Daily Archives: June 7, 2024

The Shield of Faith | Dr. David Jeremiah | Ephesians 6:16 – YouTube

What is the Armor of God?: https://bit.ly/3QY6j7HMessage Description:
Doubt is Satan’s oldest weapon and the one he uses most often. What can you do when he casts doubt about God? Dr. David Jeremiah considers the defensive armor that protects you from those doubts and can become a trusted tool you carry at all times.

00:00 – Satan creates doubt
00:43 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “The Shield of Faith”
23:45 – Next Time on Turning Point

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

June 9 – Solomon’s Temple! | VCY

  1 Kings 5:1-6:38
  Acts 7:1-29
  Psalm 127:1-5
  Proverbs 16:28-30

1 Kings 5:7 — How great is it that your father’s friends will bless the LORD, and that your father’s legacy is continued!

1 Kings 6:1 — This is the anchor dating passage for the Old Testament. Four hundred eighty years from the Exodus to the construction of the Temple. That connects 1446 (date of the Exodus) to 966 BC.

1 Kings 6:7 — Amazing! A massive construction project but no sound of jackhammers, axes, or iron tools while it was under construction!

1 Kings 6:12 — What does the LORD say is the one condition for Solomon to have a successful reign? Obedience! Have we heard this before?

1 Kings 6:38 — How is that for an impressive project? Tens of thousands of people working for seven years!

Acts 7:2 — Stephen, a man willing to wait on tables, was able to preach and recite Hebrew history. We see here that Genesis and the early Exodus history is summarized in twenty-eight verses. The Torah is very relevant to the New Testament.

Psalm 127:1 — Great reminder of Proverbs 19:21, James 4:13-16, and Luke 12:16-21.

Psalm 127:3 — Children are a blessing and are important to society:

The United States is in the midst of what some worry is a baby crisis. The number of women giving birth has been declining for years and just hit a historic low. If the trend continues — and experts disagree on whether it will — the country could face economic and cultural turmoil.

Washington Post

Proverbs 16:28 — Are you a uniter or a divider?

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

More than Mere Words | VCY

I will give you the sure mercies of David. (Acts 13:34)

Nothing of man is sure; but everything of God is so. Especially are covenant mercies sure mercies, even as David said “an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure.”

We are sure that the Lord meant His mercy. He did not speak mere wards: there is substance and truth in every one of His promises. His mercies are mercies indeed. Even if a promise seems as if it must drop through by reason of death, yet it never shall, for the good Lord will make good His word.

We are sure that the Lord will bestow promised mercies on all His covenanted ones. They shall come in due course to all the chosen of the Lord. They are sure to all the seed, from the least of them unto the greatest of them. We are sure that the Lord will continue His mercies to His own people. He does not give and take. What He has granted us is the token of much more. That which we have not yet received is as sure as that which has already come; therefore, let us wait before the Lord and be still. There is no justifiable reason for the least doubt. God’s love, and word, and faithfulness are sure. Many things are questionable, but of the Lord we sing—

For his mercies shall endure

Ever faithful, ever sure.

06/07/24 They Cannot See | ChuckLawless.com


One-year plan: 2 Kings 21-23, John 12:20-50

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 5, Mark 16:1-8


Jesus was/is the light of the world, but He would not be physically present with the people much longer in today’s New Testament reading. They must respond to Him while they have opportunity, for their time with the Light living among them would come to a close. In the midst of that discussion, Jesus told His listeners these words: “The one who walks in darkness doesn’t know where he’s going” (John 12:35). 

I think about those words as I consider today some folks I love, but who do not know the Lord. They are walking in darkness, and that darkness seems distinctly like Jesus described it. They’re aimless. Directionless. Confused. Wandering. Drifting. Meaningless. Seeking the temporary and finding only frustration and pain. 

I deeply grieve for them, but I realize more every day that nothing is going to change until they turn to the Light—and I can’t make them take that step. What I can do, however, is intercede for them, asking God to draw them out of their darkness into His light. I can look forward in faith to that great day. Amen. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you know folks walking in the darkness who cannot see where they’re going?  

PRAYER: “God, I plead with You to open the darkened, blinded minds of the people on my heart today. Father, let this day be their day of salvation.” 


One-year plan: 2 Kings 24-25, John 13

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 6-7, Mark 16:9-20

— Read on chucklawless.com/2024/06/06-07-24-they-cannot-see/

Pastor Claude Stauffer: The Work of the Holy Spirit – To Seal, Restrain, and Reveal | Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Mary Danielsen welcomes back Pastor Claude Stauffer, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Hope in East Islip, NY,  a church he has served since its founding in 1993. He is also a chaplain on the New York State Chaplaincy Task Force and teaches at Calvary Chapel Bible College New York City.  His inductive bible studies/pulpit teachings in book form are a tremendous resource available to a church that needs a firm foundation in order to know her Savior better. Today we discuss the Holy Spirit, based on his recently published inductive encyclopedia on the Book of Acts. We talk about Who the Spirit is, what His role is in the world and the church, and how He comes alongside us to sanctify and empower us. An encouraging hour for the weary pilgrim. Live Scripturally!

Pastor Claude’s inductive texts/book studies can be found here.

Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! https://www.redpillprints.com/stand-up-for-the-truth – Thanks for YOUR Support!

The post Pastor Claude Stauffer: The Work of the Holy Spirit – To Seal, Restrain, and Reveal appeared first on Stand Up For The Truth Podcast.


7 June 2024 News Briefing

The Same Antisemitism That Fueled Auschwitz Is Rising On The Global Stage
During a recent trip to preach the Gospel in Poland, Franklin Graham, the President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Samaritan’s Purse, walked through the Nazi’s most infamous and deadly concentration camp “Auschwitz.” Graham recounted how his plans were interrupted by Iran—a nation whose antisemitic ideology closely resembles that of the Nazi regime.

Diminished Hamas switches to full insurgent mode in Gaza
There are about between 7,000-8,000 Hamas fighters reportedly entrenched in Rafah, the last significant bastion of the group’s resistance, according to Israeli and U.S. officials. Top leaders Yahya Sinwar, his brother Mohammed, and Sinwar’s second-in-command Mohammed Deif are still alive and believed to be hiding in tunnels with Israeli hostages, they said.

Europe’s marginalization of conservatives is counterproductive
Not everything is grim and I remain a strong believer in the future of the EU and its capacity to adapt. Yet, the media and pundits have bypassed these tectonic shocks and found a single culprit for all the bloc’s ills: the far right. They have at the same time categorized conservative parties as extremists and denigrated their views for decades. They have marginalized a large part of the population as extremists just because they still believe in the value of family, are proud of their heritage and, while aspiring for modernity, will not change their beliefs.

Hamas says Biden Gaza ceasefire deal ‘just words’
A senior Hamas official said Thursday that US President Joe Biden’s proposed Gaza ceasefire deal was “just words” and the Palestinian militant group had not received any written commitments related to a truce.

Biden says would not pardon son Hunter amid trial on firearms charges:
Biden said on Thursday he would not pardon his son Hunter, who is on trial in Delaware on charges he broke a law barring illegal drug users from owning firearms. In an interview with ABC News, Biden replied “yes” when asked if he would rule out pardoning Hunter. He also replied “yes” when asked if he would accept the outcome of the trial, which started this week.

The Pandemic Treaty’s Failure — Another Indicator Of The Lord’s Restraint On World Events
Is there any prophetic significance to the failure to approve the treaty? Yes. First, we know from 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 that the “man of lawlessness” cannot make his presence known on the world stage until the Lord removes His restraining force, which takes place through the presence of the Holy Spirit in true believers. The failure of the nations to agree on the terms of the health treaty is just another indicator of the Lord’s current restraint on world events. Even though we see wickedness and lawlessness expanding exponentially around us, He’s currently restricting the full formation of the coming world order over which the antichrist will assume control.

Amir Tsarfati: Israel’s Conditions For Ending The War Have Not Changed — Hamas Will Perish
Despite the fact that so much has since changed – Our God performs miracles and His plans stand! Thankfully, the recent statements from the Israeli government have made it very clear that Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed. Hamas will perish.

NAACP Asks Biden to Halt Weapons to Israel as He Seeks to Shore Up Black Voter Support
The NAACP urged President Joe Biden on Thursday to “indefinitely” halt all weapons deliveries to Israel and pressure the US ally to end its war in the Gaza Strip, sending a reminder that his support for Israel could hurt him among Black voters in November’s election.

Strike on UN school stopped a ‘ticking time bomb’
IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari this evening (Thursday) revealed the identities of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who were killed in an IAF airstrike on a UNRWA school in Nuseirat last night. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, some from the ‘Nukhba’ force. Terrorists with blood on their hands. These are only a few of the terrorists we eliminated. There are more. Some of them took part in the brutal massacre of October 7th. We are working to verify the information before we will share it.” he said.

