Daily Archives: May 11, 2024

Day 12: Calling Lost Lambs to Come Home | The Daily Declaration


To pray for the lost prodigals to come home.


“There once was a shepherd with 100 lambs, but one of his lambs wandered away and was lost. So, the shepherd left the 99 lambs out in the open field and searched in the wilderness for that one lost lamb.

He didn’t stop until he finally found it. With exuberant joy, he raised it up, placed it on his shoulders, and carried it back with cheerful delight!

Returning home, he called all his friends and neighbours together and said, ‘Let’s have a party! Come and celebrate with me the return of my lost lamb. It wandered away, but I have found it and brought it home.’”

– Luke 15:4–7 (TPT)


We were all lost at some point, separated from our beloved Father God. Spiritually orphaned.

But we were called out of darkness into His glorious light. We were saved through the perfect work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross.

This Go Month we are praying for many souls to be saved!

But my heart also goes out to those we call prodigals. We all know or have them in our family or circle of friends. Sons and daughters raised in our homes, each on a path we pray will lead back to Him. And how we pray!

Chuck Girard once said, “Don’t shoot the wounded. They need us more than ever”.

In the hardness of our hearts, or a religious spirit, it’s easy to discount their wandering as a lack of faith or a false salvation. Or, dare I say it, unworthiness.

I believe many who have wandered from the institutional church walked away with heavy hearts. They were hurt or neglected by the system run by imperfect human beings, imperfect like you and I.

Coming from personal experience, our ‘sabbatical’ occurred when a paedophile infiltrated our home group. When we asked the leadership for help, well, it didn’t go well.

Did we lose our faith in God? As James Bond used to say of his martini, “Shaken, not stirred”.

It’s my humble opinion that the body of Christ has had many wonderful people’s ministries and contributions sabotaged by the work of the enemy. They may still have faith in Jesus – but not in man. Their faith could be a mere glimmer of light, needing the gentle fanning of the embers to bring forth the flame they once knew!

Can we commit to encouraging those we know who have fallen away? And with a hand offered in God’s love, help them up once more? This is no time for stray sheep to wander the hills all alone!

Perhaps we have seen a puppy who has been abused. It takes a lot of work to get them to trust and love again. Remembering this can be key to loving restoration.

We may find that prayer and love will unlock the heart barred, shut for years. Others will be so glad that you cared enough to reach out, they will literally jump into your arms in gratitude, restoration swift and sweet! Everyone will be different.

When a person walks away from fellowship, one of the most egregious wounds will be from the experience of being ‘shunned’. Often our churches allow people to drift and slip away, without any effort made of restoration. People are scared to get involved and risk the ire of leadership. How sad!

Some dear ones may never enter the walls of a church building again. Thank God for home churches and online Zoom meetings! Coffee and prayer! Be flexible and patient.

HE is.



Father, Your love and faithfulness is our firm anchor. Show us how to love as You love, to forgive as You forgive, and to remember the words often quoted, “There but for the grace of God, go I.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author Bio

Leonie RobsonLeonie and her husband Ivan are songwriters, worship leaders, parents and grandparents. They have operated in lay ministry in cross-denominational settings for many years. Leonie writes poetry and lyrics and is an artist of great repute (according to her granddaughter, at least!). Both Leonie and her husband take a great interest in history, current events and politics.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO Month 2024

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. 1 Chron 16:23–31.
  2. To pray for revival, repentance and deliverance for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Acts 2:1–41.
  3. To pray for five people by name to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20.

We invite you to support this prayer campaign to multiply prayer in Australia for revival and see millions come to Christ. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ His Son.

Join us for our nightly Zoom prayer call:

DATES: Every night in May

TIME: 8 PM (AEST); 7:30 PM (ACST); 6 PM (AWST)

ZOOM URL LINK: https://zoom.us/j/776881184

Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

View GO Month 2024 devotionals on the Daily Declaration website.

Photo by Kat Smith.

The post Day 12: Calling Lost Lambs to Come Home appeared first on The Daily Declaration.

Source: Day 12: Calling Lost Lambs to Come Home

May 11 Evening Verse of the Day

20 Note the similarity to 10:12–13; the theme of this part of the address is repeated here for emphasis. You shall keep close to him—the language indicates a very close and intimate relationship. The same verb (dāḇaq) is employed to describe the relationship between a man and his wife. For further comments, see Deut. 6:13, which is similar, but slightly shorter, than 10:20.[1]

Ver. 20.—Reverting to his main theme, Moses anew exhorts Israel to fear Jehovah their God, and to show true reverence to him by serving him, by cleaving to him, and by swearing in his Name (cf. ch. 4:4; 6:13; Acts 11:23). Such reverence was due from Israel to God, because of the great things he had done for them, and those terrible acts by which his mighty power had been displayed on their behalf.[2]

10:20 The centrality of the Lord in the lives of his people is emphasised by the order of words in the Hebrew text. To bring this out the verse can be translated as follows: ‘The Lord your God you shall fear; him you shall serve; and to him you shall cleave; and in his name you shall swear’. The expressions are very similar to those already used in 6:13 and 10:12 (see commentary). The new idea introduced here in comparison with these other passages is that Israel had to remain in close relationship with the Lord. The Hebrew verb davaq is used in Genesis 2:24 of the relationship between husband and wife and has already occurred in Deuteronomy 4:4 as descriptive of the covenant bond. Here it replaces the concept of love used in verse 12.[3]

10:20 fear … hold fast: True faith expresses itself in awe, submission, and deep commitment to God.[4]

10:20 cling to Him. The verb means “to stick to” or “to hold onto.” As a husband is to be united to his wife (Ge 2:24), so Israel was to cling intimately to her God.[5]

[1] Craigie, P. C. (1976). The Book of Deuteronomy (p. 207). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

[2] Spence-Jones, H. D. M., ed. (1909). Deuteronomy (p. 180). Funk & Wagnalls Company.

[3] Harman, A. M. (2001). Deuteronomy: The Commands of a Covenant God (p. 134). Christian Focus Publications.

[4] Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson’s new illustrated Bible commentary (p. 247). T. Nelson Publishers.

[5] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Dt 10:20). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

May 13 – Springs of Living Water! | VCY

  1 Samuel 14:1-52
  John 7:31-53
  Psalm 109:1-31
  Proverbs 15:5-7

1 Samuel 14:3 — The High Priest’s Uncle Ichabod – we’ve met him earlier.

1 Samuel 14:6 — This is an incredible verse – the king’s son decides to go rogue. He invites his bodyguard, and the bodyguard isn’t afraid to die (1 Samuel 14:7). Is it faith in the LORD or just loyalty to his liege? Maybe just the latter but the bodyguard would see how God would provide! Can God provide?

1 Samuel 14:24 — While Saul had good intentions, his actions made it easier for Israel to commit a worse sin (1 Samuel 14:32). We’ve seen earlier that eating blood was forbidden for the Israelites!

John 7:45 — “Why have you not brought Him?” Jesus is superior to the plans and schemes of man. He willingly laid down His life.

Psalm 109:22 — Deliverance is available only to those who acknowledge they are poor and needy.

Psalm 109:27 — Deliverance is soli deo gloria (glory to God alone)!

Proverbs 15:6 — True treasure is found in the house of the righteous!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Invitation to Pray | VCY

Invitation to Pray

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3)

God encourages us to pray. They tell us that prayer is a pious exercise which has no influence except upon the mind engaged in it. We know better. Our experience gives the lie a thousand times over to this infidel assertion. Here Jehovah, the living God, distinctly promises to answer the prayer of His servant. Let us call upon Him again and admit no doubt upon the question of His hearing us and answering us. He that made the ear, shall He not hear? He that gave parents a love to their children, will He not listen to the cries of His own sons and daughters!

