Daily Archives: June 13, 2024

America’s Coming Storm | Pathway To Victory

The Bible teaches that one day, the world as we know it will come to an end and be replaced by a new Heaven and a new Earth. So how exactly will it all unfold? Dr. Robert Jeffress opens to Daniel 7 for a fascinating look into America

’s future.


— Read on pathwaytovictory.podbean.com/e/americas-coming-storm/

Consider the Hand of God: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul – YouTube

The sovereign rule of God is manifested just as much in tragedy as it is in prosperity. Today, R.C. Sproul calls us to reflect on the providence of God in every circumstance, including our pain and sorrow, so that we may mature in wisdom.

Hear more from Ultimately with R.C. Sproul: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

June 15 – Our Biblical Permission to Eat Bacon! | VCY

  1 Kings 14:1-15:24
  Acts 10:1-23
  Psalm 133:1-3
  Proverbs 17:7-8

1 Kings 14:2 — And here we thought that Jeroboam had completely forgot about Ahijah. Ahijah said Jeroboam would be almost as great as King David (1 Kings 11:38), but Jeroboam forgot the condition (1 Kings 12:27) and tried to solve the problem his way. If God saves you, He can keep you! Interesting that even though Jeroboam saw Ahijah prophesy and desired his prophecy to be realized, he also thought Ahijah could be easily tricked.

1 Kings 14:7 — This is the theme of the “political books” of the Bible. Psalm 75:7 and Daniel 2:21 bear tribute to God’s control of both theocratic nations (Israel) and secular nations (Babylon). God exalts and God casts down. All He asks in order to bless us (not to save us) is obedience! (1 Kings 14:8).

1 Kings 14:10 — Yes, this phrase is actually in the Hebrew. GotQuestions.org discusses the use of this uncommon expression. Here the king whose descendants could have had an everlasting dynasty, will be taken away as a man taketh away dung. How’s that for a spiritual legacy?

1 Kings 14:22 — Well, couldn’t Rehoboam have learned from Jeroboam’s example? He was right in the city that God chose to put his name (1 Kings 14:21). But they built high places.

1 Kings 14:25 — We have secular records of this battle of Pharaoh Shishak:

This wall carving within the Karnak Temple complex in Egypt commemorates Pharaoh Shishak’s military exploits, including an invasion into Israel, c. 925 BC. Shishak is referred to in the Bible, and most scholars believe the invasion depicted in the carving is the same event noted in the Bible in 1 Kings 14:25. The carving displays a large image of the god Amun leading a number of captive cities by ropes. The scene is damaged; but, among others, it lists the Israelite city of Megiddo as one of many attacked by the Egyptians.

1 Kings 14:26 — How transient wealth is (Matthew 6:19-21).

1 Kings 15:4 — Even though the LORD will inflict judgment on the descendants up to three and four generations, His mercy is for thousands of generations (Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 5:10)!

1 Kings 15:18 — If Asa had just prayed in the temple instead of strip mining the temple … but he set a pattern that Hezekiah would follow (2 Kings 18:16).

Acts 10:2 — People ask, “What about those that are looking for God but never hear?” Well, we know that all are sinners (Romans 3:23), worthy of death (Romans 6:23), but we see that God will be found of those who seek Him early (Proverbs 8:17).

Acts 10:15 — We have now entered the 4th dispensation of Bacon!

  • Genesis 1:29 – Bacon is prohibited
  • Genesis 9:3 – Bacon is allowed
  • Leviticus 11:7 – Bacon is prohibited for Israelites
  • Acts 10:15 – Bacon is allowed for all

These match up with the classical “Seven Dispensations,” which were modified into the “Seven C’s of History.” This is a chart from an adult Sunday School class I taught.

Acts 10:19 — If Peter learned nothing from his years with the LORD, this is the first time we see the phrase “Peter thought” in the Bible (as opposed to the many times where “Peter said“)!

Psalm 133:2 — What is precious about the ointment? From Matthew Henry:

v. 2. (1.) This ointment was holy. So must our brotherly love be, with a pure heart, devoted to God. We must love those that are begotten for his sake that begat, 1 Jn. 5:1. (2.) This ointment was a composition made up by a divine dispensatory; God appointed the ingredients and the quantities. Thus believers are taught of God to love one another; it is a grace of his working in us. (3.) It was very precious, and the like to it was not to be made for any common use. Thus holy love is, in the sight of God, of great price; and that is precious indeed which is so in God’s sight. (4.) It was grateful both to Aaron himself and to all about him. So is holy love; it is like ointment and perfume which rejoice the heart. Christ’s love to mankind was part of that oil of gladness with which he was anointed above his fellows. (5.) Aaron and his sons were not admitted to minister unto the Lord till they were anointed with this ointment, nor are our services acceptable to God without this holy love; if we have it not we are nothing.

Proverbs 17:7 — As you consider the princely training by your elder brother (the soon to be crowned King of Kings), know what behavior befits a prince!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Speak What He Teaches | VCY

Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say. (Exodus 4:12)

Many a true servant of the Lord is slow of speech, and when called upon to plead for his Lord, he is in great confusion lest he should spoil a good cause by his bad advocacy. In such a case it is well to remember that the Lord made the tongue which is so slow, and we must take care that we do not blame our maker. It may be that a slow tongue is not so great an evil as a fast one, and fewness of words may be more of a blessing than floods of verbiage. It is also quite certain that real saving power does not lie in human rhetoric, with its tropes, and pretty phrases, and grand displays. Lack of fluency is not so great a lack as it looks.

If God be with our mouth, and with our mind, we shall have something better than the sounding brass of eloquence or the tinkling cymbal of persuasion. God’s teaching is wisdom; His presence is power. Pharaoh had more reason to be afraid of stammering Moses than of the most fluent talker in Egypt; for what he said had power in it; he spoke plagues and deaths. If the Lord be with us in our natural weakness we shall be girt with supernatural power. Therefore, let us speak for Jesus boldly, as we ought to speak.

13 June 2024 News Briefing

Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails “Invincible Comrades-in-Arms”
As G7 leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country’s ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border “invincible comrades-in-arms”.

HHS Sued Over Rule Requiring Health Care Providers To Perform ‘Gender Transition’ Procedures
The attorneys general of Montana and Texas on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), over a rule that says states must pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid programs and requires health care providers who receive federal funding to perform such procedures even in violation of state law.

Powell Admits The Biden Admin Is “Overstating” Jobs
we get that the actual number of “employed” workers plunged by 408K…

Chances for a hostage deal close to none
“Here, in a nutshell, is where we stand: A deal was on the table that was virtually identical to the proposal that Hamas put forward on May the 6th, a deal that the entire world was behind, a deal Israel has accepted, and Hamas could have answered with a single word: yes. Instead, Hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes, a number of which go beyond positions it had previously taken and accepted. The terror organization also demands not only an American guarantee to end the war, but also guarantees from China, Russia, and Turkey.

Russia Calls for Swift Release of Its Nationals Held by Hamas
Russia’s Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova on Tuesday announced that she appealed to senior United Nations (UN) and other officials to take action to secure the release of Russian nationals held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip after eight months after their kidnapping.

Israel’s enemies have no incentive to end the war
Israel’s enemies share no common values of freedom, civil rights, or humane principles. Thus, they don’t have the incentive to cooperate.

How Estonia is becoming a hotbed for drone warfare
With a close eye on Ukraine’s use of drones, Estonians are fielding new kit, changing doctrine, and revamping training for unmanned systems in case they also have to repel a Russian invasion one day. Estonia — a country with a population of just 1.3 million — is also being uniquely thrifty, working to field systems whose price is often orders of magnitude cheaper than similar U.S. systems.

Bring it’: Backup plan in Congress to arrest Garland for contempt
Later a transcript of the Hur interview with Biden was released, but the Republican majority in the House has demanded access to the audio tapes, explaining they can reveal a lot more than just the printed word. Attorney General Merrick Garland refused, and even suggested Biden claim “executive privilege” to keep the tapes secret. Now the fight is about to get brutal, with GOP plans as early as Wednesday to find Garland in contempt of Congress, a vote that could result in jail time for Garland.

Hamas guards reportedly ordered to kill hostages if IDF rescue attempt detected
The leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas reportedly told their operatives guarding Israeli hostages that “if they think Israeli forces are coming, the first thing they should do is shoot the captives,” The New York Times reported on Monday, citing Israeli officials.

