Daily Archives: May 12, 2024

Day 13: Fix Your Eyes on Eternity! – The Daily Declaration



To help us focus on the things that ultimately matter, for all of eternity.


“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

– 2 Corinthians 4:16–18


My 15-year-old son Matt passed away a month ago. He was diagnosed with a rare aggressive brain cancer on 1 August last year. We are obviously heartbroken, but we are not devastated, as we have immense hope.

Matt knows Jesus and we know that he is ‘safe in Christ’ now. We will see him again!

Jesus took our punishment on the cross. He rose from the dead proving He is God and has the power over death and hell. Through Jesus, we have the victory!

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55)

It is interesting during times like these, how a lot of things that felt so important before now seem so trivial.

When we reflect, we can see that so much of our lives don’t really matter too much in the light of eternity. Ultimately only knowing Jesus matters, and making Him known.

These are the things that make a difference for all of eternity. Where we end up, and how many others we were able to encourage to come as well.

This is why the gospel is so important. It is the power of God for everyone who believes (Rom 1:16). This is why in 2 Corinthians 4, Paul is encouraging us to focus on the unseen things – those things that will last.

Paul talks about the suffering and trials we go through. They are momentary, and we must keep our eyes on the prize. And suffering for the cause of Christ leads us to an “eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Cor 4:17).

What can we all do to invest in eternity? Pray, praise and preach!

Pray daily for those you know who don’t know Christ. Who is on your prayer list?

Praise God for His goodness. I have been singing the song, “The Goodness of God”, almost every day since Matt’s diagnosis, to declare that regardless of circumstances, God is good!

Preach the gospel. If you need help with how to do this, download the G7 app to help, it has an internal tutorial on how to use it.

Saturday 18th May is GO Day. Last year over 34 million Christians were involved in sharing the gospel to hundreds of millions of people! About eight million decisions for Christ were recorded. Will you be a part of the team this year? You could arrange a coffee with someone who doesn’t know Christ and share how Jesus has changed your life. What about sharing a gospel video on social media? Have a look at this one:



Father, we thank you for the hope we have of eternal life through Jesus Christ. We thank you that you are good, all the time! We thank you for the opportunities that we have to impact other’s lives around us. Help us to pray, praise and preach and in so invest in eternal things. Give us courage and wisdom as we seek to lovingly share your wonderful gospel with others. Amen.

Author Bio

Stuart MillarStuart is the Australian Coordinator for GO Movement and the founder of Train to Proclaim Inc. He is passionate about equipping Christians around the world to share the gospel in a loving and jargon-free way. He has produced a number of training videos, a free downloadable evangelism course, and gospel resources including the G7 (Gospel in 7) app.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO Month 2024

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. 1 Chron 16:23–31.
  2. To pray for revival, repentance and deliverance for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Acts 2:1–41.
  3. To pray for five people by name to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20.

We invite you to support this prayer campaign to multiply prayer in Australia for revival and see millions come to Christ. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ His Son.

Join us for our nightly Zoom prayer call:

DATES: Every night in May

TIME: 8 PM (AEST); 7:30 PM (ACST); 6 PM (AWST)

ZOOM URL LINK: https://zoom.us/j/776881184

Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

View GO Month 2024 devotionals on the Daily Declaration website.

Photo by Kat Smith.

The post Day 13: Fix Your Eyes on Eternity! appeared first on The Daily Declaration.

— Read on dailydeclaration.org.au/2024/05/13/day-13-fix-your-eyes-eternity/

Pray About Everything :: By Nathele Graham – Rapture Ready

We can find so much to worry about. The horrible war against Israel, corrupt government officials in every nation, antisemitism, persecution against Christians, genetic tampering of food, sin being embraced while God’s truth is being rejected, and the list goes on and on. Worrying and fretting won’t help at all. When we give in to worry, we have turned our hearts away from God. Instead of praying and trusting Him to see us through every situation in life, we hold on tightly to our fears.

“Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). 

The word “careful” comes from the Greek “merimnao” and means to be anxious or troubled with cares. In this verse, Paul encourages us not to be anxious or fretful about anything. I know that’s easier said than done. Remember that Paul faced many situations where he could have let his fears rule his life. He had faced many beatings, he was stoned and left for dead, he faced shipwreck, and more. In spite of knowing that the next person he shared the Gospel with could have him jailed, Paul lived his life to serve Jesus. He had learned to pray about everything instead of being upset or worried about his troubles. Instead of allowing fear to stop him from what God called him to do, he prayed and found peace no matter what happened to him.

That’s easier said than done, but we can find that same peace through prayer.

Prayer needs to become a habit for every Christian. Think of things you do habitually, such as cracking your knuckles, twisting your hair, or lashing out at others with hurtful words; then, think of praying as a matter of habit. Can you imagine how much kinder your words would be if you always prayed before speaking? Or how praying could help you overcome the fear of sharing the Gospel?

The Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Thessalonica, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19). 

It’s not always easy to be thankful for situations, but this verse doesn’t say to be thankful “for” everything but to be thankful “in” everything. If you keep your mind on Heavenly matters, you will find that you aren’t plugging your ears to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and life will take on a new meaning.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33). 

Don’t worry and fret about what to eat and what to wear, and don’t seek after the things of this life, but seek God’s desire for you and serve Him daily. Advertisements make sure we think we need a new car or more stylish clothing, but God provides what we need, not necessarily what we want. Pray about it, and you’ll find peace in knowing that God will always provide. God’s peace will fill your life. Don’t forget to thank Him.

Much of our anxiety comes from telling God what He needs to do for us and fretting if we don’t get it immediately. Instead of being anxious about what we want, we need to just talk to Him about our wants and wait for His answer. It isn’t always easy to submit to God, but when we acknowledge that God wants the best for us and that He knows the future, we will find peace in waiting for His perfect answer.

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7). 

Those words from Peter came from experience. When he was young, he was very rash, but he mellowed with age. We all must learn to prayerfully talk to God about our wants and desires while humbly submitting to God’s best desire for us. That will calm our anxiety and keep us from fretting so much.

I remember when I was young, I felt as if life was passing me by. I wasn’t married, but I wanted to be. I had a job that I really didn’t like, but it did pay well. I told God every night what I needed to be happy, but every day I was disappointed and sad. Finally, in God’s perfect timing, all of my dreams came true. God knew that there was a wonderful man He had chosen for me. I could have saved a lot of tears and anguish if I had simply waited for God to bring things together.

There’s a lot to be troubled about in these last days in which we live. The entire world is upside down. Men think they’re women, which is impossible. Women think they’re men, which is also impossible. Children are convinced they’re animals and demand to be treated as such. Parents have turned the minds of the children over to public schools, which teach that it’s OK for a boy to be a girl, a girl to be a boy, and a child to be an animal.

It seems as if the entire world has turned against Israel; although they were attacked in a totally horrific way, they are deemed the problem. Not only is war growing stronger in the Middle East, but within nations, there’s conflict and strife.

Jesus told of the birth pains that would happen leading up to the Tribulation. We certainly are getting close to the time when the birth pains will give way to the full-blown time of Jacob’s trouble. We are to pray for Jerusalem.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces” (Psalm 122:6-7). 

I do, and I know others also pray. Many people are glued to the secular news sources, and Christians are full of anxiety. Too many forget to study Scripture and pray. What does Scripture say about Israel? They are God’s chosen people, and they won’t be uprooted from their land again. Instead of fretting, we all need to pray for the Jewish people everywhere. The ignorant and satanic prejudice against the Jewish people is growing, and we need to pray for this evil to stop.

Too often, our prayers are self-centered, looking to God as a magician to give us our every desire. What about other people? I’m sure you know plenty of people who don’t know Jesus. Our prayers can help to soften the hearts of non-believers. God wants everyone to come to salvation and is patient in waiting for as many as possible to come to repentance before it’s too late.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 

Have you ever tried praying daily for someone you know who is spiritually far from God? Prayer can make a difference. Also, pray for boldness on your part to open your mouth boldly to speak to them about salvation. It’s especially hard if that person is an enemy of yours. You really don’t want your worst enemy to spend eternity in Hell. Jesus is very clear about praying for people who don’t treat us nicely.

“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you” (Luke 6:27-28). 

It can be done. In praying for enemies, you just might find a friend. Instead of worrying about what your enemy has done to you, pray.

Sometimes, we don’t really know what words to pray. When a very emotional or stressful situation happens in life, our brain can sometimes just shut down, and words don’t form. We just can’t think of what words to pray. Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit, and He is always there to help.

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). 

Emotional situations happen to all of us. Maybe you have unexpectedly been laid off from your job, or a loved one has died. These are situations when the Holy Spirit will make intercession for us. Lean on Him and listen to His voice in these times of trouble. God wants us to find His peace and has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in all situations. Remember to lean on Him in times of stress. He dwells in every Christian.

Pray about everything, and don’t forget to give thanks. God has done so much for us, and mostly, we take Him for granted. Even when we don’t like the answer, God is to be praised and thanked. We need to trust Him to care for us.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

God loves us and wants the best for us. We need to listen for His answers when we pray.

Pray about everything. Be sure to thank Him and praise Him.

God bless you all,

Nathele Graham



Recommended prophecy sites:

All original scripture is “theopneustos,” God-breathed.

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“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6).

The post Pray About Everything :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready.

— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/05/11/pray-about-everything-by-nathele-graham/

Beware of the Wolves! – Jan Markell, Holly Pivec & Doug Geivett – Trusted Videos

Jan Markell talks to Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett for the hour about the continuing wreckage of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which is nothing less than reckless Christianity. Many former NAR members say Bethel and Hillsong music snagged them and drew them in. The theology is also Kingdom Now—Heaven is going to come to earth!

The post Beware of the Wolves! – Jan Markell, Holly Pivec & Doug Geivett first appeared on Harbingers Daily.

— Read on harbingers.tv/beware-of-the-wolves-jan-markell-holly-pivec-doug-geivett/

The High Cost of Following Christ – Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL

double rainbow

According to J. C. Ryle: “It costs something to be a real Christian, according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run. Conversion is not putting a person in an arm-chair and taking them easily to heaven. It is the beginning of a mighty conflict, in which it costs much to win the victory.”1

Sadly, many Christians when they face their first major trials wonder why following Christ is so difficult. But if these same Christians would just study their Bible they would see that the Christian walk was never intended to be easy. J. C. Ryle in his above quote paints a pretty accurate picture of some of the challenges we all will face as followers of Jesus Christ. But if I may add while trials, pain, and suffering will often accompany those who strive to follow after Christ, the rewards and blessings are simply awesome. Not only that but these blessings can only be obtained by those who are willing to pay the high price of obedience to the call of Jesus. 

As Christians we have a choice to make on what we choose to focus our attention on. We can either complain of the trials or overcome them through the promises of God. As an example of what I am talking about let’s read (Matthew 5:11-12): “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

When we share the good news of the gospel, many people will be offended by our message and we can expect to be reviled, persecuted, and even slandered. That’s the trial! But notice the promise – great is our reward in heaven! And when we focus on our reward the natural response should be to rejoice and be exceedingly glad!

Imagine, the Lord has given us the only message that can change a person’s ultimate destination from eternal damnation to eternal life! Yes, there is a cost to share this message. Rejection and persecution will often follow. But there is the potential that some will embrace the message of the cross and be saved. 

My friends the Christian walk is not an easy one since our feelings will often get bruised. But being obedient to Christ in our thoughts and actions will always bring immense joy both in the present and in eternity. Yes, the costs to follow Christ are high, but I contend that the benefits are simply out of this world. 

I don’t know about you but I choose to spend my time being faithful to the high calling of Jesus Christ. Being faithful to Jesus will bring you great peace, unspeakable joy, rich meaning, and eternal life. And that far outweighs having my feelings temporarily hurt. While Satan wants us to focus on the high cost of following Christ, Jesus tells us to set our affections on things above and meditate and experience the far greater joys of being a Christian!

1 TOP 25 QUOTES BY J. C. RYLE (of 374) | A-Z Quotes (azquotes.com)

The post The High Cost of Following Christ appeared first on Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL.

— Read on bibleapologetics.org/the-high-cost-of-following-christ/

May 12 Evening Verse of the Day

34:9 for those who fear him lack nothing. With this term “lack” (hsr, 34:9, 10), Moses reminds the Israelites that in the wilderness they “have not lacked anything” (hsr, Deut. 2:7); the same verb occurs also in Psalm 23:1 (see “Theological Insights” on Ps. 23). The meaning of “lack nothing” is clarified in verse 10, “lack no good thing.”[1]

Ver. 9.—O fear the Lord, ye his saints. Fear of God, a reverent and godly fear, will always accompany trust in God, such as God approves. The saints of God both love and fear him (comp. Ps. 31:23). There is no want to them that fear him, since God supplies all their wants.[2]

9. Fear Jehovah, ye his saints. Here the people of God are exhorted to the pursuit of holiness and righteousness, that they may open up a channel for divine blessings. We know that men are accustomed to provide for their wants, by resorting to fraud, plunder, and even to wrongful violence. Nor is it possible but that the faithful must feel some stirrings of a desire to imitate the wicked, and envy them in some degree in their prosperity, so that they permit themselves sometimes to howl among the wolves. And although they voluntarily abstain from all wrongful violence, yet the common way of living among those around them carries them away like a tempest; and, in the meantime, they think that the plea of necessity is sufficient to excuse them. David represses, as with a bridle, these temptations, promising that all will be well with the people of God, provided they keep themselves in the fear of God, which he opposes to all wicked and deceitful counsels; because the greater part of men reckon those to be fools who aim at simplicity, since in so doing they do not consult their own interests and profit. While, therefore, ungodly men are afraid of poverty, and carnal reason urges them to attempt whatever their fancy may suggest for keeping themselves from it, David here testifies that God takes care of the godly, so that he never suffers them to be in want. Let no fear or distrust, says he, withdraw you from the pursuit of what is right, because God never forsakes those who walk righteously before him. The Psalmist, therefore, bids them yield to God the honour of expecting more from him alone than the wicked expect from their deceitful traffic and unlawful practices. Moreover, as iniquity rages with unbridled fury everywhere throughout the world, he calls expressly upon the saints to be on their guard, because he would be of no service to the promiscuous multitude. It is a sentiment contrary to the generally received opinion among men, that while the integrity of the good and simple is exposed to the will of the wicked, there should yet be greater security in integrity than in all the resources of fraud and injustice. There is, therefore, no inconsistency in his admonishing the saints who, of their own accord, are endeavouring to walk uprightly, not to depart from the fear of God; for we know how easily the light of piety may be obscured and extinguished, when there appears no hope of living happily and prosperously, except in the pursuit of the world and its enticing pleasures.

The Psalmist illustrates this doctrine by a very apposite comparison, namely, that God provides every thing necessary for his people, and relieves their wants, whilst the lions, which surpass in ferocity all the wild beasts of the earth, prowl about in a famishing condition for their prey. Some think, that under the name of lions, those men who are addicted to violence and plunder are metaphorically described; but this, in my opinion, is too refined. David simply asserts, that those who guard against all unrighteousness should profit more by so doing than by rapine and plunder; because the Lord feeds his people, while even the lions and other beasts of prey often suffer hunger. What he says, then, is, that sooner shall the lions perish with hunger and want, than God will disappoint of their necessary food the righteous and sincere, who, content with his blessing alone, seek their food only from his hand. Whoever, therefore, shall in this way cast his cares upon God, and confide implicitly in his paternal goodness and bounty, shall live quietly and peaceably among men, and suffer no injury. If it is objected, that the good and the virtuous are not always exempted from penury, I answer, that the hand of God is stretched out to succour them in due season, when they are reduced to the greatest straits, and know not to what side to turn, so that the issue always shows that we seek not in vain from him whatever is necessary to the sustenance of life.[3]

Ver. 9. O fear the Lord, ye His saints.A noble cowardice:

This means that the fear of God does not indicate a defect of the nature. Blindness is a defect; deafness, lameness—these involve privation. But the fear of God does not involve privation; it implies possession. When I go into a picture gallery, and gaze on a work of some master, and say, “I fear I shall never come up to that,” does that indicate want on my part? Nay, it is participation. It is the testimony that I am already an artist. My fear is the shadow of my love; the cloud into which I enter is born of my transfigured glory. I would not part with my cloud—not for sunbeams, not for worlds. It tells me that I have seen regions beyond. It is by the artist’s soul that I know my own inartisticness. My night has come from day; it is not want that makes me fear. Oh, Thou Divinely Beautiful, create within me the artist’s fear. Give me the sense that I cannot come near Thee, that I am following afar off. Let me feel that Thou art in heaven and I on the earth. Let me tremble before Thy beauty—tremble with the impossibility of ever being worthy of Thee. My trembling is my triumph; my crouching is my crown; my day of judgment is my year of jubilee, for my cry has come from the taste of Thy glory, there is no want in them that fear Thee. (G. Matheson, D.D.)[4]

9. “O fear the Lord, ye his saints.” Pay to him humble childlike reverence, walk in his laws, have respect to his will, tremble to offend him, hasten to serve him. Fear not the wrath of men, neither be tempted to sin through the virulence of their threats; fear God and fear nothing else. “For there is no want to them that fear him.” Jehovah will not allow his faithful servants to starve. He may not give luxuries, but the promise binds him to supply necessaries, and he will not run back from his word. Many whims and wishes may remain ungratified, but real wants the Lord will supply. The fear of the Lord or true piety is not only the duty of those who avow themselves to be saints, that is, persons set apart and consecrated for holy duties, but it is also their path of safety and comfort. Godliness hath the promise of the life which now is. If we were to die like dogs, and there were no hereafter, yet were it well for our own happiness sake to fear the Lord. Men seek a patron and hope to prosper; he prospers surely who hath the Lord of Hosts to be his friend and defender.[5]

[1] Bullock, C. H. (2015). Psalms 1–72 (M. L. Strauss & J. H. Walton, Eds.; Vol. 1, p. 255). Baker Books.

[2] Spence-Jones, H. D. M., ed. (1909). Psalms (Vol. 1, p. 255). Funk & Wagnalls Company.

[3] Calvin, J., & Anderson, J. (2010). Commentary on the Book of Psalms (Vol. 1, pp. 564–565). Logos Bible Software.

[4] Exell, J. S. (1909). The Biblical Illustrator: The Psalms (Vol. 2, p. 180). Fleming H. Revell Company; Francis Griffiths.

[5] Spurgeon, C. H. (n.d.). The treasury of David: Psalms 27-57 (Vol. 2, p. 124). Marshall Brothers.

