Daily Archives: June 19, 2024

Why Does the World Hate Israel, and Not Hamas? – Algemeiner.com

Hamas terrorists kidnapping Israeli women at the Nahal Oz base near the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7, 2023. Photo: Screenshot

The world watched, breathless, as a nation celebrated the euphoric victory of life over terror. Yet, in the shadow of this victory, an unsettling chorus of condemnation has arisen. Headlines screamed of a “massacre” of non-combatants who died during the rescue raid. 

As the smoke cleared last Saturday and the echoes of gunfire faded, four Israeli hostages stumbled into the blinding light of freedom, dramatically rescued from the clutches of Hamas and their local Gaza collaborators. The Israeli military carried out the mission after weeks of meticulous planning, using cutting-edge intelligence and state-of-the-art technology. The result was a triumph: three hostages in one location and one in another, rescued simultaneously, in the type of operation that every Israeli has desperately yearned for since October 7th.

The world watched, breathless, as a nation celebrated the euphoric victory of life over terror. Yet, in the shadow of this victory, an unsettling chorus of condemnation has arisen. Headlines screamed of a “massacre” of non-combatants who died during the rescue raid. There were even voices demanding to know why Israel had not given any advance warning to civilians in Gaza before saving the hostages. In this high-stakes moral battleground — where the sanctity of life is weighed against the brutal calculus of war — Israel, once again, stands accused.

Contemporary “just war” theory is dominated by two main perspectives: traditionalist and revisionist. Traditionalists, also known as legalists, align themselves with established international law and the recognized norms governing armed conflict. They believe that only states have legitimate authority to engage in war, and that war is acceptable for three main reasons: national defense, defense of other states, or to prevent atrocities that shock the moral conscience of humanity. Civilians must never be targeted intentionally, and combatants are allowed to engage one another, provided that civilian harm is not excessive.

Revisionists, on the other hand, challenge these foundations. They question the moral legitimacy of states and the justification for national defense. According to revisionists, combatants fighting for unjust causes — namely, any army fighting on behalf of a sovereign state — cannot morally justify their actions and should cease fighting. Revisionists are the ultimate useful idiots for terrorist organizations and rogue states, who respect no laws and selfishly render violence while always claiming to be victims. If those they have in their crosshairs were to be held back by revisionist ideals, they would not just be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs, but two.

Revisionists fail to acknowledge the real-world complexities faced by nations like Israel — and the hostage rescue is a perfect case in point. Critics argue that Israel’s operation was morally flawed because it failed to consider the potential for collateral damage.

But this perspective ignores the stark reality of the hostages’ lives constantly at risk — and with dozens of hostages already dead at the hands of Hamas, every hour of their incarceration was another step toward their death. If the useful idiots had their way, each hostage, if released by Hamas in a deal, would result in the release of a large number of terrorist prisoners in exchange, opening up the potential for yet more violence against Israel down the road. Think how many lives have been saved by the rescue of these four hostages.

The revisionist ivory-tower stance is rooted in a theoretical purity that is utterly detached from the brutal pressures of real-life conflict. In the midst of war, decisions are seldom black and white. These neo-Marxist pacifists dismiss the legitimacy of national defense — an ideal which may suit them in their blinkered perspective, but it fails to grapple with the dire consequences of inaction.

For Israel, the choice is stark: act decisively to save innocent lives or risk brutal violence against their citizens now and in the future. To criticize harm caused by Israel to enemy civilians without considering the context is self-serving virtue signaling, and offers little practical guidance for states forced to navigate the treacherous waters of modern conflict.

Rav Shaul Yisraeli (1909-1995), one of 20th-century Israel’s most prominent rabbinic leaders and an esteemed authority in Jewish law, discusses the concept of milchemet mitzvah (obligatory war) in his seminal work Amud HaYemini. This concept encompasses the defense of Israel and its people. A milchemet mitzvah is not only permissible but necessary, says Rav Yisraeli, even if it entails significant risks to the lives of non-combatants and involves difficult military decisions. And according to Rav Yisraeli, “war with any nation threatening Israel is a milchemet mitzvah.”

The ongoing conflict with Hamas, and particularly the rescue of hostages, undoubtedly constitutes a milchemet mitzvah, as it represents an existential struggle for Israel’s survival that is being keenly observed by all of Israel’s adversaries. This is why the cost of kidnapping Israelis must be high to deter such atrocities in the future. The misfortune of civilian deaths, as in any just war, is the tragic consequence of such a mission, undertaken to prevent far worse outcomes in the future.

In a perfect world, Hamas would not have kidnapped any Israelis, and having done so, would not have embedded them in the heart of a residential neighborhood. But we don’t live in a perfect world, where swords can be beaten into plowshares, and dealing with heartless enemies is unnecessary. This is the real world, where rescuing innocent civilian hostages from the clutches of evil terrorists is an inescapable reality.

Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of the media and international actors who criticize Israel is glaring. They refuse to acknowledge that the hostages were all innocent civilians held by Hamas collaborators in residential neighborhoods, where the likelihood of an Israeli rescue raid was, thus high making civilian casualties inevitable.

Which country wouldn’t want to rescue their citizens? Had these hostages been handed back months ago, this entire war might have long been over. Instead, Israel is blamed for fulfilling its obligation to protect its citizens and doing everything possible to save them from terrorist murderers and rapists. The criticism of Israel not only ignores the realities of the conflict but also unfairly vilifies a nation for its honorable commitment to the safety and security of its people.