God will answer His pleading people in their anguish. He has wonders in store for them. What they have never seen, heard of, or dreamed of, He will do for them. He will invent new blessings if needful. He will ransack sea and land to feed them: He will send every angel out of heaven to succor them if their distress requires it. He will astound us with His grace and make us feel that it was never before done in this fashion. All He asks of us is that we will call upon Him. He cannot ask less of us. Let us cheerfully render Him our prayers at once.

11 May 2024 News Briefing

Strong geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, continues through weekend
NOAA space weather forecasters have observed at least seven coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun, with impacts expected to arrive on Earth as early as midday Friday, May 10, and persist through Sunday, May 12, 2024. The First of Several CMEs reached Earth on Friday, May 10 at 12:37 pm EDT. The CME was very strong and SWPC quickly issued a series of geomagnetic storm warnings. SWPC observed G4 conditions at 1:39 pm EDT (G3 at 1:08 pm EDT). “This is an unusual and potentially historic event. Clinton Wallace, Director, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center

Biden’s Reckless Betrayal Of Benjamin Netanyahu And The Jewish People
The Gog/Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is remarkable for its absence of any nation, including America, coming to the aid of Israel as massive forces invade the Land. I could never have imagined, however, that a U.S. President would choose to protect an organization so barbaric and monstrous as Hamas at the expense of Israel

Hezbollah rockets ignite widespread fires across northern Israel
Direct hits and multiple fires near Highway 90 and Kiryat Shmona following 35 rocket launches from Lebanon; 10 firefighting teams on site; IDF responds with extensive strikes in southern Lebanon, multiple destroying Hezbollah sites

‘Israel stands on the front lines of the fight for civilization,’ say 80 former US generals and admirals
The Jewish Institute for National Security of America warned that Iran and its proxies are watching closely to see if the United States will abandon its ally.

Israel Strikes Eastern Rafah as Ceasefire Talks End With No Deal
Israeli forces targeted areas of Rafah on Thursday, Palestinian residents said, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed US President Joe Biden’s threat to withhold weapons from Israel if it launches a major offensive in the southern Gaza city. A senior Israeli official said late on Thursday that the latest round of indirect negotiations in Cairo to halt hostilities in Gaza had ended and Israel would proceed with its operation in Rafah and other parts of the Gaza Strip as planned.

After Iran attack, will the US stand with Israel against Hezbollah?
Statements from the Biden administration and its supporters before the Iranian attack have shocked Israelis as never before. Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi signed a letter written by antisemitic members of Congress calling to end the transfer of weapons to Israel. Biden called for an immediate ceasefire without an explicit linkage to the release of all the hostages, who are continually sexually abused.

IDF destroys terrorist launch sites in Rafah that were used to fire at Beersheba
IDF soldiers of the 401st Brigade destroyed two launch sites in Rafah where terrorists had used to fire at Beersheba earlier on Friday afternoon, the IDF announced later that evening. After destroying these sites, secondary explosions were detected, testifying to the presence of additional weapons stored at the site.

House Democrats: We cannot undermine our ally Israel
26 Democratic members of Congress urge White House to deliver security aid to Israel, after the Biden administration cancelled a shipment over Rafah operation.

Israeli UN ambassador shreds organizations charter after passage of Palestinian status resolution
United Nations General Assembly votes to revive Palestine’s bid to become a full UN member and granting it additional rights at the global body.

Biden reportedly delayed saying he withheld arms from Israel until after Holocaust speech
“There seem to be two Bidens,” wrote Abe Foxman, director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League, the one who “spoke at the Holocaust event, who flew to Israel during war against Israel” and who supported Israel militarily and financially,” and the “political Biden, who engages in party politics—telling Israel it has [a] right to defend itself—but we will tell you when and how.”

Rubio: Revoke visas for foreign university students who support Hamas
“For those international students who defied university orders, and police instruction, in favor of acting on pro-terrorist views, this should result in immediate expulsion from their host institution and our generous country,” Rubio wrote on May 8. “No questions asked.” He wrote, “Let me be clear: espousing support for a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization is grounds for the termination of a visa and immediate removal from our country.”

David Friedman leads Jews and Christians in thanking Trump for rejecting Palestinian state
Former Ambassador to Israel David Melech Friedman responded to a petition by Jews and Christians of the Keep God’s Land coalition and sent a letter signed by more than 400 Jewish and non-Jewish leaders, thanking President Donald Trump for rejecting the ill-named “Two-State Solution.”

Trump says he’s rethinking his support for two-state solution after Oct 7, says he’d ‘protect Israel’ if war comes with Iran
President Donald J. Trump is making it very clear these days that he would manage the U.S.-Israel alliance very differently than President Joe Biden. Trump also says he would be far more supportive of Israel – and far more protective of the Jewish state – than Biden as Israel fights its radical Islamist neighbors and faces war with Iran.

New genome testing company helps customers weed out babies with imperfect genetics
A burgeoning West Coast genome testing company is promising prospective parents “healthy babies” by helping them to selectively discard embryos that show any sign of predisposition to unwanted physical or mental conditions. San Francisco-based Orchid Health purports to have developed technology capable of sequencing more than 99 percent of an embryo’s DNA, allowing for the detection of an enormous array of potential disorders, predispositions to diseases, and birth defects.

Red Alert! 6 Absolutely Gigantic Geomagnetic Storms Are About To Hit Earth, And Authorities Won’t Know Their True Power Until Friday Night
A series of enormous geomagnetic storms is about to start pummeling our planet, and some of the most important technologies that we depend on are potentially at risk.  For the very first time in nearly 20 years, the NOAA has issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch.  We were initially warned that “at least five earth-directed coronal mass ejections” were headed our direction, but now it is at least six.

At least 60 killed in Afghanistan flash flooding
At least 60 people have died and more than 100 have been injured after flash flooding in northern Afghanistan, according to Taliban officials.

Student At Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy Cultural Day Event Praises Jihad And Martyrdom
When they tell you who they are, believe them. On May 7,  Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy held a cultural day event. They shared a video on their YouTube channel of remarks by a student, Raneem Mustafa, where she spoke about Palestine.

Hungary’s Orbán Signs Big Deals with Xi Jinping, Thanks China for Saving Lives in Pandemic
China and Hungary signed 18 cooperation agreements on Thursday following an in-person meeting in Budapest between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and visiting genocidal dictator Xi Jinping, who is on the last leg of a week-long trip to Europe.

Israel sees rise in opioid use, study finds
The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research recently published a study showing that Israeli patients who received high doses of painkillers tend to have higher mortality rates – similar to the United States. The findings are published against the backdrop of a series of data indicating a sharp increase in the use of painkillers in the country.

100 make decisions for Christ in aftermath of Hawaii wildfires
Around 100 people professed faith in Jesus at worship services held in wildfire-ravaged Hawaii last week, the culmination of Harvest Christian Fellowship’s “Hope for Lahaina” outreach efforts to share the hope of Christ with a community devastated by the deadliest wildfire in the United States in over a century.

Planned Parenthood’s latest report shows the sickening truth about its atrocities against the unborn
392,715 murdered babies. 392,715 families torn apart.  To those of us who care about the preborn and their mothers, the number of abortions at Planned Parenthood in the 2022-2023 fiscal year is a travesty. To Planned Parenthood, this number is cause to brag.

Archbishop Aguer: ‘Smoke of Satan’ has made the structures of the Church ‘unbreathable’ 
The progressive officialdom installed in Rome for slightly more than a decade continues its policy of “canceling” those who, with freedom of spirit, seek to serve Jesus Christ from orthodoxy and Tradition. What is meant by “canceling” is all forms of ignoring, conspiracy of silence, marginalization, prohibition to publish in the media and on social networks, and even the termination of the functions of those who do not “synodally” bow to Vatican ideologies and discretions.

One Health is embedded in WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty; it must be stopped 
“Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivised “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge.

