Biden In Massive Trouble As ‘Never Biden’ Voters Surpass Never Trumpers | Conservative Brief

The Never Trump Republicans have gotten the lion’s share of the attention in the coming presidential election, but they are being edged out by Democrats who say “Never Biden.”

More voters now say they would never vote for Biden than Republicans who identify as “Never Trump,” The Daily Caller reported.

The outlet cited a new survey in its report:

Among likely voters living in six key swing states, 51% say there’s “not really any chance” they’d vote for Biden, compared to just 46% saying the same thing about former President Donald Trump, according to a May poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. The trend of more voters vowing never to vote for Biden than Trump extends beyond just one poll, with three polls stretching between November 2023 and April all finding more never-Biden voters than never-Trump voters, The Washington Post reported.

The American voter’s refusal to even consider voting for Biden is a reversal of the situation during the 2020 election. when voters consistently reported that they would never vote for Trump at higher rates than they did for Biden, according to the Post.

Polling shows that Biden is bleeding support from demographics that Democrats tend to take for granted. For instance, Trump leads Biden by twice his margin of victory in the Lone Star State four years ago in the contest for Texas’ 40 electoral votes, according to a new poll.

A Marist College survey released on Tuesday shows Republican Sen. Ted Cruz leading Democratic opponent Rep. Colin Allred by six points in a crucial Senate contest as the GOP looks to recapture the majority in the chamber in November’s elections.

In 2020, Trump defeated Biden in Texas by about 5.5 points, the narrowest victory margin for a Republican presidential candidate in a deeply red state in almost 25 years.

However, among registered voters, the former president leads his successor in the White House by 11 points (55%–44%), according to the Marist poll, which was conducted from March 18–21.

However, Trump’s advantage among those who say they will definitely cast a ballot in the November election drops to 7 points (53%–46%).

“Independents, who Biden carried by 6 percentage points in 2020, now break for Trump. Trump receives 56% of Texas independents to 41% for Biden,” the release from Marist highlights.

According to the poll, Trump has significantly increased his support among Black and Latino voters, while Biden appears to have lost ground with younger voters.

According to the survey, Trump is leading Biden by 48%, Kennedy is trailing at 15%, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democrat who turned independent, is among the three potential presidential candidates.

Kennedy, an environmentalist, prominent opponent of vaccines, and the descendant of the most well-known political family in the country, is still not allowed to vote in Texas.

According to the poll, Cruz, the conservative firebrand seeking a third six-year term in the Senate to represent Texas, leads Allred 51% to 45% of registered voters.

Allred is a three-term congressman from a suburban Dallas district and a former NFL player. Cruz leads Allred by about the same margin among likely voters.

“Among independents, Cruz (50%) is up by eight percentage points against Allred (42%),” a release from Marist spotlights. “There is a wide gender gap. Cruz (59%) carries men by 21 percentage points over Allred (38%). Allred (52%) tops Cruz (44%) among women.”

Allred is not well known, even though the contentious Cruz has a 45%–43% favorable/unfavorable rating in the most recent poll. Of those surveyed, 53% claimed not to have heard of Allred at all or that they didn’t know enough about him to respond to the question.

With 27% of voters, immigration was the most pressing concern in Texas, a state that borders Mexico by 1,254 miles.

The survey found that maintaining democracy (ranked first at 24%) and inflation (ranked second at 26%) were the two most important issues.

The post Biden In Massive Trouble As ‘Never Biden’ Voters Surpass Never Trumpers appeared first on Conservative Brief.

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