Daily Archives: May 6, 2024

May 8 – Whose Voice Is That? – VCY.org

1 Samuel 2:22-4:22
John 5:24-47
Psalm 106:1-12
Proverbs 14:30-31

1 Samuel 2:35— Deuteronomy 18:15 foretold the LORD raising a prophet, now the LORD is promising to raise up a priest!

Painting of Samuel Reading to Eli the Judgments of God Upon Eli’s House

1 Samuel 3:7— Vic Eliason, founder of VCY America, would often share this passage with young men who were considering ministry. Many think God is calling them to ministry when it’s quite possible that it’s just their mother or grandmother who think it would be good to have a preacher in the family. There are many voices calling out today – it is crucial to learn how to discern God’s voice from the other voices. Ministry is hard – if God isn’t calling you, it’s easy to give up when the going gets tough. 71% of missionaries who leave the field do so for a preventable reason. But if God has called you, He will provide strength and resources when the going gets tough.

1 Samuel 4:21— Ichabod, an appropriate name for the time of judgment when the people have confronted the priest (1 Samuel 2:23), when the man of God has confronted the priest (1 Samuel 2:27), and when the LORD Himself confronts the priest via a young boy (1 Samuel 3:12).

John 5:39— The Scriptures are not primarily a moral textbook, although you can learn a lot about right and wrong in them. The Scriptures are about the Savior of the world, the LORD Jesus Christ! Jesus continually points back to the Torah (John 5:46) saying that Moses is writing about Him.

Psalm 106:6-7— What was the great sin of the fathers of Israel? Ingratitude. The LORD had delivered them from their slaveowners, and they wanted to return. We see a theme: our LORD has delivered us from the slave master called sin, and we keep running back to our old master. All we need to do is obey!

Proverbs 14:31— How do we show honor to our Maker? By showing mercy to the poor. While some call this the “social gospel,” they usually stop with just the social part and not the gospel. It’s exciting to see some incredible ministries like the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago providing 1,500 hot meals daily, as well as clothing, shelter, and a powerful gospel message. The Covenant Mercy Mission in New York City distributes two million dollars of food annually with a powerful gospel message as well. 

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

— Read on www.vcy.org/one-year-bible/2024/05/06/may-8-whose-voice-is-that-6/

The Lord’s “Much More” | VCY

And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. (2 Chronicles 25:9)

If you have made a mistake, bear the loss of it; but do not act contrary to the will of the Lord. The Lord can give you much more than you are likely to lose; and if He does not, will you begin bargaining and chaffering with God. The king of Judah had hired an army from idolatrous Israel, and he was commanded to send home the fighting men because the Lord was not with them. He was willing to send away the host, only he grudged paying the hundred talents for nothing. Oh, for shame! If the Lord will give the victory without the hirelings, surely it was a good bargain to pay their wages and to be rid of them.

Be willing to lose money for conscience’ sake, for peace’s sake, for Christ’s sake. Rest assured that losses for the Lord are not losses. Even in this life they are more than recompensed: in some cases the Lord prevents any loss from happening. As to our immortal life, what we lose for Jesus is invested in heaven. Fret not at apparent disaster but listen to the whisper, “The Lord is able to give thee much more than this.”

What Is Free Will?: Chosen By God with R.C. Sproul

Presented by Ligonier Ministries (Youtube):

Description:If God predestines people to salvation, then what about free will? Doesn’t the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination override human free will? What about choice? Considering the doctrine of divine election in this message, Dr. Sproul discusses some of the fundamentally wrong assumptions people have when they think of free will.

Direct Link: What Is Free Will?: Chosen By God with R.C. Sproul – YouTube


ARISE AND WALK | Pastor Jack Hibbs

Genesis 13:17

“Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.”

Notice that the Lord’s direction to Abraham was to arise and walk. It’s as if God was saying, “I promised it. I gave it to you. Now enjoy it.” But the enjoyment of His promise wasn’t limited to that parcel of land. The land was only a sign of better things to come.

You and I are living right now as Abraham lived back then. How so? By faith in that same promise. It’s true that Abraham lived in the land, but he continued to look forward to the promise of something far better—heaven. “…the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” (Hebrews 11:10)

This world we are presently passing through may not be heaven, as it were, but a proving ground for us as we walk in the promises of God. Read Abraham’s story in the book of Genesis and Hebrews 11, and you’ll see how he learned this to be true.

God promises salvation to all who will call upon His name, and He has done everything needed for you to enjoy heaven’s incredible sights, sounds, and experiences! Isn’t it reasonable to trust this same God to faithfully fulfill His promises for this life? If you can’t believe God’s promises for today and tomorrow, how can you rest in Him regarding eternity?

Heaven is your future destination, and its fullness was guaranteed to you on Calvary’s cross. I pray that this reality infuses your life with the confidence to arise and walk today.

Awaiting His Return,

– Pastor Jack

Have you been blessed by Pastor Jack’s Devotions? Email us now: CLICK HERE

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The post ARISE AND WALK first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.

two person walking beside beach

6 May 2024 News Briefing

“Stunning On Multiple Levels”: DOJ Admits To Evidence Tampering In Trump Classified Docs Case
Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team admitted on Friday that key evidence in Trump’s classified documents case was altered or manipulated – leaving two different chronologies; one that was digitally scanned vs. what’s in the actual boxes. Smith also misled the court, after originally telling U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that the boxes remained “in their original, intact form as seized,” …. “This admission is stunning on multiple levels,”

Hezbollah bombards houses of 70,000 Israelis who fled their homes on northern border
The Lebanese terror group Hezbollah once again raised the intensity of their attacks beginning on Sunday, firing over 100 rockets at northern Israel and hitting dozens of homes, according to Israeli reports. On Sunday morning, the terror group launched several heavy barrages toward the city of Kiryat Shmona, whose residents have been evacuated since Hezbollah started its near-daily attacks in support of Hamas

Watch: Senator Eviscerates Biden Official Over “Dark Money Meetings”
Hawley grilled Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland regarding alleged shady meetings with foreign “dark-money groups” that actively fund radical left-wing environmental initiatives. “Is it common practice at your department to meet with dark money groups off the books and conceal it from the public?” Hawley probed.

Cognitive Decline: Biden Campaign Says They Will Shorten His Speeches
Who is actually running the country? NBC reports Biden’s handlers are “looking to shorten his speeches” to limit his public displays of cognitive decline. The announcement led many to ask, how much shorter can his speeches get? I suppose they can just have him show up, smile, XXXX his pants and leave.

This Was Not In Some Faraway Land… Calls For A ‘Final Solution’ Are Being Heard In America
Of those choices, one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems. We have seen where this decision leads. The Nazis took it to a place they called Endlösung. In English, that means, “The Final Solution.”

Hamas’ hostage deal refusal paves way for Rafah offensive
Breakdown of negotiations in Cairo, coupled with deadly rocket attacks that claimed IDF soldiers’ lives, points unmistakably to a single course of action: the IDF must act swiftly in Rafah; The objective is clear – neutralize the terror forces stationed there to ensure the safety of the Negev’s residents and secure release of the hostages

Minister Strock: ‘US doesn’t deserve to be called a friend of the State of Israel’
“I am very worried this morning, I think the things were said pretty much clearly that in fact, the US is committing, instead of us, to stop the war. It’s saying most openly and clearly that the first step as far as it’s concerned is ending the war.” She also noted: “The State of Israel is not another star on the American flag. (Israel) can and must stand up for itself.”

PM Netanyahu to the world: ‘We will fight alone if we have to. Never again is now’
He concluded by pledging: “As the Prime Minister of Israel – the one and only Jewish state – I pledge here today from Jerusalem on this Holocaust Remembrance Day: If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. But we know we are not alone because countless decent people around the world support our just cause. And I say to you, we will defeat our genocidal enemies. Never again is now!”

Israel strikes Hamas facility located inside UNRWA complex
The Israeli military struck a Hamas command and control center located in a UN complex in central Gaza on Sunday night which served as a staging ground for multiple attacks against ground forces and humanitarian efforts, the Israel Defense Forces said.

Iranian university offers scholarships to US students expelled over protests
Proverbs 9:10 The beginning of wisdom is fear of Hashem, And knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. “Students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion can continue their studies at Shiraz University, and I think that other universities in Shiraz and Fars province are also prepared [for this],” he stated.

Hostage deal talks close to breaking down – CIA director travels to Qatar in last-ditch effort to save negotiations
Hamas not ready to drop demands, Israel won’t agree to end the war. CIA director William Burns traveled to Qatar on Sunday evening as the hostage deal talks between Hamas and Israel were close to collapsing after a meeting between a Hamas delegation and Egyptian mediators ended without a breakthrough.