The UK will not sign the Pandemic Treaty in its current form 
Britain is refusing to sign the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO”) Pandemic Accord or Pandemic Treaty because the country says it would have to give away a fifth of its vaccines,

While America Props Up Ukraine, Former Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces Are Coming to the Aid of Russia—And It’s Through Their Embassy in Iran
Ironically, a growing number of soldiers once trained in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban alongside U.S. forces are now teaming up with Russia to defeat Ukraine—not through Wagner Group, but simply through the Russian embassy in Iran.

Headlines – 5/11/2024

United Nations General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for membership – Resolution does not give Palestine full UN membership, but recognises them as qualified to join and extends rights

UN general assembly calls on Security Council to admit Palestine as member

Furious Israel ambassador shreds UN charter before vote on Palestine membership

US promises to squash Palestinian membership push at UN following vote

Ireland, Spain could recognize Palestinian statehood later this month – report

EU foreign policy chief: When Spain and Ireland recognize Palestine, others will join

Smotrich warns establishment of Palestinian state is a looming ‘tangible danger’

South Africa asks World Court to order Israel to withdraw from Rafah

Hamas says Gaza ceasefire efforts are back at square one

Hamas says no budging from already-rejected hostage deal offer as Cairo talks break up

Hamas senior official claims terror group wants truce deal, but Netanyahu wants war to continue

Psaki: Biden Should Have Cut Off Weapons to Israel Earlier

Fuming over report, Democratic senator warns it may fuel calls to further limit weapons to Israel

Mike Huckabee: Biden Stabbed Bibi in Back

US: Israel’s Use of Our Arms Likely Violated Intl. Law, but Evidence Incomplete

US: Israeli vows on lawful use of arms are credible, but ‘reasonable’ to think otherwise

US: IDF op in Rafah over last day doesn’t amount to major offensive we’ve warned against

Commentary: After Biden arms freeze, Israel can still fight in Rafah. Lebanon is a different story

‘We cannot undermine our ally Israel’: 26 Democrats pan Biden’s hold up of weapons

Michael Rapaport Unendorses, Blasts Joe Biden for Withholding Arms to Israel

Security cabinet said to approve measured expansion of Rafah op, risking clash with Biden

Report: IDF tanks advance on main road dividing eastern, western sides of Rafah

IDF says it hit two rocket launch posts in Rafah used by Hamas to fire at Beersheba

Closing in on Rafah: IDF troops kill terrorists, find tunnel shafts

Four IDF soldiers killed as battles rage across Gaza; tanks said to advance into Rafah

12 soldiers stung by wasp swarm after tank runs over nest in southern Gaza

US asking Israel for answers on ‘deeply concerning’ report on alleged abuse of Palestinian detainees

In 1st, PM Netanyahu accepts some responsibility for Oct. 7: ‘I hold myself and everyone on this’

UNRWA shuts Jerusalem headquarters after Israelis allegedly set fire in compound

Islamic Terror Group Says It Has Murdered Israeli-Canadian Businessman as Revenge for Gaza

Biden’s NSC Intel Director, Maher Bitar, Is a Former Radical Pro-Palestinian Activst

Biden is caving to campus agitators in threatening to cut aid to Israel, senators say: ‘All about November’

Northwestern University deal with anti-Israel protesters tantamount to ‘paying off hostage takers’

Riot cops clear UPenn’s Gaza camp, arrest students and activists

Police – 16-Year-Old Anti-Israel Protester Vandalized WWI Memorial in New York City

Israel’s Eurovision success sparks boycott calls; Dutch singer pulled from rehearsal

In First, Israel’s High Court Orders Police to Investigate Illegal Settlement Activity in West Bank

Hezbollah fires barrage of rockets at Kiryat Shmona, causing blazes, property damage

Firefighters battling large blaze in Kiryat Shmona area targeted by Hezbollah barrage

Hungary Honors Iran’s Ahmadinejad, Jewish Groups Outraged

Pentagon orders withdrawal of all 1,000 US troops from Niger: Report

China tensions explode as Beijing intercepts ‘trespassing’ US Destroyer in South China Sea

Philippines calls for expelling Chinese diplomats as South China Sea row escalates

While America Props Up Ukraine, Former Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces Are Coming to the Aid of Russia – And It’s Through Their Embassy in Iran

Russia mounts surprise assault on northern Ukraine in most serious cross-border offensive in two years

Russian forces attack Ukraine’s Kharkiv region, striking on new front

U.S. announces $400 million Ukraine aid package

Hungary Will Stay Out of NATO’s ‘Crazy Mission’ to Aid Ukraine

UK troops in show of force against Putin at biggest NATO wargames since Cold War in Russia’s back yard

Putin appoints new right hand man ‘Professor Doomsday’ who says West should be nuked Now & Russians have ‘despotic DNA’

Judge: Hunter Biden Ignoring Tax Trial at ‘Own Peril’

NY Post: Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview

Biden ripped over resurfaced anti-Trump tweet critics say ‘endorses his own impeachment’

Biden Impeachment Articles Being Prepared as Tactics Democrats Used Against Trump Come Back to Haunt Them

House Republican Drafts Impeachment Articles Against “Quid Pro Joe” Biden – Uses Exact Same Language that Democrats Used in Trump Impeachment

Steve Bannon faces jail after DC court upholds contempt of Congress conviction

Confirmed: Political Hitman Jack Smith Admits to Violating the Same Law as J6 Defendants Who Were Sent to Prison for Years

Bragg’s Paralegal Admits His Office Deleted Three Pages of Phone Calls Between Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer and Michael Cohen

Clinton: Supreme Court Doing ‘Grave Disservice’ by Not Deciding Trump Immunity

California AG Bonta Prepares Lawsuits to Stop Trump Agenda If He Wins

Leftists warn Barron Trump is ‘fair game’ as former president’s youngest son becomes Florida delegate

Barron Trump turns down RNC convention delegate opportunity from Florida

4 reasons this year’s presidential election could blow up America as we know it

Voter GA Reports 1.7 Million 2020 Election Ballot Images Were Destroyed in Georgia

Rudy Giuliani loses radio show for peddling false claims about 2020 election on air

Senate Intel Chair Confirms CISA, FBI Have Resumed Coercing Social Media Companies to Censor the Speech of Millions Of Americans

Truth Social CEO requests Florida investigate possible ‘unlawful manipulation of DJT stock’

Top FBI official encourages continued use of FISA’s warrantless surveillance on Americans: report

After a Loss on FISA, Privacy-Minded Senators Find a New Target: Facial Recognition at Airports

Welcome to the AI dystopia no one asked for, courtesy of Silicon Valley

AI may be the biggest propaganda weapon the world has ever seen and globalists are already lying about how it will be used

Why your voice is no longer safe on social media as AI clones mimic speech to deceive family & break into bank accounts

Sheryl Crow Demands Congress Take Action on AI: ‘We Need Ethical Boundaries’

New telescope images reveal ghostly ‘God’s Hand’ in Milky Way reaching across the cosmos

Major X3.9 solar flare erupts from AR 3664 – the 10th X-class flare in just 7 days

World Warned to Prepare for Today’s Severe Geomagnetic Storm, First in 20 Years – which could bring chaos to mobile phone networks, GPS satellites and power grids

See the colossal sunspot that’s already caused major radio blackouts across the world

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Bengkulu, Indonesia

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 26,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 18,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 13,000ft

The US is in the middle of an exceptional tornado streak

At least 60 killed in Afghanistan flash flooding

Near Record Heat for South Florida Late Week

‘Hungry for a message of hope’: 100 make decisions for Christ in aftermath of Hawaii wildfires

Smell of cooking bad for environment, climate ‘experts’ say

BLM sues Soros-backed Tides Foundation for fraud over allegations of withholding $33 million in donations

