Daily Archives: May 26, 2024

Day 27: Forgiven So We Can Forgive | The Daily Declaration



Three Days of 24/7 Prayer in May

Join us on Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/776881184 anytime from 8 PM Friday 24 May to 9 PM Monday 27 May (AEST).


To forgive others so we can live in love and unity.


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

– Ephesians 4:32

“Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing’. And they cast lots, dividing his garments.”

– Luke 23:34


My story is about forgiveness. To me, forgiving others is the hardest thing any person can do. I want to share with you a couple of stories from my own experiences.

I was in a Zoom meeting with First Nation Sovereignty Council (FNSC), and I was asked how we can better ourselves as Indigenous people. I said as First Nation people we have to forgive each other. We have to forgive our own families, communities and tribes – and others too.

One brother from the Kimberly said, “What Pastor James said is true. We have to forgive each other so we go forward.”

Sometimes people can’t forgive because it’s hard for them. There is pain and it’s traumatic.

I understand this pain and trauma. My past includes mental, racial, physical and sexual abuse. As a result, I had unforgiveness in my heart.

But giving my heart and life to Jesus was the best thing I ever did. Surrendering myself to Him was life-changing.

When I surrendered to Jesus, He removed all the unforgiveness in my heart and replaced it with His forgiveness and love. Amen!

So now I share forgiveness, unity and love all over the nation. This is the message God has put on my heart to share.

I have many testimonies about sharing God’s message of forgiveness. But I’ll only share this one.

My son-in-law was rejected by his mother and as a result, held anger against her.

I told him, “You must forgive your mother no matter what.” I told him that I was also rejected by my mother. But I had forgiven her and I loved her.

When you forgive someone who hurt you, it opens you up to healing through the almighty God, Jesus.

I can tell you I’ve had pain and trauma for over 45 years, so sometimes people can still come against you, but it’s up to you how to deal with it.

I’m not perfect. Far from it, as what I’ll share next shows. The other day, I was at my home. I decided to blow my shofar at the front of my place. After I blew it, my next-door neighbour went off his head. He called me everything black – black this and black that (swearing words).

It hurt me deeply to hear racism at my age, now 58 years old. I told my neighbour to get back on the ship he came in. Immediately I said, “Lord, forgive me, I didn’t mean to say that. Please forgive me, Lord.” And I will keep praying for my neighbour.

Don’t try and be perfect, because only God is. Jesus knows our hearts. Sometimes we are going to be challenged. But as long as I’m sharing God’s message about forgiveness, love and unity, I’m where God wants me to be.



Abba Father, Yeshua and Holy Spirit, Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit,

I pray that forgiveness, love and unity will spread in our families, communities and tribes. I pray that it extends across all the nation. May it spread all over the world.

I pray that as we forgive, You will give us the healing we need, release the pain, and help us move forward. May we move forward as people, families, communities, tribes and nations.

Yeshua, I pray that your message of forgiveness and unity will spread through
your beloved children of this nation.

Through the blood of Yeshua, amen.

Author Bio

James Dargin

Pastor James Dargin is a father and grandfather, and he lives in Warilla, New South Wales. He carries a powerful message of forgiveness and works closely as a team member of the i4Give Foundation.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO Month 2024

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. 1 Chron 16:23–31.
  2. To pray for revival, repentance and deliverance for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Acts 2:1–41.
  3. To pray for five people by name to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20.

We invite you to support this prayer campaign to multiply prayer in Australia for revival and see millions come to Christ. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ His Son.

Donate Here

Join us for our nightly Zoom prayer call:

DATES: Every night in May

TIME: 8 PM (AEST); 7:30 PM (ACST); 6 PM (AWST)

ZOOM URL LINK: https://zoom.us/j/776881184

Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

View GO Month 2024 devotionals on the Daily Declaration website.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

The post Day 27: Forgiven So We Can Forgive appeared first on The Daily Declaration.


Renewed and Reborn :: By Nathele Graham – Rapture Ready

Christianity is not a religion; it is a way of life. Before we met Jesus, sin was our way of life. Maybe the sin wasn’t considered really bad by human understanding but was more gossiping or using our Lord’s name to cuss. After being born anew, our way of life needs to change. We must repent and turn from sin. We must conform to Christ in thought, word, and deed. Unfortunately, we will always be subject to our sin nature and fall short of perfection. Thanks to Adam, sin is part of our life.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned (Romans 5:12).

Adam was not surprised that his sin caused the fall of creation because God had told him that eating the forbidden fruit would cause death. That death was spiritual and separated mankind from God. Adam willingly ate the fruit which God specifically told him not to eat, and found out that God was right about it bringing death. Ever since that first sin, people have blamed God for the results of our sin. That just isn’t right. God has given us guidance through Scripture so that we aren’t ignorant of His expectations for us. God gave the Law to Moses, which gave rules for living.

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come (Romans 5:14).

The Law couldn’t take sin away, but it was a teacher that taught what sin is. It also gave instructions for sacrifices to cover sin, but those sacrifices could never take sin away. Our sin nature is still very strong, but God is stronger than any sin we might commit. From the ones we perceive as small (white lies) to the ones we see as huge (mass murder), there is no sin that God won’t forgive if we truly repent.

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many (Romans 5:15).

Adam sinned, and we all face eternal death. God stepped into His creation and shed His blood on the cross, and He conquered death for all who repent and are reborn. The gift of grace is free but has to be accepted. I don’t know about you, but I am very thankful for this free gift of salvation. I believe and hope you do, too. Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, but we didn’t abolish them. God expects us to live moral lives according to Scripture.

Today, we have the Old and New Testaments to guide us. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

If your life does not conform to God’s word, then you need to change your way of life. If you attend a church that preaches a watered-down Gospel, find a Bible-teaching, Christ-centered one. Use Scripture to guide you. Sin is never acceptable to God, but repentant sinners are.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Those are encouraging words from the Apostle John. Use Scripture to shine a light on your sin, then confess your sin to Jesus and ask to be forgiven. Don’t try to twist God’s truth to condone your sin. God never changes, and His word is truth.

The gift of grace and salvation is free, but there is a responsibility. We cannot work to earn our salvation, but we can show our appreciation to God by doing good works in His name and honoring Him with our life. When you were a child, if your father gave you a gift and you treated it as if it was no big deal and you deserved it, would your father be happy with you? Or would he see you as a spoiled brat? The gift would still be yours, but your father would be disappointed in the way you treated the gift. God’s gift of salvation is more precious than any earthly gift we can receive. The treasures we have on earth will rust and decay.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:19-21). 

In this life, we tend to look at what other people have and want those earthly treasures, too. We don’t appreciate what God has given to us but covet what others have. There will always be someone who has more earthly wealth, and you’ll find that the more you have, the more you desire. Honor God by being content with what you have, but seek Heavenly treasures. The thing to remember is that at the end of life, none of the wealth of this world will go with you to your final reward.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36).

Think about that. What have you done to get treasures of this world? Did you lie? Did you steal? Did you blame others for your own mistakes while climbing that ladder of success? I think of Hollywood stars or famous musicians and politicians, and always wonder how many sins were committed in order to gain that fame, fortune, and power. I also look at pastors of mega-churches and listen to the unbiblical things they teach. It may tickle ears and appease worldly lifestyles, but God’s truth is compromised. Go back and read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. They may be wealthy, but are they saved? That’s between them and God.

As Christians, we are to live our life to glorify God. My Grandmother always said, “You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your mouth.” We want people to see Christ living in us and want the peace and joy we have in Christ to shine through. Christians need to love others, but in no way should God’s truth be compromised.

How do we live life to honor God? Start by studying Scripture. Don’t take verses out of context in order to justify a favorite sin of which you don’t want to repent. Allow God to change you. Paul encouraged the Christians living in Ephesus, “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart (Ephesians 4:17-18).