Going through hell twice: Thousands of Israeli Holocaust survivors lived through October 7
As the people of Israel continue to work through the trauma of October 7, several thousand elderly Holocaust survivors are especially impacted. After surviving hell in Europe, they immigrated to Israel in the belief that a Jewish State would be a safe haven for Jews – but on October 7, they once again had to flee for their lives.

Biden DOJ’s treatment of jailed pro-lifers meets international definitions of torture
In the targeted, aggressive, and rigged Washington, D.C., FACE Act trials against nine peaceful pro-lifers, Joe Biden’s Justice Department appears to be guilty of six instances of torture, both during pre-trial questioning and post-conviction incarceration. Six counts of torture …..

IDF eliminates terrorists who participated in Oct. 7th massacre and Hamas commanders
Following precise IDF and ISA intelligence, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist Saleh Jamil Muhammad Amad, who was responsible for combat support within Hamas’ Bureij Battalion. He was eliminated alongside a number of other terrorist operatives who were located with him inside Hamas terror infrastructure.

3 killed, 11 hurt, in rocket barrage near Gaza border crossing
Three IDF soldiers were killed and 11 more people were wounded this afternoon (Sunday) by mortars and rockets launched from Rafah at the area of the Kerem Shalom border crossing. There were ten launches from the Rafah area. The rocket launches were carried out approximately 350 meters from civilian shelters in Rafah, the IDF stated. The wounded were evacuated to Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva. Three of the wounded were earlier reported to be in serious condition, but were later pronounced dead,

Government approves closure of Al Jazeera
The decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi to close the Al Jazeera channel in Israel was passed today (Sunday) unanimously. Blue and White was absent from the vote. After the approval, Minister Karhi signed the decrees and said that “Our decrees will take effect immediately.

Strong and shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Seram, Indonesia 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit Seram, Indonesia at 18:33 UTC on May 5, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 12.1 km (7.5 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

Oklahoma City, Wichita in bull’s-eye for potential severe weather outbreak Monday
Tens of millions of people from the Plains to the Midwest again face the risk of a potentially violent and life-threatening severe weather outbreak that could bring long-track tornadoes, giant hail and hurricane-force wind gusts to areas still reeling from extreme weather over the past few weeks that has left several people dead.

San Antonio under Severe Thunderstorm Watch; Houston remains under Flood Watch
Millions of Texas residents can’t seem to catch a break as Houston and parts of East Texas continue to deal with extensive flooding due to days of relentless rain. Meanwhile, a Severe Thunderstorm Watch in South Texas has millions of people in the San Antonio area on alert for thunderstorms with the potential to produce large hail, damaging wind gusts and possible tornadoes.

Deadly landslides and floods ravage northern Haiti, killing 13 and displacing thousands
At least 13 people have lost their lives in northern Haiti over the past couple of days due to floods and landslides triggered by severe rainfall that has also left thousands of homes destroyed or severely damaged. The most significant impact was felt in Cap-Haïtien, where a landslide caused by torrential rains demolished multiple homes.

300 tornadoes reported in April 2024 are second highest on record, weather service says
300 tornadoes reported in April 2024 are the second highest on record.

Nearly 50 Dead as Mountain Road Collapses in China
The death toll from a collapsed mountainside highway in China’s southern Guangdong province has risen to 48 as of Thursday, according to reports in Chinese state-owned media.

Chinese ‘Spy Cranes’ Targeted in Port Security Executive Order Shortly Before Baltimore Disaster
…Being IP-enabled can be a good and a bad thing. The U.S. government ordered the removal of Hikvision closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) over concerns that this broadly used CCTV system was omnipresent throughout the U.S. government and being used to spy on sensitive government facilities (this same guidance removed Huawei and ZTE information technology).

The H5N1 Bird Flu “Has Acquired Dozens Of New Mutations,” And Authorities Are Really Ramping Up The Fear Level
…now here we are in the middle of 2024, and the mainstream media has suddenly decided to ramp up the fear level.  Even though there has only been one confirmed human case in the U.S. so far this year, the mainstream media is pumping out article after article about the threat that H5N1 could potentially pose to humanity.  Do they know something that the rest of us do not?

Our Deer In The Headlights Moment: The “Worst Market Crash Since 1929” Is Rapidly Approaching And The Fed Doesn’t Know Which Way To Go
The Federal Reserve is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  If the Fed pushes rates higher, interest payments on our 34 trillion-dollar national debt could spin wildly out of control, and bank balance sheets will be in even worse condition than they are now. First Republic just bit the dust, and literally thousands of other small and mid-size banks and in serious jeopardy. So it would be suicidal to hike rates at this point.

Vehicle monitoring software could soon use ‘kill switch’ under the guise of ‘safety’ 
In the name of safety, the government has taken steps that critics say have denied citizens what used to be considered inalienable constitutional rights.

Update: CEO Who Offered Jobs to Pro-Hamas Protestors Watches Stock Tank, Company Loses $210 Million in Stock Value
The Gateway Pundit reported that Hims and Hers CEO Andrew Dudum sparked outrage when he praised anti-Israel protestors and encouraged them to apply to his company, claiming that companies would want to hire them for their “moral courage.”

Bill Melugin-Per CBP, San Diego Sector of Border Apprehended Over 200 Chinese Illegals Two Days in a Row
This is Joe Biden’s America—a daily invasion of the border with no end in sight. Per CBP, over 200 Chinese illegal aliens were apprehended at the San Diego sector of the southern border for two days in a row.

Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee: ‘God Is Doing Something’ 
A movement of God that began at Auburn University last fall has now spread to four other campuses, with thousands of students being saved and countless individuals being plugged into a local church to continue their faith journey.

US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender Norms, and Representation in the Ranks
The United States Military Academy at West Point is introducing a new curriculum that includes courses on “deconstructing patriotism,” “cross-dressing in the military,” and other topics related to gender norms and representation.

Top State Official on School Chaplains: Satanists Not Welcome; Can “Go to Hell”
Oklahoma has, some sources say, the dubious distinction of having the greatest number of strong tornadoes per unit area in the U.S. One tornado that won’t hit the state, however, is a storm of satanic “ministers” in government schools, says Oklahoma’s top education official. The satanists are, though, announced Superintendent Ryan Walters, “welcome to go to Hell.”

How Can You Love The King Of The Jews While Despising The Jews Of The King?
As we watch our world spiral downward into Nazi-era antisemitism, we need to recognize that the side effect of this will be and is a disdain, and eventually hatred, for those in support of the nation of Israel. This will eventually migrate into a hatred of those who love not only the Jews but also the King of the Jews, Jesus of Nazareth.

Netanyahu to Holocaust survivors: If need be, Israel will stand alone
In a meeting ahead of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told survivors of the Shoah that the Jewish state would stand alone if necessary to defend its very existence.

Islamic Leader Calls for Death Sentence on Homosexuals, Throws Them From Tallest Building
The left’s support for Islam is dangerously hypocritical, as they claim to champion LGBTQ rights while aligning with a community that proscribes death for homosexuals, revealing a troubling contradiction.

Headlines – 5/6/2024

Biden administration pauses one ammunition shipment to Israel, reason unclear

Queen of Jordan: Time for US to use ‘political leverage’ to end war in Gaza

Report: Hamas agrees Israel can commit to ending war in second stage of hostage deal, not first

Hamas departs Cairo as latest hostage, truce talks said to be nearing ‘collapse’

Gaza Cease-fire Talks Reportedly in ‘Tough’ Spot, CIA Chief Heads to Israel to Rescue Deal

Israeli official blames Hamas for collapse of talks for potential hostage, truce deal

‘High-level’ official to Egypt TV: Deadly Hamas rocket attack caused hostage-truce deal talk impasse

Netanyahu says suggestion he torpedoed Cairo hostage-truce talks ‘a complete lie’

‘Nobody needs to tell me what to do’: PM pushes back on far-right pressure over Rafah – Netanyahu says Israel won’t agree to a hostage deal that requires ending the war; Gallant

Netanyahu Says Israel Cannot Accept Hamas Demand to End Gaza War; Defense Chief: Rafah Offensive Imminent

3 soldiers killed, 11 more hurt inside Israel by Hamas rocket attack from Rafah

After deadly Hamas rocket attack, Israeli strikes on Rafah said to kill 16

IDF calls on Palestinians to evacuate eastern Rafah ahead of planned offensive

Israeli military tells 100,000 people to leave parts of Rafah

Hamas: IDF call for Rafah evacuation a ‘dangerous escalation that will have consequences’

Hamas takes responsibility for attack on Gaza crossing point used to deliver aid

Israeli national security advisor says IDF nearly caught Sinwar, Hamas leader ‘living on borrowed time’