May 14 – What Did Jesus Write on the Ground? | VCY

  1 Samuel 15:1-16:23
  John 8:1-20
  Psalm 110:1-7
  Proverbs 15:8-10

1 Samuel 15:6 — Who were the Kenites?

This tribe, as may be inferred from the fact that Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, the priest of Midian (Exodus 3:1), is called a Kenite in Jdg 1:16, was an offshoot from the Midianites. The services done to Israel by Jethro and his son Hobab (Exodus 18; Numbers 10:29-32) led to a firm alliance. The Kenites accompanied the Israelites on their march as far as Jericho (Jdg 1:16), and then went and dwelt among the Amalekites in the desert to the south of Judah. They are mentioned again in 1 Samuel 27:10, 1 Samuel 30:29, as the friends of Israel. Famous among the Kenites was Jael, whose husband Heber had migrated into northern Palestine (Jdg 4:11); and the Rechabites who belonged to this tribe (1 Chronicles 2:55) long preserved the nomad habits of their ancestors (Jeremiah 35:7-10).

Cambridge Bible

1 Samuel 15:9 — Who was a descendant of Agag? Esther 3:1 says Haman was. Our good friend Dexter Penwell has these observations:

Saul’s failure to kill all the Amalekites resulted in many things later on. 1. The man who brought David the crown of Saul, and who falsely said he killed Saul was an Amalekite. 2. The men who burned Ziklag & took the families and goods of David’s men were Amalekites (there were 400 that even escaped David at that time (That was at the time of Saul’s death.) 3. Haman was an Agagite. So, he would not have been alive to try and kill all the Jews at the time of Esther.

1 Samuel 15:11 — That’s compassion … Samuel cried all night about Saul’s disobedience!

1 Samuel 15:13 — Saul insists he performed the LORD’s commands and again in 1 Samuel 15:20.

Rather than owning up to his sin, Saul tries to justify his actions. (1 Sam 15:15) … David took ownership of his sin rather than making excuses. However, David describes in detail the thoughts and emotions he was experiencing during this time in a beautiful song, Psalm 51.

Justin Deeter

1 Samuel 15:7 — Patch the Pirate wrote a song based on this verse, “God Sees the Heart“:

1 Samuel 15:22 — Here’s a memory verse song for this verse:

1 Samuel 16:18 — We think of David as a quiet shepherd boy, but he had a reputation for developing the talents that God had given him.

John 8:6 — I believe it was Tony Evans who gave what I consider the best answer to what Jesus wrote in the ground. He thinks that Jesus wrote out Leviticus 20:10, which requires that the “adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” If they caught the adulteress “in the very act” (John 8:4) then there must have been an adulterer there in the very act as well. Jesus is essentially saying, “Why are we stoning the woman but not the man?” Obviously, they knew who the man was! So, Jesus says to the Pharisees, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” (John 8:7). Was He referring to sin in general? Maybe. But we know that they left not in mass, but “one by one” from the eldest to the youngest (John 8:9). Why would they leave one by one? They came in one group, but leave individually? What did Jesus do that changed their behavior? He wrote on the ground (John 8:8). Was He writing out all their sins? Possibly, but that would take a while. Or was He just writing down something that would stick out strongly? Perhaps names like Sapphira, Berenice, and Salome. The names of the women that they had committed adultery with. By John 8:10, there were no witnesses to the crime which broke the requirement of Deuteronomy 17:6 (two witnesses were necessary, a fact that Jesus reiterates in John 8:17). And the witness must be the first one to cast a stone (Deuteronomy 17:7). Jesus was not abrogating Mosaic Law – He was fulfilling Mosaic Law. As a non-witness, He was forbidden under Mosaic Law to stone her.

John 8:12 — This is the second “I AM” saying of John. From Earl Martin:

John 8:20 — The Pharisees were a bit gun shy after He exposed them (John 8:9).

Psalm 110:1 — Who is David’s Lord? He’s different from the LORD being addressed (Matthew 22:44)? Who is the priest forever after the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews 7:17)?

Proverbs 15:8 — This echoes what we read today in 1 Samuel 15:22.

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Back, Then Forward | VCY

Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant. (Ezekiel 16:60)

Notwithstanding our sins, the Lord is still faithful in His love to us. He looks back. See how He remembers those early days of ours when He took us into covenant with Himself, and we gave ourselves over to Him. Happy days those! The Lord does not twit us with them and charge us with being insincere. No, He looks rather to His covenant with us than to our covenant with Him. There was no hypocrisy in that sacred compact, on His part, at any rate. How gracious is the Lord thus to look back in love!

He looks forward also. He is resolved that the covenant shall not fail. If we do not stand to it, He does. He solemnly declares, “I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.” He has no mind to draw back from His promises. Blessed be His name, He sees the sacred seal, “the blood of the everlasting covenant,” and He remembers our Surety, in whom He ratified that covenant, even His own dear Son; and therefore He rests in His covenant engagements. “He abideth faithful; he cannot deny himself.”

O Lord, lay this precious word upon my heart and help me to feed upon it all this day!

May 12 – The tactics of false teachers | Reformed Perspective

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them … And many will follow their sensuality … And in their greed they will exploit you with false words …” – 2 Peter 2:1-3

Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

You may have heard before that the way that bank-tellers learn to recognize counterfeit money is by regularly handling genuine money. For if you know the real thing well it is easy to spot the fake. Yesterday we saw the importance of being under faithful Bible teaching and having faithful elders. But we are wise, also, to understand the tactics of false teachers.

Peter tells us that false teachers “secretly bring in destructive heresies.” Jude talks about them “creeping in unnoticed.” Paul says, in Galatians 2:4, “Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in – who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus.” And in 2 Corinthians 11:13, he said of them, “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.” So, they are cunning weasels. Ultimately though, what they teach is contrary to Scripture and Confession. They undermine rather than build up. They promote sensuality rather than sanctification.

Peter speaks of them “even denying the Master who bought them.” Some see this as proof that the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints is wrong. It is not! These false teachers taught a Saviour Jesus, but not a Master. Thus, their refusal to obey His commandments and the false doctrines that they taught revealed that they were not true believers. In this way, they denied the Master who bought them.

May the Lord guard our pulpits from error today and bless us with faithful teachers/teaching.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray for the preaching and teaching of God’s Word today. Ask the Lord to keep our ministers from error, and to speak His truth through them.

Rev. Andre Holtslag is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana (2007). At the present time he serves the Reformed Church of Avondale, which is in the city of Auckland, New Zealand, and is one of the Reformed Churches in New Zealand (RCNZ). Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.

Source: May 12 – The tactics of false teachers

12 May 2024 News Briefing

James Carville Rages At Trump’s Success: “It’s Going The Wrong Way, It’s Not Working!”
Trump’s more ahead than he’s ever been,” said Carville, lamenting how fewer Americans than ever are concerned about what happened on January 6. “It’s going the wrong way. It’s not working. Everything we’re that throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included,” said Carville. “We gotta try to think of something different. Because what we’re doing is really, really not working,” he emphasized.

They Went Woke: Oscars Facing Liquidity Crisis, Launch $500 Million Fundraising Drive As Viewers Flee
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has launched a $500 million fundraising initiative in an effort to offset the Oscars dramatic drop in viewership – which went from nearly 44 million in 2014, to just 19.5 million in the latest ceremony, according to Statista.

Good News, VERY Bad News, More Solar Shockwaves Coming
Earth’s magnetic field is weakening.  Earth’s geomagnetic excursion is progressing.  Watch.

“It Simply Does Not Make Any Sense”: Judge Trashes Election Lawsuit By The Elias Law Firm
The firm of former Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias has lost another election case in a spectacular fashion. The Chief Judge of the Western District of Wisconsin, James Peterson (an Obama appointee), did not just reject but ridiculed the Elias Law Group challenge to a witness requirement for absentee voting. Elias have been previously sanctioned in court and accused of lying in the Steele dossier scandal by journalists and others.

Rhodes Scholarship Recipient Is Leading Harvard’s Anti-Israel Encampment
A Pakistani Rhodes Scholar at Harvard College is one of the key organizers of the school’s anti-Israel encampment. Asmer Asrar Safi, a Harvard senior and international student from Pakistan, has distinguished himself as a primary organizer of the ongoing encampment, which has successfully maintained its presence for over two weeks. Months earlier, in November, Harvard congratulated Safi on being named a Rhodes Scholar,

The Week in Israel News: The World’s Upside-Down Response to Oct. 7 Gets Even Worse
Welcome to 2024, the year where each week brings a new batch of fresh insanity, especially on Israel. While Donald Trump, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee in the upcoming presidential election, sits in the dock and unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens flood across our borders, elites are turning on Jews and demonizing Israel, apparently forgetting that the Jewish state is merely responding to the worst pogrom since the Holocaust.

Senators: Protesters Calling for Violence Against Jews Should Be on No Fly List
Sens. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., and Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., introduced two measures that, if passed, would achieve a similar objective: to place individuals on the nation’s No Fly List who encourage violence against Jewish persons and support terrorist organizations.

NOAA Warns About Biological Radiation Hazards from Extreme Solar Event
In a warning sent out this evening, the Space Weather Warning Center (SWPC) said that a Proton 100MeV Integral Flux above 1pfu is expected. In simpler terms, the SWPC wrote, “An enhancement in the energetic portion of the solar radiation spectrum may indicate increased biological risk to astronauts of passengers and crew in high latitude, high altitude flights.” Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic flights are an example of such high-latitude / high altitude flights.