Rather than hauling Israel over the coals, isn’t it time for the media and international organizations to start hounding Hamas and their lackeys for generating suffering on a scale for Palestinians not seen since 1948? That’s not on Israel. It’s on Hamas. And until Hamas is gone, the suffering will continue — and likely get worse.

The author is a rabbi in Beverly Hills, California.

— Read on www.algemeiner.com/2024/06/14/why-does-the-world-hate-israel-and-not-hamas/

Israeli Scholar Interprets Hamas Leader’s Statement: ‘We Make Headlines Only with Blood’ – YouTube

JERUSALEM, Israel – The old saying in journalism is, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Gaza Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has a new twist on that. The Wall Street Journal reports he wrote to fellow Hamas leaders that “We make headlines only with blood.”

We spoke with Israeli scholar Dr. Mordechai Kedar about Hamas’ use of civilian deaths in Gaza to control public perception.

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Ukraine Loses Roughly 1900 Servicemen in Last 24 Hours

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia’s Ministry of Defense reported on the progress of the special military operation and the key achievements of the Russian Armed Forces.

The War of the Worldviews | CultureWatch

Battling it out in the meme wars:

The battle for ideas and things like the culture wars are fought on many levels. They can be in classrooms, books, films, magazines, conferences and political rallies. They can also be found in something as simple as a sign or a poster. Indeed, the meme wars have certainly been hotting up now that social media is well and truly a part of how we live.

Here I want to look, not at the battle of the bands, but at the battle of the signs. The sign wars are heating up, and we need to engage at that level as well. Just over five years ago I wrote a piece about all this in which I said this:

There are some places in the world that are worse than others when it comes to the war on faith, family and freedom, and other values so many people hold near and dear. Just a week ago I was in one of them. Don’t get me wrong – it is a beautiful city, built on four lakes, and it has many fine people. But it has long been known as a hotbed of radical leftism. I refer to the college town, Madison, Wisconsin.

During the radical 60s the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus was right up there with all the student rioting and Marxist revolution, along with places like the University of California, Berkeley and Columbia University in New York. I would often hitchhike there from my smaller conservative hometown during the days of my wild, non-Christian youth to be a part of the action.

Of course since then I have had a conversion to Christianity and a move away from leftist radicalism. But Madison is still much the same today. Now it is filled with a lot of ageing hippies and still tends to vote for leftist candidates and political parties…. https://billmuehlenberg.com/2019/05/29/moral-madness-in-the-mad-city/

I went on in that article to mention one ubiquitous sign, decked out in rainbow colours. While my wife and I were visiting Madison back in 2019 we noticed many homes had these signs proudly displayed in their front yards. One version of it said this:


It was certainly the sort of thing you’d expect to bump into – and often – in a place like Madison. So let me speak to this a bit more. First, I have not been back to America since that visit, so I don’t know if those signs are still there in Madison. But the leftism behind it all certainly would still be. So let me briefly speak to each of these points.

Yes, Black lives do indeed matter. But so do white lives, and other ones as well. All are made in God’s image so all matter. However, as I wrote a few years back, BLM is not just some benign outfit that we can and should all get fully behind:

Conservatives and Christians should be aware that this group is about much more than just concerns with black people. They state quite openly that they affirm all the usual radical left agenda items, including homosexuality, transgenderism, the war on the family, and so on. See more on all this here: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2020/06/09/the-truth-matters-about-black-lives-matter/

Yes, real human rights apply to both men and women. But of course that is not what is being countenanced here. This is just more euphemistic talk for a sacred cow of the left: abortion on demand. There is no human right to slaughter the innocent, and we should stop pretending that there is. See this piece for example: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2024/03/08/france-murder-and-human-rights/

Yes, humans matter – but what or who might be illegal? Obviously it is another leftist icon: illegal immigration. The left wants open borders and no questions asked. That of course is a good way to destroy a nation – something the far left wants by the way. And the best way to call the left’s bluff here is to tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

They should get rid of all the doors and locks and fences on their properties, and see how that works out for them. I would love to be there when a gang of strangers shows up, demanding they be let in and fed, clothed and sheltered for as long as they demand. The lefties would soon come to believe that some things involving humans most certainly ARE illegal – or should be.

As I said in an earlier piece: “The wealthier these leftists are, the more likely they will have very elaborate and very expensive security systems set up, complete with cameras, direct links to security companies, and plenty of high walls and guarded fences. Are they all being immoral, unloving, and unChristlike, by having these locks and other security measures?” https://billmuehlenberg.com/2019/01/13/security-walls-and-common-sense/

Yes, science is real. Science exists, but so too does scientism. That is the idea that the only things which are real and true are those things that can be tested in a science lab. That of course is not science, but philosophical naturalism masquerading as science. That too I have often discussed before: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2008/09/17/scientism-as-the-new-fundamentalism/

And I prefer genuine science to bogus science – you know, like when the “science” told us walking one way down a supermarket aisle would save our lives. Or when the “science” encourages us to believe that a man can become a woman by growing his hair and wearing a skirt. Or when the “science” says if we eat bugs and pay more taxes, we can change the weather and save the planet. Sorry, but I have little time for pseudoscience and politicised science.