‘Zionists can’t make jazz’ – Israeli club attacked in New York
An Israeli-owned music venue in New York City was targeted by anti-Israel activists on Wednesday evening, with assailants throwing red paint on patrons and causing damage to the property. Avital told the outlet that last week, a sign was left outside the venue which read “Zionists can’t make jazz.”

Soldiers find Rafah tunnel shaft under child’s bedroom
Soldiers operating in Rafah in recent days uncovered a tunnel shaft inside a child’s bedroom, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday. A butcher’s knife was found next to the entrance. … soldiers identified and eliminated six armed terrorists near a school close to where troops were operating. The squad was eliminated by drone and tank fire.

Biden’s plan to save Hamas
“Just checking it’s afternoon,” he said. And then got started on his speech to save Hamas. There was nothing accidental about the timing of the speech on Friday afternoon, at a time when much of America’s political establishment was heading out for the weekend while Israeli Jews were celebrating the Sabbath and many were not even using electronic devices. After celebrating former President Trump’s conviction, Biden announced a new deal under which Hamas would rule Gaza, get billions in U.S. aid and dozens of its terrorists would be released from prison in exchange for every hostage. Or every hostage’s dead body.

Archaeologists examine mysterious Roman road cutting across southern Golan Heights
An ancient Roman road cutting across Israel’s southern Golan Heights was recently analyzed by Israeli and European archaeologists. The road was allegedly built during the latter half of the 2nd century A.D. and abandoned in the early 4th century A.D..

‘Germany’s bravest protester’ supports Israel on her own, surrounded by pro-Palestinian demonstrators
Local politician Karoline Preisler is unafraid to defend Israel in the face of threats. Despite not being Israeli or Jewish, over the past several months Karoline Preisler has endangered herself time and again by demonstrating support for Israel at numerous pro-Palestinians held in Germany since Oct. 7. “To remain silent would seem indecent to me because silence can act as a catalyst for Jew hatred,”

Israeli NGO says ‘socio-political climate’ led to rise in attacks on Christians in Israel during 2023
According to an Israeli NGO, 2023 saw a “notable increase” in attacks on Christians or Christian properties, primarily by young, religious Zionist men.

LIFTOFF! NASA Astronauts Pilot First Starliner Crewed Test to Station
“Two bold NASA astronauts are well on their way on this historic first test flight of a brand-new spacecraft,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Boeing’s Starliner marks a new chapter of American exploration. Human spaceflight is a daring task – but that’s why it’s worth doing. It’s an exciting time for NASA, our commercial partners, and the future of exploration.

Rare tornado in Livonia results in fatality and damage, Michigan 
A rare EF-1 tornado struck Livonia, Michigan on June 5, 2024, causing significant damage and resulting in one fatality. The tornado, which lasted nine minutes, downed trees and damaged homes across a path of 8.8 km (5.5 miles).

Over a dozen tornadoes spotted outside Washington, DC 
Communities in Maryland, outside Washington, D.C., are picking up the pieces after several tornadoes tore across the region, leaving trails of damage and injuring numerous people after severe weather on Wednesday.

Record-breaking tornado damage length for May 26 storms
The National Weather Service (NWS) office in Paducah, Kentucky announced on June 5 that storms on May 26, 2024, produced 16 tornadoes in their forecast area, resulting in a record-breaking 410 km (255 miles) of tornado damage.

Study: COVID Shots Possibly Fueled Millions of Deaths in 47 Countries Since Beginning of the Pandemic Due to “Adverse Events”
A recently released significant study has confirmed the suspicions of so-called COVID “conspiracy theorists” by suggesting a link between the COVID-19 shot and millions of excess deaths worldwide.

162 sickened in Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers: CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Wednesday that 162 people have been sickened in a salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers.

Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson
The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, described the dramatic crackdown on violent gangs in his country as a “spiritual war,” explaining to journalist Tucker Carlson this week that the largest gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), has a long history of satanic activity.

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens
For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs “gained” in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden “recovery” has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global 
In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.

The Same Antisemitism That Fueled Auschwitz Is Rising On The Global Stage 
During a recent trip to preach the Gospel in Poland, Franklin Graham, the President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Samaritan’s Purse, walked through the Nazi’s most infamous and deadly concentration camp.

Hezbollah drone strike kills IDF soldier, wounds 10 others – President Herzog: ‘The world needs to wake up’ 
An IDF reservist was killed and 10 additional soldiers were wounded by a drone attack launched by Hezbollah on Wednesday evening at a field in the town of Hurfeish, Israeli media reported.

Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite
…Today, our world is completely and utterly dominated by those at the very top of the economic pyramid.  Those in the top one percent of the top one percent are pretty much able to do whatever they want, and the rest of us are pretty much powerless to stop them.  Unfortunately, the gap between the ultra-wealthy elite and the rest of us just continues to get even larger.  Last year, the total wealth of the world’s millionaires reached a staggering 86.8 trillion dollars…

Now That Someone Has Dropped Dead, Fear Of H5N2 Is Already Starting To Ripple All Over The Globe
…a person in Mexico has dropped dead after catching H5N2, and people are already totally freaking out…A full blown H5N1 outbreak among humans would have the potential to be catastrophic, but we don’t even know what an H5N2 outbreak among humans would look like because there never has been one.  So far, we have one confirmed case and one death.  If it is confirmed that human to human transmission of H5N2 going on, the masks, lockdowns, shots and public hysteria that we witnessed a couple of years ago could return in the blink of an eye.

Viktor Orbán: ‘NATO is Pushing Us Closer to War with Russia Every Week’
“War is a monster that is constantly hungry, it must be fed, and I see that the Americans and the Democratic government of the United States, and the leaders of the European Union, are ready to feed it.”

Covid Britain: DNR notices were illegally applied to many elderly, disabled and people with learning difficulties
Do Not Resuscitate notices are only inches away from euthanasia. In recent years, GPs all over the world have been contacting their elderly patients, both chronically ill and healthy, soliciting Do Not Resuscitate orders.  Some medical practices have sent blanket Do Not Resuscitate instructions to residential homes not just for the elderly but also for the disabled or those with learning difficulties.

Study finds that Sweden is 2-3C cooler than it was 6,000 years ago
In February, two Swedish researchers published their study of plant megafossils in the Swedish Scandes and determined that Sweden was 2-3oC warmer between 6,000-16,800 years ago. While there has been warming in this region recently, the warming is within natural Holocene climate variability and poses no threat to these landscapes. Instead, warming may enhance biodiversity in this region.

Biden campaign launches massive ‘pride’ initiative to attract ‘LGBTQ ‘ voters 
The voter initiative – dubbed ‘Out for Biden-Harris’ – was introduced by Vice President Kamala Harris last month, who began by quoting homosexual sex abuser Harvey Milk before praising Joe Biden for elevating ‘LGBTQI+ leaders to every level of our administration.’

Sales of electric vehicles in Germany is in crisis; the public doesn’t want them
Many Germans regret their purchase or lease of an electric vehicle and Germans overall are increasingly unwilling to consider them.  This has led to a crisis in German electric vehicle industry.

Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation” – but countries have 10 months to reject them 
There has been much coverage of the World Health Assembly adopting the amendments to the International Health Regulations…Some of the concerns are the agreement for governments to “address” misinformation and disinformation, and the wording that further strengthens surveillance – thus laying the groundwork for the surveil-declare-threat-lockdown-coerced mass vaccination approach.

Headlines – 6/7/2024

Labour manifesto to say Palestine recognition ‘part of international process’

Ambassador Friedman: Every Day Biden Is Making Hamas Stronger – Biden Made Up a Story About Peace Proposal from Israel with Hamas – “100%” a Lie

Michael Brown: Yes, free Palestine – from Hamas

Steve Bannon: We Tried to Move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem on Trump’s Inauguration Day

Biden: Netanyahu heeded my warning against major Rafah offensive, scaled back IDF ops

Revised US draft calls for Hamas, Israel to immediately implement Biden ceasefire plan – In essence, US seeks the Security Council’s endorsement to the proposal. If Hamas agrees, Israel would not be able to rely on an American veto going forward.

Hamas said to have rejected ceasefire proposal – The terror group claims the proposal is not the same as that outlined by President Biden, and does not require an end to the war and withdrawal of Israeli forces.