Seattle businesses in former ‘CHAZ’ complain of rampant violence after city abandoned area to BLM, Antifa militants in 2020

Dem Senate candidate tells illegal immigrants how to evade law enforcement – Allred is running for the Texas Senate seat held by Sen Ted Cruz

NPR Admits Joe Biden’s Immigrants Spike Crime in New York City

Biden admin to distribute 10,000 migrant ID cards across multiple US cities: report

Narrative Collapse: Mass Migration Not Driving Economic Growth, Report Finds

Record-Setting Migrant Arrests Continue in Canadian Border Sector

Sanctuary State Rhode Island Freed from Jail Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Abusing Child

Smut Peddlers: OpenAI Exploring Allowing Generation of AI Porn

Joe Biden roasted for saying women’s sports ‘matters to all of America’ after destroying Title IX protections for girls

California to force women’s longboard competition to include trans surfers under penalty of state law

Target Limiting LGBTQ-Themed Merchandise for ‘Pride Month’ After Massive Blowback

Target Will Only Sell Pride Merchandise Online and in ‘Select Stores’ After Last Year’s Backlash

Missouri Gov. Parson Signs Bill Banning Taxpayer Funds to Abortion Providers

Israel sees rise in opioid use, study finds

Hungary’s Orban Signs Big Deals with Xi Jinping, Thanks China for Saving Lives in Pandemic

Feds to spend millions to contain bird flu outbreak amid testing lag

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Week in Review · May 6-10, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


When women were asked whether they’d rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a man, they revealed something about themselves.

The Not-So-Inclusive Scouts of America

The more leftists try to include people, the fewer people want to join.

Scenes From a Commencement Protest

At the University of Michigan’s graduation ceremony on Saturday, a handful of pro-Hamas graduates tried to ruin the day for the rest of us.

Columbia Students Will Reap the Consequences

If the school won’t do anything to hold the Jew-hating, anti-America, harassing protesters accountable, future students and employers will.

Biden Targets Second Amendment in Second Term

Joe Biden once again displayed his ignorance of American history and the principles undergirding the Second Amendment.

Newsom 2024 v. Second Amendment — Firearm Fiction v. Facts

The propagation of “gun control” disinformation by the Demo/Leftmedia conglomerate is ramping up for this presidential election year, and so is Gavin Newsom.

‘No Stronger Record With Israel’?

By trying to find moral equivalence where none exists, Joe Biden is prolonging the conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Trump Was Impeached for What Biden Just Did … Again

The president is withholding military aid from Israel in exchange for personal political benefit.

Stormy Daniels Is All They Have

As Donald Trump’s hush-money show trial continues, we still don’t even know what he’s being charged with.

Biden’s Bogus Holocaust Remembrance

His administration’s actions to stop the shipment of precision bombs to Israel belies his remembrance claims.

Leftists Don’t Quit, They Just Rebrand

Companies are using different language to hide their detrimental DEI/ESG policies.

Collegians for Terrorism

Are the pro-Hamas protests roiling college campuses an exhibition of naïve student activism or much more?

Jewish Sanders Blocks Anti-Semitism Resolution

The socialist senator from Vermont can’t seem to contain his contempt for the Jewish state.

Biden’s Big Freudian Slip

By referring to the wave of illegals as “Hispanic voters,” he inadvertently tipped the Democrats’ hand for rigging this year’s race.

The Disaster of Men Not Working

Fortunately, the solution to this social, economic, and political problem is a simple one.

Profiles of Valor: Roddie Edmonds

“We are ALL Jews.”

Visit our archive for more analysis commentary.
Catch up on the latest news headlines with our executive summary.

Video: Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 92)

Video: Satire: Woke Jesus

Video: ‘A Spectacle of Misguided Valor’

Video: Kathy Hochul: Black Kids Don’t Know What Computers Are

See our extensive currated video library for more!
Spin Doctor
“It made sense to go get [Osama] bin Laden.” —Joe Biden, who told Barack Obama it didn’t make sense to go get bin Laden
Who’s Ready for More Taxes?
“The president … is going to let the Trump tax cut expire.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
“To strengthen America’s economy, we are also helping more people buy a home.” —Kamala Harris
Lack of Self-Awareness Awards
“There’s still more work to be done, including what we intend to do … in a second term, which includes affordable housing and making housing more affordable.” —Kamala Harris, whose administration made housing unaffordable in the first place
“We must fight to make sure that we remain a democracy, not an authoritarian society.” —Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
“Propaganda is not education. … Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude.” —Hillary Clinton (“Anyone who is producing a bogus dossier should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude.” There, we fixed it.)
Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
“It’s a little bit like back in the 1840s and the great exodus from Ireland. … It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, er, Hispanic citizens who want to become citizens.” —Joe Biden regarding illegal immigrants
Stranger Than Fiction
“Can you imagine a kid, two years old, saying: ‘Mom, don’t take me across the Rio Grande. It’s against the law.’ Give me a break. These have been model citizens.” —Joe Biden
Non Compos Mentis
“The U.S. government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money.” —Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein
“The government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Uh, is that what they do? They, they, um. They, yeah. They, they, um, they sell bonds — yeah, they sell bonds. … There is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to, um, uh, uh, uh. So, um.” —Jared Bernstein
Non Sequitur
“Well I think that people have been through a lot since the pandemic, and you certainly saw President Biden take office and make sure that things really turned around pretty quickly.” —Jared Bernstein when asked: “More voters from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin believe the economy was better under Donald Trump than it is now. Why do you think that is?”
Moving the Goalposts
“I’m not proposing that we’re going to be able to bring these prices down. That’s impossible.” —Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)
The BIG Lies
“Wages are rising faster than prices, incomes are higher than before the pandemic, and unemployment has remained below 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years. [W]e’re making real progress.” —Joe Biden
“[Trump] has never succeeded in creating jobs, and I’ve never failed. I’ve created over 15 million jobs.” —Joe Biden
“The plan we put in place is beginning to work. We’ve created a record 15 million jobs.” —Joe Biden
“If you take a look at what the people have, they have the money to spend. … We’ve got to deal with [corporate greed].” —Joe Biden
“No president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office.” —Joe Biden (It went to 9% well after he came to office and has averaged 5.6% under this perpetual liar.)
“[Trump] and his MAGA allies in Congress were happy to give the very super rich a $2 trillion tax cut in his administration … that benefitted the super wealthy and the biggest corporations.” —Joe Biden
“We cut the federal deficit by fighting to make the very wealthy and big corporations begin to pay their fair share.” —Joe Biden
“Failed administrations, including my predecessor, failed to buy American.” —Joe Biden
“Crime rates are down nationally. … We’ve also done much work to make communities safer.” —Joe Biden (“Unmentioned: The fact that a third of police departments, including in the biggest U.S. cities, stopped reporting crime data to the FBI in 2022.” —RNC)
“Twenty-eight out of every 100 students in school speak Spanish — 28!” —Joe Biden
“I was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.” —Joe Biden
Presidential Medal of Freedom Faux Pas
“I congratulate the Presidential Freedom of Medal recipients.” —Joe Biden
“Let’s give one more round of applause for this year’s Presidential Freedom recipients.” —Joe Biden
“The [tree of] liberty is watered with the blood of patriots — I mean, that’s a bunch of crap.” —Joe Biden
Baghdad Bob
“This is an administration that is committed to fixing the broken immigration system.” —Karine Jean-Pierre
“Under this president’s leadership … violent crime is at a nearly 50-year low.” —Karine Jean-Pierre
“No, [Biden] is not doing a ‘both sides’ scenario here.” —Karine Jean-Pierre when asked, “What do you say to those critics who say that he is trying to have it both ways — that he’s essentially, you know, trying to talk about both anti-Semitism and what’s going on with the Palestinians?”
Moral Equivalence
“There’s no place for anti-Semitism. There’s no place for Islamophobia.” —Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu
Dumb & Dumber
“If [the Israelis] go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah.” —Joe Biden
“This may be Biden’s Vietnam. … Biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people but a lot of the Democratic base in terms of his views on Israel and this war.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders, a “not particularly religious” Hamas-loving Jew and a Vietnam draft-dodger
“It is important to understand why these protesters are out there. And they are out there not because they are ‘pro-Hamas.'” —Sen. Bernie Sanders (In other words, don’t believe your lying eyes.)
“These young people seek a worthy cause: to end what may be the most brutal military operation for civilians in the 21st century.” —New York Times columnist Lydia Polgreen
“All the organizers of all these demonstrations, I’ve talked to a lot of them. … And I have to tell you, they are the salt of the earth. They are kind and generous. They want to work with Jews. They want to live in peace.” —filmmaker Michael Moore
“I also met with so-called pro-Israel students … just to hear about the anti-Semitism that they have experienced. And they told me: ‘It has been minimum. It has been overblown by the media. We have been uncomfortable but we don’t feel unsafe.'” —Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) (This is as believable as you claiming pulling the fire alarm was an accident.)
“Some of my friends in the far Right have criticized my investing in the American agenda.” —Joe Biden
“I’ve gone around the world literally, not figuratively, meeting with the leading architects of AI.” —Joe Biden (Clearly they’ve still got some bugs to work out when it comes to Joe…)
“I’m going to ask the Justice Department and I’m going to ask the president to tell us what they’re going to do to protect this country against violence if [Trump] loses. I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they’re going to attack.” —Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Braying Jennies
“Maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he’ll go to jail. Maybe he will die. Not to be too morbid, but maybe — I mean, he’s not a young man.” —MSNBC’s Jen Psaki
“I think to make a point, to prove a point, put [Trump] in a clink.” —”The View” co-host Sunny Hostin
“We have two old candidates. One is, yes, old and effective. … The other is old and dangerous. I mean, why is that a hard choice for people?” —Hillary Clinton
Village Idiots
“As a kid, I’d say, ‘Hitler, it’s a nightmare, that never would happen.’ But now I see that it’s possible.” —actor Robert De Niro regarding leftist anti-Semite, pro-Hamas, Hitlerian campus goons
 Donald Trump
“I believe we should leave [abortion] to the woman. … Even if it’s full term.” —RFK Jr.
That’s Racist!
“Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is.” —New York Governor Kathy Hochul
Belly Laughs of the Week
“In President Biden and our administration, you see competence. You see a steady hand. You see someone who cares about the American people. And we have gone about solving problems.” —Kamala Harris
“When the country looks to Chicago this August, the unity and excitement of Democrats will stand in stark contrast to the chaos and extremism stewing in the GOP.” —Democratic National Convention spokesperson Matt Hill