A Problem With Truth: God And Satan Have Very Different Versions Of ‘Free Speech’
Many people I speak to in Christian circles often lament the same issue: the world has a problem with truth. However, I want to go a step further and say that the world also has a problem with truth-telling and truth-tellers.

Israel’s war reflects the struggle between democracy and tyranny
As Gaza war rages, Russia deepens ties with Iran, while China harnesses widening divide between US and global south; this new ‘triad of evil’ has all it takes to pull the hegemon into a predicament…

Gaza rocket devastates Ashkelon home in direct strike
Sirens sound in southern city shortly after 1 a.m.; no casualties reported as apartment stood empty; Israeli jets said to launch airstrikes in Rafah amid artillery fire targeting city’s center and east

Liberal media is still in denial about post-Oct. 7 antisemitism
Rather than acknowledge the link between woke ideology and hate, “The New York Times” tries to blame the problem on their conservative political foes.

Biden’s policy marks a dark turning point in US-Jewish relations
American Jews, traditionally Democratic supporters, criticized President Biden’s decision to halt military aid to Israel, signaling a potential shift in political allegiance.

Is the US withholding information from Israel?
The Biden administration has offered Israel both intelligence and supplies, if Israel will agree to end its ground invasion of Rafah, the Washington Post reported. The intelligence would help Israel locate both Hamas’ leaders and hidden tunnels, four people familiar with the offer told the Post.

‘Deeply concerned’ about message Biden admin sending to Hamas, 26 House Democrats say
We are deeply concerned about the message the administration is sending to Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist proxies by withholding weapons shipments to Israel, during a critical moment in the negotiations.’ With Jew-hatred “spreading globally like wildfire,” the 26 representatives “fear that public disputes with our critical ally only emboldens our mutual enemies,

Sinwar is not in Rafah, Israeli officials report
Contrary to prior speculation, October 7th terrorist mastermind, Yahya Sinwar is not hiding in Rafah, but according to intelligence reports, is most likely in tunnels under Khan Younis, an area the IDF left about a month ago,

Day 218: IDF intensifies Rafah operation, re-enters two Gaza neighborhoods as Hamas fire stops humanitarian aid
Israel Defense Forces on Saturday called on additional neighborhoods of the southern city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip to evacuate ahead of an expected widening in its ongoing military operations over the past few days.

Missouri governor signs law defunding Planned Parenthood, other abortion businesses
Missouri Republican Gov. Mike Parson signed legislation Thursday disqualifying Planned Parenthood and any other abortion vendor from receiving taxpayer dollars in the Show Me State.

Wildfires erupt in western Canada, forcing evacuations
The combination of warm temperatures and an ongoing drought have helped fuel several fires in western Canada, which has triggered thousands to leave their homes.

600 Tornado Warnings later, 2 weeks of severe weather storms finally come to an end

Late April and early May are smack dab in the middle of severe weather season. Unfortunately, this season has brought two weeks of nonstop storms, which have left residents in the U.S. scrambling for shelter as more than 600 Tornado Warnings blared and twisters left trails of devastation across multiple states.

Hailstone found Thursday may rank among largest in Texas history
Severe storms over Texas on Thursday produced dozens of reports of damage, but giant hailstones outside of Austin have people talking.

‘STORM FROM THE NORTH’: Russian Forces Open New Front in Northern Kharkov, Take a Dozen Villages In a Day

And so it begins, the ‘Storm from the North.’ The long-awaited new front in northern Kharkov Oblast. Group of the Russian Armed Forces ‘North,’ which has been talked about for a long time is now a reality, has advanced crossing into Ukraine and, on the first day, Russian forces have already seized Zelene, Ohirtseve, Hatyshche, Pletenivka, Strilecha, Krasne, Pylna, and Borysivka.

Planned Parenthood’s latest report shows the sickening truth about its atrocities against the unborn

392,715 murdered babies. 392,715 families torn apart.  To those of us who care about the preborn and their mothers, the number of abortions at Planned Parenthood in the 2022-2023 fiscal year is a travesty. To Planned Parenthood, this number is cause to brag.

Pro-LGBT Minneapolis parish hosts homosexual man’s ‘cabaret’ about his dead ‘husband’ 
A notoriously pro-LGBT parish in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis hosted an explicit musical written by a homosexual man about his relationship with his deceased “husband” this past weekend.

In protest of resolution: Erdan shreds copy of UN Charter using a paper shredder 
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations addressed the UN General Assembly before it voted to adopt a resolution granting the Palestinian Authority the powers and rights of a UN member state.

ITVGate: AstraZeneca pays doctors to promote vaccines on ITV
Every year, members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose money that has been paid to healthcare professionals.  Disclosures for the year 2022 reveal that AstraZeneca paid doctors for “contracted services” who then appeared on ITV to promote vaccines or downplay vaccine injuries.  The affair is being dubbed ITVGate by social media users.

US doesn’t need to sign up to the Pandemic Treaty for it to take effect; One Health has already been rolled out through federal government institutions
The International Health Regulations (2005) are already being “strengthened” with a One Health approach and One Health is embedded in the Pandemic Treaty. However, the United Nations and the World Health Organisation came late to the One Health party.

BORDER INSANITY: Illegal Immigrants Now Working With Criminal Networks to Steal Oil in West Texas
The border crisis has entered a new phase of insanity with some illegals working with criminal networks to steal truckloads of oil in west Texas

Irish non-binary ‘witch’ makes Eurovision final with song aimed to ‘make everybody join witchcraft’
An Irish witch and self-professed “non-binary” individual is representing the once-Catholic nation in the 2024 Eurovision song contest, performing a song with blatant representations of satanism and occult behavior.

Headlines – 5/12/2024

Israel blasts UNGA decision in favor of full Palestinian membership as ‘prize for Hamas’

Biden’s threat to halt weapons deliveries sparks anger and infighting among Israeli officials

Biden’s arms threat to Israel ‘better than nothing’ but too late, say U.S. officials who resigned over Gaza policy

Marlow on Kudlow: By Holding Back Weapons to Israel ‘Biden Has Blood on His Hands… This is Impeachable’

Biden’s arms embargo on Israel ’emboldens’ Hamas missile strikes against Jewish state

IDF confirms it has ‘necessary weapons for future missions, including in Rafah’ amid tensions with US

US said offering intel on Hamas leaders’ whereabouts if Israel skips mass Rafah op

White House didn’t share Biden’s February warning to Netanyahu about withholding aid

Biden says there would be a ceasefire in Gaza ‘tomorrow’ if Hamas frees hostages

Joni Ernst: Biden ‘Playing Politics’ with Americans Held Hostage by Hamas, ‘Making Terrorists Rejoice’

‘Bring home the dead and the living’: Hostages’ families rally ahead of Memorial Day

Hamas psychological warfare: Terrorists release video of hostage, claim he died in Israeli air strike

US ‘deeply concerned’ after report alleges Gaza prisoners abused at Israeli facility

24 States Urge Congress To Permanently End Funding for ‘Anti-Semitic’ UNRWA

Egypt refusing to coordinate with Israel on entry of aid in Rafah – state media

Former Mossad Chief admits to government funding for Hamas via Qatar, calls policy a mistake

UAE says it will not ‘provide cover’ for Israel’s post-war presence in Gaza

IDF Says 300,000 People Evacuated Rafah in South Gaza to Humanitarian Zone Ahead of Israeli Operation

IDF calls on Gazans to leave additional Rafah neighborhoods as it presses operation

Rocket launched from Gaza struck building in Ashkelon – IDF, municipality

Donald Trump: ‘I Support Israel’s Right to Win Its War on Terror’

Ex-US army chief defends Israel’s Oct. 7 response: ‘Can you imagine what we would do’ – Former Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley tells panel an onslaught of comparative scale would have killed 50,000-100,000 in US

Hillary Clinton: Anti-Israel protesters ‘don’t know very much’ about the Middle East

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters arrested in New York after blocking traffic on Manhattan Bridge

Thousands outside Eurovision final in Malmo protest Israel’s participation

Satanic Eurovision Act from Ireland, ‘Bambie Thug,’ Cries over Israeli Singer’s Success

Burning Man, home of ‘radical self expression,’ removes pro-Palestinian sculpture from its website

Justice Alito warns of declining support for freedom of speech on college campuses – The conservative justice also warned that freedom of religion is “imperiled”

Commentary: Campus protestors are being silenced – where are the ‘free speech’ defenders now?

