Daily Archives: June 14, 2024

June 14 Evening Verse of the Day

12. The words of the angels are introduced in the Greek with ‘saying’ (cf. rsv), as in 4:8, 10; 5:13, though all look like songs. Indeed, up till now the only specific reference to singing is in verse 9. But as the actual words of their song are there introduced with ‘saying’, it is plain that this verb is consistent with song as well as speech. The structure and content of the other passages show that they should likewise be understood as songs, as is the case with the present passage. Like the preceding one this song begins with Worthy.

For the Lamb and was slain, see note on verse 6. A slight difference is that there the Lamb was looking as if … slain’ while here there is no ‘as if’. The fact of the slaying is allowed to stand out. The angels use seven expressions (the perfect number is probably significant) to indicate the wonder of the Lamb. The first four are qualities he possesses, the last three express the attitude of people to him. Though there is no quotation there are resemblances to the praise of God in 1 Chronicles 29:10–12. Almost all the qualities here are ascribed to Christ elsewhere in the New Testament: power (1 Cor. 1:24), wealth (2 Cor. 8:9; Eph. 3:8), wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24), strength (Eph. 6:10; 2 Thess. 1:9), honour (Heb. 2:9; cf. Phil. 2:11), and glory (John 1:14; Heb. 2:9). ‘Blessing’ (niv praise) is not specifically used of him, but the corresponding verb is (Mark 11:9–10; cf. Rom. 15:29).[1]

12. They were saying in a loud voice,

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive

power and wealth and wisdom and strength

and honor and glory and thanksgiving.”

No mention is made of harps or other musical instruments. We may assume that the heavenly host sang, but the text reads that they uttered a loud shout in unison so that the sound came as one voice.

The wording of this second hymn expresses much the same thoughts as the hymn sung by the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders (vv. 9–10). But the angels have no need of redemption; they have learned from the church about the mystery of salvation (Eph. 3:10; 1 Pet. 1:12). They stand in awe at the wonder of God’s redeeming love in Christ Jesus. They are the ones who rejoice in heaven when one sinner on earth repents and cries out to God for mercy (Luke 15:7, 10). They are sent out as God’s messengers (Ps. 104:4; Heb. 1:7), and they are servants of the saints who are to inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14). They sing loudest praises to the Lamb, for they themselves have an integral part in the process of salvation by conveying divine messages to God’s people.

Thus the angels compose and sing a hymn, dedicated not to God but to the Lamb. Their song is more compact and even richer in attributes than the hymn sung by the cherubim and elders. It is unique because of its sevenfold construction: it lists seven nouns in succession that are ascribed to the Lamb: power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and thanksgiving. Seven is the number of completeness (compare 7:12). The four living creatures ascribed glory, honor, and thanksgiving to God seated on the throne (4:9), and the twenty-four elders do the same thing except that instead of thanksgiving they use the term power (4:11). Note, however, that the heavenly beings once call God worthy because of his work of creation, but twice they name the Lamb worthy because of his redemptive work (4:11 and 5:9, 12 respectively).

Some scholars divide the seven attributes into objective qualities (power, wealth, wisdom, and strength) and subjective qualities (honor, glory, and thanksgiving). Even though this demarcation has merit, the question is whether John wished to convey a division of qualities. For instance, glory is a heavenly attribute that people observe but are unable to increase. By contrast, honor is the act of people paying respect; and the act of thanksgiving “evokes man’s thankful response for benefits received.” All the other qualities belong to God and the Lamb.

This song has its origin in heaven, yet the individual words reveal acquaintance with an Old Testament doxology composed by David: “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor.… Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name” (1 Chron. 29:11–12). Hence the Old Testament is the basis for the New Testament, reflected even in this angelic hymn.

Qualities that belong to God are now ascribed to the Lamb. These qualities are power as inner strength; wealth that comes from God; and wisdom that God freely gives to his people. Strength is a synonym of power, and honor and glory frequently appear as a pair (e.g., Ps. 8:5). God grants these qualities to his people, and they in turn express their thanksgiving to him and the Lamb.[2]

5:12 “the Lamb that was slain to receive power” “Was slain” is a PERFECT PASSIVE PARTICIPLE (cf. 5:6; 13:8), which implies “slain in the past” with the marks of the slaying remaining. When we see Jesus He will still have the marks of the crucifixion. They have become His badge of honor! The concept of the cross is implicit and central in Revelation (cf. 1:5; 5:12; 7:14; 12:11; 13:8; 14:4; 15:3; 19:7; 21:9, 23 and 22:3). The concept of a purchased redemption is a recurrent NT truth (cf. Mark 10:45; 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23; Gal. 3:13; 4:5; 1 Tim. 2:6; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19).

In this verse seven attributes are given unto the Lamb: (1) power; (2) riches; (3) wisdom; (4) might; (5) honor; (6) glory; and (7) blessing. All creation (the largest choir possible) blesses the Father and the Son (cf. v. 14; Ps. 103:19–20; Phil. 2:8–11).[3]

[1] Morris, L. (1987). Revelation: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 20, pp. 101–102). InterVarsity Press.

[2] Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. (1953–2001). Exposition of the Book of Revelation (Vol. 20, pp. 212–213). Baker Book House.

[3] Utley, R. J. (2001). Hope in Hard Times – The Final Curtain: Revelation: Vol. Volume 12 (p. 57). Bible Lessons International.

June 16 – Bless Ye the LORD! | VCY

  1 Kings 15:25-17:24
  Acts 10:24-48
  Psalm 134:1-3
  Proverbs 17:9-11

1 Kings 16:9 — Just some tactical advice: if you are going to lead an insurrection, make sure you’re the captain of the whole host (1 Kings 16:16), and not just a partial captain. Also, here’s more tactical advice: drunkenness does not become kings (Proverbs 31:4).

1 Kings 16:23 — We actually have several secular records of Omri. From the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR):

Omri had occupied the land of Medeba (northern Moab), and had dwelt there in his time (Albright 1969: 320; for a discussion of the Mesha Inscription, see Wood 1996b).

1 Kings 16:31 — Jeroboam violated the 2nd Commandment – using graven images to worship the LORD in a way He forbade. Ahab violated the 1st & 2nd Commandment – using graven images to worship Baal, another god.

1 Kings 17:12 — Interesting phrase: “thy god,” as opposed to “my god.” Jesus referred to this incident. Elijah went not to a widow in his hometown, but to Zarephath of Sidon (Luke 4:25-26).