Hezbollah launches massive 215 rocket barrage at northern Israel in retaliation for killing of senior commander
After Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike in southern Lebanon on Tuesday night, killing a senior Hezbollah commander, the terror group responded with one of the largest rocket barrages since the start of the Oct. 7 war in Gaza as Israelis celebrated the Shavuot holiday. For the first time during the war, the city of Tiberias, which lies some 35 km (20 miles) from the Lebanese border, was also targeted by Hezbollah.

Why I think Donald Trump is “God’s choice” for president of the US (and why I care)
we live less than ten miles from the border, the siren sounds at the same time as the attack, giving us no time to run for the shelter. It may seem that under these circumstances, I would be more concerned with what is happening in my backyard than the upcoming US presidential elections. But the opposite is true. As the rockets came closer, I cursed Biden and everyone who voted for him, blaming them for the policies that had empowered Iran to buy rockets for the terrorists who openly stated their intention to murder every Jew on the planet.

Russian warships conduct Atlantic drills en route to Cuba. New hypersonic missiles are on board
Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic, the military said Tuesday, as they were heading to visit Cuba, part of Moscow’s efforts to project power amid the tensions with the West over Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry said the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the Kazan nuclear-powered submarine conducted the exercise that was intended to simulate a missile strike on a group of enemy ships.

Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
At the SBC’s annual meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis, representatives will vote on whether to amend the denomination’s constitution to essentially ban churches with any women pastors — and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelming approval in a preliminary vote last year.

NASA Watches Mars Light Up During Epic Solar Storm
Mars scientists have been anticipating epic solar storms ever since the Sun entered a period of peak activity earlier this year called solar maximum. Over the past month, NASA’s Mars rovers and orbiters have provided researchers with front-row seats to a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections that have reached Mars — in some cases, even causing Martian auroras. If astronauts had been standing next to NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover at the time, they would have received a radiation dose of 8,100 micrograys — equivalent to 30 chest X-rays. While not deadly, it was the biggest surge measured by Curiosity’s Radiation Assessment Detector, or RAD, since the rover landed 12 years ago.

Sarasota hit by record-breaking 1-hour rainfall, all of South Florida under Flood Watch
Disorganized showers and thunderstorms produced by a broad and elongated area of low pressure are affecting parts of Florida. On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, this low pressure dropped record-breaking rainfall over Sarasota, causing significant flash flooding. Heavy rain is expected to continue in the days ahead and the flood threat will remain through the end of the work week.

Trudeau again says nothing after another church suspiciously burns to the ground in Canada
On Sunday, during the early morning hours, a four-alarm fire ripped through the historic church. Built in 1908, the Byzantine-style building burned almost to the ground in a matter of hours. Flames shooting through the roof confirmed what many suspected: Everything is gone.

Aliens might be living among us, according to new Harvard study
Aliens might be living among us, according to a study by Harvard academics. A new paper suggests extraterrestrials could also be living underground or in a base inside the Moon.

World Economic Forum Says, ‘Let Them Eat Fake Meat!’ 
The globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins in a coordinated effort to change consumers’ behavior.

After Protesting Exhibition Honoring Victims of Nova Music Festival Murdered by Hamas, Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’
On Monday, a group of masked anti-Israel leaving a protest outside an exhibit honoring Oct. 7 victims took over a New York City subway car and demanded Jews identify themselves.

Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
…The vote is partly the culmination of events set in motion two years ago. That’s when a Virginia pastor contacted SBC officials to contend that First Baptist and four nearby churches were “out of step” with denominational doctrine that says only men can be pastors. The SBC Credentials Committee launched a formal inquiry in April.

‘Intifada revolution’: Mob converges on NYC exhibit for Oct. 7 victims 
A mob of protesters chanting “intifada revolution” on Monday night rallied outside a New York city exhibit memorializing the hundreds of victims of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on the Nova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel.

Idaho’s 500,000-acre curtailment order is irresponsible, unjustifiable and reckless
…I warned that this would place every acre within the boundaries of the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer, along with adjacent industries, countes, and cites, in constant jeopardy of widespread curtailment. Yesterday afternoon, that threat became very real for thousands of farmers across the Snake River Plain, who were greeted by an order from the department that they must immediately cease irrigating crops on approximately 500,000 acres.

FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs
…what has become clear is that the origins of these agencies are not what they make them out to be. Why are they lying about their origins?  Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses … There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment and no sample testing occurs.”

Enormous Mobs Are Literally Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis
Every night, huge groups of young people are literally taking over streets in large cities all over America.  In many cases, major intersections are completely blocked off for stunts and dangerous competitions involving vehicles.  These events are called “street takeovers”, and they are often accompanied by theft, violence and other acts of crime.

Headlines – 6/13/2024

215 rockets fired at north after IDF killing of ‘most senior’ Hezbollah officer yet

IDF confirms killing Hezbollah regional division commander Taleb Abdullah, the ‘most senior’ officer targeted amid war

Hezbollah lobs rockets at Israel as U.S. accuses Hamas of prolonging Gaza war

US military urges de-escalation as Israel-Lebanon tensions rise

‘Immense’ Scale of Gaza Killings Amount to Crime Against Humanity, UN Inquiry Says

U.N. Confirms Hamas Horrors on October 7 but Blames Israel for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

UN inquiry says Israel and Hamas have both committed war crimes since October 7

UN reports accuse Israel of ‘extermination,’ crimes against humanity; Hamas of war crimes

Foreign Ministry: UN report ‘ridden with lies and blood libels,’ describes ‘fictional reality’

Hamas urges US to pressure Israel, claims no indication Jerusalem agrees to truce deal

Hamas seeking US guarantees over Gaza ceasefire plan, sources say

Terror group Hamas seeking amendments to U.S.-backed ceasefire proposal, Blinken frustrated

Hamas Says Blinken ‘Part of the Problem’ as Ceasefire Deal Falters

Blinken pans Hamas response to Israeli offer, saying some proposed changes ‘not workable’

Sources: Talks stuck on Hamas demand for Israeli up-front commitment to permanent truce

Biden pushed to revoke Al Jazeera credentials after Israeli hostage reportedly found in journalist’s home

Rescued hostage, ‘brainwashed’ by Hamas, thought IDF forces had come to kill him

Democrat Congressman Gerry Connolly Makes Sure to Use Hamas Terrorist Talking Points-Refers to Rescue of Israeli Hostages as “Release”

Israel’s Ben-Gvir Attacks Decision to Release 30 Jailed Terrorists

Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier – They say food is ‘flowing’ to the people, but data shows the opposite. Pull the curtain down on this theater now.

Sources Say Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Endangering Troops’ Lives for a ‘Photo-Op’

After Protesting Exhibition Honoring Victims of Nova Music Festival Murdered by Hamas, Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’

Thugs on NYC Subway Car Tell ‘Zionists’ to Leave

Multiple acts of vandalism across NYC linked to war in the Middle East

27 Pro-Palestinian Activists Arrested in UCLA Unrest; Congress Investigates

More Universities Refuse to Adopt Boycott Movement Against Israel

French conservative leader embraces Marine Le Pen’s far-right party with history of antisemitism

Iran seen expanding enrichment after IAEA rebuke, but response tamer than feared

India: Modi Gives No Cabinet Positions to Muslims for First Time in History

40 Indians Killed, 50 Injured In Kuwait Building Fire, PM Takes Stock

PM Orban: Hungary Will Not Block NATO Support for Ukraine

Hungary agrees not to veto NATO’s deepening support for Ukraine in exchange for nonparticipation

Armenia to quit Russia-led ‘answer to NATO,’ the Collective Security Treaty Organization

US to Send Another Patriot Missile System as Kyiv Pleads for Air Defenses

Biden and Zelenskyy will sign a security deal, as G7 leaders agree to use Russian cash to help Kyiv

US, Ukraine to sign 10-year security deal for troop training, weapons production, ongoing military aid

Biden to sign security agreement with Ukraine, sending ‘signal of our resolve’ to Russia

Russian warships, nuclear submarine enter Havana Harbor under watch of U.S. destroyers

Putin’s fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say – Putin has threatened to arm America’s adversarial neighbors

Farage Offered Government Security, Man Charged After Campaign Trail Attack

Democracy ‘Directly Under Threat’ From ‘Mob Violence’ Says Nigel Farage After Being Attacked