Hamas official: US resolution at UN based on deal that is ‘not acceptable to us’

Israel rejects Security Council resolution in support of its own hostage deal offer

Hamas hopeful of retaining influence over Gaza in upcoming talks with Fatah

IDF spokesman: International media ‘fell for Hamas tactics’ on Gaza school strike

‘Falling for Hamas tactics’: IDF names 9 terrorists killed in school strike, slams media

Hamas tunnel found by IDF in child’s bedroom in Rafah

IDF says dozens of terror operatives killed in central Gaza, including head of Hamas rocket cell

Defense Secretary Austin says protecting civilians in Gaza is a ‘strategic imperative’

Spain applies to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at top UN court

George Clooney Called White House to Defend Wife’s Role in Netanyahu Indictment

Netanyahu to defend ‘just war’ in July 24 speech to joint session of US Congress

A Global Economic Boycott of Israel Gains Traction, but the Government Has No Answers

Radical Campus Anti-Israel Groups Sued for Being Terror Propagandists – ‘Fomenting Hatred’

Far-right violence, chants of ‘Death to Arabs,’ at Jerusalem Day Flag March in Old City

Israeli settlers in the West Bank were hit with international sanctions. It only emboldened them

Palestinians say 3 killed in IDF raid on Jenin; helicopter conducts strikes

Disinformation campaign uses fake footage to claim Yemen’s Houthi attack on USS Eisenhower

Yemen’s Houthis say they’ll step up strikes on Israel in tandem with Iraqi militia

Yemen’s Houthi rebels unveil solid-fuel ‘Palestine’ missile that resembles Iranian hypersonic

Hezbollah ‘Ready’ to Fight Israel in Lebanon Amid New War Threats

US Embassy in Lebanon Targeted in Shooting Attack

US Warns Israel Against ‘Limited War’ in Lebanon

Report: US warns war in Lebanon will draw Iran to intervene

Scores feared dead after RSF militants attack village in Sudan’s Al Jazirah State

Sudan Activists Say About ’40 Dead’ In Shelling Near Khartoum

Slovak PM Robert Fico Makes First Video After Assassination Attempt, Says He Was Targeted for His Views on Ukraine War

Shot Slovak PM Robert Fico Forgives Gunman, Blames Liberal Media and George Soros For Stoking Hatred Against Populists

Russian-Ukrainian man arrested following explosion near Paris in suspected terrorism conspiracy: Officials

String of mysterious attacks across Europe opens new front in Russia’s war on the West

Russian warships, including nuclear sub, missile frigate, will arrive in Cuba next week

Russia deploying air and sea assets for military exercises in Caribbean, U.S. official says

Russia to send combat vessels to Caribbean to project ‘global power’, US official says

Biden tells Muir US weapons will not be used to strike Moscow, Kremlin

Ukraine uses US weapons to strike interior of Russia with Biden approval: report

In Retaliation for Ukraine Using NATO Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russian Territory, Putin Says He May Supply Weapons to Regions That Can Attack Western Countries’ Targets

NATO to Expand Defense Tech, Intelligence Sharing with Kyiv

NATO is making plans for surging US troops into Europe in case Russia invades

Videos Show Russian Oil Refineries Ablaze after Double Drone Strikes

War, what war? Putin looks to woo new business partners willing to overlook its invasion of Ukraine

MAGA marks 80th anniversary of D-Day with vote to defund NATO – Donald Trump’s America First movement could lead more countries in Europe to seek nuclear weapons

Biden Uses D-Day 80th Anniversary Speech to Attack Putin, Defend Democracy

Joe Biden Boasts About Killing Russians During D-Day Speech in Normandy

Biden’s ‘perpetual state of confusion’ on display in Normandy amid rising cognitive questions

Biden claims to have known Putin for ‘over 40 years’ even when he worked as a KGB agent

Pelosi slams Wall Street Journal article on Biden’s mental acuity as ‘hit piece’

Comer: Hunter Biden Lied to Congress to Protect Joe Biden

Biden Says He Would Not Pardon Hunter

RNC plans for possibility Trump is imprisoned during the upcoming convention: chair

Judge orders Donald Trump’s strategist Steve Bannon to prison after losing contempt appeal

Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1 – Blocks Trump’s Greatest Media Voice from Broadcasting War Room Show the Last 4 Months Before Election

Steve Bannon rails against Biden’s DOJ after being ordered to jail: ‘There is not a prison built that will ever shut me up’

Wayne Root: Steve Bannon is Headed to Prison. I’ve Warned for 3+ Years This is a Communist Takeover of America. All Roads Lead to Obama.

‘I stand with Steve Bannon’: Conservatives sound off on ‘death of judicial system’ after conservative star ordered to jail by Biden regime

Former federal prosecutor: ‘Appreciable chance’ Trump dies in prison if he loses reelection bid

Former AG Bill Barr Says Trump’s Conviction an ‘Abomination’ – Will Be Overturned on Appeal

Biden: Donald Trump Got a ‘Fair Trial’ – ‘Stop Undermining the Rule of Law’

Jesse Watters: Biden is now accusing Donald Trump of doing exactly what he did

Joe Rogan on the Lawfare Campaign Against Trump: ‘Scary How Many Democrats Are Willing to Allow This’

Trump blasts Biden DOJ for jailing Steve Bannon, calls for J6 Committee to be indicted

Sean Hannity Attempts to Persuade Trump, Who Faces 94 Fake Indictments, to Go Easy on Biden’s Gestapo DOJ When He Returns to the White House

Joe Rogan says Trump conviction is ‘setting a precedent’ for future administrations to pursue political prosecutions

Nayib Bukele to Tucker Carlson: Trump Can Win; Legal Woes Giving Him ‘Greatest Campaign Ever’

Trump announces his campaign raised $400 million post-conviction

‘We need a victory that’s too big to rig’: Trump pushes voter turnout efforts during Arizona speech

Number of new gun owners since 2020 election surged to equal population of Florida: report

American Airlines Passenger Told to Remove Trump Mugshot Shirt for Being ‘Offensive’

As Europe votes, a populist wave surges – Five months before the US election, radical right parties are expected to make major gains in the EU election

India election results 2024 live: Modi accused of stock market manipulation over exit polls

Religious freedom advocates demand Egypt release Christians jailed for using Facebook

Ashton Kutcher Says Soon ‘You’ll Be Able to Render a Whole Movie’ Using AI: ‘The Bar Is Going to Have to Go Way Up’ in Hollywood

Boeing’s 1st Starliner to carry astronauts arrives at ISS despite thruster malfunction

5.9 magnitude earthquake hits the Sea of Okhotsk

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Taliwang, Indonesia

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

Preliminary 3.6-magnitude quake hits Orange County

SoCal Hit with Two Earthquakes Back-to-Back – 7 Quakes Strike Region in Six Days

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 25,000ft

Ibu volcao in Indonesia erupts to 18,000ft

Feugo volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 11,000ft

Giant Siberian ‘Gateway to Hell’ won’t stop growing and scientists are concerned

Rare tornado in Livonia results in fatality and damage, Michigan

Record-breaking tornado damage length for May 26 storms

‘Long-track tornadoes’ impact communities outside of Washington, DC

NWS confirms 7 tornadoes from Wednesday’s storms that blew through DC region

‘Monster’-sized hailstone could shatter Texas record, near world record

U.N. Chief: Fossil Fuel Companies ‘Godfathers of Climate Chaos’

Adrift Ship Forces Closure of South Carolina Bridge

‘Really Scary’: Major Bridge Shut Down Due to ‘Runaway’ Cargo Ship

Crime is so Bad in Oakland, California That the City Can’t Fix Potholes Because Workers Feel Unsafe

‘Jesus was the best affiliate marketer in the world’: How a ‘Reverend CEO’ allegedly stole $1 billion in a crypto scam

Donald Trump: Biden’s Migration Is ‘Flat-Out Economic Warfare’ Against Americans

Texas seeks court block on Biden administration’s destruction of border fencing

Illegal Aliens Rush Over San Diego Border 12 Hours After Biden Announces New Executive Order on Asylum Seekers

Illegal immigrant who shot cops in NYC says he was recruited by Venezuelan robbery gang: report

Illegal immigrant arrested again after receiving no jail time for child sex crimes conviction in Baltimore

Christian Leaders Threaten to Leave X (Twitter) Now That it Allows Porn

Report: Secluded Amazon Tribe Suffering from Porn, Social Media Addiction with Recent Internet Access

El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

President Nayib Bukele Tells Tucker Carlson He Leads El Salvador By “Seeking God’s Wisdom”

Pantsless Florida man in ladies blouse crashes car into jail to ‘kill everyone,’ says devil made him do it

Pope’s friends, observers try to make sense of homophobic PR disaster

Tel Aviv’s Pride Events Present a Queer Community Dramatically Changed by War

Brooklyn veterinary hospital fires Christian-based PR firm over refusal to back Pride

Wyoming teacher fired for refusing to call transgender students by their preferred names

Dem education official refuses to enforce Washington’s Parents’ Bill of Rights, claims students should be able to keep gender identity secret

SF lawmaker Scott Wiener claims California kids are ‘our kids’ at Pride flag raising

House GOP Moves to Reverse Biden’s Trans Protections

Mpox Is Still Circulating Among U.S. Gay Men

Biden urges Congress to restore Roe v. Wade protections after Senate GOP blocks contraception bill

Bird flu-infected cows have died in 5 states as experts closely monitor the disease

‘Unusual’ cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame.

