Daily Archives: June 6, 2024

June 8 – When the Lord Brought Back the Captives … | VCY

  1 Kings 3:3-4:34
  Acts 6:1-15
  Psalm 126:1-6
  Proverbs 16:26-27

1 Kings 3:9 — May we pray for wisdom as well! Too often people pray only for health, wealth, and prosperity. God wants to give us all that, but He first wants to give us wisdom. Also, if we don’t walk in God’s ways, we’re not getting the fringe benefits (1 Kings 3:14).

1 Kings 4:21 — Solomon’s reign seems impressive but … as Samuel warned in 1 Samuel 8:14-15 … the king will take your fields, your vineyards, your olive groves, your grain, your vintage, and more! While prosperity is fun, it is also expensive (1 Kings 12:4).

1 Kings 4:25 — This verse contains one of George Washington’s favorite phrases: “Every man under his vine and under his fig tree.” George Tsakiridis explains:

“Under their vine and fig tree” is a phrase quoted in the Hebrew Scriptures in three different places: Micah 4:4, 1 Kings 4:25, and Zechariah 3:10. George Washington used this phrase multiple times in correspondence throughout his life, and one can find Washington reference it almost fifty times …

The phrase refers to the independence of the peasant farmer who is freed from military oppression. In the biblical passage there is a juxtaposition of the simple life with that of royalty or the state. Thus, it would seem that Washington’s use of “vine and fig tree” in its full context would be an appropriate message in the setting of the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.


1 Kings 4:26 — Solomon is violating Deuteronomy 17:16.

Acts 6:10 — Stephen’s job description was to “serve tables” (Acts 6:2), but he spoke with wisdom and the Spirit. They charged him (Acts 6:14) with the same charge they attacked Jesus with in Mark 14:58.

Psalm 126:1-3 – From former Vice President Mike Pence:

It was an amazing moment I’ll never forget… when three Americans stepped onto the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews and gave me a signed personal note with Psalm 126 on the back.

“When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion … The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

To these men of faith and courage – God bless you and welcome home!

Psalm126:6 — Spurgeon has a great outline:

  • A sojourning: “He that now goeth on his way.”
  • A sorrowing: “weeping.”
  • A sowing: “and beareth forth good seed.”

In the regress, there are three opposites to these:

  • Returning: “He shall doubtless come again.”
  • Rejoicing: “with joy.”
  • Reaping: “and bring his sheaves with him.”

John Hume

Proverbs 16:26 — From Barnes’ Notes on the Whole Bible:

He that laboreth – literally, as in the margin, i. e., “The desire of the laborer labors for him” (or, helps him in his work), “for his mouth urges him on.” Hunger of some kind is the spring of all hearty labor. Without that the man would sit down and take his ease. So also, unless there is a hunger in the soul, craving to be fed, there can be no true labor after righteousness and wisdom (compare Matthew 5:6).

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Why Do I Still Sin Even When I’m a Christian?

If we have a relationship with Jesus, why do we still suffer? Why do we still sin?

Director of Theology and Research at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Updated Jun 06, 2024

Why Do I Still Sin Even When I’m a Christian?

If we have a relationship with Jesus, why do we still suffer?
Why do we still sin?
What does the process of “sanctification” actually look like?
In this short teaching video, Dr. Joel Muddamalle answers these questions through the lens of the popular verse: 

“I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” – Romans 7:15 (NLT)


6 June 2024 News Briefing

Iran and its proxies will stage all-out attack in two years, Liberman says
The State of Israel must understand that Iran is planning an all-out attack within two years, of the entire axis of evil against the State of Israel,” Avigdor Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu Party, warned on Monday. The “coordinated and synchronized attack” would emanate from Iran and its proxies: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Shi’ite militias operating in Iraq and Syria, and the Houthis in Yemen, the former defense minister told 103FM radio hosts Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad.

Switzerland rejects Palestinian state recognition
Switzerland’s House of Representatives rejected a motion on Tuesday to recognize Palestinian statehood by a vote of 131-61, with two abstentions. The motion was put forward by National Council member Fabian Molina of the Social Democratic Party, with the support of the Greens. It called for the recognition of “Palestine” on the condition that the Israeli hostages kidnapped during the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7 be released.

‘It’s Us or Them’: Prospect of Israel-Hezbollah War Rises as Iran-Backed Terrorists Ramp Up Drone Strikes
An explosives-laden drone launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon injured 11 people in a northern Israeli town on Wednesday, further raising the specter of a new front opening amid rapidly escalating tensions between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group.

IAEA board passes resolution censuring Iran
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) 35-nation Board of Governors on Wednesday passed a resolution calling on Iran to step up cooperation with the organization and reverse its recent barring of inspectors despite concerns Tehran would respond with atomic escalation, Reuters reported.

Ben Gvir declares ‘Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are ours’ amid Flag March unrest
Ben Gvir said, “I came back here, for one thing, to convey a message to Hamas…This is our Jerusalem, Our Damascus Gate, our Temple Mount!”

Netanyahu: Israel ready for ‘intense action in the north’
“We said, at the start of the war that we would restore security in both the south and the north, and this is what we are doing,” the premier said at a lookout point in the city after earlier being briefed by commanders at the IDF’s Gibor base.

Jew Wears Tefillin on Temple Mount
Michael Pua managed to enter the Temple Mount compound with a concealed set of Tefillin. While walking around the site, Pua put the tefillin on his head and arm and continued his circuit of the holy site unhindered.

DM Gallant says end of war must not include Hamas rule, government ‘advancing alternative to Hamas’ 
“In any process of ending the war, we will not accept the rule of Hamas,” Gallant stated.

Iran vows revenge after alleged Israeli strike kills first Iranian in Syria since escalation in April
Israel “should await Iran’s response” the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps threatened on Wednesday, after an alleged Israeli strike killed a high-ranking IRGC member in Syria for the first time since the death of a senior IRGC general in Syria in April.

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy
In a social media post Tuesday, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò accused Pope Francis of wanting to “normalize sodomy,” “destroy” the priesthood and “promote the synodal transition from the Mass to celebrations without a priest.”

Putin warns that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets
President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their arms to attack Russian territory. Putin also reaffirmed Moscow’s readiness to use nuclear weapons if it sees a threat to its sovereignty.

Record highs expected to fall as Southwest US bakes in first heat wave of season earlier than usual
Forecasters say temperatures are likely to top 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius) in some areas by Thursday.

Israeli minister threatens to ‘hit Palestinians hard’ during Jerusalem Flag March
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said on 4 June that during the upcoming Flag March through the Muslim quarter of occupied Jerusalem to the Temple Mount, “we need to hit them where it’s most important to them.”

Israel Bans Academic Program Promoting Demolition of ‘Dome of the Rock’ Mosque
The Israeli Education Ministry decided to remove the “Student for the Temple Mount” group from the academic program in Jewish schools. The group include activists who support the establishment of the “Third Temple” (the Jewish Temple) on the ruins of Omar Mosque (Dome of the Rock in Al Aqsa Mosque)

Severe flooding, large tornado leave 22 people dead and many injured in South Africa’s Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal
Heavy rains and strong winds over the past couple of days have caused severe flooding on South Africa’s eastern coast, leading to at least 22 fatalities. The Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces have been the hardest hit, with thousands evacuated and significant infrastructure damage reported.

Storm chasers find potential record-breaking hailstone in Texas Panhandle
A potentially record-breaking hailstone was found in the Texas Panhandle on Sunday, June 2, 2024, during a severe thunderstorm that also spawned several brief but photogenic tornadoes.

The Hamas Role in the Worst Massacre of Gay People in America
Nearly eight years after a Muslim terrorist committed the largest massacre of gay people in American history, LGBTQ Islamic terror supporters blocked the Philadelphia gay pride parade.

Disney Tops Long List Of Woke Failures With Upcoming Release Of Gay Star Wars Show
A key element of understanding the smooth-brained antics of the woke left is that they are incapable of doing anything “creative” without sexualizing it and politicizing it. Their collective identity revolves around who they lust after, how to virtue signal to the herd, and who is supposedly the most oppressed. Remove these things from their daily lives. and there’s not much left to look at. They could disappear tomorrow along with all of their media products, and the world wouldn’t miss them in the slightest.

‘I’m with God’: Pro-lifer prosecuted by DOJ describes joy facing prison
When 75-year-old Paulette Harlow was sentenced to 24 months in prison on Friday for attempting to dissuade women from getting abortions, she felt thankful—despite her chronic health conditions.

Federal court demands health insurance pay for ALL trans surgeries
A federal appeals court has gone far beyond the text of federal law in pursuit of the political agenda that demands that health insurance policies cover all transgender treatments, including body mutilations that sometimes are done surgically.

Belgium Passes World’s First Law That Gives Prostitutes Pensions And Official Employment Contracts, But Can Force Them To Perform Acts If They Miss Their Quotas 
The Belgium Union of Sex Workers (UTSOPI), which heavily lobbied the government to get this legislation passed, touted the bill on their website as being “necessary for a good balance and a respectful, fair relationship between sex worker and employer.”

Mexico’s First Woman President Is Nothing To Be Celebrated
For everyone who took a fast glance at Mexico’s new president and thought, “Wow, they just elected their first woman president, and she’s Jewish in this climate,” get ready to be disappointed. Claudia Sheinbaum is a woman, but despite her name and heritage, she is definitely not Jewish. The outgoing president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, was a leftist, but Sheinbaum, without guardrails, is so far left she may be in danger of falling off of the earth.

Pushing Back On Pride: Has The Damage Already Been Done To An Entire Generation? 
The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless promotion of pride, perversion, and public displays of hyper-sexualized behavior.

House passes bill that sanctions those who help ICC pursue Israeli officials
The U.S. House of Representatives voted 247 to 155 on Tuesday to pass H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act. Two Republicans voted “present,” and 42 Democrats voted with Republicans for the bill.

Must Watch: Vox Blasts Spain’s Islamic Infiltration and Its Threat to Cultural Values Ahead of European Parliament Elections
In a startling revelation, recent data shows that Spain has seen a more than 400% increase in illegal immigration through the Canary Islands, with Catalonia reporting that over 50% of its prison population now consists of foreign nationals—figures that highlight the urgent need for Vox’s bold stance against rising Islamization.

As drag events face threats, Philly sets record for most attended story time
Philadelphia leaders were on a mission to attract a record-setting number of guests to a drag event kicking off Pride Month, but safety concerns left them wary of promoting the event they hoped would make history.