Yes, love properly understood is vital as well. But we again know what the left has in mind when it talks about love. It is really about all sorts of varieties of sexuality, be it homosexuality, the trans agenda, or even “intergenerational” relations and other euphemisms. Pretending all sexual relationships are identical is how they managed to push radical  things like homosexual marriage through. But that I have discussed many dozens of times as well: https://billmuehlenberg.com/category/family/marriage/

Yes, kindness is important, but it is hardly everything. Stalin was said to have been kind to children and animals. But more was needed to make him a worthwhile role model. Truth and morality are even more important, and so much of what the left is pushing is false, harmful and dangerous. Radical causes that do so much damage are not made better by smiling when you promote your revolution agenda items. See more here on just being kind and nice: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2014/04/08/no-more-mr-nice-guy/

So the stuff being pushed in posters and signs like this are just so much leftist ideology and rhetoric. And as is so often the case, nice-sounding words and phrases are simply being used to conceal not so nice agendas. Thankfully not everyone fell for these vacuous signs. Not too long afterwards other memes and signs began to appear. I like what this one said (also laid out in rainbow colours):


Image of The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims
The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims by McLaughlin, Rebecca (Author)


A few years after I first saw those leftist signs in Madison, an entire book appeared which discussed all this in more detail. I refer to The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims by Rebecca McLaughlin (The Gospel Coalition, 2021). As she wrote in her introduction:

To our 21st-century, Western ears, love across racial and cultural difference, the equality of men and women, and the idea that the poor, oppressed, and marginalized can make moral claims on the strong, rich, and powerful sound like basic moral common sense. But they are not. These truths have come to us from Christianity. Rip that foundation out, and you won’t uncover a better basis for human equality and rights. You’ll uncover an abyss that cannot even tell you what a human being is. Like cartoon characters running off a cliff, we may continue a short way before we realize that the ground has gone from underneath our feet. But it has gone. Without Christian beliefs about humanity, the yard sign’s claims aren’t worth the cardboard on which they are written.

Quite so. Anyone can spout out mushy words and sentimental platitudes. But without something solid to base them on, they offer us nothing of lasting value. I recall how Francis Schaeffer used to speak of modern man as having feet firmly planted in mid-air. Signs like this are just one more indication of this.

[1441 words]

The post The War of the Worldviews appeared first on CultureWatch.

The Problem with Juneteenth | Mises Institute

The abolition of chattel slavery was a great advancement for human liberty. But many of those celebrating Juneteenth today still accept the core assumptions that underlie slavery.

Today is Juneteenth. One hundred fifty-nine years ago, on June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas and declared that all slaves in the state were free. The following year, in 1866, residents of the town where Granger had issued the order celebrated the anniversary as “Jubilee Day.” Eventually, the name changed to Juneteenth, and in 1979, it became a Texas state holiday. Then, in 2021, President Joe Biden signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.

The West’s abolition of chattel slavery was one of the greatest victories for liberty in our civilization’s history. Using an anniversary like today to celebrate the achievement and reflect on why it was necessary in the first place—or how it could have come about better—should be a rare point of unity in today’s politically fractured America.

But in the years since Biden signed the so-called Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, the holiday has become increasingly co-opted by progressives in media, academia, and politics as a way to push for radical policies like collective reparations or the exclusion of white people from celebrations.

Because of that, most of the rhetoric we see from those promoting Juneteenth sidesteps the actual issue of slavery. They do so because adherents of modern progressivism do not actually believe in self-ownership, the antithesis of slavery.

Only libertarians have a consistent commitment to self-ownership. We believe that nobody has the right to another’s labor. Nobody can justly claim ownership over another’s body or the fruits of their labor. Progressives do not believe this.

Modern American progressivism can be defined by its commitment to what are called positive rights. Where negative rights entail an obligation not to do something, like murder or steal, positive rights refer to the supposed right to be provided with something, like education or healthcare. When backed by the force of law, positive rights produce a legal system where electing not to use your labor toward some specific end is tantamount to a rights violation—which, therefore, warrants the use of force to compel that labor involuntarily.

These days, the coercion underlying progressive programs is shifted from the service provider to the working professionals taxed to pay for them. The average American works the equivalent of thirty-eight days a year exclusively to fund government programs. For those with higher incomes, that number is closer to sixty-five days. The only problem progressives have with this violent expropriation of wealth through taxation is that there’s not enough of it.

It is ironic that Americans are forced to work to fund a paid day off for federal employees to celebrate the end of involuntary labor. Much more absurd, however, is that much of our taxed income these days is—with the enthusiastic support of the progressive establishment—being sent to the Ukrainian government, which is quite literally enslaving young men and forcing them to fight against the Russians.

And, although it is not active at the moment, the House of Representatives recently passed a bill to automatically register young men for the draft with little to no pushback from progressives.

While detailing the brutality of slavery in colonial Virginia, Murray Rothbard wrotethat the essence of slavery is that “human beings, with their inherent freedom of will, with individual desires and convictions and purposes, are used as capital, as tools for the benefit of their master. The slave is therefore habitually forced into types and degrees of work that he would not have freely undertaken.”

Progressives have demonstrated, through action and rhetoric, that they do not actually find the essence of slavery to be unjust. Their opposition to American chattel slavery is genuine, but it tends to boil down to it being racist.

Only libertarians have a consistent, principled, and ongoing opposition to slavery in all its forms and degrees. The abolition of chattel slavery was a major triumph for human liberty that’s worth commemorating. But we have a lot further to go—thanks in no small part to those most aggressively celebrating today.

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.

7 reasons why Christian leaders fall – Washington Times

FILE - Pastor Robert Morris applauds during a roundtable discussion at Gateway Church Dallas Campus, Thursday, June 11, 2020, in Dallas. A statement issued on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, said that Morris has resigned after a woman said he had abused her on multiple occasions in the 1980s, beginning when she was 12. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE – Pastor Robert Morris applauds during a roundtable discussion at Gateway Church Dallas Campus, Thursday, June 11, 2020, in Dallas. A statement issued on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, said that Morris has resigned after a woman said he had abused her on multiple occasions in the 1980s, beginning when she was 12. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)


Why do Christian leaders like Robert Morris and Tony Evans fall? They fall for the same reason that all Christians fall. Each of us are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When these desires are acted upon, they lead to sin (cf. James 1:14-15).