For more insightful quotes, see our Short Cuts.

Don’t miss the latest memes.

Don’t miss the latest cartoons.

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.

Saturday Selections – May 11, 2024 | Reformed Perspective

Click on the titles for the linked articles…

Rend Collective: Lighthouse

This one had our girls dancing…

How deer grow antlers

They do it every year again, and we’re only just starting to fathom how much is all involved. Stem cells have something to do with it, but

“..how do the two antlers maintain their bilateral symmetry, such that they branch at almost exactly the same points while separated by many centimeters to feet apart? Don’t ask they deer. They don’t know.”

Rex Murphy passes away at 77

Though he was a long-time presence on the CBC, and once touted Pierre Trudeau as “the greatest Canadian ever,” Murphy was still a favorite among conservatives for his criticisms of Justin Trudeau, and his common sense objections to Trudeau’s climate agenda.

Women are forfeiting rather than competing against men in dresses

This isn’t quite Eric Liddell and Chariots of Fire, because, so far as I know, these athletes aren’t forfeiting because they are Christian. But their example is worthy of imitation, and that opportunity – to forfeit to the glory of God, in celebration of how He made us male and female – may present itself to our own daughters very soon.

True North covers the March for Life

Three to four thousand pro-lifers’ March for Life hit Ottawa this past Thursday, though you’d be forgiven for not knowing that if you only read mainstream news. True North did cover the event, and that shibboleth is why, if you haven’t already heard of them already, you might want to check them out.

As the linked article demonstrates, True North is willing to cover Christians, listen to them sympathetically, and quote them accurately (and even employs at least one or two), but this is a conservative, not Christian outlet. They covered the March, but didn’t really explore the heart of the conflict – they didn’t explain how the issue is between what God says about where our worth comes from – being made in His Image (Gen. 1:27) – and the non-explanation for our worth offered by those who say the unborn only have value if their mom wants them. That said, True North is still one of the better media outlets in Canada. And the price is right – you can sign up to their daily email newsletter for free.

The New York Times says it is now okay to question the COVID vaccine

…and they’re not the only one. CNN host Chris Cuomo, who was calling people crazy for not getting the vaccine, is now compassionately raising the issue of vaccination injuries.

What’s important to understand is that this reversal isn’t simply a matter of error – we all make mistakes – but showcases the arrogance of their original stand. When people then expressed the ideas the NYT and CNN are only allowing to be expressed now,  these two media entities didn’t just differ, but advocated for those people to be fired and otherwise penalized, because to do anything other than be vaccinated was crazy. They couldn’t conceive they might be wrong. But for some, it now seems getting the vaccine was the wrong thing to do.

The point isn’t that the vaccine was bad, or that it didn’t help millions, maybe billions. The point is that there were inevitably going to be tradeoffs – there always are – and our political leaders not only didn’t discuss those tradeoffs, but ridiculed those who tried to. And penalized anyone who refused to do as they said. This, then, is one more reason we don’t want big governments. When they make mistakes it is on a grand scale, forcing everyone to join in with their mistake. The power to compel is one to use only with great restraint… but restraint isn’t a quality of the arrogant.

Check out the video below for Chris Cuomo vs. Chris Cuomo.

Source: Saturday Selections – May 11, 2024

The Escalating Threat Of Avian Influenza H5N1 And The Ethical Quandary Of Gain-of-Function Research | ZeroHedge News

Since the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus was first identified in humans in 2003, approximately 600 cases have been reported worldwide, with a laboratory-confirmed case-fatality rate (CFR) of 60%.

The recent death of a woman in southwest China who had no contact with poultry signals a potentially alarming shift in the virus’s transmission dynamics, raising the specter of human-to-human transmission, according to a report by the Federation of American Scientists.

Health authorities in Guiyang, Guizhou province concluded that two patients, including the woman who died, did not have contact with poultry before showing symptoms of the illness. Currently, the public health community remains cautious as H5N1 influenza viruses continue to evolve and potentially gain the ability to be transmitted efficiently to humans.

The evolution of H5N1 over two decades necessitates an urgent and strategic response from the global health community. Scientific efforts are primarily focused on understanding the genetic shifts that facilitate the virus’s leap among species, aiming to forestall a possible pandemic. This has led to the controversial practice of gain-of-function (GoF) researchwherein viruses are deliberately engineered to be more potent or transmissible.

And of course, as we all know – a bunch of over-educated idiots cobbling together chimeric viruses that can better-infect humans may have led to the COVID-19 pandemic – as GoF research is fraught with ethical, biosafety, and biosecurity dilemmas.

The dual-use nature of this research—where scientific advances could potentially be misused to cause harm—places it under intense scrutiny. The debate is not just about managing the risks of accidental release but also about the moral implications of potentially providing a blueprint for bioterrorism. This precarious balance between advancing human knowledge and safeguarding public health was thrown into relief in 2012 when a moratorium was placed on H5N1 GoF studies following experiments that showed increased transmissibility in ferrets, an established model for human influenza transmission.