Trans Actor Elliot Page to Narrate Documentary on Homosexual and Gender-Fluid Animals – Dubbed One of Nature’s ‘Best Kept Secrets’
Transgender actor Elliot Page will narrate and work as an executive producer on a documentary about homosexual and gender-fluid animals. According to a report from Deadline, Page has signed on for Second Nature, which will explore themes of sexuality across the animal world.

Little By Little, The Economy Has Declined To A Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling
It happened so gradually that a lot of people didn’t even realize what was happening.  The cost of living just kept rising faster than paychecks were, and little by little our standard of living just kept going down.  Now we have reached a stage where the ultra-wealthy are thriving but almost everyone else is struggling.  For most people, it is a real fight just to pay the bills from month to month.

Wake Up! The Russians Are NOT Bluffing
Nuclear war is not something we should be gambling with.  In the event of a full-blown nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia, millions of people would die immediately, and hundreds of millions would die during the nuclear winter and global famines that occur in the aftermath.  So nuclear war should be avoided at all costs.

Headlines – 6/6/2024

Swiss parliament votes against recognizing Palestine – Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis opposed the draft decree, explaining that Bern was for a two-state solution in the Middle East

Spain recognizes ‘Palestine’; its diplomats prefer Israel – None of the diplomats currently stationed at the Consulate General in Jerusalem or the embassy in Tel Aviv wish to move from major Israeli cities to the West Bank due to concerns about “quality of life and security.”

Hamas signals post-war ambition in talks with Palestinian rival Fatah

US House passes Republican bill to sanction International Criminal Court over Israel

Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza War

Ex-Israeli Ambassador slams Biden for accusing Netanyahu of extending war to stay in power: ‘Very inappropriate’ from an ally

In Blow to Biden Plan, Hamas Leader Demands Full End to Gaza War

Hostage deal still on the table US says, dismissing Hamas objections

Gallant: Talks will take place ‘under fire’; Haniyeh: No hostages without end to war

Israel: More Than Third of Hostages Not Returned Are Dead

‘March of Rage’: Protesters in Tel Aviv, elsewhere urge implementation of hostage deal

Families of hostages held captive by Hamas ask Biden to stop interfering on behalf of terrorists

Israeli Troops Launch Attacks in Central Gaza, Widening Offensive

IDF destroys UNRWA school revealed to be terrorist hideout

IDF says it struck terrorists hiding in UNRWA school in Gaza; Hamas claims 27 killed

IDF reveals 2 km Hamas tunnel running adjacent to Egypt border crossing in Rafah

Watch: IDF destroys massive Rafah tunnel, finds rocket launchers in Gaza UN post

Mass graves and body bags: al-Shifa hospital after Israel withdrew its forces

IDF to present investigations into failures leading up to Oct. 7 starting next month

Israel police deploy ahead of flashpoint Jerusalem march

Far-right violence, chants of ‘Death to Arabs,’ at Jerusalem Day Flag March in Old City

Ben Gvir boasts of letting Jews pray on Temple Mount; Netanyahu: Status quo unchanged

In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten – The local teachers’ union encourages students to resist “Zionist bullies.”

Anti-Israel protesters arrested for occupying, vandalizing Stanford president’s office

Pro-Palestinian protests push corporate activism limits

PM Netanyahu sues journalists, activist for allegedly spreading ‘lies and falsehoods’ over health

Netanyahu Visits Border with Lebanon as Israel Prepares for War

Netanyahu warns: We’re ready with ‘extremely powerful’ response to Hezbollah attacks

Israel prepared for ‘very intense action’ in north, says Netanyahu after IDF reserves cap raised to 350,000

Hezbollah claims to have hit Iron Dome battery; IDF says unaware of such case

At least 11 people wounded by Hezbollah attack near Hurfeish, Upper Galilee

Syrian man opens fire on US embassy in Beirut ‘in support of Gaza’

Attack on US Embassy in Lebanon foiled, gunman captured after shootout

US Embassy in Lebanon attacker was wearing what ‘appeared’ to be ISIS insignia, State Department says

US Warns Netanyahu Against Major Offensive In Southern Lebanon

Yemen’s Houthis target three vessels in Red Sea and Arabian Sea

Iran vows revenge after alleged Israeli strike kills first Iranian in Syria since escalation in April – Senior IRGC officer killed in northern Syria’s Aleppo

Ex-Israel Defense Boss: Iran Wants ‘Holocaust’ in 2 Years

UN atomic agency passes resolution demanding Iranian cooperation on nuclear program

NATO Ally Turkey Wants to Join China-Led BRICS

Russians Hack Spain Firm Preparing Tanks for Ukraine

Russia Warns US Against ‘Fatal’ Miscalculation in Ukraine

Putin says Russia could use nuclear weapons if its sovereignty or territory was under threat

Putin Warning: Russia Could Give Long-Range Weapons to Others to Strike West

Ukraine Uses US Weapons to Strike Inside Russia, Say Senator, Western Official

Biden ‘Not Ruling Out’ Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

House GOP refers Hunter, James Biden for criminal prosecution for perjury before Congress

Hunter Biden Told Congress He Didn’t Work on Visas for Burisma Boss, but Emails Suggest Otherwise

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Girlfriend Drops Bombshell: ‘Former Sex Worker’ Zoe Kestan Testifies Hunter Allowed Dealers Direct Access to His Bank Account for Withdrawals

Two of Hunter Biden’s exes describe his years of drug abuse

FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Joe Biden Reportedly Unable to Focus on Job Because He is Worried and Obsessed About Hunter Biden Gun Trial

5 recent gaffes by President Biden – Videos capture Biden’s flubs and slip-ups during public events

Ronny Jackson on Biden mental fitness: ‘He’s got significant issues’

‘National security issue’: Ex-WH doctor raises alarms on Biden’s mental health after bombshell report

Matthews: ‘Reasonable to Assume’ if Elected Trump Will Become a Dictator

If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn

Trump Again Floats Prosecution as Payback If He Wins: ‘Very Possible It’s Gonna Have to Happen to Them’

McCabe: DOJ, FBI Folks Worried About Being Thrown in Jail in Second Trump Term

Dr. Phil Calls Out Weaponization of FBI, DoJ: ‘Running the Political Agendas’ of Biden

Trump Calls Democrat Political Prosecution a ‘Terrible Precedent,’ Like ‘Third-World Countries’

Putin Says Courts Are Being Used Against Trump

‘Top Republicans’ Privately Telling CBS Reporter ‘Trump Could Be In Prison’ When He’s Nominated

Mike Huckabee predicts Secret Service would file court motion to keep Trump from going to jail

NYPD preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun after felony conviction in New York

Georgia court of appeals indefinitely pauses the election subversion conspiracy case against Donald Trump

Georgia Court of Appeals Halts Racketeering Case Against Trump until the court decides whether District Attorney Fani Willis

Judge Aileen Cannon rips up court schedule in Mar-a-Lago case in ways that benefit Trump

Hearing Scheduled in Trump’s Classified Documents Case Could Invalidate Jack Smith’s Appointment

Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

FBI Arrests 75-Year-Old Retired NASCAR Driver Tighe Scott and Son on Charges Related to January 6

FBI Whistleblower Who Exposed Agency’s Lies About January 6th Has Security Clearence Reinstated, Will Receive Over Two Years of Back Pay

McConnell accuses Senate Democrats of committing ethics violations in demanding Alito recusal

Alito’s Flag Controversy Foreshadows Contentious US Supreme Court Rulings

Over 500 noncitizens register to vote in local DC elections – only 28 as Republicans

Biden claims ‘there is evidence’ that China is ‘meddling’ in 2024 election

Commentary: Watergate-Style Journalism: The Biggest Threat to Our Democracy

Top news app in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI

Zoom CEO sees AI avatars replacing us in meetings as the future or work

MailOnline chief warns AI tie-ups are not enough to ‘save the industry’

Yellen to warn of ‘significant risks’ of AI in finance while acknowledging ‘tremendous opportunities’

Two more Boeing whistleblowers go public over plane safety: ‘Like a ticking timebomb’

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft sends first astronaut crew to orbit

A Russian cosmonaut becomes the first person to spend 1,000 days in space

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Teluk Dalam, Indonesia

Sabancaya volcano in Peru Erupts to 27,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 21,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Merapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 12,000ft

Large cold lava flow hits Biaknabato village after strong eruption at Kanlaon volcano, Philippines

Atlantic hurricane season off to slowest start in a decade: Will aggressive forecasts still hold?

At least 1 person seriously injured after tornado sweeps through northern DC suburbs

Severe flooding, large tornado leave 22 people dead and many injured in South Africa’s Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal

Earth marks 12 straight months of record heat, a bewildering climate change milestone

World hits streak of record temperatures as UN warns of ‘climate hell’

Mexico City is just the beginning. Here are 11 other cities at risk of running out of water.

‘Stop Green Communism’ – Farmer Protests Shut Down French Border and Storm Brussels Before EU Elections

India’s Modi seals third term, but sees his Hindu nationalist party lose majority, amid his mixed economic record and polarizing politics

Second Right Wing Campaigner Stabbed in German City of Mannheim in Four Days

Dutch Populist Geert Wilders on Pace for Another Major Victory, Urges Voters to Reject Terror and Crime of Open Borders

Joe Biden: I Need to Secure the Border so We Can Be ‘a Land that Welcomes Immigrants’

Biden’s Border Crisis: Floodgates Open to Security Threats

Enormous Mass Illegal Crossing of Military-Age Men in San Diego; Illegals Mock Biden’s Open Border by Posing in Front of Border Wall For Selfies

Source: Biden’s Immigration Order Will Normalize 2 Million Migrant Entries Yearly

ACLU to challenge Biden’s border action: ‘Same approach’ as Trump asylum ban

Obama Ambassador: Illegal Migrants Will Flee to Canada if Donald Trump Is Elected

Dem Sen. Kelly: ‘I’m Worried’ Biden Border Order Will Lead to Crisis of Unaccompanied Minors

Biden’s trans diversity hire Rachel Levine has big plans for LGBTQ ‘health equity’ in a potential second term

As drag events face threats, Philly sets record for most attended story time

Drag queen ‘Letta Dicken’ performs for children at Maine town’s first Pride festival

Pope Francis Lauds Pro-Gay Jesuit Father James Martin

Trans Actor Elliot Page to Narrate Documentary on Homosexual and Gender-Fluid Animals – Dubbed One of Nature’s ‘Best Kept Secrets’

Colorado GOP: Burn Pride Flags in June

‘Random girls saying whatever they wanted’: Convicted rock climber rapist sentenced to life in prison shows no remorse, says victims are ‘setting back’ #MeToo movement

ACLU to spend $25 million on November elections, pro-abortion measures

G.O.P. Blocks Contraception Bill in Senate as Democrats Seek Political Edge

Gene Therapy Restores Hearing to Babies Born Deaf

New sexually transmitted fungal infection detected in NYC – the first case in the US

162 sickened in Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers: CDC

Juror in COVID fraud case dismissed after getting bag of $120,000 cash

WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’ – In Same Week that Media Reports Connection to Excess Deaths and the Jab

Commentary: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Deja Vu All over Again

First-ever human death of bird flu strain H5N2 confirmed in Mexico: WHO

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 6, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself.” —Thomas Jefferson (1825)

ON THIS DAY in 1944, Allied troops successfully landed on five beaches in Normandy, France. D-Day came at great cost — more than 10,000 Allied casualties, including 2,509 Americans killed. But it also came with great valor. Live your life worthy of their sacrifice.