It’s always tempting to follow the crowd. Everybody is having a good time, so what will one wild party harm? For someone who is renewed and reborn, it’s easy to not fall into temptation because we have turned our life over to Jesus. So sex, drugs, and alcohol shouldn’t tempt us. Those parties are all fun and games until someone crashes their car and people are killed, or a baby is conceived and now you want to kill it. Even this behavior can be forgiven, but there must be true repentance. When we come to Christ, we repent and turn from sin. Sin really isn’t fun, but Satan can make it look that way. The truth is, there is no fun in drunken parties. Many people don’t even remember what they did, so how enjoyable is it really? It doesn’t honor Christ at all. Worldly people have hardened their hearts to Christ.

Who being past feeling have given themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness, but ye have not so learned Christ (Ephesians 4:19-20).

Those who don’t know Christ have no moral standard to guide them. What does “lasciviousness” mean? Basically, it means unbridled lust. On the other hand, Christians have Scripture to guide our path, and lascivious behavior should not tempt us at all. Why would a Christian want to follow the world down the path of destruction?

If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus: that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness, wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour; for we are members one of another (Ephesians 4:21-25).

Paul encourages those in Ephesus, and us, to listen to the teachings of Jesus and be changed, that is, “put off the former conversation.” The word conversation means your way of life. Old sinful ways are forgiven and hold no sway over you anymore. You are a new person in Christ… you are renewed and reborn, so live like you love Jesus.

God is unchanging, and what He wrote in Scripture is as true today as it was in times past. In our modern “woke” society, sin is accepted, even by “Christians.” Anyone who calls sin what it is, is considered a hater. People may change and accept sin, but God never changes. He will forgive repentant sinners but won’t accept the sin. What if God did change? That would make Him capricious.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8).

Consider this. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the great wickedness there. God had sent two angels to rescue Lot from Sodom before judgment was sent. When they got to Sodom, the men of Sodom wanted to sexually abuse them. The wickedness of Sodom was great, and God had to stop it from spreading and corrupting everything. Lot had to leave the city before the judgment, but once he was safe, judgment came.

Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground (Genesis 19:24-25).

God was serious then about this sin of homosexuality, and He hasn’t changed His mind. Study Romans chapter 1 to understand that God hasn’t changed His mind. Today, the “woke” people would have us accept this evil, and even some “Christian” denominations embrace this sin. But true Christians know why God judged Sodom and Gomorrah and that He doesn’t change. It is those of us who have been renewed and reborn who need to conform to God and His ways. He will forgive those who truly repent.

Everyone struggles against sin, and most of us have a “past” that didn’t honor God. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

You may need to look up some of those words to understand what sins Paul is addressing. Corinth was a city engulfed with much sin. In spite of that fact, there were some who came to faith in Christ. Unfortunately, the congregation was “woke” and accepted sin and were proud of their open-mindedness. Paul took them to task and admonished them to turn from their wickedness. Before Paul met Jesus, he was a man filled with sin, but once he put off the old man and was renewed and reborn, he did mighty works for God. Today, we benefit from the letters he wrote regarding Christian life. Those letters were inspired by the Holy Spirit and are a guide for how to live a Christ-honoring life.

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11.

We need to be living sacrifices to our Lord. He sacrificed everything for us. Are you washed, sanctified, and justified? Are you renewed and reborn? If so, then start living your faith.

God bless you all,

Nathele Graham


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All original scripture is “theopneustos,” God-breathed.

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“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee”(Psalm 122:6).

The post Renewed and Reborn :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready.

— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/05/25/renewed-and-reborn-by-nathele-graham/

The Holy Spirit to the Gentiles (Acts 10:44–11:18) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul – YouTube

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? And are there two kinds of Christians—those who receive this blessing and those who do not? In this sermon, R.C. Sproul examines the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Jews and gentiles alike and discusses what this means for the church today.

This sermon was preached by R.C. Sproul at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, FL. Hear sermons from his series in the book of Acts:

   • The Book of Acts: Sermons by R.C. Sproul  

#sermon #sermons

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Victory Over the Devil From the MLJ Archive on Oneplace.com

Galatians 6:14 — Paul tells us that the cross of Christ delivers us from the power of the devil. How? And why are things in this world the way they are? In this sermon on Galatians 6:14, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps us to understand the spiritual warfare that is at play behind everything we see and why it is so important to understand this other battle going on behind the scenes. All that is bad in the world today is not due merely to human nature, but also to spiritual warfare. Satan, through sin, has consumed people with a passion of antagonism against God. The whole human race has become slaves of Satan. How? Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows us from Scripture how he dominates and controls the mind. Additionally, Satan works through people’s desires to get them to commit sins and acts of atrocity for their own gain. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages us to see the spiritual battle raging behind the scenes in the events of Scripture, providing many examples. How can one escape from this control? Through the cross. All men are under this power unless saved by the power of the Gospel. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages us to repent from our sins and believe in Christ today to be delivered!

— Read on www.oneplace.com/ministries/living-grace/listen/victory-over-the-devil-1167900.html

May 26 Evening Verse of the Day

3 Verse 2 ended with a call to praise Yahweh, presumably addressed by the singers (Deborah and Barak) to their fellow Israelites. This kind of call is common in the Psalter, where it appears to be a normal part of congregational worship. Verse 3 follows this with an address to the leaders of the nations in general (kings, rulers) to learn from what Israel has just experienced. Here the language is didactic: Listen … pay attention. It is the language of a teacher addressing his or her pupils, and is commonly found in the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament, especially the book of Proverbs. The first person voice, I will sing … I will make melody, is presumably that of Deborah or Barak. The verse as a whole makes the point that the joyful worship of the people of God is something that the world should take note of, for it is a witness to the worthiness of Yahweh, and a challenge to them to give him his due by joining in.[1]

3. The sacred song begins with calling upon the great ones of the earth to attend to it. Let impious princes take warning by the fate of Sisera. Let righteous princes never forget by whom they reign, and under whose authority they act. Psm. 2:10–12. There is a great beauty in the humbleness of Deborah’s mind. Here is not a word of merit to herself, but all praise is referred unto the Lord Jehovah. Oh! how sweet it is, when the Lord hath exalted his people to the view of others, that they lay low themselves the more, and exalt him the higher. Isa. 2:11.[2]

[1] Webb, B. G. (2012). The Book of Judges (R. K. Harrison & R. L. Hubbard Jr., Eds.; p. 207). William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

[2] Hawker, R. (2013). Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary: Deuteronomy–2 Samuel (Vol. 2, p. 328). Logos Bible Software.

May 28 – The High Priestly Prayer | VCY

  2 Samuel 13:1-39
  John 17:1-26
  Psalm 119:81-96
  Proverbs 16:6-7

2 Samuel 13:3 — Shimeah (Shammah in 1 Samuel 16:9) was passed over by the LORD. His son, Absalom, Tamar, and Amnon’s evil cousin (Jonadab) had shifting loyalties. Jonadab ended up helping Amnon rape his half-sister, Tamar, but then appears to side with Absalom in 2 Samuel 13:32.

2 Samuel 13:15 — So much of what passes for “love” is just “lust” that doesn’t bring people together.

2 Samuel 13:29 — Nathan warned David that the sword shall not depart from his house (2 Samuel 12:10). Once sin begins in a family, it can often spread.

John 17 — This chapter is known as the “High Priestly Prayer of Jesus”. John MacArthur did an eight-part series on this prayer.

In this passage He prayed for three things: Himself, His disciples, and believers in Him. How amazing is that? If you are a believer in Jesus, He prayed for you!