Biosafety risks include laboratory-acquired infections or accidental release of the virus, which are major threats for public health. In fact, last year, researchers around the world took the remarkable step of imposing a moratorium on “gain-of-function” experiments due to concerns about public health risks. The following provides answers to basic questions about the risks of this type of research, the status of the moratorium, and what steps are being taken to mitigate future public health risks. -FAS

This isn’t the first time scientists have policed themselves over security concerns. In 1974, scientists self-imposed a moratorium on recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology due to emerging bioethical concerns, resonates with today’s GoF debates. Like their predecessors, modern scientists are deeply entwined in discussions about the bounds and oversight of high-stakes research. In 1975, scientists at the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA set out with a goal of considering whether to lift the voluntary moratorium – and if so, under what circumstances could the research proceed safely.

The moratorium was enacted by scientists and governments to protect laboratory personnel, the general public, and the environment from potential hazards that might be directly generated from rDNA experiments. During the conference, recommendations were established for how to safely conduct experiments using rDNA. The debate on potential biohazards was the primary focus of the conference, which is still a continued discussion in biotechnology today.

More via the Federation of American Scientists;

How many researchers/countries are involved in “gain-of-function” experiments?

The letter that announced the voluntary moratorium on H5N1 transmission research, published in Science and Nature, was signed by 40 leading influenza researchers from the United States, China, Japan, Britain, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, and Canada. Everyone, in some way, may be affected by “gain-of-function” experiments. The “gain-of-function” experiments have a plethora of stakeholders within the international community. In December 2012, the United States hosted the “Gain-of-Function Research on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Viruses: An International Consultative Workshop.” This workshop integrated experts in various fields, including: influenza and other infectious diseases, bioethics, public health surveillance, biosafety, national and global public health, biosecurity, epidemiology, national security, agriculture and veterinary sciences, global public health law and those specifically involved with developing the WHO International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, and medical countermeasures to disease outbreak. While the purpose of the moratorium was primarily to take time to discuss risk/benefit analysis of gain-of-function experiments, another important consideration was how to educate the public and gain their acceptance for continued research.

What new steps are being taken to minimize the risk of H5N1 research to public health?

The RAC of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has called for additional precautions on H5N1 “gain-of-function” experiments that are conducted strictly in biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories, which have been used in recent studies on H5N1 transmissibility. The committee has rejected the option of restricting research to facilities designated as BSL-4 – the highest level of biosafety laboratories – because only a few laboratories around the world would meet this standard. Limiting H5N1 research to only these labs would slow the pace of discovery. Additionally, many experts argue H5N1 experiments can safely be done in BSL-3 with enhanced safeguardsExisting BSL-3 laboratory requirements include: powered air purifying respirators (PAPRS), donning a protective suit, wrap-back disposable gowns, double gloving, shoe covers, and a shower before exiting the laboratory. The recommended steps are aimed at reducing the risk of laboratory-acquired infections and the accidental release of the dangerous pathogens. The additional requirements devised recently by the RAC include: increased personal protective equipment (PPE), a “buddy system” for all personnel, maintaining baseline serum samples, providing a licensed H5N1 vaccine, and requiring personnel to avoid contact with susceptible bird species for five days after working with the viruses. The RAC also recommended proper training of lab personnel would be essential and recommended that personnel be required to sign a statement confirming that they understand the safety and incident-reporting requirements. Additionally, the RAC recommended that all incidents that have the potential to be harmful to personnel and/or the public be reported to institutional authorities immediately and to public health officials within 24 hours.

What are the recommended next steps for the United States concerning the recent moratorium?

Although the H5N1 international research moratorium was lifted in January 2013, the United States has yet to resume research involving gain-of-function experiments on the H5N1 virus and is currently designing a framework for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make judgments about funding for this type of research. This framework will provide HHS’ funding agencies with guidance on how to classify potentially high-risk gain-of-function projects at the funding proposal stage and make determinations as to whether they are acceptable for HHS funding. For the proposals that are deemed acceptable for funding, the framework will also establish a basis for HHS’ funding agencies to designate any additional biosafety, biosecurity, and DURC risk mitigation measures that they will require of researchers.

With China’s February report of two new human cases of H5N1, the debate of moving forward with “gain-of-function” research remains of upmost importance for global public health. In light of the new cases, researchers are insistent to resume experimentation on the deadly virus in hopes to produce results for prevention or new countermeasures. But the dangerousness of the virus underscores the importance of prioritizing safety when carrying out this research, even if it means pausing for a moment to make sure experimentation does not inadvertently create more problems than it solves.

Malerie Briseno is a Biosecurity Intern at the Federation of American Scientists. She graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Medicine with a M.S. in Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Christina England is currently a Masters Candidate from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, specializing in International Security and Economic Policy.  She is serving as a biosecurity intern at the Federation of American Scientists, overseeing its Virtual Biosecurity Center.  She graduated from the United States Air Forces Academy as distinguished graduate, receiving her BS in Biochemistry.

Source: The Escalating Threat Of Avian Influenza H5N1 And The Ethical Quandary Of Gain-of-Function Research

New evidence shows yet MORE Biden lies on ‘Get Trump’ efforts over classified documents

Newly unredacted documents show that the White House may have been WAY more involved in the Trump classified documents scandal than has been admitted, and Joe Biden may be implicated too.

Source: New evidence shows yet MORE Biden lies on ‘Get Trump’ efforts over classified documents

Biden slammed by tsunami of backlash after claiming ‘we leave no one behind’ | Conservative Review

President Joe Biden faced a wave of pushback from GOP lawmakers in response to a post on the @POTUS X account that reads, “On my watch, when we make promises, we keep them. And we leave no one behind.”

Multiple Republicans challenged the president’s claim.

“All Joe Biden does is leave Americans behind.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia fired back at Biden’s comments with a post that read, “…except the Americans you left behind in Afghanistan. …and the American hostages you’ve abandoned in Gaza. Despicable.”

“REMINDER: Joe Biden left Americans behind in Afghanistan. No amount of gaslighting can ever change this fact,” Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida noted.

“Afghanistan. Israel. Haiti. All Joe Biden does is leave Americans behind,” Rep. Lisa McClain of Micghigan declared in a post.

“This would be hilarious if it was not tragic. Biden has abandoned Americans around the world and wants you to forget about them. I never will. Remember in November,” Rep. Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin tweeted.

— (@)

“There are Americans being actively held hostage by Hamas. Maybe sit this one out,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming declared in response to Biden’s comments.

“President Biden apparently wants us to forget Afghanistan. And he wants us to ignore what he’s doing right now—breaking America’s promise to Israel and leaving hostages (including American citizens) behind in Gaza. Voters will remember in November,” Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama tweeted.

— (@)


Our top ten articles of the week | The Conservative Woman

THESE are the most-read articles we have published in the past week.

Covid vaccine may have killed hundreds of thousands in the US alone – Neville Hodgkinson

Am I an Islamophobe? Yes, for these reasons – Kathy Gyngell

Sadiq Khan and four more years of pushing the Great Reset – Niall McCrae

BBC is lost for words over elephant – John Ellwood

How much longer can they deny vaccine link to heart deaths? – Sally Beck

Emblems of a flagging country – Frederick Edward

This balanced, powerful account of covid censorship must go mainstream – Kathy Gyngell

The time will surely come for Kate Forbes – Dr Tom Goodfellow

Election reports that tell it how it isn’t – Roger Willbourn

This shameful snub to the victims of medical harm – Alex Hicks

The post Our top ten articles of the week appeared first on The Conservative Woman.

Dems Pen Letter Shredding Biden For Pausing Israeli Weapons Shipment | Conservative Brief

A group of Democrats has smashed President Joe Biden for his decision to pause a weapons shipment to Israel and his threat to withhold more weapons.

The House Democrats led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer penned a letter to national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Friday where they expressed that they were “deeply concerned” about the president’s decision.