1 Kings 17:24 — Now after the miracle of the cruse of oil the widow didn’t say this, only after the return of her son.

Acts 10:26 — This is helpful, because when a being does not tell the worshipful human to arise, it implies they are God.

Psalm 134:1 — “Bless” comes from the Hebrew word “barach.” From GotQuestions.org:

The Hebrew word most often translated “bless” is barak, which can mean to praise, congratulate, or salute, and is even used to mean a curse. Genesis 1:22 is the first occurrence, when God blessed the sea creatures and birds, telling them to be fruitful and multiply in the earth.

Proverbs 17:9 — The lost art of discretion. Some stuff does not belong on Facebook.

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

The Right to Holy Things | VCY

But if the priest buy any soul with his money, he shall eat of it, and he that is born in his house: they shall eat of his meat. (Leviticus 22:11)

Strangers, sojourners, and servants upon hire were not to eat of holy things. It is so in spiritual matters still. But two classes were free at the sacred table, those who were bought with the priest’s money and those who were born into the priest’s house. Bought and born, these were the two indisputable proofs of a right to holy things.

Bought. Our great High Priest has bought with a price all those who put their trust in Him. They are His absolute property—altogether the Lord’s. Not for what they are in themselves, but for their owner’s sake they are admitted into the same privileges which He Himself enjoys, and “they shall eat of his meat.” He has meat to eat which worldlings know not of. “Because ye belong to Christ,” therefore shall ye share with your Lord.

Born. This is an equally sure way to privilege. If born in the Priest’s house we take our place with the rest of the family. Regeneration makes us fellow-heirs and of the same body, and, therefore, the peace, the joy, the glory, which the Father has given to Christ, Christ has given to us. Redemption and regeneration have given us a double claim to the divine permit of this promise.

14 June 2024 News Briefing

Senior Hezbollah official eliminated in strike in south Lebanon, at least 14 injured
The official was killed in a southern command base of the terrorist organization, where a strike cause a two-story building to collapse. It was also reported in Lebanon that the attack was carried out using a missile that was launched from the sea

Terrorists used ‘strange punishments,’ physical and mental torture to torment hostage, says father
The physical torture included receiving “strange punishments for everything they did,” Mikhail said, referring to Andrey and the two other men he was held with, Almog Meir Jan and Shlomi Ziv.“No matter what, it was impossible for the captives to behave ‘correctly’ and be fine.” Once,” he reported, “they covered him with six blankets in the heat for a long time as a punishment for not asking for permission to leave the bathroom, and they did not allow him to move.”

‘Infiltrators’ collect classified docs from IDF intel base
If the three had been actual enemies, they could have caused severe damage to the base’s infrastructure, soldiers, and staff. A three-member audit team of the Israeli army’s General Staff infiltrated one of the Israel Defense Forces’ most sensitive bases. They posed as officers of the ranks of lieutenant colonel and colonel and entered directly through the guard house without being challenged.

Biden offers $400 million more to terrorists within Israel
In a poll from last year, the Muslim occupiers in West Bank and Gaza gave Hamas a 76% rating. Islamic Jihad was at 84%. The UN was at only 9%. And America was at 0%. Maybe the latest $400 million check will turn things around. S Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced an additional $404 million in new aid to Palestinians,

IDF destroys 45 terror targets in Gaza over 24 hours
I ground them fine as windswept dust; I trod them flat as dirt of the streets. Psalms 18:43
Among the targets hit were command centers, armed terrorist squads, rocket launchers, tunnel shafts, and other infrastructure, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Viral video shows Israeli soldiers using medieval-like catapult to launch fireballs over northern border
Hezbollah is known to use densely vegetated areas to hide its activities. The astonishing footage caused widespread confusion and astonishment at the use of what appeared to be a medieval trebuchet in the battle against the Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. “The area at the Lebanese border is characterized by boulders and brush, dense thorny vegetation, which poses a challenge to the IDF forces deployed in defense. It can be estimated that the burning of the thorns and vegetation across the border was intended to expose the area to facilitate the identification of terrorists

Are you one of those Jews that steals land?’ – Antisemitic harassment at Florida pharmacy by pro-Palestinian man
Jewish Israeli activist and influencer Danielle Yablonka was recently at a local pharmacy in Lauderhill, Florida, when she witnessed a man reportedly hurling antisemitic insults at a Jewish man after noticing he was wearing a kippah, a Jewish religious head covering.

UN Watch accuses special rapporteur of running international anti-Israel network, taking payments
The NGO watchdog group, UN Watch, released two reports in the first half of June, accusing UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese of “running a global influence network of more than 100 individuals and NGOs to target Israel.” The special rapporteur is supposed to be an independent expert appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate human rights conditions and is expected to demonstrate impartiality. (yeah right)

Dozens of missiles | Heavy barrages on Galilee and Golan
Sirens were sounded on Thursday afternoon across the Galilee and in the northern and central Golan Heights. According to the IDF following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel over the past few hours, approximately 40 projectiles were launched toward the Galilee and Golan Heights area. Numerous launches were successfully intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array. A number of hits that ignited fires in the area were identified.

Severe floods and landslides claim 3 lives in northern Vietnam 
Flooding and landslides in Ha Giang province, Vietnam, claimed three lives and left one person missing from June 8 to June 10, 2024. Continuous rainfall caused severe damage to roads, partially submerged thousands of homes, and cut off access to three communes.

High Risk of Excessive Rainfall issued for the I-75 Corridor, Florida 
A High Risk of Excessive Rainfall (level 4/4 risk) is now in effect across parts of South Florida, including the Miami metro region, the NWS Weather Prediction Center said at 13:00 EST (17:00 UTC) on June 13, 2024

Severe storms with large hail, strong winds, and tornadoes target Chicago, Kansas City 
Severe thunderstorms are expected across the central Plains to the central Great Lakes on June 13, 2024. Large hail, destructive wind gusts, and tornadoes are possible, particularly in Chicago, Illinois, and Kansas City, Missouri.

Widespread floods in South Florida, authorities urge citizens to refrain from travel 
As the long low pressure region near the coast of Florida continued producing a wide area of disorganized showers and thunderstorms, SE Broward and NE Miami-Dade including Hallandale, Hollywood, NMB, Dania, and Aventura witnessed life-threatening flooding and widespread road closures with detrimental impact on homes and businesses across the region.

