Daily Archives: June 14, 2024

Biden Tries to Send World Message That He’s Relevant, Important and Strong Leader – The Last Refuge

During a staged, scripted and rehearsed performance last night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden held a ceremony in Italy where the Biden administration signed a non-binding security agreement to protect Ukraine for 10 years.

The agreement is bilateral between Biden and Zelenskyy, and unilateral domestically in that congress doesn’t have to ratify it.  Essentially, it’s just an “I will love you forever” promise between Zelenskyy and Biden intended to make the people with Ukraine flags in their profiles feel better.  Beyond that, if President Trump wins the 2024 election, he can just ignore it (which he will).

You can read the agreement HERE – and the FACT SHEET is HERE

As noted by Politico:

…”Biden’s aim in Europe is to portray himself as the unquestioned leader of the West, corralling world powers to Ukraine’s side and boosting his global image ahead of the November election. The agreement both serves that purpose and demonstrates his resolve, even as a clear Ukrainian victory against Russia looks less and less likely.” (link)

Joe Biden pledges to support Ukraine’s border but fails to secure ours at home.

Ukraine Loses over 3,700 Soldiers in Clashes With Russia’s South Group in the Past Week

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia’s Ministry of Defense reported on the progress of the special military operation and the key achievements of the Russian Armed Forces in the past week.

Authorities Warn Of Con Artist Scamming Dementia Patients Out Of Billions Of Dollars | Babylon Bee

Article Image

U.S. — Authorities are warning that a con artist is currently on the loose and scamming elderly dementia patients out of billions of dollars. They are urging anyone who sees the suspect to call law enforcement immediately.

“He’s very short, dresses in all green for some reason, and has an accent like some kind of Eastern European henchman from a Guy Ritchie movie,” said a spokesperson for law enforcement. “Scumbags like this are always preying on confused, senile people who don’t know better. People like this make me sick.”

Sources confirmed his most recent scam convinced a very old and disoriented man to sign a 10-year, bilateral security agreement for billions of dollars. Authorities suspect the money will be used to fund illegal activities around the globe, including drug trafficking, arms deals, and expensive cars for some guy named “Volodymyr.”

“Yeah, once these jerks get their hands on the life savings of the victims, it gets laundered and immediately used to fund criminal enterprises,” the spokesperson said. “If I could only get my hands on this sicko before he steals from someone else…”

At publishing time, the suspect had been spotted in Europe scamming several gullible world leaders.

Check out Hasbro’s latest update to the classic board game “Guess Who?” – now with more genders, inclusion, and fun!* *Fun not guaranteed

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After Trump, will U.S. lawmakers be charged for $17M in hush money? | WND | by Bob Unruh

President Donald J. Trump delivers an update on the COVID-19 Coronavirus vaccine development Operation Warp Speed, Friday, Nov. 13, 2020, in the Rose Garden of the White House. (Official White House photo by Tia Dufour)

Are various members of Congress, who paid some $17 million in taxpayer funds to silence people who brought sexual misconduct claims against them, now going to be investigated, tried, and convicted of felonies, like President Trump? After all, they didn’t report those payments as campaign contributions.

That’s the suggestion that has been raised in a congressional hearing.

— Read on www.wnd.com/2024/06/trump-will-u-s-lawmakers-charged-17m-hush-money/

WHO’s Kidding Whom? | Study – Grow – Know

As I briefly noted in my last two-part series,[1] things are ramping up with so many things occurring that it truly is difficult to keep up with it and, for some, can even be a bit numbing. To try to bring readers up to speed, I’m going to list some of the larger events that are happening now, which will, hopefully, give us a view from 10,000 feet. Obviously, I cannot include everything, but will provide a look at some of the more important, larger events.

A well known economist has stated that the artificial “bubble” that has been propping up the economy in the USA is simply going to burst and he believes this will happen sometime in 2025. As we can see in the post from Ryan Fournier, there are tons of stores closing in 2024. Even Walmart is closing eleven of its super centers. Some of that may certainly have to do with all the retail theft Walmart and other chains are experiencing on a regular basis, especially in blue states like California.

To offer proof of that, we need only look to the fact that just a few days ago, Saudi Arabia chose not to renew their agreement with the United States regarding the “petrodollar.”[2] In the 1970s, President Nixon removed the dollar from being backed by gold and entered into an agreement with Saudi Arabia to back the dollar with oil. This agreement turned out to be a mutually-beneficial situation for both nations. Shockingly, this actually means that the dollar is no longer backed by anything, making the dollar worthless. One can only wonder if the US mint actually has any gold for the US in it or has it all been trading away to other countries?

The consequences of the US dollar being backed by nothing will have tremendous financial ramifications. Yet, only a very few people are talking about it. In general, none of the mainstream news channels are discussing such an important turn of events.

Regardless of what folks may think of Trump (and I’m not too impressed in many ways), this would not have happened under his presidency. It’s simply another way that globalists have managed to drive more nails into the coffin of this country.

But there’s more financial craziness that will affect our wallets. In a recent article from Michael Snyder[3], he notes that there are “Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers.” He speaks of the fact that there are what are considered 63 “problem banks” in the USA. They won’t tell us which banks these are because they fear a run on the banks where everyone would take out all their money. These 63 banks have, according to reports, 517 billion dollars in unrealized debt.

The other big problem Snyder discusses is the real estate debt that currently exists. Apparently, there’s “$1.2 trillion of commercial real estate debt in the United States will mature over the next two years.” A good deal of this started when CV hit and society was locked down. People who were able, continued to work from home. Huge buildings that housed commercial businesses stood empty and many of them remain empty. Vacancy rates since CV have increased mightily and this is one of the factors that will ultimately lead to a real estate commercial crash.