Profiles of Valor: The D-Day Medals of Honor

It was an epic battle in defense of American Liberty and, by extension, that of all mankind.

Mark Alexander

Eight decades ago, in the early hours of June 6th, 1944, the largest amphibious assault in history, preceded by an enormous air assault, commenced.

Codenamed “Operation Neptune,” the first phase of “Operation Overlord” is commonly referred to as D-Day, a brutal five-day Allied invasion of Europe at the Normandy coast of France by sea and air, to breach the Germans’ Atlantic Wall. Combined with the Allied Forces’ invasion of Italy nine months earlier, it would seal the demise of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ “NAZI” Party and its reign of terror.

I wrote about the 80th anniversary events, “The Last D-Day Vets Standing,” this week.

Through heavy swells in the English Channel, an Allied armada was launched, and by sunrise, more than 132,000 Allied infantry began landing along 50 miles of Normandy beaches. They came in 289 escort vessels with 277 minesweepers, and they waded ashore from more than 5,000 landing and assault craft.

The NAZI defenses were formidable: 50,000 troops manning 170 coastal 100mm and 210mm artillery guns and 320mm rocket launchers rained murderous fire down upon the Allied Forces as they struggled ashore amid endless machine-gun and sniper fire.

By the end of the first day, there were more than 10,000 Allied casualties, with 4,426 confirmed dead and many more missing in action. Those killed included 2,509 Americans — more single-day American battle deaths than Antietam or Pearl Harbor — and an estimated 4,100 were wounded.

During the D-Day invasion, 10 Medals of Honor were awarded to recipients whose heroic actions were representative of those by many others.

Four were awarded for actions on June 6th.

PVT Carlton Barrett landed at Omaha Beach. In fighting near St. Laurent-sur-Mer, France, he saved countless lives by carrying the wounded through fields of fire to an evacuation boat. You can read his full citation here.

1LT Jimmie Monteith (posthumous) landed at Omaha Beach. On foot, he led two tanks through a minefield into firing positions and then directed their fire in order to destroy enemy positions. He was killed when surrounded by enemy forces. You can read his full citation here.

T/5 John Pinder (posthumous) landed at Omaha Beach. Despite being gravely wounded, he made it to shore with critical communications equipment and was wounded again while establishing the beachfront coms. He did not survive a third mortal wound. You can read his full citation here.

BG Theodore “Ted” Roosevelt Jr. landed at Utah Beach. He is among two father-son recipient pairs — his father, the 26th president, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Jr., also being a recipient. Ted was the oldest man (56), one of the first men onto the beaches, and the first of only two General Officers to storm the beaches of Normandy. He earned his Medal of Honor for “gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty” while leading successive waves of his troops into fields of fire toward their objectives. You can read his full citation here.

On June 8th, D-Day plus 2, T/SGT Frank Peregory landed at Omaha Beach. Through enemy fire, he worked his way up an escarpment, where he attacked the Germans who were firing on his unit — killing eight and forcing three to surrender. He then advanced on other machine-gun fortifications, forcing the surrender of 32 more riflemen. You can read his full citation here.

On June 9th, D-Day plus 3, PFC Charles Deglopper flew above Normandy as part of the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment. After his platoon was surrounded by German forces near the Merderet River at La Fiere, he perished while single-handedly providing his men cover during their withdrawal. You can read his full citation here.

Also on June 9th, PFT Joe Gandara (posthumous) parachuted into France as part of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment. After his detachment had been pinned down under heavy enemy fire, he volunteered to advance alone against the enemy positions, destroying three hostile machine-gun emplacements before being fatally wounded. You can read his full citation here.

SSG Walter Ehlers landed at Omaha Beach on D-Day plus 3. He led his squad against a strongly defended enemy entrenchment, where he killed four Germans. He then led his men through a hail of machine-gun fire, killing three enemy soldiers and then covering for his squad’s withdrawal. Though wounded, he refused to evacuate and continued leading his squad. You can read his full citation here.

On June 10th, D-Day plus 4, SSG Arthur Defranzo landed at Omaha Beach. Though he was already wounded, he placed himself in peril aiding the wounded, and refusing aid, DeFranzo led an advance upon two enemy machine-gun emplacements. Wounded again as he advanced further, he fell but continued to fire on the enemy as his men moved forward, saving many lives at the cost of his own. You can read his full citation here.

Also on June 10th, LTC Robert Cole parachuted into France as part of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. When leading his men to secure the last four bridges near Carentan, under heavy machine-gun and mortar fire for hours, he led his battalion with only pistol in hand against the fortified enemy positions, and his charge resulted in the critical establishment of the bridgehead across the Douve River. You can read his full citation here.

Just prior to the invasion, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, issued this message:

“Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely. But this is the year 1944! The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory! I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

It was an epic battle in defense of American Liberty and, by extension, that of all mankind.

And in the five days it took to secure the beaches, codenamed Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, and Sword, thousands of American Patriots demonstrated great “courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle” at Normandy, with “the blessing of Almighty God upon [their] great and noble undertaking.”

(Read more Profiles of Valor here.)

Follow Mark Alexander on X/Twitter.

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Executive News Summary

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • Biden speaks on 80th anniversary of D-Day: Earlier today, Joe Biden spoke at Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the largest amphibious invasion in history. We’re relieved to say his speechwriters didn’t live down to our expectations. Instead, Biden delivered a decent speech mostly devoid of politics, and he did so without any colossal flubs. We say “mostly” and not “entirely,” though, because while his remarks did indeed honor those who fought and died there on that Longest Day in northwestern France, he also warned of “tyranny” and “dictators” and “isolationism” in today’s world. Those remarks had a hint of campaign rhetoric to them. Donald Trump, after all, as Joe Biden tells us on the campaign trail, “will be a dictator on Day 1.” Biden also spent far too much time talking about Ukraine, where his wastrel son once had a lucrative money-for-nothing job. In doing so, he made an invidious comparison between Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin, a comparison that diminishes the true monstrosity of the former and gives undue “credit” to the latter. Still, while Biden’s speech was far from stirring, it wasn’t the utter embarrassment that it could’ve been. And for that, on this day, we should be grateful.
  • RIP: 102-year-old WWII vet from New York dies traveling to France for D-Day commemoration (NY Post)
  • Florida judge allows debate over Trump special counsel legality: Aileen Cannon is no Juan Merchan, and for that, all of us who prefer the Rule of Law to the rule of men can be thankful. Cannon, the Colombian-born, Trump-appointed U.S. District Court judge presiding over the Biden “Justice” Department’s 40-count indictment of Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents, has agreed to oral arguments among legal scholars to debate the constitutionality of special persecutor Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel. As the Washington Examiner reports, Cannon on Tuesday said she’d “allow 30 minutes for each legal scholar to present their arguments at a June 21 hearing about why Smith may or may not have been legally appointed by the Justice Department.” Trump’s legal team will argue that Smith “is not an ‘officer of the United States’ but rather an ‘employee’ whose ‘appointment is inconsistent with the separation of powers and political accountability.’” Much to Smith’s chagrin, Cannon’s ruling makes it increasingly unlikely that the case — which legal scholars on both sides say is the most serious threat to Trump — will be adjudicated before the November 5 presidential election.
  • GA court puts Trump’s trial on hold: The trial of Donald Trump over alleged election interference in Georgia has been put on hold and will likely not occur before the election after the Georgia Court of Appeals issued a stay on the case on Wednesday. The reason is the motion that Trump’s defense team raised to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis due to her “improper” romantic relationship with then-prosecutor Nathan Wade, whom she had personally chosen. The Trump defense team alleges that Willis is compromised. A decision by a lower court on Willis is not expected until March 2025; therefore, with the Georgia Court of Appeals having stayed the case until the outcome of the Willis decision, there will be no trial. Given this decision, all the remaining cases Trump faces have now been delayed until after the election.
  • NEWSFLASH: Biden is old: The Wall Street Journal caused quite a stir when it bravely reported on Tuesday that Joe Biden is starting to show his age. “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” reads the article’s headline, which implies that Biden hasn’t shown signs of slipping in plain sight. Since then, Team Biden has been scurrying around to deny the sad reality that set in long ago. As The Hill reports: “White House officials and President Biden’s allies went on the attack [and] Democrats rallied to Biden’s defense and took issue with key parts of the story, blasting the Journal for largely citing the accounts of Republican officials who had spent time with the president, including former [Republican] Speaker Kevin McCarthy.” But, as our Emmy Griffin notes today, Biden routinely shows that he’s “a man with fading faculties,” and “It’s only the diehard sycophants who are still clinging to the lie that our president is as sharp as ever.”
  • Humor: Aides begin putting googly eyes on Biden so he looks like he’s paying attention (Babylon Bee)
  • Black Panther Party founder “endorses” Trump: The former leader and founding member of the Black Panther Party, David Hilliard, recently released a video on TikTok in which he praised Donald Trump, calling him “a decent man” and a “friend to African-Americans.” Trump is “not a racist,” Hilliard says in the video, which has since been removed. “He’s not a racist, fascist white man. He supports black people.” After the video was taken down, Hilliard’s grandson, Eric Jones, claimed that his grandfather was not endorsing Trump, claiming that he “does not even know Trump is a politician,” “has been dealing with cognitive issues since 2014,” and “can only recall the past.” Yet Jones’s claim that Hilliard doesn’t recognize current events appears dubious given the fact that Hilliard also referenced Trump’s New York trial. “He likes black folks,” Hilliard said. “I think that Trump is qualified in a very decent approach to having somebody representing America.” Apparently, the 81-year-old Hilliard is cognitively astute enough to know that the Democrats’ smearing of Trump as racist is bogus. That makes him more astute than another particular 81-year-old.
  • Trump team embraces early voting and mail-in ballots in “Swamp the Vote” initiative (NY Post)
  • Over 500 noncitizens register to vote in local DC elections — only 28 as Republicans (PM) | Top four takeaways from DC primaries in first election allowing noncitizens to vote (Washington Examiner)