“We are deeply concerned about the message the Administration is sending to Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist proxies by withholding weapons shipments to Israel, during a critical moment in the negotiations,” the letter said.

“Seven months after October 7, the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the end of the Holocaust, Iranian-backed terrorist proxies continue to fire rockets and mortars into Israel and at Americans from all directions. At the same time, antisemitism is spreading globally like wildfire. We fear that public disputes with our critical ally only emboldens our mutual enemies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and other Iranian-backed proxies. It also buttresses their agenda of chaos, brutality, and hate, and makes a hostage agreement even harder to achieve. Hamas still holds more than 130 hostages, including eight Americans, five of whom may still be alive,” the Democrat Congress members said.

“Just this week, Hamas fired multiple attacks at the Kerem Shalom Crossing, killing Israeli soldiers, forcing a temporary closure, and potentially preventing vital humanitarian aid from reaching innocent Palestinians. Stalling these shipments will allow terror groups to continue stealing humanitarian aid, ultimately putting innocent Palestinians at even greater risk. As the President confirmed after October 7, Hamas must be ‘eliminated entirely,’” the letter said.

“With democracy under assault around the world, we cannot undermine our ally Israel, especially in her greatest hour of need. America’s commitments must always be ironclad.

“We have a duty to continue to equip Israel with the resources she needs to defend herself and crush the terrorists who also seek to do America harm, free the hostages including the Americans, continue delivering critical humanitarian aid to innocent civilians in Gaza, and to stand by our democratic allies around the world. The President’s unyielding commitment to passing emergency supplemental funding for Israel showed the world our commitment. When we abandon these duties, we leave a vacuum of American leadership for our anti-democratic adversaries to fill,” it said.

“We would be grateful for a classified briefing about your decision and to better understand how and when the aid that Congress has authorized and appropriated for Israel will be delivered,” it said.

The signatories included Reps. Gottheimer (NJ-5), Golden (ME-2), Costa (CA-21), Davis (NC-1), Frankel (FL-22), Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-3), Gonzalez (TX-34), Horsford (NV-4), Landsman (OH-1), Lee (NV-3), Manning (NC-6), Meng (NY-6), Moskowitz (FL-23), Norcross (NJ-1), Pallone (NJ-6), Panetta (CA-19), Ryan (NY-18), Schneider (IL-10), Soto (FL-9), Stevens (MI-11), Suozzi (NY-3), Torres (CA-35), Torres (NY-15), Vargas (CA-52), Veasey (TX-33), and Wasserman Schultz (FL-25).

In an interview with CNN anchor Erin Burnett the president said he informed Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if his nation’s military goes into Rafah there would be a stop on weapons from the United States.

“I made clear that if they go into Rafah — they haven’t gotten into Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem,” he said.

“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” the president said.

“It’s just wrong. We’re not gonna — we’re not gonna supply the weapons and artillery shells used,” he said.

“I’ve made it clear to [Netanyahu] and the war cabinet, they’re not going to get our support if in fact they go into these population centers,” he said.

The post Dems Pen Letter Shredding Biden For Pausing Israeli Weapons Shipment appeared first on Conservative Brief.

‘That’s what decades of reckless, hegemonic rule by The Uniparty™️ does’: Mike Lee sounds off about US debt, spending | Conservative Review

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is sounding the alarm about the massive interest on the nation’s debt.

“We’re so screwed. And glued. Also tattooed. Interest will top $1.1 trillion this year. That’s what decades of reckless, hegemonic rule by The Uniparty™️ does,” Lee tweeted.

“It’s time to clean house.”

The senator made the comments in response to a post by E.J. Antoni, “Research Fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget,” who had tweeted, “Interest on the debt is going to the moon: Treasury now projects it will cost over $1.1 trillion during the current fiscal year.”

— (@)

The U.S. national debt is more than $34.5 trillion.

Lee sounded off about politicians who have been green-lighting massive spending measures.

“I hope the fleeting moments of media praise—heaped on the heads of complicit politicians each time The Uniparty™️ passed a bloated spending bill—were worth the resulting devastation,” the senator tweeted. “I hope the earmarks that served as propellant for most of the spending—even as Americans repeatedly begged Congress to abandon earmarks—were worth crippling economic growth, mobility, and opportunity for hardworking families,” he continued. “I hope the warm and fuzzy feeling members of The Uniparty™️ had, all in the name of ‘getting things done,’ were at least enjoyed by someone while they lasted,” Lee added.

“It’s time to clean house,” he declared. “It’s time for a new approach in Washington—one that doesn’t pretend we’re drawing from an endless well. It’s about to become painfully clear that we’re not,” he concluded.

— (@)


Redefining Christianity

The Bible tells us that there’s nothing new under the sun. That certainly applies to theological liberalism, which the Church of Jesus Christ always has to guard against. But not because we’re afraid of disagreement or challenge. It’s because the very heart of what Jesus came to do is challenged when we redefine the Christian faith to make it palatable to modern tastes. I invite you to hear more.

Source: Redefining Christianity

Biden’s Social Media Statement Calls for Biden’s Impeachment | The Gateway Pundit

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

Joe Biden is on record, on social media, stating that President Donald Trump “must” be impeached, at the time, because he withheld “congressionally appropriated aid” from Ukraine in exchange for a political favor.

Biden’s statement, from 2019, in fact, is, “President Trump withheld Congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor. It’s the definition of quid pro quo. This is no joke—Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached.”

Which is causing a problem now in that Biden has withheld congressional approved aid to Israel, to put himself in a better light.

“This is awkward,” one commenter said.

A commentary at Twitchy explained, “Biden once pledged full support for Israel but that support ended when [Benjamin] Netanyahu going full speed after Hamas angered some voters which could cost Biden a swing state in November. The White House is now kicking Israel under the bus by withholding aid that’s in a package Congress passed and Biden signed.”

The report continued, ” During yesterday’s interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, President Biden admitted that the White House is holding back aid for Israel because Benjamin Netanyahu won’t help out his election campaign and avoid going into Rafah to placate the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party.”

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

The post Biden’s Social Media Statement Calls for Biden’s Impeachment appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Tony Evans: Heaven needs earth’s authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth | Heterodox Research Initiative



Tony Evans taught that heaven needs earth’s authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth. There is evidence he is influenced by toxic doctrine similar to Word of Faith teaching, thus that statement isn’t merely a failure to be precise. Like Word of Faith theology, he has taught that you can speak peace to your organs and hormones so your body will function well. Like Word of Faith theology he has taught that you can refuse symptoms of disease and claim your healing, going so far as to say you can command it to depart. Finally, similar to Word of Faith theology he has taught that we’re not waiting on God for a miracle, God waits on us, because the miracle is already done. That was taught in a sermon titled Stop Blocking Your Miracle.

With all of that in view, it’s more believable that his statement about heaven needing earth’s authorization to act is evidence of bad doctrine leaking out, than it is evidence of a man with a Th.D. and Th.M, engaged in the rigors of the writing process, simply failing to be precise enough.


Tony Evans sounds very similar to Word of Faith heretics in his blog titled Holding God Accountable. He asserts that heaven needs earth’s authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth. Later in the this entry, you’ll see it looks like Tony Evans has been influenced by some bad theology that has Word of Faith overtones.

Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

One of the most important things we can do as Christians is to pray according to our covenantal rights. But we often don’t do this because we misunderstand what prayer is.

Let me define prayer by first saying what prayer is not. Prayer is not simply talking to God. Instead, prayer is asserting earthly permission for heavenly interference. Prayer is earth giving heaven authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth as heaven has previously stated it would. That permission is granted based on your legal position and rights. That’s why it is essential to study the Word of God and to know the rights He has granted you through His Word.

