Daily Archives: June 30, 2024

God So Loved – Listen to From the MLJ Archive with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Jun 29, 2024

Colossians 1:14 — In this sermon on Colossians 1:14 titled “God So Loved,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on clarifying the role of Christ in the gospel. And the question Dr. Lloyd-Jones seeks to answer: Why did Christ come? The answer, as Paul also points out, is that Christ came to redeem people from their sin. However, this great task is different from the other things God has done, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. God’s redeeming act is not like creation, where He only had to speak. Salvation is much greater, more personal than creation. God sent Christ, with the body and blood of a man, to die so that His blood may cover those who believe. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones reveals that most of the world does not see Christ this way. The world sees Christ as a great pacifist, His death as the ultimate example of pacifism. Others see Jesus as a great moral teacher. However, Dr. Lloyd-Jones dispels these claims, for it is not pacifism or teaching that saves a soul. Salvation is only possible through Christ’s death on the cross. And in response to such a great gift, he encourages those who believe to praise God for such unfathomable love.

— Read on www.oneplace.com/ministries/living-grace/listen/god-so-loved-1173357.html

The Eternal Son of God – Listen to From the MLJ Archive with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Jun 30, 2024

Colossians 1:18 — Who is Jesus? Many think of Jesus as the baby born in Bethlehem sung about in Christmas carols. Others think of Him as a great prophet and teacher. While these are both true to a degree, neither captures the fullness of the biblical teaching in all its glory. In this sermon on Colossians 1:18 titled “The Eternal Son of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that Jesus is in fact the very image of God. Jesus is uncreated, eternal, and omnipotent. All things were created in Him, through Him, and for Him. He is the eternal son of God who upholds the whole universe by the power of His word, yet He became a man in order to save sinners and make them fellow heirs with God. He died upon a cross in the place of sinners, and rose from the dead on the third day. While many do not like this Jesus, this is the Jesus of history explained in the Scripture. This is the Jesus that not only saves sinners, but also redeems the whole world. It is only the true Jesus Christ that can save sinners and make them holy before God.

— Read on www.oneplace.com/ministries/living-grace/listen/the-eternal-son-of-god-1173380.html

June 30 Evening Verse of the Day

Although Jesus was testing the disciples’ faith, He understood their frailty. He calmed their fear by saying simply, Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid. In spite of the raging winds, the waves battering against the boat, and their fear-stricken minds, they immediately recognized their Master’s voice.

It was not the time for an explanation of why He was there, of what He planned to do next, or of why He had not come sooner. It was time to give courage, to still the storm that raged within the disciples, even before stilling the one that raged without.

Jesus did not walk on the water to teach the disciples how to do it. Peter tried and failed; and there is no record of any of the others ever doing it at all. The Lord’s purpose was to demonstrate His loving willingness to do whatever is necessary to rescue His children. He did not have to walk on the water to save them, but His doing so gave them an unforgettable reminder of the power and extent of His divine protection. It was not to teach them to walk on water but to teach them that God can and will act on behalf of His own.

We will never find ourselves in a place where Christ cannot find us; and no storm is too severe for Him to save us from it. He protects His own, whom He will never fail or forsake (Josh. 1:5; Heb. 13:5). The lesson for the disciples is the lesson for us: There is no reason for God’s people to fear. There is no reason for anxiety, no matter how hopeless and threatening our problems seem to be. Life is often stormy and painful, often threatening and frightening. Some believers suffer more than others, but all suffer at some time and in some way. In spite of that, the storm is never so severe, the night never so black, and the boat never so frail that we risk danger beyond our Father’s care.

When Paul was on the ship taking him to Rome to appear before Caesar, it encountered an exceptionally violent storm in the Mediterranean Sea near the island of Crete. After the crew had thrown all the cargo, tackle, supplies, and food overboard, the ship was still in danger of foundering on the rocks. Paul had warned they should remain in the safety of the port at Fair Havens through the winter, but his advice was not heeded by the centurion or the pilot of the ship. When everyone else on board had despaired of reaching land alive, an angel appeared to Paul assuring him that, although the ship would be lost, no lives would be. Yet even before the angel’s message, Paul, unlike the fearful disciples, was at perfect peace and offered encouragement to those on the ship with him, saying, “Keep up your courage, men, for I believe God, that it will turn out exactly as I have been told” (Acts 27:25).

So the disciples who were reluctant to leave Jesus and go to Capernaum obeyed by rowing out into the storm they knew was coming, and Jesus honored their faithfulness. When believers are in the place of obedience they are in the place of safety, no matter what the circumstances. The place of security is not the place of favorable circumstance but the place of obedience to God’s will.[1]

27. Take heart is, as in 9:2, 22, an assurance for those who have good reason for fear: it does not indicate that the crisis is not real, but that in the presence of Jesus fear can be dismissed. It is I (egō eimi) is an expression used by Jesus at other moments of revelation (Mark 14:62; Luke 24:39; John 8:58; 18:5–6), and it may not be fanciful to see in it an echo of the divine name in Exodus 3:14, here connecting the one who has power over the sea with the God who made it.[2]

This incident, too, has many applications, for how often do not believers ascribe their unpleasant experiences to the machinations of some sinister power, when in reality they are the manifestations of Christ’s loving care? How frequently does not that which at first appears to be a stumbling-block turn out to be a stepping-stone to glory? See Gen. 42:36; 50:20; Rom. 8:28. Continued: 27. At once Jesus spoke to them, Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid [or: stop being afraid]. The bracing words, “Take courage” or “Be of good cheer,” so characteristic of Christ, have been discussed in connection with 9:2; see on that passage. “It is I,” hence, it is the very Lord who has chosen you as his disciples, has been guiding you step by step, and has already given you so many proofs of his power and love. So, do not be afraid.

