8 Warning Signs of a Narcissistic Pastor

8 Warning Signs of a Narcissistic Pastor

Narcissism is when people are excessively interested in themselves or admire themselves too much. You would hope that the words “narcissism” and “pastor” would never be associated with each other, but unfortunately, they often are. While this does not apply to every pastor, there are some narcissistic pastors in our pulpits today. Who knows, maybe one is standing in the pulpit of your church. While it is sad to have even to write these words, there are some signs of pastors who are too full of themselves.

I will admit some of these behaviors sicken me, so please do pray for me. Also, keep in mind that these warning signs must be taken together to know if a pastor struggles with narcissism. We cannot simply apply the label to every pastor we dislike. We can use the information to consider if something is off with the current pastor we are spending time with.


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