Buenos Aires rocked by clashes over Milei reforms

Riot police unleash tear gas, water cannons on rowdy anti-Milei protesters in Buenos Aires – Demonstrators gathered against libertarian president’s state overhaul, tax proposals

House GOP sets Garland contempt vote over refusal to turn over Biden interview audio

GOP lawmaker planning to follow Garland contempt vote with proposing resolution to arrest him

Two Tier Justice: Biden’s Gestapo DOJ Says Garland Cannot be Prosecuted for Contempt for Withholding Embarrassing Biden-Hur Audio

‘Nothing but hypocrisy’: House GOP doubtful DOJ will charge Garland like former Trump aides

Report: Joe Biden Says Hunter Is Victim of Weaponized System of Justice

Biden reportedly blames re-election bid for Hunter’s conviction: ‘He would have gotten the plea deal’

White House won’t rule out commuting Hunter Biden’s sentence

GOP rep: Hunter Biden conviction ‘creates an opening’ for Michelle Obama

Senate Democrat probes Jared Kushner’s investment firm – The effort is parallel to GOP probe of Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals

Kushner’s Deal with Pro-Russia Serbs Raises Hackles

Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on November 18,2022

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters Says DEI is Important Because Black Prosecutors and Judges Like Letitia James and Tanya Chutkan Are Going After Trump

Maddow: GOP, Trump ‘Running Against the American System of Government’

‘Hellscape Dystopia’: Just 42% of Young Adults Are ‘Proud’ to Be American, Poll Shows

Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported In Primary Election, Including Machines Incorrectly Counting and Reversing Totals

Explosive cases flow to US Supreme Court from ‘bold’ regional court

US supreme court in ‘crisis of legitimacy’ says AOC at House oversight round table

Sen. Lindsey Graham says he will block Democrats’ effort to unanimously pass Supreme Court ethics bill

Alito recording plunges Supreme Court into deeper controversy

Liberal filmmaker defends secretly recording Alito, Roberts, says her ‘lies’ elicited ‘truths’ from justices – Windsor argued her recordings served the ‘greater public good’

Phony ‘news’ portals surpass US newspaper sites, researchers say

Macron backs ban on use of smartphones for under 11s

Tesla’s ‘Full-Self Driving’ Feature Creates Deadly Situations on the Road

Boeing’s Starliner Now Has 5 Leaks While Parked Outside the ISS

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits near Sarangani, Philippines

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 27,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 21,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 16,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Lewotobi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Southern Florida receives record rainfall and flash flooding in a 500-to-1,000-year event

South Florida underwater: Tropical rainstorm delivers 17 inches of rain in 24 hours

Sarasota hit by record-breaking 1-hour rainfall (almost 4 inches), all of South Florida under Flood Watch

DeSantis declares state of emergency after torrential rain leaves South Florida roads underwater

Athens heatwave: Tourist attractions shut and schools suspended as huge fire breaks out in city

Biden EPA Rules Will Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans, Study Warns

As Baltimore shipping channel reopens, DOT estimates at least $1.7 billion to rebuild bridge

More than $100M spent to remove Key Bridge wreckage, feds say

Thefts of charging cables pose yet another obstacle to appeal of electric vehicles

Crime is So Bad in Hawaii Police Are Urging Beachgoers to Take Their Valuables Into The Ocean

Police: Toddler Murder Suspect Said She Wanted to ‘Kill Someone and Eat Their Flesh’ Before Judge Released Her onto Streets

Arizona man wanted to start ‘race war’ with mass shooting at Atlanta concert: DOJ

Atlanta bus ‘hijacker’ hid inside Peachtree Center mall during mass shooting hours earlier

Multiple People Shot in N. Ill. in ‘Mass Casualty Incident,’ Authorities Say

After shooting, Seattle parents regret school kicking out officers in 2020: ‘Who is protecting our babies?’ – A 17-year-old student was killed in a school parking lot last week

Sandy Hook survivors call for gun control as they graduate high school

Arizona man sold firearms to undercover FBI agent for mass shooting, indictment says

Woman taken into custody after armed standoff at FBI building in Seattle, authorities say

Joe Biden Scolds Gun Owners After Hunter’s Conviction: ‘Who in God’s Name Needs a Magazine That Holds 200 Shells?’

Ted Cruz warns Biden’s border crisis puts US at risk of a ‘major terrorist attack’

Terror fears mount after arrests of border crossers linked to ISIS: ‘We’re headed for another 9/11’

ACLU sues Biden administration over new executive action on the southern border

24 Hour Fitness says BLM, Pride flags are approved ‘symbols of expression’ but American flags are only for designated holidays

Republicans Move to Ban DEI in Federal Government

Elon Musk Had Sex With SpaceX Intern, Asked Woman To Have His Babies, Claims Report

Kevin Spacey says he thought Jeffrey Epstein put Bill Clinton at risk: ‘There were these young girls’

‘Virtual Strip Club:’ Utah Sues China’s TikTok over Platform Sexualizing Children

Major Victory: Texas AG Ken Paxton Crushes Biden’s Overreach, Blocks Radical ‘Transgender’ Policies in Schools Nationwide

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Middle School Student Who Wore ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt

Colorado Republicans call to oust party chairman after he attacked Pride Month

Survey: Nearly 60% of Biden Voters Confused About Basic Biology

‘Major Step to Protect Women’s Sport’: Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Barred from Olympics After Losing Key Lawsuit

Clinton Judge Mocks 75-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist’s Catholic Faith as She Sentences Her to Prison For Peacefully Protesting Abortion Clinic

House Dems Seek to Force Vote on IVF Bill Via Discharge Petition

Why the Southern Baptists’ vote opposing IVF could change national politics

Southern Baptists reject ban on women pastors in historic vote

Tiger mosquitoes blamed for spread of dengue fever: ‘Most invasive species’

4 yr old child in India tests positive for H9N2 bird flu, second such case in country, confirms WHO

Drug-resistant “dual mutant” flu strains now being tracked in U.S., CDC says

New Congress Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic

Moderna president: Company outlook ‘stabilizing’ thanks to new flu-COVID vaccine data

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 13, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience.” —Thomas Jefferson (1782)

ON THIS DAY in 1777, a Frenchman by the name of Marquis de Lafayette arrived in America to aid the Patriots against the British. After playing an instrumental role in George Washington’s army, he returned to America twice later in life to a hero’s welcome. On this same day in 1917, the first American troops departed New York Harbor to aid the French and the British alike in World War I.



Douglas Andrews, Nate Jackson, & Jordan Candler


  • Big Guy thinks “running for reelection” caused Hunter’s conviction: It takes a special brand of narcissism to deny the open-and-shut nature of the gun charges that resulted in Hunter Biden’s three-count felony conviction on Tuesday. Indeed, the case that federal prosecutors put before a Delaware jury required only three hours of deliberation. And yet Joe Biden thinks that his son’s travails have everything to do with his own presidential campaign and not the irrefutable facts of the case. But that’s Joe Biden, and now that “the smartest guy” he knows is a convicted felon, we’re learning that it should never have come to this. “If I weren’t running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal,” said the Big Guy earlier this month to one of his cronies. As the New York Post reports, “The reported remark recalls former President Donald Trump’s claim that prosecutors have engaged in ‘election interference’ by pursuing criminal cases against him. Biden, in response, has called such claims by his great rival ‘reckless,’ ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible.’” In fact, U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss was forced to prosecute Joe’s boy when Judge Maryellen Noreika blew up that deal and revealed just how far Weiss had gone not to prosecute him — because Joe Biden is running for reelection.
  • KJP won’t say whether president will consider commuting Hunter’s sentence (Daily Wire)
  • Hunter’s court-verified laptop files will be at the center of his upcoming tax trial (Just the News)
  • Senate GOP blocks SCOTUS “ethics” bill: Democrats have been going full-bore in their effort to delegitimize the Supreme Court. They’ve been doing it for decades, of course, since “Borking” became a verb. But the flaps over Clarence Thomas’s vacations and Samuel Alito’s flags inspired Democrats to introduce legislation putting new “ethics” requirements on the justices. We put “ethics” in scare quotes because Democrats so grossly redefine their terms. “The highest court in the land cannot and should not have the lowest ethical standards,” opined Senator Dick Durbin, a sponsor of the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act. Senator Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal added, “The Supreme Court has squandered its almost mystical authority, its unique power in the federal government.” Fortunately, a few Republicans banded together and blocked the bill, with Senator Lindsey Graham calling it “unconstitutional overreach.” SCOTUS adopted its own updated code of ethics in November.
  • Protesters run on the field while GOP runs roughshod over Dems at Congressional Baseball Game (Roll Call)
  • Trump to meet with Mitch McConnell for the first time in four years (Townhall)