Is it not encouraging how very often in Scripture God—or Jesus Christ—tells his people, “Do not be afraid”? A partial list of passages in which this exhortation is found would be Josh. 1:9; 11:6; 2 Kings 19:6; 2 Chron. 20:15; 32:7; Neh. 4:14; Ps. 49:16 (cf. 27:1); 91:5; Isa. 10:24; 37:6; 44:8; Matt. 17:7; 28:10; Mark 5:36; Luke 12:4; John 14:1, 27; Acts 18:9; 1 Peter 3:14. If even we today receive encouragement from the reading of these many assurances, and thrill when we listen to F. Mendelssohn’s “Be not afraid” (from The Elijah), how unforgettably precious must not the comfort have been which the disciples received when by means of this brief command, spoken by the One they adored, they were lifted in one moment from crushing fear to exuberant joy! Moreover, this “Be not afraid” is well-founded. It is firmly anchored in limitless power and infinite, intensely personal love.[3]

[1] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (Vol. 2, pp. 441–442). Moody Press.

[2] France, R. T. (1985). Matthew: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 1, p. 242). InterVarsity Press.

[3] Hendriksen, W., & Kistemaker, S. J. (1953–2001). Exposition of the Gospel According to Matthew (Vol. 9, pp. 600–601). Baker Book House.

July 2 – Hezekiah’s Tunnel | VCY

  2 Kings 20:1-22:2
  Acts 21:18-36
  Psalm 150:1-6
  Proverbs 18:9-10

2 Kings 20:5 — How does prayer work? Prayer in itself doesn’t, but the God that we talk to through prayer does work! He can deliver a king from an invading army. He can cure an incurable disease. And He acts “for mine own sake” (2 Kings 20:6).

2 Kings 20:18 — The King of Israel will have descendants who will be unable to have descendants and who will serve the King of Babylon. Why? Likely because Berodach-baladan (Merodach-baladan in Isaiah 39:1) was given a royal tour, but the tour didn’t give the glory to the God who saved the life and empire of the king. How do we surmise this? The Queen of Sheba visited, and she saw all of Solomon’s splendor (1 Kings 10:5). But how did the Queen of Sheba respond? Praising the LORD God (1 Kings 10:9)! If Berodach-baladan praised the LORD for the situation of Hezekiah, I think it would have been recorded.

2 Kings 20:20 — Hezekiah’s tunnel was rediscovered by the adopted son of Horatio Spafford, author of the hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.” Here’s a quick 5-minute video explaining what Hezekiah’s Tunnel did:

2 Kings 21:3 — Let’s pray that our children follow us as we follow the LORD, and that they turn not from His ways!

2 Kings 22:2 — Praise the LORD that God can use the grandson of an evil king to serve Him!

Acts 21:21 — Yes, the grace of God came upon the Gentiles! Not that they were free from law but free from Moses’ Law. Moses only had 613 commandments. Of them, many dealt with the temple. But the temple is no longer a place where God dwells because God now dwells within us. We can go directly to Him not having to depend upon a priest. Now, the New Testament contains over 1,000 imperatives that apply to the Christian seeking to know God’s statutes!

Acts 21:30 — When God is at work, the entire city is moved!

Psalm 150:6 — As we finish the Psalms, it’s as if the Psalmist has run out of things to declare and simply says, “Everything that hath breath, praise the LORD!” May we praise Him as well!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Deliverance Not Limited | VCY

He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. (Job 5:19)

Eliphaz in this spoke the truth of God. We may have as many troubles as the workdays of the week, but the God who worked on those six days will work for us till our deliverance is complete. We shall rest with Him and in Him on our Sabbath. The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith. Before we have recovered from one blow it is followed by another and another till we are staggered. Still, the equally quick succession of deliverances is exceedingly cheering. New songs are rung out upon the anvil by the hammer of affliction, till we see in the spiritual world the antitype of “the Harmonious Blacksmith.” Our confidence is that when the Lord makes our trials six, six they will be and no more.

It may be that we have no rest day, for seamen troubles come upon us. What then? “In seven there shall be no evil touch thee.” Evil may roar at us, but it shall be kept at more than arm’s length and shall not even touch us. Its hot breath may distress us, but its little finger cannot be laid upon us.

With our loins girt about us, we will meet the six or the seven troubles and leave fear to those who have no Father, no Savior, and no Sanctifier.

Night of Weeping; Joyous Day | VCY

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

A moment under our Father’s anger seems very long, and yet it is but a moment after all. If we grieve His Spirit, we cannot look for His smile; but He is a God ready to pardon, and He soon puts aside all remembrance of our faults. When we faint and are ready to die because of His frown, His favor puts new life into us.

This verse has another note of the semi-quaver kind. Our weeping night soon turns into joyous day. Brevity is the mark of mercy in the hour of the chastisement of believers. The Lord loves not to use the rod on His chosen; He gives a blow or two, and all is over; yea, and the life and the joy, which follow the anger and the weeping, more than make amends for the salutary sorrow.

Come, my heart, begin thy hallelujahs! Weep not all through the night, but wipe thine eyes in anticipation of the morning. These tears are dews which mean us as much good as the sunbeams of the morrow. Tears clear the eyes for the sight of God in His grace and make the vision of His favor more precious. A night of sorrow supplies those shades of the pictures by which the highlights are brought out with distinctness. All is well.

The Seriousness of Sin – Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL

Sin is serious business. It is because of sin that all of us are born spiritually separated from God. Thankfully, Jesus died for our sins and has given us the chance to have our relationship with God restored by faith in the redemptive work of the cross. Imagine, Adam and Eve’s one sin of disobedience caused all of humanity to fall into sin.