If all this isn’t enough, in yet another article, Snyder talks about the growing problem of “street takeovers” that are occurring in some of the USA’s largest cities.[4] Because of gangs and lawless people who hold no allegiance to this country, during these events, vehicle competitions and violence get out of hand so much so that police, if they do arrive to the scene, essentially do nothing. There are normally no arrests. These types of street events are huge in places like California, leaving residents to wonder why they’re paying taxes since the police services they pay for are non-existent.

It’s almost as though a very large percentage of people have simply gone crazy. The only allegiance they hold is to themselves. They don’t care about others. They certainly don’t care about breaking the law or attacking people who stand in their way. They just don’t care. I can only imagine when the economy crashes these types of people will be even more emboldened to do what they want to do only for themselves.

It is interesting to consider that had CV not happened, some people would have died because it was the normal flu season. But everything else that came with CV, like business shutdowns, masking, social distancing and other mandates, all of this fed into the economic recession to depression that we are experiencing now. What truly boggles my mind about all this is that, for the most part, the majority of people seem totally blind to this coming reality. Yet, we have groups of lawless people protesting this, that or the other thing, all wearing masks or face scarves to hide their identities. Amazing as masks have become normative, few bat an eye.

Middle East
Beyond the economy, problems in the Middle East keep growing. Israel keeps getting flack for trying to eliminate the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. It doesn’t matter what Israel does, including the recent rescuing of four Israeli hostages held in private homes in Rafah (which news bureaus stated were “released”). Though they saved the hostages, the world in general is upset with the fact that several hundred “Palestinians” were killed in the process. What this same world does not mention is that, by and large, the people killed were actually terrorists working for Hamas.

In NYC, pro-Palestinians gathered en masse to vehemently protest an Israeli memorial exhibit. The group violently chanted that it was all lies; that no Israeli had ever been raped or even killed by Hamas. The killings, they say that occurred on October 7 was the result of Israeli fire, not Hamas. These same people also endorsed the October 7 massacre and say that was merely the beginning.

Does anyone actually believe God will allow Jewish people to be utterly destroyed? Satan tried that in the book of Esther. He has tried it many times since and even in the modern times, he used Hitler to rid the world of God’s chosen people. It has never succeeded. Satan knows that if he can successfully destroy every last Jewish person, then who would go into the Millennial Kingdom to fully inherit all the promises directed to Israel that God originally gave to Abraham?

Anti-Semites feel good about their position because they wrongly believe that the problems in the world are due to “Jews.” While some globalists are Jewish (Soros, Schwab, etc.), many others are not Jewish and they all have the same goal: to fully control all people they do not kill. Does anyone actually think Soros or Schwab are God-fearing Jewish people?

It’s absurd to think that God will simply stand by and allow all Jews to be eradicated, but this is Satan’s pitiful hope in order to prove God is a liar. Of course, God is not a liar and will protect a final remnant of Jewish people. Why? For the sake of His glory, not because of anything Jewish people have done or that they might think they are worth it. God will bring His promises to fruition completely all for His own and glory.

Also regarding Israel, Biden submitted a proposal to the UN for a cease fire between Israel and Hamas. The UN has approved it. The only problem is that Israel had zero say in it, nor will they support it.

Bird Flu

We know that The WHO really wants to be able to declare another pandemic and they seem to want bird flu to be the reason for that next pandemic. They seem to want a repeat of CV, but of course, cannot use CV again so it’ll be something else. So, really, what’s up? It’s obviously done for a number of things like control and removal of rights, but there’s more to it than that. It seems to be about death as well, doesn’t it?

By the way, there’s a rumor going around that the WEF ordered US farmers to destroy their chickens. That’s probably fake news. In reality, the US Department of Agriculture ordered the culling of millions of birds in Iowa after one case of alleged bird flu was found (using unreliable PCR testing). Whether it was the WEF (which has ZERO authority to order anyone to do anything), or the US Dept of Agriculture, the fact remains that it’s very easy to isolate or cull one chicken from the rest instead of destroying entire flocks. The stupidity seems endless.

But it’s not just bird flu. If we take a look back a number of decades when AIDS first hit the world, the whole process is remarkably like what occurred during the CV problem and now moving toward the bird flu “scandemic.”

During the AIDS scare, Dr. Fauci was in charge then, and interestingly enough, he forced the use of the same infamous PCR test used today to determine if they had HIV. If they did, they were told that to save their life, they needed to take the drug, AZT.

Turns out AZT (like Remdesivir), was very destructive to the human body. I personally know a guy, who was not jabbed during CV, but caught a bad case of whatever was out there at the time. He ended up in the hospital and eventually on Remdesivir. He actually survived but he believes it was because he was not also put on a ventilator.

The similarities between what happened during AIDS/HIV and CV decades later is amazing. In both situations, certain drugs were condemned and the public was led to other drugs that were said to be much more efficacious, but weren’t. The image of Fauci notes that in 2005, Dr. Fauci knew that far back that chloroquine was literally a “wonder drug” for SARS-CoV. Hydroxychloroquine, related to chloroquine, was absolutely forbidden to be used during CV (along with Ivermectin). Why? There’s only one reason.

It seems strange to me that hospitals were told not to use it and even insurance companies refused to pay for it. This was ostensibly done to “save lives” of people who had CV and were in ICU. Wouldn’t you want to try anything to keep people alive rather than to throw out everything except one or two drugs? Isn’t the goal to keep people alive? This same scenario existed during AIDS. There was essentially one drug that could be used to fight AIDS and most of the time, that didn’t even work; AZT, and wound up killing people. Why not try other drugs? Why not experiment, if the goal is to actually try to save lives?