Sin has a life cycle — it either grows or withers depending on whether we feed or starve it. John Owen, the prolific Puritan author wrote, “Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you.”

Subscribe to have The Washington Times’ Higher Ground delivered to your inbox every Sunday.

Consider the following ways that sin gains entrance:

— Read on www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/19/7-reasons-why-christian-leaders-fall/

Future Shock is Here! | Study – Grow – Know

Several articles I’ve recently read through inform readers of what is happening throughout society that will usher in absolute totalitarianism. R E Nichols on her substack[1], refers to Whitney Webb’s substack[2] (although does not link to any article specific directly dealing with what she discusses in her own article). A third article that won’t be discussed in this article is UPDATE: The Blood Supply Is Contaminated, from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World substack.[3] Readers should keep in mind that none of these articles deal with hyperbole.

Nichols highlights what she believes has been happening through the dogmatic propaganda foisted onto society; a propaganda many to most seem oblivious to. The other article is from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. In this second article, Mihalcea reaches into the past highlighting the books, Future Shock and the follow-up book, After Shock. She goes into some detail regarding what futurists see our future being. Shocking indeed and society is clearly being carried along to that goal regardless of what many people refuse to accept. Many of course, completely fail to see anything shocking about the future (or even the present).

Ultimately, Mihalcea notes in her title, The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances. This technocratic focus on bringing the future into the present relies heavily on concepts and beliefs that are anti-moral, anti-people and anti-God. It is the belief that humanity can become physical gods by merging with technocracy to the point that as Yuval Noah Harari states, “When cars replaced the horse-drawn carriage, we didn’t upgrade horses- we retired them. Perhaps it is time to do the same with Homo sapiens.” In their quest to become gods, they fail to understand the limits God Himself has placed on the human race. They are part of a death cult, plain and simple; Satan’s goal exactly.

Technocracy is borne of the arrogance of super-wealthy Technocrats. They have nothing left to achieve so why not figure out a way to create Human 2.0 and in the process, eliminate humanity as God created us, imposing their new religion on the world at the same time. Mihalcea’s article is an interesting read and I would encourage everyone to read through it. It’s clear that Technocrats mean our harm and even our deaths, for their good, as they work to prepare the way for the next phase of humankind, a combination of technocracy and biology that will allegedly lift humanity from the limits of simply being human, making it possible to “live forever.” Again, Satan’s wishes for humanity and apparently, we are still suckers for it.

According to Nichols’ article, she highlights the many social experiments that have been happening and continue to happen around the globe. In many ways, C0V was a major social experiment and more people are waking up to that fact daily, but not enough. It was through the use of C0V, that fear was ginned to the maximum in order to get people to comply with every mandate issued by local politicians and bureaucrats. Fearful people always comply much more easily to the illogical.

Nichols refers to the mental health system (MHS) as a key example of how all of this was rolled out to global society. In essence, the MHS was studied to determine the best way to “treat” (read: deal with), people who were housed in mental institutions. Let the experimentation begin! Once technocrats best determined how to “treat” inmates in mental health institutions, it was merely a matter of greatly expanding that process to control all of global society. That may sound conspiratorial, but when we study how the threat and fear of C0V was broadly used to lock-down society, keep people away from other people and essentially control where, when and how people were allowed to go in society, it begins to make a great deal of sense.

Nichols notes that within the MHS, there are five individual steps that mental health officials have used to gain and keep control over inmates. What made that easy of course is that inmates were/are imprisoned within physical walls and often within their own rooms. The five steps used there are based somewhat on the compliance model, which uses negative aspects and positive rewards for compliance or lack of it. If a person obeys and is fully compliant, they will be given rewards (generally a return of freedoms previously removed); more freedom or better food or something else. Again, it’s fairly easy to control inmates in a mental health institution because of the walls and locking doors of the facility itself and the walls that individually house inmates in rooms.

But how to take what was learned within the MHS and literally extend it to all of global society? It’s really taking the same five steps and applying it globally, without physical walls of confinement. The steps are as follows:

  1. Disrupt
  2. Confine
  3. Confuse
  4. Conscript
  5. Disable

These five steps, when applied, bring about a major change in the way people think and act and go a long way in completely remaking society. Let’s consider them briefly (and for more detail, read the entire article at Nichols’ substack).

In this stage, it is important to “Inflict sudden severe trauma without the target (or consumer) being fully aware.” This is exactly what occurred with C0V. Officials came out of the chute warning everyone of a pandemic that could obliterate much of the population. They’re also doing it now with “bird flu.”

Because most people have an aversion to dying, this caused tremendous fear. Only some people were aware of the fact that something was weird about the way the whole thing was being handled.

In essence, it seemed to some of us the entire narrative and warnings were being highly exaggerated. It is noteworthy to look back over the past few years and see very clearly that every year the flu hit. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, during the flu season of 2020-2021, flu cases went from the normal millions to virtually nothing, while C0V that same year purportedly went into the millions. It almost seems as though the powers that be simply took the cases/deaths were normally ascribed to the flu and switched it over to the C0V column and exaggerated that as well. Maybe that’s why C0V conveniently occurred during the flu season. Most folks bought it.