Gaza Health Ministry unable to identify more than 10,000 claimed war casualties

US Marines official: Nearly half of drones IDF shoots down are its own – Since the IDF has one of the world’s most advanced integrated air defense systems, if this is an issue for Israel’s military, it is likely to be an issue for other militaries worldwide

Netanyahu denounces possible ICC warrants against Israeli leaders as ‘indelible stain’ on justice

Netanyahu uses Holocaust ceremony to brush off international pressure against Gaza offensive

PM vows to fight Hamas, destroy ‘Nazi monsters’ at Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony

Netanyahu on Holocaust Remembrance Day: ‘We will defeat our genocidal enemies’

PM at Yad Vashem: Oct. 7 was not a Holocaust, but only because Israel can defend itself

‘Never again is now,’ Netanyahu says on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Protester demands PM’s resignation at Holocaust wreath ceremony: ‘He failed to protect us’

Holocaust survivor marks Remembrance Day differently this year after escaping Oct. 7 attacks

This Holocaust Remembrance Day, survivors have a message: Don’t let history ‘repeat itself’

NYC Synagogues Receive Bomb Threats on Eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day

Police investigate series of at least 4 bomb threats at New York City synagogues

Bomb threat emailed to nearly two dozen Jewish sites in NYC as disturbing text revealed: sources

US synagogues and other places of worship get $400 million boost for security

Report: Shin Bet forgoes arresting terror suspects due to prison overcrowding

Farage Warns ‘Sectarian Politics Are Here to Stay’ as Muslim Voters Back Pro-Gaza Candidates

Upon his win in elections British Green Party candidate Mothin Ali shouts ‘Allahu Akbar! A win for the people of Gaza’

Commentary: Are Anti-Israel Democrats Diminishing Trust in the U.S. as an Ally?

Genocide Joe? Biden’s Biggest Donors Also Funding Anti-Israel Protests, Analysis Reveals

Antisemitism expert: Qatari billions used as soft power to influence campus, culture

University Gaza Camps planned with trained activist groups for months in advance: report

UPenn Gaza camp occupiers issue guidelines telling students to ‘take more risk’ and ‘escalate’ protest

Chicago Police Arrest 68 Pro-Palestinian Protesters Outside Art Institute

Pro-Palestinian Encampment at University of Chicago Demands Reparations, Defunding Police

Pro-Palestinian protesters bring Gaza war to US college graduations

Anti-Israel Protesters Prepared to Stay Put for Summer: ‘Nothing That Will Deter Us’

Outrage after MIT students appear to call for ‘Death to Zionists’

Anti-Israel Protester at UCLA Encampment: ‘We Don’t Like White People’

‘Possible Leader’ of Columbia University Hamilton Hall Protest Is a 40-Year-Old Millionaire Heir ‘Anarchist’

CEO Who Offered Jobs to Pro-Hamas Protestors Watches Stock Tank, Company Loses $210 Million in Stock Value

Antisemitism surging, report finds, prompting fear for future of ‘Jewish life’ in West

Most French Jews experience antisemitism, many remove mezuzah from their homes

Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air

Israel shuts down local Al Jazeera offices in ‘dark day for the media’ – Foreign Press Association decries move under new law based on claim network is a threat to national security

Police seize Al Jazeera broadcast equipment as network pulled off air in Israel – National Unity boycotts vote, saying timing may harm hostage talks

3 Arab Israelis shot dead in separate incidents on Sunday, as crime wave persists

Since the War Began, Entire Areas of the West Bank Have Been Emptied of Their Palestinian Communities – October 7 brought settler violence to a head in the West Bank: 18 Palestinian herding communities have since been uprooted from their homes

They Escaped the Nazis as Children. Now They Can’t Go Home Because of Hezbollah – Dozens of Israeli evacuees from Shlomi near the Lebanon border, including about 20 Shoah survivors, have been living in a Jerusalem hotel for the past seven months

Lebanese report: Israeli raid near Baalbek injures 3

Dozens of rockets fired from Lebanon toward Israel in one of largest attacks since war’s start

Man slightly hurt, damage caused in barrage of over 60 Hezbollah rockets at north

IDF: Fighter jets hit Hezbollah sites in Lebanon after over 60 rockets fired at Israel

IDF says drone was sent toward Israel from east overnight, fighter jets shot it down

Naftali Bennett: ‘America Is Next’ for Islamic Attacks

Australian police shoot armed teenager after stabbing attack that that had “hallmarks” of terror

Teen ‘jihad’ stabber shot dead in Australia not tied to Sydney young extremists – Perth attacker who said he’d act for ‘sake of Allah’ before being killed by police said to be unconnected with east coast group, one of whom carried out terror-related stabbings

As China and Iran hunt for dissidents in the US, the FBI is racing to counter the threat

As Putin begins another 6-year term, he is entering a new era of extraordinary power in Russia

Italy Blasts ‘Desperate’ Macron for ‘Dangerous’ Rhetoric on Russian-Ukraine War

India calls Canada arrests over Sikh activist murder ‘political compulsion’

Oil climbs as Gaza tensions rise, Saudi Arabia hikes prices

China Is Buying Gold Like There’s No Tomorrow

‘No turning back’: This Wall Street bear is predicting the biggest market crash since 1929

Inflation is scrambling Americans’ perceptions of middle class life

Reporter stunned by Biden voters’ comments on economy: ‘Nostalgia for Trump years … really shocking to me’

Rasmussen Poll: Reelection of Biden Might Trigger Civil War

White House Officially Claims Biden Has Made 148 Mistakes During 2024 Public Remarks

President Trump Calls For Jack Smith to be Arrested After Special Counsel Admits He Lied To The Court About Classified Docs Seized from Mar-a-Lago

Elon Musk Now Fully Awake on Election Integrity, Promotes Non-Profit Urging Whistleblowers to Come Forward

Trump accuses Biden of ‘running a Gestapo administration’ to win elections

Google Removes Pro-Trump Ad That Highlights Biden’s Prioritization of Illegals Over US Citizens, $500 a Month to House “Newcomers to America”

NPR CEO to testify to Congress over allegations of left-wing bias at outlet

ABC News president Kim Godwin steps down after reports of turmoil at the network

FBI Takes Possession of Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Phone Amid Investigation into Potential Hack

Major X1.2 solar flare erupts from Region 3663 – second X-class flare of the day

6.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Fakfak, Indonesia

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Fais, Micronesia

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Fakfak, Indonesia

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hualien City, Taiwan

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Hualien City, Taiwan

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits the central East Pacific Rise

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Lae, Papua New Guinea

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits the South Sandwich Islands region

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Pangai, Tonga

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Egvekinot, Russia

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Akutan, Alaska

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Caicay, Peru

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 23,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 22,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,500ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Ebeko volcano in the Kuril Islands erupts to 10,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Aerial footage captures aftermath of major eruptions at Ruang volcano, Indonesia

New tornado outbreak threatens storm-ravaged central US on Monday, Tuesday

Shock pictures as floods overtake Houston with 100s forced to flee homes and officials warn ‘worst’ might be on the way

Boat slams into bridge, capsizes as death toll rises amid catastrophic flooding in southern Brazil

Death toll from southern Brazil rainfall rises to 78, many still missing

Deadly landslides and floods ravage northern Haiti, killing 13 and displacing thousands

Kenya floods death toll continues to rise as heavy rains, flooding persist

Anger mounts as Kenyans left homeless and searching for loved ones swept away in floods

Tesla driver terrified after ‘getting stuck in her car during 103F heat’

Cinco De Mayo Parade in Chicago Canceled as Explosive Fight Between Latin Kings and Rival Gang Satan’s Disciples Breaks Out in Broad Daylight

American Man and Australian Brothers Murdered During Surfing Trip in Mexico, Thieves Dump Their Bodies in 50-Foot Deep Well

Human Trafficking Evidence in Chicago Migrant Facility

Former FDIC attorney sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring to sexually exploit numerous children

US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender Norms, and Representation in the Ranks

How Pope Francis opened the Vatican to transgender sex workers

UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’

‘A better church is possible:’ Methodists celebrate as the church embraces the LGBTQ

Methodists end anti-gay bans, closing 50 years of battles over sexuality for mainline Protestants

Transgender track runner wins 2 women’s events in which race times would’ve been last place among men

‘Enough Is Enough’: University President Speaks Out Against Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports

As States Resist Federal Gender Rules, Schools Are Caught in the Middle

Chicago Teachers Union Wants Pay Hikes, Lower Standards, Abortions, LGBT Training and Migrant Accomodation in Latest $50B Demand

Signatures submitted on final day to put legalizing abortion, sports wagering on Missouri ballot

Velshi: ‘Abortion tourism’ will lead to a deadend for reproductive care

CDC: Bird Flu Outbreak Spreading and Underreported

2 new COVID variants called ‘FLiRT’ are spreading in the U.S.

