Daily Archives: June 11, 2024


Fire and Water Worship | WRETCHED TV Episode 2185

What contemporary worship songs lack in theology, they make up for in repetitiveness. What contemporary worship songs lack in theology, they make up for in repetitiveness. What contemporary worship songs lack in theology, they make up for in repetitiveness.


Russell Brand Walks Readers Through ‘Mere Christianity,’ Will Tour With Tucker Carlson | ChurchLeaders

Russell Brand
Screengrabs from X / @rustyrockets

New Christian Russell Brand is inviting people to read and discuss “Mere Christianity.” The English actor and podcaster, who was baptized in April, shared a photo of the C.S. Lewis classic on social media June 10. He also invited his followers, aka “Awakened Wonders,” to join a livestream of his book club discussion.

“We’re getting through Mere Christianity and we’re onto Book 3, ‘Christian Behaviour,’” Brand wrote. “Drop me a comment to let me know what you’ve been making of Mere Christianity so far.”

Last December, Brand revealed he had been reading the Bible and Lewis’ book “The Problem of Pain.” In early 2024, he began mentioning his need for a personal relationship with God. The actor asked followers in March where he should attend church. The next month, he was baptized in the River Thames and talked about being “surrendered in Christ.”

RELATED: After Being Baptized, Russell Brand Is ‘So Grateful To Be Surrendered in Christ’

Russell Brand To Join Tucker Carlson’s Tour This Fall

In another June 10 social media post, Brand shared that he’ll be joining former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on his upcoming national tour. Carlson’s nationwide arena tour kicks off Sept. 4. In addition to Brand, special guests on the lineup include Charlie KirkAlex JonesKid RockMarjorie Taylor GreeneDonald Trump Jr. and Glenn Beck, among others.

Earlier this year, Carlson interviewed Brand on “The Tucker Carlson Encounter.” Carlson introduced his guest by saying governments have “colluded to shut down and destroy” the actor. When Brand was accused of sexual assault last fall, Carlson said, it was an attempt to take him out of public view and “to make Russell Brand shut up.”

The reason, Carlson added, is because Brand has “views that diverge from most Western governments” as well as “the capacity to win people over from the other side.” Because Brand formerly leaned left, he’s now a political threat, with “the power to persuade,” according to Carlson.

The alleged “campaign” against Brand occurred outside public view, Carlson said. He described how the actor was denounced as “an agent of Chinese propaganda” due to his views on Ukraine. Carlson also explored Brand’s opinions about the pandemic and vaccine mandates.

Other Updates From Russell Brand

On June 11, Brand posted that he’d be showing “in the ice with Christ”—video of him baptizing people in ice baths on the streets. “You’ll love it; it’s crazy!” he said.

Also on Tuesday, Brand promoted his latest podcast episode with a video of him playing table tennis. “They’re playing GAMES with our LIVES!” the caption stated. Brand told viewers to imagine the ball is world peace, noting that leaders are playing a game with it.

“Hypersonic missiles are now in Cuba. That’s what happens when you provoke a nuclear superpower,” he said, referencing Russia. Those games “could go terribly wrong,” leading to nuclear war, according to Brand.

RELATED: ‘I Need a Personal Relationship With God’—Russell Brand Says Jesus Is ‘Becoming More Important’ to Him

“Do you think Joe Biden is very good at international diplomacy?” added the actor. “Have you seen any clumsiness or potential ineptitude from Joe Biden?”

On his June 7 podcast, Brand said voting for Donald Trump in November’s U.S. presidential election means you’re voting for democracy and freedom.

June 13 – The Road to Damascus | VCY

  1 Kings 11:1-12:19
  Acts 9:1-25
  Psalm 131:1-3
  Proverbs 17:4-5

1 Kings 11:1 — This is the first use of the phrase “strange women.” Solomon himself will warn us about them in Proverbs 22:14 and Proverbs 23:33.

1 Kings 11:7 — God told Moses that the Israelites were to destroy their pictures, molten images, and “quite pluck down” their high places (Numbers 33:52). Certainly not to build more!

1 Kings 11:9 — God does get angry over sin (Isaiah 12:1). Many successive kings of Israel would experience the anger of the LORD (2 Kings 17:18).

1 Kings 11:23 — Solomon would have had no adversaries. When He decided to turn his heart from the LORD, it was then that the LORD stirred up opposition.

1 Kings 11:38 — What was the conditional offer to Jeroboam? A Davidic dynasty if Jeroboam would only obey.

1 Kings 12:8 — Each generation would like to ignore the wisdom of the previous. This verse reminded me of the “Millennial Job Interview.”

1 Kings 12:16 — Sounds similar to 2 Samuel 20:1, doesn’t it?

Acts 9:3 — Even today people talk about a “Road to Damascus” moment.

Acts 9:16 — God did not call Saul to prosperity but rather to suffer for the name of the LORD!

Psalm 131:1 — The testimony of a devoted follower who walks in the way of the LORD. He knows God will bring down the haughty (2 Samuel 22:8) and will humble the lofty (Isaiah 2:11, Isaiah 5:15). He knows not to despise the day of small things (Zechariah 4:10).

Proverbs 17:4 — God talks about the poor 172 times in the Old Testament and has special concern for them. Christian ministries have been historically focused on helping the poor physically and spiritually!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

An Appeal; Deliverance | VCY

And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalm 50:15)

This is a promise indeed!

Here is an urgent occasion—”the day of trouble.” It is dark at noon on such a day, and every hour seems blacker than the one which came before it. Then is this promise in season: it is written for the cloudy day.

Here is condescending advice, “Call upon me.” We ought not to need the exhortation: it should be our constant habit all the day and every day. What a mercy to have liberty to call upon God! What wisdom to make good use of it! How foolish to go running about to men! The Lord invites us to lay our case before Him, and surely we will not hesitate to do so.

Here is reassuring encouragement: “I will deliver thee.” Whatever the trouble may be, the Lord makes no exceptions but promises full, sure, happy deliverance. He will Himself work out our deliverance by His own hand. We believe it, and the Lord honors faith.

Here is an ultimate result: “Thou shalt glorify me.” Ah, that we will do most abundantly. When He has delivered us we will loudly praise Him; and as He is sure to do it, let us begin to glorify Him at once.

The Theology of Spiritual Well-Being – The Lutheran Witness

As church workers, our greatest spiritual error can be believing that we know the Gospel and need to move on to something else for our comfort and sustenance.

Editor’s Note: This new series from LCMS Church Worker Wellnessis hosted here on The Lutheran Witness site. Visit the “Ministry Features” page for regular Worker Wellness content. 

As Lutherans, we understand that the various aspects of our wellness — intellectual, emotional, relational, physical, financial and vocational — relate to and depend upon one another, and are all rooted in our Baptism, our true identity as new creations in Christ. We understand spiritual well-being not as a facet of our wellness, but as fundamental to any and all facets of wellness for a Christian. 

The following reflection, written by the Rev. Dr. Robert Zagore, explores the theology of spiritual well-being. 

As church workers, our greatest spiritual error can be believing that we know the Gospel and need to move on to something else for our comfort and sustenance.

The daily life of a church worker is often engaged with the Means of Grace and the church, without being nurtured by them. We read the Bible for professional purposes. We attend church services and worry about the experience everyone else is having. Church workers and their families are always watched and judged. Fellow Christians make us the object of callous or hurtful criticism. We try to endure the most difficult times with a kind smile, a joyful heart and a steady disposition. Because of this, we can come to envision the church, the classroom, the Bible and worship as places of obligation and even hardship. It is a recipe for spiritual starvation and burnout.

We often mistakenly assume that since we know the Gospel but are still pressed down, burdened, accused or guilty, that something more than the Gospel is needed. We try to change our behavior: accomplish more, pray more, study more. It does not work because it cannot work. Since hard work fails, we try to find comfort in worldly pleasures. One-third of church workers say they are bound up in destructive compulsive behaviors. Rather than comforting us, these bind us to our shame. Perhaps this contributes to the anxiety and depression with which a quarter of our church workers have been diagnosed.

In the 2019 worker wellness survey, one-third of church workers self-reported their work is getting in the way of their relationship with God. Our work, like all work done here on earth, is accomplished “by the sweat of [our] face” (Gen. 3:19). Unfortunately, when you “work for the Lord,” it is easy to think of hardship as His rebuke. Since the consequence of personal failure seems to have eternal impact, the guilt and shame of our troubles can be overwhelming. The church, the Word, the prayers become work-related burdens. Our hearts and logic plead to find comfort elsewhere. At the very time we should run for refuge in our Father’s grace, it becomes easy to run from it instead. This is an old problem.

Understanding the “why” of spiritual well-being 

Back in 1518, during the Heidelberg Disputation, Martin Luther described the problem using the terms “theology of the cross” and “theology of glory.” During the dispute, Luther surprised everyone by declaring that even good and evil cannot be understood apart from God’s revelation. “A theologian of glory calls evil good and good evil. A theologian of the cross calls the thing what it actually is.”1

If we look at life apart from God’s Word and promises, we can easily find ourselves trying to escape our only refuge and strength. All fallen people are by nature theologians of glory. We believe that comfort, earthly peace, riches and temporal success are signs that God is with us. For a theologian of glory, suffering, hardship and rejection are signs that we are failing, or worse, that even God is rejecting us. Luther contradicts that. We need a theology that understands that the cross of Jesus Christ is the Lord’s way of saving the world. That theology of the cross continues with the martyrdom of the apostles, the suffering of Christian martyrs or even us. The church or church worker that runs from the cross may likewise run from their role in God’s ongoing saving work.

Theologians of glory can abide a little suffering. It adds glory to our story. A quick, glorious martyr’s death can be celebrated, even sought. What is harder to comprehend is the meaning of what Luther called anfechtungen, or “pokes of a spear,” the thousands of public and private wounds wrought by daily life. Good and evil people alike suffer from them in a dying world. We live in a dangerous place where bad things happen to everyone. But why does God permit this for His children?

As traumatizing as these can be, Luther warns against trying to explain the “why.” Neither our behavior nor our circumstance can reveal God’s plan for us. There are areas of life that will always be shrouded in mystery, and no effort on our part will explain the “why” of it all. “That person does not deserve to be called a theologian who looks upon the invisible things of God as though they were clearly perceptible in those things which have actually happened [Rom. 1:20].”2 We cannot interpret God’s hidden will. We cannot know what God does not reveal. Therefore, if we are to know His will and plan, we need to run to where He reveals mysteries, His Word and Sacraments. In these we find His statement of our status that tells far more than our circumstances.

