is a professing Christian, he entered into a business venture fully aware that he was going against God. In 2 Cor 6:14-15 Paul makes it clear that believers are not to partnership with Belial:

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?  What accord has Christ with Belial?  Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?  What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God.

When I first got wind of the unholy business venture, I laid out all my concerns in Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen’ as the creator of the series declares? The answer to my question is No! Why? Because Dallas Jenkins chose to ignore what God’s Word clearly teaches and when those of us in discernment hoisted the warning flag, he dug in his heels even going so far as to declare that Mormons are saved. Jenkins let the opposition know that he considers Mormons his brothers and sisters and said on a radio broadcast: “I’m going to die on the hill of, we love the same Jesus, and we want the same Jesus known to the world.”

Yep. He actually uttered those words.

The Movie God Made

Jenkins makes the claim that God is the one behind The Chosen. God directly spoke to him while he was mowing the lawn and said, “I want you to make movies for me and for the church.” Jenkins asserts that he felt God speaking to him 3-4 times in his life. He says God laid on his heart that “this will be the definitive portrayal of My people and this is what people are going to think of around the world when they think of My people. And I’m not going to let you screw it up.”

Dallas Jenkins’ claim that God said that He’s not going to let him “screw it up,” was not from God. We know this because Dallas did screw it up royally when he chose to partnership with a pseudo-Christian cult.

In the article linked above, I revealed the following:

According to Mormon Doctrine subtitled “A Compendium of the Gospel” page 163, Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers and we were all born as siblings in heaven to them both. To identify the Lord Jesus Christ and Satan as “spirit brothers” is blasphemy.

One Mormon leader said the following when asked what he believes about Jesus:

In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ.’ ‘No, I don’t. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak’” (LDS Church News, week ending June 20, 1998, p.7)

Dallas Breaks The Yoke

A statement released by Angel Studios states the following:

Sadly, The Chosen, Inc has terminated its agreement with Angel Studios. We hope that one day the agreement may be restored. The team at Angel Studios is so happy we were able to be instrumental in the founding of The Chosen and thrilled our long hours of hard work over the last 8 years helped it become the worldwide success it is.

Angel Studios has removed all references from The Chosen from their website.

Following is Protista’s report:

Dallas Jenkins has announced that he and The Chosen have formally cut ties with Angel Studios, the Mormon media conglomerate that helped create, fund, and distribute the hit TV show, after an arbiter found multiple material breaches of contract on behalf of the studio. The ruling allows The Chosen to terminate their contract, part ways for good, and manage and distribute the show as they see fit and in a way that is economically sustainable, but will do little to offset other controversies Dallas and the show have been involved in.

While Angel Studios (then known as Vidcom) helped launch the show in 2017, The Chosen entered into a new license agreement and contract with them in 2022. Shortly thereafter, they accused Angel of monkeying around and breaching their contract, causing the latter to seek a termination.

Disagreements and legal wrangling over the show have impacted its release schedule, resulting in long delays between seasons – three seasons in five years. Rather than sue, however, Dallas and his team entered arbitration, which recently ruled in his favor. Dallas explained in a live stream:

Our contention is that shortly after the agreement (in 2022) Angel studios breached our contract on multiple occasions to the extent that we believed and should be terminated which would dissolve our relationship with Angel.

Angel, of course, disagrees with that assessment, and ultimately the only way to solve the dispute was to exercise the provision in the contract where we engaged a third party arbitrator. We wanted to solve this in a biblical way, which was to not make it a public spectacle. Private arbitration was the only way to do this in a way that didn’t harm the show or the reputation of Jesus and this project.

Notice that the reputation of the Lord Jesus was mentioned aftertheir concerns with harming the show. AS did not give Him top billing, as He deserves. And speaking of reputations, Dallas Jenkins’s reputation will surely take a hit since he made it a point to tell the public that God directly spoke these words to him: “I want you to make movies for me and for the church” and then for reasons known only to him, he chose to partnership with Belial, even though God’s inspired Word says, “What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?”


CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as Dallas Jenkins.

— Read on

3 thoughts on “The Chosen creator, Dallas Jenkins, ends a business partnership with a Mormon-owned company over broken agreements | Christian Research Network

    1. Truth2Freedom Post author

      Not sure 🤔 about that but he’s definitely compromised the Christian faith.


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