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 7, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm.” —James Madison (1787)

ON THIS DAY in 1776, Virginia’s Richard Henry Lee officially proposed in the Continental Congress that “these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.” Less than a month later, the Declaration of Independence was issued.




What a Difference a President Makes

The comparison between Ronald Reagan’s remarks 40 years ago and Joe Biden’s remarks yesterday couldn’t be more glaring.

Douglas Andrews

Little noticed this week amid yesterday’s 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing at Normandy was another anniversary just one day earlier: June 5 marked 20 years since the passing of our nation’s 40th president and this publication’s North Star: Ronald Wilson Reagan.

It’s no coincidence that Reagan’s name and words have become more closely associated with D-Day than perhaps even that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was commander-in-chief at the time of the invasion, and who himself offered a magnificent prayer on the grim occasion.

Reagan spoke twice on that day 40 years ago at Normandy: once at Pointe du Hoc, where some 225 U.S. Army Rangers braved German gunners during a harrowing 30-minute ascent of its sheer cliffs, and then later that day at Omaha Beach, which was the site of the fiercest and bloodiest fighting of all. And in each case, in both speeches, the man and the message came together with the moment. That’s why we remember Reagan’s remarks, and why we’ll soon forget those of Joe Biden.

“This was an emotional day,” recounted Reagan in Speaking My Mind, his book of selected speeches. “The ceremonies honoring the 40th anniversary of D-Day became more than commemorations. They became celebrations of heroism and sacrifice. This place, Pointe du Hoc, in itself was moving and majestic. I stood there on that windswept point with the ocean behind me. Before me were the boys who 40 years earlier fought their way up from the ocean. Some rested under the white crosses and Stars of David that stretched out across the landscape. Others sat right in front of me.”

Just listening to Reagan’s voice and his words that day is a moving experience. “Behind me,” he said, “is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. And before me are the men who put them there. These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc.”

Listening to Biden’s voice and words from yesterday? Not so much. Where Reagan’s words seemed heartfelt and natural, Biden’s seemed stiff and forced.

As our Mark Alexander wrote yesterday: “Regrettably, the D-Day anniversary events were sullied with a campaign photo-op drop-in by Joe Biden, who according to The Washington Post, used the event to ‘draw on the memory of allies united against tyranny to highlight the stakes of his campaign and draw a pointed comparison with Donald Trump.’”

We’d hoped that Biden’s speechwriters wouldn’t live down to our expectations by sullying the day with campaign politics, but it wasn’t to be. While Biden delivered a decent speech mostly devoid of politics, and he did so without any colossal flubs, he did warn of “tyranny” and “dictators” and “isolationism” in today’s world. Those remarks had a hint of campaign rhetoric to them. Trump, after all, as Biden disingenuously tells us on the campaign trail, “will be a dictator on Day 1.”

Biden also detoured into a weird rant about Ukraine, where his wastrel son once had a lucrative job selling the Biden “brand.” In doing so, he made an invidious comparison between Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin, a comparison that diminishes the true monstrosity of the former and gives undue “credit” to the latter. Or was Biden comparing Hitler to Trump? It wouldn’t be the first time.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Joe Biden felt it either important or appropriate to mention the war between Ukraine and Russia, and especially to luxuriate in the “staggering” body count of the Russians, who were, after all, our allies in the battle against Nazi Germany, and who, while we were storming the beaches at Normandy, were fighting and dying in appalling numbers on the war’s eastern front. Indeed, for every American who died in World War II, as many as 60 Russians died. Nevertheless, Biden said of his friends the Ukrainians: “They’ve inflicted on the Russian aggress-, they’ve suffered tremendous losses, Russia. The numbers are staggering: 350,000 Russian troops dead or wounded.”

Perhaps, in his diminished state, he forgot that he was at Normandy.

To Biden’s “credit,” we suppose, he didn’t trot out one of his BIG Lies, but the mainstream media are doing it for him. That lie would be the one he occasioned in 2018, when Trump supposedly disparaged our war dead as “suckers” and “losers” and refused to visit Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris. None of that is true. And no one should be surprised.

Today, Biden will have another crack at politicizing that hallowed ground and that monumental day with a speech at Pointe du Hoc. As The Wall Street Journal reports: “President Biden will use the spot where U.S. forces helped turn the tide of World War II to drive home what has become the core argument for his re-election effort: He will preserve democratic freedoms, as American troops did here 80 years ago, while Donald Trump will undermine them.”

We predict it to be a shameful speech — and a speech entirely in keeping with this shameless president.

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Executive News Summary

Douglas Andrews, Nate Jackson, & Jordan Candler


  • Biden says he won’t pardon Hunter: As our Nate Jackson noted yesterday, “The biggest difference between Hunter [Biden’s] case and [Donald] Trump’s is that, if he wins, Trump can’t pardon himself of a state conviction. Joe Biden can pardon Hunter Biden.” Later yesterday, in an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir while in Normandy, the president said he would not pardon his son. “Will you accept the jury’s outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is?” Muir asked. “Yes,” Biden responded weakly after a pause. “And have you ruled out a pardon for your son?” Muir followed up. “Yes,” Biden responded again in his tired, old grandpa voice. And that was it. Muir thus accomplished a big headline for Biden — that he respects the Rule of Law while Donald Trump supposedly does not. Biden had just said of his challenger, “He got a fair trial. The jury spoke like they speak in all cases, and it should be respected.” Yet Biden also said he’d never discussed business with his son. He lied. Indeed, Biden lies about a lot of things. Is a pitifully weak one-word answer to the question the final word? Don’t bet on it. Because Joe Biden’s other maxim is, “No one f**ks with a Biden.”
  • President Biden still has not met Hunter Biden’s five-year-old daughter (National Review)
  • Biden claims he knew Putin 40 years ago — when he was undercover KGB agent (Washington Free Beacon)
  • Humor: Aides claim Biden nailed a 360 double flip McTwist on the White House half pipe but oh darn the reporters just missed it (Babylon Bee)
  • Trouble with “2000 Mules”: It’s an article of faith among diehard Democrats that Joe Biden got all 81 million of those votes on the up-and-up. Sentient beings, though, don’t buy it — not with tens of millions of mail-in ballots flooding the 2020 electoral zone, and not with the power-mad Democrats’ penchant for cheating. Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary about this very topic, “2000 Mules,” was supposed to be the smoking-gun proof that Dems stole the 2020 election, and we wrote as much here. Then, two weeks later, we hedged our bet. Now, The Wall Street Journal reports, “Salem Media Group, which co-produced this Trumpian fantasy mockumentary, ceased distribution of the film and issued an apology to Mark Andrews, one of the Georgia voters depicted as an illegal ballot ‘mule.’” Andrews was depicted as having stuffed ballots into a collection box, but after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing, he settled his defamation suit with Salem “for a significant amount.” The Journal’s editors apparently think this means that cellphone geolocation is an unreliable investigative technology, even though it’s been used to locate people at crime scenes and thereby put them in prison. And they believe that if D’Souza blew it with Andrews, then he blew it with everyone else he geolocated. Conservatives bear a higher burden of accuracy than our leftist counterparts, and “2000 Mules” didn’t meet that burden. We look forward to hearing D’Souza’s mea culpa for the Andrews failure and, if he sees fit, his defense of the rest of the film.
  • Steve Bannon ordered to report to prison by July 1 (NY Post)
  • Netanyahu to defend “just war” in July 24 speech to joint session of U.S. Congress (Times of Israel)


  • A good jobs report, but… “The U.S. economy added far more jobs than expected in May, countering fears of a slowdown in the labor market,” reports CNBC of the 272,000 jobs added in May. That’s the good news. Unfortunately, the bad news is at least five-fold. First, the unemployment rate rose to 4% for the first time since January 2022 as more people entered the jobs market and didn’t find one. Second, wages are finally exceeding the current inflation rate, though wages haven’t caught up to the cumulative 20% inflation under Joe Biden. Third, May might have exceeded expectations, but as we noted yesterday, last year’s officially reported jobs numbers were overstated by a whopping 730,000. Fourth, California fast-food restaurants have slashed 10,000 jobs since the state raised the minimum wage to $20. The minimum wage is $0 when you don’t have a job. Finally, as we noted Tuesday, half of the jobs added since 2019 are located in just two states: Texas and Florida. The Leftmedia always obscures such context when trying to boost Biden’s poll numbers.
  • Youngkin gets rid of Virginia’s Cali emissions standards: It’s said that as California goes, so goes the rest of the country. But Glenn Youngkin isn’t buying it. Virginia’s outstanding Republican governor announced this week that, after having conferred with Attorney General Jason Miyares, he’s withdrawing his state from subservience to the Once-Golden State’s extreme auto emissions standards. “Once again,” Youngkin said in a news release, “Virginia is declaring independence — this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth. The idea that government should tell people what kind of car they can or can’t purchase is fundamentally wrong. Virginians deserve the freedom to choose which vehicles best fit the needs of their families and businesses.” Are other free-thinking governors taking note? If the 50 states are indeed our laboratories for republican democracy, then Youngkin shouldn’t be the only one standing up against this California scheming.