Luther diagnoses the problem: “The love of man comes into being through that which is pleasing to it.”3 We confuse love and pleasure and believe one necessarily leads to the other. God’s true love pulls us away from looking at our hearts or our circumstances, pleasure or sorrow. It leads rather to where God’s outpoured gifts create life and love. As Luther says, “The love of God does not find, but creates, that which is pleasing to it.”4

Therefore, spiritual health needs the Means of Grace, where God comes to His people. St. Paul warns, “Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Did you suffer so many things in vain — if indeed it was in vain? Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith” (Gal. 3:3–5).

Many gifts

Spiritual health means living as joyous children among all the free and unconditional gifts the Father gives for Christ’s sake. The apostle says, “In every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge — even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you — so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:5–7). God gives us gifts which, when received by faith, become opportunities for joy, meaningful service and purpose in our lives. The psalmist rejoices, “Your testimonies [O LORD] are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart” (Psalm 119:111).

Through Word and Sacrament — delivered in myriad ways — we receive the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. You are blessed, kept and beloved children who live in peace (Num. 6:24–26). The Word and Sacraments are found where His people are gathered at the Lord’s altar. It can never merely be our place of work. Along with all the saints, God’s servants receive the benefits of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. His servants are restored there, and then God gives even more.

The Father tells us in Proverbs, “My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:20–23). We can wrongly take this as admonition and accusation, but if instead we hear the promise we learn of further gifts.

Amidst our anfechtungen, we tend to focus on evil and “tears have been my food day and night” (Psalm 42:3). But the Lord calls us to His gifts. These are “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12). We must, therefore, guard our hearts with all vigilance and “set [our] minds on things that are above” (Col. 3:2) — and that can be deeply enjoyable.

There are so many gifts. Theologians of the cross do not think of prayers as an obligation or a burden. Praying is a gift that children can happily enjoy without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). Those who see it as a wish, command or last resort forget the joy of going to Jesus with “our Father.” He speaks of His children’s prayers as a golden bowl lifted before His throne (Rev. 5:8). He does not parse our words for correctness. He sends His Spirit to search our hearts. According to Romans 8:28, even our groans bring answers. Have you noticed how children love to sing? Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs lift the downcast and fill our lives with thanksgiving (Eph. 5:19). The Scriptures are a book of promises, not a self-help manual. Seeking the treasures nestled among the words is an inexhaustible source of joy. Even when two or three Christians seek these gifts together, they are transported to the throne of grace (Matt. 18:20). Helping the broken and distressed is, therefore, not merely keeping the law, it is the opportunity to behold the hidden Christ (Matt. 25:40). The list could (and will) go on for eternity.

Because of Christ’s cross and resurrection, the Father withholds nothing good from His children (Psalm 84:11). Jesus rent the heavens and came down (Isaiah 64:1), that we “may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Only in His gifts do we find life, health and peace. As Isaiah rejoiced, “I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:1–2).

Spiritual health consists in receiving this gracious salvation and daily drinking deep drafts of God’s gifts: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).

This theological reflection first appeared in the 2021 booklet “A Lutheran Perspective on Well-Being” (LCMS). 

1 Martin Luther, Luther’s Works, ed. Harold J. Grimm and Helmut T. Lehmann, vol. 31 (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1957), 40.

2 LW 31:52 

3 LW 31:57

4 LW 31:57 

In the coming months, you will hear more about the work of LCMS Church Worker Wellness initiative, including new resources and more. Stay tuned to Reporter, The Lutheran Witness and the LCMS Church Worker Wellness site for updates.

— Read on witness.lcms.org/2024/the-theology-of-spiritual-well-being/

11 June 2024 News Briefing

North Korea vows response to South’s ‘psychological warfare’
It comes as South Korea resumed loudspeaker broadcasts of anti-North Korean propaganda in border regions on Sunday in response to an ongoing campaign of sending trash balloons southwards.

Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by the Los Angeles school district, noting that the record doesn’t clearly show whether the vaccines prevent transmission of the illness.

“This Is Insane”: US-Linked Ukrainian NGO Unveils ‘Enemies List’ Including ZeroHedge, Tucker, Elon And Trump
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity’s Daniel McAdams has revealed a rather concerning US government-affiliated non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Ukraine, which has published a list of ‘enemies’ that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration. And of course – they’ve already backpedaled.

Russian air force carries out six strikes on militants in Homs, Deir al-Zor in Syria
Russian air force carried out six strikes on militants in the Syrian central province of Homs and the eastern province of Deir al Zor, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on Monday, citing a deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria. “Over the past 24 hours, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out six strikes on identified bases of militants who had left the al-Tanf region and were hiding in hard-to-reach areas,” the state agency cited the deputy, Major General Yuri Popov, as saying.

Indifference Toward Israel And Bible Prophecy Wields Dangerous Ramifications
I am deeply concerned and grieved that some of our nation’s most prominent Christian leaders just can’t get it right when it comes to issues of Bible prophecy or Israel. Equally troubling is the fact that eschatology has vanished from our pulpits in recent decades because it is “divisive,” “confusing,” and might drive away today’s “seekers.” I cannot figure out why the message that “the King is coming” doesn’t fit into today’s “feel good” theology.
The Bible says in II Thessalonians that there will be a great “falling away” from sound doctrine in the last days.

EU’s top diplomat obsessed with Israel: a policy fixation
As antisemitism surges in Europe, Ukraine collapses under Putin’s aggression and far-right gains ground across continent, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell seems preoccupied with only one issue: Israel and its war against Hamas; until his term ends in October, Borrell expected to continue using his position to hinder Jerusalem’s efforts

Israel not invited to Gaza aid summit in Jordan
Israel was not invited to Tuesday’s Gaza aid conference in Jordan, an official in Jerusalem’s Foreign Ministry told reporters on Monday. The conference on the humanitarian response to the Hamas war is being hosted by Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations at a venue on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea, a few miles from the Israeli border.

Gazans celebrate: ‘Gantz retreated, so, too, will Netanyahu’
A senior Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Iran’s Press TV on Monday that Gantz’s decision to leave the government “points to the downfall of the regime’s [Israel’s] political system. “There is no end in sight to the resignation of the Zionist regime’s political and military figures,” claimed Abu Zuhri.

Rescued Israeli hostages were in a ‘state of severe malnutrition’
The four hostages rescued on Saturday after eight months in Gaza captivity are in a “state of severe malnutrition,” according to a doctor who treated them upon their return to Israel.

US resolution approved, Security Council calls on Hamas to accept deal
“I will not be ready to stop the war. Despite what President Biden said, it has not yet been agreed how many hostages will be released in the first phase. We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return the hostages. We cannot stop the war. The Iranians and all our enemies are looking at us, and want to see if we surrender,” emphasized the Prime Minister.

Sinwar must meet bin Laden’s fate
It took 10 years to track bin Laden down and end the nightmare he started. America never gave up. He had to pay for his crimes against humanity. On May 2, 2011, he met his end. Israel must do the same to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who on Oct. 7 perpetrated the worst savagery, butchery, murder, rape and atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Lord, Will You Restore the Kingdom to Israel
So many Christian believers are unaware that we are surely living in the last days of the Church Age, or if they know it, they are not sure how to live in light of prophetic developments. First, we must be informed as to what the Scripture tells us about the times in which we live, and what God’s plans are for the future and the dramatic events that are about to take place.

Spain’s Ramallah embassy plan stalls as diplomats unwilling to relocate
Spanish diplomats based in Israel have refused to relocate to the P.A. city, citing safety and convenience concerns, according to Spanish media. The Spanish government’s plan to open an embassy in Ramallah has hit a snag as Spanish diplomats based in Israel are refusing to move to the city, according to Spanish media.

Jewish Support for Biden Sharply Declining, Trump Gaining Ground
In a significant shift in voter sentiment, recent polls indicate that Jewish-American support for President Joe Biden has declined by more than 20%, with a notable portion of this demographic moving toward former President Donald Trump. This trend is highlighted by a new survey from the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

US military confirms Houthis fired missiles at two vessels
Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi forces fired anti-ship ballistic cruise missiles at two ships on Saturday, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) stated. One of the missiles hit Tavvishi, a Liberian-flagged and Swiss-owned container ship in the Gulf of Aden. “Tavvishi reported damage but has continued underway,” CENTCOM announced in a statement on Sunday, adding that a coalition warship had successfully intercepted a second Houthi missile.

President Biden, stop caving to anti-Israel, pro-Hamas voices in Congress, on campuses, and in front of the White House
Why won’t President Joe Biden and his allies in Congress stand just as loyally and steadfastly with Israel? Israel stood with the U.S. for 20 years. Biden hasn’t been able to stand with us Israel, for nine months.

Series of small earthquakes near large faults in Southern California sparks public concern 
Southern California experienced a series of small earthquakes between May 31 and June 5, 2024, affecting populated areas from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach and sparking public concern. Experts say the quakes occurred near large, potentially dangerous faults but are not predictive of a larger quake.

Millions in southwestern U.S. under Excessive Heat Warning 
Southwestern U.S. is bracing for another dangerous heat wave, just a week after the region battled scorching temperatures. Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect for over 9 million people.

Biden admin issues worldwide ‘travel warning’ for unspecified attacks against ‘LGBTQI persons’
This June is under a travel advisory for “worldwide caution” for unspecified potential violence against homosexual and gender-confused Americans, according to the U.S. State Department under pro-LGBT President Joe Biden.

China Tightens Grip on African Media, Pushes Anti-America Messaging
The Chinese communist regime has annexed media spaces across Africa, severely restricting citizens’ access to fair and accurate news, while allowing Beijing to spread anti-American messaging at will, according to separate research completed by two authorities on China’s activities on the continent.

A Political And Spiritual Battle: Why The Arab World Has No Claim Over Jerusalem
The October 7th war between Israel and Hamas boils down to one city, Jerusalem. Is Jerusalem really holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims? This question is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is not only a political matter but also a religious and spiritual one.