We’ll learn that the mission of Jesus our High Priest is to glorify God in His life, His ministry, His sacrifice, His resurrection, and His ascension. All that Christ did was designed to glorify God. As Jesus prays for His disciples we’ll learn that He prayed for their safety. That they would not stray from what was about to come. He is praying that they too, just like He prayed for Himself, would glorify God in all they do.

John 17:21 — I recently heard a message on unity. The speaker didn’t go into detail on what we were united in, just that we were all together. That wasn’t unity in doctrine, rather unity in mere proximity. We must be united in the truth (John 17:17). Sometimes people will separate from us because of their love for the world (2 Timothy 4:10). Sometimes we are commanded to separate from others (2 Corinthians 6:17).

Psalm 119:81 — How much do you desire God’s Word? Does your soul yearn for it? Do your eyes look for it (Psalm 119:82)? Do you delight in it (Psalm 119:92)? Do you seek it (Psalm 119:94)?

Psalm 119:89 — The center verse of the 176 verses in Psalm 119 emphasizes the eternal settled nature of the Word of the LORD. That is the same Word given to us – will we read it and heed it?

Proverbs 16:7 — You can have peace with everyone if you have peace with the most important One first!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

The Mourner Comforted | VCY

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

By the valley of weeping we come to Zion. One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder. Mourning for sin—our own sins, and the sins of others—is the Lord’s seal set upon His faithful ones. When the Spirit of grace is poured upon the house of David, or any other house, they shall mourn. By holy mourning we receive the best of our blessings, even as the rarest commodities come to us by water. Not only shall the mourner be blessed at some future day, but Christ pronounces him blessed even now.

The Holy Spirit will surely comfort those hearts which mourn for sin. They shall be comforted by the application of the blood of Jesus and by the cleansing power of the Holy Ghost. They shall be comforted as to the abounding sin of their city and of their age by the assurance that God will glorify Himself, however much men may rebel against Him. They shall be comforted with the expectation that they shall be wholly freed from sin before long and shall soon be taken up to dwell forever in the glorious presence of their Lord.

A Cosmic Battle – Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL

gray and black galaxy wallpaper

If you have ever watched any of the Star Wars movies you will be familiar with the central theme of the battle between the Force and the Dark Side. This cosmic battle between good and evil, and all the special effects that go with it, make for a very entertaining movie. In the movie both the Force and the Dark Side represent mystical power forces that have spiritual overtones. You could say that the Force represents what is good and the Dark Side what is evil. While this science fiction movie is fantasy the concept of a cosmic battle between good and evil in our world is more real than many people realize.

For we read in (Ephesians 6:11-12): “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” As Christians we know that God is real, but as real as God is, the devil is just as real. We also read in (1 Peter 5:8): “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Clearly we are in a supernatural struggle, and while Christians have already won the war against Satan, by virtue of what Christ did at Calvary, we still need to be ready for the fiery darts the devil sends our way.

While Satan is a defeated foe, we know as Christians, he can still make our lives difficult if we are not staying close to Jesus. But the real concern for us should be for our unsaved family, friends, and loved ones who don’t know Jesus. For this is where the cosmic battle is its fiercest. And this battle has eternal implications for the battle is for the souls of unsaved humanity. And just how valuable is a soul? Charles Spurgeon perhaps said it best: “Consider how precious a soul must be, when both God and the devil are after it.”1

Just how valuable is a human soul? We read in (Mark 8:36): “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” Clearly the Bible realizes that your soul is worth more than the entire world! Think about it, you could own our entire planet, but if when you die, your soul becomes no more, or as the Bible states, can become eternally separated from God, just where would that leave you.

Satan, clearly doesn’t want to face God’s wrath alone so he has enlisted his army of demons and individuals who are sadly, worshipping him, to lead as many people astray and onto the broad road that leads to destruction. What role do we as Christians play in this cosmic struggle for the souls of the unsaved? I believe we need to wield our two main weapons which are the Word of God and prayer. (2 Corinthians 10:4) says: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” As Christians we need to use the truth of the Scriptures to defeat satanic falsehoods. We must therefore use the Bible to assault error with the truth. We can also use powerful praying to ask the Holy Spirit to convict the sinner and open their blind eyes and hardened hearts to the gospel message.

Everyone’s soul is of infinite value since it is made in the image of God and has been gifted with immortality. Whether we like it or not we are involved with this cosmic battle. But if we stand firm on the truth of God’s Word, share the message of the gospel, and pray fervently for the souls God puts in our path, we can have confidence that the Lord will go to bat for us and do mighty things. So let’s arm ourselves for battle – eternal things are at stake!

1 Consider how precious your soul is – Heaven Net

The post A Cosmic Battle appeared first on Bible Apologetics – A DAILY DEVOTIONAL.

— Read on bibleapologetics.org/a-cosmic-battle-2/

26 May 2024 News Briefing

US Missionaries Slaughtered in Haiti, Ambushed by 3 Truck Loads of Gang Members – Biden Silent So Far
Three missionaries, including two Americans from Oklahoma, were killed Thursday night in Haiti. All three were members of Missions in Haiti, which operates a school, two churches and a children’s home in Port-au-Prince, according to The New York Times. David Lloyd III, 23; his wife, Natalie Lloyd, 21; and the organization’s Haitian director, Jude Montis, 20, were shot to death in a gang attack.

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The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia
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US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident
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Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach
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With $500 Million In Revenue, End Times Villain Klaus Schwab Choses To Step Back From Executive Leadership Of The Dystopian World Economic Forum
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Netanyahu: Israel has ‘surprising’ plans for Hezbollah
The Israeli government is determined to restore security on the border with Lebanon and create the conditions that will allow displaced citizens to return to the north, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday. “We have detailed, important and even surprising plans,” the premier told Israel Defense Forces troops during a visit to the army’s Northern Command headquarters in the Upper Galilee city of Safed.

American ICJ Judge Who Voted Against Israel Was Nominated by Biden for Top State Department Role
One of the judges on the top United Nations court who voted on Friday to end Israel’s military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah was previously nominated by US President Joe Biden to serve as a senior State Department official.

Hezbollah Operatives Killed in Damascus Bombing Near Iranian embassy
“An Israeli drone fired two missiles at a Hezbollah car and truck near the town of Qusayr in Homs province, as they were on their way to Al-Dabaa military airport, killing at least two Hezbollah fighters and wounding others,” Israel typically neither confirms nor denies such reports.

IDF opens investigation into masked soldier’s threatening video calling for mutiny
A video surfaced on social media of a masked soldier calling for a rebellion against IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, according to reports by Israeli media. “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this video is for you, we reservists do not intend to hand over the keys to any Palestinian Authority,” the masked soldier proclaimed. You wanted a military coup. – we’ll show you what a decision is and what a victory is, how real Jews win.”

Mother of Hezbollah leader dies
Nahdiya Safieddine, mother of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, passed away on Saturday, Lebanese media reported. One of the reports said that Nahdiya had been ill in recent months.

Germany’s woke government wavers as Islamists declare holy war
More than a thousand Islamic extremists recently marched through the streets of Hamburg, Germany’s second-largest city, demanding that the European Union’s most populous and powerful country be reconstituted as an Islamic state governed by sharia.

Democrats panic over Jewish voters
After tossing Jewish voters overboard to accommodate the Hamas supporters of Dearborn, Michigan, the Democrats are starting to get nervous about the choice they made. Despite the rollout of the campaign, beginning with Senator Schumer’s floor speech blasting Israel, and various liberal Jewish surrogates, including Rep. Jerry Nadler, vocally opposing the campaign against Hamas, the Democrats did not manage to sell Jews on Biden’s betrayal.