Crops failing as heatwave and extreme drought intensify in central and northern China
Central and northern China continue to grapple with a scorching summer, with temperatures in Henan and Hebei provinces reaching 43 °C (109 °F) or higher and farmers already reporting significant crop failures.

Hungary Fined €200 Million By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail
A European Union court has ordered  Hungary to pay a fine of €200 million for refusing to adhere to the bloc’s rules imposing open borders on all its member states.

Damnable Lies and Damnable Liars
.You do understand that liars run the world, don’t you? Psalm 2 calls out the greatest conspiracy in world history…The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed

US Military Bases Unprepared for Rising Threats From Communist China
FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Gen. Timothy Haugh have stated that the recent Chinese cyber assault on America’s critical infrastructure is preparation for conflict with the United States.

Could Russia Deploy Ballistic Missiles In Mexico? 
On Sunday, former U.S. Air Force officer Jake Broe reported on X that Russians on Kremlin State TV declared Mexico their military ally, considering placing missiles on Mexican territory to attack the United States.

Saudi Arabia’s petro-dollar exit: A global finance paradigm shift
The crucial decision to not renew the contract enables Saudi Arabia to sell oil and other goods in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. Additionally, the potential use of digital currencies like Bitcoin may also be considered

Jewish leaders call for new NYC mask ban to fight antisemitic hate
It’s time to unmask hate. An explosion of blatant antisemitism by anti-Israel protesters in New York — nearly all of whom cover their faces to avoid being publicly identified — is leading some Jewish leaders to call for the return of an anti-mask law that was previously used to fight the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan.

Surveys Show That The American People Absolutely HATE What Is Happening To The Economy, And This Is Why…
…the American people absolutely hate what is happening to the economy.  Even though the media is constantly telling us that the economy is doing just fine, the vast majority of the population is not buying into the propaganda.  Hordes of small businesses are failing, retailers are shutting down thousands of stores, and poverty is exploding all over the nation.

Scientists Warn That A 9.0 Earthquake Along The Cascadia Subduction Zone Could Send A 100 Foot Tall Tsunami Slamming Into The West Coast
We are being told that someday an absolutely massive earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone will send a gigantic wall of water toward the west coast of the United States.  We are talking about a disaster that would be greater than anything we have ever witnessed in the entire history of our country so far, and scientists are openly warning us that it is just a matter of time before this happens.

DHS Vetting Fails Again, Ignorance of Islamic Threat Shows as Eight ISIS Terrorists Enter U.S. Illegally, Find Sanctuary in Leftist Cities
During Robert Mueller’s tenure as FBI Director (2001-2013), and with the support of the Obama administration, he collaborated with groups linked to Islamic terror-tied organizations to purge all training materials offensive to Muslims, removing references to Islam and Jihad from counterterrorism training, thereby hamstringing agents’ ability to understand and counter jihadist motives and goals effectively.

Dr. Christopher Exley: Merck must be brought to justice for peddling harmful HPV vaccines
No so-called vaccine, probably including covid products, has maimed and killed more adolescents over the past twenty years than Merck’s HPV vaccine – Gardasil…Dr. Christopher Exley said: “There are a number of lawsuits ongoing looking to bring Merck, the pedlar of Gardasil HPV vaccines, to justice. This paper and our collective efforts can help to bring this to pass.”

Australia’s culling of 500,000 chickens is for a manufactured bird flu crisis
A private government report obtained this week in response to questions over the decision to kill over 500,000 chickens in Victoria, Australia shows that the people making the decision had no verifiable evidence of a high-risk infectious outbreak. The chicken farms that were claimed to be infected were so distant from any possible bird source that it was unlikely or impossible to have happened without deliberate intervention or manipulation of testing.

Canadian Cancer Society bows to LGBT mob, apologizes for referring to cervix by actual name 
…On a note on its website, under a cancer screening page question, “As a trans man or non-binary person assigned female at birth, do I need to get screened for cervical cancer?” the agency offered an apology titled “Words Matter.”

Headlines – 6/14/2024

For Second Straight Day, Escalating Violence Raged Across Israel-Lebanon Border

The Memo: Biden faces new Mideast crisis as tensions in Lebanon begin to boil

‘Nasrallah realizes the IDF can kill him’: Hezbollah leadership shaken after Israeli elimination

Iran’s FM warns Israel against attack on Lebanon amid Hezbollah’s attacks

Hezbollah launches rockets, drones at northern Israel military sites

Hezbollah Says It Attacked 9 Israeli Military Sites With Rockets, Drones

Two wounded as Hezbollah fires 150 rockets at northern Israel

IDF fighter jets strike Hezbollah targets following alerts across northern Israel

Israeli troops use medieval-style trebuchet weapon in fighting at Lebanon border

Israel denies hitting designated ‘safe zone’ following Palestinian news agency report

IDF troops locate, destroy explosives stockpiled by Hamas in Rafah

Biden admin slams Hamas for rejecting UN-approved ceasefire

Biden says Hamas needs ‘to move’ on truce deal, blaming terror group for hold-up

Biden Will Urge G7 Leaders to Push Hamas on Cease-Fire

Blinken says US will look for other ways to bring hostages home if Hamas does not accept ceasefire

Back in opposition, Gantz says freeing hostages should take priority over Gaza fighting

Hamas official says ‘no one has any idea’ how many Israeli hostages are still alive

Commentary: Israel pulled off another Entebbe – and then some

Undercover Israeli spies posed as Palestinians and lived in Gaza near hostages to plot daring rescue mission

IDF destroys 800-meter-long Gaza tunnel one kilometer from border

‘Where Was Everybody When All the Tunnels Were Built?’: Former Palestine Monetary Authority Governor

Blinken pressed Netanyahu to release frozen Palestinian funds

US military considers temporarily dismantling pier off coast of Gaza for second time due to rough sea conditions

Israel Rejects UN-Backed Report Equating It With Hamas Terrorists

Mark Ruffalo Repeats Pro-Hamas Propaganda on Rescued Hostages: ‘4 for 274’

Hochul mulls NYC subway mask ban amid rise in antisemitic hate

Anti-Israel protesters take over Cal State LA building, leaving damage and graffiti

Over a million Muslim pilgrims begin hajj in Mecca, amid prayers for Gaza

Radical Muslim Students Association Denounces America, Democracy as ‘Cancer’ at UIC

Rising Tensions in the West Bank: The Threat of a Third Intifada and the Growing Influence of Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Houthi missile attack severely injures sailor, US says