9th Circuit: L.A. school employees can sue over COVID vaccine mandate
Even though Los Angeles Unified dropped its COVID vaccine mandate for school staff almost a year ago, a lawsuit accusing the district of violating workers’ rights can still move forward, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday.

US gov’t scientists received $710 million from Big Pharma during COVID, watchdog finds
Scientists affiliated with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) received $710 million in royalties from medical companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new data uncovered by government spending watchdog Adam Andrzejewski.

20 New Boeing Whistleblowers Emerge to Expose the Company’s Dangerous Practices in Airplane Manufacturing 
20 new credible whistleblowers formerly employed by Boeing or their subcontractors are speaking out to raise awareness of the military defense contractor’s dangerous practices in manufacturing airplanes – even following the mysterious death of the most prominent Boeing whistleblower.

Elon Slams Apple’s Farcical “AI” Launch, Says Will Ban Tim Cook’s “Creepy Spyware” Devices If They Integrate OpenAI
“Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies…. That is an unacceptable security violation”.

‘A horrible new life’: Oct. 7 kibbutz massacre survivor wants safety ensured before returning home
A former Israeli soldier who survived Hamas’ Oct. 7 raid on Kibbutz Be’eri believes the Israeli government must do more to improve the community’s security and recover the people taken hostage by the terror group, detailing how his family survived the ordeal and what it would take for them to return.

A Nationwide Teacher Shortage Is Costing Schools $4 Billion Per Year
Educational leaders are highlighting a troubling trend in teaching, attributing increased teacher absenteeism to challenging work conditions, behavioral issues among students, dwindling resources, and declining salaries amidst rising inflation.

UN Security Council Backs Biden’s Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains
“We’re waiting on Hamas to agree to the ceasefire deal it claims to want.”

Trump, Biden supporters disagree on the Bible, Christianity’s influence in the US: poll
A new report reveals a wide divergence in views between Americans who plan on supporting President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election and those intending to back former President Donald Trump.

10 years after ISIS, Iraqi Christians rebuilding their lives as religious minority
Christians in Mosul are marking 10 years since ISIS seized control of the city and surrounding Nineveh Plains, causing thousands to flee in fear. Over 13,000 Christian families fled to Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region rather than stay and face the brutality of ISIS, says Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil. Mosul was finally liberated in 2017 after a fierce battle which left much of the city in ruins.

Biden administration is considering protecting undocumented immigrants who are married to citizens
The Biden administration is considering a plan to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants who are the spouses of U.S. citizens and give them access to work permits, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

Headlines – 6/11/2024

Shavuot miracle: Over 500 women named Ruth and Naomi make Aliyah to Israel in past decade

Israel reprimands Slovenian envoy for recognizing Palestinian statehood

Blinken discusses hostage proposal, ‘day after’ Gaza war in meeting with Netanyahu

U.N. Passes Gaza Cease-Fire Resolution as Blinken Presses Israel and Hamas

Israel’s full offer said to provide for ‘permanent’ truce before all hostages return

UN Security Council adopts U.S.-led resolution calling on Hamas to accept hostage deal

Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution, Without Agreeing

White House officials mull separate deal to free US hostages

NBC News: US Hostages Deal May Be Negotiated Unilaterally

Israel’s Finance Minister Smotrich Tells Hostages’ Families Potential Deal Is ‘Collective Suicide’

Widow of dead hostage says he would be alive if ‘heartless’ government had ended war

NSA Sullivan: ‘Innocent People Were Killed’ During Israel’s Hostage Rescue

Rescued hostages were beaten ‘almost every day,’ says doctor who treated them

Israeli special forces dressed as Palestinian refugees for hostage rescue: Sources

Cover-Up Underway After Journalist Is Found Holding Israeli Hostages in His Gaza Home

Israel: U.S. Should Investigate ‘Palestine Chronicle’ over Contributor Who Allegedly Held Hostages

Jewish groups demand Biden admin revoke IRS charity status of non-profit Palestine Chronicle after journalist found to be holding Israeli hostages in his home

BBC Mocked for ‘Outrageous’ Suggestion IDF Should Have Warned Gazans Before Hostage Rescue Mission

Benny Gantz, Rival to Netanyahu, Leaves Israeli Government; Coalition Remains Solid

Eisenkot also resigns, says war cabinet was paralyzed by outside considerations

Poll: Support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Surges Domestically

U.S. Consulate in Sydney Attacked, Smeared with Anti-Israel Graffiti

Millionaire Banker Jonathan Kaye Claims Self-Defense: Says He Was Assaulted and Hurled Anti-Semitic Slurs by Four ‘Queers for Palestine’ Protesters Before Viral Punching Incident

Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders – “Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building”

Louisiana Dems Try and Fail to Punish Education Superintendent Over PragerU Partnership, Smear Org as ‘Antisemitic’

AOC slammed for saying ‘false accusations’ of antisemitism are ‘wielded against people of color’

Nearly 50% of American Jews have felt unsafe wearing Jewish symbols in public since 7/10

Polish MP who doused menorah in antisemitic attack elected to European Parliament

DePaul University fires biology professor over assignment about Israel-Hamas war

Social Media Giants Fail to Remove False Content After Oct 7, Israeli Study Shows

AJC survey reveals deepening Israel ties among American Jews post-Oct. 7

IDF kills terrorists in West Bank planning terror attack on local farm

Hamas commander among four Palestinians killed in West Bank clash

IAF says over 150 enemy drones intercepted during war; detecting them a challenge

IDF says it hit significant Hezbollah site deep in Lebanon; 50 rockets fired at Golan

Barrage of 50 rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon, says IDF; no injuries reported

MDA Prepares for Power Outages, Plans ‘Doomsday Protocols’ Ahead of War with Hezbollah

Yemen’s Houthis claim to nab US-Israeli spy network using aid agencies as cover

Iran approves list of mostly hardline candidates for presidential election to replace Raisi

The UN says more than 10 million people in Sudan have now fled their homes as war continues

Sudan: last hospital in North Darfur capital closes after paramilitary attack

About 90 countries to take part in the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit. Russia won’t attend

Plane Carrying Vice President of Malawi Goes Missing, Plane Has Gone Off Radar

Soldiers in Malawi search for missing military plane carrying vice president and former first lady

Antifa Activist Accused of Hammer Attack Elected to EU Parliament

Spain’s Right Wins European Election in Blow to Socialist PM

Chancellor Scholz Humiliated in German European Elections – His Social Democrats Come in Third Place – AfD Surges To Second Spot – Opposition Calls for Early Elections

Canadian Parliament members ‘wittingly’ aid foreign nations to influence national politics: report

Ex-Intel Officials Don’t Regret Suggesting Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation

House Oversight Chairman Puts Joe Biden on Notice After Issuing Criminal Referrals for Hunter and James Biden

Hunter Biden Declines to Testify in Criminal Gun Trial

Jon Stewart says Trump is ‘exposing’ corruption in US political system

Joe Biden’s 2022 Vow to Use Constitution to Block Trump Sparked Eruption of Lawfare Linked to White House

Alvin Bragg refuses to testify before House on Trump trial until after July 11 sentencing, calls it ‘detrimental’ to ‘fair administration of justice’

Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

Unaired footage shows chaos, anger of congressional leaders amid Jan. 6 evacuation

The Pelosi Insurrection: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – After She Called Off National Guard

Unaired Video Shows Nancy Pelosi Admitting Responsibility for Not Having National Guard at Capitol

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5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Caramay, Philippines

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Isangel, Vanuatu

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Isangel, Vanuatu

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Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 27,000ft

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Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

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Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 11, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take.” —Thomas Jefferson (1825)

ON THIS DAY in 1776, following Richard Henry Lee’s proposal a few days earlier, the Continental Congress appointed a committee tasked with drafting the Declaration of Independence.




EU Elections a Harbinger for November?

European voters soundly rejected mass immigration and onerous climate controls. Americans should follow suit.

Nate Jackson

They say the biggest reason to watch what happens in Europe is that it will soon happen here in America. Major European Union elections over the weekend were a huge rebuke of open borders, extreme climate controls, and cultural degradation. May it come here next.

Generally speaking, the first thing to know about Europe is that “extreme” or “radical” or “far right-wing” over there may be roughly equivalent to Sometimes-Republican Susan Collins here. Some might say it’s anything to the right of Karl Marx. Meanwhile, the socialists are called “centrists” or maybe “center-left.”

Another thing to know is that Right versus Left in Europe is more about nationalist versus globalist than it is about limited government and individual liberty versus entitlement state control. It’s also about immigration.

With that said, and knowing how American leftists misclassify and see Nazis everywhere, the American Leftmedia has gone into total hysterics about the sweeping “far-right” victories all over Europe. Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, and elsewhere all saw right-wing parties gain seats and power, resulting even in some resignations among the ruling left-wing elites.

The panic among American leftists is palpable.

In France, just after welcoming fellow left-winger Joe Biden for the D-Day festivities, President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for snap elections in light of surging support for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party and the collapse of his own. Macron didn’t do so gladly, of course. “The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” he said. Nevertheless, “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

In Germany, the right-wing AfD party took second place in Sunday’s election, while left-wing Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats finished third. Leftist Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo resigned following his party’s huge defeat.

For all the high-minded talk about “democracy,” whenever leftists lose elections, they cry about the damage and threat to democracy. “Everywhere in Europe,” worried Raphaël Glucksmann, France’s lead Socialist candidate, “we are witnessing a wave that is shaking our democracy.” Americans are hardly different. Sheri Berman, professor at Columbia “We Hate Jews” University, opined, “Growing support for right-wing populists in Western Europe may not be an existential crisis for democracy currently, but it is a warning that must be taken seriously.”

According to these clowns, voters choosing “incorrectly” in relatively high-turnout elections is a threat and an existential crisis.

No wonder European voters chose right-wing parties.

One of the driving issues was climate change — or rather, the rejection of the Left’s “solutions” to it. As it turns out, voters prefer a healthy economy to a forever-distant utopian vision of a supposedly greener planet. Or, as Spanish journalist Itxu Diaz put it, “So much that is intended to save the planet simply makes life more difficult for its inhabitants.”

While subjecting economies to stifling climate regulations, the globalists also want to destroy borders and cultures in their effort to gain power and influence. Voters, on the other hand, are alarmed by the mass migration that is fundamentally changing Europe. Importing endless numbers of anti-democratic and often lawless foreigners is not a recipe for saving democracy.