  • Last year’s job growth overestimated by 730,000 jobs: Much of the mainstream media has been gaslighting Americans on the state of the economy. “Things are great,” they have repeatedly stated, and they point to stats like the steady rate of job growth to back up their assertions. The trouble is that Americans aren’t feeling it, and for good reason. A recent report from Bloomberg looks to be the beginning of the “economy is great” mask coming off. The business news outlet reports that last year’s officially reported jobs numbers were overstated by a whopping 730,000. As the report notes, “Based on more comprehensive measures … monthly nonfarm payroll prints likely overstated job growth by 730K last year — with hiring maybe even falling below zero in October.” Even more concerning, the report observes the same factors at work this year. “The true pace of job growth currently is below 100K per month — substantially below the 242K three-month average pace in the printed establishment survey report,” it says. “By the end of the year, the printed level of nonfarm-payrolls for 2024 likely will overstate true employment by at least one million.”
  • A UAW “win” in AL after all? Last month, workers at two Mercedes-Benz plants in Alabama voted down unionization by a significant margin; 56% of employees voted against joining the United Auto Workers. Well, the UAW didn’t take too kindly to being rejected by the workers and aims to force them into the UAW irrespective of their vote. Thanks to the Biden administration’s National Labor Relations Board, the UAW can effectively ignore the outcome of the workers’ vote by simply alleging that an employer has committed an “unfair labor practice.” If the NLRB agrees with the UAW’s accusation against an employer, then the union wins, and the workers are effectively unionized. The message the UAW is sending to workers is, You will unionize irrespective of how you vote. This is how “democracy” works in Biden’s America.
  • Biden’s war on oil and gas has cost the U.S. $250 billion in lost GDP (Daily Wire)
  • Virginia will exit California electric vehicle mandate at end of year (Virginia.gov)
  • A Lone Star stock exchange? Here’s an idea whose time has come: a national stock exchange headquartered in a state that doesn’t persecute its political opponents via banana-republican show trials. And it could be a reality sooner than you think. As The Wall Street Journal reports: “A group backed by Wall Street heavyweights BlackRock and Citadel Securities is planning to start a new national stock exchange in Texas, aiming to take on what they see as onerous regulation at the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. The Texas Stock Exchange, which has raised approximately $120 million from individuals and large investment firms, plans to file registration documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission later this year, CEO James Lee told The Wall Street Journal.” We wonder about the involvement of BlackRock, the financial behemoth whose fetish for The Great Reset and so-called environmental, social, and governmental considerations in its investments has been well-documented. Still, the ambitious goal of the enterprise is to begin facilitating trades as early as next year.


  • FBI told Nashville Police release of school shooter writings would lead to “conspiracy theories,” “inaccurate info” (Daily Wire)
  • SPLC adds Gays Against Groomers to list of “anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups” (Daily Signal)
  • Children among dozens killed in strike on Gaza school that Israeli military says was being used by Hamas (NBC News)

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Biden His TIME

A long-form interview exposes what we all already know: Joe Biden is fading fast.

Emmy Griffin

President Joe Biden’s TIME magazine issue, along with the accompanying interview, became available for public perusal on Tuesday morning. It certainly gave insight into and further evidence of a man with fading faculties.

The article covers Biden’s policies and his “victories,” particularly on the foreign policy front. But TIME couldn’t help but insinuate the real state of affairs with the president of the United States, leader of the free world. Even they noted, “The President, with his stiff gait, muffled voice, and fitful syntax, cut a striking contrast with the intense, loquacious figure who served as Senator and Vice President. Biden bristles at the suggestion that he is aging out of his job. Asked whether he could handle its rigors though the end of a second term, when he will be 86, he shot back, ‘I can do it better than anybody you know.’”

In other words, he’s not the man he was.

Then, toward the bottom of the interview, TIME notes how aides tried to bring the interview to a close, but Biden launched into story after story. This is stereotypical of people in their twilight years who are fading.

As cleaned up as the published interview was, the transcript of the actual interview was a mess. Some portions were completely incomprehensible, such as this interview question:

You mentioned the hunger in Gaza. Some have alleged that Israel is intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. Do you think that’s the case?

Biden: No, I don’t think that. I think they’ve engaged in activity that is inappropriate. That is… When I went over immediately after the — Hamas’ brutal attack, I said then, and it became public, I said, don’t make the same mistake we did going after bin Laden. Don’t try — The idea of occupying Afghanistan, the idea that you had nuclear arsenals in Iran that were being, I mean, in Iraq, that were being generated, simply not true. And it led to endless wars. They were not true. Don’t make the mistakes we made. And they’re making that mistake, I think. Excuse my voice, I apologize.

Or this odd end to a question regarding whether or not the president was more concerned with nations such as North Korea and Iran being nuclear or near-nuclear:

You know, I don’t have any (unintelligible) He wanted to know why I was doing all these things. I said the simple reason I’m doing those things: to make sure that you don’t, that you aren’t able to change the status quo any.

Several other slipups occurred, such as Biden confusing Chinese dictator Xi Jinping with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

The TIME interview was bad enough, but the hits kept on coming for Biden.

Also on Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal published its own exclusive entitled, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” (This just in!) The Journal interviewed more than 45 people with firsthand accounts of Biden’s demeanor and behavior, including several prominent Republican and Democrat lawmakers who work intimately with the president.

The Journal sets the stage in the first paragraph: “When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.”

Having two prominent media sources like TIME and The Wall Street Journal publish such damning material on the president perhaps is a broader bid for the Democrats. Exposing him as a man in senile decline gives Democrats better leverage to oust him at the Democratic National Convention, as our Mark Alexander speculated they might back in February.

Biden’s senior moments are nothing new or surprising to the American people. We are all fully aware of Biden’s decline. It’s only the diehard sycophants who are still clinging to the lie that our president is as sharp as ever. Everyone is tired of being gaslighted. It’s interesting that even the media aren’t parroting the lie anymore.

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A Crack in the Hunter Biden Case

House Republicans accuse him of perjury the same week he’s on trial for three gun felonies.

Nate Jackson

Joe Biden has a Hunter Biden problem, and vice versa. Yesterday, the first son’s trial for making false statements on a gun-buying application was further complicated by the announcement that House Republicans will refer Hunter and the president’s brother, James Biden, for criminal prosecution for “provably false statements” — perjury.

That may pose an immediate problem for Hunter and Jim, but the real target is Joe.

In sending the criminal referrals to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Special Counsel David Weiss on Wednesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith said the Bidens’ false statements “implicate Joe Biden’s knowledge and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and appear to be a calculated effort to shield Joe Biden from the impeachment inquiry.”

The GOP trio provided 60 pages of supporting records and evidence of the lies, including statements about who attended a meeting with Tony Bobulinski. Furthermore, they allege Hunter Biden “falsely distanced himself from a corporate entity — Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC — and its bank account (Rosemont Seneca Bohai Bank Account) that was the recipient of millions of dollars from foreign individuals and foreign entities who met with then-Vice President Biden before and after transmitting money to the Rosemont Seneca Bohai Bank Account that then transferred funds to Hunter Biden.” Some of the money at play was “traced to Joe Biden’s bank account.”

Comer said the Republicans’ investigation “has revealed President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name around the world.” The family cashed in on the Biden name, “the brand.”

As Smith put it Wednesday, “President Biden claims no one is above the law. We will soon see his Department of Justice put that principle to the test.”

Indeed, we will, and you can bank on all of that evidence promptly being thrown in Garland’s circular file, never to be acted upon because Garland is a political hack posing as a Rule of Law attorney general.

“If the Department of Justice fails to act on our criminal referral and hold Hunter Biden accountable,” Smith added, “they will once again be telling the American people there are two tiers of justice in this country.”

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley gives an example of those two tiers: “Notably, the Justice Department spent considerable time and money to pursue false statements against figures like Michael Flynn over just one statement describing a meeting with Russian diplomats. These are instances where Hunter was under oath, prepared for months, and had counsel present.”

Meanwhile, if the name David Weiss rings any bells, it’s because he was the special prosecutor who tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that ended up collapsing. Ergo, Hunter Biden is on trial this week in Delaware on gun charges and faces a second trial for nine felony and misdemeanor tax fraud charges in California in September.

That Hunter is amid two separate federal cases makes it even more of a no-no to commit a third federal crime “while on supervised release,” the Republicans said.

Now, about that gun trial. Oof.

First of all, with Jill Biden in attendance on her birthday on Monday, prosecutors opened by saying, “No one is above the law” — a direct quote from Joe Biden just last week as he spiked the football over his rival’s conviction.

The Wall Street Journal sums up the facts of the case: “Hunter Biden is charged with three felony counts related to his 2018 purchase of a .38 caliber Colt Cobra: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, lying on the application form when he said he wasn’t a drug user or addict, and illegally having the gun for 11 days.”

Last I heard, being a convicted felon is a big deal.

In this case, especially so. He faces a potential total of 25 years behind bars in part because, as the Journal also notes, “A Republican Senate and Democratic House increased the penalty for this gun [possession] offense to 15 from 10 years in 2022, signaling that they want those cases prosecuted. Joe Biden signed that legislation.”


The evidence against Hunter is formidable. So far, jurors have heard testimony from the gun store employee Hunter lied to. He refuted defense attorneys’ argument that he convinced Hunter to buy the gun, saying Hunter came in looking for a particular one. Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, recounted how his drug abuse destroyed their marriage. The prosecution even played excerpts of Hunter reading from his own memoirs about using drugs. Zoe Kestan, Hunter’s former stripper girlfriend who is half his age, likewise testified of his addition just before the gun purchase.

Today, jurors will likely hear testimony from Hallie Biden, Hunter’s brother Beau’s widow and, at the time of the gun purchase, Hunter’s lover. She’s also the one who discarded the gun in a dumpster.

Oh, and jurors saw a peculiar piece of evidence that ought to ruffle a few feathers — that infamous laptop that was supposed to be “Russian disinformation.” FBI agent Erika Jensen told the court that the laptop is real and free of tampering, which was surely devastating to the laptop deniers.

Then again, I can say, “I told you so,” but that’s small consolation for the fact that suppressing news of that laptop and Joe Biden’s corruption likely changed the results of the 2020 election. It was election interference, and the Left got away with it. Again.