Judicial Benchmarks

  • SCOTUS preserves birth control access: Democrats desperately want women voters to think they’re living in “The Handmaid’s Tale,” forced into subservient pregnancy by their patriarchal overlords. The latest attempt to make everything about abortion was the Supreme Court case dealing with access to the widely used abortifacient mifepristone, which is responsible for 60% of abortions in America. Much of the debate revolved around leftists’ insistence that the drug is safe, but the pill intentionally kills one of the two people affected by it, which doesn’t seem all that safe. Yet even the supposedly religious radicals running the Supreme Court did not find a legal reason to limit access to or ban the pill. In a 9-0 ruling, the justices overturned a Fifth Circuit Court ruling that the FDA had failed to follow proper procedures. That means the pills can be sent by mail, even to states that have limited or banned abortion. Justice Brett Kavanaugh, writing for the Court, acknowledged the plaintiffs’ “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to FDA’s relaxed regulation of mifepristone,” but he concluded that “the federal courts are the wrong forum for addressing the plaintiffs’ concerns about FDA’s actions.”

National Security

  • Biden backs Ukraine for a decade: As the bar tab for our spending in Ukraine has reached $175 billion, Joe Biden is hailing the waitress for another round. And another round after that. And another round after that. In fact, he wants to park our nation’s foreign policy future in the Cafe Kyiv for the next decade. As The Washington Post reports, “President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky plan Thursday to sign a 10-year security agreement that will commit Washington to supply Kyiv with a wide range of military assistance, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said, in a bid to bolster Ukraine’s fight with Russia.” The proposed deal, of course, is a naked effort to shackle future administrations to the Ukrainian regime, but any future president could simply withdraw from the agreement, as it doesn’t carry the weight of a treaty ratified by Congress. In any case, it’s worth remembering: We wouldn’t be in any such predicament if Donald Trump were still president. Instead, Joe Biden’s weakness continues to provoke our geopolitical foes.
  • Russian fleet arrives in Havana: In yet another example of Joe Biden’s provocative weakness, a sizable share of Vladimir Putin’s Russian fleet has parked itself in Cuban waters, ostensibly to conduct military drills with the America-hating commie regime just off our southern shore, but more accurately to poke a finger in Biden’s eye. “The deployment,” as Fox News reports, “is likely a warning to President Biden after he gave approval for Ukrainian forces to strike some targets within Russia using U.S. weaponry, according to Rebekah Koffler, strategic intelligence analyst and author of Putin’s Playbook.” Indeed, Putin tends to take what his opponent will give him. This isn’t the Cuban Missile Crisis, but the strategic implications are no less chilling. “Putin wants to be close to the U.S. homeland at this time when the Russia-Ukraine crisis is on a highly escalatory trajectory,” Koffler notes. “If something goes wrong and Ukraine strikes critical targets in Russia close to major cities, the Russian military can enable the Cubans to strike targets inside the U.S. or strike U.S. interests.” Here, it’s worth recalling that there was a time, in the not-too-distant past, when our geopolitical foes respected us.
  • Armed man arrested in NYC traffic stop found with weapons, armor, threatening notes (NBC New York)
  • Immigration advocacy groups sue Biden administration over border directive (The Hill)


  • Billionaire explains why Wall Street is moving toward Trump: It’s been a while since a Republican could count on a fair shake from Wall Street. Ever since Barack Obama rolled them, the major financial institutions have aligned themselves with the Democrats. But as businesses see and feel the economic malaise of Joe Biden’s maladministration, some big names in finance are taking another look at Donald Trump and his decidedly pro-business, anti-inflation policies. “Historically, some of the way Trump treats people doesn’t sit well with them when you have choices, but there’s really not many choices anymore,” said Carolina Hurricanes owner Tom Dundon. “Some of the things have gotten to where it’s hard to support nonsense.” Dundon didn’t name any specific names, but he said that Biden’s cascading failures are contributing to growing Trump support among not only the Wall Street elite but also everyday Americans.
  • EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms (The Guardian)
  • Biden blocked solar panel tariffs to “accelerate domestic production.” Two years later, China is even more dominant. (Washington Free Beacon)
  • Port of Baltimore reopens after $100M cleanup of collapsed Key Bridge (CBS News)
  • Fed holds rates steady, sees just one cut in 2024 despite inflation progress (NY Post)
  • Homeowners in the South and Midwest are really underwater on their mortgage loans (Not the Bee)
  • Most employment growth since pandemic has gone to immigrants (CIS)


  • Rainbow Mafia justice: The gender-confused are extremely proud of how they misuse their private parts, which they want to make very public. Hence, rainbow murals on intersections serve as monuments to genital usage. In Spokane, Washington, some folks didn’t take too kindly to one of those murals, defacing it with skid marks and other paint multiple times. Now, three teens — one age 19 and two minors — who left skid marks with e-scooters face 10 years in prison for the offense. Also, according to the UK’s Daily Mail, “Prosecutors requested a $15,000 bond that would cover the approximate cost of re-painting the mural.” You mean taxpayers were extorted for $15,000 to paint this garbage in the first place? That is the real crime of vandalism. Meanwhile, San Francisco has become the first “sanctuary” city for “transgender” people. “We have seen an influx of refugees, not just from other countries, but from other states who are seeking care and seeking sanctuary,” said San Francisco’s director of the Office of Transgender Initiatives, Honey Mahogany. Good grief. Now people who are obsessed with their private parts are “refugees” if everyone else doesn’t indulge their delusions. Clown world.
  • Humor: Man arrested for urinating on new pride urinals (Babylon Bee)
  • Dude can’t swim with the ladies: It sure took long enough, but The Great Walk-Back is continuing apace, and fair-minded folks are finally winning the day when it comes to boys and men competing in sports against girls and women. Sometimes, all it takes is some gritty leadership, like the kind we’ve seen from Riley Gaines. National Review’s intrepid Madeleine Kearns has the latest good news on this front: “Lia Thomas, the male swimmer who dominated at the 2022 NCAA women’s swim championships, has lost his lawsuit against World Aquatics. In 2022, the international swimming federation updated its policies to better protect women’s sports, disallowing the participation of trans-identifying males who have advanced through puberty. Thomas sued to overturn the ban, arguing it was discriminatory. But this week, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) dismissed Thomas’s lawsuit on the basis that he did not have standing.” This is a big win for women and a resounding loss for all who would impersonate them.


  • The FBI’s dubious crime stats: Just in time for election season, Joe Biden’s FBI is dutifully telling us that crime is way down, but the bureau wants us to ignore all the cities that have stopped reporting their crime statistics. The newly released numbers say that the rates of violent and property crimes have significantly dropped within the first three months of 2024 compared to the same time last year. But have they really? Um, no, says retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro: “40% of the nation’s police departments don’t report up to the FBI with their crime numbers. What a coincidence. Let’s do the roll call — New York, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. which is federal itself — they don’t report to the FBI. So consequently, what do they all have in common? [They] are all big blue cities that have high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the UCR.” So what we have here is a case of lies, damned lies, and statistics.

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AG Garland Decries Attacks on DOJ

The thin-skinned attorney general can’t seem to understand why his hyper-partisan DOJ is receiving so much criticism.

Douglas Andrews

Poor, poor, pitiful Merrick Garland. Everyone’s always picking on him. But that’s because he’s not so much an attorney general as Joe Biden’s political hatchet man.

Take, for example, his protection of the Biden-Hur interview tape. If special prosecutor Robert Hur declined to prosecute Biden for having “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” then it stands to reason that the American people should know precisely why.

Yes, Hur told us in his devastating 345-page report that “no criminal charges are warranted,” primarily because a jury empaneled in Washington, DC, would never convict “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” but does anyone else see the extraordinary fault in that logic? That sympathetic people in friendly districts should be immune from criminal prosecution because of the unlikelihood of conviction?