If you’re being held in bondage by an illegitimate force in your life, cry out to God. Pray to Him for deliverance by appealing to Him based on your covenantal rights. God has a legal obligation to respond to you because you have a legitimate agreement with Him found in His Word.

Go through the Scriptures and read everything that relates to your stronghold and pray it back to God. When you do that, prayer is no longer just a spiritual exercise or something to check off of your Christian to-do list. Rather, prayer becomes a legal meeting where you and God get together in agreement on the same covenantal arrangement. Prayer becomes an act of holding God accountable, in the right sense of the word, to what He holds Himself accountable to: His Word.

Compare the quote from Evans with a quote from word of faith heretic Myles Munroe.

Myles Munroe
“Yes. Let me define prayer for you in this show. Prayer is man giving God permission, or license, to interfere in earth’s affairs. In other words, prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference….God can do nothing on earth, nothing has God ever done on earth without a human giving him access….Always looking for a human to give him power of permission. In other words, God has the power, but you got the permission. God got the authority and the power, but you got the license. So even though God can do anything, he can only do what you permit him to do”

Tony Evans again
Instead, prayer is asserting earthly permission for heavenly interference. Prayer is earth giving heaven authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth as heaven has previously stated it would. That permission is granted based on your legal position and rights.

Some may give Evans the benefit of the doubt because he appeals to covenant promises. Actually he calls them covenant rights. Those giving Evans the benefit of the doubt might argue that his language is imprecise. They would argue that Evans is merely saying we can rest on the promises of God, and bring them to God in prayer. Because God promised them, we can trust that God will do them. Some might even point to teachings from the Puritans.

If that is the case, Evans made an incredible gaffe that put him within the rhetorical realm of really bad company. His statements gravely diminish the sovereignty of God. The idea that God needs permission to do anything is unbiblical, and puts man on the throne, instead of putting God on the throne.

Saying to grasp the promises of God, rest in the promises of God, and pray the promises of God to God, based on covenant promises, is vastly different than precisely saying heaven needs earthly permission for heavenly interference. To read it as anything different is to do abuse to the english language.

The Puritans qualified their teaching on these matters with a robust doctrine of God’s sovereignty. A Puritan would never even come close to saying heaven needs earth’s permission for heavenly interference. Even the mere suggestion would cause them to recoil.

Here are some quotes from the book A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for life on these matters. Notice the stark contrast between the Puritan emphasis on God’s sovereignty and the rhetoric of Evans on heaven needing our permission.

We may still pray in faith, but in the faith of submission and not with definite assurance. In this type of faith, we believe we will receive an answer of good tidings, knowing that the good we receive will be determined according to what most glorifies the Lord and is best for us and those for whom we pray. In writing about the wisdom of God in fulfilling His promises in due season, Spurstowe also urged submissive praying.

He said, “It is good in prayer to have the desires winged with affection and to be like an arrow drawn with full strength, but yet there must be a submission exercised unto the holy and wise will of God, that so it may appear that we seek him in a way of begging, and not by way of contest; that we make him not the object only of our duties and ourselves the end, but him to be both the object and the end of every service which we give unto him.”62

Beeke, Joel R.; Jones, Mark. A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Kindle Locations 15841-15848). . Kindle Edition.

Even in such prayers for absolute promises, however, we must pray in submission to God’s will and wisdom. Praying for things absolutely promised does not mean prescribing to God when or how He must keep His promise. We must trust Him with the circumstances of time, means, and measure, for He has reserved these things in His own power.64

Spurstowe said, God has in his Word recorded [the promises], as so many discoveries of his immutable counsel and purpose, that thereby faith might have a sure ground to rely upon him in all exigencies, and to expect a relief from him, but the season and time of performance, God has reserved to himself, as best knowing not only what to give, but when to give; so that, believers, though they may plead to God his promise, must yet be careful not to confine and limit him to times which they judge fittest; but wholly to resign themselves to his wise disposal, to whom every creature looks, and receive their meat in due season (Ps. 145:15).65

Beeke, Joel R.; Jones, Mark. A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Kindle Locations 15860-15868). . Kindle Edition.

Tony Evans missed the robust nuance of God’s sovereignty in this matter. He appeals to rights, not promises, and precisely puts man in the position of giving God permission to act.

Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

An interpretation of Evans may assert he’s just appealing to covenant promises and our need to bring them to God in prayer. That assertion believes Evans didn’t intend to sound like a word of faith heretic, but was imprecise in his writing, and sounded similar to one accidentally.

Evans is an educated man, and it should be assumed he meant to say what he said. He sounded very precise. What he posted probably went through the rigors of the writing process. He has earned a Th.M. and a Th.D. He isn’t a bumbling social media theologian spewing off whatever pops into his head.

Given all of that, I think we have to assume he meant to say what he said. It comes close to abusing the english language to think he just wasn’t precise enough, and wasn’t communicating what he intended to communicate, given his robust education, the rigors of the writing process, and the like.

His view of God’s sovereignty and the place of man leaked out into his blog. What’s inside a person’s head leaks out into their writing. Someone with a robust doctrine of God’s sovereignty wouldn’t  leak out the sentences he leaked out. Certainly not someone engaged in the rigors of the writing process who holds two very advanced degrees, and has proven he knows how to communicate what he intends to communicate.

There are other concerns about Tony Evans that make what he said above, look like he may actually have influence from Word of Faith teaching. Here are some quotes from his book Prayer for Victories in Spiritual Warfare.

“I speak peace into the organs and hormones that my body needs to function well.”

“I remove the curse of this illness and command it to depart in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Satan, you may not have my body or any part of it. I refuse your symptoms of disease and claim bodily healing for the sake of my Lord and the ministry He’s given me.”

Speaking peace to organs, and refusing symptoms of illness are teachings much like you would find in the Word of Faith camp. This may indicate that his quote about heaven needing permission from earth was more than an imprecise statement. It looks like he has been influenced by bad theology.

Look below at part of his sermon titled Stop Blocking Your Miracle. It conveys the same idea that word of faithers teach, the idea that God is waiting on us to grab the miracle.

He says, “Thank you, Father, that you have already heard me,” which means whatever he’s getting ready to talk about, he has previously discussed. “God, you and I discussed this earlier.” Stay with me now.

We kinda get a hint of that discussion back in chapter 11, verse 2, “And the sisters sent word to Jesus, saying, ‘Lord, behold, he whom you love is sick.’” Lazarus. “But when Jesus heard this, he said, ‘This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so the Son of God may be glorified by it.’” So, let’s look at what happened here. “I thank you, Father, that you’ve already heard and we’ve already talked about this.”

In other words, “When they sent word to me about the need of a miracle, you and me, Daddy, had a meeting, and in our meeting, when we discussed this, we agreed that when we saw faith, we were gonna do a supernatural work. You and I have already had this meeting. But even though you and I have had the meeting in the spiritual realm, they’re not gonna see what we agreed on in the physical realm until the bridge of faith is built so that my intercession for them becomes you bringing to pass what has already been agreed on.”

So, why is that important for you to know? That your supernatural miracle, whatever is in God’s will to do, has already been agreed on in the spiritual realm. That means you do not have to beg God to do something that is in his will to do.

It’s not you waiting on God, if he’s agreed to it. It’s him waiting on you to move the stone so he can let you see what was already previously agreed on. It’s called the intercession of the Son and of the Holy Spirit bringing into the physical realm what has previously been agreed on in the spiritual realm once faith has been exercised, even if it has to overrule logic and correct logic.

. . .

Again, Tony Evans has been influenced by some toxic theology, and it’s not likely his teaching on heaven needing earth’s permission is some kind of ooopsie-daisy. Rather it’s the product of his actual theology.

People should be aware of toxic teachings like those that are part of his ministry. Other aspects of his ministry may be solid. Rather than going to him for those helpful aspects, it is probably better to find that elsewhere so you’re not exposed to those types of toxic teachings.