The Washington Examiner editorial board summarized it this way:

Many news outlets and other political participants refer to the nationalist parties as “extreme” or “far right” but do not justify that obvious effort at denigration. The parties vary from country to country, but they share a deep unhappiness with the admission of millions of immigrants from around the world into their countries. It is not just that the immigrants get public benefits at taxpayer expense, which is expensive, nor is it simply that migrant populations are often allowed to break laws with impunity, which is grating undermines public peace. It is also that they refuse, and indeed are encouraged, to refuse to assimilate into the cultures in which they have moved to live.

In America, the old idea of a melting pot that created something uniquely American has been cast aside in favor of the mosaic — a culture in which countless identity groups vie for attention and keep score of their grievances. So it has become in Europe, which means the wave of rebuke for that way of government holds some hope for us here in the States.

Immigration was the most important issue in Germany and a close second in France. Middle Eastern Muslims have flooded into both countries in recent years, all while globalist elites lecture native Germans and French about racism and bigotry. That sounds familiar.

Ronald Reagan once warned, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” That’s true in Joe Biden’s America, and it’s true in the globalist nightmare of Europe. Maybe that’s about to change.

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Executive News Summary

Nate Jackson & Jordan Candler


  • Hunter Biden guilty of felony gun charges, faces 25 years in prison (NY Post)
  • Pelosi’s “responsibility” on J6: Newly released video shows then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for inadequate security on January 6, 2021. “You’re gonna ask me in the middle of the thing, when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff, ‘Should we call the Capitol Police?’ I mean the National Guard. Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?” Pelosi says to her chief of staff, Terri McCullough. “They thought that they had sufficient resources,” he replied. “It’s not a question of how they had … they don’t know!” Pelosi interrupted. “They clearly didn’t know, and I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.” Alexandra Pelosi recorded the footage as part of her HBO documentary about that day’s events, though this portion of the video was mysteriously left on the cutting room floor until House Republicans released it on Monday. In response to the release, a Pelosi spokesman huffed, “Three years later, House Republicans are still trying to whitewash January 6th. It’s shameful, unpatriotic and pathetic.”
  • Jerry Nadler received donation from former domestic terrorist in months following J6 (Washington Examiner)
  • AOC frets about going to jail: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez commit a crime? Why else would she worry about Donald Trump sending her to prison? “I mean, it sounds nuts,” she said (naturally — because it’s her saying it), “but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto. I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists.” That is indeed one overarching problem for leftists — they take Trump literally instead of seriously. No one, by contrast, should take AOC seriously. She claimed to have nearly died in the Capitol riot, for example, when she wasn’t even in the Capitol at the time. She showed up at the border to cry in front of a fence. She’s a hysterical loon. In the meantime, there’s only one political party trying to jail political opponents, and AOC is a card-carrying member.
  • FBI suspends employee’s clearance after probing Trump support, COVID-19 views (Daily Signal)
  • “Patriotic” deep-staters don’t regret Hunter laptop letter: Hunter Biden’s laptop was real, which many people knew right from the time the New York Post exposed it in October 2020. The Leftmedia and Big Tech, however, worked quickly to suppress that information, likely tilting the election in Joe Biden’s favor. Part of the disinformation push was a letter from 51 former intelligence officials declaring the laptop to be likely “Russian disinformation.” It wasn’t. In fact, it was just entered as evidence last week in Hunter Biden’s trial on three felony gun charges. Nevertheless, at least some of those intel officials are still proud of themselves. Fox News reached out to all 51 to ask them if they regretted the letter. “No,” replied former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mark S. Zaid, an attorney representing several signatories, went much further: “Every patriotic American should have signed that letter.” Another signatory, Greg Treverton, pulled the Clintonesque “old news” canard, reiterating that “it did look like a Russian operation,” though “We didn’t, and couldn’t of course say it was a Russian operation.” Maybe, but Joe Biden called it that, citing the letter, and that influenced the election outcome.

Around the World

  • The UN’s Gaza ceasefire resolution: Two days after the dramatic rescue of four hostages by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the UN Security Council backed Joe Biden’s proposed ceasefire. Hamas finally jumped on board as well, which signals that it’s a lousy deal. “Today we voted for peace,” gushed U.S. ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. She did add, “The fighting could stop today, if Hamas would do the same.” In other words, this war started because of Hamas, and it continues because of Hamas. The world, unfortunately, continues to look at casualty figures provided by the Gaza Health Ministry as gospel truth. It says nearly 37,000 Palestinians have been killed, with another 83,000 wounded. That makes it seem as if the IDF is the bloodthirsty terrorist organization instead of Hamas, when the opposite is true. Hamas should release the rest of its hostages, including the Americans, and maybe then the sides can talk about a ceasefire.
  • Rescued Israeli hostages were starved, beaten “almost every day” in Hamas captivity (NY Post)
  • Canada’s Parliament rocked by allegations of treason; foreign interference probe exposes links to “witting” lawmakers in Ottawa (Politico)

Around the Nation

  • Sick hate crime, sick person: Some crimes are so heinous and some criminals so far gone that it seems there’s little to do but plug in the electric chair. Such seems to be the case for one 32-year-old black woman, Bionca Ellis, who was arraigned yesterday on charges of brutally murdering a three-year-old white boy named Julian Wood. Totally unprovoked, Ellis allegedly approached Julian and his mother in a grocery store parking lot in Cleveland, Ohio, last week and proceeded to stab him numerous times while he rode in a shopping cart. Ellis then turned her knife on the mother, who is recovering from her wounds. Ellis, by the way, had a job with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. That was bad enough, but seeing Ellis smirk and gloat, looking straight into the camera to do it, yesterday in court should make anyone sick. It’s as if something demonic is at work, and we can only offer our prayers for Julian’s family and hope that justice is done. As his father said, “She took everything from us.”
  • Bizarre and awful two-tiered justice: Last week in Washington, DC, a female carjacker killed an elderly woman when she stole the latter’s car at a hospital and proceeded to crash it with her as a hostage in the front seat. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene, which, by the way, was just outside the U.S. attorney’s office. Three days later, the suspect was charged by U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves. The rub? He dropped murder and kidnapping charges. Instead, the suspect faces only a charge of unarmed carjacking. Is Graves always this soft on crime? No. Not when the “criminal” is blocking an abortion clinic. Two years ago, when he threw the entire weight of the law at a grandmother praying at a clinic, he opined, “Our Constitution and laws protect many rights — to protest, to debate, to advocate for different laws. But no one is entitled to deprive other people of their civil rights. That’s a crime.” The carjacking victim was deprived of her right to life, as were the children inside that abortion clinic.
  • Chicago homelessness spikes: The Windy City wonderland continues to spiral out of control under Democrat “leadership.” As the city’s black residents routinely kill each other, the other major problem harming the city is the influx of migrants over Joe Biden’s open border. You see, Chicago is a sanctuary city, but that bleeding-heart policy comes with major consequences and costs. According to the left-wing NBC News, “An annual city survey released Friday — a snapshot of estimated homelessness in Chicago on a single night — found that 18,836 people were without permanent housing on Jan. 25, up from 6,139 the year before.” One city official said it “reflects an increased need for housing and homeless services.” No, it reflects an increased need for the Rule of Law, both at the border itself to stop illegal crossers and in Chicago, which does next to nothing to help locate much less deport people who aren’t here legally. Democrats have done everything possible to turn the border into a lawless crisis, and it affects even far-away places like Chicago, which is roughly 1,400 miles from the southern border.
  • Nearly two-thirds of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants (Daily Wire)

American Spirit

  • NASA astronaut lauds “God, family, and country”: In case you missed it, last Wednesday, astronaut and decorated Naval aviator Barry “Butch” Wilmore and former Navy officer Suni Williams became the first crew to launch on Boeing’s Starliner for the International Space Station. Moments before launch, Butch offered a few All-American words for a wide audience: “Suni and I, as we were traveling to the pad, we saw many American flags and many of you were waving flags at us. As we reached the pad, we looked up, and, of course, there’s that American flag on the side of the white room, also one on the side of the rocket itself, and we know that that represents unity and resilience and unified efforts for the common good. Each of you displaying what this nation’s forefathers envisioned: a people committed to God, family, and country. A people who use their gifts and talents for the common good and are passionate and tough.”


  • Jill Biden costs taxpayers $345K to fly to Hunter’s trial (PJ Media)
  • Alito and Roberts secretly recorded in latest attempt to undermine Supreme Court (Washington Examiner)
  • Republicans prepare to fast-track tax cuts in reconciliation (The Hill)
  • Delray Beach held a ceremony to unveil their freshly repainted LGBT mural on the road. It had fresh tire marks the next day. (Not the Bee)

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

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Israel’s Hostage Rescue and the Left’s Hideous Response

This daring and brave rescue should have been an inspiring story for our news media to celebrate. Not so for the hacks controlling the leftist rags.

Emmy Griffin

On Saturday, four Israeli hostages were rescued from two apartment buildings in Gaza. Nuseirat, where these apartment buildings were located, is ostensibly a refugee camp full of civilians. However, the apartment buildings were controlled by Hamas and full of terrorist operatives.

The rescue was a tricky operation. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raid happened in broad daylight to heighten the element of surprise. They faced enemy gunfire so intense that even the liberated hostages feared they might not survive the rescue attempt. One of the Israeli commanders, Yamam Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, suffered several gunshot wounds and died in a hospital hours later. He was the only Israeli casualty. Hamas losses were much higher.

Hamas, of course, claims that the death toll is 274 and mostly civilians. The IDF claims that the death toll is 100, possibly less, and those it killed were attacking Israeli troops. Hamas terrorists embed themselves in a civilian population. Moreover, many “civilians” are actually Hamas sympathizers and aren’t above trying to kill any Israeli they can.

Three of the four hostages were held in the home of a journalist who had written for Al Jazeera, though the media outlet says he was a freelancer, not an employee. The journalist, Abdallah Aljamal, wrote for the Palestine Chronicle and was a spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor, a Hamas-controlled entity.