November Election
The upcoming November election is likely going to be fraught with problems. We all know that former President Trump was found guilty of 34 counts in state court (not federal). That was probably done purposefully so that it would be harder for him to appeal to the Supreme Court, leaving his lawyers to have to fight to overturn his conviction in state court.

Here’s my take for anyone who is interested. It is clear “they” don’t want him to become president again. In fact, since he was inaugurated the first time, “they” gave him nothing but problems and I recall reading that Soros said something to the effect that he would make Trump’s life difficult (my words). He did. Trump’s entire presidency was filled with turmoil, backstabbing, impeachment trials and false accusations.

Following Biden’s installation, it was only after Trump said he would run again that the Marxist machine ramped up again. The result of their lawfare court was what we have today. It is such a sham with a biased judge (Merchan), whose daughter worked on behalf of Democrats. It’s also clear Merchan did not apply the law equally in his court.

I don’t know what globalists have planned but I put nothing past them. They mean to win and gain full control over humanity and if Trump becomes president again, that will make it very difficult for them. Don’t get me wrong please. I do not believe Trump is the “savior” of America. The only One who will save this planet at all is Jesus Himself. I think Trump is well-meaning and has a heart for the United States. Unfortunately, he simply does not make the best decisions at all and proof of that can easily be seen in the people he nominated for positions, like Christopher Wray (FBI), and many others. Nikki Haley stabbed Trump in the back, but now Trump wants her to be part of his team. Okay…(rolls eyes)

So what will happen in November? Several things could occur. Trump could be in prison, but that might make more people vote for him. The Dems could cheat again since we still use Dominion voting machines and they are able to be connected to the Internet in spite of denials by Dominion itself.

But let’s say Trump wins the next election. If so, globalists will make his life very difficult, worse than they did the first time. I’m sure they have ways we haven’t even thought of yet as well as a few obvious things they could try.

What about Biden? I’m seriously thinking he’ll be out and someone else will become the official candidate for the Marxist Democrat party. Globalists of course will put their full weight behind that new candidate and try to cover themselves at the voting booth.

But…what if there’s a tremendous problem in the world that means that we can’t have an election? It’s possible that WWIII could become much more volatile and ongoing with more nations involved than they are now. Add the declining economy to this and the growing criminal problem throughout the US and other countries and it can all add up to some form of global chaos that effects the USA as well.

Only time will tell, but I can see huge problems as we finish 2024 and move into 2025. Yet, God has our back. Do we trust Him? Do we seek Him daily?

18 Behold, the eye of the Lordis on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
19 To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine. (Psalm 33:18-19 NKJV)

Do you believe that? Repeat it to yourself until you do.

[1] https://studygrowknowblog.com/2024/06/06/eus-esg-laws-and-global-demolition-part-1/

[2] https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/petrodollar-deal-with-saudi-arabia

[3] https://michaeltsnyder.substack.com/p/the-entire-system-is-crumbling-major

[4] https://michaeltsnyder.substack.com/p/enormous-mobs-are-literally-taking

Maria Bartiromo Absolutely Destroys Rep. Debbie Dingell Over Dems Relentless Politicized Attacks Against President Trump | The Gateway Pundit

Maria Bartiromo destroys Rep. Debbie Dingel over the treatment of President Trump.

Michigan Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria on Thursday morning.

During their discussion, Maria pounded Dingell on the political and lawfare attacks against President Trump.

Here is the transcript of the interview:

Maria Bartiromo: Joining me now is Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingle, a member of the House Energy and Commerce and Natural Resources committees, as well as the Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. Congresswoman, great to see you again. Thanks so much for joining me. Your reaction to what you just heard and to this vote.

Debbie Dingell: Look, I think that yesterday’s vote is a continued politicization of going after various secretaries. I actually have great deal of respect for our attorney general. I do not think he was playing games. I think there was an investigation. He did not find cause. Republicans didn’t like the outcome. I would really ask us, Maria, on all sides, we had to take a deep breath and stop politicizing people that are in public service. This is a ‘got you moment,’ really. It’s not going to go anywhere. We need We need to be working together on a lot of bipartisan issues that need us working together to solve a lot of problems.

Maria Bartiromo: I think a lot of people feel that way. I agree with you on some level for sure, but have you told the FBI that? Do you think that there’s been a political attack on President Trump since he first entered Washington in 2015?

Debbie Dingell: I think that…

Maria Bartiromo: What’s the answer?

Debbie Dingell: I have to say this to you….

Maria Bartiromo: What’s the answer? Has President Trump been attacked politically because he’s President Trump? Because he’s Trump, has he been attacked politically and it’s unfair.

Debbie Dingell: I think there are a lot of political attacks on a lot of people.

Maria Bartiromo: No, I’m asking about Donald Trump. What about Trump?

Debbie Dingell: President Trump does some things that I have had issues with. You know it, the two of us have had interesting sparse, but we do it directly with each other.

Maria Bartiromo: What specifically?

Debbie Dingell: Look, I think he does some things. I think the way that he goes after people, I think the way that he sometimes twists the facts.

Maria Bartiromo: But I’m asking about that on him.

Debbie Dingell: He was just convicted of 34 counts in a court of 34 counts of a felony in a due process by a jury of his peers.

Maria Bartiromo: What was the crime, Congresswoman?

Debbie Dingell: What was the crime? The crime was that he lied to people. He manipulated payments that were being made. He violated the law in terms of why was he making these payments.

Maria Bartiromo: Do you see any similarity to the 51  intelligence officials who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election, calling it Russian disinformation?

Debbie Dingell: Hunter Biden, by the way, we have a problem on all sides with Russian disinformation, so I’m never going to downplay. I think we have real problems.

Maria Bartiromo: But specifically, the Hunter Biden laptop was real. They signed a letter saying that it was Russian disinformation. Is that a similar situation to what President Trump was just convicted of?