Unlocking the Pope’s Treasuries: Our Sacred Right
A collection of these ritual objects became known as “Baldwin’s Treasure” – named after the Knight – Count Baldwin IX, who later became the first Emperor of the Latin Empire of Constantinople. After ruthlessly leading the 4th Crusade, despoiling the Churches of their relics and their treasuries, and then massacring the Christian Orthodox population there at the beginning of the 13th century, Baldwin proceeded to send by ship many of his precious holdings to political allies, mainly to the various Popes and rulers of Italy at the time.

Discover the enigmatic and unusually-shaped site of one of the biblical Gilgals in the Jordan Valley
The “Gilgals” were focal points for the tribes of Israel. The Bible refers to multiple sites as Gilgal, consistently depicted as significant gathering places for the Israelites. The most famous of these is mentioned in Joshua 4:19.

You have no authority’ – Israeli AG and state prosecutor slam decision by The Hague to pursue arrest warrants against Netanyahu & Gallant
The two, who have the responsibility for investigating government figures, said the ICC does not have the authority to seek arrest warrants of Israeli leaders, and also said that Israel operates in accordance with international laws. In their joint statement, the two said that Israel was forced into the war in Gaza and that the IDF fights in “full commitment to the rules of international law.”

Russian immigrants dominate aliyah, Western arrivals expected to surge amid rising post-Oct. 7 antisemitism
Between Jan. 1 and May 15 this year, Israel welcomed 11,631 new immigrants, with approximately 8,000 – nearly 70% – originating from Russia, according to an interim report by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. This new data was presented during Monday’s meeting of the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs.

Hezbollah missile destroys Messianic congregation building in northern Israel in direct hit
Pastor Israel Iluz, his family, members of his Messianic congregation, and the volunteers who come from around the country and around the world to serve with them are deeply grateful to Yeshua (Jesus) to be alive this Shabbat.

Heat in India: North India boils as temperatures near 50C
Parts of northern India continue to reel under a prolonged heatwave that has thrown normal life out of gear.bOn Thursday, temperatures soared beyond 45C in many states and touched 48.8C (119.84 °Fahrenheit) in Rajasthan state’s Barmer city.

BIDENOMICS: Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Now Consider Fast Food a ‘Luxury Item’ 
Nearly 80 percent of Americans now consider fast food to be a “luxury item” as families feel the squeeze from the Biden regime’s failing economy.

Mexico City Is Virtually Out Of Water
For months, scientists have worried that drought around Mexico City, which has over 22 million residues, would cause the city to run out of water. That day is approaching fast, and there is no alternative. Some groups of people in the city or some set of essential services will suffer within a few months or even weeks.

Construction crew in National Park ordered to stop displaying American flags on equipment
Granite Construction…received the directive to remove the flags they were flying from two trucks and a piece of heavy equipment from Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell…Merrell…has worked with left-wing environmental and social justice groups…The anonymous contractor pointed to Merrell’s past employment, blaming her liberalism for the order to remove the American flags. “When these liberals get in charge of these parks, that’s how it is,” the contractor stated.

Oakland removes traffic lights after thieves repeatedly steal copper wire
Crime and homelessness have gotten so bad in Oakland that the California city has removed traffic lights from a four-way intersection as thieves continue to steal the copper wire out of those signals. According to CBS, people have been stealing copper wires from traffic signals and other parts of the city’s infrastructure near a massive homeless encampment. As a result, the lights had been malfunctioning for months.

“We’re Numb” To Chaos: Baltimore Crowned America’s Overdose Capital 
“Walking through the streets of Baltimore City, especially on the west side, feels like navigating a warzone. Drug gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods, and the police are nowhere to be found. We’ve all become numb to the violence, with shootings and drug overdoses around the clock. The fentanyl flooding the streets is killing people left and right, and all that’s left out of all this chaos are used Narcan kits littering city streets,” said Baltimore resident Theresa Davis.

The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia
One of the worst-kept secrets of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine is that the US allows its client state to use American arms for striking inside of Russia despite officially prohibiting it from doing so. Sergey Poletaev explained the pseudo-“legal” means through which this happens in his latest piece for RT, but now Secretary of State Antony Blinken finally decided to drop the charade and more openly allow Ukraine to do so without going through these largely symbolic workarounds.

Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach
A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time To Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ Of COVID-19 Vaccines
A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

KA-CHING! Big Pharma Stocks Soar as They Plan Next Vaccine to Solve Bird Flu Pandemic 
Major pharmaceuticals had a fantastic week in the global markets amid speculation that they may be ready to develop a vaccine to treat bird flu.

‘Complicity with Evil’: Vox Leader Slams Spain’s PM for Recognizing Palestinian State, Siding with ‘Satanic Terrorism’ 
“All that you have done, so far, is to take a non-partisan stance between a satanic terrorist entity and a democratic state like Israel. Yes, satanic terrorism.”

Artificial Intelligence: The consumer is the prey
The concept of an “AI Revolution” has gained significant attention in recent years, with many experts and enthusiasts predicting a transformative impact on various aspects of society. However, some experts, like Catherine Austin Fitts, have raised concerns about the potential consequences of this revolution. But how many of us understand what artificial intelligence (“AI”) actually is?

Failing EV industry is a lesson to businesses; never underestimate the power of consumers
…The US also has unsold stocks of electric cars.  And in Britain, the momentum for electric vehicles has slowed. The great electric revolution that was promised just three years ago is already failing – and it will bring the car manufacturers down with it.

WHO fails to get agreement on the text of the Pandemic Treaty but it is not over yet 
The ninth meeting of the International Negotiating Body (“INB9”) has failed to yield an agreement ahead of next week’s 77th World Health Assembly (“WHA”). However, delegates were still optimistic yesterday that an agreement on a Pandemic Accord would eventually be reached.

US calls for swift police deployment to Haiti after missionaries killed 
The administration of United States President Joe Biden has called for the rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led security force to Haiti following the killing of three US missionaries in the violence-hit Caribbean country.

Headlines – 5/26/2024

G7 to urge Israel maintain bank links with PA amid fears of potential fiscal collapse

Italy to resume funding UNRWA, pledges $38 million aid package for Palestinians

Biden’s $320M Gaza pier: Over budget and under constant threat, a ‘purely political’ misadventure

Biden’s Gaza Pier Disaster: US Vessels Beached on Shore After Heavy Waves

Food Bound for Gaza Rots as Egypt’s Rafah Crossing Stays Shut

After Mossad chief’s trip, Israeli official says hostage talks to resume next week

Hamas officials deny reports hostage talks will resume this week, blame Israel for rejecting last proposal

Police disperse Tel Aviv sit-in as protesters around country demand hostage deal

Ireland slams ‘totally unacceptable’ Israeli rebuke after envoy shown Oct. 7 footage

Israeli U.N. Amb.: If It Doesn’t Reform, U.S. Should Consider Defunding the U.N.