And while sin can clearly be defined as doing anything that breaks God’s laws there is an even deeper aspect of sin that I would like to share, which Pastor Adrian Rogers touched on when he said: “Sin is not just breaking God’s laws; it is breaking His heart.”1

My friends Jesus loves you so much that He willingly died on Calvary’s cross to cancel your lifetime of sins and redeem you from the penalty of eternal damnation. While our sins as a believer won’t cause us to lose our salvation, these same sins break God’s heart. And the more we understand how we disappoint God through our sinning I pray that this will motivate us to avoid sin at all costs. For the more we fall in love with Jesus the last thing we will want to do is sin against His wonderful name and nature. (Proverbs 16:6) can be very helpful here for it reads: “…And by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil.” The more we reverence God the less we will ever want to sin against Him.

Reverencing and praising God puts a smile on God’s face while sinning breaks His heart. We owe everything to God and He has done so much for us. Isn’t it time we draw so close to Him that the last thing on our minds would be to sin against His nature and name. Instead, let’s plan our day by spending time in prayer and thinking how we can do things to glorify His name and just enjoy His marvelous presence in our lives. I guarantee you will be blessed! 

1 28 Adrian Rogers Quotes | ChristianQuotes.info

The post The Seriousness of Sin appeared first on Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL.

— Read on bibleapologetics.org/the-seriousness-of-sin-2/

30 June 2024 News Briefing

The Devil Is Driving The Global Antisemitism… Why Would Any Christian Side With Him?
There is a growing mindset today that as long as you believe in Jesus and that He was raised from the dead, the rest of what you believe is of no consequence. You can believe some of the Bible or none of the Bible, or even things outside of the Bible, and still have the expectation of arriving in heaven. The problems with this thinking are many, … “I am a believer in Christ who doesn’t believe all the Bible is true.”

University of Minnesota President Admits Agreeing to Anti-Israel Terms to End Protest Despite Not Understanding Language
University of Minnesota interim president Jeff Ettinger told the state senate on Tuesday that he signed an agreement to appease pro-Hamas student activists and end their illegal occupation of the campus despite not understanding the inclusion of an Arabic word justifying the use of violence against Israel. “That was a mistake by our administration,”

Germany bans neo-Nazi song rendition chanted by Euro soccer fans
The phrase “L’amour Toujours” means “love forever” in French. Ironically, the song — in its new rendition — has been turned into an anthem for xenophobia. The song, originally released in the early 2000s, has gained traction among far-right groups, and even young Germans have started chanting to the opening music: “Auslander raus, Deutschland den Deutschen,” (Foreigners out, Germany for the Germans.)

Strong black support for campaign to unmask Hamas supporters in New York
A coalition of faith and civil leaders is demanding that New York State reinstate its law banning wearing masks in public places after months of violent anti-Israel protesters wearing face coverings. The campaign, called Unmask NY, has garnered the support of Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City.

Gog of Magog: Who Is The Russian Leader At The Center Of The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy?
Today’s events in the Middle East, though not direct fulfillments of Ezekiel’s prophecies, strikingly foreshadow them; and a survey of Ezekiel 38 in its context reveals that the events Ezekiel described may be on the horizon.

Top teachers union representatives to vote on anti-Israel measures
Controversial votes that have caught the attention of American Jewish groups include denying a connection between antisemitism and anti-Zionism; supporting the BDS movement against Israel; and affirming the nakba, or “catastrophe” that Palestinians consider to be the creation of modern-day Israel in 1948.

‘Iran fighting seven-front war on Israel’ – Netanyahu
Israel has a ‘long battle’ ahead, warns Netanyahu, saying Iran is working to topple the Jordanian government and encircle Israel on all sides.

The Dems can’t make Biden leave if he won’t go
Biden can (and very well might) tell them to all go to hell. The Democrats had plenty of time to edge Biden out. Despite all the talk, no one seriously tried to do it. Now they’re stuck.

Biden’s ‘reformed PA’ marketing strategy
The Biden administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said this week “it is essential that the Palestinian Authority work to reform itself and that it do so as quickly as possible.” The entire idea is just a ploy to impose a Palestinian state on the Israelis.

US sends USS Wasp assault ship and Marines to eastern Mediterranean
The U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the Marines aboard are being sent to the eastern Mediterranean to serve as a deterrent and provide the U.S. military with options as tensions continue to rise between Hezbollah and Israel along the border with Lebanon, according to three U.S. officials.

Israel may transfer up to 8 Patriot batteries to Ukraine even as war in Israel’s north heats up
Israel is in talks with the United States and Ukraine about sending up to eight Patriot batteries to Ukraine, unnamed sources said on Thursday. The Patriot batteries have been on loan to Israel from the U.S. for several years and they were recently taken off the field, as they were being replaced with newer systems,

Iran threatens to ‘obliterate’ Israel as Hezbollah strikes northern Israel over the weekend
As diplomatic efforts seem to be failing so far and Hezbollah continues its incessant attacks against northern Israel, the Iranian regime on Friday threatened to join Hezbollah against Israel in the event of an all-out war. “All options, incl. the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” it added Iran’s so-called “resistance fronts” include its proxy militias, such as Hezbollah, the Yemeni Houthis, and various militias in Syria and Iraq, all of which have taken part in the attacks against Israel since last October.

Iran to hold runoff election with reformist Pezeshkian and hard-liner Jalili after low-turnout vote
Iran will hold a runoff presidential election pitting a little-known reformist against a hard-line former nuclear negotiator after results released Saturday showed the lowest-ever poll turnout in the Islamic Republic’s history. More than 60% of voters cast no ballot in the race that saw reformist Masoud Pezeshkian best Saeed Jalili, who competed alongside two other hard-liners.

Obstruction Law Ruling
The US Supreme Court yesterday ruled federal prosecutors improperly relied on an obstruction law used in charging over 300 people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the US Capitol.

UN Security Council demands Iran-backed Yemen rebels halt their attacks on ships in Mideast waters
The U.N. Security Council on Thursday approved a resolution demanding Yemen’s Houthi rebels halt all attacks on ships and urged that the disruption to maritime security in a critical Middle East waterway be urgently addressed.