Debbie Dingell: Hunter Biden was in a court and convicted….

Maria Bartiromo: No, that was gun charges. That was a very separate situation. Different situation. I’m talking about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election. Fifty-one intelligence officials signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. They hid the truth before the election. Is that similar to what Trump was just charged with?

Debbie Dingell: There’s an investigation going into that laptop.

Maria Bartiromo: Is there?

Debbie Dingell: I don’t have the facts. I think you’re going to hear a lot more about this laptop in the coming months. I’m not privy, Maria, about what was on there, what wasn’t, what happened.

Maria Bartiromo: No, I’m just I’m asking if it’s a similar situation. Is it a similar situation that people hid truth before the election in 2020 about Hunter Biden, and now Trump was discharged with, I guess, hiding truth ahead of an election about a $130,000 payment he made to a porn star? Is it the same?

Debbie Dingell: First of all, I don’t have all the facts, so I’m careful.

Maria Bartiromo: I’m sorry?

Debbie Dingell:I don’t have all the facts. I think a lot of people were looking for facts, didn’t know what the Biden computer was. I still don’t know. I think this Trump trial happened after. I don’t know all the facts related to this. I read lots of stuff.

Maria Bartiromo: I know that the DOJ used the laptop as evidence in the gun trial against Hunter Biden. They obviously looked at the laptop. They said that it is real, and we knew that it was real at the time, but 51 intelligence officials said it wasn’t. They lied.

Debbie Dingell: I don’t have the letter in front of me. Look, nobody’s above the law. I want to make that really Nobody. The rule of law needs to work in this country. We’ve seen it twice now in the last month, people have been convicted. I want to know that the rule of law works. Nobody. I don’t care if the Republican or a Democrat or who they are, wherever. The rule of law is a very important fact in our country. I totally agree with you. I totally agree.

Bartiromo also destroyed Dingell when it comes to Biden’s broken border and her vote on H.R.2  to secure the border.

Maria Bartiromo: Did you vote against HR2?

Debbie Dingell: I don’t remember.

Maria Bartiromo: You don’t remember if you voted against HR2?

Debbie Dingell: I can’t. It was under Donald Trump, and I can’t remember what I voted on back then, so I should have looked before today. That’s an important bill.

Maria Bartiromo: It was an important bill, HR2. You don’t remember how you voted?

Debbie Dingell: Maria, it’s early morning and it was-

Maria Bartiromo: It’s ten to eight am in the morning, Congresswoman.

Watch the full interview below:

Video link:


Watch the latest video at foxbusiness.com

The post Maria Bartiromo Absolutely Destroys Rep. Debbie Dingell Over Dems Relentless Politicized Attacks Against President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Israeli Troops Preparing for War with Hezbollah | CBN Newswatch – June 14, 2024 – YouTube

There are signs Israel’s battlefront may be shifting to focus on Hezbollah in the North as the fighting continues in the Gaza strip. New York leaders say outside groups fueled the unrest at Columbia and other Universities. Now, attorneys from the U.S. and Israel are suing two organizations. The pro-life community suffered a loss at the U.S. Supreme Court but is vowing to continue the fight. While lawmakers on Capitol Hill work to keep houses of worship safe a former U.S. Navy seal is joining the fight. Generation Z–these are the young people born between 1997 and 2013 who don’t know life without a cell phone and internet. Research shows this age group relies much less on faith and church than the generation before them, it also indicates Gen Z is open to learning more about Jesus.

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

American Worldview Inventory 2024 (Release #3) Explaining America’s 40-Year Drop in Biblical Worldview- And How to Reverse that Decline

Dr. George Barna, Director of Research

Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University

Release Date: May 28, 2024

Some people are perplexed by the consistently declining acceptance of biblical principles by the American population. Given that a person’s worldview is formed by the age of 13 and rarely experiences significant change after that point, how can one explain the decline in the incidence of adults possessing a biblical worldview?

The answer is simple—“generational transformation,” according to researcher George Barna, who serves as the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University, which measures worldview in its annual American Worldview Inventory. “

If you trace the worldview perspectives of adult generations over the course of decades, you can predict the aggregate incidence of biblical and competing worldviews,” Barna explained. “Biblical worldview incidence has declined with each of the last five generations. During that time, the national incidence of adults holding a biblical worldview has plummeted from 12% to today’s 4% level.”

“Our studies of teenagers and preteens indicate that the national incidence will drop another two points within the next 15 years, unless some dramatic and unusually effective spiritual renewal event occurs,” Barna continued. “The expected decline can be explained by the increasing influence of the worldview championed by Millennials and Gen Z as the proportion of adults from the Boomer and Elders generations substantially decreases.”

Read more: www.arizonachristian.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CRC-Release-AWVI-3-May-28-2024.pdf

The G in G7 Stands for Good Grief! | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/14/24) – YouTube

Today’s 20-min top headline news brief includes:
1:35] -Day 2 of the G-7 summit where the whole world watched President Biden wander off before he was rounded up by the Prime Minister of Italy.
2:42] -How many men does he know? Joe Biden says, “Hunter’s the most decent man I know.” [Newsmax Breaking]
8:44] -Former President Donald Trump meets with Republican leaders on Capitol Hill. [Newsmax Breaking]
14:18] -House Speaker Mike Johnson speaks to reporters about Trump’s visit. [Newsmax Breaking]
19:39] -Congressman James Comer: “The American people want the Biden audio tapes.” [Newsline]
21:55] -Rob Schmitt discusses new information surrounding a 2013 UFO sighting in Canada. [Rob Schmitt Tonight]

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

EPIC! President Trump Releases New Video of Joe Biden’s Jewels of Wisdom Titled: “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden” | The Gateway Pundit

President Trump released a hilarious new ad on Wednesday night titled “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden.”

