The Nukes of Hazard | The NEWSMAX Daily (06/20/24) – YouTube

Today’s top headline news brief from NEWSMAX includes:
2:57] – Russia and N. Korea strengthen ties. National Security Analyst Rebecca Grant explains why this is really bad news. [National Report]
5:06] – Newsmax contributor Walid Phares criticizes Biden’s handling of Israel. [National Report]
8:24] – Victor Davis Hanson believes the majority of Americans will benefit from Trump presidency. [Carl Higbie Frontline]
13:32] – Rob Schmitt: “Democrats are in trouble and they know it.” [Rob Schmitt Tonight]
15:57] – Dr. Ben Carson: “Trump has a wealth of good candidates for Vice President.” [Newsline]
18:59] – Gov. Jeff Landry signs a bill that requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in all public classrooms in Louisiana.

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