Delhi experiences historic June rainfall, resulting in severe flooding and 11 deaths, India
On June 28, 2024, Delhi, India recorded the highest June rainfall in 88 years, causing severe flooding and widespread damage. At least 11 people have been killed, including 4 children. Forecasts predict more rains over the weekend.

M6.1 earthquake hits near the coast of Peru following M7.2 on June 28
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit near the coast of central Peru at 07:05 UTC on June 29, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 19.3 km (12 miles).

Historic NWS thunderstorm warnings issued as rare storms move over Arctic Alaska
The National Weather Service (NWS) office in Fairbanks issued multiple Severe Thunderstorm Warnings on June 27, 2024, as severe thunderstorms began to stretch over Northern Alaska and the Arctic Circle. These storms generated winds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and quarter-sized hail.

CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans
“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.

Another “Vaccine Passport” Bill Fails to Pass in New York Where Medical Legislation Is Disguised So the Nanny-State Can Impose Vaxx Mandates Later
New York is the city and state where legislation to remove medical rights and privacy masquerades as “options” so the medical-police-state can later impose vaccine mandates and perform gender mutilation surgery on kids without parental consent.

LISTEN: Planned Parenthood staffers laugh on 911 call for woman bleeding after abortion 
Planned Parenthood staffers were caught on audio laughing during a 911 call for a woman who suffered a perforated uterus because of a botched abortion, Operation Rescue has revealed.

Here are some of the bizarre things happening in the “new normal”
…Bizarre things are happening everywhere, including UK politics. “Whatever happens at the coming general election in the UK, Britain is going to have a communist government (the Tory party is now as left-wing as the Labour party) which will delight Guardian readers and BBC staff members,” Dr. Coleman notes.

Islands that climate alarmists said would be sunk by climate change are actually growing
Climate change is not drowning atoll nations such as the Maldives, the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu, research has revealed. Historically claimed to be vulnerable to sea level rises driven by global warming, recent findings show these low-lying island nations are almost all still the same size or growing.

A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations aimed at combating climate change 
The Supreme Court on Friday curtailed the power of US federal agencies to regulate the environment, public health and other fundamental aspects of American life. It effectively overturns a long-standing precedent known as the Chevron deference.

Australia: “Managed retreat” is a scam to take people’s homes and replace them with smart cities…independent researcher Kate Mason has exposed how this sinister scheme is using exaggerated modelling of climate change effects to designate certain areas as uninhabitable for humans.  Properties in these areas are uninsurable and prices are plummeting.  Of course this would be the result. “Who is going to buy in a flood zone?  Unless it’s a developer who will raze it all to the ground and build a Smart Resilient complex,” Mason said.

Headlines – 6/30/2024

Arab League removes Hezbollah from ‘terrorist group’ list: Report

US, Europe warn Hezbollah against war: ‘You’re not as capable as you think you are’

Iran’s UN Mission to Israel: ‘Obliterating War’ if Lebanon Attacked

Israeli warplanes carry out ‘mock air raids’ over Beirut: Report

Israel strikes Hezbollah sites as attacks on northern towns persist

IDF carries out dozens of drone strikes as it pushes ahead with Shejaiya offensive

IDF eliminates dozens of terrorists, locates weapons near school, clinic in Shejaia

Two soldiers killed as IDF pushes back into Gaza City’s Shejaiya

What Communist China’s Engineers Were Doing in Hamas’s Gaza Tunnels: “We can suspect that that there was some involvement of China in helping Hamas design these tunnels that went on for miles and miles and were very sophisticated.”

UN workers begin removing aid stuck on US Gaza pier after security fears

Poll: 66% of Israelis want Netanyahu to leave politics, 85% support Oct. 7 probe

Tens of Thousands Rally Across Israel Against Netanyahu Coalition, Demanding Gaza Truce

Weekly rallies marred by police violence; cop tells protester: ‘I’ll rape your mother’

Bill Maher: I Mock the Left More After Oct. 7 Hamas Attacks, ‘They’re Dumber Than They Used to Be’

UCLA student sues university after pro-Palestinian activists assault him

Israeli Minister Will Release Palestinian Funds if Settlements Are Legalized, Officials Say

Israel’s Smotrich promises ‘a million’ new settlers under expansion plan

Palestinian Authority Warns of Terror Groups’ Rocket Capability

Man shoots policeman at Israel’s embassy in Serbia with crossbow, is killed

Houthis claim hits on 4 ships in Mediterranean, Red Sea amid contradicting reports

Nigeria: Series of blasts kill at least 18

Iran Heads to Rare Runoff in Sham Presidential Race with Record Low Turnout

Hardliner, moderate to face off in 2nd-ever Iranian runoff, after record low turnout

Research expert tells UN it has ‘irrefutably’ established missile debris in Ukraine is North Korean

North Korea says drills by South Korea, US and Japan show nations have developed ‘Asian Nato’

China encourages Taiwanese visits amidst threat of executions – New guidelines only aimed at separatists and their ‘evil words and actions’, China said

Bolivia’s president accused of plotting coup against himself to boost popularity – Opponents say abortive raid on palace by angry ex-army chief was a stunt to bolster support

France set to vote in fateful election that could catapult far right to power

Lane: The Legacy Media’s Aggressive Love-Hate Relationship With Nigel Farage is on Full Display this Election

Pentagon Attempts to Cover for Biden’s Military Deaths Gaffe

DOD Reluctantly Fact-Checks Joe Biden’s Insult to the Military Heroes Killed Under His Watch: “We Have Certainly Had Service Members Pass During This Administration”

How Biden’s Debate Catastrophe Made the World More Dangerous

Speaker Johnson: Debate ‘Dangerous Display,’ Enemies ‘Watching’

Bob Woodward brands Biden debate performance a ‘political h-bomb’