The president’s team compiled a few of Joe Biden’s more noteworthy pronouncements from the past few years into a memorable new ad.

Here are a few of the jewels of wisdom included in the video:

Joe Biden: “We hold these truths to be self-event. All men and women created by the, go you know… You know the thing.”

Joe Biden: “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: Assemfhuuthimaafuutheemscuseme… excuse me the foothills of the Himilayas with Xi Jinping”

Joe Biden: “Shenewlofthbudshenewlongdashedenied our freedom can never be secured…”

Joe Biden: “But we’ll never forget. Lying around. handeyebeenyahassent been lying around, actually….”

Joe Biden: “It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so. End of quote. Repeat the line.”

Joe Biden: “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trueindernationdanderpreshure.”

The post EPIC! President Trump Releases New Video of Joe Biden’s Jewels of Wisdom Titled: “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WATCH: Fiery Rep. Victoria Spartz Smacks Down Democrat Attorney Norm Eisen as He Excuses Biden Regime’s Witch Hunt Against Trump and Media Collusion in Elections | The Gateway Pundit

Credit: @JudiciaryGOP

As TGP’s Jordan Conradson reported, held a hearing today at 10:00 a.m. ET to examine Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

Bragg previously indicted Trump in April 2023 on 34 felony counts related to “hush payments” he made to Stormy Daniels. While there was no crime, the Bragg ratcheted up a misdemeanor to a felony to bypass the statute of limitations, and corrupt “Judge” Juan Merchan helped to rig the trial for a guilty verdict.

The most effective questioner during the hearing today was probably Ukrainian-born Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN). While interrogating Norman Eisen, the former U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic and Democrat Impeachment Counsel, Spartz turned him into a stuttering mess. At the same time, he tried to defend the Biden Regime’s evil political witch hunt against President Trump and the media collusion with the Democrat Party in both the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Spartz opened up by going off on the travesty of justice against Trump by the NYC Court, saying all Americans should be intimidated and worried they could be locked for simply paying their attorney and marking it as a legal expense. She then addressed the Durham Report, which showed how the FBI rushed to close the case against Hillary Clinton for illegally deleting her emails on her private server and the evil plot to tie Trump to Russia.

A stammering Eisen then tried to excuse the Deep State’s actions, but Spartz quickly shut him down, pointing out that John Durham correctly did his job and was angered at what he saw.

After more stuttering from Eisen, she brought up the media’s sick collusion with the Biden campaign to crush the 100% accurate Hunter Biden laptop story and asked if this looked strange to him.

Eisen responded that compromised U.S. Attorney David Weiss was prosecuting Hunter, before Spartz shut him down for good. She once more railed against the broken justice system and pointed out how sad it was, especially considering she grew up in a country where the media was an organ of the state.


SPARTZ: Interestingly enough, when talking about intimidation and threatening and disinformation, I would say, you know, I’m not an attorney, I’m actually a CPA and been involved with finances for a long time. And I think a lot of Americans should be intimidated and worried if they pay the bill to an attorney and put it the legal expense, and they can have sort of 34 felony counts for that. That is true intimidation. That is a true what the law is, you know, so that would make anyone very nervous.

Just talking about 2016, Ambassador, you made statements about interference in elections. What do you think…about having the Department of Justice under President Obama at that time, you are probably familiar with the Durham Report, rushing to close the case for Hillary Clinton without doing any proper investigation and then rushing to (put together) the Russian Collusion Hoax against Trump without vetting any of the information which turned out to be all lies? And colluding (with the media) to cover up the story! Doesn’t it seem like that could be looking like interference in 2016?

EISEN (stuttering): Uh, uh, no, uh, Miss Spartz, I don’t believe that. There was ample evidence to predicate that investigation including the polling data that was passed from Campaign Manager Paul Manafort to…

SPARTZ: But you just act like the Special Prosecutor did not do a good job. Did he lie in the report? He (Durham) accurately concluded in his report that the FBI didn’t do its job. He was outraged over what was happening in the FBI.

EISEN (stuttering again): He, he, did, a, uh…

SPARTZ: Let’s go further! The same situation as Hunter Biden. In 2020, a Politico reporter had 50 Intelligence sources go on record in a story saying the Hunter Biden laptop story does not exist…And Biden uses the story in a debate to cover up and claim it does not exist. Doesn’t it look strange to you?

EISEN: The Biden Department of Justice empowered a Trump holdover US attorney, David Weiss, to prosecute Hunter over the laptop…

SPARTZ (shutting him down): But in 2020, doesn’t it look strange that they (the Democrats) have the same election disinformation campaign and the political reporters (fall in line) again? But I’m not going to (unintelligible) an answer because you do have a double standard. We have a double standard in our system of justice.

Our system of justice is broken! That is why Americans are intimidated and worried about the nonexistent rule of law…because we have Department of Justice that protects people that they like.

And I cannot believe as an American who grew up in a tyrannical country (At the time, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union) we would be sitting here and the system of media collusion with our justice system. i think that is very, very sad.

The post WATCH: Fiery Rep. Victoria Spartz Smacks Down Democrat Attorney Norm Eisen as He Excuses Biden Regime’s Witch Hunt Against Trump and Media Collusion in Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords” | The Economic Collapse

If you live in a major city, you can see them all around you.  I am talking about aging vans, RVs and trailers that are parked on the side of the road for months at a time and that obviously have people living in them.  There is an entire class of people that live in such conditions, and there is an entire class of “businessmen” that prey on such people.  When I was growing up, there were lots of headlines about “slumlords” that were taking advantage of the poor.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a “slumlord” is “a landlord who receives unusually large profits from substandard, poorly maintained properties”.  Today, we have a different sort of a problem.  “Vanlords” are parking vans, RVs and trailers along the streets of the worst parts of our major cities, and they are renting them out to people that cannot afford regular homes.  Sadly, we live at a time when lots and lots of people cannot afford regular homes because homelessness is absolutely exploding all over the nation.  In some areas there have been efforts to crack down on the “vanlords”, but when things get too hot in one area they just move somewhere else.  As long as there are vast hordes of homeless Americans that are deeply suffering, there will be “vanlords” that are eager to take advantage of them.