Israel must obey UN court on Rafah, EU foreign policy chief says

World Court’s Order on Rafah Does Not Rule Out Entire Offensive, Israel Says

Confused by the ICJ’s decision on Gaza? Blame the judges’ deliberate ambiguity

UN court order demanding that Israel halt its Gaza offensive further isolates the US position

Israel Strikes Rafah After Top UN Court Orders It to Halt Offensive

IDF Soldier Threatens ‘Military Coup’ Against Defense Minister, Asks To Stay in Gaza

PM Netanyahu’s Son Shares Video of Alleged IDF Reservist Threatening Military Coup in Gaza

IDF opens criminal investigation into video of reservist threatening mutiny

As suspect held, politicians slam reservist’s ‘dangerous’ call for mutiny in IDF ranks

Police arrest Jewish teen for alleged assault at UCLA anti-Israel encampment

Heavy barrage of rockets fired at northern Israel, causing damage but no injuries

Hezbollah missile destroys Messianic congregation building in northern Israel in direct hit

Two Hezbollah fighters said killed in alleged Israeli drone strike in Syria

Car explosion kills at least one in Syria’s Damascus

Yemen’s Houthis Launch 2 Anti-ship Ballistic Missiles Toward Red Sea

Nasrallah’s mother dies; unclear if Hezbollah chief will leave Beirut bunker for burial

Crowds for Raisi Show Support for Iranian State, Supreme Leader Says

Iranian Govt Supporters Clash with Anti-Raisi Protesters in London

US said to oppose IAEA resolution condemning Iran’s ‘unprecedented’ nuclear breaches

4 hurt, 1 arrested after Iranian regime supporters clash with opponents in London

Iran jails father of young man executed over 2022 protests – Mashallah Karami sentenced to six years after pleading for his son’s life to be spared

‘The entire town is burning.’ Fires rage as Rohingya caught up on the front lines of Myanmar’s civil war

Some 45,000 Rohingya flee amid allegations of beheading, burning in Myanmar

Pakistani Christian Community Attacked after Blasphemy Accusation

Xi Jinping Invites American Tourists to Save Tanking Chinese Economy

Xi Jinping’s Recipe for Total Control: An Army of Eyes and Ears

Taiwan is a province of China, says UN spokesperson

China sends dozens of warplanes and ships near Taiwan to show its anger over island’s new leaders

China Stages Missile Strikes and Bombing Runs on Taiwan Using Jets Loaded with Live Weapons

Biden administration urges China to stop military drills occurring near Taiwan – Miller urged Beijing to “act with restraint” and to start doing normal military drills and not to provoke risks

Nuclear War Fears Soar as Strategic Early Warning Radar Is Obliterated in Strike

US officials say North Korea may be planning military action to create chaos ahead of US election, report says

Kremlin Says Putin Visit to North Korea ‘Being Prepared’

Zelensky Claims Ukraine Has Taken Back Control of Key Areas in Kharkiv

War Room: British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

Top House Intel. Dem: Sanctions Aren’t Hurting Russia, Biden’s Handcuffing Ukraine Too Much

G7 Talks Plans to Use Frozen Russian Assets to Fund Ukraine War

Moscow Boasts West Has No Weapons That Can Turn Ukraine War Around, While Kyiv Claims to Have Inflicted Half-Million Casualties on Russia

Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons ineffective in Ukraine

NATO Chief: Ukraine Should Be Allowed to Use Western Missiles Against Russian Mainland

Leo Hohmann: NATO Has Become the Military Wing of a Globalist Power Structure That Promotes the Self-Destruction of All Nations and a Depopulated World

Air Force Shows Off Ultrasecret $745M Stealth Nuke Bomber

America’s secretive $745M nuclear bomber takes flight in first aerial test

Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

Former CIA officer pleads guilty to spying for China, DOJ says

CIA Blocked IRS from Investigating Hunter Biden Patron Kevin Morris, Whistleblower Claims

Hunter Biden Emails Show Father’s 2013 China Trip Leveraged

Axios: Biden’s Justice Department keeps airing his family’s dirty laundry

While Trump faces felony charges, NY-based Clinton campaign only faced fines for its records issue

Corrupt Judge Merchan Sides with Bragg’s Prosecutors, Rules Jury Does Not Need to Unanimously Agree on “Predicate” Crimes in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Case

Jack Smith Seeks Order Barring Trump From Criticizing Law Enforcement Over Deadly Force Authorization for Mar-a-Lago Raid

George Conway slams Trump’s ‘moral depravity,’ lauds Smith’s move to gag him in docs case

Rep. Burlison: Americans See Trump’s NYC Trial as ‘Sham’

January 6 Committee Democrats Say They Fear Trump Will Put Them in Jail

Washington Post: Justice Samuel Alito’s wife said upside-down American flag was ‘an international signal of distress’ in 2021

Whitehouse: ‘Rogue’ Justices Thomas, Alito Have Violated Federal Laws

House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries Threatens ‘MAGA Extremists’ on Supreme Court, Warns Congress Must Get Them ‘Under Control’

Internet tells Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire as she says she ‘cried’ over some Supreme Court decisions

Hundreds of Non-Citizens on State Voter Rolls, but Democrats Say GOP Concerns Are ‘Election Denialism’

Epic Fail: AOC Praises God for Pouring Rain in NYC Before Trump’s Massive Bronx Rally – God Responds by Stopping Rain

CNN Backs Trump on ‘Unified Reich’ Hoax: Network Confirms It Was Oversight Not A Fascist Dog Whistle

Woke AI Gets Stupid: Google’s AI-Powered Search Results Feature Bizarre, Nonsensical Answers

Imperceptible sensors made from ‘electronic spider silk’ can be printed directly on human skin

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Port-Vila, Vanuatu

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Ust’-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts 28,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 13,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

How a supervolcano on the Italian coast became a problem too big to tackle – Earthquake this week finally jolts authorities into action after decades of runaway construction puts half a million people at risk

Aerial footage shows aftermath of enormous landslide in Papua New Guinea

Tropical Cyclone “Remal” to strike India – Bangladesh border region

‘Aghon’ landfall over Ticao Island seen, may intensify into typhoon – PAGASA

Iowa weather: Friday’s storm system was Iowa’s latest derecho

Texas power demand breaks May record again as prices soar in heat wave

As reservoirs go dry, Mexico City and Bogota are staring down ‘Day Zero’

Bill mandating climate change education in Illinois heads to Gov. Pritzker’s desk

‘Experts’ claim disaster-proofing necessary for Canadian hospitals due to climate change

At least 27 people killed in huge fire at amusement park in India

Bidenomics: Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Now Consider Fast Food a ‘Luxury Item’

Chase Bank Rolls Back ‘De-Banking’ Policy that Hurt Conservatives

Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits, Claim They Will Boost Economy By $7 Trillion

Rep. D’Esposito: Migrants Sucking up Americans’ Resources

Clip Resurfaces of Chuck Schumer Calling for Amnesty and Citizenship for “All of Them 11 Million or However Many” Illegals, Elon Musk Responds: “People Still Think This is Some Crazy Conspiracy Theory!”

New Low: Illegals Across U.S. Hiring Fake Robbers to Attack Them So They Gain Asylum

Turkish Migrant on Southern Border: Americans ‘Right’ to Be Concerned, ‘No Security’ at Border

Bill Melugin: CBP Sources Reveal Approx 3,200 Illegal Aliens Released into US in One Day Alone This Week

Haitian Man Who Came to US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts

Former Indiana Beauty Queen Arrested in Mexican Drug Cartel Bust

Nicki Minaj Livestreams Her Own Drug Arrest in Amsterdam

Haitian gangs shot, burned bodies of Missouri pol’s missionary daughter, husband while couple was on phone with father-in-law

Drill rappers who Trump invited on stage at huge Bronx rally have been indicted over conspiracy to commit murder

Report: Son of Communist Cuban Prime Minister Requests Joe Biden’s ‘Humanitarian Parole’

Pronouns, tribal affiliations forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Report: USA Today Deletes U.S. Senator’s Op-Ed Opposing Trans Athletes, but Never Informed Him

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Ends State Bridge ‘Pride’ Lighting in Favor of Red, White and Blue

Ex-KKK leader’s child comes out as transgender in new memoir

Hakeem Jeffries: If Roe v. Wade Can Fall ‘Democracy Can Fall’

Hillary Clinton: Dems Were Too ‘Complacent’ on Abortion

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Arizona Doctors to Perform Abortions in California

Man fined for standing silently outside UK abortion clinic, officers couldn’t tell him his crime

Report: Youth Fentanyl Overdose Deaths ‘More than Doubled’ Since Pandemic

Farm Bill Amendment Threatens Cannabis Industry

Philippine court blocks GMO ‘golden rice’ production over safety fears

FDA approves two gene therapies for sickle cell, bringing hope to thousands with the disease