Moderna Posts $1.2 Billion Loss as Demand For COVID Jab Collapses, Promises Investors ‘Next-Generation’ Vaccine to Tackle New Strains

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · May 6, 2024

 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“Nothing is so contagious as opinion, especially on questions which, being susceptible of very different glosses, beget in the mind a distrust of itself.” —James Madison (1790)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1626, Dutch Governor Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Manhattan Indian tribe for 60 guilders of brass buttons, scarlet cloth, and trade goods. He named it New Amsterdam, though the British later took it over and named it New York. —Mark Alexander




A Medal of Freedom for Pelosi?

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi has done as much as anyone to undermine freedom in America.

Nate Jackson

Nancy Pelosi received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Joe Biden on Friday, and there could hardly be a visual more indicative of the threat to freedom than that posed by these two statist clowns.

Pelosi was just one of 19 primarily leftists whom Biden’s handlers thought he should honor with the Medal, degrading it to little more value than a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize. There was Congressman James Clyburn, who almost single-handedly revived Biden’s moribund campaign in the South Carolina Democrat primary in 2020. “I would not be standing here as president making these awards were it not for Jim,” Biden said. There was former veep Al Gore, whose primary contribution to “freedom” (other than inventing the Internet, of course) has been to inspire tyrannical climate initiatives like the Green New Deal. There was former senator and presidential candidate John Kerry, who traitorously negotiated with the enemy North Vietnamese, lied about his record in Vietnam, got clobbered in the 2004 election, and reinvented himself as an Al Gore clone.

And there was Pelosi. The White House said simply that she “served as the 52nd Speaker of the House and has represented San Francisco in Congress for more than 36 years.” It called her “a staunch defender of democracy” who “shaped legislative agendas and Democratic priorities for decades.”

It is those Democratic priorities that did the most to undermine democracy, if by that word you mean the supposed synonym “freedom.” As a side note, we in our humble shop often argue this is a Republic, not a democracy, precisely because democracy and freedom are not synonymous.

Ask Joe Biden, who has asked more than once recently if we’re ready to “choose freedom over democracy.”

Of Pelosi, Biden said:

Nancy Pelosi grew up knowing the power and purpose of politics. A historic figure as the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives, she used her superpowers to pass some of the most significant laws in our nation’s history. On January 6, Nancy stood in the breach and defended democracy. … Nancy is a brilliant, practical, principled, and determined leader. Her accomplishments are overwhelming. … History will remember you, Nancy, as the greatest speaker of the House of Representatives ever.

Upon presenting the Medal, Biden’s script-reader added:

As the first woman speaker of the House, she has shepherded some of our nation’s most consequential laws by keeping coalitions together and standing with and up to presidents of both parties. Her resolve on January 6, 2021, helped guide America through one of our darkest days. For her efforts to protect freedom and democracy, Nancy Pelosi will be known forever as the greatest speaker of the House in American history.

Is that so? I guess it depends on the historian, but I thought I’d just list a few highlights of things we’ve covered over the years — and we’ve covered a lot. I’ll start with two significant things Biden praised.

Pelosi orchestrated the histrionic J6 Insurrection™ Inquisition, which greatly undermined the trust millions of Americans had in our institutions. As bad as the riot on January 6 was, the Democrats’ cynical exploitation of it has been far more consequential. Her “resolve,” as the award reader put it, was to impeach Donald Trump a second time, regardless of the evidence or rationale. While calling a riot an “insurrection,” she lied by hiding exculpatory evidence, and she lied by desecrating Officer Brian Sicknick’s death.

Her disgraceful performance through that charade alone is disqualifying for any talk about “freedom.”

As for one of “the most significant laws in our nation’s history,” that would include ObamaCare, which is significant in its trampling of the Constitution. Pelosi famously said before passage, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” Chief Justice John Roberts may have bent over backward to save the law by using rationale Democrats explicitly and repeatedly rejected, but the law is a constitutional abomination. As we predicted before it was passed, it remains the law a decade and a half later, still wreaking havoc on the health insurance market, even as we’re treated to Leftmedia hagiographic accounts of Pelosi’s supposedly heroic efforts.

I could go on at length about Pelosi’s horrific record, but I’ll name just one more regarding that bit about “standing with and up to presidents.” After Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address, Pelosi stood up and literally shredded her copy of it. Mark Alexander argued that she “brazenly and feloniously violate[d] federal law — specifically 18 U.S.C. 2071 and the Presidential Records Act of 1978” — and referred her for criminal prosecution by the Justice Department. Predictably, that didn’t happen.

Her Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad that she barely keeps herself together when Trump is named.

Speaking of keeping yourself together, Biden sure had himself a day, seeming to confuse the ceremony with one for a Medal of Honor, losing track of why Jane Rigby was even receiving the Medal, calling Michelle Yeoh “Michael” while praising her for “breaking glass ceilings,” and congratulating the “Presidential Freedom of Medal recipients.” Memo to Jill Biden: Stop the elder abuse already.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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Biden Targets Second Amendment in Second Term

Joe Biden once again displayed his ignorance of American history and the principles undergirding the Second Amendment.

Thomas Gallatin

Reelect me, and I’ll finish the job of infringing gun rights. That’s right — Joe Biden wants to make disarming law-abiding Americans a focus of his second term. In a recently released podcast interview, Biden once again revealed his ignorance of and absolute disdain for the Second Amendment.

Speaking about his agenda for a second term, Biden said: “I think they should be focused on a couple of things. Number one, we’re going to, in a second term, God willing, we’re going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country.”

He then added, “The idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100 rounds is just bizarre.” Really? What is actually bizarre is Biden repeatedly claiming that he taught the Second Amendment in law school, and yet he doesn’t appear to understand what it’s there for.

Furthermore, Biden falsely agreed with the premise that “the Democrats don’t want to take your guns way.” The cognitive dissonance is frankly mind-boggling. Is the AR-15 not a firearm?

Even the bogus term “gun violence” is evidence that the Democrats do indeed want to take Americans’ guns away. Oh, they try to deflect from the blatant lie using disingenuous language like “common sense” gun control, but the fact of the matter is that Democrats don’t want Americans owning firearms.

Biden argued, “The Second Amendment, which I, when I taught law school — the Second Amendment wasn’t absolute ever.” He conveniently left off the “shall not be infringed” portion of this fundamental right.

But Biden didn’t put down the shovel, digging his hole of Second Amendment ignorance even deeper. “You weren’t able to have a cannon when you were — this,” he falsely asserted before losing his train of thought and redirecting, “The [tree of] liberty is watered with the blood of patriots — I mean, that’s a bunch of crap.” Really? The entire reason the United States exists today is because citizen-patriots armed with firearms, including cannons, fought a revolution for independence. That revolution began when British troops came to seize arms and ammunition stores.

As Thomas Jefferson so cogently observed about the nature of mankind, government, and freedom, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Biden may believe it to be “crap,” but that just proves he’s not fit for the presidency.

And when it comes to Biden’s repeated and false claim regarding private citizens owning cannons, constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley observes: “Unlike the conversations with a dead man or driving some eighteen-wheeler, the falsity of the story highlights the constitutional challenge to his calls to outlaw assault weapons or high-capacity magazines. There were no federal laws barring cannon ownership when the Second Amendment was enacted. Gun laws remained local matters, and I do not know of any bans on cannons or other gun types until much later in our history.” Turley pointedly adds, “The fact is that the Second Amendment was not viewed or used as a basis for banning certain weapon types.”

Biden’s anti-2A agenda is not really about the rising rates of violent crime across much of the country, most of which is happening in Democrat-run cities with stricter gun laws. This is belied by Biden’s lack of concern for lawlessness. Just take a look at his wide-open southern border and his unwillingness to apply the law to stop the problem.

Biden is desperate to shore up a political base that has become increasingly disenchanted with him. He also wants to curtail the right of private citizens to defend themselves against a tyrannical government and its globalist ambitions.

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Executive News Summary

April jobs malaise, Columbia commencement canceled, no sanctuary for kids in Austin, Moderna’s big loss, and more.