The hype surrounding C0V was off the charts. People were told to stay home. Shopping at big box stores, liquor stores and even strip clubs was fine, but avoid churches or especially singing in churches. Family gatherings were firmly discouraged but violent protesting was fine, as long as the people wore masks. People still think masks work.

If people had to go to the hospital due to illness, they were often PCR-tested, placed in the ICU, given Remdesivir and hooked up to a ventilator. Many died due to that combination and more healthcare workers are sounding the alarm (although where were they when people were being murdered in the hospitals?). All of this was done to ramp up the fear level throughout society? It worked.

This is a big one. After we were told C0V was here, we were also told drastic steps were needed to slow the spread of this atrociously deadly disease. People were kept apart. Elderly were not allowed to see or touch family members. They often died alone without comfort of family. In fact, people who were hospitalized even much younger than the elderly, were also kept apart from spouses or other family members. It was done to “slow the spread” but these people died alone. I’m not sure how healthcare doctors and nurses can live with that, except to parrot that they were trying to “save lives” and just “doing our jobs.” That’s what Hitler’s Nazis said at Nuremburg Trials.

Confining people turned out to be mandatory forced isolation. I cannot imagine losing my wife and not even being able to be with her or bring her home to let her die surrounded by me and other family members. All of this was done through the constant fear messaging designed to make people think death was just around the corner for everyone. The more people were confined, the more they were willing to obey in the hopes of regaining at least some of their freedom prior to C0V and to be kept “safe.”

Confusion was officially and intentionally created by Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Walensky and others. These “health” officials became the go-to people and were treated as though gods. What they said we were to obey. The confusing utterances by these paid bureaucrats simply muddied the waters and greatly confused people. First we were told children were the least group to be affected by C0V. Then we learned that they needed to be jabbed and moms-to-be also needed the jab to “save” their unborn child (but I thought it was just a clump of fetal cells?). Just like in MHS, the messages given to society were meant to be confusing and depressing. They needed us to think that the world has changed so drastically and was never going back to what it had been previously, that without adopting new behaviors and standards, society was doomed.

In reality, the world did change but only artificially because the new narrative was pushed so vehemently and without let up. The terrible part is that they are still doing it today with growing warnings about the coming “bird flu” pandemic. They’re preparing the minds of people to be in great fear, even going so far as to cull millions of chickens and some cows. Birx wants every cow tested (using the unreliable PCR test). This is all by design as they want us living in fear so that we will be compliant to their mandates. The goal is not our health but to control all people throughout the world. If deaths occur, oh well.

The fact that they continue pushing their fearful narrative is sickening, yet it works for too many people who are very willing to do exactly what they are told to avoid dying. Yet, death comes in many ways, not simply through a pandemic. There are roughly 100,000 deaths daily from many reasons. People forget this though when faced with a “pandemic.”

Nichols notes that the measures to control people through confusing narratives should always be based in negatives leading to depression in people. The word “don’t” should be used often with increasing emphasis. Don’t leave your house. Don’t go to stores. Don’t go outside without a mask. Don’t forget to get the next jab, etc.

This is where people are conscripted (willfully coerced) into doing something but usually without realizing it. This step uses people who are essentially “useful idiots.” They can’t think for themselves as they push the official narrative. Many doctors were part of this during C0V and now we are finding out that many were paid for their efforts by Pharma.

Others used are family members and even ministers. They only know what they are told and because they are family (or church leaders), they have the ability to help others “see the light.” It’s all about getting the world to understand that we can get through this, if everyone will comply and do their part. This has been done often throughout history, even with Margaret Sanger’s abortion clinics, who used black ministers to help make black women feel more safe about an abortion.

During C0V, when things got worse because Fauci forbid the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to treat C0V (pushing Remdesivir), the blame game went into high gear there as well. It didn’t matter that many to most people who had been jabbed were the ones who were dying, not the unjabbed (though it was said then that it was the unjabbed who were dying). The blame game shined the light on the “anti-vaxxers” in society. Even if you had routine vaccines but not the C0V jab, you became labeled “anti-vaxxer.” Even now The WHO’s Tedros is ramping up anger and vilification against the so-called “anti-vaxxers.” He wants everyone to push back against those who refused the C0V jab because of the alleged problems we create in society. There are still enough critically-stunted people who will see this as a credible and necessary approach.

This one is the final step and leads to the ultimate goal. Nichols notes that this step is designed for, “Causing long term disability to create permanent dependence on the System…” Those who aren’t killed by the jab often have ongoing permanent disabilities. There are millions of examples of people who have been seriously harmed with the C0V jab. They often have some form of paralysis. Their speech and motor movements are dramatically affected. Some end up in wheelchairs or in bed because they cannot support their own body weight or experience ongoing systemic uncontrollable seizures. They have many physical problems that people like Fauci, the government and Pharma continually ignore.

But don’t worry because according to Schwab, we will own nothing and be happy, even if we are permanently disabled. This will likely occur through drugs and the digital world where people can immerse themselves and “enjoy” the fake reality there and not miss real life that much. Consider all the movies over the past number of years that have dealt with this particular subject priming people for it; Avatar, Ready Player One, etc. In these movies, people found “freedom” by immersing into the digital world and doing what they cannot do in real life. Nichols ends her article with these statements.

The disabling stage should be incremental. The true physical disabling should be subtle. Dismiss it as side effects. Say, “It’s better than suffering from Bipolar or getting sick with Covid.” Or, “Your suffering would be worse without your safe and effective treatments.” Slight brain injuries and autoimmune issues are ideal.