U.S. Strikes Targets in Yemen as Houthis Step Up Attacks on Red Sea Ships

As the Shadow War Between Iran and Israel Continues, There’s More Talk About Nukes From the Islamic Regime

UN atomic watchdog says Iran expanding enrichment capacity

US says it will raise pressure on Iran if it does not cooperate with UN watchdog

Famine watchdog projects 756,000 Sudanese face starvation in coming months

Forty Indians among 50 dead in Kuwait block fire

Huge fire erupts at oil refinery in Iraq

US-Saudi Arabia Petro Dollar Pact Ends – Joe Biden’s Failures Are Bringing an End to Global Dollar Dominance

New US sanctions force end of dollar and euro trading on Russia’s main exchange

G7 Summit Opens With Deal to Use Russian Assets for Ukraine

G7 agrees on $50 billion loan for Ukraine from frozen Russian assets

Did Donald Trump Jr just break the law during his meeting with Hungarian leader Viktor Orban? Experts say the former president’s son may have violated the Logan Act during his visit to Budapest this week

China pushes rival Ukraine peace plan before Swiss summit, diplomats say

Russian Flotilla Off Florida Coast Sparks Deployment of US Navy Destroyers, Planes

US Navy fast attack sub arrives in Cuba a day after Russia sends warships to Havana

US submarine pulls into Guantanamo Bay a day after Russian warships arrive in Cuba

A US attack submarine and one of Russia’s most formidable subs are in Cuba at the same time

Biden admin monitoring the 4 Russian warships off the coast of Cuba

Trump blasts Biden over Russian war ships arriving off the Florida coast, ‘that’s unthinkable’

Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? Pentagon Worries That Stealth Russian Nuclear Submarines Will Haunt American Coastline Undetected

Violent Scenes Outside Argentina Parliament as President Milei’s Libertarian Policies Pass Senate

Italian lawmakers break out into wild brawl in parliament that reportedly forced pol to leave in a wheelchair

Internal Justice Dept. memo claims Merrick Garland cannot be prosecuted for contempt of Congress

Merrick Garland claims House used ‘congressional authority’ as ‘a partisan weapon’ by holding him in contempt

Biden clarifies that he will not commute Hunter Biden’s sentence in gun case

GOP lawmakers demand 51 intelligence officials who labeled Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinformation’ be ‘held accountable’

Biden’s ghostwriter deleted audio recordings of interviews with president so they could not be used as evidence by special counsel: report

Joe Biden Goes Wandering Off At G7 Meet, Netizens Say ‘Beyond Embarrassing’

Biden kisses Italian leader Giorgia Meloni’s hair in awkward embrace at G7

Joe Biden ridiculed for awkwardly saluting Italian PM Giorgia Meloni at G7 Summit: ‘He doesn’t know where he is’

Tennessee Rep. Ogles proposes legislation amid skepticism over Biden’s mental alertness

Disgraced Ex-Trump Prosecutor Nathan Wade Interrupted by ‘Consultant’ During CNN Interview After Being Grilled About Fani Willis Sexual Relationship Timeline

Fani Willis’ Ex-Lover Tells CNN That Trump Could Be Put on Trial as President

Fani Willis begs court to throw out Trump’s motion to remove her from his case

Fani Willis tells church congregation she’s ‘thriving’ despite critics’ attempts to ‘humiliate’ her

D.A. Fani Willis Vows To Press On With Trump Indictment Despite ‘Idiots’ Trying To Mock Her

Elon Musk Slams Trump Conviction: ‘Anyone Is at Risk’

Pelosi condemns Trump’s Capitol visit: ‘Returning to the scene of the crime’

House GOP subpoenas Biden’s agency heads over ‘potentially partisan’ get out the vote ‘scheme’

House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to ‘Tilt the Scales’ in 2024 Election

Shock Poll: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating

Cory Booker says he won’t trust Supreme Court ‘to secure our rights’ if Trump wins election

‘Defund SCOTUS?’: Senate turns up heat on Clarence Thomas grifting and Alito scandals

Elon Musk Hides Likes on X/Twitter to ‘Better Protect Your Privacy’

AI candidate running for Parliament in the U.K. says AI can humanize politics

AI Can Recreate History, and Pose Dangers

FAA chief admits agency was ‘too hands-off’ before Boeing door blowout

Boeing Starliner Stuck on Space Station as More Leaks Discovered

NASA sparks public panic after accidentally airing emergency astronaut drill on livestream

5.9 magnitude earthquake hits the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Merizo Village, Guam

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Houma, Tonga

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Uchiza, Peru

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Neiafu, Tonga

Georgia: Fourth earthquake shakes area near Lake Lanier in what scientists are calling an ‘earthquake swarm’

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 27,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 23,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 21,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Lewotobi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

El Nino climate pattern officially ends as flip to hurricane-fueling La Nina looms

‘Tornado alley’ has been expanding over the past 50 years, new study finds

High Risk of Excessive Rainfall issued for the I-75 Corridor, Florida

Widespread floods in South Florida, authorities urge citizens to refrain from travel

Unrelenting rain puts South Florida at risk of ‘life-threatening’ flooding

South Florida underwater: Tropical rainstorm delivers 20 inches of rain in 24 hours

Fort Myers breaks 122-year-old rain record

Severe floods and landslides claim 3 lives in northern Vietnam

Crops failing as heatwave and extreme drought intensify in central and northern China

Hungary Fined 200 Million Euros By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail’

Joe Biden Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty

Officials: MS-13 Gang Leader Who Was Among ‘Twelve Apostles of the Devil’ Nabbed in Houston

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Grandmother and Daughter in Michigan Crash

JD Vance brings ‘Dismantle DEI Act’ to eliminate Biden admin’s diversity practices

Greg Gutfeld: DEI doesn’t bring Americans together, it divides us

Obama Portrait Artist Accused of Sexual Assault By Numerous Men

Former SpaceX Employees Sue Elon Musk for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

NYC woman accused of killing 70-year-old stepdad says he was a sexually abusive cult member: police

‘Virtual Strip Club:’ Utah Sues China’s TikTok over Platform Sexualizing Children

Pete Buttigieg claims Pride flag symbolizes ‘love,’ flag praising Jesus is ‘insurrectionist symbology’

San Francisco Declares Itself a ‘Sanctuary City’ for ‘Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, Non-Binary, and Two-Spirit People’

Judge blocks Biden’s Title IX rule in four states, dealing a blow to protections for LGBTQ+ students

Del. Pol Poised to Become First Trans Member of House

Dallas woman tells Congress she had to leave Texas for medically necessary abortion

Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication mifepristone

Supreme Court unanimously strikes down lawsuit challenging FDA approval of abortion pill – Kavanaugh said that “the plaintiff associations” cannot “establish standing simply because they object to FDA’s actions.”