The four rescued hostages were Almog Meir Jan (21), Noa Argamani (26), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40). All four were kidnapped on October 7 from the Supernova music festival. Kozlov and Ziv were working security at the venue while Jan and Agramani were festival attenders. They had been in captivity for eight months, and their families were overjoyed at their return.

Heartbreakingly, however, Jan’s father didn’t get to see his son returned to freedom. He passed away hours before news of Jan’s liberation reached the family. Jan’s father had been suffering greatly, and each subsequent hostage negotiation failure took a heavy toll on his health. He died of grief and his heart giving out.

This daring and brave rescue should have been an inspiring story for our news media to celebrate. Not so for the hacks controlling the leftist rags.

As The Wall Street Journal explains, “The non-surprise is that professional anti-Israel voices, United Nations officials and the European Union foreign-policy chief rushed to attack Israel.”

CNN had a chyron running that claimed the four hostages were “released.” This is particularly disgusting because Hamas had nothing to do with freeing anyone; the terrorists were holding these poor people prisoners.

A BBC reporter asked a former IDF spokesperson why the IDF hadn’t given Hamas any sort of warning so that the civilians could get out. To which the former spokesman replied that Hamas would have killed the hostages and defeated the purpose of the mission.

The Washington Post ran a story whose headline lamented the supposed deaths of the 200+ Palestinians as opposed to celebrating the liberation of the four hostages. The Post used Hamas’s Ministry of Health numbers, which are likely an inflated lie. It also failed to consider the larger issue at hand: These hostages were held among the civilian population. They were imprisoned in houses in communities that probably knew the hostages were there. It raises the question again as to what really is the difference between Hamas and the “civilians” living in Gaza.

The New York Times ran a headline also lamenting the Palestinian death toll and criticizing the Israeli government instead of supporting our allies and being grateful for a victory. To put it in Democrat terms, it would be akin to lamenting the death of 200 Russians and downplaying the rescue of four Ukrainian civilians.

Sadly, it wasn’t just the Leftmedia disgracing themselves with their morally corrupt conduct. The vice president and president also made questionable moves in response to the Israeli hostage liberation.

Kamala Harris was speaking to the Michigan Democrat Party, whose state has the largest Muslim/Arab population in the U.S. Harris said in her opening remarks, “Thankfully, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today.” This is clearly pandering but also disgusting and tone-deaf.

Then, on Monday, NBC broke the news that the Biden administration is contemplating negotiating with Hamas for the remaining five American hostages remaining captive in Gaza. If successful, this action would put tremendous pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire that is not in the best interest of the West or of putting a quick end to this war. There is also the question of what the Biden admin is willing to give in exchange for the hostages. What happened to the old American credo of not negotiating with terrorists?

The best responses to the Left’s moral blindness were from Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) and The Federalist senior editor David Harsanyi. Cotton said, “If Gazans don’t want their people killed in hostage rescue missions, they shouldn’t take hostages in the first place.” Similarly, Harsanyi quipped, “I find that one of the best ways to avoid being blown up is to refrain from keeping hostages in your house.”

This war was started by Hamas when they killed 1,200 innocents and kidnapped another 250. It could be over tomorrow if Hamas released the hostages and surrendered. However, Hamas’s goal is to eradicate Israel. Israel’s goal is to rescue the hostages and end Hamas as a security threat. Our slanderous Leftmedia and pandering White House are playing politics against our allies against our own interests. It’s a disgusting display of moral cowardice.

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Biden the Benevolent EV Mandater

Joe Biden makes it look like he’s easing off of onerous regulations in the face of slumping sales.

Michael Swartz

A saying popularized by minister and self-help author Norman Vincent Peale went like this: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.”

This saying seems to have been taken to heart by the Biden administration, which regularly floats draconian trial balloons to make the actual result more palatable. The latest case in point is the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (better known as CAFE) standards that Biden promised to increase by 2031 to an eye-popping 55.7 miles per gallon (MPG) for light-duty cars and 52 MPG for light-duty trucks. Team Biden reduced the numbers slightly in the finalized rules, but as Jazz Shaw at Hot Air argues, “New American cars currently average roughly 39 miles per gallon, so that would represent an increase of twelve mpg (nearly one-third) in just seven years. That is simply insane. Most auto producers either won’t be able to hit those numbers or they will have to increase the cost of the vehicles to ludicrous levels to make it happen.”

Instead, as Brianne Deppisch in the Washington Examiner states, the Biden administration is “easing off its initial proposals to better reflect the state of U.S. auto sales and the slower-than-expected pace of electric vehicle adoption.”

It’s a slower-than-expected pace alright — perhaps not as glacial as the “pathetic” buildout of the federal government’s promise to increase the number of publicly available EV charging stations to 500,000 (total number built is seven), but still slow. Despite all that, we will get EVs whether we like them or not: they’re being boosted by other EPA rules on tailpipe emissions our Thomas Gallatin wrote about a couple of months ago.

Perhaps the biggest problem EV sellers have, though, is competition: Tesla produced 10.7% more models than it sold in the first quarter, part of a 9% year-over-year drop in overall sales. And Ford, while crowing about a 65% increase in sales between hybrid and EV models in May, still only saw those vehicles contribute 14% to its overall numbers. Remember, Ford was losing $132,000 for each EV sold in the first quarter, so despite the increased sales, it’s a long way from EV profitability. Aside from Tesla and a couple other manufacturers who specialize in EVs, major automakers haven’t seen their EV sales catch fire — in fact, Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda predicted recently that EVs will never make up more than 30% of the world market.

On the other hand, China’s BYD nameplate is rivaling Tesla for global sales leadership, and that’s without the U.S. market to boost it. As Elon Musk told financial analysts back in January, “If there are no trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world. They’re extremely good.” Even Warren Buffett believes it, as he’s an investor in BYD.

In essence, what the Biden administration has done is the old bait-and-switch: bring up highly punitive goals to make things look better when the “compromise” — which is still much more stringent than the current rules — is put into force. Jazz Shaw had the real reason, though, calling out The New York Times: “When reporting on this story, the New York Times said the quiet part out loud in their headline and let the cat out of the green energy bag. The title currently reads, ‘U.S. Tightens Car Mileage Rules, Part of Strategy to Fight Climate Change.’ But that’s not what the original title said. The more honest version … read, ‘Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s.’ That’s a pretty massive change to a title, isn’t it? That was the honest reason, of course, but apparently someone at the Times saw it and freaked out because you can’t just go around telling the truth like that.”

The EV market has fully penetrated its most willing segment: upper-crust elites who feel the need to virtue signal. They live in areas where EVs can be readily charged for their commute to work. But most Americans don’t really feel like paying more for an EV, worrying about how they would have to upgrade their electrical service to install a home charging station, or fretting about finding available public charging stations in adverse conditions on a long trip. (Seven charging stations is a long, long way from a half-million.) Aside from ever-increasing prices at the pump, drivers are happy filling up their F-150 or Tacoma at the local gas station and going where they want to go.

Wanna bet a second Biden term will have another “cash for clunkers” program to try and take those pesky internal combustion engines off the road? I know — don’t give them any bright ideas.

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Why Americans Mistrust Election Results More Than the Citizens of Any Other Democracy

Add elections to the long list of institutions the left has ruined.

Dennis Prager

Last week, 27 European nations voted for their representatives in the European Parliament.

If you were aware of this, did you happen to notice that there were no allegations of cheating in any European country? If you are on the left, you might respond that there were no such allegations because the right did better than the left, and it’s the right that makes these allegations.

But that response has little merit. For one thing, there were no such allegations, let alone demonstrations, during all the years left-wing parties won European Parliamentary elections or national elections. For another, in America, it is not only the right that has charged election fraud: Hillary Clinton, for example, still claims the 2016 election was stolen from her.

The fact is that, among democracies, America is essentially alone in having nearly half its population mistrust election results. So, either America is cursed with a paranoid population, or there are valid reasons for Americans to mistrust their elections’ results.

There is no question it is the latter. America is unique among democracies in having half its people mistrust election results because America is unique among democracies in the way it conducts its elections.

America is almost alone among democracies in not demanding that voters provide any identification when they vote. For some reason, the American left vehemently opposes voter ID. It claims voter ID is racist and that those who favor it are engaged in “voter suppression.” This is prima facie absurd: Are airports racist for demanding passenger identification? Does passenger ID result in “passenger suppression”? The most plausible reason the left opposes voter ID is to enable some degree of voter fraud. If that is not the reason, isn’t it enormously irresponsible to cultivate doubts about election integrity among half its country’s citizens — for no valid reason? Moreover, in no other country does its left oppose voter ID.

America is almost alone among democratic countries in not requiring paper ballots. As of 2023, only Brazil counts all its ballots in national elections through electronic voting. According to Pew Research Center, votes are cast by manually marking paper ballots in 209 of the 227 countries. In France, as reported by the Associated Press, voters “use the same system that’s been used for generations: paper ballots that are cast in person and counted by hand.” In 2009, Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court ruled that voting machines could no longer be used. In 2017, the Dutch government announced that all ballots in the 2017 general election would be counted by hand.

Moreover, among those countries that use electronic voting, only in America are the source codes of the voting machines kept secret. Three companies — Dominion, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic — control about 90% of the U.S. voting technology market. Each is privately held, and each is committed to keeping its source code from becoming fully public. Wherever else in the world electronic voting is allowed, the source codes are available to all political parties.

America is almost alone among democratic countries in not confining voting to one day. All through American history, Americans voted on Election Day (unless they had previously requested an absentee ballot). The left has obliterated Election Day; we now have Election Month.

Various American states are alone among democratic countries in mailing ballots to all their citizens — that is, even to those who never requested a ballot be sent to them.

America is almost alone among democratic countries in the length of time it takes to learn election results. In other countries, people continue to learn the results within hours. Throughout American history, Americans knew the outcome of virtually every election the night of Election Day. No longer.

All too often, tragically, there are valid reasons for Americans to mistrust election results. Add elections to the long list of institutions the left has ruined.