I’ve lost count of how many posts I’ve seen from people who say something like, “I’m sick from C0V again but imagine how much worse it would be if I hadn’t gotten jabbed,” or thoughts like that. They tend to explain away their myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain–Barré, seizures and everything else with, “just think how bad it could have been!

It’s like watching someone poke themselves with a knife and exclaiming, “I can only imagine how much this would hurt if I hadn’t sharpened my knife first!” It’s idiocy but they believe they see things intelligently.

For those who remain alive following C0V/CoV jab, the recommended “treatments” are intended to make people fully dependent on the system. People will get their food, supplies and everything else from the hand of Big Brother who really loves us and will, in turn, be loved by the people.

There is quite a bit being written today on unorthodox methods of dealing with cancers. Do you think Big Pharma/Big Medicine goes along with that? No, they continue to push chemo and radiation that has zero guarantees. Yet, more doctors are noting the praises of some repurposed drugs among other things to eradicate cancer. If you’re not sick, you do not need the rely on the medical industry and that industry loses money.

Nichols also notes that the disable step is not yet completed.

Disable—the final stage—has not yet been completed. But from glancing at the WEF’s not-so-secret plans, I can see how much it resembles the mental health system or psychiatric welfare state. Not a pleasant system to live under! And the federal government (has) been funding it throughout the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, and Europe.

The best thing we the people can do is resist for as long as possible. If powerful people aren’t pushing their narrative bathed in abject fear, they dangle in front of us promises of things being voluntary to regain lost freedoms. Digital IDs? Digital currency? Fake meat? 15-minute cities? All of these will be introduced as voluntary measures at first, but will become mandatory. If most people globally refuse, they’ll have a much harder time making these things mandatory.

What are you going to do? What is your response to the increasing drive to totalitarianism? If you cannot see it, I’m sorry for you. Look beyond your personal space to see the bigger picture.

The five steps used in the MHS have been extended it to the entire world. We are living in a mental health facility without walls right now. It happened because too many people feared the possibility of death. I have news about that troubling aspect of life. No one gets out of here alive. Death will come for all of us.

In the meantime, you can, if you want, become impervious to the fear used to generate the chosen narrative. Laugh at it. Decide how you will live your life. Be free as you intentionally focus on God and His provision for you.

1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2 NKJV)

[1] https://rnichols.substack.com/p/installing-medical-totalitarianism

[2] https://unlimitedhangout.com/

[3] https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/update-the-blood-supply-is-contaminated-a25

Netanyahu: White House Withheld Weapons from | CBN NewsWatch – June 19, 2024 – YouTube

As Hezbollah issues new threats against Israel, a rift develops between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden Administration, as the Israeli leader says “it’s inconceivable… the Administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel,” which the White House denies, but Senator Mitch McConnell blames election-year politics for interfering with Israel’s right to defend itself; Hezbollah releases drone footage showing targets deep inside Israel, as top Israeli generals approve plans for an offensive against Hezbollah; how Hamas uses civilian deaths for propaganda to influence the media and public opinion; Christian baker Jack Phillips back before Colorado Supreme Court because he refused to make a gender transition cake; how inflation is forcing so many Americans to live paycheck to paycheck; artist Reginald C. Adams bringing the history of Juneteenth to life through murals across the country; and our Studio 5 conversation with Christian singer Matthew West about his new devotional, “My Story, Your Glory.”

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown | Victor Davis Hanson

Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown

The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. Celebrities, the Squad, and Biden administration grandees vie to conjure up the most nightmarish things that Trump might do to them.

What drives their current mounting hysteria?

1) The Left feels it may be heading to an historic 1972 McGovern-like or 1980 Carteresque blowout. And it is terrified at this late date that it cannot do anything either about the escalating dementia of Joe Biden, or the terror instilled by the specter of either a President or continued Vice-President Kamala Harris.

2) It knows that a first-term novice Trump had a successful four years, and that he now is savvier four years later—and far more likely and able to overturn the entire four-year Biden catastrophe and thus enjoy an even more successful second term.

3) It fears that all it did to destroy democracy—the Russian collusion hoax, the Russian disinformation laptop farce, the two first-term impeachments the moment the Republicans lost the House, the Senate trial of ex-President Trump as a private citizen, the effort to remove Trump from state ballots, and the five criminal and civil show trials designed to bankrupt the leading presidential candidate and keep him off the campaign trail—might boomerang on the Left.

So, it is in full panic that its unconstitutional efforts to destroy Trump will obviously be used against itself—given it knows that if it returned to power it would go after its enemies in precisely the same, any-means-necessary ways that it had sought to destroy Trump. That is, they have destroyed norms and have established dangerous new precedents that they just assume, given their Jacobin nature, must rebound against themselves.

4) The Left is terrified that growing voter repugnance now extends even to traditional Democratic constituencies—Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Jews, the young, and even the college educated. And the Left privately grasps that these defections are fueled not just by the obnoxiousness and dementia of Joe Biden, but due to his far-left agendas that left us with abhorrent inflation, wild unsustainable federal deficits, a lethal open border, 10-million unaudited and often dangerous illegal aliens, foreign policy catastrophes, woke racial and tribal disunity, spiraling urban crime, and cultural extremism. Leftists accept that while in secret they blame the cognitively challenged Joe for their dilemmas, deep-down they know that “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves”—that is, in their own failed revolution that has utterly repulsed Americans and nearly destroyed the country.