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • April malaise brings May spinsters: “With [Friday’s] report of 175,000 new jobs, the great American comeback continues.” So said Joe Biden, the architect of that woefully underwhelming April jobs report, whose numbers came in well below the 240,000 estimate of the Dow Jones consensus and which caused the nation’s deceptively low unemployment rate to tick up slightly to 3.9%. Biden continued: “When I took office, I inherited an economy on the brink, with the worst economic crisis in a century. I had a plan to turn our country around and build our economy from the middle out and the bottom up. Now, we are seeing that plan in action, with well over 15 million jobs created since I took office, working-age women employed at a record-high rate, wages rising faster than prices, and unemployment below 4% for a record 27 months in a row.” Gosh, with economic news this great, it’s a wonder the president and his staffers haven’t absolutely leaned into and embraced the derisive “Bidenomics” moniker that those pouncing Republicans have been using against him. Oh, waitOh, oh, wait, wait. Not content to let the hard numbers get in the way of a good fairy tale, former Obama economic adviser Jason Furman said the numbers are “close to ideal” given our current predicament. “Pretty much a goldilocks job report,” Furman pirouetted. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump saw things differently. “The job numbers just came out, and they’re horrible,” he said Friday morning during a breather from his show trial. “Our economy’s bad, and now it’s starting to show. So you’ll see, and it’ll only get worse.” Biden keeps saying we’re better off now than we were four years ago. Why is no one buying it?
  • Columbia cancels commencement: After allowing weeks of anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas protests to rile its campus — including protesters taking over one of the school’s buildings — Columbia University’s administration has canceled its main commencement ceremony for this year’s graduates. The Ivy League school announced today, “Based on feedback from our students, we have decided to focus attention on our Class Days and school-level graduation ceremonies, where students are honored individually alongside their peers, and to forego the university-wide ceremony that is scheduled for May 15.” This decision comes as little surprise given the fact that Columbia has already capitulated so much to these leftist anti-Semitic rabble-rousers. For example, in-person classes were canceled weeks ago, as the school administration, rather than stand against the blatant hatred and threats being promulgated on its campus, chose instead to cower in fear of offending anti-Semites. Now, the university is cowering in fear over the potential for anti-Semites to disrupt its graduation commencement ceremony, so the administration has chosen to cancel it. With “bravery” like this, it’s no wonder the school struggles to stand for any convictions.
  • Biden’s Vietnam: “I am thinking back, and other people are making this reference that this may be [Joe] Biden’s Vietnam,” said the socialist Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, in a recent CNN interview. Sanders, who infamously dodged the Vietnam War draft, added: “Lyndon Johnson, in many respects, was a very, very good president. Domestically, he brought forth some major pieces of legislation. He chose not to run in ‘68 because of opposition to his views on Vietnam, and I worry very much that President Biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people but a lot of the Democratic base in terms of his views on Israel and this war.” Sanders was equating the current anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protests raging on college campuses to the anti-Vietnam War protests in 1968. Biden’s reelection campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu dismissed Sanders’s Vietnam comparison as an “over-exaggeration,” saying: “This is a very different circumstance. I think that people who actually lived through that very difficult time — they would say that this isn’t comparable.”
  • Jewish groups boycott Biden’s “education” meeting: Joe Biden’s insults to the American Jewish community continued apace last week, as a bunch of Jewish organizations abruptly declined to attend a meeting with his Department of Education after learning that representatives from a self-hating Jewish organization would be there too. As Townhall’s Sarah Arnold reports, “At least five Jewish organizations boycotted a high-profile meeting with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Friday because they refused to be involved with left-wing groups, including the Jewish activist group IfNotNow.” If the decision seems extreme, the alternative would seem even worse. Why on earth lend legitimacy to a Jewish group that accuses Israel of perpetuating an “apartheid system,” claims that Israel is massacring “Palestinians in Gaza,” and praises the filthy leftist Jew-hating rabble running roughshod over our nation’s, ahem, elite universities as “brave” students? As the boycotting groups wrote in a joint statement, “By sharing specific recommendations, we urged the Administration to do more to protect Jewish students and the broader student community from intimidation, harassment, and violence.” We’re sure Joe Biden and his fellow-traveling anti-Semites will take this under advisement.
  • Kristi has Noem more chance to be Trump’s VP: We’re confused. Is Kristi Noem auditioning for a spot as Joe Biden’s veep? We ask because not only did she share a sad old story about having shot the family dog in order to burnish her credentials as a maker of tough decisions, but it appears that the South Dakota Republican governor engaged in autobiographical fabulism that would make ol’ Scranton Joe blush. As the Washington Examiner reports, the publisher of Noem’s new book, No Going Back, “has announced it is removing a passage regarding her meeting North Korea leader Kim Jong Un ‘as soon as technically possible.’” So, there is going back. On Sunday, Center Street, the publisher behind the book, confirmed in a statement posted on X: “At the request of Governor Noem, we are removing a passage regarding Kim Jong Un from her book No Going Back, upon reprint of the print edition and as soon as technically possible on the audio and ebook editions. Further questions about the passage should be referred to the author.” On “Face the Nation” yesterday, Noem mustered a weak defense. “As soon as this was brought to my attention,” she said, “I certainly made some changes and looked at this passage, and I’ve met with many, many world leaders. I’ve traveled around the world. As soon as it was brought to my attention, we went forward and have made some edits, so I’m glad that this book is being released in a couple of days and that those edits will be in place and they will have the updated version.” We know it’s her own memoir, but still we wonder: Does she think she’s been misquoted?
  • No sanctuary for kids in Austin: The city of Austin prides itself in being a spot of deep blue in the otherwise red state of Texas. A recent example of this political dynamic at play was the Austin City Council’s 9-1 vote to declare itself a “sanctuary city” for the practice of gender mutilation of children. The city council adopted this “transgender sanctuary city” resolution from the city’s LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission. The resolution stands against Texas’s recently passed law SB14, which bans gender-bending medical interference in a minor’s natural physical development. With the resolution, Austin will allow neither city personnel nor funding to go toward the investigation or criminal prosecution of individuals seeking to medically transition minors. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the resolution was “an empty political statement,” but he promised to enforce SB14 across the state, including in Austin. “If the City of Austin refuses to follow the law and protect children,” Paxton stated, “my office will consider every possible response to ensure compliance. Texas municipalities do not have the authority to pick and choose which state laws they will or will not abide by. The people of Texas have spoken, and Austin City Council must listen.”
  • Moderna’s big loss: The pharmaceutical company Moderna was one of three in the U.S. to develop a novel mRNA vaccine against COVID in near-record time at the end of 2020. Moderna has continued to develop its COVID vaccine, recently announcing its Phase 3 clinical trials for its “next generation” mRNA-1283 vaccine, which promises greater immunity than the original vaccine. The trouble is that fewer people are receiving Moderna’s COVID vaccines, and the drug developer announced a $1.2 billion loss in the first quarter of 2024. Moderna blamed the loss on a 94% drop in the number of COVID vaccine sales from the previous quarter. But it is not just Moderna that is losing money on its vaccine. Over its first quarter in 2024, Pfizer saw a 40% drop in sales from the prior year. Pfizer also blamed a dropoff in sales, with the purchase of its vaccine dropping by 64% in the U.S. and 91% worldwide. There are likely two reasons for the drop in COVID vaccine sales. The first is that COVID long ago became endemic, with a mortality rate on par with the flu, so most people who get it get over it. I.e., the fear of COVID has dissipated. Secondly, controversies surrounding mRNA vaccines have eroded the public’s trust.
  • American Spirit, Frat Boy Edition: While it may seem that no good deed goes unpunished in Joe Biden’s America, perhaps the patriotic actions of a group of University of North Carolina fraternity brothers will buck the trend. Recall that last week, the students defended an American flag on the UNC campus from a filthy leftist mob of Jew-hating protesters. And, as Fox News reports, a certain beer company has since taken notice. “The conservative, ‘woke-free’ beer company that launched last year hoping to rival Bud Light will host an event Tuesday at a University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill fraternity house to celebrate the actions of the students who defended the American flag from anti-Israel protesters on campus… Dubbed the ‘Frat Boy Summer Kickoff,’ the event will be held at the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity house and will be hosted by the Ultra Right Beer Company. … ‘We’re making it really simple — show up, you got free beer. We’re bringing half a tractor trailer load of beer for this thing just in anticipation of the kind of crowd it sounds like we’re going to have.’” Of course the beer company is trying to gain publicity and strengthen its brand awareness. But, hey, right or wrong, it’s still Ultra Right.


  • Judge threatens jail time for “possibly the next president” for future gag order violations (Fox News)
  • U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel (Axios)
  • Gaza Health Ministry cannot provide names for more than 10,000 it says have died (FDD)
  • Schumer plans to join Johnson in inviting Netanyahu to address Congress (Washington Examiner)
  • Netanyahu is determined to run for reelection (Times of Israel)
  • Harvard commencement speaker published editorial likening Israel to Hitler (Washington Free Beacon)
  • White House economic adviser struggles with question on monetary policy (Fox Business)
  • California’s minimum wage wipes out thousands of jobs (National Review)
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Arkansas won’t comply with federal transgender student protections (Washington Examiner)
  • Policy: Biden’s capital gains tax hike would cripple innovation and economic growth (Washington Examiner)
  • Humor: New York DA indicts Trump for bringing firefighters pizza but no salad or cheesy bread (Babylon Bee)

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

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Kristen Clarke’s Not-So-Little Lie

Joe Biden’s assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division can now add “lying” to her list of low credentials.