Tuberville on Biden Debate Disaster: ‘The American People Need to Understand the Deep State Is Running This Country’

A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden’s debate performance

Democrats in Full Blown Panic – DNC Holds Emergency Meeting as Joe Biden Campaigns in New Jersey

Report: Democrat Bigwigs Discuss “Intervention” to Remove Joe Biden from Ticket Against His Will and They Want Barack Obama to Lead the Effort

Plans to Ditch Biden Already in Talks Before Debate After Chuck Schumer Organizes Backup Betrayal: Report

Chuck Schumer signaled he was open to other candidates prior to Trump-Biden debate: report

Jack Posobiec: ‘We Witnessed a Democrat Coup Against Biden’

As pressure mounts on Joe Biden to quit and Elton John turns up to back him – Democrat insiders reveal the President was set up to fail in a ‘soft coup’

Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Says Dems Planned Debate Fail to Install Newsom: ‘Sent Biden out For Slaughter’

Top Hollywood Donors Issue Democrats Ultimatum After Biden Debate: ‘If He Doesn’t Drop Out, We’re Not Giving Any More Money’

Big-Money Donors ‘Disappointed’ but Sticking With Biden

The Democrats are panicking: Biden could bring the whole party down

Nolte: CNN Slit Its Own Throat During Trump/Biden Debate

Marsha Blackburn: Biden Debate Performance ‘So Disastrous’ Establishment Media Can’t Cover for Him

Joe Biden’s Team Hits Back at New York Times for Telling Him to Drop Out of Race

Biden Campaign Adviser Anita Dunn Insists He is Not Dropping Out of the Race When Asked on MSNBC

Report: Biden Feels ‘Humiliated, Devoid of Confidence’ After Debate, Will Have Family Discussion on ‘Future of His Re-Election Campaign’ at Camp David Sunday

Jill Biden’s ex-husband slams first lady for apparently encouraging prez to stay in race after debate disaster: ‘I don’t even recognize her’

Former Jill Biden Spokesman: Call for Biden to Step Aside Must Come from Congressional Leadership

White House Aide Tries Gaslighting America, Says Biden Was Simply ‘Over-Prepared’ for Debate: Report

Ex-Melania Trump Friend Blames Biden’s Debate Performance on Bad Lighting

Body Language Expert Devastated After Seeing Biden on Stage: ‘Almost Abusive… My Heart Broke’

Not Satire: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a Nursing Home Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

Biden aides admit he’s only fully alert from 10am-4pm: Axios report

Haley urges Trump to prepare for younger rival after Biden debate chaos

Maher: ‘I Have Nobody to Vote For’ After Debate

Chris Matthews: Biden Has ‘Moved to the Left,’ ‘Gotten Woke’

Carney on Kudlow; Biden Gave Debate Assist to Trump by Lying About the Economy

Jack may have to rewrite Trump indictment after SCOTUS J6 ruling: legal analyst

Fake It Until You Make It: Companies Are Bamboozling Investors and Customers with ‘AI Washing’

Zuckerberg: AI Companies Trying to Create ‘God’

Boeing Insists Astronauts ‘Are Not Stranded’ as They’re Stuck in Space for over 3 Weeks

Amphitheater Workers Report UFO After Country Concert

A rare comet will pass by Earth for first time in 70 years this weekend

Coming close: Asteroid 2024 MK will sweep past Earth inside moon’s orbit

Earth’s Inner Core Has Been Slowing Down Since 2010, Say Scientists

M6.1 earthquake hits near the coast of Peru following M7.2 on June 28

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits the Bouvet Island region

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Atiquipa, Peru

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Antofagasta, Chile

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Atka, Alaska

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 23,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 22,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 18,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Ambae volcano on Vanuatu erupts to 12,000ft

Lewotobi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Beryl Strengthens to Hurricane in Atlantic, Could Be Major Storm

Beryl Becomes The First Hurricane Of The Season; Hurricane Warning Issued In Windward Islands

Hurricane Beryl expected to rapidly intensify as it races toward Caribbean

Hurricane Beryl, super-charged by warm seas, stuns experts

Historic NWS thunderstorm warnings issued as rare storms move over Arctic Alaska

Delhi experiences historic June rainfall, resulting in severe flooding and 11 deaths, India

‘Potential Failure Watch’ Announced for Dam on One of Texas’ Largest Lakes

Maldives Arrests Climate Change Minister for Performing ‘Black Magic’ on President

Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won’t teach Bible could lose license

Ten Commandments. Multiple variations. Why the Louisiana law raises preferential treatment concerns

‘They lie about what’s happening at the border’: Border Patrol Union leaders reiterate they never endorsed Biden

Illegal immigrant on top of Texas most wanted list arrested, accused of child sexual assault

Shocking: Haitian Who Entered US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ and Was Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts Freed on Paltry $500 Bail

Migrant Boat Horror: Father ‘raped and strangled girl, 16, on sinking migrant boat after seeing his own wife & daughter drown in Med’

Florida middle school teacher arrested on 10 counts of child pornography charges

Ohio House Passes Transgender Bathroom and Locker Room Ban

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Give weight-loss jabs to obese children, says top doctor

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

There It Is: Biden Family Now ‘Expected To Discuss Future Of Campaign’ After Disaster Dementia Debate | ZeroHedge

After Jill Biden spent Saturday in the Hamptons orchestrating Weekend at Bernie’s 3, NBC News reports that the Biden family is expected to discuss ‘the future of his re-election campaign’ at Camp David on Sunday following a horrendous debate on Thursday which laid bare to the world the fact that Joe Biden is not running the country.

According to the report, while top Democrats jumped to publicly reiterate their support for Biden, “senior congressional Democrats, including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Nancy Pelosi of California, have privately expressed concerns about his viability, said two sources apprised of those discussions.”