5) In the next five months, the Left and Democrats know that they must pander to try to save themselves. But the more Biden panders, the more obvious, repugnant, and counterproductive the pandering becomes. The public is growing sick of Biden’s 11th-hour groveling to save himself from his self-created oblivion. And the more in his last days as President he drains even more the strategic petroleum reserve, the more he cancels student loan debt, the more he abandons Israel to win a few thousand votes in Michigan, the more he pressures the Fed to lower interest rates, the more he flips on tariffs, and the more he grants blanket amnesties to illegal aliens—all the more the country at large becomes disgusted at the low effort to temporarily appease particular voting blocs at the expense of the general interest of the country.

6) As we watch the Left go through the proverbial cycles of “denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance”, it will increasingly deny the accuracy of supposedly inaccurate swing state polls, then angrily damn the supposedly clueless, deplorable electorate, then turn to all sorts of dreams of remedies (changing or violating more voting laws being the most prominent), then get sullen about the entire American project, and only finally accept the inevitable of what likely lies ahead.


Trump Calls Out ‘Democrats’ New Form of Cheating’ as House Republicans Attempt to Fight Back

Democrats are refusing to put teeth in federal laws that bar illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections, according to former President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.

“THE DEMOCRATS’ NEW FORM OF CHEATING!” Trump posted on Truth Social as he linked to a New York Post report on illegal immigrants registering to vote.

The Post report noted that in most states, illegal immigrants getting welfare benefits, driving licenses and other government services to receive voter registration forms automatically.

The report noted that while it is illegal for non-citizens to vote in a federal election, there is no requirement when filing a ballot application to prove that a potential voter is a citizen.

Palestinian State Still A Bad Idea as Population Embraces Hamas | Sara A. Carter

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Follow Steve Postal: @HebraicMosaic


While the Biden administration and the world continues to peddle a Palestinian state, more evidence suggests that this remains a bad idea. The Palestinian Center for Policy andSurvey Research (PSR) recently surveyed 1,570 Palestinian adults, 760 of which were face-to-face interviews of West Bank residents and 750 were face-to-face Gaza residents.  The results from the survey suggest Palestinian society is awash with extreme opinions that run counter to peace with Israel. In some cases, the survey suggests that West Bank Palestinians harbor even more radical views than their Gazan counterparts. As the most recent polling from this survey (from May or June 2024) indicates:

West Bank Palestinians support Hamas.

 71 percent of West Bank Palestinians and 46 percent of Gazan Palestinians said they preferred that Hamas control the Gaza Strip;
 82 percent of West Bank Palestinians and 64 percent of Gazan Palestinians had a favorable view of Hamas;
 76 percent of West Bank Palestinians and 50 percent of Gazan Palestinians had a favorable view of Yahya Sinwar, the arch-terrorist who orchestrated the October 7 attack against Israel. (Fatah, who presumably the Biden administration and the West wants Israel to strike a deal with, only received 25 percent favorability in the West Bank and 23 percent in the Gaza Strip, with PA President Mahmoud Abbas scoring 8 percent and 14 percent favorability scores, respectively.)
 41 percent of West Bank Palestinians stated they support Hamas, compared with only 17 percent for Fatah.
 In a hypothetical three-way election, 47 percent of West Bank Palestinians would vote for imprisoned arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, 23 percent would vote for Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and only 2 percent would vote for PA President Abbas. In a two-way hypothetical race, 46 percent of West Bank Palestinians would vote for Haniyehwith only 5 percent voting for Abbas.
 Sixty-two percent of West Bank Palestinians believe that Hamas will control Gaza after the war, compared with only 46 percent of Gazan Palestinians.
 When asked who will win the war, 79 percent of West Bank Palestinians, compared with 48 percent of Gazan Palestinians, said Hamas.

West Bank Palestinians support violence.

 When asked the best means for achieving Palestinian goals in ending the “occupation” and building an independent state, armed struggle (52 percent) far outpaced negotiations (26 percent) and peaceful popular protest (14 percent) among West Bank Palestinians.
 When asked if Hamas’ decision to launch its October 7thattack was correct or incorrect, 73 percent of West Bank Palestinians (compared with 57 percent of Gazan Palestinians) said that it was correct.
 Sixty-two percent of West Bank Palestinians support an armed intifada to break the political stalemate.

West Bank Palestinians support jihadi regional political forces, not moderate ones.

 When asked about several actors’ role in the war, Yemen received the highest favorability ranking among West Bank Palestinians (at 86 percent), followed by Hezbollah (57 percent), Qatar (51 percent) and Iran (43 percent). Countries with peace accords with Israel received paltry scores, with Jordan garnering 10 percent and Egypt only 5 percent favorability.
 About 75 percent of Palestinians surveyed (West Bank and Gazan populations combined) rejected a Saudi-Israel peace deal, even if this furthered a Palestinian state.

The PSR study suggests that any Palestinian state that emerges in the West Bank will likely be comprised of a restive Hamas- and violence-supporting population. This runs counter to the trite belief that the Arab-Israeli conflict can be solved by the formation of a Palestinian state. True and durable progress in Arab-Israeli relations can only come with the deepening and broadening of the Abraham Accords.

— Read on saraacarter.com/palestinian-state-still-a-bad-idea-as-population-embraces-hamas/

Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly | Christian Research Network

“Perhaps the most notable institutional example of the drift from affirming the inerrancy of Scripture to affirming the infallibility of Scripture was Fuller Theological Seminary

. Its original statement of faith (written several years after its founding in 1947) contained the following article on Scripture: “The books which form the canon of the Old and New Testaments as originally given are plenarily [fully] inspired and free from all error in the whole and in the part.” – Ken Silva

(Protestia) Fuller Theological Seminary is an interdenominational evangelical seminary nestled in the heart of Pasadena, California. Founded in 1947 with over 2300 students from 110 denominations, they have a pretty standard statement of faith that allows a range of thought and beliefs as they try to navigate between neo-orthodoxy and theological liberalism, seeking to find a middle ground.  