Pro-Life Orgs Vow to Continue Fight After SCOTUS Abortion Pill Decision

Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It – Democrats continue to rally around abortion rights since Dobbs verdict

GOP senators block Democrats’ Right To IVF Act – The vote was 48-47

This mosquito-fighting drone takes flight in South Florida, a ‘huge difference’ to keep insects at bay

Dengue fever outbreaks rise in Europe

Warning as South Africa reports two more deaths from mpox this week

Two dozen companies working to find bird flu vaccine for cows: US agri secy

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · June 14, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capacity, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence.” —Joseph Story (1833)

ON THIS DAY in 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the creation of the Continental Army, which went on to defeat the mighty British empire and win American independence. Also, on this day in 1777, Congress adopted the U.S. flag, then with 13 stars representing the original independent states. Read more about both.



Douglas Andrews, Nate Jackson, & Jordan Candler


  • Trump visits Capitol Hill for early birthday celebration: Three years is a political lifetime, but still: Who’d have believed that in the wake of January 6, 2021, Donald Trump would be where he is today, the unquestioned leader of a party poised to take back the White House he so ingloriously left? Certainly, none of the congressional Republicans whispering to reporters that they didn’t want him around anymore. And yet there Trump was yesterday, back on Capitol Hill for the first time since J6, cajoling Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to play nice and cutting a day-early 78th birthday cake with Mitch McConnell and his fellow Senate Republicans. As The Washington Times reports: “Trump revved up congressional Republicans and made amends with former opponents in a whirlwind swing through Capitol Hill on Thursday that cemented his position as party leader. Mr. Trump held what lawmakers described as a ‘pep rally’ for House Republicans, followed by a ‘warm’ and ‘upbeat’ meeting with Senate Republicans.” Democrats and their Leftmedia trucklings are still wrestling with Trump’s political resurrection, even as their guy, the Meander in Chief, continues to embarrass our nation in front of the world. And yet the best they can do is to trumpet Trump’s age with headlines calling him the “potential future oldest president,” while at the same time trying to ignore Biden’s ever-advancing decrepitude. Good luck with that.
  • Larry Hogan withholds support from Trump after endorsement in Maryland Senate race (Washington Examiner)
  • Big Guy says he won’t pardon sonny boy: Yesterday, Joe Biden reiterated his earlier statement that he won’t pardon his son Hunter or commute his sentence — whatever that sentence may be — for his three felony gun-crime convictions. As the Washington Examiner reports: “The president’s comments mark his first on-camera remarks on the topic following Hunter Biden’s Tuesday conviction … which he characterized as a fair trial. His immediate statement following the verdict confirmed his decision not to pardon his son, following promises made by White House officials that he would not do so.” This isn’t a profile in courage or a show of respect for the Rule of Law. Instead, it’s an acknowledgment of political reality. Were Joe Biden to pardon his son for crimes that it took a friendly jury just three hours of deliberation to convict upon, it would expose Biden’s rank cronyism and cement the sentiment among so many Americans that Washington, DC, is a rigged town and our “justice” system has two tiers. Still: We’ll see if the Big Guy sings the same tune on Wednesday, November 6.
  • Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani (NY Post)
  • Beware the looming “theocracy” of the Right: The Left wouldn’t be the Left if it weren’t occasionally sounding the false alarm about “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!” And, true to form, there was The Washington Post, divining “what the Christian right wants from a second Trump term” and warning us that “Religious conservatives see opportunities for fresh gains after a series of victories during Trump’s first term” while “Rights advocates see a dangerous blurring of” —wait for it! — “church and state.” To be clear, the Left is as theocratic as any bunch; it’s just that they’ve swapped out God for their own earthly idols. Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa names some of these idols: “In Trump’s America, women will live in fear of having their pregnancies monitored or facing punishment if they have an abortion; teachers are told what books they can teach in the classroom and grown adults who they can love and marry.” Increasingly, as the facts continue to desert them, fear is all these desperate Democrats have.
  • Psst, Clarence Thomas took trips: As a Right-thinking black man, Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is a particular object of ire for left-wingers. Cue the Democrats, who unearthed three more trips Thomas took that were paid for by GOP “megadonor” Harlan Crow, a longtime friend of Thomas. The previously undisclosed trips in 2017, 2019, and 2021 supposedly show that Thomas is unethical or something. “As a result of our investigation and subpoena authorization, we are providing the American public greater clarity on the extent of ethical lapses by Supreme Court justices and the need for ethics reform,” a haughty Senator Dick Durbin lectured in a statement. An attorney for Thomas explained that the trips fell under the “personal hospitality exemption.” This whole charade started last year, yet no one has presented evidence that the trips corrupted Thomas or influenced his rulings. It’s all insinuation. If only Democrats had one iota of concern for the Biden Crime Family’s influence-peddling operation.
  • Biden mocked for wandering away from world leaders during photoshoot (Daily Wire)

Second Amendment

  • ATF takes two shots: “The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, a gun accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns and was used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history,” reports the Associated Press. The 6-3 decision was a rebuke of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which overreached its authority to outlaw something Congress had not expressly banned. One might argue that bump stocks were created to circumvent the law effectively banning machine guns, but that’s an argument for the legislature, not the ATF, which changed its mind after a decade in any case. As Justice Clarence Thomas explained, the device does not literally violate the law: “A bump stock merely reduces the amount of time that elapses between separate functions of the trigger.” The ATF also lost in a case over pistol braces. A U.S. District Court ruled that the Biden ATF’s effort to ban “assault weapons” via strict regulations on some devices is “unlawful” and “illegitimate.” In short, the ATF, under whichever president, is not free to write laws.
  • Dispatches from the People’s Republic of California: For the longest time, California Governor Gavin Newsom was waging a shadow campaign behind Joe Biden in the event that the president could somehow be convinced to step aside for Kamala Harris, who could then be convinced to step aside for Newsom. But we haven’t heard much from Newsom of late, and that’s probably because all the news coming out of California is so awful. Heck, the crime blotter from Oakland alone could fill a magazine. Here’s a case in point from X poster Kevin Dalton: “3 criminals attempted to break into a 77 year old man’s home in Oakland. He shot and killed one of the felons. Naturally, since it’s Gavin Newsom’s lawless California, where the criminals are in charge, the homeowner has been arrested for murder.” As Not the Bee adds, “According to the report, three criminals drove a stolen car up to his home armed with a crowbar and a replica firearm. The elderly man shot one of the criminals and held his gun on the remaining two until police arrived.” So much for the fundamental human right of self-defense.