If that’s the case, then how can Democrats ever be held accountable in the rigged town of DC, which in 2020 voted 92.1% for Joe Biden and just 5.4% for Donald Trump?

Again, if the argument that saves Biden from prosecution or even removal from office is his enfeebled state, then we should be able to weigh the evidence of enfeeblement. And this brings us back to Attorney General Garland’s repeated stonewalling of congressional oversight, primarily in the form of his refusal to release the actual audio recording of Hur’s interview with Biden.

Yes, yes, Garland has repeatedly told us he’s already released the transcript of the recording. But does anyone really think that transcript paints a complete picture of Biden’s cognitive state?

Accordingly, the Republican-controlled House voted yesterday to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for this repeated refusal. As the AP reports, “The 216-207 vote fell along party lines, with Republicans coalescing behind the contempt effort despite reservations among some of the party’s more centrist members. Only one Republican — Rep. David Joyce of Ohio — voted against it.”

We wonder: What would it have taken to get Joyce’s vote, given that Garland is the most corrupt and contemptuous “wingman” we’ve seen since Obama yes-man Eric Holder?

Next up may be a vote on a condition called “inherent contempt,” which House Republicans are attempting to organize and which, if successful, would require the House’s sergeant-at-arms to arrest Garland.

Yes, please.

Garland wasn’t too happy about these developments or about being the third-ever AG to be held in contempt of Congress. Late yesterday, he said as much: “It is deeply disappointing that this House of Representatives has turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon. Today’s vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the Justice Department’s need to protect its investigations, and the substantial amount of information we have provided to the Committees.”

A partisan weapon? Is this guy for real?

Garland whines about “conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself.” But as our Nate Jackson replied, the AG has it backward: His DOJ is undermining public trust. We’re just pointing it out.

As columnist Mollie Hemingway observes, “Threatening Americans that they better stop criticizing the corrupt DOJ should probably take care of the DOJ’s image problem with the American people.”

This complaint of victimization is now officially a pattern, given Garland’s Tuesday op-ed in The Washington Post, in which he decried the “escalation of attacks” and the “threats to defund particular department investigations” and the “conspiracy theories” and the “falsehoods.”

“We will not be intimidated by these attacks,” wrote Garland. “But it is absurd and dangerous that public servants, many of whom risk their lives every day, are being threatened for simply doing their jobs and adhering to the principles that have long guided the Justice Department’s work.”

No, Merrick, what’s absurd and dangerous is your own weaponization of the Department of Justice and the feeling that this engenders among half of the American people that we have a two-tiered justice system. As The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson writes:

There’s no law in America against spreading “conspiracy theories” — just ask the entire corporate media that spent years spreading outlandish conspiracy theories about how Trump was a Russian agent. What’s more, many Americans now sincerely believe (with good reason) that in light of the ongoing lawfare against Trump, the judicial process itself is indeed compromised and undeserving of public trust. If these Americans are spreading what Garland thinks are “conspiracy theories” for the purpose of persuading their countrymen that the Justice Department is untrustworthy, that is their right as Americans.

Leftists like Garland are like jihadists, both in their ideological zeal and in their disdain for everything except sheer power. Which is why they continually get the best of Republicans. So, enough of the Queensberry Rules. It’s time for the GOP to start dropping the gloves when the Democrats stonewall like Garland is doing. Otherwise, what’s to prevent the next administration official from doing the same thing when he gets hauled before Congress?

As for Garland’s thin skin, he should get out of the kitchen if he can’t stand the partisan heat. Either that or start behaving more like an attorney general than a mob enforcer, a Luca Brasi.

As Davidson concludes, “The real danger here is an attorney general who thinks he’s above criticism, and who feels comfortable issuing public threats that we’d better cut it out — or else.”

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Latest PodcastPopCon #48: The Blue AngelsNow streaming on Amazon Prime, “The Blue Angels” — directed by Paul Crowder and released ahead of Memorial Day weekend — is a documentary you don’t want to skip. Join Thomas, Sterling, and Andrew as they share their impressions of the film and explore other areas of American military air dominance.



Non Compos Mentis

“I … hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes, you know, love and acceptance [rainbow flag] … and insurrectionist symbology [Appeal to Heaven flag].” —Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Belly Laugh of the Day

“We are led by Joe Biden, who, in my lifetime, is the most religious president I can recall.” —”The View” co-host Ana Navarro

For the Record

“Remember, [Hunter Biden’s] prosecution took six years — and if [Special Counsel David] Weiss and the Biden Justice Department had had their way, it wouldn’t have happened at all.” —Andrew McCarthy

“Hunter was cheating on his taxes after he had gotten clean and remarried. I wonder how the media is going to make him a victim in the next trial.” —David Harsanyi

“Ashley Biden’s diary is real. Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. And they both show that Joe Biden’s crimes are real.” —Tim Young

Useful Idiots

“The brutal fact is that Palestinian terrorists have discovered that a simple costume change is all it takes to use the West’s own naive squeamishness against them, and until we wake up to this fact, we’re simply willing victims of their all-too-effective propaganda war. Time for us to remind ourselves what ‘civilian’ means. And if you’re holding hostages, you’re not a civilian.” —Ian Haworth

Political Futures

“Seven years ago, just over half of those surveyed said sex is determined at birth. Now, that number is nearly two-thirds. After all the White House proclamations, all the media talk, all the change in language to ‘gender neutral’ pronouns — after it all, the number of Americans rejecting the foundation of transgenderism has increased. … The ideology which the Biden administration has so energetically promoted might no longer be the political benefit the president thinks it is.” —Byron York

“By eliminating basic ballot-security safeguards and loosening voter-verification requirements, we’ve guaranteed greater fraud. But thanks to the Democrats, these are now the rules of the game, and Republicans can’t fix them unless they win some elections.” —Douglas Andrews

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Hezbollah To Israelis: ‘Prepare to Wail and Weep’ | CBN NewsWatch – June 13, 2024 – YouTube

After its huge rocket barrage on northern Israel, a Hezbollah official promises “a dramatic increase” in the strength, intensity and number of attacks, and says “if the Israelis are crying about what happens to them in the north, they should prepare to wail and weep soon;” Secretary of State Antony Blinken blames Hamas for sinking ceasefire deal, but keeps pushing for an agreement, as recently rescued hostages talk more about their ordeal; an in-depth look at the impact of the Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel and the people who live there, the possibility of a full-blown war with Israel, and why the US needs to concerned about Hezbollah; Southern Baptists vote on key issues, including how to handle churches with women pastors, in vitro fertilization, and more; Emily Sturge of Campus Reform talks to CBN’s The Global Lane about why more Gen Z women are leaving the church than men; and as Father’s Day approaches, a look at the influence Christian dads can have on their children’s relationship with God.

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COVID shots, Avian Flu shots, and the Lust for Control | VCY

Date: June 12, 2024
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
MP3 | Orderhttps://embed.sermonaudio.com/player/a/612242223372309/

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she’s been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home.  With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life.  She is a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.  She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed special training at Johns Hopkins.  She spoke on this broadcast as an independent physician, not as a spokesperson for any healthcare system, pharmaceutical company, insurance plans or political party.  She is a patient advocate.

The 77th World Health Organization Assembly is over and the pandemic treaty was not passed.  Dr. Vliet believes they are distracting people by saying that the treaty ran into problems so it’s only on the “back burner” until the next gathering when there’s less pressure and less public focus.  

What they did “under the radar” was to pass International Health Regulatory Agreement amendments from the 2005 agreement.  She contends that the amendments that were passed are more draconian than ever.  For example, in one of the amendments they now have arrest power for anyone who criticizes the avian flu vaccines.

Is avian (bird) flu rampant in animals?  Dr. Vliet says it’s not because the unreliable PCR test is being used as a diagnostic test when in fact, it’s not and never has been.  Nonetheless it’s being used to claim bird flu in animals which is an excuse to slaughter the food supply and scare people into receiving more experimental shots.  In other words, the playbook that was used in 2020 for the COVID pandemic (and disrupt the election) is being used in regard to the avian flu situation.  

From cancer to court cases, to gain-of-function and more, a lot is covered for you to hear and to share with others, on this edition of Crosstalk. 