In actuality, however, liberals long ago captured Fuller, and it has become a cauldron of progressive theology and bad beliefs about the bible despite its lofty claims to the contrary. Vast swaths of faculty and students hate Jesus and the scriptures, and they have bought in wholesale to the spirit of the age.

If you want to lose your faith, Fuller is a great place to be. View article →


Fuller Theological Seminary

Homosexual – LGBTQ Agenda

— Read on christianresearchnetwork.org/2024/06/19/fuller-theological-seminary-ponders-lifting-prohibitions-on-same-sex-activity-be-more-lgbtq-friendly/

Schmitt: Biden Amnesty Plan a Naked Power Grab | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/19/24) – YouTube

Today’s top headline news brief from NEWSMAX includes:
4:02] -Greg Kelly asks why Juneteenth is a federal holiday. [Greg Kelly Reports]
7:30] -MLB fans mourn the passing of baseball legend Willie Mays at 93.
10:13] -Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt says that Biden’s amnesty plan for half a million illegals is a naked power grab. [Rob Schmitt Tonight]
11:35] -Donald Trump rallies in Wisconsin ahead of next month’s RNC Convention. [Newsmax Breaking]
17:34] -Trump surrogate Karoline Leavitt: “Joe Biden puts illegals over American citizens.” [Wake Up America]
20:20] -Newsmax’s Sarah Williamson goes to Maryland to speak with the sheriff that led the investigation into the murder of Rachael Morin, a mother of five. [National Report]

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

White House cancels Iran meeting with Israel after Netanyahu scolds US over weapons

The White House canceled a high-level meeting with Israel that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video claiming the US
 was withholding military aid, according to a report.

US Officials Try to Avert a War Between Israel and Hezbollah | Faith Nation – June 19, 2024 – YouTube

As Israel Fights a War Against Hamas: the Latest on the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza.

Record Setting Heat Sets the Stage for Destructive Wildfires.

The Unwavering Mission To Spread to the Good News in Ukraine.

All This, and More, on Faith Nation.

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Hezbollah Attacks Increase; US Urges Restraint | Jerusalem Dateline – June 19, 2024 – YouTube

Increased Hezbollah attacks as the Biden admin. urges Israel to trust diplomacy. Dr. Mordechai Kedar on radical Islam’s media jihad. Interview with Noa Tishby & Emmanuel Acho on “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew” and US/UK pastors visit Israel.

CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates “LGBTQI+ children” with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn’t about inclusion—it’s a horrific display of moral bankruptcy.

Concerns grow over press freedom in Ukraine – NYT — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Restrictions and pressure on the media are going beyond wartime security needs, local journalists told the paper

Concerns grow over press freedom in Ukraine – NYT

FILE PHOTO: Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky speaks during a Q&A session with the media.
 ©  Gints Ivuskans


 journalists and monitoring groups have sounded the alarm over attempts to curtail press freedom in the country under Vladimir Zelensky, the New York Times

 has reported.

According to media workers, restrictions and pressure on them from the government go beyond Ukraine’s security needs amid the conflict with Russia, the paper said in an article on Tuesday.

The authorities in Kiev are trying to make sure that the opposition, in particular the party of former president Petro Poroshenko, does not get positive coverage in the press, and that the government and the military are never criticized, the report read.

Late last year, management at the state-run news agency, Ukrinform, provided a list of opposition figures, activists and elected officials labeled “undesirable” for quoting in its articles, according to the NYT. Those blacklisted included the mayor of Lviv, Andrey Sadovoy, who is viewed as a possible future presidential candidate, it added.

The deputy director of Ukrinform, Marina Singaevskaya, resigned this year over what she described as political meddling by the authorities.

“If we name desirable and undesirable speakers, it is a big step back for democracy,” Yury Stryhun, a reporter with Ukrinform, told the outlet.

Read more

Head of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Kirill Budanov
Telegram a ‘huge’ problem for Ukraine – intel chief

Stryhun said he received a notice to renew his draft registration one day after he appeared on Suspilne broadcaster to talk about the government’s guidelines for journalists. The timing of the notice was “suspicious,” he added.

Last month, Ukrainian media watchdog, Detector Media, said members of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party accounted for some 70% of political guests on the Telemarathon, a round-the-clock multi-channel broadcast set up by the Kiev government as a single source of televised information about the conflict with Russia, during the first quarter of this year.

The only broadcaster that gave airtime to representatives of Poroshenko’s European

 Solidarity party during the Telemarathon was Suspilne, which had since withdrawn from the project. The channel’s leadership said its decision to quit the Telemarathon was linked to pressure from the government, the report read.

The paper noted that the Ukrainian authorities also had “tense relationships” with Western media throughout the conflict as they revoked military press passes for journalists from several outlets, including the NYT, following reports criticizing the military. However, credentials were later restored, it added.

It also mentioned a story that made headlines in Ukraine in January, when it was revealed that Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) officers had spied on reporters attending a holiday party of an investigative news website, Bihus, by drilling peepholes in their hotel rooms.

READ MORE: Ukrainians tired of ‘state propaganda’ on TV – NYT

“The only way people can change things for the better is through journalism. That’s why some people in the government try their best to control it,” Sevgil Musaeva, the editor in chief of Ukrainskaya Pravda national news outlet, told the NYT.

— Read on www.rt.com/russia/599543-ukraine-press-freedom-zelensky/