Billionaire investor pans student protests at alma mater Harvard as ‘anarchy’

After weeks of protests, US universities grant hearings on divestment from Israel

Left-Wing Donors Gave More Than $3.3 Million to Pro-Hamas Activities Since 2016

Belgian PM says he is rallying EU countries to impose trade sanctions on Israel

Gantz warns Netanyahu not to advance law that would continue Haredi draft exemptions

Hezbollah attacks Israeli Iron Dome, disables components amid 8 ops

Iran warns it will change nuclear doctrine if ‘existence threatened’

Iranian Hard-liners Win Full Control of Parliament in Election Run-off

FBI probes whether Iran envoy Malley committed crimes in handling of classified info

House GOP demands answers on Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal after new video surfaces ‘directly contradicting’ official reports

Germany is considering introducing conscription for all 18-year-olds, as it looks to boost its troop numbers in the face of Russian military aggression

Poland Ramps Up Border Defenses with Bunkers and Trenches Amid Russian and Belarusian Threats

UK troops in show of force against Putin at biggest NATO wargames since Cold War in Russia’s back yard

Russia claims capture of villages in northeast Ukraine amid renewed assault

Ukraine thwarts new Russian attacks on border in Kharkiv region

With a surprise cross-border attack, Russia ruthlessly exposes Ukraine’s weaknesses

Russia keeps accidentally dropping bombs on its own people as it struggles to hit intended targets, UK intel says

China rapidly developing space weapons with nukes, ‘kamikaze satellites’ and robots

North Korea readies rocket launcher system targeting South Korean population centers

Canada Makes Fourth Arrest In Khalistani Terrorist Hardeep Nijjar’s Killing

American Fighter Jets Fly Over Guyana In Show of Support Against Socialist Maduro’s Territorial Ambitions in Oil-Rich Essequibo Region

New ‘Portal’ Bridging NYC and Dublin to “Bring the World Together” Goes Awry After Disturbing 9/11 Terrorist Attack was Displayed

Cliff Sims: U.S. Government Has ‘Contingency’ Plan and ‘Doomsday’ Bunkers in Case of Emergency

‘Silver Tsunami’: America’s Population Time Bomb

Pope Francis lamented the West’s continued demographic decline, insisting on Friday that fewer children signals a lack of hope in the future

America’s debt tops $34 trillion, but a commission to address it appears dead in Congress

Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

‘They blew it at every turn’: Bill Maher slams Dems going after Trump in legal cases

A guilty verdict? Donald Trump and allies are bracing voters for the worst

“Unusually Aggressive” Arizona Grand Jury That Indicted Trump 2020 ‘Alternate Electors’ Stacked with “Indict Them All” Leftists

Is AI lying to me? Scientists warn of growing capacity for deception

Bumble Founder Says Future of Dating Is Your AI Will Date Other People’s AIs and Hook You Up With the Best Matches

Cyberattack forces major US health care network to divert ambulances from hospitals

Over 200 People with Diabetes Injured After Insulin Pump App Crashes, Drains Battery

Huge solar storm impacting Starlink satellites, ‘degraded service’ reported: Musk

Intense solar storm causes spectacular northern lights displays across the globe

The huge solar storm is keeping power grid and satellite operators on edge

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Luganville, Vanuatu

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Boradigah, Azerbaijan

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Pangai, Tonga

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Hiroo, Japan

Odd earthquake swarm in Central Europe hints at magma bubbling below the surface

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 28,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 22,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 20,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 13,000ft

Brazil’s catastrophic weather spawns spate of conspiracy theories

‘Offering Everything They Have’: How Small Churches Are Saving Lives in Brazil’s Floods

At least 200 people killed by flash floods in Afghanistan as humanitarian emergency looms

Death toll from Afghanistan floods rises to 315, Taliban ministry says

Unprecedented flooding displaces hundreds of thousands across East Africa

At least 14 dead, several missing in Indonesia flash floods, cold lava flow

Thousands told to evacuate due to British Columbia, Canada wildfire

World’s Largest Vacuum to Suck Carbon From Atmosphere Turns On for First Time – Is this really the key to fighting climate change?

Scientists unlock key to breeding ‘carbon gobbling’ plants with a major appetite

Bensalem police credit drone technology for retail theft clearance rate – The drones have been able to arrive on the scene within minutes as the officer tracks the suspect

The elections next door: Mexico’s cartels pick candidates, kill rivals

Biden admin sues Iowa over law allowing state to deport illegal immigrants

Texas Dem senate candidate helps illegal immigrants avoid arrest, deportation by ICE agents

Biden DOJ moves to end court oversight of unaccompanied minors in immigration custody

Switzerland’s ‘Non-Binary’ Rapper Nemo Wins Eurovision Song Contest

Judge strikes down N.Y. county’s ban on female transgender athletes after roller derby league sues

Lebanese Islamic authorities file ‘blasphemy’ charges against comedian for prayers skit – LGBTQ rights activist Shaden Fakih accused of insulting Prophet Muhammad’s ‘divine glory’ in sketch

Pelosi rebuked to her face during Oxford debate after condemning Americans clouded by ‘guns, gays, God’

House Speaker Mike Johnson Says No to Federal Abortion Restrictions

Doug Emhoff is pushing more men to advocate for abortion rights

Baby Born Deaf Gains Hearing After Gene Therapy

Older adults are having sex, and they’re getting STIs, too

2019 Flashback: Controversial experiments that could make bird flu more risky poised to resume

The ‘Experts’ Push Bird Flu As The Next Pandemic – Just In Time For The Election

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Dr. David Reagan: Decoding The Middle East Crisis – Trusted Videos

What exactly is going on between Israel and Hamas from a biblical perspective? Find out with Dr. David Reagan as he preaches at Brookhaven Church in McKinney, Texas!

The post Dr. David Reagan: Decoding The Middle East Crisis first appeared on Harbingers Daily.

— Read on harbingers.tv/dr-david-reagan-decoding-the-middle-east-crisis/

The Death of Truth :: By Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready

When asked about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus mentioned deceit four times in Matt. 24 (vs. 4, 5, 11, and 24).

In an article titled “Truth Has Become a Casualty in Modern Journalism,” Pastor Mike Spaulding (author, speaker, radio host) wrote on Apr. 27, 2024:

  • We should all be mourning the death of truth, but alas, few recognize what has happened to truth as a tool to strengthen nations and guard against ruinous corruption.
  • The murder of truth was intentionally committed by individuals and organizations who cannot accomplish their goals through rational, logical, and reasonable public debate. The world is in the grips of mass propaganda, deceit, and an otherworldly strong delusion.
  • Murdering truth results in people being dislodged from any form of objective morality. A morality that celebrates murder, rape, and acts of torture (as has happened regarding the Oct.7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel) is not morality. It is a subjective blood lust, which can only be attributed to wicked delusion and the resultant unhinged evil.

It reminds me of something God said in Old Testament times about the prophets in Judah:

  • “In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen the hands of the evil doers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah” (Jer. 23:14).

God saw something that He said is horrible: People that have abandoned me, and they are walking in lies.

This ungodliness and deceit are encouraging wicked people, and there is no repentance.

The first sin of humanity occurred when Satan deceived Adam and Eve (Gen.3).

Jesus would later call the corrupt religious leaders of His day the children of Satan.

He called Satan a murderer and a liar from the beginning (Jn. 8:43-44).

God is not fooled by the death of truth today.

Concerning the end of the age, God said,

  • “The Antichrist will come after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thess. 2:9-12).

The death of truth will ultimately lead to the rise of the Antichrist and the betrayal of Israel, and it will cost multitudes their souls.

Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that we are close to the end of the age.

One, on May 3, 2024, Just The News reported:

  • In a stunning admission, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team is admitting that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated since it was seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time.

How this will impact the case remains to be seen, but government officials altering evidence and deceiving the court clearly signifies the death of truth.

It is truly amazing that they admitted it.

(More: on May 7, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. House of Representatives has launched an investigation into these “serious ethical lapses” and gave Smith until 5:pm on May 20, 2024, to produce documents and respond.)

Two, six states have filed lawsuits against Pres. Biden’s recently released Executive Order that will let boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, let males compete against females in sports, etc., simply by saying they identify as female.

The fact that people at the highest levels of government choose to ignore the fact that there are biological differences between males and females signifies the death of truth.

Thank God for those officials who know that males and females are different and are still willing to fight for the truth.

Three, on May 4, 2024, the great Hal Lindsey wrote:

  • The world is staggering under the weight of billions of bad decisions — bad decisions by regular citizens and by the world’s leaders. Of those choices, one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems. We have seen where this decision leads (In Germany, it led to Hitler’s decision to annihilate the Jews).

The decision of world leaders to blame Israel for all the problems in the Middle East signifies the death of truth.

Hal asked, “How far will it go?” and he replied:

  • The Bible teaches that hatred of Jews will be a feature of the last days. I had hoped it would be a post-rapture phenomenon — that the Church would be morally strong enough to hold back this evil as long as the Church stays on earth. It still could. The next few days and weeks will tell quite the story.

(My opinion: This will lead to a horrible thing: a satanic world government that will “walk in lies” and try to destroy Israel at the Battle of Armageddon.)

Four, concerning world government, the International Pandemic Treaty (Accords), and the International Health Regulations (IHRs): on May 1, 2024, 49 U.S. Senators (all Republicans) sent a letter to Pres. Biden that said:

  • The most recently available version of the pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival.
  • The amendments to the existing International Health Regulations are not in order. (The nations have not been given the required 4 months’ notice of changes to the regulations before they vote at the end of this month. Why would they want nations to vote on a document they have not seen? It is called deceit and could be called the death of truth).

Pres. Biden has now been officially notified that every Republican U.S. Senator opposes these two globalist documents that will surrender a lot of U.S. sovereignty to an unelected group of foreigners.

Five, a poll that was conducted by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research (released on May 1, 2024) found that over half of Americans (53 percent) are extremely or very concerned about news organizations reporting inaccurate information during the election.

Six, on May 4, it was reported that Biden’s handlers intend to shorten his speeches to give quality of words over quantity of words.

His critics charge that they are shortening his speeches to reduce the chances of cognitive failure.

This is about the president of the U.S. So, what is the truth?

(More: On May 6, 2024, Wayne Allen Root (author, TV host, political commentator) warned former Pres. Trump that he needs to prepare to run against Michelle Obama in the next presidential election. We will soon know.)

Seven, on May 5, 2024, from a command and control center inside a UN hospital in Gaza, Hamas attacked a group of Israeli troops, killed 3 and injured 11.