Djibouti fights deadly malaria wave with GMO mosquitoes

Six people contract ‘brain worms’ from eating undercooked bear kabobs

Bird flu detected in beef tissue for first time, USDA says, but beef is safe to eat

US ‘Underprepared’ for Bird Flu Outbreak, Epidemiologists Warn

Europe must prepare for ‘certainty’ of flu pandemic as Covid ‘won’t be last in our lifetimes’

WHO negotiators fail to draft pandemic treaty

30-Year-Old Professional Golfer Grayson Murray Dies Suddenly After Withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

Billy Price, Former Cincinnati Bengals First Round Pick, Announces Retirement at 29 Due to “Terrifying” Blood Clot

‘God Lit a Match’: 12K Baptized at California Historic Worship Event

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Stupidocrisy: Continuing the Show Trials :: By Bill Wilson – Rapture Ready

There is no doubt the legal system has been weaponized by strategic placements of Democratic Party judges and prosecutors who are exercising their authority like veteran communists conducting show trials. Worse yet, the opposition party—the Republicans—are feckless in stopping it.

There are people who are charged with breaking the laws that do not even apply to their actions, as in the January 6 defendants—many who are rotting in Washington, DC jails without justice.

The biggest media show trials are those involving former president Donald Trump, where the deeper the trials go, the more testimonies of evidence tampering and shenanigans are made. Show me the man; I’ll show you the crime, right?

Trump has been subjected to the most ridiculous legal maneuvering in American history. Imagine, just imagine, taking the hearsay testimony of a porn star as a credible witness. The testimony appeared to be nothing more than character assassination. Technically, they are saying Trump falsified business records to pay her to keep silent. The alleged affair reportedly happened in 2006, some 18 years ago.

Then there is the multimillion-dollar fine Trump has to pay while he appeals a judge’s decision punishing Trump for inflating the value of his companies to get a loan—a loan that was paid off early, and there were no injured parties. The racketeering charges in Georgia also apply laws that have no relationship to election politics. It’s changing the meaning of words and intent.

Then there is the whole classified documents show trial. The FBI and the government have handled these records seized from Trump’s home for over 22 months, nearly two years. Now, they are admitting to the court that certain documents were not in the order that was originally reported to the court. In fact, certain file titles were added to the documents. While the prosecution and the media try to downplay that there is nothing to see here, the fact remains that the so-called evidence was tampered with, and that alone should be enough to put an end to this circus.

Indeed, there are investigative reporters saying that the FBI could have added files to the boxes that would frame Trump. This is so much like communism in China, Cuba, or Soviet Russia. Can’t people see through this? Can’t the opposition party take action?

This is so obvious. It’s likely the biggest election interference scam in American history. If this had happened during the early years of our Republic, people would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, or worse. Now, it’s just yawns and entertainment.

The justice system is being used to undermine the election process, frustrate the Constitution, oppress dissent, and establish authoritarian one-party rule.

James 4:17 says, “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

The depth of the sin here is that if nothing is done to oppose this twisting of the law and justice, it will soon affect everyone on a very personal basis.

Allowing these show trials to continue is, say it with me… Stupidocrisy.




Posted in The Daily Jot


The post Stupidocrisy: Continuing the Show Trials :: By Bill Wilsonappeared first on Rapture Ready.

— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/05/25/stupidocrisy-continuing-the-show-trials-by-bill-wilson/

Willing Ignorance in Government :: By Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready

Concerning the death of too many Palestinians in Gaza, on May 15, 2024, Israel released video (taken by an Israeli drone) of a Hamas terrorist at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) humanitarian aid warehouse in Rafah shooting at Palestinian civilians.

In addition to the video of the Hamas terrorist shooting at Palestinians, other armed Hamas terrorists were videoed inside the UNRWA compound.

Israel Katz (Israel’s Foreign Minister) said no lie from António Guterres, UN secretary-general, and Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of UNRWA, will hide the truth: “UNRWA is an arm of the terrorist organization Hamas. Lazzarini must resign!”

(My Opinion: UN officials make themselves willingly ignorant of UNRWA ties to Hamas.)

(More: The idea that the land from the river to the sea is Palestinian land is another lie, and the UN knows it. History, archaeology, and the Bible confirm that it has been part of Israel for thousands of years. There has never been a nation called Palestine, and the UN knows it, but it is willingly ignorant of this fact.)

(More: In early May, the UN started reporting a significantly lower death toll of Palestinians in Gaza. The revised UN number is almost half the original UN number because the UN was reporting what Hamas was saying without verifying it. The near 50% drop is alarming, and the UN is scrambling to explain it away.)

(More: Pres. Biden was going by the fake Hamas numbers when he delayed the shipment of bombs and weapons to Israel. Many Jews in the U.S. are shocked, and some are beginning to shift their campaign contributions from the Democrats to the Republicans. Also, some large Jewish contributors have notified some Universities that they are reconsidering their contributions to them. But think about it: Biden says Israel must be more precise in its bombing raids, so the bombs he is withholding from Israel are precision-guided bombs. He is making himself willingly ignorant of the threat Hamas poses to Israel to placate Muslim voters in the U.S.)

(FYI: On May 16, the U.S. House of Representatives easily passed a bi-partisan bill that compels the Biden administration to ship the precision-guided bombs and weapons to Israel quickly. The bill is not expected to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate, but Biden said he will veto it if it does. The fake death toll has impacted the White House and Senate.)

(My opinion: It is not surprising that people who can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman don’t tell the truth. Willing ignorance is a sign of the end of the age; II Pet. 3:1-9.)

Here are recent stories that seem to indicate that the end of the age is near.

One, concerning the prosecution of Israel for genocide: on May 17, 2024, a veteran war crimes prosecutor with 38 years of experience said:

  • Hamas can be considered a genocidal group because its stated goal is to murder Jews and because its leaders keep saying they will repeat Oct. 7, 2023, until they have destroyed Israel.
  • Most of the world’s nations have signed the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and that obligates them to prevent genocide as well as to not do it and to see that it is punished.
  • Israel not only has the right to eliminate Hamas, but it is obligated to do so by the Genocide Convention, and all the nations that signed it are obligated to do so by international law.

(My opinion: If this so-called expert on international law is right, every nation that signed the Genocide Convention – and most have – is obligated to prevent Hamas from destroying Israel, but they seem to be making themselves willingly ignorant of their obligation.)

Two, concerning hatred for Israel and efforts to undermine the Israeli government: the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor has requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu, his defense minister, and 3 leaders of Hamas (Yahya Sinwar, Ishmail Haniyeh, and Mohammed Al-Masri.)

The ICC prosecutor may get the warrants, and he may not, but he has no authority to enter Israel to arrest anyone.

In a letter to Netanyahu on Apr. 25, 2024, Israel’s Finance Min. said:

  • In recent years, the Palestinian Authority has been promoting a series of unilateral moves against Israel in international bodies.
  • This is an effort to isolate Israel, to harm the IDF and the economy, and to impose a unilateral recognition of a terrorist state in Judea and Samaria and Gaza on Israel.
  • You (Netanyahu) must publicly and unequivocally announce that if these unilateral moves are advanced, Israel will sever all ties with the Palestinian Authority (PA) and bring about its immediate downfall, and will extend its immediate and unilateral sovereignty over all the territories of Judea and Samaria.
  • Unilateral steps will be met with unilateral steps.

He also threatened to cease all money transfers to the PA should an arrest warrant be issued for any Israeli civilian or soldier or if the UN recognizes a Palestinian state.

He added that this includes sanctioning any Israeli bank that transfers funds to the PA.