Matt Feely just authored a very interesting piece about this phenomenon.  He says that things are particularly bad in the poorest sections of Oakland

The most familiar and ominous form of homelessness in Oakland, however, has become the vehicle encampment. A few small clusters of vehicles have gathered in my North Oakland neighbourhood, lines of dirty campers and battered cars seeking shade under an elevated freeway, but poor East Oakland has it the worst. There, such encampments have taken over long stretches of busy street, visiting already-distressed neighbourhoods with huge living sculptures of ugliness and disorder — cars filled with clothes and junk; hulking RVs parked for months at a time, drug and sex deals conducted streetside; trash gathering around and between the vehicles, and lots of new crime. Recently, the city had to replace traffic lights at an East Oakland intersection with stop signs, because people, presumably from the vehicle encampment close by, were constantly stealing the cables to sell the copper wire inside.

All over the country, this is how vast numbers of people are living now.

Unfortunately, most of the people that are living in RVs don’t even own them.  Instead, most of them are owned by the “vanlords”

But the people in those RVs don’t own them. They rent them, from people who’ve come to be called “vanlords”. These energetic businesspeople buy up old trailers and RVs and either drive or tow them to unfortunate neighbourhoods in cities like Oakland. There they enter into informal rental agreements with homeless people.

This is also happening on a very large scale in southern California.

In fact, it is being estimated that the number of people living in RVs in Los Angeles County actually increased by 31 percent from 2020 to 2023…

The number of people living in RVs across L.A. County has jumped 31% from 2020 to 2023, according to the annual homeless counts.

About 11,500 people are estimated to live in roughly 6,800 RVs.

With each passing day, more impoverished people are being forced out into the streets.

And with each passing day, more formerly middle class Americans are joining the ranks of the poor.

Our standard of living has declined so much that we have reached a point where even most middle class Americans are struggling financially

A majority of middle-class Americans are experiencing financial hardship that they expect will continue for the rest of their lives, according to a new poll.

Findings published by the National True Cost of Living Coalition show that 65% of Americans whose incomes are 200% above the national poverty line – which is about $62,300 for a family of four, often considered middle class – said they are struggling financially.

In many cases, a single accident or a single bad break is enough to push someone over the edge.

The vast majority of us are just barely scraping by from month to month, and that is because the cost of living has been rising much faster than paychecks have

The typical U.S. household needed to pay $227 more a month in March to purchase the same goods and services it did one year ago because of still-high inflation. Americans are paying on average $784 more each month compared with the same time two years ago and $1,069 more compared with three years ago.

If you are still doing well, please don’t look down on those that are hurting.

Many of them were once just like you.

Sadly, many more Americans will be dumped out into the streets soon as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.

This week, we learned that initial claims for unemployment benefits have hit the highest level in 10 months

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits last week unexpectedly jumped to the highest level in 10 months, the latest sign that the labor market is starting to cool in the face of high interest rates.

Figures released Thursday by the Labor Department show initial claims for the week ending June 8 increased by 13,000 to 242,000, above the 2019 pre-pandemic average of 218,000 claims. It marks the highest level for jobless claims since August 2023.

Continuing claims, filed by Americans who are consecutively receiving unemployment benefits, also rose to 1.82 million for the week ended June 1, an increase of 30,000 from the previous week.

Virtually all of the economic numbers that we have been getting lately tell us that the economy is rapidly heading in the wrong direction.

So if you think that things are bad now, just wait until you see what is coming.

Personally, I fully expect conditions to get steadily worse throughout the rest of 2024.

All of the “vanlords” out there will soon have even more potential customers to prey on, and that is not good news for any of us.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords” appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

INFILTRATION – Understanding Our Times with guest, David Fiorazo (Part 1) | David Fiorazo

Many evil forces have infiltrated the world and the church in America in the last 100 years, forming a demonic agenda. Ken Mikle, Josh Schwartz and their guest, David Fiorazo, discuss how this happened and today’s results. This further sets the end-time stage.

“I Wish You Guys Would Play by the Rules!” – Biden Attacks Press at G7 – White House Correspondents’ Association President Responds with RARE Statement After Joe Biden’s Outburst (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden on Thursday shuffled into a highly scripted joint presser with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after a full day of working sessions at the G7 Summit in Italy.

Biden signed a 10-year bilateral ‘security agreement’ with Ukraine which included a $50 billion loan backed by ‘frozen Russian assets.’

Biden was an hour late to the presser.

Biden got testy after reporters asked questions about Hamas and Hunter Biden’s conviction.

“I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit—I’m here to talk about the critical situation in Ukraine,” Biden said.


Even CNN called Biden out for being shielded from the press.

“[Biden] has been snippy recently,” CNN’s Brianna Keilar said. “This president falls FAR BELOW his predecessors when it comes to interviews and when it comes to press conferences.”


White House Correspondents’ Association President Kelly O’Donnell issued a rare statement following Joe Biden’s outburst.