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Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why… | The Economic Collapse

The health of the economy has been one of the primary determining factors in many presidential elections, and it will be the same this time around too.  Of course that is really bad news for Joe Biden, because the American people absolutely hate what is happening to the economy.  Even though the media is constantly telling us that the economy is doing just fine, the vast majority of the population is not buying into the propaganda.  Hordes of small businesses are failing, retailers are shutting down thousands of stores, and poverty is exploding all over the nation.  But inflation is the biggest reason why Americans are so dissatisfied with the economy.  According to one recent survey, it is “far and away” the biggest issue for American voters…

Inflation is “far and away” the biggest issue for Americans heading into the 2024 election, but economic outlooks and President Biden’s approval rating vary by race and ethnicity, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

That survey found that 58 percent of Americans consider the economy to be weak, and only 34 percent think that it is on the right track

When asked how strong they think the economy is today, 42 percent of respondents said it was strong while 58 percent perceive the economy as weak, according to the online survey of 1,660 registered voters conducted May 15-16, 2024.

Just 34 percent of respondents said they believe the economy is on the right track, although that answer varied significantly depending on whether the respondent was a Republican or Democrat — 13 percent and 59 percent, respectively.

Other surveys have come up with similar results.

According to a recent ABC News/Ipsos survey, 85 percent of U.S. adults consider inflation to be an important issue…

U.S. adults trust former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden on the issue of inflation by a double-digit margin, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll this month, which found that price increases remain a top concern for voters, with less than six months to go until Election Day.

In all, 85% of poll participants said inflation is an important issue, making it the second-highest priority among adults surveyed. The top priority, the economy, also relates to individuals’ perceptions of price increases.

On each of those issues, the economy and inflation, adults surveyed by ABC News/Ipsos said they trusted Trump over Biden by a margin of 14 percentage points.

Why are we seeing poll results like this when inflation is supposedly not even a problem?

Right now, headlines all over the country are bolding declaring that inflation is under control.

You can believe that if you want, but the truth is that the cost of just about everything has been soaring in recent years…

Gas prices are currently sitting at a national average of $3.45 per gallon, down from $3.50 last week as low demand and increasing supply provide relief at the pump, AAA said. But overall, today’s prices are still 45% more expensive than in January 2021, when it cost $2.38 per gallon to fill up.

Electricity costs are up about 29% since Biden took office.

It also costs more to buy a car (20.4% increase), maintain it (30.5%) and insure it (51.3%) than it did four years ago.

Housing costs have become particularly painful.

Just check out these numbers

The real estate firm Zillow reports that since January 2020, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical U.S. home has nearly doubled. It’s up 96% in just four years.

According to Zillow, a typical buyer will now pay nearly $2,200 a month, with a 10% down payment. Meaning, homeownership now costs well above the 30% of median income that was once thought to equate to “affordable” housing cost in America.

And with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage hovering around seven percent right now, there’s not a whole lot of light at the end of this tunnel.

Small businesses are also being crushed by inflation.

In a recent piece for the Daily Mail, Kevin O’Leary explained that food costs for restaurants have spiked “30 to 40 percent over the last 36 months”

Supply chains crippled by the COVID pandemic lockdown haven’t recovered. Food costs – especially for proteins like chicken, beef and seafood – are up 30 to 40 percent over the last 36 months. Worst of all for the restaurant industry – customers haven’t returned from the shutdowns.

Meanwhile, a lot more Americans are working from home these days, and so there is a lot less foot traffic for restaurants that are located in our core urban areas…

And while Americans rarely worked from their home prior to the pandemic, an estimated 22 millions employed adults (about 14 percent of the workforce) haven’t returned to the office, according to Pew Research Center.

That means fewer people are going out to lunch or meeting colleagues for dinner after work.

This has been devastating to businesses that invested in brick-and-mortar locations. Eateries in urban locations have been hit especially hard as their expensive locations are no longer receiving the footfall they need to meet rent.

On top of everything else, California and other blue states have been changing minimum wage laws

Indeed, the restaurant industry’s struggles are most pronounced in deep-blue California – where Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has turned the not-so-Golden State into the closest American facsimile to Venezuela.

Newsom signed a law in September jacking up the minimum wage for fast-food workers from $16-per-hour to $20 – making decades-old businesses unprofitable overnight.

One California trade group estimated the Maduro-style edict led to the firing of nearly 10,000 workers even before the law went into effect on April 1.

Last month I wrote about the “restaurant apocalypse” that is sweeping across America, and unfortunately conditions are not going to improve for America’s restaurants any time soon.

So if you have a favorite restaurant, you may want to visit it while you still can.

We really have reached an economic tipping point, and the months ahead are going to be filled with uncertainty.

I believe that the economy is going to steadily deteriorate as we get closer to the election.

Needless to say, that is good news for Donald Trump and bad news for Joe Biden.

But whoever wins is going to have a colossal mess on their hands.

It has taken decades of incredibly bad decisions to get us to this point, and our economic future looks incredibly bleak indeed.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why… appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

Where To Now? Living In an Anti-Christian West | CultureWatch

Things have radically changed in a few short decades:

If you are an older person raised in the West – as I am – you will have lived through three different periods: Christian, post-Christian, and anti-Christian. You would have been born in a largely Christian period, in which most folks – even if they were not actually Christian themselves – shared and believed in biblical truths and values. Even the institutions such as education, the media, politics, and business more or less reflected the Christian worldview.

Then you moved to the next phase where Christianity began to have less and less influence and clout in society. Sure, most folks still paid lip service to Christianity, but it increasingly played less of an important role in the lives of more and more people.

And then we have life in the West today where Christians have become the new counterculture. Much of society and its institutions have declared war on the church and the people of God. Hostility to Christians is now found everywhere and is simply getting worse.

But here is a major problem for believers today – at least older ones. Many of us still might think that we are back in the first, or at least, second period. So we think the sorts of things we did back then will work just fine today. But not necessarily. We can no longer find a Christian consensus. We can no longer count on institutions to back us up.

If we go to a large shop or grocery store it will more than likely be filled with pro-homosexual material or celebrate Islamic holy days – but not Christian ones. Governments will increasingly be enacting legislation and laws which are hostile to Christianity, be it forcing Christian schools to hire non-Christian staff, forcing workers to affirm all sorts of immoral lifestyles, or making workers attend various DEI and woke training (propaganda) sessions – and that just for starters.

The mainstream media of course is now almost entirely at odds with biblical Christianity, never missing an opportunity to attack the faith while promoting every other worldview and lifestyle. Popular culture largely sneers at and mocks Christian concerns while promoting diabolical agendas. The list goes on…

Of course the secularisation and de-Christianisation of the West started much earlier than when you and I were born. It has been happening for a number of centuries now. But ideas take a while to filter down into everyday culture, and now we are feeling the impact of modernism, the Enlightenment, and related intellectual movements.

A new book by American evangelical writer Aaron Renn looks at similar themes: Life in the Negative World (Zondervan, 2024). He uses differing terminology as he also looks at these three periods:

-the positive world (1964-1994)
-the neutral world (1994-2014)
-the negative world (2014-present) (pp. 6-7)

One can quibble about the dating, but the three periods correspond to what I mentioned above: a generally pro-Christian world; a world somewhat indifferent to the faith; and a period which is mainly hostile to it. He says of the present period: “For the first time in the history of our country, orthodox Christianity is viewed negatively by secular society, especially by its elite domains.” (xv)

The whole point then is to ask ourselves: how do we do mission and represent God in such a changed – and changing – situation? How do we be salt and light in this new arrangement? How can we stay true to our Lord in this increasingly hostile environment?

Like any biblical believer would insist, Renn does not think we can or should change the message. But we may need to change the method and the means of presenting this unchanging message to a changing culture.

Of course many Christians have thought about such matters of late. And Renn admits to having no easy and clear answers here. But he does call us to think and pray much more carefully about how we are to proceed in the days ahead. He looks briefly at some of the causes for the changes in the West, but then – and more importantly – suggests ways to respond.

Image of Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture
Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture by Renn, Aaron M. (Author)

He has three sections of the book looking at three areas that we need to respond in: the personal, the institutional, and the missional. In the second, he reminds us of how we must cope with the new situation we find ourselves in. We are no longer the dominant group in society that we once were. We must readjust our thinking and act accordingly:

In today’s world, evangelicals aren’t a majority, either by themselves or as part of a larger Christian group. We don’t run society’s major institutions, and sometimes we barely have a seat at the table in them. Our core values are now in disfavor. In a negative world, where the institutions of culture see Christian identity and beliefs as negative status markers, the old model of thinking and acting like a majority needs to be jettisoned. Evangelicals need to learn to act like a minority and spend more time and effort focused on sustaining their own communities and beliefs.