Good News

  • Southern Poverty Smear Center announces massive layoffs: From our Schadenfreude Files, we note the following post from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s union: “More than 60 SPLC Union members, including five Union stewards and our Union Chair, were informed that they would be losing their jobs. We are devastated for our Union and for our colleagues.” As Not the Bee reminds us, the SLPC “was born out of the civil rights movement of the 60s and has since evolved into a corrupt far-left radical hate group that pushes gender ideology and slanders normal conservative organizations like Moms for Liberty as ‘hate groups’ in turn.” Disgraced SLPC founder Morris Dees “perfected the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton race-bait shakedown model and pulled in hundreds of millions for SPLC,” as our Mark Alexander noted recently. “JoAnn Wypijewski of the leftist Nation magazine described him as a ‘millionaire huckster.’ According to Harper’s Ken Silverstein, the SPLC exists ‘to separate wealthy liberals from their money.’ And Dees used those funds to build his ‘Poverty Palace’ offices and exotic luxury home.”
  • PragerU videos might be coming to a school near you: The Left ruins everything it touches. So says conservative author and thinker Dennis Prager, and he’s right. Art, music, journalism, sports, comedy, education, medicine, movies, the military, the Boy Scouts, free speech, social media, voting — everything. The Washington Post, though, is deathly afraid that folks are listening to Prager or, even worse, that children are listening to him. Yesterday, a pair of the Post’s journalists sounded the alarm: “A privately funded effort to use disputed videos to teach conservative values in public schools is gaining traction, as Louisiana recently became the sixth state to endorse educational materials produced by Prager University. PragerU is not a university but a nonprofit that produces short videos that push patriotism and conservative views of history, race, sex and gender, among other topics. Since last year, Florida, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Montana and Arizona have also announced partnerships with PragerU under which the nonprofit’s lessons become state-sanctioned, optional teaching materials for public schools.” Good for these six states. What the Left rightly sees here is an existential threat to its monopoly on educational indoctrination.

National Security

  • Biden protects more than 860,000 migrants from deportation with “temporary” amnesty (Breitbart)
  • Pentagon affirms it won’t install Chinese-manufactured solar panels (Washington Examiner)
  • Pentagon wants to feed troops “experimental” lab-grown meat to “reduce CO2 footprint” (Washington Free Beacon)


  • Supreme Court, siding with Starbucks, makes it harder for NLRB to win court orders in labor disputes (CNBC)
  • Tesla shareholders vote to reinstate Elon Musk’s $56 billion pay package (CNBC)
  • U.S.-Saudi petrodollar pact ends after 50 years (TipRanks)


  • Federal judge blocks Biden Title IX rule in four states (Fox News)
  • Archaeologists discovered the first all-male child sacrifice site in Mesoamerica and told WaPo that we shouldn’t judge (Not the Bee)
  • Everything is racist: Racism can spark depression and anxiety in Black adolescents, study finds (Washington Post) | Everything is classist: A landslide in Wyoming deepens the disparities between the ultra-wealthy and local workers (NBC News)


  • Hezbollah No. 2 leader reportedly taken out in airstrike (RedState)
  • Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid; Kyiv calls it “absurd” (AP)

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

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The Competing Flags of Liberty and Oppression

On Flag Day, let’s look at the quintessential American symbol versus its polar opposite, the pride flag.

Nate Jackson

Today is Flag Day, the day on which, in 1777, the Continental Congress authorized the first U.S. flag. Old Glory has long been a symbol of Liberty to the world, even in an imperfect nation of imperfect humans. The ideals it represents are timeless and eternal.

Americans ought to gladly unite under and around the flag. Our great nation is approaching its 250th birthday, and the flag transcends our many differences over those two and a half centuries. It represents the unity of the melting pot and the diversity of our people.

Its design is full of meaning, too. As Riley Gaines writes today at Fox News, “The American flag’s colors hold deep significance: red for valor and bravery, honoring the sacrifices of defenders of freedom; white for purity and innocence, reflecting foundational principles; and blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice, affirming our commitment to uphold the rule of law and ensure equal rights for all, as enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

Roughly 650,000 Americans died in battle to defend it, and another 539,000 died of noncombat-related causes while in service to it. The tri-folded flag is a fitting keepsake for their families.

We salute the flag, wave the flag, raise it at buildings around the country and at sporting events, wear it on our clothing, and put stickers of it on our cars. Most Americans view it positively.

Sadly, many don’t, and that is an indictment of what disgruntled leftists have done to divide us. They kneel rather than respect it and burn rather than fly it. And then they complain that if you do fly the flag, other people assume you support Donald Trump (who, by the way, just happened to be born on Flag Day). Gee, I wonder why that is.

Of course, I don’t wonder at all. Leftists increasingly detest the U.S. flag and the Liberty it represents. Instead, the flag they want everyone to bow down and worship — especially in June but also at many other times of the year — is the “pride” flag.

That malleable banner has changed over the years, as leftists are forever making “progress” and adding new categories of degeneracy to the ranks of the revered. They added the extra colors for so-called “transgender” people, as well as — bizarrely — certain minority skin colors. They call this monstrosity the Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride flag.

The rainbow was originally God’s covenant sign to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. Gender-confused people appropriated that sign to shake their collective fists at God’s design for marriage and for humans as male and female.

Their objective is to loudly celebrate what a small minority of mentally ill people do with their genitals. I wrote that earlier this month, explaining why Pride Month is gross.

Maybe that message is beginning to resonate with people. Gaines, a leading advocate for protecting women’s sports, said almost the same thing: “June has officially been designated as Pride Month, meaning we have a full 30 days set aside for a national celebration of what a specific group of people do with their genitalia.” Exactly!

Meanwhile, it’s not unheard of to paint a crosswalk with the colors of the American flag, though it’s pretty rare. Walking or driving on the flag seems an odd way to honor it.

Yet it’s become all the rage around the country to paint crosswalks, intersections, and staircases with rainbow colors to celebrate deviant sexual activity. And then to get angry and criminally charge anyone who dares to make a tire mark on the thing painted on a street.