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Jordan Candler

Open Borders

“We have built safe mobility offices in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica to reach people where they are so they don’t have to take the perilous journey.” —DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

The BIG Lies

“Under our administration … violent crime is now near a 50-year low.” —Kamala Harris

“Nobody is paying for [student] debt relief.” —Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC)

Hot Air

“The only existential threat to humanity, including nuclear weapons, is if we do nothing on climate change.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“The idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for Iraq [read: Ukraine] that we, because we’re waiting — I mean, it’s just, it’s just, it’s not who we are.” —Joe Biden

Sleepy Joe

“My advance team says I gotta be the first one to leave.” —Joe Biden letting French President Emmanuel Macron know that he must avoid the press after the D-Day ceremony

Dumb & Dumber

“This is going to be a very hard-fought race, but when the chips are down, the American people are going to show up just like those [D-Day] kids did 80 years ago.” —Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu

“We’re seeing the gravest threat to American democracy on our own land that we have seen in the history of the country, and Donald Trump is that threat.” —Mitch Landrieu

“It sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Lack of Self-Awareness Awards

“During these challenging times on the foreign policy front … can you imagine having Donald Trump back in the White House trying to manage all of this? I mean, President Biden’s a seasoned foreign policy pro.” —Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod

“We have … seen what happens when dangerous misinformation drives a wedge between communicators and the American people.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

“Stop undermining the rule of law. Stop undermining the institutions.” —Joe Biden

Useful Idiots

“More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza.” —The Washington Post

“Israel’s Euphoria Over Hostage Rescue May Be Fleeting.” —The New York Times

“It’s so good to see the hostages returned. A ceasefire would have gotten many more hostages back and no civilians and children killed. This siege is cruel and senseless. Grinding innocent human beings and their culture into blood soaked rubble and dust, to be buried and forgotten. 4 for 274 including kids. It’s a sinful equation that keeps repeating.” —actor Mark Ruffalo

For the Record

“Have you ever had one of those days? You’re just sitting at home minding your own business, guarding the Israeli hostages your Hamas buddies kidnapped after their bloody rampage on October 7. Then, all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, a bunch of Zionists bust in and kill you. A lot of you. Hundreds of you, if your terrorist comrades are to be believed. And for what? Why did so many people need to die just for four Jews? Aren’t your lives important too? That’s what Hamas supporters are feeling today, because they’re evil idiots. And by ‘Hamas supporters,’ I mean CNN.” —Jim Treacher

“If Gazans don’t want their people killed in hostage rescue missions, they shouldn’t take hostages in the first place.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“I find that one of the best ways to avoid being blown up is to refrain from keeping hostages in your house.” —David Harsanyi


“We should all be grateful that [Merrick Garland] did not secure a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court as the supposed ‘moderate’ Barack Obama proclaimed him to be. He’s been a leading goon for the injustice perpetrated by the Biden administration, and he ought to be impeached.” —Nate Jackson

“The threat from China is growing every day. Citizens must awake to this reality and insist that our nation’s leaders act now to prepare America for the inevitable conflict with China.” —Brent Ramsey

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

$490 Million Given To Ukraine Has Been Embezzled Or Stolen – Activist Post

Article Image

Nearly $500 million given to Kiev for the construction of “defensive fortifications” to repel Russia’s advance has been embezzled or stolen, media reported on Sunday, citing Bondar.

Ukrainian ruling class has unleashed its law enforcement arm to stop it from embezzling money from itself that is supposed to go to war-mongering.  Ukraine has now launched around 30 criminal proceedings linked to the embezzlement of 20 billion hryvnias ($491 million), Bondar told lawmakers at a closed-door session of the parliamentary investigative commission on fortifications, according to multiple media reports. In the absence of defensive fortifications, Russian forces have made rapid advances in the country.

Ruler Zelensky Buys A Luxury Mansion In Egypt

According to Ukrainian anti-corruption activists, Kharkiv Region authorities alone embezzled or stole 7 billion hryvnias ($176.5 million) that they had been given to build fortifications along the border. The lack of defenses has resulted in Russian troops overrunning a dozen settlements in quick succession. But to anyone paying attention, this is just another day for a ruling class. They only survive because they have convinced the slave class that the theft is called “tax”.

Don’t worry though, Ukraine will investigate itself much like the ruling classes everywhere.

The State Protects Itself While Crime Against Ordinary People Surges

The entire ruling class system set up on this planet couldn’t be more ridiculous, and it’s beginning to show. It’s becoming obvious what is being done to humanity, and slowly but surely, we will see the end of the totalitarian slave system. Politicians like Mikhail Bondar are only able to investigate the theft of war funds because they steal the fruits of the labor of others; the slave class. It is way past time for humanity to wake up to this scam.

— Read on www.activistpost.com/2024/06/490-million-given-to-ukraine-has-been-embezzled-or-stolen.html

Hostages Are Rescued, and the World Mourns | The Daily Declaration

The perverse reaction to Jewish hostages being saved.

Israeli hostages were freed in a daring rescue at the weekend, leaving leftists around the world heartbroken.

British newspaper columnist Owen Jones was appalled that anyone would celebrate Jews being saved from captivity.

In a tweet that Pharaoh himself would have approved, Owen said,

“This is a grave, grave war crime. Shame on those celebrating it.”

Poor Owen.

He’s never quite gotten over how many Germans were killed in the liberation of Auschwitz. If only the concentration camp had remained intact, so many lives that actually mattered could have been saved.

Owen — like Australian broadcaster Clementine Ford, who slammed the IDF for being “gleeful” at saving Jews — was upset at the number of Palestinians killed in the rescue.

Hamas apologists, by which I mean Lefties, somehow always seem to forget that if Jewish hostages hadn’t been taken, Jewish hostages wouldn’t need rescuing.

They also seem surprised that hiding hostages in high-density residential areas full of civilians endangers civilians.

Who knew?

Fudging Facts

The ABC’s global affairs editor, John Lyons, reported on the amazing news of hostages being rescued like this:

“Breaking. Hostage rescue: Gazan authorities say at least 210 Palestinians killed & 400 wounded during heavy bombardment of camp during rescue of the 4 Israelis. The hostages had been taken by Hamas 8 months ago from the Nova music festival.”

John is relying on statistics from the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry for his death count.

The Gaza Health Ministry, remember, counts anybody in Gaza as a saintly child, and denies that Hamas even exists.

For the record, Israel claims about 100 Palestinians were killed in the rescue operation, including terrorists. They also claim that Hamas fighters used rocket grenade launches in the firefight that ensued.

Now, this is just me spit-balling, but I’d say that using grenade launches in a built-up area is probably not the greatest idea when you’re super worried about civilian casualties.

Then again, since when has Hamas ever worried about Palestinian deaths — which is why they hid the hostages in the high-density residential area of Nuseirat.

Stunningly Obvious

Owen Jones cried that the family imprisoning the hostages were killed in the Israeli raid.

Here’s my contrarian take on the situation:

Don’t hold Israeli hostages in your apartment.

After all, research shows that holding Israeli hostages is tightly correlated with reduced life expectancy.

Hamas’ Hostage Airbnbs tend to go Airbnboom!

I’m about as upset at the deaths of those living in the apartment with the hostages as I was about the deaths of those living in Osama bin Laden’s joint when he was killed — which is not that much at all.


Australian actor Guy Pearce, whom we will always have a special place in our hearts for his role as Mike Young in Neighbours, tweeted:

“I’m pleased hostages are home, but let’s not be distracted & forget about all the unnecessary Palestinian deaths.

“We know the IDF could’ve brought all the hostages home months ago & avoided the senseless murder of innocent Palestinian children. But we know their true motivation.”

This is why you shouldn’t drink Hamas Kool-Aid.

What did Guy Pearce think “Bring Them Home” meant?




Guy Pearce left out the bit where he blames the whole thing on Jewish hostages for having been taken hostage in the first place.

Anyway, I really want to hear what Harold and Madge have to say on the subject.


Speaking of fiction, let’s have a listen to the UN’s Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese:

“Relieved that four hostages have been released. ”

Oh, I bet she is. Let’s see just how relieved she is:

“It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck. ”

The Israeli soldiers wouldn’t have had to “perfidiously” hide in an aid truck if Hamas terrorists had not “perfidiously” hidden hostages in a residential apartment building. Or if they had not taken hostages in the first place!

“This is ‘humanitarian camouflage’ at another level. Israel has used hostages to legitimise killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatising Palestinians in Gaza..”

Just like how the Allies used Jews held in concentration camps to legitimise killing, injuring and maiming Germans in Berlin, hey Fran?

“Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, 8 months ago when the first ceasfire and hostage exchange was put on the table.”

That’s true. If Israel had simply said, “We forgive you for raping, burning and beheading civilians. We promise to let you do it all over again a thousand times as you have promised,” well, then they could have had the hostages back eight months ago!

Some things are so stupid you have to be a UN official to say them.

  1. Don’t kidnap innocent people.
  2. If you do kidnap innocent people, maybe don’t hide them among civilians.
  3. If you do kidnap innocent people and hide them among civilians, don’t sook when those innocent people are rescued.
  4. If you do kidnap innocent people and do hide them among civilians and they are rescued, maybe don’t shoot at the rescuers.

But again, that’s just me.

Alternate Reality

Meanwhile, Al-Jazeera reported:

“Death toll from Nuseirat attack rises to 210”

Nuseirat attack?

If you didn’t know better (which if you consume mainstream media, you wouldn’t), you’d assume the evil Israelis just attacked Nuseirat for the hell of it.

The story was that Israel’s direct action saved Jewish lives.

Aljazeera, naturally, went with ‘Israel engaged in a bloody street battle killing hundreds’.

Tell me again why the ABC and SBS rebroadcast Al-Jazeera programs?

CNN reported that the hostages were “released”, giving the impression that kindly Hamas had allowed the Jews to return home:

CNN Gaza "hostage release"

The hostages were not released. They were rescued. And Israeli commander Arnon Zamora was shot dead during the rescue.

Hamas had eight months to release the hostages, but refused.

CNN never let facts get in the way of a good strap.

In Canada, CTV News went with:

“At least 94 Palestinians are killed in heavy fighting in Gaza area around hostage.”

Understand, that’s an editorial choice.

I know it’s a rough day for mainstream media when innocent Jewish hostages are rescued, but they could at least try to contain their disappointment.

It’s insane that people are mad at Israel for rescuing the hostages, rather than being made at Hamas for taking hostages in the first place.

Misplaced Outrage

Speaking of people having a hard time coping, Greens leader Adam Bandt tweeted:

“We want all hostages released, we want all political prisoners released, and we want to know how the killing of 200+ Palestinians in last night’s attack can be justified by Israel’s gov and the Labor gov here that refuses to take action to pressure Netanyahu to stop the invasion.”