Douglas Andrews

The shocker isn’t that Kristen Clarke lied to the Senate during her confirmation hearings. The shocker is that folks are shocked about it.

What did they think — that she was a nominee of decency? Of character? Of integrity? If only these gobsmacked folks had paid attention to The Patriot Post.

LOL, as they say.

The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan broke the story last week, reporting: “Before becoming one of the Justice Department’s top leaders, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke was allegedly involved in a violent domestic dispute, according to court documents, records, and text messages — an incident that ended in her arrest and was ultimately expunged. During her Senate confirmation, Clarke specifically denied ever having been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime.”

Now she’s accused of lying to the Senate during those confirmation hearings. In written questions to her, Arkansas Republican Tom Cotton had asked Clarke point-blank, “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person?”

She answered, “No.” Apparently, she forgot the time she was arrested for slashing her husband with a knife.

Details, details.

“Clarke’s ex-husband, Reginald Avery, alleged to the American Accountability Foundation’s Tom Jones in 2021 that Clarke attacked him with a knife,” reports Olohan, “deeply slicing his finger to the bone, on the night of July 4, 2006, while they were married and living in Maryland. … Approximately a year-and-a-half later, Clarke sought an ‘Order for Expungement of Police and Court Records.’ … The district court granted that order in January 2008.”

But that doesn’t mean it never happened. It also doesn’t give Clarke a license to lie before the U.S. Senate during her testimony for the job of United States Assistant Attorney General.

In a dubious damage-controlling statement to CNN Wednesday, Clarke tried to explain herself: “Nearly two decades ago, I was subjected to yearslong abuse and domestic violence at the hands of my ex-husband. I didn’t believe during my confirmation process and I don’t believe now that I was obligated to share a fully expunged matter from my past.”

As the New York Post editorial board put it: “That’s precisely the kind of razor-sharp logic that top Biden appointees are known for. Then again, Clarke’s the same dunderhead who muffed a major question about First Amendment litigation last year, claiming in a congressional hearing to be totally unaware of the lawsuit by the state of Missouri against the president over government efforts against ‘disinformation’ — a huge civil rights issue where Team Biden had lost and was appealing to the Supreme Court.”

Ouch. But all this is the risk we run when we hire by race and not by merit.

“Kristen Clarke is in charge of enforcing civil rights laws,” said Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee on Tuesday evening. “She enforces those laws aggressively against anyone who sneezes near an abortion clinic. And not at all against those who vandalize churches. She lied under oath during her confirmation proceedings, and should resign.”

Thirteen years ago, former Wall Street Journal report and editor James B. Stewart wrote a book that no one paid any attention to: Tangled Webs: How False Statements Are Undermining America from Martha Stewart to Bernie Madoff. In it, he chronicled the national “epidemic of perjury and false statements occurring at the highest levels of business, politics, sports, and culture,” and how our seeming acceptance of this unlawful behavior portends “devastating consequences … for an ever-widening circle that ultimately includes everyone who cares about the truth.”

Stewart, whose politics lean decidedly leftward, dove deeply into four specific cases: Stewart, former George W. Bush administration staffer Scooter Libby, steroid-fed slugger Barry Bonds, and Madoff. Glaringly, though, the author barely mentions during the course of his 473-page book the man whose very public and very glaring perjury blazed a trail for future dissemblers of all stripes: Bill Clinton.

Had the president of the United States been held severely accountable for his criminal behavior under oath, perhaps it would’ve sent a different lesson to these four — and to James Comey and Michael Cohen and Fani Willis and Nathan Wade and Kristen Clarke and everyone else who now seems to think, perjury schmerjury.

“Instead,” as The Federalist’s David Harsanyi writes, “this lifelong unhinged leftist, who spent decades pushing identitarian ideas after college, was confirmed by the Senate. To the surprise of no one, she abused her power and weaponized the DOJ, which targeted elderly peaceful pro-life protesters while giving leftists and antisemites a pass. That’s the real problem.”

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Shrouding Joe Biden’s Stumbles

The president’s entourage is surrounding him in the hope of hiding his shuffling and falls.

Emmy Griffin

President Joe Biden is old and in decline, not just mentally but physically as well. He has taken more than his fair share of tumbles during his White House tenure. He’s tripped on stairs, over sandbags, or simply when trying to bike across a street. His gait optics are that of a feeble, shuffling old man who cannot manage to walk in public without projecting age-related weakness.

Biden’s tumbles have led to many strategies by his staff to help the president be more steady on his feet. One idea his staff had was to get him involved in physical therapy. Another tactic was to have him wear black Hoka Transport stability shoes. These shoes are specifically designed for comfort. The Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Stiles humorously notes they are the top choice for “the American Podiatric Medical Association and are highly praised by senior citizens, pregnant women, and injury-prone individuals.”

The most recent strategy attempts to kill two birds with one stone. Last week, Axios reported that Biden is no longer walking solo across the White House lawn and into Marine One. Instead, he is being flanked on three sides by his aides. This flanking hides his stiff gait from the press corp. Furthermore, staff are forbidding the press from getting too close to the president’s walking path. This essentially prevents Biden from hearing their questions and from having more Gaffe Department Own Goals.

According to Axios, hiding the president behind a phalanx of aides helps him look less frail. “Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.”

Here’s one thing to consider, though: Hiding him isn’t going to work in the long run. As The Daily Wire points out, “Despite early promises of transparency, President Biden’s team has effectively sequestered him, scheduling very few interviews with friendly outlets like Howard Stern’s radio show and Ryan Seacrest’s New Year’s Eve broadcast.”

This president isn’t able to handle himself with a (mostly) Democrat-friendly press. How is he expected to hold his own as the leader of the free world? Numerous major conflicts, including a new bout of anti-Semitic college protests, have highlighted the cost of his weak leadership on the foreign policy front. A floundering economy and an open border are his legacy domestically. These, combined with his failing physical image, don’t inspire confidence.

Everyone knows that Biden’s age is showing. He’s 81 years old — i.e., in his twilight years. Continuing to allow him to pursue a second term is not only elderly abuse but embarrassing to the country. Even worse for the Democrats is that there isn’t a candidate out there with whom they can easily replace him.

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Joe Biden, Dearborn Shahid, Commits Political Suicide via Hamas Appeasement

The doddering dolt from Delaware has been on a monthslong crusade to mollycoddle Hamas.

Josh Hammer

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s ill-fated 2024 presidential campaign was much criticized for being “too online.” But Democrats are no less prone to fall into that same trap. Now-Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2020 presidential campaign, which generated considerable initial buzz before it abruptly sputtered, was infamous for listening too much to left-wing TV hosts and social media blue checkmarks — not actual Democratic primary voters. Indeed, that a loud political minority — either within a party or across the broader electorate — can drown out a less vocal political majority is now a fixture of our politics, helpfully explained by public choice theory.

President Joe Biden, now seeking a second term with the worst approval ratings for an incumbent since the 1950s, is once again committing the same mistake. The doddering dolt from Delaware has been on a monthslong crusade to mollycoddle Hamas, a U.S. State Department-recognized foreign terrorist organization that slaughtered dozens of American citizens last October and still holds many hostage today in Gaza. The senile octogenarian, a mere puppet of his addlebrained ventriloquists, is now all in for Hamas.

By acceding to his young and hyper-online campaign staffers who have imbibed the woke catechism and thus view Hamas jihadists as “oppressed” victims of Israeli “oppressors,” the president — or “Dr.” Jill Biden, or whoever else controls Uncle Joe — is setting himself up for failure. By making such a strong play for states like Michigan, Biden is strapping on a political suicide vest and positioning himself to be a shahid for radicals in Dearborn, Michigan, who will never be appeased and who will continue to protest “genocide Joe” through election day. Meanwhile, Democrats’ pampering of an Islamist death cult abroad and failure to crack down on supportive, fifth-column anarchists at home only alienate the vast majority of swing-state voters who are not virulently anti-Israel or antisemitic.

Biden’s initial rhetorical support for Israel in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom is now a distant memory. He has since taken countless, often unprecedented steps to throw Israel under the bus — during an hour of great wartime need, no less. Biden and his loathsome Secretary of State Antony Blinken have continuously sought to impose premature ceasefires, hamstringing the Jewish state’s righteous attempt to eradicate the Hamas cancer. They have constantly threatened to withhold weapons shipments unless more “humanitarian aid” — inevitably gobbled up by Hamas — is delivered to Gaza. Biden has imposed sanctions on Israeli “settlers” in Judea and Samaria. He has even used U.S. taxpayer dollars to build an emergency pier off Gaza.