That’s happened in Florida, West Virginia, Washington, and elsewhere already this month. Some dude burned out his truck on a mural, and some teens scuffed it up with their scooters (and got arrested).

Maybe don’t vandalize public streets with religious symbols about genitalia and that won’t happen.

More than sexual fetishes, the “pride” flag’s very name is detestable. As Jordan Peterson notes, pride is not a virtue; humility is. In fact, pride is the root of all sin.

Pride also means intolerance because if you’re immensely proud of what you do with your private parts, you can’t allow anyone else to think otherwise. The narcissism is astounding.

The pride flag is a symbol of authoritarianism, the very opposite of what the American flag stands for. The intolerance leads to punishing dissenters. Businesses practically feel compelled to put rainbows in their windows and redesign their logos. They treat it the way the ancient Israelites did by putting a lamb’s blood on their doorway so the angel of death would pass over.

Just to be clear, the Rainbow Mafia’s “justice” is a long way from the Lord’s.

The pride flag does not, as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual, says, symbolize “love and acceptance.” It does not, as he asserts, “signal to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay.” Buttigieg works for the most powerful man in the world, who flies the hideous pride flag at the White House and sends Justice Department goons after parents who object to it being in schools.

Try burning an American flag and then burning a pride flag and see what happens. Heck, try just saying something negative about pride on social media and watch your speech be censored.

Speaking of schools, the pride flag is also a symbol of indoctrination because gender cultists are so infatuated with themselves that they are grooming kids to join them. Their flag flies at the Department of Education (as well as numerous other government agencies). Schools around the country are putting grossly inappropriate books in libraries and other materials into curricula, clearly teaching children that anyone who doesn’t accept this debauchery is a bigot.

Even kids in Sunday School classes and Vacation Bible School are making the golden calf pride flag as a way to show “love” for all their neighbors. News flash: Love doesn’t mean accepting and celebrating every foolish, destructive, or wrong thing someone does.

The pride flag is a symbol of oppression and tyranny, the suppression of truth and any opinion that still values God’s design. The American flag, by contrast, represents Liberty. Which one would you rather salute?

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Dumb & Dumber

“All Americans — both those who are well off and those who are near the bottom of the income distribution — are better off now.” —Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

“To aspire to create wealth is a good thing, as far as I’m concerned, if that is what one chooses. I, on the other hand, have chosen to live a life of public service.” —Vice President Kamala Harris (Net worth: $8 million.)

The BIG Lie

“MAGA Republicans’ plan would increase inflation by repealing the Affordable Care Act, side with Big Oil to raise utility bills, let Big Banks rip off Americans, and blow up the debt by slashing taxes for billionaires. My plan puts working families first.” —Joe Biden


“The only thing that [Republicans] would want to do with this [Joe Biden-Robert Hur interview] audio is to basically misconstrue and pretend as if what people are reading is actually not what happened. … If we had a party that lived up to being the ethical people that we were elected to be, then I don’t think that there would be a big concern, but we know that they cannot be trusted with anything that can be manipulated. … We’re talking about an administration that has been completely transparent.” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

Biden Crime Family

“Given the array of serious crimes allegedly committed by Biden family members, Hunter’s gun conviction represents the equivalent of nailing Al Capone over unpaid parking tickets.” —Larry Elder

For the Record

“Either out of profound moral confusion, enmity toward Israel, self-loathing of the West, or all of the above, many people since Oct. 7 have confused victim with victimizer, hostage-rescuers with hostage-takers, and the forces of civilization with the forces of barbarism. If Israel can’t even bring home its own, the world is truly upside down, just the way Hamas wants it.” —Rich Lowry

Political Futures

“A debate and an election run strictly on issues and what has been proven to work in the past, and what hasn’t worked, is the way to build and sustain strong nations that contribute to their societies rather than a ‘take mentality’ based on what you think you are entitled to.” —Cal Thomas

And Last…

“Biden campaign is now demanding that he doesn’t have to stand during the debate. Next they’ll demand he doesn’t have to talk.” —Jimmy Failla

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“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Smoking Gun: Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Rep. Andy Biggs

In an explosive revelation, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) disclosed a meticulously detailed timeline during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, casting a glaring spotlight on a concerted effort between the Biden regime and key prosecutors to undermine former President Donald Trump.

The committee convened on Thursday to dissect the political motivations behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s legal actions against Trump.

Per the House Judiciary Committee’s webpage:

“On April 4, 2023, after campaigning on his experience in investigating President Trump and in response to intense pressure from left-wing activists, Bragg charged President Trump with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. Falsifying business records is ordinarily a misdemeanor subject to a two-year statute of limitations, which would have expired long ago. While Bragg is systematically downgrading most felonies in Manhattan to misdemeanors, he used a novel and untested legal theory—previously declined by federal prosecutors—to upgrade the charges against President Trump to felonies. Bragg’s case against President Trump has beset by due process and procedural irregularities.”

During the hearing, Rep. Andy Biggs presented this timeline as evidence of an orchestrated collusion between the Biden regime and prosecutors to take down Trump.

Biggs suggests that the sequence of events—Biden’s controversial remarks, Trump’s presidential bid announcement, Colangelo’s resignation and subsequent move to Bragg’s office, Smith’s appointment, and Wade’s meetings with White House lawyers—indicate a coordinated effort to prevent Trump from becoming President again.

Timeline of Collusion:
Image by The Gateway Pundit.

September 9, 2022: President Biden made a divisive comment about ensuring Trump does not become president again, which many interpret as a call to action against Trump’s political future.

November 7, 2022: Trump teases a major announcement, hinting at his potential run in the 2024 election.

November 15, 2022: Trump officially announces his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race.

November 18, 2022: Key events unfold that suggest a coordinated effort to target Trump:

  • Matthew Colangelo, Joe Biden’s third-highest-ranking DOJ official, resigns and within days, joins Bragg’s office, a move that raises numerous eyebrows regarding its propriety and timing.
  • On the same day, Attorney General Merrick Garland appoints Jack Smith to oversee federal cases against Trump in a move that coincides suspiciously with other developments.
  • Nathan Wade, linked to another prosecutor targeting Trump, spends extensive time at the White House, further implicating direct connections.

December 2, 2022: Matthew Colangelo decided to join the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, starting his new position on December 5.