  • Whoa, those COVID vaccines might be killing folks? Among the more than seven million worldwide deaths that have been attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus, one casualty stands out among all others: Liberty. Whether the penalty was getting kicked out of college or kicked out of the military, the Left’s anti-scientific insistence that even healthy young people get the stick was, at the time, infuriating to those who believe in individual liberty. And now, that violation seems even more monstrous. As the New York Post reports, a new study from the Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit suggests that the vax could be partly to blame for an “unprecedented” increase in deaths in both the U.S. and other Western countries in the years since the pandemic hit. “Analyzing mortality data from 47 Western countries, scientists … found that excess mortality has ‘remained high’ since 2020 — despite the widespread rollout of COVID vaccines and various containment measures.” How many excess deaths are we talking about? In the U.S., Europe, and Australia since 2020, that number is north of three million. Clearly, a reckoning is due. Will the pro-vax forces in government and the media stop staring at their shoes?


  • DeSantis once again schools Disney: You’d think by now they’d have learned their lesson. You’d think. And you’d be wrong. Florida’s Ron DeSantis, America’s Best Governor™, chalked up yet another win this week, as Disney announced plans for investing $17 billion for a fifth theme park in the Sunshine State. Strange, but wasn’t Disney just a few months ago trying to sue the pants off the DeSantis administration and threatening to skedaddle to more groomer-friendly climes? And now here it is inking a 15-year deal with the dreaded DeSantis. It’s “a win for the mouse-eared masses and the governor’s mansion,” says National Review’s Luther Ray Abel. “This deal comes as Disney is reorienting itself, cutting costs by $7.5 billion and focusing its studios away from streaming, a loser, and back on profitable franchises. Disney CEO Bob Iger is busy killing the darlings of his protegé predecessor while deflecting criticism of Disney’s perceived wokeness.” Disney has a long, long way to go if it’s ever going to rebuild its once-proud brand and recover its stockholder value. But ceasing to pick fights with a popular and family-friendly governor is a step in the right direction.
  • Google sullies D-Day: Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D-Day, likely the last major anniversary on which any of the Veterans of that day are alive. The youngest of them are approaching 100. For many days of recognition, Google reworks its homepage to honor the occasion. Not this one. Google has even neglected Easter, celebrated by more than a billion people worldwide. Instead, many of Google’s redesigns are to honor left-wing people or causes. Yesterday’s featured lesbian feminist activist and author Jeanne Córdova, “a pioneering leader of the LGBTQ+ rights movement.” Pride Month, gross as it is, trumps everything else. Meanwhile, Google-owned YouTube announced new age restrictions on some gun-related videos because it wants to “to make sure we are drawing the line at the right place.” Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (you may have heard of him) applauded the “commonsense fixes.” We’re certainly not defending every gun video on YouTube — for example, video clips from extremely violent movies are available for any and all age viewers. But it’s certainly ironic that the heroes of D-Day used guns to liberate Europe, and all Google can do is restrict gun videos and honor a lesbian.
  • Covenant shooter cited transgender “rights” in shooting spree manifesto, contradicting official claims (Daily Wire)
  • Newly crowned Miss Maryland USA is a man (Daily Wire)

American Spirit

  • Conservative game-show host rides into the sunset: “Somewhere along the line, we became more than a popular show,” mused Pat Sajak. “We became part of the popular culture.” After 41 seasons and more than 8,000 episodes (a record for a single host), the 77-year-old “Wheel of Fortune” icon’s final episode will air tonight, though it was taped on April 5. Sajak began as a DJ on Armed Forces Radio while serving in Vietnam, moving to a local Los Angeles TV station before being chosen for the “Wheel” gig. “Throughout his stint as host,” reports Fox News, “Sajak was nominated for 23 Daytime Emmy Awards, winning three.” Sajak not only managed fame and, er, fortune with class, he did it without scandal and as a conservative. The Federalist’s Chris Jacobs notes, “During his tenure, he has served as a director of Eagle Publishing, of the Claremont Institute, and as chair of the Board of Trustees of Hillsdale College since 2019.” Nevertheless, Sajak said, “I’d rather leave a couple of years too early than a couple of years too late.” Longtime “Wheel” fixture Vanna White will remain with the show at least until 2026. Ryan Seacrest will take Sajak’s place next season, though he said, “No one can replace him.”

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

Follow Nate Jackson and Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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The D-Day ‘Nazi’ Hunter

Hillary Clinton does what leftists always do — wrongly assume Nazis were right-wing and compare Republicans to them.

Nate Jackson

Ever since they decided to recast Nazis as “right-wingers,” leftists have dedicated their lives to hunting Nazis everywhere. Just like those brave men on the beaches of Normandy, they’ll have you know.

It’s disgraceful enough to compare virtually anything to the stunning bravery and heroism on display that fateful day in northern France. The day on which 2,501 Americans gave their lives to liberate Europe and preserve freedom even here, an ocean away. Total Allied deaths were 4,414, with 73,000 dying in the ensuing Battle of Normandy, after which more than 150,000 others came home with literal battle scars.

But it’s downright despicable to compare the Patriots of today with the Left’s ideological cousins in Germany.

The word Nazi is the German acronym for National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which doesn’t sound very right-wing to me. Adolf Hitler’s party exercised totalitarian control over the lives of Germans and the nation’s economy, which doesn’t sound very conservative to me. The Nazis conquered most of continental Europe, subjecting various people groups to their tyranny — all while murdering six million Jews in an ethnic genocide and millions of others through various brutality and battle — which doesn’t sound very much like the American Spirit to me.

No, the Nazis were socialists of the worst sort, essentially differing from communists only in their preference for nationalism and race instead of internationalism and class. Both are totalitarian left-wing ideologies.

Enter Hillary Clinton, the latest contestant in the Left’s favorite game, “Everyone I Don’t Like Is Hitler.”

On yesterday’s 80th anniversary of D-Day, Clinton asserted on X, “Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote.”

The language was slippery and Clintonesque enough for her to avoid directly comparing Donald Trump and his supporters to Nazis, but the fact that she “protected democracy” by turning off comments on her post was just another clue to what she meant.

She cheapened and disgraced the sacrifice of the soldiers of D-Day while grossly insulting half of her fellow Americans. Pretty much another day in the life of Hillary Clinton.

Going to vote, even if you have to wait in line — never mind voting early or mailing it in — is nothing like storming the beaches of Normandy under heavy machine-gun fire from 50,000 enemy troops. No one in America — not even the ideological kindred spirits occupying college campuses to call for another genocide of Jews — is actually doing what the Nazis did.

This isn’t new territory for Clinton, either. Last November, she opined that “Hitler was duly elected, right?” She called Trump somebody with “dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies.”

Last I checked, that described Joe Biden and his party, which is currently trying to put Trump in jail for “crimes.”

Last October, Hillary mused that “there needs to be a formal deprogramming of [Trump] cult members.” People fighting Nazis don’t set up concentration camps.

Clinton isn’t alone among Democrats, though. Paula Collins, the Democrat challenging Republican Elise Stefanik for her New York House seat, had the same idea for fighting back. “Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want to call it that,” Collins said. “I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.”

Yeah, the only problem is the phrasing and labeling. Democrats already control the public schools, which teach the falsehood that Nazis were right-wingers. It’s never enough for them, though.

As for any comparison with the warriors of D-Day, there simply isn’t one. All we can do is live our lives worthy of their sacrifice. That means fighting for American values as outlined in our founding documents.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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Ibram X. Kendi’s Self-Destruction

An autopsy of a briefly lucrative race-baiting grifter.

Emmy Griffin

The New York Times Magazine just published an article on the rise and fall of Ibram X. Kendi. He’s an academic whose core theory on racism is always questioning whether something is racist or anti-racist — but only as it pertains to race, not as a general measure, NYT assures its readers. He also has been the subject of criticism and scrutiny since his ascension to fame post-George Floyd.