Israeli jets struck the command and control center, and it is no longer operational.

UN denials that terrorists are using UN hospitals are false.

Eight, concerning deceit: on May 1, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is proclaiming that the greatest peril humanity now faces is misinformation and disinformation (deceit).

(My opinion: Many people do not trust the WEF because its leaders are trying to deceive the public (censor the truth) about its efforts to establish a world government.)

Nine, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling (Mark of the Beast) and the globalist effort to get people to eat less beef, eat locusts, worms, etc.: on May 3, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it is requiring all cattle and bison to have Electronic Identification Tags (EIDs) that store information about the animal (vaccination schedules, feed routines, medical history, etc.).

Some farmers are concerned that government officials will be able to track everything that they have done with their animals, and if the farmer hasn’t done what the government wants, they will not be allowed to sell their animals.

(My comment: If they can track the buying and selling of cattle, they will soon be able to track the buying and selling of everything.)

(More: On May 8, 2024, Clayton Morris – former Fox News Host; Morris Investment Co. – said he has received an announcement that Master Card, Wells Fargo, Citi Group, and the Central Banks are now going to roll out their own digital currency pilot program. Personal Note: This doesn’t appear to be a global digital currency yet, but a global digital currency is a prerequisite to tracking all buying and selling.)

Ten, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Apr. 30, 2024, it was reported that Hezbollah in Lebanon has fired projectiles into northern Israel almost every day for about 7 months (since Oct. 7, 2023), and tens of thousands of Israelis have had to vacate their homes and live in temporary shelters.

Israel’s Foreign Minister told his French counterpart, who was trying to de-escalate the situation:

  • The situation is untenable.
  • We are not going back to October 6th.
  • If Hezbollah does not withdraw (from the border region), we are heading to an all-out war. If that happens, Israel will act against Hezbollah in all of Lebanon and occupy a large area in southern Lebanon to create a security buffer zone, which will be controlled by the IDF and allow the residents of the north to return home safely.

If the international community wants to prevent another war, they need to force Hezbollah back to the agreed-upon line (the north bank of the Litani River) now.

(More: On May 5, 2024, Hezbollah in Lebanon fired more than 100 rockets and missiles at homes in northern Israel. Three Israelis were injured; many houses, buildings, and vehicles were damaged; roads were damaged, and some houses were without electricity for several hours.)

Eleven, concerning U.S. efforts to force Israel to end its war with Hamas: on May 2, 2024, it was reported that:

  • A Hamas representative in Lebanon said Hamas was planning to reject the latest ceasefire deal.
  • Iran and its proxies were helping Hamas prepare to defend against an Israeli attack on Rafah.
  • Iran and its proxies are growing stronger as the war drags on.

If there is any truth to this, U.S. restraints on Israel have probably prolonged the war, and that will likely make the death and destruction worse when the war resumes.

Twelve, concerning the Two-State Solution: on May 3, 2024, it was reported that this week, former President Donald Trump said:

  • That he no longer supports a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians following the October 7 massacre.

Earlier this year, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said:

  • I am very consistent, and I’m saying something very simple; this conflict is not on the lack of a state of Palestine, but the existence of a state, the Jewish State.
  • In the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea.
  • This truth I say to our American friends, and I also stopped the attempt to impose on us a reality that will jeopardize us.

(My opinion: Our current president – or whoever is running the U.S. – is making a mistake by pushing the Two-State Solution. But regardless of Trump’s, Netanyahu’s, and God’s warnings in the Bible, Israel will be divided, the Jews in Judea will have to flee the Promised Land at the middle of the Tribulation Period, and God will send the Battle of Armageddon for scattering the Jews and dividing His land; Matt. 24:15-22; Rev. 19:11-21.)

Thirteen, concerning the decline of America: on May 2, 2024, it was reported that:

  • The U.S. has run out of Patriot missile batteries to send to Ukraine.
  • The U.S. is begging EU nations to send their air defense weapons to Ukraine.
  • The Pentagon has pledged a $6 billion package of weapons to Ukraine, but U.S. stockpiles are depleted, and the weapons cannot be sent until the U.S. signs contracts with suppliers and more are produced.

Fourteen, concerning the spreading hatred of Israel: on May 4, 2024, prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote that Christians need to recognize that the side effect of the hatred of Israel will eventually turn into hatred for those who support the nation of Israel.

According to Tsarfati, the current antisemitism will eventually migrate into a hatred of those who love the Jews and the King of the Jews, Jesus.

The spirit of antisemitism will spread the spirit of antichrist.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (Day 208): The one hundred-fifty-third day of the resumed war.

  • Turkey said it would officially join South Africa’s lawsuit at the International Criminal Court (ICC) that accuses Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
  • Netanyahu said he was undeterred by potential arrest warrants by the ICC, and he is willing to sacrifice himself for Israel.
  • Israel informed the U.S. that it has information that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is pressuring the ICC to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials and that if the ICC does issue warrants, Israel will retaliate against the PA.
  • A former Israeli national security advisor said the U.S. is on Hamas’ side, and there will be no progress in the ceasefire negotiations because Sinwar knows it.

Thursday, May 2, 2024 (Day 210): The one hundred-fifty-fourth day of the resumed war.

  • S. and Israeli officials said Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar is hiding behind at least 15 (perhaps as many as 20) hostages in tunnels below Gaza.
  • Turkey cut off all trade with Israel in protest over the Israel-Hamas war.

Friday, May 3, 2024 (Day 211): The one hundred-fifty-fifth day of the resumed war.

  • Egypt reported that Israel has given Hamas one week to accept a ceasefire proposal or Israel will begin its attack on Rafah.

Saturday, May 4, 2024 (Day 212): The one hundred-fifty-sixth day of the resumed war.

  • It was reported that Hamas agreed to release 33 hostages in exchange for a 40-day truce without a commitment from Israel to end the war. (But at this point, it is not official)
  • An Israeli official said if Hamas wants to end the war, they must leave Gaza. Israel will not end the war with Hamas still in power.

Sunday, May 5, 2024 (Day 213): The one hundred-fifty-seventh day of the resumed war.

  • The ceasefire talks ended with no agreement.
  • There are reports that Biden (the Pres. who says he has Israel’s back) put a hold on shipments of weapons and ammunition to Israel with no explanation of why.
  • An Israeli official said Israel is not another star on the American flag, and America doesn’t deserve to be called a friend of Israel anymore.
  • Netanyahu said we will fight alone if we have to. “Never again” (Israel will never surrender to another Holocaust) is now.
  • International organizations asked nations to reduce the amount of humanitarian aid to northern Gaza because too much is being sent and warehouses are full.

Monday, May 6, 2024 (Day 214): The one hundred-fifty-eighth day of the resumed war.

  • Israel said Hamas agreed to a ceasefire deal that Israel did not offer or accept.
  • It was reported that Biden’s CIA Director Burns guaranteed Hamas that the U.S. would force Israel to accept a ceasefire.
  • Israel said the U.S. secretly worked on a ceasefire agreement that Hamas would accept without Israel’s knowledge or asking Israel if it would agree.
  • Israel started evacuating citizens from eastern Rafah in preparation for a military invasion.
  • Israeli jets attacked several Hamas terrorist sites in Rafah.
  • Israel warned that there would be a powerful operation in Rafah very soon.
  • Israel said it would halt the invasion if Hamas offered an acceptable deal.
  • Israeli troops and tanks started entering east Rafah.
  • Israel seized the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing into Egypt.
  • It was reported that the U.S. has been trying to prevent the destruction of Hamas to use the group as leverage against Israel to get Israel to accept the Two-State Solution.
  • Tomorrow, the U.S. State Department will issue a Biden-mandated report to Congress on whether Israel is complying with U.S. rules on its use of U.S. weapons.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 (Day 215): The one hundred-fifty-ninth day of the resumed war.

  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres asked Israel to stop attacking Hamas in Rafah.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.



The post The Death of Truth :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.

— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/05/11/the-death-of-truth-by-daymond-duck/

Biden Declares Administration Will Never Leave Anyone Behind, Except Those Americans Held Hostage By Hamas, Or Trapped When Afghanistan Fell, Or Killed Accidentally By A Drone, Or Murdered By Illegal Immigrants (Continued) | Babylon Bee

Article Image

… or murdered in the womb, or imprisoned in Russia (unless black and lesbian), or unable to afford groceries because of inflation, or denied entry to campus because of being Jewish, or confronted by a drag queen in the library children’s section, or abused by gender surgeons, or devastated from a massive chemical spill, or denied a track scholarship because a man said he was a girl, or killed by violent felons being released without charges, or leered at by a member of the opposite sex in a locker room, or murdered by a mentally ill man on the subway, or crushed by taxes to pay off other people’s student loans, or harmed by the COVID vaccine, or killed accidentally by a drone, or denied jobs for refusing to adopt radical gender ideology, or condemned as a Nazi for disagreeing with the government, or needed to afford gasoline, or destroyed by neo-Marxist indoctrination at public school.

Other than that… no one left behind. Thanks, Joe!

Want proof that Jesus was a woke socialist? Look no further than these classic quotes straight from the Bible.

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Groups Behind Protests Seizing College Campuses Get Bad News as Senators Send Letter to IRS | The Gateway Pundit

In the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, known as FinCEN,  asked financial institutions to use search terms like “TRUMP” and “MAGA” to comb through customer data on purchases of items like bus tickets, books or subscriptions looking for indicators of “extremism”

FinCEN also provided slides instructing banks to flag customers making purchases at stores like Cabela’s or Dick’s Sporting Goods as “potential active shooters” or terrorists, according to The New York Post.