The post Smoking Gun: Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

‘Everyone is Worried’ – G7 Insiders Say Joe Biden is the “Worst He’s Ever Been” Amid Viral Video Showing Him Wandering Off at Skydiving Demonstration | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden is the “worst he’s ever been” according to G7 insiders amid the viral video of Biden wandering off during a skydiving demonstration in Italy.

A G7 diplomatic source told The Sun’s editor Harry Cole that Joe Biden is the “worst he’s ever been” and that he has been “losing focus” in the world leader sessions in Italy.

Biden has been in Italy this week for the G7 Summit.

The G7 leaders viewed a skydiving demonstration after a series of working sessions on Thursday.

Biden got distracted during the skydiving demonstration and wandered away.

Things got so bad that Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni had to retrieve Joe Biden.

The entire group of G7 leaders looked over at Biden as he wandered away like a lost dog.

Biden slurred his way through working sessions.


“He’s very doddery,” The Sun’s editor said.

The Sun reported:

ELDERLY Joe Biden has given his “worst ever” performance at a major international summit, G7 insiders say – after he was bizarrely caught freezing again.

After the concerning shuffle, sources questioned the US President.

The 81-year-old has been “losing focus” during the gathering of world leaders in Puglia, Italy, according to well placed diplomatic sources.

One told The Sun: “It’s the worst he has ever been.”

Another insider added that while the President had shown moments of sharpness and clarity during meetings, at other times he had appeared to be “losing focus” and concentration.


The post ‘Everyone is Worried’ – G7 Insiders Say Joe Biden is the “Worst He’s Ever Been” Amid Viral Video Showing Him Wandering Off at Skydiving Demonstration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Want the TRUE, Unfiltered Recap of the SBC’s 2024 Conference? David Morrill of Protestia Joins Evangelical Dark Web to Discuss | Protestia

David Morrill of Protestia joined Ray and Anthony Fava of The Evangelical Dark Web to give a true and unfiltered recap of what really went down at the SBC, and what it means for the future of the denomination.

The post Want the TRUE, Unfiltered Recap of the SBC’s 2024 Conference? David Morrill of Protestia Joins Evangelical Dark Web to Discuss appeared first on Protestia.

What can we learn about communist leaders from the record of history? | WINTERY KNIGHT

Now that we have atheistic communists in the majority of the House, Senate and White House, it might be a good idea to take a look at what atheistic communist leaders have done in history. First, let’s see how the atheistic worldview of communist leaders affected religious people.

Here is what Josef Stalin did during his rule of Russia in the 1920s and 1930s.

The Library of Congress offers this in their “Soviet Archives exhibit”:

The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion. Toward that end, the Communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed.

The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labor camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. By 1939 only about 500 of over 50,000 churches remained open.

What’s the attitude of Democrat candidates to Bible-believing Christians? My read is that they think that Christian values need to be suppressed by the government lest they offend Democrat voters, who seem to be very easily offended these days. You can already see their animus towards Christians in their Equality Act, which eradicates conscience rights in order to protect (some) LGBT people from feeling offended.

The Ukraine Famine

Take a look at this UK Daily Mail article about Josef Stalin.


Now, 75 years after one of the great forgotten crimes of modern times, Stalin’s man-made famine of 1932/3, the former Soviet republic of Ukraine is asking the world to classify it as a genocide.

The Ukrainians call it the Holodomor – the Hunger.

Millions starved as Soviet troops and secret policemen raided their villages, stole the harvest and all the food in villagers’ homes.

They dropped dead in the streets, lay dying and rotting in their houses, and some women became so desperate for food that they ate their own children.

If they managed to fend off starvation, they were deported and shot in their hundreds of thousands.

So terrible was the famine that Igor Yukhnovsky, director of the Institute of National Memory, the Ukrainian institution researching the Holodomor, believes as many as nine million may have died.

[…]Between four and five million died in Ukraine, a million died in Kazakhstan and another million in the north Caucasus and the Volga.

By 1933, 5.7 million households – somewhere between ten million and 15 million people – had vanished. They had been deported, shot or died of starvation.

The Holodomor is just one of the atrocities committed by Soviet Union communists. You may also have heard that they operated a system of labor camps for dissidents that killed millions more. The total number of people killed by Stalin is estimated at 20 to 40 million.

Stalin actually wasn’t very good at mass murder compared to another communist, Mao Zedong.

Can you name the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century? No, it wasn’t Hitler or Stalin. It was Mao Zedong.

According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with — by execution, imprisonment or forced famine.

For Mao, the No. 1 enemy was the intellectual. The so-called Great Helmsman reveled in his blood-letting, boasting, “What’s so unusual about Emperor Shih Huang of the China Dynasty? He had buried alive 460 scholars only, but we have buried alive 46,000 scholars.” Mao was referring to a major “accomplishment” of the Great Cultural Revolution, which from 1966-1976 transformed China into a great House of Fear.

The most inhumane example of Mao’s contempt for human life came when he ordered the collectivization of China’s agriculture under the ironic slogan, the “Great Leap Forward.” A deadly combination of lies about grain production, disastrous farming methods (profitable tea plantations, for example, were turned into rice fields), and misdistribution of food produced the worse famine in human history.

Deaths from hunger reached more than 50 percent in some Chinese villages. The total number of dead from 1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million — the population of California.

[…]Mao kept expanding the laogai, a system of 1,000 forced labor camps throughout China. Harry Wu, who spent 19 years in labor camps, has estimated that from the 1950s through the 1980s, 50 million Chinese passed through the Chinese version of the Soviet gulag. Twenty million died as a result of the primitive living conditions and 14-hour work days.

Whenever I bring up the historical record of communism to Democrats, they always tell me that their leaders have good intentions. But the communist leaders of the past aren’t any different from the communist leaders of today. Communist leaders all start out with noble ambitions of wanting to help the poor. The problem is that they don’t know anything about economics, so whatever they try doesn’t work. Communist policies like nationalizing private industries, printing money, purging wealthy people, imposing tariffs, and imposing price controls cause enormous poverty. And then they need someone to blame for their failure to produce the results they promise.

If we were serious about helping the poor, then we would elect leaders who had experience lifting the poor out of poverty. A business leader or a governor of a state. It’s not a popularity contest. We need to choose someone who has already had success at helping the poor. And the best way to help the poor is by helping them to find work so they can earn their own success and chart their own course. After all it’s not words that affect our lives. Or the feelings we have about words we like. What affects our lives is policies that produce results. Intentions and rhetoric don’t matter, ultimately.