The post “I Wish You Guys Would Play by the Rules!” – Biden Attacks Press at G7 – White House Correspondents’ Association President Responds with RARE Statement After Joe Biden’s Outburst (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Stuart Varney: Biden’s special counsel ‘tapes’ are reminiscent of the Watergate scandal | Fox Business

During his “My Take” on Thursday, “Varney & Co.” host Stuart Varney criticized Attorney General Merrick Garland for refusing to release the audio tapes of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, arguing the “cover-up” of the five-hour interview adds to the growing belief that the president is not up to the job.

STUART VARNEY: The debate over our president’s cognitive decline is not going away. 

In fact, it is the number one topic in politics. Key evidence is being covered up.


I’m talking about “the tapes.” 

It reminds me of Watergate when President Nixon did his best to keep incriminating tapes secret. 

They were eventually released, and Nixon resigned.

The latest tapes are from the hours of conversation between President Biden and Special Counsel Robert Hur.


His report, based on these interviews, famously described the president as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” 

It said Biden showed “diminished faculties.”

With the president’s ability to do the job now in question, it is important to see his cognitive state in the five hours of interviews he sat for with Hur. 

But Attorney General Merrick Garland will not release the tapes. He flat out refuses to let anyone see them. 

The House voted to hold Garland in contempt. Speaker Johnson says, “We have the transcript, and we need the audio.”

Why is Garland holding on to the tapes? Obviously, because they would hurt the president politically. 


The last thing the Biden campaign wants is confirmation that the president’s decline started a long time ago. 

The president’s cognitive difficulties can’t be dismissed as just politics. His decline is a national security issue. 

Propping up an ailing president by covering up his problems is not the right course for any attorney general.

Unfortunately, nothing will come of Garland’s contempt citation. 

Other Attorneys General, Bill Barr and Eric Holder, have been cited, and nothing happened. 


But this cover-up just adds to the growing belief that this president is just not up to the job.

Frankly, with two wars and an invasion across our border, it’s frightening.

— Read on www.foxbusiness.com/media/stuart-varney-bidens-special-counsel-tapes-reminiscent-watergate-scandal

New Polling Has Devastating News for Kamala Harris’ Presidential Dream | The Gateway Pundit

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to Katie Couric.

Like most vice presidents, Kamala Harris has dreamy dreams of filling the top spot in the White House herself. But if she is living under that illusion, her horrible poll numbers should tend to send her crashing back to Earth.

Of course, we don’t have to guess if Harris thinks she could be president. After all, she ran for the spot against Joe Biden during the 2020 Democratic primary cycle.

Harris, then a senator from California, got nowhere with her effort. She bowed out of the race in December 2019 without winning any primary contests and never earning more than 3.4 percent support nationwide.

So we already know she has dreamed about a triumphant campaign for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. But while she thinks she has the right stuff, the voters are far less sure.

With speculation rampant that President Joe Biden could announce any day now that he is ending his re-election campaign — as unlikely as that is — some have wondered if Harris could serve as a suitable fill-in.

Voters are very leery of Biden over his age — he would be 82 at the start of his second term — and the constant stream of photos and videos that seem to show his advancing age-related disabilities. That leaves Democrats speculating about a replacement.

Could it be the vice president? Politico asked that very question in a tracking poll released Wednesday.

The Politico/Morning Consult poll found, however, that few think the Democrats should turn to Harris as their candidate.

Only a third of voters overall think she could win an election if she were her party’s nominee, with only three in five registered Democrats saying she could win. Worse, only a quarter of independents responded that Harris could win an election for president.

Harris fared a bit better on the question of “leadership,” with 42 percent saying she is a strong leader. That included three-quarters of the Democratic respondents but only a third of independents.

But, in general, the vice president suffers from very low approval ratings. The Politico poll found that only 42 percent view her favorably compared with 52 percent unfavorably.

Dismal results like this have been true of nearly every poll focusing on the vice president since Biden won the 2020 election. A year ago, Harris was down at 32 percent approval in one poll. In 2021, another found she had plummeted to 28 percent approval.

The Politico poll surveyed 3,996 registered voters from May 28-29, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Politico did its best to pump Harris up in its long report, filling the article with the voices of supporters and suggesting her recent efforts to improve her standing have helped.

“She’s done an admirable job on reproductive health and issues important to the black community and related to youth,” R.L. Miller, a climate activist and Democratic National Committee member from California, told Politico.

Still, Miller said, “she’s falling into the same spot that many vice presidents fall into, which is that she doesn’t have a very public role outside of her lane.”

“People don’t associate her with issues like foreign policy, which is so important these days. She isn’t being credited with the larger international and domestic work,” she continued.

Miller, who said she is a fan of the vice president, lamented that Harris probably could not win an election for the top seat.

“Democrats have internalized the Hillary Clinton lesson: That a woman can’t win. And I think it’s sad,” she said.

But all the happy talk from her supporters did not paper over the numbers. While it is highly unlikely to happen, there is a large contingent of voters who want Harris dumped as vice president before the November election.

“Thirty-six percent of voters think Biden should replace Harris with another Democrat, while 39 percent want him to stick with Harris,” Politico said.

But the party may be stuck with her.

The Politico poll asked which Democrat respondents would want to see run in 2028, assuming Biden isn’t the candidate. No one even approached Harris’ dismal 21 percent.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and California Gov. Gavin Newsom were tied in second place with just 10 percent apiece, followed by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly at 4 percent.

But as to stepping up to the No. 1 seat, chances are not good for Harris. In the end, the poll found that only 34 percent overall think she could be elected to the White House and 57 percent doubt her chances.