Well Adam, Hamas set the price. You should the grateful it was only 210. The IDF could have turned Gaza into a carpark months ago.

Meanwhile, here’s the leader of the Australian Greens spruiking and simping for terrorists once again.

How hard is it to understand that you can’t take hostages from their beds, keep them kidnapped for eight months, and then complain about the rescue operation?

Author and columnist at The Daily Beast Wajahat Ali tweeted:

Is killing more than 200 Palestinian civilians worth 4 Israeli hostages? A question worth asking on the record.

What were four Israeli hostages doing among more than 200 Palestinian civilians? Also a question worth asking.

How many Palestinians would have been killed had Hamas released the hostages eight months ago? Another question worth asking.

What number of terrorists would be too many to kill in order to rescue your daughter? We all know the answer to that question… which is why we totally understand the Israeli Defence Force and celebrate with them.

Are You Serious?

On the BBC, a journalist asked a former IDF combat commander, Jonathan Cornicus, if Israel should have warned Palestinian civilians holding the hostages to get out of the way before moving in to rescue the hostages.

Conricus patiently explained to the BBC reporter that telegraphing the raid to rescue hostages would have ruined the mission.

Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

Now we wait for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to congratulate Israel on successfully freeing the hostages from the hands of bloodthirsty terrorists.

Any moment now………

Up is down. Down is up. Moral clarity is nowhere to be seen.

But thank God Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv are home with their families tonight.


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

The post Hostages Are Rescued, and the World Mourns appeared first on The Daily Declaration.


THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – After She Called Off National Guard | The Gateway Pundit

New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi: “I take responsibility.”


As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to “politics,” but that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

Pelosi was not honest about their communications.

John Solomon from Just The News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protests TWO WEEKS before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It’s as if they “hoped” for an “insurrection.”

Solomon says the DHS and District of Columbia were made aware of online threats of violence two weeks before the protests and rally.

Nancy Pelosi later refused to turn over her communications surrounding January 6. And Democrats later destroyed evidence from their interviews with officials involving the January 6 riots.

According to PJ Media – The U.S. Senate knew Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day.  Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at the Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to “incite” his huge crowd of supporters.

And in April, DC National Guard whistleblowers testified that the Pentagon, under the direction of Mark Milley, refused to deploy the National Guard that day until after 5 PM.

Pelosi blocked the National Guard from protecting the Capitol that day – Mark Milley blocked the National Guard from deploying until after 5 PM.

It was ALWAYS the Pelosi insurrection. 

You can imagine what we have yet to learn about Pelosi and Milley’s actions that day that left the US Capitol open and unprotected! 

The post THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – After She Called Off National Guard appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Remember when Hillary Clinton violated federal campaign finance laws and was “punished” with a mere slap on the wrist plus a small fine? – NaturalNews.com

It has been eight years since two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton’s campaign was fined $8,000 for violating federal campaign finance laws to try to steal the 2016 election from Donald Trump. Clinton’s crimes were arguably worse than what Trump was recently convicted for, and yet Clinton was let off the hook with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Clinton’s crimes involved misreporting funding for the infamous Steele Dossier as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting.” These designations were lies that aimed to conceal the true intent of the payments, which were used to create a phony document falsely accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 election.

“Actually this ‘opposition research’ was an attempt to smear her opponent with false and salacious allegations,” tweeted entrepreneur David Sacks (@DavidSacks) of Craft Ventures and Glue (artificial intelligence). “Obviously, it was also intended to influence the 2016 election.”

Since Trump was just convicted on 34 felony counts for influencing the election with a $130,000 “hush money” payment, one would think that Clinton would have incurred at least the same wrath and punishment. Instead, Clinton still roams free.

“Moreover, Hillary’s campaign was headquartered in New York State (out of Brooklyn, NY), which would make it fall under the jurisdiction of New York Penal Law §175.10, the state law which makes it a felony to falsify business records with the intent to conceal the commission of a crime,” Sacks added.

(Related: Hillary Clinton is one of Biden’s puppet masters who, along with Barack Obama, is secretly running the country from behind the curtain.)

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SEC Chairman Gary Gensler committed crimes for Hillary Clinton

The difference between Clinton’s crimes and Trump’s crimes is that Clinton is a protected political species while Trump is apparently an apolitical underdog candidate who was never supposed to win the 2016 election.

Clinton and her cronies thought they had the 2016 election in the bag until Trump achieved a surprising victory. Ever since then, there has been a political witch hunt against Trump to disqualify or somehow stop him from assuming office again in 2025.

“What is the key distinction between Hillary’s campaign violation versus recent news?” Sacks asks. “With Hillary’s violation, there wasn’t a Manhattan prosecutor politically motivated to bring an unprecedented case to trial.”

Another difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton has “friends,” or at least people who are afraid of being suicided by the Clinton Crime Family, in high places who cover for her. One of them is Gary Gensler, the current chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Gensler recorded the phony transactions on behalf of Clinton, only to later be appointed as top dog of the SEC – coincidence? The answer is hardly.

“In the eye of New York he committed a much greater crime so why don’t they pursue it?” asked the “Vincent” X account (@CaliVincent2023) about Gensler and why he is allowed to hold such an esteemed office.

Clinton, by the way, used campaign funds to commit her crimes, for which she still walks free. Trump, conversely, used his own personal funds to pay the $130,000 hush money bill, for which he now bears 34 felony convictions.

“Seems like she can still be prosecuted,” tweeted “Nice Guy P” (@RealPJPaul) on X about Clinton.

“All the same things that tolled the statutes of limitations in Trump’s case are present here. While we’re at it, I’m sure some of Bill Clinton’s sexual harassment / assault victims will step up to use the same NY Law E. Jean Carroll used.”

Isn’t it a great feeling to know that Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States? Find out more at Corruption.news.

Sources for this article include:



— Read on www.naturalnews.com/2024-06-10-hillary-clinton-violated-campaign-finance-small-fine.html

Leftist Mind | VCY

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Kerby Anderson

Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote about the “Leftist Mind,” and that got my attention since I have recently written a booklet on the “The Liberal Mind.” My goal was to describe the foundational assumptions of a liberal mindset. Hanson instead reminded us of how leftists supported the Electoral College and every decision from the Supreme Court until recently.

A decade ago, Democrats loved the Electoral College. The “blue wall” states made the election and reelection of Barack Obama possible. Then the wall crumbled in 2016 to Trump, and now they condemn the Electoral College as a “relic of our anti-democratic founders.”

Leftists loved the Supreme Court decisions on abortion, school prayer, same-sex marriage, pornography, and Miranda rights. The “Left cheered the Court as it made the law and ignored legislatures and presidents.” They welcomed Justices appointed by Republican presidents who drifted leftward and provided the needed votes on “affirmative action to Roe v. Wade, to Obamacare.”

What was the response? “Was there any serious right-wing talk of packing the court with six additional justices to slow down its overreaching left-wing majority – or of a mob massing at the home of a left-wing justice? Certainly not.”

But now that there is a narrow majority of originalist justices on the Court, “the once-beloved Court is being slandered by leftist insurrectionists as illegitimate. Every sort of once-unthinkable attack on the courts is now permissible.”

If you are looking for any consistency, you will not find it. Each of these examples illustrates the “end justifies the means” perspective of the Leftist Mind. And that’s why it is difficult to take many of these current arguments seriously.

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The Entire System Is Crumbling! Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers | The Economic Collapse

If the economy is fine, why are so many signs of trouble erupting all around us?  Those that keep insisting that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction conveniently ignore the very troubling facts and figures that I regularly share with my readers.  When you take an honest look at the cold, hard numbers that the economy keeps producing, there is only one logical conclusion.  Our entire system is crumbling, and it appears that conditions will soon get significantly worse.

Just look at what is happening to our banks.

The FDIC’s most recent report tells us that there are 63 “problem banks” in the United States, and collectively our banks now have 517 billion dollars in unrealized losses

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s first quarter report, the US banking system is sitting on a collective $517 billion in unrealized losses and has 63 “problem banks.”

Those losses have been sparked primarily by a surge in interest rates over the past two years, which have driven down the price of fixed-income securities held by banks.

Unrealized losses held by banks increased by $39 billion in the first quarter relative to the fourth quarter of 2023.

“Higher unrealized losses on residential mortgage-backed securities, resulting from higher mortgage rates in the first quarter, drove the overall increase,” the FDIC said.

I would love to know what banks are on that list.

Wouldn’t you?

But the FDIC will not tell us.

As Daisy Luther has accurately noted, the FDIC won’t release that information because they are afraid of bank runs…

We don’t get to know which banks are in trouble.

It could be my bank. It could be yours. Or maybe it’s not.

Are they big banks? Small ones?

The list is confidential to inhibit the likelihood of bank runs finishing off these institutions.

So we just don’t know.

If Americans had the truth, there would be bank runs all over the country tomorrow morning.

That is a rather comforting thought.

And the condition of our banks just continues to deteriorate because mountains of commercial real estate loans are going bad.

At this point, it has become clear that we have never faced a commercial real estate crisis of this magnitude in our entire history…

The CRE sector faces the triple whammy of falling pricesfalling demand, and rising interest rates. The post-pandemic rise of telecommuting and work-at-home programs crushed demand for office space. Vacancy rates in commercial buildings have soared.

This has put significant stress on commercial real estate companies. The biggest bankruptcy in 2023 was the failure of the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust. The company had loaded up with more than $1 billion in liabilities.

The collapse of the commercial real estate market could easily spill over into the financial sector. That’s because a lot of loans are coming due.

According to the Mortgage Bankers Associationaround $1.2 trillion of commercial real estate debt in the United States will mature over the next two years.

A lot of financial institutions will fail during the months and years that are ahead of us.

Just hope that your money is not in one of them.

Meanwhile, one recent survey discovered that approximately two-thirds of all small businesses in the United States are teetering on the brink of disaster

A new survey reveals that over two-thirds of small business owners are terrified of the state of the economy under Joe Biden’s watch, fearing that current conditions and ongoing downward trends will lead to them having to close their businesses.