One Democratic House member who’s still in the closet over Biden pulling out told NBC (which spoke with over a dozen Democrats) that three colleagues agreed during votes on the House floor Friday.

And so, while the party is still virtue circling the wagons, they clearly want Biden out – and are ‘giving him space’ to “determine next steps. They believe only the president, in consultation with his family, can decide whether to move forward or to end his campaign early — and that he won’t respond well to being pushed.”

So that’s on the table.

“The decision-makers are two people — it’s the president and his wife,” said one of the sources familiar with the discussions, adding “Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be isn’t knowledgeable about the situation.”

According to another person ‘familiar with his mood,’ Biden is “humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear.”

It’s a mess,” the person said.

Yes… And this is what the world just saw from the man with the nuclear codes:

Another source said, Joe will only listen to Jill Biden.

“The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,” they said. “If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.

After NBC News printed the above story, a ‘source familiar’ scrambled to let them know that the Camp David gathering was not a formal family meeting.

“Any discussion about the campaign is expected to be informal or an afterthought,” said the source. “No one is sitting down for a formal or determinative discussion.”

Damage control intensifies…

Earlier Saturday, the White House told Axios that Biden is basically sundowning all the time, but is ‘dependably engaged’ between the hours of 10am to 4pm, and that outside of that range, he’s ‘more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued.’

— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/there-it-biden-family-now-expected-discuss-future-campaign-after-disaster-dementia-debate

All-Out War :: By Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready

On June 17, 2024, Pres. Biden’s special U.S. envoy met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Gallant to try to prevent an all-out war between Israel and the Lebanon-based, Iranian-backed group called Hezbollah.

On social media, Israel’s Foreign Minister said:

  • We are getting very close to the moment of deciding to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon.
  • In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon severely beaten.

On June 18, 2024, Biden’s special envoy met with 3 high-ranking Lebanese officials (Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Parliamentary Speaker, and Military Commander) with the same goal in mind (prevention of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah in the nation of Lebanon).

Biden sent his special envoy to meet with these Lebanese officials in an effort to avoid a “greater war” in the Middle East, but it still sounded like an all-out war is on the horizon (the destruction of Lebanon, great damage in northern Israel, multitudes made homeless in both nations, many killed, etc.).

The UN, EU, U.S., and others have tried to produce peace in the Middle East for almost 80 years, but they have always failed because they refuse to believe that many Muslims don’t want peace. (Many want the destruction of Israel, not peace.)

The UN, EU, U.S., and others have worked out agreements that they expect (and try to force) Israel to keep, but they don’t expect (or try to force) radical Muslims to keep them.

In the last 8 months, Hezbollah has fired about 5,000 rockets, missiles, and drones at Israel, driven about 80,000 Israelis out of their homes, killed about 25 Israeli soldiers and citizens, damaged or destroyed almost 1,000 structures, and burned about 20,000 acres of Israeli land.

Israel has had enough of UN, EU, and U.S. worthless phony-baloney ceasefires and peace agreements.

Unless something unexpected happens, we could soon see an all-out war and possibly the fulfillment of several prophesied wars in the Middle East.

Because some readers may not agree with the above, I want to point out that Hezbollah’s ally Yahya Sinwar (Hamas’ military leader) recently rejected Pres. Biden’s three-phase ceasefire proposal that several U.S. officials called “extraordinarily generous.”

Among other things, Sinwar said:

  • The deaths of Palestinians and civilians in other places are “necessary sacrifices” (in Hamas’ effort to destroy Israel).
  • We have to move forward on the same path we started. (The Israeli-Hamas war started with the seizure, murder, rape, and enslavement of Jewish men, women, and children.)

Some call Sinwar a psychopathic killer or a genocidal maniac.

He spent 22 years in an Israeli prison for murder before being released in a prisoner swap.

In 2018, he told a reporter:

  • We make the headlines only with blood. No blood, no news.

Hezbollah is launching rockets, missiles, and drones into Israel almost every day, and Hezbollah says:

  • We will not stop attacking Israel until Israel ends its war with Hamas.

As I see it, a lasting peace treaty with Hezbollah and the murderer who heads up the Hamas military and controls the Palestinian people is not possible.

Hamas has even said they will regroup and keep attacking Israel.

On June 14, 2024, it was reported that:

  • Iran warned Israel not to launch a war with Hezbollah and notified the U.S. that Iran will join the war if one breaks out.

Considering what the Bible says; what Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are saying; what is happening; the fact that the UN, EU, U.S., and others have not required the radical Muslims to keep their agreements; and that God will not allow Israel to be destroyed; it is my belief that an all-out war is on the horizon (and when the smoke and dust settles, Israel will still be on the map, more Jews will believe in Jehovah, and Allah will be greatly embarrassed).

(More: On June 20, 2024, expert prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote, “War is not a matter of if, but when.”)

(More: On June 20, 2024, it was reported that Israel has started moving troops from Gaza to its northern border in preparation for war with Hezbollah.)

(More: On June 22, 2024, it was reported that senior U.S. officials assured Israel that the U.S. will back Israel if there is an all-out war with Lebanon.)

(More: On June 22, 2024, Joel Rosenberg of All Israel News said, “We are facing an apocalyptic war.” God is shaking Israel. God is sovereignly letting it happen to humble us as Jews, as Israelis, and even with America beginning to waffle, that is telling us we have to turn to God and His Son and His word, or we don’t have hope.”)

(More: On June 23, 2024, Hezbollah launched several explosive-laden drones at Israel.)

(More: On June 23, 2024, it was reported that Canada is preparing to evacuate about 45,000 Canadian citizens from Lebanon.)

(More: Approximately 100,000 Lebanese citizens have left the country.)

(More: On June 24, 2024, Netanyahu said Hezbollah will have to be removed from the border, and Israel will have to do it.)