If arrest warrants are issued for Netanyahu and Israel’s defense min., look for Israel to retaliate.

Three, concerning Pres. Biden’s efforts to undermine Israel in Gaza: on May 17, 2024, it was reported that 157 leaders of Christian groups in the U.S. have sent a letter to Biden expressing their disappointment in him and warning that his actions are encouraging enemies of the United States and Israel.

Four, concerning hatred for Israel at the end of the age: on May 16, 2024, it was reported that the LA County Board of Supervisors passed a bill to pay for attorneys and resources to defend pro-Palestinian protestors at UCLA.

Taxpayers will have to pay the legal fees and other costs of dozens of people who promoted an established lie.

Five, concerning the coming global economic collapse: on May 15, 2024, Harold Turner (Hal Turner Radio Show) reported that Cuba’s economy has collapsed, customers bank accounts are empty, ATMs are empty, bank vaults are empty, all the money has been removed from all the banks, and citizens are rioting.

This won’t cause a global economic collapse, but it is a good indicator of what might happen in other countries when leaders decide to switch to a digital currency system.

Turner recommends that citizens not have all their money in banks.

If it happened in Cuba, it could happen in other countries.

(More: on May 16, 2024, Hal Turner reported that China, normally a major holder of U.S. debt, has reduced its holdings by $53.3 billion in the first quarter of 2024.)

Six, while Pres. Biden was trying to force the Two-State Solution on Israel, on May 16, 2024, severe winds (80-117 mph) tore through Texas, toppled powerlines, toppled trees, broke windows, and left about one million people without electricity.

Seven people were killed, and there was major destruction in downtown Houston.

(More: on May 19, 2024, 100 mph winds and baseball-size hail hit Kansas; there was damage for 400 miles, and the electricity went out in tens of thousands of homes.)

(More: on May 20, 2024, an unusually intense hailstorm with hail stones the size of a softball hit the town of Yuma, Colorado.)

(More: on May 21, 2024, portions of Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois were warned that they could face fierce winds, damaging hail, and possibly tornadoes. Update: In Iowa, 3 people were killed, dozens were injured, and there was major destruction.)

Seven, concerning wars and rumors of wars at the end of the age: on May 17, 2024, a Russian diplomat said the U.S. has entered a state of indirect war with Russia through its actions in Ukraine.

Eight, concerning world government: on May 17, 2024, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is urging governments to require families that own more than one vehicle to give up one of them to save the planet from climate change.

The WEF still wants to force citizens to drive electric vehicles, but they want to go a step farther by limiting how many vehicles a family can own.

(More: On May 19, 2024, it was reported that the UN is pushing digital ID programs to track people during climate disasters, citizens’ energy usage, vaccinations, lock bank accounts, collect carbon taxes, and inspire behavioral changes.)

(More: On May 21, 2024, Klaus Schwab notified his staff that he is resigning as Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and he will become the chairman of the Board of Trustees on Jan. 1, 2025.)

Nine, concerning the ashes of a red heifer: on May 20, 2024, I saw a report that said 3 of the 5 red heifers that were moved from Texas to Israel have been disqualified, but the report said they will be bred by artificial insemination in the coming weeks to produce more animals without blemish.

The article didn’t say, but I assume Israel still has 2 red heifers that qualify for sacrifice, and 1 is all they need.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (Day 223): The one hundred-sixty-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 9 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel said they will not allow anyone to establish another terrorist government in Gaza that will be used to attack Israel.
  • Israel is trying to secure Rafah above ground before it attempts to secure Rafah below ground.
  • 15 Hamas terrorists were killed in a command center that had been established in a school located on a UNRWA compound.

Thursday, May 16, 2024 (Day 224): The one hundred-sixty-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 10 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel located and destroyed a wide variety of Hamas rockets and rocket launchers in Rafah.
  • With Biden warning that he will pause U.S. aid to Israel if Israel moves forward in its invasion of Rafah, Israel announced that it is sending additional troops to Rafah to continue the operation.
  • The Houthis said they will target all ships headed to Israel even if they are not in the Red Sea.

Friday, May 17, 2024 (Day 225): The one hundred sixty-ninth day of the resumed war. Day 11 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israeli troops found the bodies of 3 Israeli hostages in a Gaza tunnel.
  • Fighting is raging in one of Rafah’s refugee camps.
  • Israeli planes struck a building on the West Bank, a terrorist commander was killed, and several members of his squad were injured.
  • Israel has already discovered about 700 tunnel shafts in Rafah and about 50 tunnels that cross underneath the border into Egypt. Netanyahu believes Israel must destroy those tunnels to cut off the supply of weapons and ammunition to Hamas and to cut off their routes to escape.
  • Hezbollah fired about 75 rockets from Lebanon into Israel.

Saturday, May 18, 2024 (Day 226): The one hundred-seventieth day of the resumed war. Day 12 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel found the body of a fourth hostage in the same Gaza tunnel where it found the bodies of 3 hostages on the previous day.

Sunday, May 19, 2024 (Day 227): The one hundred-seventy-first day of the resumed war. Day 13 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israeli planes and tanks pounded targets in Gaza.

Monday, May 20, 2024 (Day 228): The one hundred-seventy-second day of the resumed war. Day 14 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel has safely evacuated about 950,000 people from Rafah in about 2 weeks.
  • 30-40% of Rafah is under Israeli control, and 60-70% has been evacuated.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 (Day 229): The one hundred-seventy-third day of the resumed war. Day 15 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel uncovered a tunnel and found a shaft leading to a weapons warehouse with a large supply of short-range anti-tank missiles, grenades, weapons, and explosives.
  • Israel said it dismantled “about 70 terror targets” throughout the Gaza Strip, including military compounds, weapon storage sites, missile launchers, and observation posts in the past 24 hours.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (Day 230): The one hundred-seventy-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 16 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Last night, Israeli drones, planes, helicopters, and tanks fired at Hamas targets in Rafah all night long.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


— Read on www.raptureready.com/2024/05/25/willing-ignorance-in-government-by-daymond-duck/

Ken Ham: If We Don’t Act On This Now, We Will Lose The Next Generation – Trusted Videos

If we don’t act on this NOW, we will LOSE the next generation. In this presentation, Ken Ham discusses the reason we’re seeing such a rapid decline in church attendance among young people and exhorts Christians to take action.

The post Ken Ham: If We Don’t Act On This Now, We Will Lose The Next Generation first appeared on Harbingers Daily.

— Read on harbingers.tv/ken-ham-if-we-dont-act-on-this-now-we-will-lose-the-next-generation/

Does The World See A Fearless Church Or A Fainting Church? – Harbingers Daily

the preacher 1

Pastor Dean Dwyer

A W Tozer once said: “A scared world needs a fearless church”.  We praise God that there are, even in this late hour, many remnant and fearless churches and ministries worldwide that the Lord is using to stand against the tide of evil and proclaim the hope of the gospel.  However, we must also recognise that not all of the church body is fearless – there a good many who are fainting


Do you remember the account of Elisha and his servant?  The king of Syria (some translations will refer to Aram) was becoming increasingly frustrated that his invasion of Israel was continually being thwarted.  They would repeatedly send raiding parties against Israel and each time their strategies failed. Yet, they were relentless and would not give up.  Sound familiar!  Anyway, the king was convinced he had a traitor in his midst, until somebody informed him that Elisha was receiving information directly from the One who sees all. So, he sends a great army to capture Elisha.  2 Kings 6:14: “Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city.”  One man against an entire army doesn’t sound all that fair.  But here is where the story takes a dramatic twist, summed up in three words: panic, peace and prayer.

I think it is fair to say that the events of the world can be overwhelming to a lot of people.  That is certainly how Elisha’s servant would have felt.  He went to bed probably thinking all was well, only to rise early the next morning to the fear-inducing reality that they were completely surrounded.