Kendi’s rise to prominence garnered him name recognition for his books and afforded him the honor of being asked to be a guest lecturer for $20,000 a gig and cash for a research center. In 2020 alone, the Center for Antiracist Research received $55 million. That money was run through like water, forcing Kendi and Boston University to restructure the center; instead of full-time employees, the center issued nine-month-long academic fellowships that would exist as long as the money held out. It was a grift from beginning to end, but he is still hanging on in the event of another George Floyd moment to give his center and his pockets an infusion of cash.

Who exactly is Ibram X. Kendi? Well, his birth name is really Henry Rogers, but he changed it in his early 30s to a more authentically African-sounding name. Kendi is a complicated individual.

NYT Magazine paints this interesting contrast of Kendi. On the one hand, he is portrayed as a soft-spoken and kindly man who was put upon by unsought fame and struggles with being a misunderstood and introverted intellectual. On the other hand, it talks about a man who is fussy with his appearance to the point of mockery by his friends and is the bane of his colleagues’ existence. His coworkers give accounts of a god complex wherein the only rule for pursuing research is that it must be the carrying out of Kendi’s own ideas.

The magazine is very intentional in drawing a distinction ideologically between Kendi and his contemporaries like Robin DiAngelo. Perhaps the correct person to compare Kendi to is a figure like Patrisse Cullors, who cashed in on the BLM money train. Nonetheless, it is DiAngelo to whom Kendi is paired, and in the words of National Review’s Jeffrey Blehar: “For her, racism is a state of inexpiable white original sin that one must constantly apologize for. For Kendi, it is merely something you oppose by micro-interrogating every single action you take on a relentless second-by-second basis. The Times wants you to understand that his is the more sensible way to reckon with your failures.”

Speaking of failures, NYT Magazine went to extensive lengths to paint Kendi as a misunderstood academic, which was really an attempt to justify his failures with the Center for Antiracist Research he started at Boston University. This center, his brainchild, was supposed to be the compendium of knowledge and tracking of racism and antiracism to help activists positively influence policy for the black community. This mission is vague enough that those who worked at the center were hard-pressed to understand what their actual end goal or objectives were.

Kendi apparently created a toxic work environment for his employees by being secretive and hard to work with. Moreover, when a new executive director stepped in to help lighten Kendi’s workload, she found the center’s finances in disarray and a group of dissatisfied researchers with no clear objectives to follow and no tangibly achievable end goals. This, in a word, was Kendi’s destruction.

Ironically, Kendi blamed his former employees for their own complaints, insisting that they were being more ideologically radical and performing on that radicalism rather than trying to bring about change that would help people. Also, their real resentment was that they were being led by a black man. So they’re racist radicals?

The real reason that Kendi, BLM, critical race theory, and DEI are starting to fade is that the ideas are toxic. His ideas about racism and antiracism aren’t feasible; they are actively harmful. They usher in anti-white, anti-Asian, and anti-Jew racism. As Kendi once said himself, “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

Kendi’s Roman candle of a grift is fizzling out, and not a moment too soon.

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Why Are Homeowners Insurance Rates Soaring?

Joe Biden’s media hacks will blame just about anyone or anything other than him, and that includes — wait for it! — climate change.

Brian Mark Weber

Prices for goods and services are going through the roof. And despite what Joe Biden and the Leftmedia want you to believe, it’s not the fault of greedy corporations maximizing profits by taking advantage of consumers struggling in a tough economy.

Instead, the blame lies with the people in power who implemented bad policies leading to inflation.

“Under most of President Donald Trump’s one term in office,” reports The Daily Wire, “inflation hovered around 2%. The inflation rate was just 1.4% in early 2021 when Biden took over before it jumped to 7% by December of that year. In June of 2022, inflation reached a peak rate of 9.1% before it dropped again, and it now stands at 3.4%.”

Those numbers, though, can’t capture the real fear and stress that so many Americans feel in trying to make ends meet in Biden’s economy.

For example, as a poll by the National True Cost of Living Coalition reveals, “Sixty-five percent of Americans often considered ‘middle class’ — those earning more than 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) — are struggling financially today and don’t expect that to change for the remainder of their lives, according to the new poll commissioned by the National True Cost of Living Coalition.”

It gets even worse: “40 percent of ALL Americans are unable to plan beyond their next paycheck, and 46 percent don’t have $500 saved for a rainy day.”

For a while, the Biden administration found it easy to spin the reality of high inflation by blaming others. These days? Not so much. We have more dollars out there chasing fewer goods. That’s the definition of inflation, and it isn’t easily fixed — especially by an administration that printed so much money it didn’t have.

Now, in a novel idea of excuse-making, Team Biden is blaming climate change for higher home insurance rates. Indeed, spreading fear about the climate is their go-to strategy to cover up their failure to help the very people they claim to care about. But it’s all smoke and mirrors.

There’s no doubt that homeowners are paying higher premiums. “Since 2019, home insurance rates in the U.S. have surged 37.8% to roughly $2,478 per year, according to new data published by LendingTree,” Fox Business reports. “That is noticeably faster than the overall 24% increase in the consumer price index recorded during that same time period. Researchers have blamed the skyrocketing prices on a number of factors, including weather disasters, rising home prices and steep home repairs as inflation pushes the cost of building materials higher.”

The reality is that we’ve always had floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters, but it wasn’t always so expensive to make home repairs. Now, inflation has made it an expensive proposition. Liberty Mutual, one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, explains that a variety of factors determine insurance premium costs, including industry trends like the volume of claims and costs for repairing homes or vehicles. “If those costs increase, the price of insurance premiums will likely increase as well,” they write. “Unfortunately, due to inflation these costs are increasing. Building materials for homes are more expensive, there’s a chip shortage driving up the cost of cars, and there’s also a labor shortage. These factors mean the cost to repair your home and vehicle have increased in the event of an insurance claim.”

With higher inflation, costs for lumber, shingles, windows, doors, and other building supplies are more expensive. As for hurricane season, according to the American Meteorological Society’s own data, the frequency and severity of storms have decreased in the last century.

Thus, climate change is just an excuse to empower government politicians and bureaucrats to force Americans to give up their cars and refrigerators and to leave others hoping for a sunny day to power their taxpayer-funded solar panels.

We can’t change the weather. Eventually, a powerful hurricane will hit the southern or eastern coast, so it’s probably best not to build a flimsy vacation home in a high-risk spot.

While we can’t change Mother Nature, we can change presidential administrations. In doing so, we can change the ill-considered government policies and regulations that stifle innovation and economic growth while leaving consumers worrying about whether to feed their families or pay the electric bill.

On November 5, we’ll have the opportunity to do just that.

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The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump

Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

Victor Davis Hanson

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Department of Justice’s federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Trump.

Biden was upset because any delay might mean that his rival Trump would not be in federal court during the 2024 election cycle. And that would mean he could not be tagged as a “convicted felon” by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.

Politico has long prided itself on its supposed insider knowledge of the workings of the Biden administration. Note that it was reported earlier this February that a frustrated Joe Biden “has grumbled to aides and advisers that had (Attorney General Merrick) Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded…”

If there was any doubt about the Biden administration’s effort to force Trump into court before November, Politico further dispelled it — even as it blamed Trump for Biden’s anger at Garland: “That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team.”

Note in passing how a presidential candidate’s legal right to oppose a politicized indictment months before an election by his opponent’s federal attorneys is smeared by Politico as “deliberate resistance.”

Given Politico was publicly reporting six months ago about Biden’s anger at the pace of his DOJ’s prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

Note Smith had petitioned and was denied an unusual request to the court to speed up the course of his Trump indictment.

And why would Biden’s own Attorney General, Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith? Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had previously gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia governor Bob MacDonald.

Yet Smith’s politicized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court. That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith’s partiality and his incompetence.

But then again, Smith’s wife had donated to the 2020 Biden campaign fund. And she was previously known for producing a hagiographic 2020 documentary (“Becoming”) about Michelle Obama.

Selecting a special counsel with a successful record of prior nonpartisan convictions was clearly not why the DOJ appointed Smith.

The White House’s involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis’s paramour and erstwhile lead prosecutor in her indictment of Trump, Nathan Wade, met twice with the White House counsel’s office. On one occasion, Wade met inside the Biden White House.

Subpoenaed records reveal that the brazen Wade actually billed the federal government for his time spent with the White House counsel’s staff — although so far no one has disclosed under oath the nature of such meetings.

Of the tens of thousands of local prosecutions each year, in how many instances does a county prosecutor consult with the White House counsel’s office — and then bill it for his knowledge?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s just-completed felony convictions of Trump were spearheaded by former prominent federal prosecutor Matthew Colangelo. He is not just a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee.

Colangelo had also just left his prior position in the Biden Justice Department — reputedly as Garland’s third-ranking prosecutor — to join the local Bragg team.

Again, among all the multitudes of annual municipal indictments nationwide, how many local prosecutors manage to enlist one of the nation’s three top federal attorneys to head their case?