While the Capitol incursion happened on one day and was over in a matter of hours, the protests on college campuses have continued for weeks.

The coordination between campuses, the professionally created signs, and the matching tents show clear evidence that these protesters, unlike the ones on Jan. 6, were being funded by outside, anti-Semitic and anti-American forces.

Some 2,200 people have been arrested or detained on at least 49 college campuses in 26 different states, according to Fox News.

So, where are the FBI and the IRS now? Where is FinCEN?

A group of 15 Republican senators, led by Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, has sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, demanding an investigation into whether several nonprofit organizations have violated their tax-exempt status by providing financial support to groups backing Hamas, which is a designated foreign terrorist organization, according to Just The News. 

The letter specifically named the National Students for Justice in Palestine, the AJP Educational Foundation, the Tides Foundation, and the Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation as entities that should be scrutinized.

“We write to demand you open an investigation to determine if the supporters of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), including the AJP Educational Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (WESPAC Foundation), and other benefactors of NSJP have engaged in conduct warranting revocation of their tax exempt statuses on the basis of their financial support of NSJP,” the letter said.

“It is long-established precedent that when 501(c)(3) organizations have ‘planned activities that violate laws’ or engage in activities designed ‘to induce the commission of a crime or if the accomplishment of the purpose is otherwise against public policy,’ the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has grounds to revoke their tax-exempt status,” the senators wrote.

“We should not need to remind you of the heinous support NSJP chapters across the country have voiced for Hamas, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Within 12 days after the October 7th attack, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) documented that ‘the national leadership of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and many of the organization’s campus chapters explicitly endorsed the actions of Hamas [emphasis added] and their armed attacks on Israeli civilians and voiced an increasingly radical call for confronting and ‘dismantling’ Zionism on U.S. college campuses,” the letter continued.

The letter pointed out that at NSJP chapter-led demonstrations, such as those at Columbia University, protesters “were reportedly chanting “We are Hamas” and “Al-Qassam [in reference to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing] you make us proud, kill another soldier now!”

“In light of this abhorrent support for an FTO, we call on you to initiate an investigation to determine whether financial supporters of NSJP, including but not limited to AJP, the WESPAC Foundation, and the Tides Foundation, have engaged in conduct warranting their tax-exempt status to be stripped,” the letter stated.

Tax-exempt nonprofits are forbidden from supporting terrorism or illegal activities. If groups like AJP, the Tides Foundation and others have been funneling money to NSJP chapters that openly embrace Hamas’s terrorist tactics and ideology, then they have violated the terms of their 501(c)(3) status.

According to The Washington Examiner, The Tides Center, one of the organizations mentioned in the letter, has been a clearinghouse for dark money donations to progressive initiatives, including anti-Israel initiatives, that has long drawn scrutiny from conservatives.

Between 2006 and 2023, the Tides Center — directly or through sub-awards — received at least $81.2 million from agencies like the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, State, Education, the Interior, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, according to The Washington Examiner.

It also has the support of far-left billionaires Bill Gates and George Soros.

In response to the reports that the Tides Foundation was supporting the pro-Hamas protesters, conservative commentator Glenn Beck posted on social media, “Wow, who could have guessed that George Soros and the Tides Foundation have been funding the pro-Palestine protests taking over colleges? It’s almost like they’re — gasp —NOT GRASSROOTS.”

There cannot be two standards of justice in this country — one for protesters backing U.S.-designated terrorist groups and another for those fighting for election transparency.

It’s time that organizations which have been actively funding pro-terrorist groups not just lose their tax-exempt status, but face accountability and careful scrutiny about the money trail, both to and from the organizations.

The letter from the senators to the IRS is a good start, but it is only scratching the surface.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Groups Behind Protests Seizing College Campuses Get Bad News as Senators Send Letter to IRS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Tucker Carlson drops new interview with the brother of Justin Trudeau.

Is The End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders Threat Of Annihilation | ZeroHedge

Authored by Rob Bluey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Victor Davis Hanson is well known for his intelligent commentary and astute analysis of current events. But for his latest book, he tackles a topic related to his work on military history. It’s called “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.”

Mr. Hanson studied four historical examples of wartime extinction that he features in the book. Then he applies those lessons to contemporary society to examine our own vulnerabilities. The book is on sale now, and Mr. Hanson spoke with The Daily Signal to share his observations along with some advice about what’s at stake for the United States in the short term.

Listen to the full interview on “The Daily Signal Podcast” or read the transcript—edited for length and clarity—below.

Rob Bluey: Could you share with our listeners your motivation for doing this book?

Victor Davis Hanson: I’ve written a lot of books on military history and I’ve come across cases where the defeated didn’t just become occupied or surrender unconditionally or have change of governments or suffer grievous losses, but they were completely wiped out.

And by that, I mean it wasn’t just their physical space, their populations—of course, in the ancient world, they enslaved anybody they didn’t kill—but their language, their culture, their civilization, their religion disappeared within a generation. So, for today, we don’t know much about Punic culture in North Africa or the Aztecs in Mexico.

It didn’t happen frequently, but what were the conditions under which it occurred? And then, I have a long epilogue trying to speculate if that could still happen given that the agents of annihilation—nuclear, bio, chemical, AI (artificial intelligence)—are much easier to use than muscular labor of the past.

Mr. Bluey: In what ways are we today vulnerable to the threat of extinction?

Mr. Hanson: I tried to look at a pattern—if there was a pattern. In all these cases, these societies did not realize they were in decline. They did not realize that, in the past, when they had wars, there were usually negotiations between the victor and the defeated, they had no idea who Cortés was, who Scipio was, who Mehmed II was, or Alexander, that these were killers, and they were different sorts than they had encountered before.

They also had this kind of naive egocentric idea that allies would come to their rescue—the Spartans will come and save us, the Venetians will come to Constantinople, the Macedonians will attack the Romans from the rear. And they didn’t really understand that all allies are self-interested.

And then, finally, they didn’t understand that these killers, the destroyers, were not like Genghis Khan or Tamerlane, they were men of education. Alexander was tutored by Aristotle. Scipio Aemilianus had Polybius at his side, the great Roman historian, when he destroyed the city. Mehmed had the largest library in the Islamic world. Cortés was a man of letters.

So they didn’t realize that they had thought deeply about how to destroy. They didn’t just come in, kill, rape women, and leave. They really had an existential plan to erase these cities.

And when you look at today, there’s the same idea that no one would ever do that, it couldn’t happen here, this is in the past.

So I went through in the epilogue and looked at all the threats of extinction that we have seen in, say, the last 15 years. I was shocked.

It wasn’t just Kim Jong Un saying that he wanted to wipe out South Korea, and he would, but it was people like [Turkish President] Recep Erdogan. He has threatened, he said not too long ago, about eight months ago, that the Athenians, the modern Athenians, would wake up one morning and there would be a barrage of rockets to wipe them out. That was anger over his attempt to take back islands that are Greek off the coast of Turkey.

He said to the Armenians at Nagorno-Karabakh—a year ago, they ethnically cleansed every Armenian out of Azerbaijan. And they had been there for a thousand years. And he said, “We are going to deal with Armenia itself in the way that our grandfathers did.” And that was, of course, the destruction of Armenian culture in Turkey.

We know what the Iranians have said. There was a very controversial statement by [Former Iran President Akbar Hashemi] Rafsanjani about 20 years ago, but more that’s been reiterated lately, in a variety of contexts, that the idea of Israel as the home of devout Jews is actually a gift to Iran because it concentrates devout Jews in one place.

Half the world’s Jewry is now in Israel, but more importantly, these are the observant Jews, and they are at what Rafsanjani called a one-bomb state, that one nuclear weapon could erase Jewish civilization itself.

[Russian President Vladimir] Putin, of course, says that Ukraine is an aberration that doesn’t really exist, it was a province of the Soviet Union, and the language should be obliterated, it should be reincorporated into Russia. I’ve counted about 16 statements in the press that Russian generals, Russian media, or Russian government officials have said if the war were to continue, they would use nuclear weapons.

In the case of China, they have threatened to wipe out Taiwan and destroy the bastard idea of a Taiwanese civilization; they say it doesn’t exist. And they’ve threatened to nuke, as well, Japan if it aids Taiwan.

I only mentioned that because I’ve had pretty good luck with Chinese publishers buying books on military history. I wrote a book on World War II they purchased, but they sent a letter to my publisher and basically said if I didn’t take that sentence out of the book, then they were going to cancel the publication agreement. And, of course, I couldn’t take it out. Instead, I sent back not just one threat of Taiwan, I found about 15 others, and I said, “This is ridiculous, you’ve done this more than—” And so they’ve canceled the Chinese translation. But it’s pretty prevalent.

And also, the denial. People on the walls of Constantinople said: “We can work with a sultan. He won’t kill everybody.” And people said, “Alexander the Great is a philosopher; he won’t obliterate us like Philip did,” … or something like that.

And when you see the same denial, people get very angry when you mention Putin’s threats, they say: “Oh, he’s just bluster. He would never do that.” And, “Kim Jong Un would never do that.” And, “I’m not sure that’s true.” History says that the odds are they won’t, but it’s happened and there’s no second chances when that happens.


Mr. Bluey: What role do you think technology is playing in either facilitating or even [exacerbating] the potential for these actors to destroy other societies?