Finally, the biggest difference between Hunter’s case and Trump’s is that, if he wins, Trump can’t pardon himself of a state conviction. Joe Biden can pardon Hunter Biden.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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FBI’s Wray Wants $11 Billion for FY 2025

The amount would mark a $661 million increase over the weaponized bureau’s current budget.

Douglas Andrews

On the one hand, $11.3 billion isn’t even a rounding error these days — not within the obscenity of Joe Biden’s federal budget proposal of $7.3 trillion. On the other hand, what has the FBI done to earn that sum, which would be a $661 million raise from last year?

FBI Director Christopher Wray tried to make that case when he appeared before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies on Tuesday. And in doing so, he used the oldest trick in the budgeting book: He cried, “Wolf!”

“Just in the time that I’ve been FBI director,” Wray said, “we’ve disrupted multiple terrorist attacks and cities and communities around the country. We need funding to continue protecting America from terrorism.”

We’ll give Wray credit: He knows what buttons to press. Instead of vowing to improve the bureau’s performance and to crack down on its interference in our elections and its weaponization against conservatives, he invoked images of a terrorist attack here at home:

Given those calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw a twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home. But now, on top of that, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russian concert hall back in March.

Wray was referring to the vile and murderous March 22 attack by Tajik nationals on Moscow’s Crocus City concert hall. There, the terrorists walked in with automatic weapons and began firing indiscriminately on the 6,200-seat venue, leaving 137 dead and more than 180 wounded. Such venues are, of course, among the softest of soft targets, and that Moscow attack reminds us that there are precious few boundaries among terrorists. Indeed, C.J. Chivers’ account of the 2004 Beslan school attack by Chechen terrorists is one of the most unsettling things you’ll ever read.

Wray was certainly scaremongering, but this isn’t to say that the terrorist threat our nation faces isn’t elevated these days. How could it not be, given Biden’s wide-open southern border and our nation’s utter cluelessness about how many of the 10 million illegals who’ve poured across our southern border on Biden’s watch are terrorists bent on doing us harm? So we have to ask: Where the heck has Director Wray been for the past three and a half years? Certainly not calling for Biden to close our borders and enforce our nation’s immigration laws.

Wray added that without the big raise, he wouldn’t be able to fill some 1,000 new (and apparently necessary) positions at the bureau. “That’s fewer tips and leads followed,” he said, “fewer terrorist attacks detected. That’s a significant concern in a heightened terrorist threat environment. It helps out the terrorists, the cartels, the violent gangs, the Chinese government, the hackers, the child predators. I can go on and on.”

But it wasn’t all bad news coming out of the bureau this week. On the bright side, Marcus Allen, a patriot and an FBI whistleblower, recently had his security clearance reinstated after the bureau retaliated against him for his testimony about the January 6 riots. As a letter Allen received from HR reads, the bureau’s “decision to reinstate your security clearance is based upon a determination that the original security concerns have been investigated and have been sufficiently mitigated.”

More likely, the bureau realized it was on thin ice, given the federal government’s prohibitions against whistleblower retaliation.

“While I feel vindicated now in getting back my security clearance,” said Allen, “it is sad that in the country I fought for as a Marine, the FBI was allowed to lie about my loyalty to the U.S. for two years. Unless there is accountability, it will keep happening to others. Better oversight and changes to security clearance laws are key to stop abuses suffered by whistleblowers like me.”

Whether Wray gets the $11.3 billion he’s asking for is yet to be seen. But in any case, the result will be at odds with the real and radical reform that Allen and his fellow whistleblowers have been calling for and that we covered in April.

The problem at the FBI is trust. And the real solution to this politicization and weaponization was put forth recently by Allen’s fellow whistleblower, former agent Steve Friend: “I think it needs to be shattered and scattered.”

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Groomer Month at Scholastic

The children’s book publisher has gone all in on siding with those promoting a culture of sexual deviancy.

Thomas Gallatin

Scholastic isn’t even hiding it anymore. The children’s book publishing company has decided to go full groomer for the Rainbow Mafia.

Scholastic recently released its 2024 resource guide for grades K-12. Titled “Read with Pride,” it claims to provide “educator, caregiver, and advocate resources for supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and books.”

The guide is designed as a workaround for woke educators and against school districts and parents who have sought to prevent the spread of sexually graphic material in their schools. “As a teacher, librarian, educator, or caregiver,” the guide states, “how you interact with all children and teens around queerness matters. What literature you provide them with, and how you talk about both literature and identity, can have an immense, life-changing impact on the young people in your life. Everyone benefits from books with authentic representation of queer identities, whether that representation is a window, mirror, or sliding glass door.”

Furthermore, it dismisses the opposition to the grooming of children with this sexualized literature: “Unfortunately, many communities are experiencing significant pushback to supporting the rights and needs of queer youth and the inclusion of queer literature in classrooms and libraries. If you or anyone you know needs them, make sure to utilize the links to mental health and censorship hotlines included in this guide.” Of course, that last sentence seeks to reinforce the false claim that failure to affirm gender confusion will lead children to higher rates of suicide.

Scholastic knows exactly what it’s doing. As the guide reads, “Books and literature are never neutral; by engaging with queer literature for children and young adults, you are disrupting the status quo that implies being cisgender, heterosexual, and allosexual are the default. You are showing children an expanded way of thinking and being that validates all children and all people.” Translation: You are grooming children into a sexually deviant lifestyle.

If there were any doubt about the publisher’s motives, Scholastic executive vice president Ellie Berger clarifies it, stating, “We will find an alternate way to get a greater range of books into the hands of children.” She adds, “We remain committed to the books in this collection and support their sale throughout our distribution channels.” The publisher’s agenda is thus to groom the kids, irrespective of what parents want.

Furthermore, the list of books from the guide includes the likes of My Moms Love Me, for pre-K children; Melissa, a book targeting children ages 8-12 that promotes “transgender” identity; MoonFlower, a story about a “nonbinary” kid who is “afraid that their mom hates them”; and The Feeling of Falling in Love, a book for kids 14 and up that promotes the idea of a “friend with benefits.”

And these are just a few of the books. Shame on Scholastic.

Gone are the good old days when Scholastic’s primary concern was helping kids develop a love of reading. The publisher is now motivated to help spread a socially toxic ideology that debases and sexualizes America’s youth.

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Latest PodcastPopCon #47: The Worst Memorial Day Since 1995Not since 1995 has there been such a terrible turnout from moviegoers. Is the American movie theater dying? Join Thomas, Sterling, and Andrew as they examine all the evidence.

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Jordan Candler

Non Compos Mentis

“We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of the World War II, since these beaches were stormed.” —Joe Biden on D-Day

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote.” —Hillary Clinton

Why can’t our elitist overlords simply honor our true heroes instead of making everything political?

The BIG Lies

“I’ve come here today to do what the Republicans in Congress refuse to do: take the necessary steps to secure our border. … I’m moving past Republican obstruction and using the executive authorities available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border. … Republicans have left me with no choice. … I’m doing my part. We’re doing our part. Congressional Republicans should do their part.” —Joe Biden

“Due to the arrangements that I’ve reached with [Mexican] President [Andrés Manuel López] Obrador, the number of migrants coming… to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped dramatically.” —Joe Biden


“To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now. … Doing nothing is not an option. We have to act.” —Joe Biden

For the Record

“Obama DHS chief Jeh Johnson once said 1000 illegal border crossers a day was a ‘bad day’ that ‘overwhelms the system.’ Looks like Biden executive order will formalize any number below 2500, ensuring that every day will be a bad day.” —Byron York

“The only acceptable number of illegal immigrants is zero.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“Polls show that the border has moved to the top of voter concerns, and a significant majority believe Donald Trump would do a better job handling it. Perhaps because he did.” —The Wall Street Journal

“This is not a border crisis for [Democrats]. This is a reelection crisis.” —Mary Katharine Ham

Race Bait

“The governors of Texas and Florida … sent the problem, if you want to call it a problem, of undocumented people, and they’ve shipped them all over the country like the old, you know, segregationists … used to put black people on buses and say, ‘Hey, let’s send them to your city so that you’ll be upset.’” —MSNBC’s Joy Reid

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“Donald Trump Confirms Plans to Jail Opponents.” —Biden-Harris campaign press release

Political Futures

“The question echoes throughout the media: How can a convicted felon be running even with the incumbent president? The answer is twofold: First, Joe Biden is a truly awful president; second, Biden has no ground to stand on in labeling Trump a threat to law and order.” —Ben Shapiro

Who Wants to Tell Them?

“Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” —The Wall Street Journal

Belly Laughs of the Day

“I’ve spent time with every House speaker over the past 30 years and Joe Biden. It’s just not close. If you want to talk about international affairs, if you want to talk about how to get bipartisan legislation, Joe Biden is light years ahead of all of them.” —MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough

“Look, I know I’m accused of being a congenital optimist.” —Joe Biden

Follow Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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“He’s Not The Same Person”: Biden Allies Freak After WSJ Blasts “Slipping” Brain | ZeroHedge

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News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

“He’s Not The Same Person”: Biden Allies Freak After WSJ Blasts “Slipping” B

 https://www.zerohedge.com, by Tyler Durden

Over the past month, the White House claimed executive privilege over an audio tape of Biden’s classified documents interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, the transcripts of which were altered to make Biden seem more competent.

Next, TIME Magazine’s Massimo Calabresi couldn’t give a straight answer over Biden’s serious cognitive decline exhibited during an interview.

The TIME Magazine reporter who interviewed Biden *could not have been more vague* when asked how Biden seemed during their interview — as questions swirl around Biden’s noticeable cognitive decline pic.twitter.com/sUBhTMc8vL

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 5, 2024

Now, the White House and Biden allies are slamming a Tuesday report from the Wall Street Journal in which 45 people from both sides of the aisle told the outlet that Biden is, to put it mildly, two sandwiches short of a picnic.

The Journal cites a January meeting behind closed doors during a critical discussion about Ukraine funding, Biden’s soft-spoken nursing home demeanor led some participants to question his engagement, as he occasionally read from notes and paused. “You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable,” one attendee noted about the meeting’s dynamics, adding “I’ll just say that.”

In another example, Biden completely forgot the details of ‘his’ own policy on big energy projects during a one-on-one meeting with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Others who attended said Biden’s demeanor and level of engagement fluctuated and he seemed lively and engaged at some points. When the topic moved to an immigration overhaul, Johnson, the House speaker, offered Biden a list of dozens of executive actions he could undo to improve border security. Biden, rather than responding to Johnson’s suggestions, chided him, according to people at the meeting, “I’ve forgotten more about immigration than you’ll ever know.” -WSJ


— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/hes-not-same-person-biden-allies-freak-after-wsj-blasts-bidens-slipping-brain

“Biden Knew”: Hunter, James Biden Slapped With Criminal Referrals Over “Influence Peddling Schemes” | ZeroHedge

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House Republicans have referred Hunter and James Biden to the DOJ for criminal prosecution, accusing the pair of making false statements to Congress amidst an ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The criminal referrals, which were formalized on Monday, culminate from seven months of investigative work by three House committees. The probe alleges an extensive influence peddling operation involving the president’s family, linking millions of dollars in international business deals to potentially corrupt figures and entities, including those connected to the Chinese Communist Party.