So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump. In addition, Bragg brashly drafted a top Democratic operative and political appointee from inside Joe Biden’s DOJ to head his prosecution.

Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival as a “convicted felon.” Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden’s White House “neutrality.” Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.

©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion.


Jordan Candler

Theater of the Absurd

“The same resolve that the extraordinary men and women that we’re celebrating today showed then [D-Day], [Biden] is showing now.” —Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Non Compos Mentis

“I’ve known [Vladimir Putin] for over 40 years. He’s concerned me for 40 years.” —Joe Biden

Dumb & Dumber

“I can tell you that he is sharper than ever.” —Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod

“I don’t even know what that question means.” —Adrienne Elrod when asked, “How much should a candidate’s cognitive function factor into that decision when someone votes?”

Who Wants to Tell Them?

“If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn.” —NBC News

For the Record

“The supposed ‘capping’ of migrants at 2,500 per day is meaningless. Who will do the counting? If the cap is imposed on one day when the arbitrary number is reached, what happens the next day? Another 2,500, of course. All breaking the law to enter the country. This is like giving shoplifters a maximum they can steal before they are arrested and prosecuted. Oh wait, that is already happening in California.” —Cal Thomas

“Immigration is among the top issues for voters in 2024 and Biden’s executive order is in response to a political necessity, not the necessity of controlling the border. … This is the problem with so much that happens in Washington. A small number of people — some elected, some appointed — decide for more than 300 million people what they think is best for them, when it is more about what is best for themselves and their political careers.” —Cal Thomas

“Joe Biden issued 94 executive orders undoing everything Donald Trump did to really secure the border. … One order pretending to get tough won’t make up for 94 previous orders gutting border security.” —Gary Bauer


“The powerful like [Donald] Trump, Hillary Clinton, Sam Bankman-Fried, Jeffery Epstein, Diddy and Joe Biden, and the powerless, the rich and the poor, indeed, everyone needs to read more of the Bible and squander less time on fawning social media. We should all start with Galatians 6:7 — ‘A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction.’” —Armstrong Williams

Follow Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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RT panel ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’: Live Updates (VIDEO) — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Prominent experts discuss Western attempts to paint a negative image of Moscow’s foreign policy

RT panel ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’: Live Updates (VIDEO)

RT is hosting a discussion titled ‘The Empire of Evil: Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’ as part of the 2024 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The event features several high-profile speakers, including former UN Special Commission weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who was prevented by the US authorities from coming to Russia to participate in the forum, as well as Tara Reade – a former aide to Joe Biden – former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl, and the great nephew of Otto von Bismarck, Alexander von Bismarck.

The session is moderated by RT host and correspondent Oksana Boyko.

The discussion focuses on the West’s attempts to cultivate a negative image of Russia amid the Ukraine conflict, and assess whether the populations of NATO countries have been convinced that Moscow is a threat to them, and whether EU members agree with the US.

This live stream has ended.

— Read on www.rt.com/russia/598907-west-demonized-russia-panel/

Bidens mocked Hunter’s laptop to hide possibly largest US corruption scandal | Fox News

The reality of the Hunter Biden laptop is on display in court. But, the president’s criticisms weren’t trying to stop his son’s gun charge. He was worried about a lot more.

Hunter Biden spent nearly four years insisting that his laptop was stolen, or it was not really his, or it contained false information likely planted by those sneaky Russians. Take your pick.  

There was never any evidence to support those claims. None. He simply made it up.  

Hunter’s devious deception was finally exposed in court this week with the first witness to take the stand in his federal trial in Delaware on gun charges. FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen was handed the MacBook Pro 13 and verified the serial number as belonging to President Joe Biden’s son.  


Forensic analysis, she explained, determined that the device had not been tampered with and that all the material contained therein — emails, text messages, photographs and a plethora of documents — were original and authentic. It was all corroborated by Hunter’s subpoenaed iCloud account with Apple.  

In other words, the U.S. government that was a one-time party to the lie, belatedly confirmed the lie. It is about time.  

The FBI seized the laptop in December 2019, 11 months before the 2020 presidential election. The bureau knew immediately that it was the real deal because the computer was self-authenticating. Records found on it were also corroborated by those who sent and/or received communications with Hunter Biden. 

Not only did the FBI remain mum by actively concealing the truth, it pressured social media companies to censor the laptop story when the New York Post first reported its incriminating contents several weeks before the election. On cue, Facebook and Twitter suppressed the story and suspended access to those who attempted to share it online. They locked then-President Donald Trump’s accounts.  

Simultaneously, Joe Biden’s media handmaidens doubled down on the lie by running endless accounts of how the laptop was a fraud conjured up by Moscow to smear Biden and help his opponent get re-elected. Nearly every major television and newspaper organization denounced the laptop as thoroughly debunked, even though it was not. And they knew it.  

Journalists never bothered to independently verify anything. They didn’t want to. Instead, they blindly endorsed the canard that it was a fake in the worst example of media malpractice since the notorious Russia Hoax in which they assured Americans

 that Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin in the bowels of the Kremlin to steal the 2016 election.  

Only after Biden was sworn in as the new president did the press come clean and affirm the authenticity of the laptop. There were no apologies or mea culpas. Merely an acknowledgment that the device was accurate. Very few disclosed that the contents were so damning that Biden might have lost his bid for the White House if the truth had been known to voters before they cast their ballots.  

Polling data indicates that the outcome would have been different if the laptop story had not been misreported and smothered. 

Joe Biden recognized the incendiary nature of the material, which is why he shamelessly embraced the laptop lie in the second and final presidential debate with Trump on October 22, 2020. “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant,” declared an angry Biden as he called his son’s computer a “bunch of garbage.”  

That memorable line was, itself, an artful lie based on a clever pretense. Three days earlier, 51 former intelligence officials signed and made public an infamous letter suggesting that the device had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. They had no legitimate basis nor actionable intelligence for such wild speculation. But that was irrelevant. Selling the fiction to unduly influence the election was their urgent objective.   

Only much later did a top intel official, former CIA acting director Michael Morell, confess in a congressional hearing in 2023 that a Biden operative inspired the letter during a telephone call he initiated. That person’s name is Anthony Blinken, who was rewarded with the lofty position of Secretary of State. Naturally, he denies it to this day.  

Why were the Bidens and their confederates so frantic to hide the laptop from the American public? It was not because it contained evidence that could be used against Hunter in any future federal gun charges. No, there was something far more damaging and ruinous at stake.  

The computer harbored shocking evidence of the father’s key involvement in his son’s vast influence-peddling schemes that netted tens of millions of dollars from many of our nation’s adversaries. The payola was funneled through some 20 shell companies to disguise the source and then distributed, in part, to Biden family members.  

The facts are compelling that Joe and Hunter were selling access to the elder Biden and promises of future influence to Russia, Ukraine, China, Romania, Kazakhstan and other countries in what may be the largest corruption scandal by a public official in U.S. history.  

Why, then, have no charges been brought under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act or even U.S. bribery and conspiracy statutes? The IRS whistleblowers offered the stunning answer, accompanied by convincing evidence: Biden’s Department of Justice shut down any effort at prosecution for those serious criminal offenses. The investigation was effectively scuttled to protect Joe and Hunter Biden.


It is ironic that the laptop has surfaced now as the central feature in a trial over whether Hunter lied on a federal form about his unlawful use of drugs when he purchased a firearm in 2018. Of all the possible scenarios involving criminal jeopardy, that one was the least foreseeable.  

But sometimes, it’s the little stuff that trips you up. 

Hunter may escape accountability yet, mind you. Yes, the evidence against him in the Delaware courtroom is overwhelming. His defense that he was in denial about his addiction and, therefore, did not knowingly lie about it is patently absurd. But unlike Trump’s recent New York trial, there is no hostile jury sitting in judgment in Wilmington. Just the opposite. 

This is the Biden family’s home turf, their personal fiefdom. They all but own the state. So, the friendly jury may choose to overlook the laptop evidence where Hunter implicated himself and reject all the testimony from witnesses that would otherwise lead to a quick and inevitable conviction.  

The defense team knows this, which is why they have devised a two-fold legal strategy —sympathy for a recovering drug addict and jury nullification. The latter relies on the unstated power of 12 individuals to disregard their oath and ignore both the evidence and the statutes to acquit because — quite simply — they want to. 

Overriding the law defiles a jury’s sacred commitment to fulfill its duty impartially. While the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that juries have no right to negate the law when rendering a verdict, secrecy of deliberations offers them protection, as well as unfettered authority to do as they please. 

Regardless of the outcome, at least one salient truth has emerged from the trial. The laptop was always authentic and never Russian disinformation. 

Not that Joe or Hunter Biden will ever cop to their brazen lies. 