Mr. Hanson: I think we learned with COVID gain-of-function research that the technology was accelerating much more rapidly than the social, political, economic, cultural analysis of how to handle it. And there were people who were freelancing, like EcoHealth, for example, that was giving expertise to the Wuhan lab. I think the same thing is true of AI.

Unfortunately, I work at Stanford right next to Silicon Valley, so when I go out and eat dinner at night, I often listen to conversations of techies and I know people who give to Stanford, et cetera. I have very little confidence on their moral sense. I have a great deal of confidence that they’re very adept in high-tech research like AI.

So my point is that when we see things like the FBI hiring Twitter contractors to suppress news about a laptop in the last election, these are the same people, the same mentalities that will be in charge of AI.

And there was, I mentioned in the book, a Pentagon simulation in which they used a computer launch completely directed by an AI program. And so, they sent a missile on a computer and they programmed every defense mechanism in it possible. So as it went into the computer, they launched computer simulations of air attacks from aircraft, from anti-ballistic missile systems, weather problems, et cetera. And then, when it was almost over, they had the computer kill the launch because it was over.

Well, the launch didn’t kill, it turned around and went back at the launch person because it had been programmed to think spontaneously about a threat. So the person who launched the missile had never thought that the missile would attack him.

And so, they shut down the entire experiment because they realized that they didn’t have the capability in the real world of ensuring that an AI couldn’t reason or analyze a threat, including the person who launched the missile, which would be the greatest threat of all if he canceled the missile and aborted it.

So things like that are pretty scary, just like the COVID and the biochemical, et cetera.

And I think if you look at what these people said in the past, I was just shocked about the denial.

Montezuma said, “We’re going to be here forever.” He had visions of the Cortés were some type of deities maybe, but he thought he could appease them.

And the same thing was true of the Carthaginians, they said: “You know what? We will give up our elephant. We’ll do everything. The Romans won’t do this.” And they had no intention of doing anything else other than destroying them.

So I do think there’s people—like the Chinese Communist government, like the government in North Korea, like the government in Turkey, like the government in Iran—who are in a whole different moral universe than what we think they’re in.

Mr. Bluey: Do you think that some of that denial exists here in the United States today?

Mr. Hanson: Absolutely.

I don’t think the average American understands that the Chinese are producing four ships per year to our one ship. Or that if you took any of our $15 billion carriers and you put them in the straits between Taiwan and China, they wouldn’t last more than an hour given the Chinese have developed missile batteries where they could launch 5,000 or 6,000 small missiles that would go about 6 inches above the water and hit the waterline at night. And you couldn’t stop that.

They are building nuclear weapons at a phenomenal rate. They’re working on anti-missile defense. They’re back up to probably 250,000 students in the United States; if 1 percent are engaged in espionage—and the FBI says it’s more than that—you’ve got thousands of people who are appropriating technology.

I don’t think anybody understands that it’s going to take us six years to replenish Javelin stocks and maybe we can’t. North Korea is producing more 155-mm shells than we are. At least they sent 2 million of them to the Russians.

So we are not armed, and yet, our strategic responsibilities, our strategic confidence, our arrogance has not lessened commensurately with our reduced defense capacity.

We’re 40,000 recruits short now in the military—never happened before. And when you analyze who is not joining the military, it’s not blacks, it’s not Latinos, it’s not gays, it’s not women, it’s not trans people, all of those numbers are the same … the largest group are white males from the lower and middle classes whose families fought in Vietnam, first Gulf War, Afghanistan, but this third and fourth generation are not joining up.

And unfortunately, for the military, if you look at the casualty or the fatality rates in Afghanistan and Iraq, that demographic dies at twice their demographics—72 percent to 74 percent of all the dead in Afghanistan, in Iraq are white males from the middle and lower classes.

And yet, this is the very demographic that [retired Gen.] Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and [Defense Secretary] Lloyd Austin, in testimonies, have suggested suffer from white rage or white privilege. And the Pentagon was investigating just those kind of slanders about that demographic, and they found, of course, in December, they quietly issued a report, there was no cabal of white supremacists.

But the point is, you can’t really have a successful military when you’re 40,000 recruits short in just a year.

Mr. Bluey: What do you suggest that societies today, including the United States, learn from those historical examples you gave us earlier in the interview to maybe mitigate some of the risks that we might find ourselves in in the future?

Mr. Hanson: I would not put much confidence in international bodies or even in so-called close allies. The Spartans came all the way up to the Thebans and they heard the Macedonians, they turned right back. On the last day of the existence of Constantinople, they were looking out at the walls at the Hellespont thinking that Venetian galleys en masse would come up and save them.

So … I support NATO. I don’t really think the U.N. (United Nations) is of much value. The only thing that will save the United States is a deterrent military, and we don’t have that now, an overwhelmingly large, successful, smart military. And if we don’t have that, we’re going to see more of what we saw in Afghanistan, what we saw with the Chinese balloon, what we see in Gaza.

And I think Americans don’t realize that we’re on a back of a tiger and we can’t get off because we set up the postwar world, and we had the pretensions of saying to the world, “You can go in the Red Sea, you can go in the Black Sea, you can go in the Strait of Hormuz, you can do all that and you won’t be injured.” That was a wonderful thing to do. But if you’re going to have those pretensions that you’re going to have a postwar order, you have to have a military that, from time to time, takes care of the Houthis or gets rid of Soleimani.

And it doesn’t mean you’re going to be a neocon interventionist, but I think under [former President Donald] Trump and [former State Secretary Mike] Pompeo, they had a, I guess you would call it a Jacksonian idea that there would be no better friend than United States and no worse enemy. And we did not want to get involved in optional military adventures, but we would be very, very tough on our enemies. And then, the tougher we were, the less we would have to do it once we reestablished deterrence.

So, we’ve lost deterrence, and that can be achieved militarily, economically, politically, but we’ve lost it in every category and it’s going to be very, very dangerous to reestablish it.

Mr. Bluey: How much is at stake this year as it pertains to the future of this great country?

Mr. Hanson: Everybody says each election is the most important, but I can tell you that this election is more important than 2016 and 2020 because, in my lifetime, we’ve never seen the Democratic Party—they always say the Republican Party was taken over by MAGA, but you look at 90 percent of the MAGA agenda, and it’s traditionally low taxes, small government, strong defense, closed borders.

But the Democratic Party, as we’re seeing with Columbia [University] and all these student protests, they are a revolutionary party. It’s not that they believe in a porous border; they believe in no border. It’s not that they believe in light sentencing; they don’t want to sentence anybody. They don’t want to have bail. They don’t believe that there is such a thing as deterrence, the way we got out of Afghanistan. They believe in radical climate change. You can show them data, you can show them all sorts, they don’t care, they want to ban combustible engines, they don’t want fossil.

So this is a group of people, as we’re seeing in this split screen with Donald Trump charged with these ridiculous misdemeanors bootstrapped onto felonies. At the same time, people are entering with violence into a Columbia building. And as one of them said the other night, “They will be out in 24 hours.” I don’t think they’re even in jail as we speak, they’re already out.

I guess what I’m saying is we’re in a revolutionary Jacobin period, kind of a Reign of Terror. And I don’t see it stopping unless—I don’t think the election of Donald Trump will be enough. You’ll have to elect the Senate, Donald Trump, and enlarge the House majority. And then they’re going to have to act very quickly to stop it, to restore the border, to restore deterrence, to restore deterrence against criminals, to get back our preeminent position economically, to stop this $1 trillion borrowing every 100 days.

We’re in bad shape in every category. And I think, whether we like it, I know there’s a lot of Never-Trumpers out there, but whatever problem they have with Trump’s temperament, it just pales in comparison with the ideological revolutionaries that are in there now…

If [President Joe] Biden is reelected, what we saw the first term will be nothing, it’ll be enhanced to a magnitude, it’ll be so much greater. So I’m really worried about this election, especially the integrity of the balloting and turnout and all of those other issues.

Reprinted by permission from The Daily Signal, a publication of The Heritage Foundation.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.

— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/end-near-victor-davis-hanson-ponders-threat-annihilation

FREUDIAN SLIP: Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’ | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden has had another Freudian slip.

In an interview with a Spanish radio show, Biden described Hispanic illegal immigrants as “voters” before reverting back to the official script.

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, or Hispanic – Hispanic citizens, who want to become citizens,” Biden said.

He continued:

The Hispanic community is part of the future of America. Twenty-eight out of every 100 students in school speak Spanish, the idea that you’re gonna ignore that? That’s our future. One of the reasons that we’re growing so much is we have a significant influx of immigrants coming into our country, only reason our economy’s so good. We’re not a xenophobic nation. Other nations are, we’re not, that’s why our economy is the best in the world.

Fox News managed to draw comment from the White House, who repeated the lie that illegal aliens do not vote in federal elections.

“Only American citizens can vote in federal elections,” a White House spokesperson said. “As fact checkers across the board have made clear, it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.”

As extensively reported by The Gateway Pundit, the presence and participation of foreign citizens on U.S. voter rolls is one of the main methods of Democratic voter fraud.

Democrats and left-wing activists are overwhelmingly in favor of giving a pathway to citizenship to illegal migrants in the hope that they will reward them with political loyalty.

This is broadly the case, although recent elections and polling data indicates that Hispanic voters, particularly those who entered the country legally, are increasingly moving towards the Republican Party.

The post FREUDIAN SLIP: Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.