This is why I’ve said evangelicals need to have a shift in emphasis toward becoming more of a counterculture. Minorities must operate at some level as strong countercultures or subcultures in order to sustain themselves. This is the shift evangelicals need to make.

This doesn’t mean evangelicals should abandon mission and evangelism or become hostile or hateful toward other groups. They should not resign themselves to doing nothing or no longer caring about the country or the general welfare of society. But it does them no good to focus on these things if they don’t also tend to the strength and well-being of their own evangelical communities, much the same way other minority groups have had to tend to theirs. We can’t give somebody something we don’t have ourselves. Strengthening our communities will enable evangelicals to have a genuinely Christian place they can invite others into, and this can serve as a base from which to pursue outward mission…. (pp. 114-115)

Of course, folks like Rod Dreher had written similar things, as in his 2017 book, The Benedict Option. But I emphasise this because it is too easy for us older evangelicals to think we are still living in a world we lived in 50 or 60 years ago.

Well, times have changed, and we need to rethink how we are to be salt and light in a much different world. Yes, the early church was in a similar position of living in a negative world. But unlike them, we have centuries of Western (Christian) civilisation behind us. They did not.

To see it all crumbling right before our very eyes is quite painful for many of us. But God is always at work, and we always can count on our unchanging God continuing to act in our changing world. Renn speaks more to our changing culture:

One of the problems evangelicals face in America today is that they exist almost entirely inside space owned by others—legally owned in many cases, but more importantly, socially and culturally owned. This may include the places they work, shop, and dine. Evangelicals who live in urban centers are typically surrounded by people who overwhelmingly embrace secular progressive beliefs and perspectives, and they “own” the culture of that area. Many businesses and residences in these places feature signs or flags that show their support of various causes embraced by secular progressives: pride flags, Black Lives Matter signs, or “In this house . . .” signs…. (pp. 132-133)

Speaking of THAT sign, I wrote about it when my wife and I were visiting family in Madison, Wisconsin some years ago. We saw it everywhere. It said:


Madison is a college town and has long been known as a hotbed of lefties and progressives. So I discussed that sign. I said in part: “Hmm, that in itself is worth an entire article! Plenty of rather vacuous leftist rhetoric and clichés there, along with all the usual identity politics and hot-button causes of the left.” https://billmuehlenberg.com/2019/05/29/moral-madness-in-the-mad-city/

But it does clearly show that we are indeed becoming strangers in a strange land (Exodus 2:22). The once Christian West is no more. Just as ancient Israel had to cope with that reality of being a bad fit in the surrounding culture, so do we.

So books like Renn’s help us to think about this shifting situation that we find ourselves in. He offers some proposals, as have other authors recently. But two things at least will be required of us in the days ahead. First, we must recognise that we are “not in Kansas anymore”.

It is not just Dorothy who had to grapple with that reality in The Wizard of Oz, nor Cypher who referred to it in The Matrix. Christians today in the West need to see how radically the landscape has changed in such a short period of time. The Christian West that I grew up in during the 1950s is now long gone.

But we also need God’s heart on all this. We need to take this seriously, and with tears. It was Francis Schaeffer who got this right decades ago. Back in 1969 in his important book Death in the City he put it this way:

Do not take this lightly. It is a horrible thing for a man like myself to look back and see my country and my culture go down the drain in my own lifetime. It is a horrible thing that forty years ago you could move across this country and almost everyone, even non-Christians, would have known what the gospel was. A horrible thing that thirty to forty years ago our culture was built on the Christian consensus and now we are in an absolute minority.

So Schaeffer was fully aware of this shift taking place way back then. And he had the right attitude toward it all. We need to have our hearts broken over the things that break God’s heart. And then we need to pray and think and seek God like mad as we consider how to adjust to this new situation.

Yes, the gospel of Jesus Christ – as always – is the power of God to save, and to save mightily. But how we might go about the Christian mission in this radically changing West is something to think carefully about and seek God’s face over. And Renn’s book is one of many that can help us out in this regard.

[1780 words]

The post Where To Now? Living In an Anti-Christian West appeared first on CultureWatch.

SHOCK POLL: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating | The Gateway Pundit

This may be the most honest polling numbers of the year.
Fully two-thirds of Americans believe the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election will be affected by cheating.

This comes from Rasmussen Reports and matches their previous record on the same question.

Via Rasmussen.

Maybe it’s because of the all of the Democrat cheating?

Via Rasmussen Reports:

Two-thirds of voters are worried that cheating could affect this year’s election, and many of them still don’t trust electronic voting machines.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Likely U.S. voters are concerned that the outcome of the presidential election will be affected by cheating, including 40% who are Very Concerned. Thirty-one percent (31%) aren’t concerned, including 14% who are Not At All Concerned about cheating in the election.

Belief that electronic voting machines may be vulnerable to online hacking – which has been the subject of coverage by the New York Times, NBC News, National Public Radio and other news organizations – remains widespread.

Forty-four percent (44%) of voters think it’s likely that many electronic voting machines are connected to the Internet during elections, including 21% who consider it Very Likely. Thirty-five percent (35%) don’t believe it’s likely voting machines are connected to the Internet during elections, including 23% who say it’s Not At Likely. Another 20% are not sure.

Then there’s this…

The post SHOCK POLL: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Evangelical Seminary Accommodating LGBTQ Students

Evangelical Seminary Accommodating LGBTQ Students

Let’s join Dr. Dave Bowen in a deep dive into how far American culture has turned away from biblical teachings to accepting what God declares is sin!

The post Evangelical Seminary Accommodating LGBTQ Students first appeared on The Christ in Prophecy Journal.

Continue reading→

Congress has Contempt for Merrick Garland | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/13/24) – YouTube

Today’s top headline news brief from NEWSMAX includes:
5:29] -NEWSMAX Host Jenn Pellegrino is glad the liberal media is finally checking Biden’s lies and tall tales. [Prime News]
8:53] -Senate candidate Kari Lake believes the radical left is afraid of Trump. [Greg Kelly Reports]
11:27] -Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson: “Biden’s open border policy is a clear and present danger.” [Newsline]
13:44] -Former NSA and UN Ambassador John Bolton: “Putin is sending Biden and the world a clear message in Cuba.” [The Record with Greta Van Susteren]
17:40] -Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will appeal a federal judge’s ruling on his state’s transgender laws.

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Hungary Fined €200 Million By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail’ | The Gateway Pundit

A European Union court has ordered Hungary to pay a fine of €200 million for refusing to adhere to the bloc’s rules imposing open borders on all its member states.

The ruling, which dates back to Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s refusal to implement a 2020 order from the European Court allow migrants to stay in Hungary indefinitely pending their asylum appeals, also states that Hungary must pay a daily fine of one million euros until it complies.

In its verdict, the European Court of Justice said that Hungary had refused to “comply with the 2020 judgment as regards the right of applicants for international protection to remain in Hungary pending a final decision on their appeal against the rejection of their application and the removal of illegally staying third-country nationals.”

“That failure, which consists in deliberately avoiding the application of a common EU policy as a whole, constitutes an unprecedented and extremely serious infringement of EU law,” the verdict continued.

Posting on his Facebook page, Orban described the decision as “outrageous and unacceptable.”

“According to today’s decision of the European Court, Hungary will be fined a one-time 200 million euros + 1 million euros per day for not allowing illegal migrants to enter,” Orban wrote. “The decision is outrageous and unacceptable. We will not allow financial blackmail by Brussels bureaucrats! We will protect the borders and we will protect the Hungarian people!”

Unlike most EU states, Hungary has won praise from conservatives around the world for refusing to allow millions of migrants to enter and reside in the country on bogus asylum claims.

The ruling follows the success of various conservative and patriotic parties across the continent during last week’s European elections.

Unfortauntely, Hungary appeared to buck this trend after Orban’s support dropped from 55 percent to 44 percent compared with the country’s 2022 general election.

@PM_ViktorOrban: Summarizing the result of the European Parliament elections, we could send it to Brussels in a telegram that reads:
Stop migration! Stop gender! Stop war! Stop Soros! Stop Brussels! pic.twitter.com/yqryRwDSKU

— Zoltan Kovacs (@zoltanspox) June 9, 2024

However, Orban appeared buoyed by the success of other conservative parties, such as France’s National Rally and Germany’s Alternative for Germany party.