Despite Politico’s attempt to soften the blow, these poll numbers suggest the Democratic Party would be insane to offer Harris as their nominee, either this fall or in 2028.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post New Polling Has Devastating News for Kamala Harris’ Presidential Dream appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

A Crime Against Humanity So Horrifying That I Don’t Even Have The Words To Describe It | End Of The American Dream

When we read about ancient societies that worshipped their gods by conducting child sacrifices, many of us recoil in horror.  But the truth is that far more children are being murdered in our time, and the vast majority of the population is perfectly okay with that.  In ancient times, in most cases it wasn’t children that were wanted that were brought to the child sacrifices.  Instead, in most cases such ceremonies were a perfect opportunity to get rid of children that were not wanted.  Today, unwanted children are discarded behind closed doors at an abortion clinic.  This is being done on an industrial scale, but since we never have to see it happening most of us are able to ignore the slaughter most of the time.  Of course that doesn’t make our society any less guilty than the ancient societies that performed child sacrifices publicly.

Here in the United States, more than 60 million abortions have been performed since 1973.

What does a nation that has killed more than 60 million children deserve?

Please take a moment and come up with your best answer to that question.

When you fully understand what we have done, and you fully understand what we deserve, the importance of this issue finally becomes clear.

Of course the U.S. is not the only country that has been wiping out kids on an industrial scale.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 73 million abortions are being performed around the world every year…

Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year. Six out of 10 (61%) of all unintended pregnancies, and 3 out of 10 (29%) of all pregnancies, end in induced abortion

Just think about that.

At this pace, 730 million children would be aborted in 10 years, 1.4 billion children would be aborted in 20 years, and 7.3 billion children would be aborted in 100 years.

There are only about 8 billion people living on the entire globe right now.

So we are talking about a slaughter that is truly unprecedented in all of human history.

The only hope that we have is to immediately stop killing children.

But that isn’t going to happen.  In fact, a new Gallup survey shows that U.S. voters are shifting in a pro-abortion direction…

A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion. The importance of a candidate’s abortion stance to one’s vote is markedly higher among pro-choice voters than it was during the 2020 presidential election cycle, while pro-life voters’ intensity about voting on the abortion issue has waned. Also, voters’ greater intensity on the issue today compared with 2020 is explained mainly by Democrats, while Republicans and independents have shown little change.

U.S. adults who are pro-choice are also significantly more likely now than two decades ago to say it is important that any future Supreme Court nominees share their views on abortion.

A different survey that was conducted by Navigator Research discovered that a whopping 63 percent of Americans “could not support an elected official who believes in a nationwide abortion ban”

Now, according to new polling of 1,000 registered voters by progressive firm Navigator Research, 63 percent of Americans say they could not support an elected official who believes in a nationwide abortion ban. Forty-three percent of the Republicans asked in the survey said they could not support a figure with these views.

With national and swing state polls ahead of the 2024 presidential election so tight, abortion rights could be a key factor that decides several of November’s races.

This is why so few of our politicians support a nationwide abortion ban at this point.

The American people don’t want it.

When Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, that was an opportunity for our nation to change direction.

But instead, the number of abortions performed in the United States actually went up the following year

More than a million abortions were provided in the U.S. in 2023. That’s a major finding from a report published Tuesday by the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports access to abortion.

To be precise, researchers estimate there were 1,026,700 abortions in 2023. “That’s the highest number in over a decade, [and] the first time there have been over a million abortions provided in the U.S. formal health care system since 2012,” explains Isaac Maddow-Zimet, a data scientist with Guttmacher.

Most people don’t realize this, but most abortions today are performed by using medications

The Guttmacher report also found that medication abortions rose to 63% of all abortions in 2023, up from 53% in 2020. The research was conducted by surveying all in-person and virtual abortion providers in the country and adding up their abortion counts. Guttmacher has been doing this research since 1974.

The Supreme Court had an opportunity to do something about that, but they decided to take the easy way out.

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled against the pro-life doctors that had brought the case, and pro-abortion forces are greatly rejoicing…

In a blow for anti-abortion advocates, the Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

The court found unanimously that the group of anti-abortion doctors who questioned the Food and Drug Administration’s decisions making it easier to access the pill did not have legal standing to sue.

After the Supreme Court decision was announced, Joe Biden declared that “the fight for reproductive freedom continues”

President Joe Biden said in a statement that while the ruling means the pill can remain easily accessible, “the fight for reproductive freedom continues” in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling two years ago that overturned abortion rights landmark Roe v. Wade.

“It does not change the fact that the right for a woman to get the treatment she needs is imperiled if not impossible in many states,” he added.

This is an issue on which the Democrats will never compromise.

Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be said about the other party.

Look, the truth is that if we stay on the path that we are on our nation will experience the judgment of God.

We aren’t just a little bit guilty.

Tens of millions of precious American children are already dead, and more are being killed with each passing day.

If we do not change direction, time will eventually run out and then we will get exactly what we deserve.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post A Crime Against Humanity So Horrifying That I Don’t Even Have The Words To Describe It appeared first on End Of The American Dream.

Andy Woods: Israel Presses on; Gog and Magog Alignment; Orwellian Surrealism | Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Mary Danielsen welcomes back Pastor and author Andy Woods for another edition of Orwellian Times and what it means to be alert day after day. Pastor Andy is one of those who really looks intently into events to help the believer prepare for the blessed hope and what it means to see all the events swirling around us with eyes of hope and eternity. Today we discuss the “high courts” of the global elite as they position themselves to have a say among the nations, which is only a matter of time. We talk about Africa and what that has to do with Gog and Magog, because Russia certainly has its sights on the value of an alignment, at least monetarily for now. Finally we talk about Orwellian times as it relates to two high profile characters in the US, Trump and Fauci. Andy’s YouTube channel is updated twice a week with new content, subscribe here.

Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! https://www.redpillprints.com/stand-up-for-the-truth – Thanks for YOUR Support!

The post Andy Woods: Israel Presses on; Gog and Magog Alignment; Orwellian Surrealism appeared first on Stand Up For The Truth Podcast.