(More: On June 24, 2024, the U.S. warned Hezbollah and Lebanon that it will not be able to reign in Israel if they get into a war.)

Here are some recent current events that seem to relate to Bible prophecy.

One, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on June 19, 2024, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to attack Cyprus if it continues to allow Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

Two, concerning wars and rumors of wars: earlier this year, the U.S. started supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles called ATACMs that can hit targets about 190 miles away.

On June 24, 2024, it was reported that Ukraine launched a U.S.-made ATACM that was shot down by Russia over a beach in occupied Crimea (Ukrainian territory that Russia seized).

Falling shrapnel killed 4 people (two were Russian children) and wounded 150.

Russia summoned the U.S. ambassador, accused the U.S. of being involved in the attack, said the U.S. will not go unpunished, and said retaliatory measures will definitely follow.

Three, concerning world government: on June 20, 2024, Meryl Nass, MD for Door to Freedom, sent out a very long but excellent article on the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) recent attempt to gain partial sovereignty over all nations on earth with a new International Pandemic Treaty (IPT) and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs).

Here is a link to what I received:


Here is a link to their analysis:


Dr. Nass said,

  • Attempts to water down both documents were made during the final days before and even during the meeting, but no general agreement could be obtained. Finally, at the eleventh hour (as often happens), an agreement was reached to give the Pandemic Treaty negotiations another year, with some new negotiators to be brought in. A set of amendments to the International Health Regulations were passed, but the heart of the document had been defanged: while the WHO Director-General would be allowed to declare public health emergencies, he would not accrue special powers as a result; he would not be able to order nations to pass laws; he could not issue lockdowns, mandates, etc.

This was a major victory for those who oppose the coming satanic world government (New World Order, Great Reset, etc.), but the globalists are not happy, and they are not giving up.

They have already issued a new report “charting a path forward.”

I have decided not to go into detail on Dr. Nass’s analysis of the new IPT and amendments to the IHRs because it is so long and detailed, but it is an excellent resource for those who are looking for information on this issue.

Four, concerning a falling away in the Church and the coming one-world satanic religion: Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was summoned to appear at the Vatican on June 20 to face the beginning of a trial on charges that he has committed schism (promoted discord; caused dissent or conflict) and denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis.

Here is a link to an article on the announcement of his summons:


Here is a link to Vigano’s response to the charges:


His response is long, so here is a small part of what he said. Those who are interested can go to the link for his full response.

  • Bergoglio (Pope Francis) promotes uncontrolled immigration and calls for the integration of cultures and religions.
  • Bergoglio authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples and imposes on the faithful the acceptance of homosexualism while covering up the scandals of his protégés and promoting them to the highest positions of responsibility.
  • Bergoglio… supports Agenda 2030 (the coming satanic world government) and attacks those who question the theory of man-made global warming.
  • He has mandated the use of experimental gene serums, which caused very serious damage, death and sterility, calling them “an act of love,” in exchange for funding from pharmaceutical companies and philanthropic foundations.
  • Bergoglio is to the Church what other world leaders are to their nations: traitors, subversives, and final liquidators of traditional society who are certain of impunity.
  • I am honored not to have – and indeed, I do not want – any ecclesial communion with them: theirs is a lobby that conceals its complicity with the masters of the world in order to deceive many souls and prevent any resistance against the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist.

(My opinion: It is better to obey God than man. We are not only witnessing an all-out shooting war shaping up in the Middle East, but we are also witnessing an all-out spiritual war against the Church.)

(My opinion: I, too, believe Pope Francis is on the wrong side of the spiritual war. I also believe Vigano loves the Roman Catholic Church; he is grieved by what Francis is doing, and he is urging Roman Catholics to stick to their traditional understanding of the issues. I admire Vigano for risking his job and reputation to stand up for what he believes the Bible teaches.)

(More: On June 20, 2024, expert prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote, “You can either take part in the globalist agenda or do your part to stand up against it.”)

Five, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age: on June 23, 2024, it was reported that more than 1,400 temperature records were broken on Earth in the past week.

Some so-called experts have blamed it on global warming or climate change.

I believe God is telling us the end of the age has arrived and the lost are running out of time to get saved.

(More: At the time I am writing this on June 23, 2024, there is record-breaking heat in the U.S. West and mid-Atlantic; flooding in Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota; and a tornado watch in several New England states.)

Six, concerning a peace agreement with Hamas and Hezbollah: on June 24, 2024, an Israeli official said:

  • We have had a litany of agreements concluded between Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah. And now we know very well that each agreement concluded with Hezbollah and with Hamas have been only means to enhance their destructive capabilities.

In my words, he said, history shows that Hezbollah and Hamas do not keep their agreements.

Seven, concerning world government: at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Dalian, China, on June 25, 2024, Klaus Schwab said, “To drive future economic growth, we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future.”

According to the article, Klaus argues that “economic growth” and a more “peaceful” future will come from reducing population numbers and embracing innovation, such as artificial intelligence (AI) while using the green agenda to advance policy change.

Notice that, among other things, Schwab wants to:

  • Force all regions, nations, and cultures to collaborate with the agenda of unelected globalists.
  • Reduce population numbers.
  • Force everyone to go by the green agenda.

(My opinion: MAGA goes against forcing all nations to collaborate. Corrupt elections are about empowering people to collaborate. Controlling everyone will culminate in tracking all buying and selling and the beheading of all who do not collaborate. Abortion, LGBTQ, euthanasia, etc., are all about reducing population numbers, and the green agenda is about controlling people.)

Eight, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 25, 2024, Israel’s Defense Min. (Gallant) met with the U.S. Sec. of Defense (Austin).