“To sum up the result of the European parliamentary election we can resume it best as a telegram that sounds like this,” he said. “Migration full stop. Gender full stop. War full stop. Soros full stop, Brussels full stop.”

The post Hungary Fined €200 Million By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The Biggest ‘Revisionist History’ About Jan. 6, 2021 Comes From Democrats Like Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Using the same tactics as the Jan. 6 Committee, Pelosi is quick to bury any evidence exonerating Trump from any claims of ‘insurrection.’

Newt Gingrich: Biden’s Problems Are the Real Threats | The Gateway Pundit

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Newt Gingrich
Real Clear Wire

Democratic analysts don’t seem to understand why the all-out legal assault on President Donald Trump isn’t working. It’s because they keep talking among themselves and not with the American people.

The American people don’t live and work in the New York-Washington political-media-government bubble. If reporters and analysts listened to Americans, as we do at America’s New Majority Project, they would learn how decisive the choice between President Joe Biden or President Trump is. They would also see how difficult, if not impossible, it will be for President Biden to get easily re-elected.

The propaganda media is trying to focus the election on what it sees as President Trump’s flaws. The Democrats, including the Biden campaign, are trying to focus the election on what they see as the threat President Trump represents.

But the 2024 election is ultimately going to come down to a simple question: Can the American people afford four more years of Biden’s policies and principles?

President Trump’s problems all involve his own alleged behavior and activities. Even the totally phony legal attacks remain locked into a Trump-centered issue. No American is hurt by the things President Trump has supposedly done. Indeed, few Americans pay any attention to the outlandish, manipulated legal attacks on President Trump.

Most Americans see the case against Trump as political lawfare. If anything, they are offended by the left’s assault on the rule of law and the Constitution. This is why the conviction in the so-called hush money trial led to an enormous surge of contributions to Trump’s campaign. Far from running away from President Trump, the American people found themselves running to defend him. They saw him as a champion being persecuted unfairly and took the conviction as a direct warning of what could happen to them.

By contrast, President Biden’s problems all impact everyday Americans. Bidenflation continues to drive already high prices higher. Child care costs increased 4.1 percent in the last year. Young parents are having to take on third and fourth jobs just to break even on costs. Grocery prices are forcing Americans to make tough decisions about how to feed their families. Young people can’t afford to buy houses – which is more than offsetting any good will Biden might have generated by (illegally) waiving student loan repayments.

President Biden’s policies are causing millions of Americans real pain.

Biden’s open border policy allows Venezuelan criminals to go to New York City and murder policemen. Biden’s open border policy allows fentanyl and other drugs to flood our country and poison our communities. When more than 100,000 Americans a year are dying from drug overdoses, it is hard worry about how Trump valued his apartment or paid his attorney.

The average American can’t afford groceries, gasoline, or the electricity bill thanks to Bidenflation. Democrats want Americans to focus on these legal attacks. But Americans are focused on their own survival in the terrible economy President Biden and Democrats created.

For the elite establishment Democrats, this is all still about politics. For the American people, it’s about survival.

Economically, Biden’s destructive policies make life more expensive. Culturally, people are sick of radical dictates which denigrate religious liberty and seek to indoctrinate children against the will of their parents. Finally, as a matter of safety, Americans realize that Biden does not have the knowledge, ability, or wits to defend our nation against our adversaries.

The 2024 election isn’t about what the establishment media thinks. It’s about America’s survival.

For more commentary from Newt Gingrich, visit Gingrich360.com. Also, subscribe to the Newt’s World podcast.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolicy and made available via RealClearWire.

The post Newt Gingrich: Biden’s Problems Are the Real Threats appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

LGBTQIA+ — Why We Can Love But NOT Celebrate | Shane Idleman

Reflecting on why some celebrate Pride Month, and my appearance on Fox News in debating a pastor who supports homosexuality, I decided to re-release these points:

1. Tolerance is simply putting up with differences, but love embraces regardless of differences. In the past, I had the privilege of visiting a male prostitute in North Hollywood… I had received a call from his sister, telling me that he was suicidal. I drove there the next day and spent two hours with him, sharing my own prodigal story and telling him about God’s love and the hope we have in Christ.

When I left, he seemed built up and encouraged, but within a month, I received a call telling me that he had died in his sleep. Before his death, he told his family he had been reading my books. Tolerance would not have motivated me to drive three hours round trip, but love did!

2. Challenging those we disagree with is often a characteristic of love, not hate. Parents confront, challenge, and admonish daily. Do they hate their children?

When people disagree, do they always hate each other? Of course not. The reason challenges against the LGBTQ agenda are labeled “hate speech” is to silence the messenger. Those who support the LGBTQ movement  wouldn’t get very far if they said, “We know that many Christians love us, but we don’t like their advice.”

3. The Creator made His plan obvious. Jesus said that since the beginning of creation, God created them male and female so that they would be joined together and become one flesh (Mark 10:6-8). Jesus adds, “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Verse 9). We can see from God’s original design that males and females are to be joined together. Yes, there are only two genders, not an infinite number.

As many today struggle with what is called “gender confusion” or “gender dysphoria,” we can lovingly remind them of this biblical truth: God is not the author of confusion but of peace (1 Cor 14:33).

4. There is no Scriptural support for homosexuality or transgenderism. Some argue, “The Bible is not an ethical textbook—culture changes, and so does the Bible.” Not so.

Not a single moral law that God has ever given is obsolete. Homosexuality and transgenderism are never once painted in a positive light in Scripture; sexual perversion is always identified as a sin. To suggest that Naomi and Ruth or Jonathan and David had same-sex relationships gives the phrase “grasping for the wind” new meaning. This is eisegesis in its purest form—reading things into the text that are not there.

Feelings are not a gauge of truth. Some parents are inclined to change their views when their children come out as gay or transgender. When that happens, we must lovingly explain to our children that we all struggle with sin, but that is not a reason to reinterpret the clear meaning of Scripture.

If a child is struggling with anger, disobedience, or addiction, we don’t change the Scriptures to fit their behavior. Instead, we offer hope in the midst of their struggle. No matter how many laws are passed in favor of gay marriage or transgenderism, it will not change God’s mind. The Bible says, “Love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth” (1 Cor 13:6). Times change — truth does not.

5. The Bible is crystal clear. It’s been said, “If the plain sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest it result in nonsense.”

I cringe whenever I hear those who support homosexuality say that phrases such as “abandoning natural relations” in Romans 1:26-28 mean something different such as switching passions (e.g., a person likes men one day and women the next). Or that homosexuality is fine as long as the couple is committed.

Some say that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was only neglecting the poor, but that is not what the Bible says. The sins of homosexuality and sexual immorality are identified in Gen 19:4-9 and Jude 1:7).  Additionally, church history also supports the biblical teachings against homosexuality. The early Church Fathers, as well as the creeds and confessions, and the later Reformers all echoed the same truth in this area.

6. The mocking tones of most pastors who support homosexuality speak volumes. A movement that truly is of God is undergirded with love and humility; words are seasoned with grace. But the opposite is often true: One well-known pastor mocked fundamentalists, saying, “They are not fun and they are mental.”

Another leader made a shocking statement, “Our greatest spiritual problem has not been sin, it’s been shame.” Confused? So was I! Many of the Christian leaders who support the LGBTQ agenda are angry and arrogant—they speak only to their cheerleaders and ridicule those who don’t agree with them. It reminds me of Jeremiah 23, where teachers were altering God’s Word and actually encouraging sin.

7. “But I was born this way” is not an excuse. The Bible teaches that everyone is born a sinner. I was born to lie, cheat, lust, and deceive, but that doesn’t make it right—it makes me sinful and in desperate need of a Savior.

In closing, when both sides stand before God, one will say, “Lord, I followed your Word as best as I could. I upheld the Scriptures and anchored my life to the fundamentals of the faith. Your Word appeared crystal clear in this area.”

But the other side will say something like, “Lord, I believe that you gave us a fresh and new perspective in this area. I know that many Scriptures, as well as church history, cast homosexuality in the same light as other sins, but I don’t think that applies now.”

Choose your side carefully.

The post LGBTQIA+ — Why We Can Love But NOT Celebrate appeared first on Shane Idleman.