“Our investigation has revealed President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name around the world,” said Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan of the House Oversight Committee, as well as Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith, suggested multiple charges including perjury for Hunter Biden.

“Despite this record of evidence, President Biden continues to lie to the American people about his involvement in these influence peddling schemes. It appears making false statements runs in the Biden family. We’ve caught President Biden’s son and brother making blatant lies to Congress in what appears to be a concerted effort to hide Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s schemes,” reads the referral.

As Just the News reports further, the chairmen identified three instances in which they believe Hunter Biden lied to the committee.

“[F]alsely distanced himself from” one of his companies, Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, and its bank account that received millions for foreign entities and individuals. Despite this, that bank account transferred funds to him from those foreign sources.

Making false statements about holding a position at that same company. Documents released after the first son’s testimony show he signed a document identifying himself as corporate secretary of the enterprise.

Misrepresented a text conversation with Chinese company executive “Zhao” with whom he invoked his father’s presence in a threatening text message. Biden claimed he mistakenly messaged the wrong person, however messages released by one of the committees show he continued to speak with that same executive days afterward.

— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-knew-hunter-james-biden-slapped-criminal-referrals-over-influence-peddling-schemes

Priscilla Shirer, Max Lucado, and T. D. Jakes: Betraying the Gospel? | Christian Research Network

“Whatever words Shirer and Lucado express in this Easter message that sound biblical are rendered hollow by the association with modalist T. D. Jakes. It is against Scripture to treat a false teacher like Jakes as though he is a brother in Christ, and to appear to be in theological agreement with him. Teachers are held to a higher standard; therefore, it is only biblical to warn about Shirer and Lucado because they are not trustworthy teachers. They either do not have discernment, or they fail to exercise it, or they have no issues with modalism.”

(Marcia Montenegro – Christian Answers for the New Age) Popular speaker and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer and writer and Pastor Max Lucado joined with modalist T. D. Jakes of The Potter’s House two years ago in bringing an Easter message. This is not the first time that either Shirer or Lucado have associated with Jakes in ministry. Lucado has done several positive interviews of Jakes and Shirer’s associations with Jakes are too numerous to list.


It is important to first understand the grave issues of modalism. Modalism is an ancient heresy that denies the Trinity and teaches that God manifests as Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit (like God wearing three masks one at a time). The Modalist Jesus is God the Father and is the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is usually viewed as an impersonal manifestation of God’s presence. Sometimes Jesus is called the human flesh or human costume of the Father. Modalism means that Jesus cannot be the eternal Son of God the Father since he is also the Father. God “manifests” in three modes or forms so the three persons of the Trinity are not distinct in modalism.  View article →


CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as T.D. Jakes, Priscilla Shirer & Max Lucado.



Christian Cults

— Read on christianresearchnetwork.org/2024/06/06/priscilla-shirer-max-lucado-and-t-d-jakes-betraying-the-gospel/

Why Is the United States Negotiating With Terrorists? | The Daily Signal

President Joe Biden announces a proposed cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza while delivering remarks in the State Dining Room at the White House on May 31, 2024, in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

A Gallup poll of several months ago asked, “On the whole, would you say that you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the position of the United States

 in the world today?”

Only one-third, 33%, said they were satisfied. This down from 53% in February 2020 at the conclusion of Donald Trump’s presidency.

It’s a wonder that even a third of Americans are comfortable with President Joe Biden’s disastrous leadership. Many scholars now liken the world today to the 1930s, the years preceding World War II.

Latest is Biden’s new proposal to resolve the conflict in Gaza.

The proposal ignores Israel’s main objective, final removal of the presence and influence of the terrorist organization Hamas from leadership and control in Gaza.

Of the 120 hostages that remain from the 251 originally abducted Oct. 7, 2023, it is not even clear how many are alive. Yet, in exchange for release of an unspecified number of hostages, Israel is asked to pull its troops out of all populated areas of Gaza.

I pray that, for the sake of Israel but also for the sake of all remnants of decency in today’s crazy world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resists pressure to accept this horrible arrangement.

Why is the United States negotiating with terrorists and giving legitimacy to those who commit atrocities beyond the pale of minimally decent human behavior?

The widespread backlash against Israel’s campaign in Gaza is supposedly because of the large number of civilian casualties.

But those criticizing Israel should look in the mirror to see who has led to these casualties.

If Hamas, who hides its fighters and equipment among civilians, whose priority is the death of Israelis and not saving lives of its own people, was immediately condemned and isolated by global leadership, Israel would not be left to take unilateral military action as its only option for its national security.

Let’s recall that immediately following the Oct. 7, 2023, attack, rather than condemning Hamas, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Israel.

The attack “did not happen in a vacuum,” said Guterres. And he then justified it, saying, “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. … Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.”

Guterres chose to ignore that it was the organization that he leads, the U.N., that endorsed partition in 1947 to create a Jewish state and a Palestinian state—an arrangement accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs, who chose, instead, war.

Hillary Clinton appeared on “The View” last December and reminded viewers that her husband tried to broker a peace deal in 2000, inviting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for talks in Camp David. Barak accepted the Clinton plan and Arafat rejected it and, per Clinton, returned home, and launched an intifada that would claim the lives of 1,000 Israelis, most of them civilians.

But why, when the U.N. secretary-general started with his distortions of truth, did the United States U.N. representative sit by in silence?

We saw nothing like this when Nikki Haley was the U.N. representative during the Trump presidency.

When Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the U.N. voted 128-9 criticizing the U.S. Haley stood before the U.N. General Assembly and said, “To its shame, the United Nations has long been a hostile place for the state of Israel. … It’s a wrong that undermines the credibility of this institution, and that in turn is harmful for the entire world.”

The United States is one of 193 nations in the U.N. yet provides some 22% of its budget—$18 billion in 2022. The U.N. gives a vote and a say in world peace to unfree countries, countries led by dictators and despots.

How about redirecting that $18 billion into our own sagging defense budget?

It’s time for a new era of principled American leadership. This is the only path to peace.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

The post Why Is the United States Negotiating With Terrorists?appeared first on The Daily Signal.

— Read on www.dailysignal.com/2024/06/06/why-is-the-united-states-negotiating-with-terrorists/

There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel

Dolly Parton

Dolly’s right that all should be treated with love and kindness, but when we refuse to label sin a sin, we’re doing more harm than good. 

HUMILIATION: Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden once again reminded the world how mentally and physically unfit he is for office by randomly crouching down during war celebrations in France.

Appearing at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden started leaning forward and appeared on the brink of collapse before eventually restoring balance.

Both Jill Biden and Brigitte Macron looked on in confusion as the 81-year-old continued to embarrass himself.

Watch the clip below:

There were predictably many responses to Biden’s bizarre behavior, with some netizens speculating as to whether he was pooping his pants.

Others pointed to Jill Biden’s reaction to her husband’s lack of control.

Perhaps the most significant comparison was with Donald Trump’s speech at the same event back in 2019.

What a humiliation for all involved.

The post HUMILIATION: Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years | Babylon Bee

Article Image

FRANCE — In a solemn and moving ceremony of remembrance on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, President Biden marked the occasion by dropping the first bomb on Normandy in 80 years.

“Help me out Jill, I’m having a bit of a D-Day of my own in my Depends here,” the President was overheard saying to the first lady as he bent over slowly and deposited a massive load of fecal matter in his pants. “Oh, boy, this is a big one. Get me out of here and help me clean this up before President Macron smells it! Not a joke!”

The President was then seen shuffling off in the middle of the ceremony, led by his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, who is a real doctor.

“This was a moving and completely on-purpose gesture from the President,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a statement. “Biden loaded his drawers with dookie in solidarity with the thousands of German and Allied soldiers who also likely did the same thing on D-Day. That’s how much the President cares about our veterans.”

Sources say Biden was quickly cleaned up by a crew of staffers who are specially trained to for the task. “We are proud of Biden and his unwavering commitment to identifying with the struggles of our nation’s heroes,” concluded Jean-Pierre.

At publishing time, Biden had returned to the ceremony and quickly gone to sleep in solidarity with the honored dead.

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The Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real, COVID Vaccines Have Killed Millions, Just About Everything The Joe Biden Administration Has Told Us Has Been A Lie | Now The End Begins

The Joe Biden administration has waged a 4 year-long campaign of lies, deceit and deception against the American people, like the Hunter Biden laptop and the COVID vaccine

Back in 2020, we started our Podcast because there was such a demand from Christians to know the truth about what we were being told, from a biblical perspective, as the entire world was plunged into a time of unprecedent chaos and confusion. Some of the stories we covered were so explosive and controversial that we were suspended multiple times on Twitter, had our 200,000+ member Facebook page permanently unpublished, and suspended multiple times with strikes on YouTube. I would like to give you an update on two of those stories today that caused so much of the trouble for us, as they turned out to be 100% true.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4 (KJB)

THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP: the Joe Biden administration, in concert with nearly the entire legacy media, told us day and night that the Hunter Biden laptop was a lie, that it was ‘Russian deception’, that it was a GOP fantasy, and if anyone dared discuss the Hunter Biden laptop they would be suspended or banned immediatly. That’s exactly what happened. Joe Biden used his DoJ and Attorney General to conspire with social media, and the great purge began.

NTEB lost over 5,000 followers on Twitter after we wrote about the laptop, and were shadow banned for a number of years. Here on June 6th, 2024, Hunter Biden is finally on trial, and his infamous laptop we were told was fake is one of the key pieces of evidence against him. But don’t get too excited. The same Biden lawfare that was used to convict Trump will be used to allow Hunter Biden to go free.

THE COVID VACCINE: even before it was officially released in December of 2020, we told you that the COVID mRNA vaccine would be quite harmful, would cause all sorts of strokes, blood clots, cancer and death, and that it would likely run into the millions. Every time we posted that to warn people to not take it, we were pounded on social media by the Biden-financed censors. On June 1st of 2021, we published an article entitled ‘Facebook Begins The Process Of Unpublishing The NTEB Page Because We Tell The Truth About The Deadly Vaccines And The New World Order’, and shortly after that our page was permanently taken down.