— Read on www.foxnews.com/opinion/bidens-mocked-hunters-laptop-hide-evidence-possibly-largest-us-corruption-scandal-ever

“President Biden Needs to Stop All of This – Don’t Be Naive People!” – Dr. Phil Interviews President Trump and Goes Off on Biden’s Destruction of US Justice System (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Dr. Phil traveled to Mar-a-Lago to sit down with President Trump for an exclusive one-on-one interview.

Dr. Phil says he would like to sit down with all three of the top presidential candidates. Trump is his first interview. Robert Kennedy, Jr. may be second. Don’t hold your breath for any sit down with Old Joe. That’s not going to happen.

On the Democrat Party’s Destruction of the US Justice System

Dr. Phil: I called for the other day, and I don’t know if you saw it, but on Marriott Street Media, where I now do my show, I called for President Biden to stop all of this now. And of course, a lot of people said, Oh, he can’t stop it. It’s a state case. Well, okay, that’s an explanation for stupid people. But for people that understand how this works behind the scenes and all, I say the same thing. They need to stop this. They need to stop pursuing you. Since you started your campaign in 2015 to run for office, there have been so many attempts to get you off the board even before you started your campaign. Then once you were in office, two impeachment opportunities, they changed the rules to try to make it high crimes and misdemeanors. If there were business conflicts, and in this case, in this case. Never ends. It seems to be never-ending. And that is a distraction to you…

President Trump: …You just mentioned a question that I’m not allowed to talk about. Can you imagine? I’m the Republican nominee, and I’m not allowed to talk because a local judge from New York, appointed by Democrats, said, I can’t talk about it. It’s so unfair. And then he gives a jury charge. Nobody’s ever heard of a charge like this. He gave instructions to the jury. And by the way, the jury happened to be in a location that was almost no Republicans. You understand that?

Dr. Phil: Yeah. It was 87, 13 in the last two elections, Republican. And I know you can’t talk about it. I’m not under a gag order. I do know that the number three person in the Department of Justice took a pay cut and went down in stature to go to a state job and become one of the lead prosecutors in this case. But yet they say, Hey, Dr. Phil, why are you saying that President Biden needs to stop all of this. It’s a state case. That’s exactly why I’m saying it. Don’t be naive, people. Understand that there’s a power play going on here.

President Trump: It’s controlled by the White House and the DOJ, 100%.

Dr. Phil: Gerard Baker wrote in Wall Street Journal today, and I’m paraphrasing, but he said, What do we say to those people that are rejoicing over reducing law to the status of a weapon in the hands of the dominant political power? Because that’s what’s happening right now. It’s become a weapon, and that’s not what it’s intended for. That’s not what we need to be doing. Let’s let the people decide these, right?

President Trump: That’s right. That was a very good statement in the Wall Street Journal. I read that this morning, and it’s so true. I mean, it’s so accurate. They’ve weaponized to a level. They are trying to affect the the election… This is about November fifth, which I think is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. If we don’t turn this around, we’re not going to have a country left anymore.

Dr. Phil: Well, we’re a country of laws, right? And that’s what’s made us so orderly. That’s what’s allowed us to progress forward. And there’s something that called Black Letter law. These things have just been around so long, and these were violated in your case, one right after the other.

On Crazy E. Jean Carroll

President Trump: No, they didn’t… But if I didn’t run, as an example, I would have never had any of these lawsuits. How about I get prosecuted on a person that I have no idea who she is. I have no idea who she is. I have to pay $91 million. And that judge was just as bad, just as corrupt. A corrupt judge. I have to pay $91 million to a woman. I have no idea who she is. She wrote a book and she made a statement in the book. And you know that case. That case is a disaster. But I have no idea who she is. And they said, I did things. These people are corrupt and in some cases incompetent. But it’s such an honor to have somebody like you see it and see it so clearly. And I knew that… I remember that years ago you were helping Oprah out, that she was sued and it was having a big impact on her.

On Oprah

President Trump: Long time It was the only funeral we’ve ever had at Mar-a-Lago. I said, Maybe we can do a new business here. We’ll operate as a funeral parlor. But it was one of the most beautiful funerals in the ballroom behind us. And he was a great guy. And Oprah’s terrific. But what Once I announced I was running and I said, We have to have strong borders. We have to have this. We have to have that. We’ve lost contact, as the expression goes. But I remember when you were very much involved in helping Oprah, and that’s really the first thing I thought when you called about this horrible witch hunt that, in all fairness, they’ve had going against me for years.

President Trump Wanted to Testify

President Trump: I’ll tell you what, I have a lot of that are friends and this and that. I had probably 25 guys over the course of a couple of months say, Whatever you do, don’t testify, because you’ll say something that’s a little bit off, and you will be indicted for lying, for perjury. These are evil people. These are sick, evil people. “I would have thrown myself in front of your car to keep you from testifying.”

No, I wanted to so badly. And by the way, I would have loved to have testified about those things because it was so corrupt and so horrible. But he wouldn’t have allowed me to to answer the questions properly. And so I would have loved to have testified. I wanted to. I’m telling you, they had to hold me back. But every lawyer that came, they’d always start to say, by the way, I’m a friend of yours. Don’t testify. And they saw what he was doing. They can ask you about anything. They can do nothing to do with this case. All of these outside things. And it was really an unfair trial. There’s a very brilliant judge in Florida that’s holding the government accountable. It looks like she’s looking into what happened because they raided Mar-a-Lago, and they took stuff out by the satchel. I mean, they took bags and bags of stuff. And I said, what are they taking? Are they saying what they’re taking? Because they can add things. They can add the nuclear codes in there. They say, Hey, he had the nuclear codes. And this was all stuff that under the presidential records act, I’m allowed to do.

On Biden’s Exoneration Due to His Dementia</strong

President Trump: By the way, Biden was totally exonerated. Now, I’m I’m not sure I want that kind of an exoneration. They basically said he’s incompetent to sit in trial, but he could be President. Think of that. He’s not sharp enough. Got no memory, got no this, got no that. He’s incompetent. Basically, they’re saying he can’t stay in trial due to incompetence, but he can run for President. What’s going on? What are we missing here?

The post “President Biden Needs to Stop All of This – Don’t Be Naive People!” – Dr. Phil Interviews President Trump and Goes Off on Biden’s Destruction of US Justice System (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Kremlin responds after Biden claims he’s known Putin for 40 years — RT World News

“Deep analytical conclusions” can be made about the US leader after his recent comments, Dmitry Peskov has said

Kremlin responds after Biden claims he’s known Putin for 40 years

Vladimir Putin wearing KGB uniform in 1980. ©  Wikipedia

It is often difficult to fathom what US President Joe Biden means with his statements, including when he claims to have known his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for 40 years, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.   

Biden lashed out at Putin during an interview with ABC News on Thursday, saying: “I have known him for over 40 years. He has concerned me for 40 years. He is not a decent man. He is a dictator.”  

Speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, Peskov stated that Putin “does not react and will not react” to insults such as Biden’s.    

The spokesman added that he could only express regret that “in international politics at this level such rhetoric and such expressions are employed regarding a head of state.”  

Referring to Biden’s claim that he has known the Russian leader for four decades, Peskov added that “sometimes one can only wonder what the US president means, including when he speaks about [knowing Putin for] 40 years.”  

Some commentators have already “rolled back time to understand what Putin was doing 40 years ago. One can make very deep analytical conclusions about how Biden could have become acquainted with him [at that time],” Peskov said, prompting laughter from journalists.  

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US and Russian Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin shake hands during their Geneva summit in June 2021.
Biden claims he knew Putin in 1980s

The presidential spokesman was apparently referring to the fact that 40 years ago, the then 32-year-old Putin was working for the Soviet security agency, the KGB. Biden was 41 at the time, serving as senator for the US state of Delaware.  

The two officially met for the first time in 2011, when Putin held the post of prime minister under President Dmitry Medvedev, and Biden was US vice president in the administration of Barack Obama.  

Posting on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday, conservative commentator and former US Senate staffer Steve Guest wrote that by claiming he had known Putin for four decades, the 81-year-old Biden was “either… lying or he is admitting he was in contact with a KGB agent since 1984 or Biden’s brain is so cooked that he doesn’t know what on earth he is talking about.”  

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing dozens of people who have been in contact with Biden recently, that beyond his frequent mental gaffes in public, the president is also showing “signs of slipping” in closed-door meetings with US lawmakers.  

READ MORE: Putin responds to Biden’s ‘crazy S.O.B.’ insult

Biden has directed insults at Putin throughout his presidency, among other things calling the Russian leader a “killer” in 2021 and a “crazy SOB” in February. The Kremlin

 has denounced the comments as “shameful,” but has declined to respond with equally harsh rhetoric.

— Read on www.rt.com/news/598957-biden-putin-dictator-kgb/