And most recently, his administration has just stood by and shrugged its collective shoulders while America’s “leading” university campuses have been completely overrun by an infestation of riotous, anarchic Hamas sympathizers. Jewish students and faculty on campus are suffering the worst antisemitism in the history of the American republic, and all Biden can bring himself to do is meekly assert — as he did on Thursday — that protests must not lead to “disorder.” But he has simultaneously rejected the possibility of sending in the National Guard to restore order and is openly contemplating the possibility of bringing in a new wave of Palestinian-Arab migrants.

What could possibly go wrong?

There is increasing evidence that the president is paying a political price for his jihad apologia. A recent CNN poll showed Trump leading Biden 49% to 43% — well outside the statistical margin of error — in a head-to-head matchup. In an incisive tweet, commentator Guy Benson took a deeper dive at the poll’s crosstab data on the Israel-Hamas war: “Biden is at a dreadful (28/71) on his handling of the Israel/Hamas war. Media will focus on him being deep underwater (19/81) on the issue among young voters, pushing the narrative that he’s still seen as too pro-Israel. But he’s relatively strong on the issue among partisan Democrats (46/53). Among Republicans and independents, who are much more pro-Israel than the Democratic base at this point, he’s at (13/87) and (27/73) respectively.”

In other words, while no one really approves of Biden’s handling of the war, those outside the anti-Western/pro-jihad left-wing echo chamber are far likelier to disapprove of Biden’s Hamas sycophancy. Maybe Joe can win over a few more Arab voters in Michigan or Minnesota, if he steers the course. But he definitely isn’t setting himself up to win over white working-class or middle-class voters across Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona or Nevada — the vast majority of whom would prefer a clearer campaign focus on our southern border crisis and stubborn inflation metrics, and virtually none of whom prefer Hamas-style Islamofascism over Israel.

Biden’s political calculus, in short, is just as misguided as his moral calculus. The would-be shahid of Dearborn is in for a hard slog unless he recovers enough cognitive ability and common sense to overrule his woke staffers and change course immediately.


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Jordan Candler

Village Idiot

“As a kid, I’d say, ‘Hitler, it’s a nightmare, that never would happen.’ But now I see that it’s possible.” —actor Robert De Niro regarding leftist anti-Semite, pro-Hamas, Hitlerian campus goons Donald Trump

Dumb & Dumber

“This may be Biden’s Vietnam. … Biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people but a lot of the Democratic base in terms of his views on Israel and this war.” —Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), a “not particularly religious” Hamas-loving Jew and a Vietnam draft-dodger

“It is important to understand why these protesters are out there. And they are out there not because they are ‘pro-Hamas.’” —Sen. Bernie Sanders (In other words, don’t believe your lying eyes.)

“These young people seek a worthy cause: to end what may be the most brutal military operation for civilians in the 21st century.” —New York Times columnist Lydia Polgreen

“All the organizers of all these demonstrations, I’ve talked to a lot of them. … And I have to tell you, they are the salt of the earth. They are kind and generous. They want to work with Jews. They want to live in peace.” —filmmaker Michael Moore

“I also met with so-called pro-Israel students … just to hear about the anti-Semitism that they have experienced. And they told me: ‘It has been minimum. It has been overblown by the media. We have been uncomfortable but we don’t feel unsafe.’” —Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) (This is as believable as you claiming pulling the fire alarm was an accident.)

For the Record

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is offering scholarships to pro-Hamas students who have been expelled from our ‘horrible’ universities. … I’d love to see these young men explain to the university’s Shiite president why they want to be young women and share bathrooms with the girls in burkas. I would really love to capture for posterity what happens when the first American student tries to become a drag queen and insists on wearing a dress when he reads to kids in Tehran. I’d love to see how these students react when they get their draft notice to join one of Iran’s many terrorist proxies and are ordered to go blow themselves up somewhere.” —Gary Bauer

“A degree from Columbia no longer guarantees either maturity or preeminent knowledge but is just as likely a warning to employers of a noisy, poorly educated graduate more eager to complain to Human Resources than to enhance a company’s productivity.” —Victor Davis Hanson

“I assure you no bank in the world would ever lend any young person tens of thousands of dollars — much less hundreds of thousands — to pursue studies in either indigenous, black, critical race, Islamic, gender, sexuality, abolition, or decolonization studies if those loans were not backed by the federal government. The state-guarantee policy has created a massive moral hazard that allows schools not only to ignore the real-world needs of their students but to charge astronomical tuition rates.” —David Harsanyi

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“Does anyone think Biden would have stayed quiet for so long if white supremacists had rioted on Columbia’s campus and chanted ‘Death to blacks’?” —Michael Reagan

Baghdad Bob

“No, [Biden] is not doing a ‘both sides’ scenario here.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre when asked, “What do you say to those critics who say that he is trying to have it both ways — that he’s essentially, you know, trying to talk about both anti-Semitism and what’s going on with the Palestinians?”

The BIG Lies

“[Trump] and his MAGA allies in Congress were happy to give the very super rich a $2 trillion tax cut in his administration … that benefitted the super wealthy and the biggest corporations.” —Joe Biden

“We cut the federal deficit by fighting to make the very wealthy and big corporations begin to pay their fair share.” —Joe Biden

“The plan we put in place is beginning to work. We’ve created a record 15 million jobs.” —Joe Biden

“Crime rates are down nationally. … We’ve also done much work to make communities safer.” —Joe Biden (“Unmentioned: The fact that a third of police departments, including in the biggest U.S. cities, stopped reporting crime data to the FBI in 2022.” —RNC)

“I was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.” —Joe Biden

Re: The Left

“All one must do to understand why ousting [Mike] Johnson is a bad idea is have the imagination to remember the reality of Democrats actually running the House.” —Erick Erickson

“About half of Americans, 53%, say they are extremely or very concerned that news organizations will report inaccuracies or misinformation during the election. It’s 83% if you count the middle option of ‘somewhat concerned.’ That has to hurt, since the media elites say ‘misinformation’ is what other people offer.” —Tim Graham

And Last…

“At the end of the day, this is the Obama 2.0 Apology Doctrine.” —Congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL) when asked to explain Joe Biden’s Middle East policy

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 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Cartoons and Memes · May 6, 2024

 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Wrong Shampoo

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That You, Joe?

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Anyone Can Be President

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Just a Reminder

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Supporting the New Thing

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Just Bored

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Pick a Side

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Anarchy Explained

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It Isn’t Working

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Call Technical Support

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I’m Not OK

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Fixed the Sign

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Worst Part

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Pick the Racisms

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A Loony Warning

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Yay, Work

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No Evil Stuff This Time

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Hopes AND Dreams?

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 “From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Report: CIA Director Bill Burns Gave Hamas Terrorists a Guarantee Before Biden Regime Cut Military Aid to Israel – Hamas Agrees to Ceasefire that Makes NO MENTION of Hostages | The Gateway Pundit

Top Israeli reporter Caroline Glick tweeted out on Saturday that CIA Director Burns gave Hamas the guarantee that the US will force Israel into a ceasefire with the Gaza terrorists.

Caroline Glick: According to all of the media reports, CIA Director Bill Burns gave Hamas a guarantee that the U.S. will force Israel to accept a permanent ceasefire. This means that the Biden administration has totally abandoned Israel. It’s using the hostage talks to force Israel to surrender to Hamas.

According to all of the media reports, CIA Director Bill Burns gave Hamas a guarantee that the U.S. will force Israel to accept a permanent ceasefire.
This means that the Biden administration has totally abandoned Israel. It’s using the hostage talks to force Israel to surrender…

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) May 4, 2024

Then on Sunday news broke that the Biden administration cut off ammunition supplies to Israel as they attempt to appease the growing anger among the left of the Democratic Party over America’s support for the war against Hamas.

For the record, this act by the the Biden administration is clearly illegal. According to Bonnie Glick – It’s a violation of the Impoundment Control Act. Tying the hands of the IDF when they need munitions, appropriated by Congress, to end the war is against the law.

It’s illegal for the @JoeBiden admin to hold up the aid. It’s a violation of the Impoundment Control Act. Tying the hands of the @IDF when they need munitions, appropriated by Congress, to end the war is against the law @SecBlinken @SecDefhttps://t.co/yPWAcITUMN

— Bonnie Glick (@Bonnie_Glick) May 5, 2024

Once again, the Biden regime is trampling the law to get their way. This time, the people of Israel are collateral damage.

UPDATE: Hamas on Monday agreed to a ceasefire with Israel – but there was no mention of the remaining hostages.  There are at least 100 hostages Hamas is holding in Israel. Many suspect they may already be dead.

A senior Israeli official says Hamas’s announcement that it agrees to a ceasefire proposal with which Israel is unfamiliar is “a deception,” meant to portray Israel as the party standing in the way of a deal.