Here on June 6th, 2024, scientists and medical researchers are sounding the alarm over the 3,000,000 excess deaths caused in the immediate aftermath of people receiving the COVID vaccine. I personally know many people who, after receiving the government injection, had strokes, heart attacks and developed cancers that disabled or ended their lives far too early.

At the end of WWII, they held the Nuremberg Trials to bring to justice high-level Nazi leaders who were caught committing hideous war crimes and crimes against humanity. For the past 4 years, the Joe Biden administration has waged a campaign of lies, deceit and deception against the American people on nearly every level. We need a second Nuremberg to bring to justice these subverters of our American Republic who hold our founding documents in utter contempt. America is on the brink of collapse, who will come to her aid? If you have an American flag outside your home or office, fly it upside down. Let people know that you know what’s really going on. You are the resistance.


The post The Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real, COVID Vaccines Have Killed Millions, Just About Everything The Joe Biden Administration Has Told Us Has Been A Lie appeared first on Now The End Begins.

The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do with the Prosecutions of Trump | Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Joe Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Department of Justice’s federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Donald Trump.

Biden was upset because any delay might mean that his rival Trump would not be in federal court during the 2024 election cycle. And that would mean he could not be tagged as a “convicted felon” by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.

Politico has long prided itself on its supposed insider knowledge of the workings of the Biden administration. Note that it was reported earlier this February that a frustrated Joe Biden “has grumbled to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded…”

If there was any doubt about the Biden administration’s effort to force Trump into court before November, Politico further dispelled it—even as it blamed Trump for Biden’s anger at Garland: “That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team.”

Note in passing how a presidential candidate’s legal right to oppose a politicized indictment months before an election by his opponent’s federal attorneys is smeared by Politico as “deliberate resistance.”

Given Politico was publicly reporting six months ago about Biden’s anger at the pace of his DOJ’s prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

Note Smith had petitioned and was denied an unusual request to the court to speed up the course of his Trump indictment.

And why would Biden’s own Attorney General, Merrick Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith? Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had previously gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia governor Bob MacDonald.

Yet Smith’s politized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court. That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith’s partiality and his incompetence.

But then again, Smith’s wife had donated to the 2020 Biden campaign fund. And she was previously known for producing a hagiographic 2020 documentary (“Becoming”) about Michelle Obama.

Selecting a special counsel with a successful record of prior nonpartisan convictions was clearly not why the DOJ appointed Smith.

The White House’s involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis’s paramour and erstwhile lead prosecutor in her indictment of Trump, Nathan Wade, met twice with the White House counsel’s office. On one occasion, Wade met inside the Biden White House.

Subpoenaed records reveal that the brazen Wade actually billed the federal government for his time spent with the White House counsel’s staff—although so far no one has disclosed under oath the nature of such meetings.

Of the tens of thousands of local prosecutions each year, in how many instances does a county prosecutor consult with the White House counsel’s office—and then bill it for his knowledge?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s just-completed felony convictions of Donald Trump were spearheaded by former prominent federal prosecutor Matthew Colangelo. He is not just a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee.

Colangelo had also just left his prior position in the Biden Justice Department—reputedly as Attorney General Merrick Garland’s third-ranking prosecutor—to join the local Bragg team.

Again, among all the multitudes of annual municipal indictments nationwide, how many local prosecutors manage to enlist one of the nation’s three top federal attorneys to head their case?

So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump. In addition, Bragg brashly drafted a top Democratic operative and political appointee from inside Joe Biden’s DOJ to head his prosecution.

Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival Donald Trump as a “convicted felon.” Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden’s White House “neutrality.” Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.


EU’s ESG Laws and Global Demolition Part 1 | Study – Grow – Know

Folks, the coming beast system highlighted in Daniel 2 and slated to devour the entire world (Daniel 7:23), is coming into existence now. The main reason is due to the overzealous religious nature of globalists who are so dedicated to embracing Satan’s will and ideologies. In return of course, Satan “blesses” them with more financial wealth than they could spend in ten lifetimes while using that wealth to bend global humanity to their will, by any means necessary. Of course, we need to always remember that whatever gains globalists make toward their goals is due solely to God allowing that to occur.

Globalists don’t care if we fight them or willingly go along because they intend to get what they want either way. They also don’t care what the actual truth is related to each particular situation either (C0V, the jab, mandates, ESG, climate change, social justice, etc.). With stonefaces they ignore their lies when truth exposes them. They realize they are in vaunted positions of authority due strictly to the fact that they are sold out to and protected by Satan and own most of the world’s wealth. In essence, they are fully untouchable by humans, by design.

Only God is Master over their lives and again, it appears He is allowing globalists to be led along by the lies they have willfully embraced, directly from Satan. Those lies keep them from receiving the truth and because they have fallen in love with all the lies from which they profit (2 Thessalonians 2:10), they cannot see truth.

A few globalists or their mouthpieces doing what they do – working to control the entire world.

In reality, these globalists do not for one moment believe in what they’re pushing about climate change, transgenderism, ESG, racial equity, DEI or anything else other lie. These Marxist lies are simply being used because of their great need to dominate the world by completely remaking it and destroying the world’s economy now. They introduce utter division into society through all these Marxist memes. The intent is to fully overthrow global society via the division they sow. It is a game they take very seriously and to that end, globalist group the Bildergergers just recently met in Spain.[1] These people are sold out to themselves. They intend our harm, not our good.

The Bilderberg group is the perfect example of the megalomaniac villain who dreams of ruling the entire world. It is what motivates them and is the globalist mentality. They fully believe they were put here for the purpose of ruling globally as Lords in their Feudal System 2.0 that is now coming into place. Once they achieve what they set out to create, we will see just how quickly the world stops hearing about climate change, social justice, micro-aggressive racism and everything else. If people could only realize that this set up is being foisted upon global society in order to enslave and kill people, to create global leaders, maybe more would wake up.

Mike Adams, from Health Ranger, has some interesting things to say about what’s happening now and where he thinks it’s going.[2] He also includes the coming self-replicating mRNA jab that will be introduced in Japan this October and will spread to the rest of the world from there.[3] Michael Yon also talks about this same situation regarding self-replicating mRNA jab.[4] I’d suggest readers take the 20 minutes needed to view/listen to the video.

All of this is difficult to deny, much less ignore. Yet, I realize there are folks (including even some Christians), who do not buy into all of this “end times” discussion. I get it, but there is a reason God has included roughly 30% of prophetic discourse in His Word. I believe the main reason is for Christians to be aware of the reality and growth of this final, satanic world system that will dominate.

In spite of Bidenflation and all the other problems that this world faces currently, it can be somewhat easy for people to simply choose to ignore all of it, preferring instead to simply go on with life as it is and try not to worry too much. The only problem with that is that type of person usually ends up crashing into the very things they failed to see coming with no forethought. At least when we are aware of possibilities, we can make plans to avoid them or lessen their attack.

If you purchased a home only to learn there were major problems with it, you’d likely be upset and you’d have to plan on doing the bare minimum to make any upgrades necessary to ensure the welfare of that home, depending upon the nature of the problems. You might even consider a lawsuit against the previous homeowner and/or inspector depending upon how bad things were as discovered.

It is similar in approaching biblical prophecy. The goal of prophecy is not to scare people because it’s clear that Jesus did not intend to do that. He wanted us to know certain things would occur (to be forewarned), before they happened so we would not be taken by surprise at their development.

However, if we go through life completely unaware of what God has personally revealed in His Word (or allegorize His text), and is designed to occur as well as what He is allowing to occur, we will simply not be prepared for those events when they start to take place. We will not have done any preparation for anything and will be forced to deal with events as they happen instead of using foresight to prepare for their arrival. It is clearly not the way Jesus expected His disciples (and us), to handle the future that He took the time to tell them (and us) about. How many times did Jesus say, “Do not be alarmed“? (Matthew 24:6).

In the video linked below,[5] Pastor Holthaus talks about the legislation that the EU just recently passed related to ESG (environmental, social, and governance; similar to DEI as well as climate change, etc. – all stemming from “social justice”). This legislation will dictate to all member nations in the EU what they can and cannot do with respect to buying and selling. Lest we think that this will not affect those nations physically outside the EU, we need to think again.

Holthaus points out that ESG will impact every business buying and selling to/within the EU, whether physically housed there or not. Think about the ramifications of this. This means that anyone who sells their products through Amazon, Facebook, Google, eBay or some other online “store” will be required to support and follow the EU’s ESG rules. Choosing to not follow those rules, will get them deleted from continuing to sell through Amazon. How will Amazon know? We’ll see numerous “governing agencies” pop up, whose sole job it will be to look seriously at all Amazon sellers to ensure that they are following all the EU’s ESG rules. Those sellers who do not, will be terminated if they refuse to adapt.

What is also fascinating is that, according to the EU’s ESG rules, anyone can sue or make a claim against any seller whom they believe may not be following the ESG rules. If found to be accurate, then the seller would either be terminated or forced to follow the ESG rules of the EU.

I also find it interesting to learn that the company itself (Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc.), cannot be held liable if a seller is found to not be following the EU’s ESG rules. However, for a specific company that does not follow the rules (e.g. sellers through the aforementioned corporations or large individual corporations outside of the EU, but separate from Amazon, etc.), large fines of 5% of the total revenue could be assessed against that company. Think about that. As Holthaus states, if you own a company with a $5 billion dollar annual revenue, 5% of that assessed “tax” (fine) would be $250 million dollars! Again, this applies to all companies doing any business with the EU, wherever they are physically headquartered in the world.

But stop a moment and consider…will this apply to China? Nope! Why not? Because decades ago, it was determined by globalists that China would be the manufacturing center of the world. This is why globalists/environmentalists/UN completely ignore China’s position in the world as worst polluter of water, air and land. Moreover, it’s fine that China builds new coal generator plants each year while the rest of the world must dial things down to reach a “zero” carbon footprint. China is exempt due to their predetermined role in the world as the manufacturing country in the world. This is simply proof that globalists are only using “climate change” as a scam to scare the world and gain dominance over it.

So, the new EU ESG laws will have a direct impact on the United States and all other western nations. So, under the terms of ESG, what are we talking about? By the way, this is also included in the WHO accord and here is more information on that from Dr. Meryl Nass.[6] There are differences of opinion as to what really happened with the WHO treaty/accord. More study is needed but Dr. Nass fleshes it out.

In what way will nations be impacted? Holthaus explains.