As reported by the Daily Caller, the poll from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) shows that 67% of small business owners maintain such fears about the economy as it stands today, marking a 10-point increase from sentiments two years ago. In the same poll, participants’ perceptions of economic conditions for their own businesses fell from 70.2 to 68.1. Perception of national conditions fell even more drastically, from 53.2 to 50.4.

Maybe you don’t care about what is happening to our small businesses.

But you should, because close to half of all workers in the United States are employed by small businesses

Forbes estimates that at least 46% of all employees in the United States, around 61.6 million people in total, are employed by small businesses.

I think that it is quite an ominous sign that the household survey showed that the U.S. economy lost a whopping 408,000 jobs last month.

Sadly, I think that a lot more months like that are coming.

Retailers are also really struggling right now.

In fact, as Mark B. Spiegel recently discussed, major retailer after major retailer has been reporting disappointing sales numbers…

The U.S. economy seems to finally be cracking. This month a slew of retailers (off the top of my head: Target, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy and Foot Locker) reported negative year-over-year sales comps, and that’s before adjusting for the inflation that makes them 3% to 4% more negative in “real” terms. Others (Dollar General and Burlington) reported same-store sales comps in the +2% range, but that too was negative when adjusted for inflation, while Walmart and Nordstrom comps managed to roughly keep pace with inflation, but were unable to exceed it.

At one time, Walmart was an unstoppable retail behemoth.

But now even Walmart is closing down stores

WALMARTS are closing across the country – and retail experts say the cuts are signals of a bleak future for shoppers.

The multi-million dollar corporation has closed nine stores so far this year, which could be a warning sign for other retail giants.

Of course the stores that Walmart is shuttering are just a drop in the bucket compared to what other chains are doing.

As I detailed in an article that I posted last week, we are on pace to lose 7,800 stores in 2024.

When the Drudge Report used the term “retail apocalypse” in one of their headlines on Monday morning, that was not an exaggeration at all.

We really are in the early stages of a historic meltdown.

And the outlook for the months ahead is extremely bleak.

In fact, Harry Dent just told Fox News that we should brace ourselves for “a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09”

Speaking in an updated interview with Fox News Digital, Dent cautioned that the “everything” bubble has still yet to burst, and it may be a bigger crash than the Great Recession.

“In 1925 to ‘29, it was a natural bubble. There was no stimulus behind that, artificial stimulus per se. So this is new. This has never happened,” Dent said on Tuesday. “What do you do if you want to cure a hangover? You drink more. And that’s what they’ve been doing.”

“Flooding the economy with extra money forever might actually enhance the overall economy long-term. But we’ll only see when we see this bubble burst,” he added. “And again, this bubble has been going 14 years. Instead of most bubbles [going] five to six, it’s been stretched higher, longer. So you’d have to expect a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09.”

Our leaders were able to keep the game going for years by pumping trillions upon trillions of dollars into the system.

But they didn’t fix anything.

Instead, they just delayed the inevitable.

Our entire system really is crumbling all around us, and as it crumbles we are going to see chaos on a scale that most people don’t even want to imagine.

Already, major cities from coast to coast are being terrorized by theft, violence, drugs, homelessness, gangs and anarchy.

If things are this bad already, what is America going to look like once our leaders completely lose control of the economy?

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post The Entire System Is Crumbling! Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

Comer: DOJ Still Needs to Probe the Bidens’ Influence Peddling Schemes

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict on three felony counts was a “step towards accountability,” then added the Justice Department needed to go further.

The post Comer: Hunter Biden ‘Guilty’ Verdict a ‘Step Towards Accountability,’ But DOJ Must Probe the Bidens’ Corrupt Influence Peddling appeared first on Breitbart.

— Read on www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/06/11/comer-hunter-biden-guilty-verdict-a-step-towards-accountability-but-doj-must-probe-the-bidens-corrupt-influence-peddling/

It’s About Time! Pelagian Inclusivist Tony Evans Pausing Ministry over Unnamed ‘Sin’ | Protestia

Pastor Tony Evans of the Dallas megachurch Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship has announced that he’s stepping away from public ministry on account of sins he commited years ago, sharing in part on his church’s website:

“When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others.”

…While I have committed no crime, I did not use righteous judgment in my actions. In light of this, I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders. This will afford me a needed time of spiritual recovery and healing”

With nary a hint to congregants or ministry supporters of what this entailed- did he engage in an adulterous sexual affair, cheat on his old wife with his new one, get filmed being a bully with anger problems, or pull a Matt Chandler and joke coarsely about alcohol with a woman he wasn’t familiar with- those answers do not seem forthcoming. For all we know he’s pulling a “Johnny Hunt” who famously argued that his own romantic entanglements with his non-wife were no one’s business but his own.

However, the most disappointing part of the announcement is not that it happened at all but that it took so long. Despite being a significant author and highly influential in evangelical circles, Evans should have been disqualified long ago for his numerous theological crimes, much less personal foibles.

Along with reaching preaching a very heretical view of the Trinity at the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention and hobknobbing with modalist T.D. Jakes, Evans, whose daughter is self-proclaimed prophetess Priscilla Shirer, is a social justice warrior who affirms and supports Critical Race Theory and recently was seen espousing standpoint theory when he capitalized on the color of his skin to sow seeds of discord in American evangelicalism by encouraging the racist, divisive protests against the Dove Awards.

More importantly, however, is that Evans a rank heretic whose heresies include (but are not limited to) Pelagianism (the denial of original sin), Inclusivism (you don’t have to be a Christian to be saved), and Limited Theism (the denial of God’s omnipotence).

In comments he made to Glenn Plumber at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Convention, and others, he elaborated on his pelagian view of Christ’s death and resurrection, stating:

But the thing that the death of Christ did was cover and overrule original sin so that no man is condemned because they are born in Adam, but men are condemned because they consciously reject salvation.

Evans also holds to inclusivism, that is, you don’t have to actually know Christ personally to be saved. In this same interview, Evans says,

If a person believes somebody’s up there that created this… I don’t know who He is but I want to know Him… if that person were to have a heart attack at that moment, God could not condemn him and be just because God says he who seeks shall find, so since God makes that promise, if God doesn’t give him the Gospel or give him a direct revelation then He has to judge him out of another dispensation.

He echoed this again in his book Totally Saved, where he writes:

“In the case of a person who never hears the gospel and never knows the name of Jesus, but who responds to the light he has, God treats that person like an Old Testament saint, if you will. That is, if the person trusts in what God has revealed, God deals with that person based on the knowledge he has, not the information he never received. I call this transdispensationalism.”

Evans is the one who made up the word, “Transdispensationalism,” and it is essentially just a rebranding of Inclusivism. John MacArthur said about this comment, “Obviously, there is no biblical defense for that, and none is attempted in the book—none. There isn’t even a verse to defend that. Furthermore, living up to natural human light, apart from the revelation of the true and living God, wouldn’t save anybody in any dispensation. But, it is a very—it is a very strange thing and, to this degree, to the degree that He gives salvation to those who have never heard the gospel, it’s a departure from what we believe the scripture teaches.”

Commenting on his failing, The Dissenter writes:

This vagueness is typical of celebrity pastors who generalize their sins and seek restoration without providing their followers with clear explanations. Evans’ admission mirrors the recent stepping down of Matt Chandler, who also stepped down for vague reasons, reflecting a broader pattern among high-profile church leaders who fail to uphold the standards they preach​​ and are quick to enter an arbitrary “restoration” process that fast-tracks them back into the pulpit.

Evans’ decision to enter a period of spiritual recovery and healing, while necessary, leaves many questions unanswered. Public figures like Evans, who have built their ministries on the financial and emotional investment of their followers, owe it to their supporters to be transparent about their failings. The lack of specificity in these admissions only serves to erode trust and highlight the inconsistencies in the accountability structures within evangelical megachurches.

By all indication his pause won’t last long, and he’ll be back in the pulpit soon enough.

The post It’s About Time! Pelagian Inclusivist Tony Evans Pausing Ministry over Unnamed ‘Sin’ appeared first on Protestia.

Kirk Cameron Launches ‘See You at the Library 2024’ to Champion Biblical Values – Michael Foust

Author and speaker Kirk Cameron is partnering with publisher Brave Books for a second-annual “See You at the Library” story hour that he says will promote faith, love, and patriotism and — he hopes — double the size of last year’s event.

Here’s How 12 Different News Outlets Covered Israel’s Hostage Rescue | Babylon Bee

Everyone knows that the media is either fake and biased or completely 100% factual and correct, depending on how your political orientation lines up with any given news source.

With that in mind, The Babylon Bee conducted an investigation into how different media outlets covered Israel’s hostage rescue operation:

  1. The Babylon Bee: Breaking: Gaza Health Ministry Confirms 8 Billion Dead In Israeli Hostage Rescue
  2. New York Times: Breaking: Gaza Health Ministry Confirms 8 Billion Dead In Israeli Hostage Rescue
  3. CNN: GENOCIDE: Israel Mass Murders More Palestinian Citizens Also Please Pay Attention To Us We’re Broke
  4. Rolling Stone: Palestinians Recount Horror Of Living With 4 Jews For 247 Days
  5. NotTheBee: Israel Just Pulled Off One Of The Most EPIC Rescues In History And Libz Are Big Mad. Let Me Break It Down For You. 🤣🤣🤣
  6. BBC News: Israel Genocidally Commits Genocide By Shooting Back At Innocent Civilian People Shooting At Them In Horrible Genocide
  7. Buzzfeed: Check Out These 32 Recipes From Child-Free Trans Women That You Need In Your Life
  8. Deadspin: Here’s a Video of a Racist Israeli Hostage in Blackface Oh Wait Those Are Ashes From His Friend’s Incinerated Body And Oops We Just Lost Another $500 Million Defamation Lawsuit
  9. Washington Post: Hi, I’m Raul, The Janitor, Nobody Here Today
  10. HuffPost: Israel Brutally Murders Civilians Innocently Holding AK-47s, Hostages
  11. TMZ: POOLSIDE PICS! You’ll Never Believe How These Seven Celebs Responded to Israel’s Slaughter of Innocent Palestinians
  12. Al Jazeera: Wait! Don’t Shoot! I Can Exp —

The list above will help you determine if other news outlets covered the Israeli hostage rescue as accurately as The Babylon Bee.

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