Gallant told Austin:

  • The greatest threat to the future of the world is Iran.
  • Time is running out.
  • Now is the time to materialize the commitment of American Administrations over the years – the promise to prevent Iran from possessing nuclear weapons.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Thursday, June 20, 2024 (Day 259): The two-hundred-and-third day of the resumed war. Day 45 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hezbollah is vowing to fight a war without rules if it gets into a war with Israel.
  • Israel vowed to put an end to Hezbollah’s daily attacks on northern Israel.
  • Hezbollah threatened to target Israel’s oil rigs in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Israel’s Defense Min. said his nation has powerful weapons that it will use if necessary.
  • The U.S. said Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile defense system may be overwhelmed by the great number of rockets Hezbollah fires at Israel at the same time.
  • S. and Israeli intelligence said there may be as few as 50 (out of 116 remaining) hostages still alive.

Friday, June 21, 2024 (Day 260): The two-hundred-and-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 46 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Netanyahu said the flow of U.S. arms to Israel will be critical in a war with Hamas.
  • Israel has stepped up its attacks in Rafah and other parts of Gaza. There has been fierce, non-stop fighting for two days.
  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres expressed profound concern over the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Guterres said, “One rash move — one miscalculation — could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border and, frankly, beyond imagination.”
  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres said there is total lawlessness and chaos in Gaza, and most of the humanitarian aid is looted.
  • S. efforts to stop an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah are going nowhere.
  • UN efforts to disarm Hezbollah and push them back from Israel’s border have been a total failure.

Saturday, June 22, 2024 (Day 261): The two-hundred-and-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 47 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel assassinated the man who supplies weapons to Hamas in Lebanon.
  • Israel struck the director of the Hamas media office in Gaza (his condition is unknown).
  • Israel criticized the UN for disseminating misleading or false information on the war in Gaza.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 (Day 262): The two-hundred-and-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 48 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Thousands of Iranian-backed groups in the Middle East have offered to fight shoulder to shoulder with Hezbollah if it gets into an all-out war with Israel.
  • Whistleblowers say Hezbollah is storing huge quantities of Iranian rockets, missiles, explosives, etc., at Lebanon’s main civilian airport. If Israel targets those weapons, innocent civilians will probably be killed.
  • Israel shot down a drone that was coming from Iraq (a Psa. 83 enemy of Israel, as is Lebanon and Egypt).
  • Netanyahu repeated his claim that the U.S. is delaying some (not all) weapon shipments to Israel. Biden denies it. Israel’s defense min. has arrived in the U.S. to try to get delayed weapons shipments speeded up.
  • Israel destroyed a terrorist training camp in Rafah.
  • Netanyahu said the Israel-Hamas war will not end until Hamas is destroyed.

Monday, June 24, 2024 (Day 263): The two-hundred-and-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 49 of the attack on Rafah.

  • An all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah could be the most destructive war either side has ever been involved in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (Day 264): The two-hundred-and-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 50 of the attack on Rafah.

  • PA sources said an Israeli attack in Gaza killed 10 members of Ismail Haniyeh’s family. Haniyeh is the political leader of Hamas.
  • Hamas wants Israel and Hezbollah to get into an all-out war because Hamas believes another war will take the Israeli pressure off Hamas.
  • Some of the Israeli hostages are suing the UNWRA for $1 billion for using UN money to help Hamas buy, smuggle, and store weapons and explosives.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Day 265): The two-hundred-and-nineth day of the resumed war. Day 51 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hamas has held 5 U.S. citizens hostage for almost 9 months.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.



The post All-Out War :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.

— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/06/29/all-out-war-by-daymond-duck/

Should you still take multivitamins after this new study? – YouTube

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss the new study finding multivitamins do not decrease people’s risk of death. #foxnews

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Eye-popping 72% don’t think Biden has the mental and physical strength to be president: poll

A jaw-dropping 72% of registered voters do not believe President Biden has the “mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president,” a new poll finds.

Never Forget, Never Forgive Media’s FIVE-YEAR Biden Dementia Gaslighting | The Daily Bell

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Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

Just two weeks ago, the White House and its corporate state media invented a brand-new catchphrase — “cheap fake” — to describe accurate video of the Brandon entity acting demented that it found politically unhelpful, like when he wandered off recently during a G-7 photo shoot to stare off into space and daydream about licking ice cream and sniffing terrified children’s hair or whatever.

RelatedNightmare Before Christmas: Brandon Visits Children’s Hospital, Requests Lap Time

Via Washington Post, ‘Cheapfake’ Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply mislead”:

“A particularly effective attack on a political candidate can come in the form of a video snippet that appears to reinforce an existing stereotype. The social media feed of the RNC regularly churns out misleading clips of President Biden, 81, intended to show that he is too old for the job.”

Knowledge of the Brandon construct’s accelerating dementia — and the corporate state media’s desperate attempt to cover it up — is nothing remotely new, however much the powers that be and their dutiful parrots in the corporate media would like to memory hole the long historical record of even Democrats acknowledging their Dear Leader is demented.

— Read on thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/never-forget-never-forgive-medias-five-year-biden-dementia-gaslighting/

Did the Daily Mail just accidentally uncover the Biden family money-laundering scheme? – Revolver News

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Did the Daily Mail accidentally uncover a money-laundering scam in the Biden family? No, we’re not talking about Hunter Biden’s fake “artwork.” This new theory hits much closer to Joe’s home—literally. It involves two of his homes in Delaware. Either Joe Biden is broke and needs a lot of cash, or he’s up to something mighty shady. The big question now is: why are the Bidens refinancing their Delaware homes so often? One of their houses was actually refinanced an astounding 15 times.

Honestly, who needs to refinance their home 15 or more times? We wanted to find out the average number of times Americans refinance their homes. Unfortunately, that data isn’t readily available. However, when we asked ChatGPT if refinancing a home 15 times was “excessive,” this was the response:

“Yes, refinancing a single home 15 times does seem excessive.”

— Read on revolver.news/2024/06/did-daily-mail-just-accidentally-uncover-biden-family-money-laundering-scheme/