…you’re aware of it, the environment will save the planet…social justice stuff and the governance means that you’ve got to have diversity, equity, inclusion on your board…so what ended up happening is they made it law in the European Union. This ESG law that basically says that they will steer business towards ESG behavior and will become (the) new global standard with regard to mandatory save the planet laws and social justice. It establishes a corporate due diligence – that’s the the key word in all of this standard on sustainability and due diligence – and means that if I’m a company I must do my due diligence to find out if everyone that’s feeding into my company is doing ESG. I have to have my due diligence on that, so for instance, if I sell cars to Europe I have to make sure that, I as Toyota seller, practice ESG, but then everybody that makes parts for me so like this company over here makes the engine, this company over here makes the little dials on the radio this company over here makes the tires all of those people that feed into my business have to also be ESG compliant otherwise I can’t do business with them (from video).

In essence, globalists, through their unelected bureaucrats in political office, get these laws passed that effect the entire world’s economy in one way or another. Of course, the choice still remains that sellers in the USA can choose not to support ESG, but in doing so, they will be cut off from being able to sell as they’ve been selling. So it comes down to whether or not people are willing to give up their livelihood or not. This is the exact same choice people were forced to make when the jab was rolled out – take it or lose your job. Most people took it. Many took it willingly and condemned those who refused it, while some took it grudgingly. The terms “died suddenly” and “medical emergency” are new since the jab.

There is always a price to pay. You have freedom of choice. It’s just that the choices are not good choices unless of course you fully agree with ESG, DEI, and all the other social justice standards and climate change lies foisted on society.

Do you see how they’re rigging the system against anyone who prefers following traditional norms or the fundamentals of the Christian faith? I was thinking through this after I watched Holthaus’ video and this is the first time in my life, I was glad to be as old as I am. Yes, that’s selfish as well, because I think of my children and wonder what this world will be like within just a few short years? What about my grandchildren who are literally clueless about all these things?

Remember, ESG includes all things related to so-called climate change, fossil fuel use reduction, carbon emissions, lab-grown meat, insects  as food for people, mal/mis/disinformation, transgenderism/LGBTQ+ and ultimately, destruction of freedom of speech (as well as the second amendment). This is all built into this growing beast system that has now become much more visible with the passage of this EU legislation that forces all companies to go along with the ESG amendments. If there is a civil war in America or elsewhere, I seriously doubt globalists are concerned because they’ve planned for it and may, in fact, want it badly.

I’m going to stop here but I’m not done. I’ll pick this up in the next part when Pastor Holthaus dives fairly deeply into Revelation 17 and the system of Babylon (aka the Whore of Babylon), and what that system will be and how it will achieve it.

There is more I want to discuss from Pastor Brandon’s video and I’ll pick that up in the next part starting at the 28 minute mark. If you get opportunity to view the video before my next article, please do. After we break down what he presents toward the end of the video, we’ll put it all together and note some takeaways for ourselves in this present day as Christians. What do we do? What can we expect and more. Please join me then.

[1] https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/bilderberg-2024-or-how-the-elite-subverts-politics-technology-big-pharma-and-the-media/

[2] https://www.brighteon.com/d08f1032-14d9-4ffc-93c5-0b45a389e802

[3] https://www.brighteon.com/4065b872-9953-4f54-a224-07ba36dff28e

[4] https://michaelyon.substack.com/p/japan-is-being-set-up-for-war

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX_mFWczUZU&t=2s

[6] https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-ihr-as-amended-yesterday-is-benign

Biden’s D-Day Address in Normandy Goes From Cringe … in More Ways Than ONE (Watch) – Twitchy

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

After watching Joe Biden this morning we find it hard to believe that the first Presidential Debate planned for June 27th will actually take place. They’d have to be insane to allow this man to debate Trump, even with all the help CNN can muster his way. We’ve known for years now that they likely pump Biden up with all sorts of ‘energy boosts’ to keep him in a somewhat normal space, but this morning in Normandy …

— Read on twitchy.com/samj/2024/06/06/biden-totally-out-of-it-france-dday-n2397035

Before celebrating Pride month, please read this

The celebration of Pride Month in our culture has become an opportunity to attack Christianity and say that it is a religion of hate. To say that authentic Christians hate or fear homosexuals or the trans-community demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of Christianity.

Former AG Bill Barr Says Trump’s Conviction an ‘Abomination’ – Will Be Overturned on Appeal (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has come out swinging against Donald Trump’s sham criminal trial and conviction, describing the entire process as an “abomination.”

Barr made the comments during an interview on Fox News with Martha McCallum, pointing out that Trump obviously did not commit a crime.

“I said from the very start that this was an abomination, and I actually was surprised that they went ahead with the case because there really was nothing there,” Barr said. “There was no crime there, and they really weren’t able to articulate it until after the defense rested its case. So I thought the whole thing was a travesty.”

The 74-year-old, who betrayed tens of millions of Americans by refusing to investigate election fraud during the 2020 presidential election, added that the conviction would undermine any potential Biden victory.

“This will be eventually overruled after the election. But what if there’s a close election? And Biden squeaks through, and then the case is overruled?” he continued. “Half the country is gonna feel this was a stolen election and again, this is a grave injustice and disservice to the country.”

Barr recently confirmed that despite their fallout and Trump’s various attacks on his character, he would still be voting for the former president in November.

“If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country,” Barr said at the time.

“And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement. And in the Biden administration.”

The post Former AG Bill Barr Says Trump’s Conviction an ‘Abomination’ – Will Be Overturned on Appeal (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Disease X and the Elites’ Control of Your Body first | The Christ in Prophecy Journal

Disease X and the Elites’ Control of Your Body

Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into what technologies are being invented that will allow authorities to control your body!

The post Disease X and the Elites’ Control of Your Body first appeared on The Christ in Prophecy Journal.

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Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite | The Economic Collapse

If  you have enough money, you can buy just about anything.  And when you are in a position where you can buy just about anything, you wield an enormous amount of raw power.  Today, our world is completely and utterly dominated by those at the very top of the economic pyramid.  Those in the top one percent of the top one percent are pretty much able to do whatever they want, and the rest of us are pretty much powerless to stop them.  Unfortunately, the gap between the ultra-wealthy elite and the rest of us just continues to get even larger.  Last year, the total wealth of the world’s millionaires reached a staggering 86.8 trillion dollars

The world has never had so many rich people and their investments in soaring stock markets have made them wealthier than ever recorded, according to a study published on Wednesday.

The number of “high net worth individuals” (HNWI) — defined as people with liquid assets of at least $1 million — rose by 5.1 percent last year to 22.8 million, according to consulting firm Capgemini.

Their total wealth reached $86.8 trillion in 2023, a 4.7 percent increase from the previous year, according to the annual World Wealth Report.

Meanwhile, 5 billion people have gotten poorer since the start of the pandemic…

Since 2020, the richest five men in the world have doubled their fortunes. During the same period, almost 5 billion people globally have become poorer.

How much power do the hundreds of millions of people around the world that are living on less than two dollars a day have compared to the billionaires in the western world that are constantly making headlines?

The truth is that they run the world and the rest of us are just living in it.

Here in the United States, the colossal gap between CEO pay and worker pay got even larger last year

Bosses have always made more money than workers. But the gap between CEOs and employees is growing.

The median CEO in the S&P 500 was paid 196 times as much as the median employee in 2023, according to an analysis by Equilar and The Associated Press.

That’s up from a ratio of 185 in 2022.

It would be a good thing if the rich were getting richer as long as everyone else was getting richer as well.

But instead, poverty is literally exploding all around us.

In 2020, there were approximately 140 homeless camps in Oakland, California.

Since that time, the city has closed 537 homeless camps, but there are still approximately 1,500 remaining all over the city…

Oakland officials passed a policy in 2020 to regulate homeless encampments when there were about 140 camps. The policy was created to prohibit encampments in specific areas of the city, including proximity to businesses, schools, playgrounds, traffic lanes, bike paths, housing and playgrounds.

Any encampments in those prohibited areas were supposed to be vacated, with the city offering shelter before evacuating the camp.

Since then, the city has closed 537 homeless camps with approximately 1,500 remaining, according to a city report.

I feel so bad for the law-abiding citizens that still live in Oakland.

Conditions have become so precarious that one construction company actually “refused to finish its pothole paving job because it got ‘too dangerous’ for its workers”

Frustrated Oakland residents are in the hole after a construction crew quit and refused to finish its pothole paving job because it got ‘too dangerous’ for its workers – as other businesses flee the Bay Area over the same concerns.

Residents in the Sobrante Park area in East Oakland said they weren’t even notified after the third-party general contractor decided to abandon the project before repaving the streets, leaving large potholes and dangerous loose gravel all over the neighborhood since mid-May.

If you still have a nice home and plenty of money, good for you.

But you should understand that you are solidly in the minority at this point.

Of course our politicians care far more about the economic health of the elite than anyone else, because it is the elite that fund their campaigns.

So even though just about all the rest of us have seen our standard of living go way down, in recent years there has been an all-out effort to prop up the stock market because that is where the elite have much of their wealth.

Today, the wealthiest 10 percent of all Americans own 93 percent of all the stocks.

And the poorest 50 percent of all Americans own just 1 percent of all the stocks.

The stock market wealth that the entire bottom half of the country controls is basically just a rounding error compared to the enormous holdings of the elite.

Unfortunately for the elite, it appears that trouble may be brewing for the financial markets…

The US stock market is shrinking, and investors are pulling their money out at a near-record pace as storm clouds gather over the US economy.

That means the titans of Wall Street may have to contend with choppy water as they cruise toward their Nantucket getaways this year.

In fact, Bank of America says that their customers have been pulling large amounts of money out of stocks for five consecutive weeks

Bank of America analysts said on Tuesday that their clients have now been large net sellers of US stocks for five weeks in a row. Just last week, they sold off $5.7 billion more in stocks than they purchased, the highest outflow since last July.

Bank of America recorded the second largest sell-off of tech stocks in their history last week. And while one week does not a trend make, it does stand in stark contrast with the Magnificent Seven fervor that ensnared Wall Street mere months ago.

Whether it happens sooner or later, it is inevitable that America’s financial idols will come crashing down at some point.

But for most of the country, it feels like the economy has already crashed.

Our cost of living crisis has become exceedingly painful, our entire society is drowning in debt, and poverty and homelessness are exploding all around us.

Just about the only people that are still doing really well are those that are at the very top of the food chain.

When you hear that “the economy is booming”, those are the people they are talking about.

But just like all the rest of us, the elite will not be able to escape the period of tremendous global chaos that is ahead of us.

Like I said, money can buy you just about anything, but it cannot purchase a free pass from the day of reckoning that is rapidly approaching.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite appeared first on The Economic Collapse.