— Avi Mayer אבי מאיר (@AviMayer) May 6, 2024

The ceasefire deal gives NOTHING to Israel.

Joe Biden is only extending the life of Hamas and more Jews will die.  Biden does not care about Israeli lives.

The post Report: CIA Director Bill Burns Gave Hamas Terrorists a Guarantee Before Biden Regime Cut Military Aid to Israel – Hamas Agrees to Ceasefire that Makes NO MENTION of Hostages appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Democrat leader warns US troops could enter Ukraine conflict — RT World News

A military defeat for Kiev might compel Washington to send service members to the country, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries has said

Democrat leader warns US troops could enter Ukraine conflict

FILE PHOTO: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.
 ©  Drew Angerer / Getty Images

The US may have to deploy troops to Ukraine if Kiev suffers a complete collapse against Russia, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has warned.

In an interview with CBS News released on Sunday, the senior Democratic lawmaker suggested that if Kiev cannot win the war with Russia using billions if dollars worth of US military aid, Washington could potentially have to intervene directly in the conflict. 

“We can’t let Ukraine fall because if it does, then there’s a significant likelihood that America will have to get into the conflict – not simply with our money, but with our servicewomen and our servicemen,”Jeffries said.

This stance, however, contradicts the long-standing policy of US President Joe Biden, who reiterated last month that he was “determined” not to send American troops to Ukraine. He noted that Kiev had so far not requested direct military intervention from Washington, expressing the belief that it could win the conflict with Russia if the US “stand[s] with Ukraine and provide[s] the weapons it needs to defend itself.” 

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FILE PHOTO: Aleksey Goncharenko.
Ukraine could request Western military intervention – MP

Meanwhile, Jeffries claimed that US efforts to support Ukraine, including pushing a new $61 billion assistance package through Congress, had been stymied by what he called a “pro-Putin faction”within the Republican Party.

He singled out Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has called for funds to be used for domestic needs, rather than sent to Ukraine. Greene has insisted she “does not have any sympathy for… Russia” and that she is “only loyal to a single country: the United States of America


Jeffries’ comments about possible US intervention come after French President Emmanuel Macron refused to rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine. Last week, he suggested that Western nations “would legitimately have to ask [them]selves” whether they should deploy their militaries to the embattled country “if the Russians were to break through the front lines, [and] if there were a Ukrainian

request.” Macron has further insisted that rhetoric of “strategic ambiguity” could project strength and deter Russia.

In response, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested on Sunday that the French leader was “breathing caveman Russophobia”in the hope of using this sentiment to become the de-facto leader of the EU


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned in late February that the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine would make a direct conflict between Russia and the US-led military bloc “inevitable.” 

In the meantime, the Russian military has reported steady progress on the battlefield, capturing several settlements in Donbass in recent weeks.

— Read on www.rt.com/news/597053-democrat-leader-us-troops-ukraine/

Mollie Hemingway: We Have To Talk About The Democrat, Social Justice Lies That Fuel These Protests | Video | RealClearPolitics

“The Federalist” editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway offered this view of what is driving protests on college campuses against Israel’s war in Gaza during a panel on FNC’s “Media Buzz.” “

“We do have to talk about the lies that are at the root of these protests, whether they’re the lies that were told during the BLM riots about what America is and what it means to be American, or the lies about the nature of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,” she said.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Columbia University has spent decades building up this ideology within their own institution.

I do want to point out here too when we look a few years ago, when President Trump said there were good people who did not believe in tearing down statues, he was destroyed by corporate media and other Democrats who were so upset that that he said that. And they didn’t like — even though he said it immediately, within hours of a horrible protest breaking out in Virginia, they demanded that he say things a certain way, over and over and over again.

And here you have the immediate what just being like, oh, it’s no big deal that President Biden hasn’t said anything here. Again, these institutions have been taken over by this social justice ideology. That’s what these children — these students, they’re not children — are learning. And that’s what they have been learning for a long time.

And that’s why when we we talk about these protests, we do have to talk about the lies that are at the root of these protests whether they’re the lies that were told during the BLM riots about what America is and what it means to be American, or the lies about the nature of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
— Read on www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/05/mollie_hemingway_we_have_to_talk_about_the_democrat_social_justice_lies_that_fuel_these_protests.html

Mark Levin: ‘Diabolical, Evil, Nasty’ Biden Backed White Supremacists, Racists for Politics and Votes

On Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” host Mark Levin reminded his viewers how President Joe Biden once backed white supremacists and racists in the Democratic Party as he is going out to criticize Republicans as racists on the campaign trail.

The post Mark Levin: ‘Diabolical, Evil, Nasty’ Biden Backed White Supremacists, Racists for Politics and Votes appeared first on Breitbart.

— Read on www.breitbart.com/clips/2024/05/06/mark-levin-diabolical-evil-nasty-biden-backed-white-supremacists-racists-for-politics-and-votes/

Nation Cheers As Protesters Announce Plan To Stay Inside Tents Indefinitely | Babylon Bee

Article Image

U.S. — Americans braced for what appeared to be a bright, joyous summer and the nation let out a collective cheer as college campus protesters announced plans to stay inside tents indefinitely.

The announcement was made as universities prepared for summer break, with the mobs of anti-Israel protesters gathered on various campuses across the country vowing to remain in place until the next semester begins in the fall, eliciting celebrations from the rest of the nation.

“This is the best news I’ve heard in a while!” shouted Nate Thomas, who immediately began planning a summer vacation with his family. “We figured this summer would be a total wash due to a bunch of filthy commies running around doing, you know, filthy commie stuff. Now that we know they’re going to stay confined to campus all summer, we’re free to enjoy ourselves!”

The same sentiment was shared by others from coast to coast. “I was sure this summer was going to be awful,” said Zach Lewis. “Colleges emptying out all these crazy leftists into our cities sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully, they’re promising to stay in their little encampments all summer is a relief. Thanks, unwashed, tent-dwelling weirdos!”

With protesters planning to remain on campus through the summer break, American families once again looked forward to enjoying the warmer months with fun recreational activities. “I can start allocating resources back to vacation planning instead of buying ammo and body armor!” Lewis explained.

At publishing time, families who had planned vacation trips to visit the Columbia University campus were reportedly disappointed.

YUGE NEWS! There’s a new Donald Trump Version of the Bible, and we’ve got the exclusive clip of Trump reciting his favorite verses.

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From Pit Row to the Court Room | The NEWSMAX Daily (05/06/24) – YouTube

Today’s 20-min top headline news brief from NEWSMAX includes:
1:30] -President Donald Trump was a hit at the Formula One Grand Prix race in Miami, FL.
4:11] -Trump attorney Christina Bobb: “This trial in nothing but political theater and no one likes the show.” [Eric Bolling The Balance]
7:03] -Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf:” Biden’s plan to admit Gazans makes no sense.” [American Agenda]
9:10] -Retired Brigadier General Blaine Holt: “Biden admin is acting against security interests of the U.S.” [American Agenda]
12:05] -Fitness trainer Jillian Michaels on Biden’s Title IX changes. [National Report]
16:07] -Newsmax host Tom Basile: President Biden cannot be a Catholic only on Sunday. [America Right Now]
19:36] -Will MTG really try to recall House Speaker Mike Johnson?

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Russia to Hold Nuclear Drills Near Ukraine After Angry Exchange With West | Newsmax.com

Russia said Monday it will hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid rising tensions after comments by senior Western officials about the possibility of deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine

Hamas Celebrates Proposed Ceasefire With Rocket Barrage | Babylon Bee

Article Image

GAZA — With reports of a proposed agreement to temporarily end hostilities in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Hamas celebrated the proposed ceasefire with a rocket barrage directed toward Tel Aviv.

Shouts of joy were heard by witnesses throughout Gaza as battered and weary Hamas terrorists expressed their jubilation by launching several thousand rockets into Israeli territory.

“We may finally be able to rest from fighting! Load more rockets!” one fighter was heard exclaiming. “We will celebrate in the traditional Hamas fashion by seeking to inflict more destruction and death on innocent civilians! We are so relieved by the possibility of a pause in bloodshed! Death to Israel!”

The tentative ceasefire agreement was proposed by Hamas after several months of intense fighting, with media reports of nearly 10 trillion Palestinian casualties. “We are very thankful that we could potentially stop being held accountable for the vicious and unprovoked attacks we launched back in October,” a Hamas spokesterrorist said. “A break in the war could provide us with much-needed time to regroup, dismantle as much of our critical infrastructure as possible to create rockets, and show our gratitude to the wicked Israelis by violating the terms of any ceasefire as soon as we can. Seriously, it is very helpful to us as we devise new ways to inflict pain and death upon the Jews.”

At publishing time, Hamas fighters were also putting the finishing touches on their new “ceasefire edition” of the group’s trademark suicide bomber vest.

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