2 Kings 6:15 records his reaction: “And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots.  And his servant said to him, ‘Alas, my master! What shall we do?’”  In these few words, you can almost feel the panic of Elisha’s servant.  But Elisha does not succumb to panic – he introduces the peace of God.  2 Kings 6:16: “So he answered, ‘do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’”

So, peace overcomes panic, but there is a third and most important element to remaining fearless: prayer.  Sometimes we miss that vital step.  If we allow panic to set in, we are tempted to forsake the prayer which provides the peace that passes all understanding.  2 Kings 6:17: “And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’  Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.  And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

When Elisha prayed for his servant, he did not ask God to give them what they did not have.  He prayed that God would reveal to him what they already had and the opening of his eyes led to the silencing of his fears.

So, with that in mind, in this present age, how can we encourage a fainting church to become a fearless church?  Remind them what they already have and pray they will see it!

  1. Faith will keep a church from fainting.  1 John 5:4-5: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.  Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
  2. The truth of the resurrection will keep a church from fainting because it constantly reminds us of the victory won by Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 15:57-58: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
  3. The desire to glorify God by enduring suffering will keep a church from fainting.  Romans 8:18: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”  
  4. The desire to grow in spiritual maturity will keep a church from fainting.  2 Corinthians 4:16: “Therefore we do not lose heart.  Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.”
  5.   The anticipation of eternal life with Jesus will keep a church from fainting.  2 Corinthians 4:17: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” 

We face an enemy who loves nothing more than to kill, steal and destroy.  But no matter what the enemy tries to take from you, no matter what the world tries to take from you, you can stand upon the sure promise that you have an inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled and will never fade away.   After the great Chicago fire of 1871, evangelist Dwight L. Moody went back to survey the ruins of his house. A friend came by and said to Moody, “I hear you lost everything.” “Well,” said Moody, “you understood wrong. I have a good deal more left than I lost.” “What do you mean?” the inquisitive friend asked. “I didn’t know you were that rich.” Moody then opened his Bible and read to him Revelation 21:7: ”He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God.” 

Fear not, faint not my friends.  God’s sure promises will be fulfilled soon and for the saved, it is going to be a wonderful eternity.  Why should we fear when we worship the God who is: Elohim (Creator, Mighty and Strong); El Shaddai (God Almighty); Yahweh-Jireh (The Lord who provides); Yahweh-Rapha (The Lord who heals); Yahweh-Nissi (The Lord our Banner); Yahweh-Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts); Yahweh M’Kaddesh (The Lord who sanctifies); Yahweh-Shalom (The Lord of Peace); Yahweh-Tsidkenu (The Lord our righteousness); Yahweh-Shammah (The Lord is there); El Elyon (The Most High); El Olam (Everlasting God); El Gibhor (Mighty God); and El Roi (The God who sees me).

Dean Dwyer has served for over 20 years as Pastor and President of Eiser Street Baptist Church in Queensland, Australia.

The post Does The World See A Fearless Church Or A Fainting Church? first appeared on Harbingers Daily.

— Read on harbingersdaily.com/does-the-world-see-a-fearless-church-or-a-fainting-church/

Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within | ZeroHedge

Authored by William Brooks via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The enemies from within are more dangerous to me than the enemies from the outside,” said Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, at a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on May 11, 2024.

At a Springfield, Illinois, event, some 20 years before the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln delivered a prophetic message to his fellow citizens: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

The speech is said to be the origin of the popular quote wrongly attributed to Lincoln: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

While these were not Lincoln’s exact words, most Americans understand that the 16th and 45th presidents of the United States were troubled by the same thing—the potential self-destruction of their nation.

History has demonstrated that internal discord can be as dangerous to a sovereign country as a foreign aggressor.

A History of Betrayal

In 2013, American author Diana West published “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.” Her book initiated an important debate about the modern history of the American Republic.

Ms. West contended that Nov. 16, 1933, was the beginning of a long assault on the security of U.S. democracy. This was the date when Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt decided to normalize relations with the murderous communist regime known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. FDR’s fateful decision opened America’s doors to an unprecedented invasion of Marxist militants, communist spies, and domestic fellow-travelers.

In the decades that followed, progressive academics, journalists, novelists, artists, and entertainers all celebrated the socialist ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution. According to Ms. West, even American businessmen were “eager to buy their rope from Lenin.”

Ms. West’s views about the influence of communist ideologues in American politics were ridiculed by some of the most notable literary figures in the United States and Canada.

Other courageous scholars came to her defense.

One was the late Vladimir Bukovsky, a Russian-born writer and human rights activist who spent 12 years in Soviet psychiatric hospitals, prisons, and labor camps during the Brezhnev era. Another was Pavel Stroilov, a Russian Christian exile who fled to the UK after his academic research put his life and liberty in jeopardy.

Writing for Breitbart News in November 2013, Mr. Bukovsky and Mr. Stroilov insisted that Diana West’s book would make history. Both agreed that, despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and the unraveling of the Warsaw Pact in 1989, the United States never really won the Cold War.

Like Ms. West, they asserted that the conflict between the United States and the USSR was more than a military stand-off.

“It was an ideological war waged by the totalitarian utopia of Socialism against our civilization; and on that level, the most optimistic view of it is that it still goes on. The Soviet Union is gone, but Russia is still governed by a junta of Gestapo officers; China is still governed by the Communist Party; and the Western world is governed by closet Marxists and Mensheviks, imposing on us yet another version of the same socialist utopia,” they wrote.

Drawing on copious research and experience, Ms. West, Mr. Bukovsky, and Mr. Stroilov demonstrated that it was an elite American intelligentsia who surrendered the United States to the adversarial socialist culture. The U.S. establishment’s capitulation to the global left led to a complete occupation of U.S. institutions and the ultimate corruption of the free world.

Few scholars have produced better explanations for the precipitous decline of Western democracy in the 21st century.

Treason of the Intellectuals

For more than 150 years after the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Americans regarded their nation as a beacon of liberty and a model for representative democracy.

In the early decades of the 19th century, French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville expressed high praise for the United States, its citizens, and their civic institutions.

After abolishing slavery, Abraham Lincoln identified the U.S. Republic as “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

Americans developed civil institutions that were second to none. In 1964, the American Civil Rights Act extended the foundational promises of the United States to all of its citizens.

Today’s woke left is destroying America’s legacy. While they claim to worry about “democracy,” they are really worried about losing their own power. They saw how actual democracy worked in 2016 and they don’t want any more of it.

Ordinary American citizens are victims of what French philosopher Julien Benda once called “La Trahison des Clercs” (The Treason of the Intellectuals).

Benda condemned early 20th-century European elites who were apologists for aggressive imperialism, military power, and racial discrimination. The elites who are betraying America today are proponents of aggressive globalism, technocratic power, and reverse racial discrimination.

Both Benda and Ms. West asserted that free societies can be ruined by a leadership class that rejects objective reasoning and ignores the difference between truth and lies.

From the New Deal to Bidenomics, Soviet show trials to corrupt courts, national sovereignty to open borders, education to indoctrination, free speech to censorship, honest elections to ballot harvesting, and freedom of religion to the suppression of faith, the survival of American democracy is more tenuous than ever.

These are the “dangers from within” that Presidents Lincoln and Trump were speaking about.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.

— Read on www.zerohedge.com/political/treason-intellectuals-and-danger-within

REPLAY: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. – 5/25/24 – Freedoms Phoenix

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Join RSBN for President Trump’s big speech at the Libertarian Party’s National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C. RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 8:00 P.M. ET.

Trump starts speaking at 3:41:40

Read Full Story
— Read on www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/362971-2024-05-25-replay-president-trump-addresses-libertarian-national-convention-in-d-c.htm