28 May 2024 News Briefing

More than 2,000 buried in massive landslide, Papua New Guinea government reports 
A massive landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga province on May 24, 2024, buried over 2,000 people, according to government reports released today.

Tornado outbreak results in 18 deaths in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kentucky
At least 18 people were killed in a severe weather outbreak that affected Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky from late Saturday into Sunday, May 26, 2024. Severe weather is expected to continue into the new week with risks shifting east from Alabama to near New York City by Monday.

1.1 million evacuated, at least 12 killed as Tropical Cyclone “Remal” hits Bangladesh and India 
Severe Cyclonic Storm “Remal” crossed Bangladesh’s southern port of Mongla and the Sagar Islands in India’s West Bengal on May 26, 2024. Over 1.1 million people were evacuated before the storm, which caused at least 12 deaths and extensive damage.

Rafah rocket volley targets Tel Aviv area, in first such attack in 4 months
The Hamas terror group fired eight rockets at central Israel on Sunday afternoon, marking the most significant attack out of the Gaza Strip in some four months and underscoring some of the challenges remaining for the Israeli military as it seeks to oust the Palestinian group from its last major stronghold.

Alaska’s rivers are turning bright orange and as acidic as vinegar as toxic metal escapes from melting permafrost
Alaska’s melting permafrost is dumping toxic metals into the state’s rivers, turning them bright orange and making the water highly acidic. The contaminated rivers are so vibrant they can be seen from space, and the problem is likely to get much worse in the future.

Stupid and Stupider – 5 Examples of the Ongoing Agendized Dumbing-Down of Society 
If you are a globalist intending world takeover, what could be a more effective tool in your armoury than to make the populace stupid and stupider without them knowing?

US, European nations consider vaccinating workers exposed to bird flu
The United States and Europe are taking steps to acquire or manufacture H5N1 bird flu vaccines that could be used to protect at-risk poultry and dairy workers, veterinarians and lab technicians, government officials said, moves influenza experts say could curb the threat of a pandemic.

Walmart Skewered for Pride Collection Unveil: ‘Glorify Everything in This World Except What God’ Established
Walmart is getting skewered on social media after unveiling its “Pride Always” collection prior to what society has deemed “pride month” in June, as shoppers express disappointment, irritation, and disgust.

‘Transgender’ Teen Attempted to Perform Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video
A “transgender” teenager in New Zealand has been hospitalized after attempting to perform a double mastectomy on herself after watching a YouTube video.

Rafah rocket volley targets Tel Aviv area, in first such attack in 4 months 
The Hamas terror group fired eight rockets at central Israel on Sunday afternoon, marking the most significant attack out of the Gaza Strip in some four months and underscoring some of the challenges remaining for the Israeli military as it seeks to oust the Palestinian group from its last major stronghold.

America In 2024: Fast Food Is A “Luxury”, 11 Million Children Live In Poverty, And 1000s Of Stores Are Closing
Little by little, our standard of living has been eroding.  A couple decades ago, we had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now most of the country is struggling.  At this point, fast food is considered to be a “luxury”, 11 million children are living in poverty, and thousands of stores are permanently shutting down all over the United States because consumers have so little discretionary income these days.  We are in the midst of a historic cost of living crisis, and those at the bottom of the economic food chain are being hit the hardest.

The Western Media Being Strangely Quiet About An Incident In Russia That Could Have Sparked A Nuclear Exchange
One of Russia’s most important early warning radar installations that was designed to track incoming nuclear missiles was destroyed on May 23rd, but the big corporate news outlets in the western world are hardly saying anything about it.  Without that installation, there is a giant hole in Russia’s ability to track incoming missiles from the direction of the Middle East.  So this is a really big deal.

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Potential deadly risks of blood transfusions from covid vaccinated donors 
Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA covid vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply.

Headlines – 5/28/2024

Spain to recognize Palestinian state in Gaza, West Bank with East Jerusalem as capital

Relations between EU and Israel plummet as Spain, Ireland prepare to recognize a Palestinian state

EU foreign ministers meet with Arab counterparts amid push for Palestinian state

Saudi FM: We’re concerned by Israel’s stance against Palestinian state

Saudi FM: Two-State Solution Basis for Peace, Security in the Region

China to host Arab leaders with Palestinian issue on the agenda

Israeli, Egyptian forces exchange fire, Egyptian soldier killed near Rafah

Global shock after Israeli airstrike kills dozens in Rafah tent camp

Shrapnel from Israeli strike may have ignited fuel tank near Rafah tents – report

Israel faces global outcry over Rafah strike that set tent city ablaze

IDF says it did not expect Rafah strike to harm civilians, took steps to avoid hitting them

Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ as civilians were ‘burnt alive’ in Rafah camp

Netanyahu denies claim he’s blocking hostage deal, calls Rafah strike ‘tragic mishap’

Netanyahu vows to continue war amid air strike condemnation

Netanyahu: ‘War will not end until victory, we will not raise flag of surrender’

IDF opens probe into Rafah strike, says steps were taken to prevent civilian deaths

Hamas Says It Won’t Attend Truce Talks Because of Rafah Deaths

US laments ‘devastating’ Rafah strike, urges Israel to better protect civilians

Thousands in Paris demonstrate near Israeli Embassy after deadly Rafah strike

European Diplomats Warn Rafah Strike Will Intensify Pressure on Israel to Accept Cease-fire

Civilian Deaths in Rafah Could Force Israel Into a Cease-fire – Even Without a Hostage Deal

UN Security Council to hold urgent closed-door meeting today on deadly Rafah strike

Irish FM says EU mulling sanctions on Israel if it defies ICJ ruling on Rafah

Sticks, Not Carrots: ICC Battle Signals Global Impatience With Intransigent Israel

Irwin Cotler: ICC prosecutor weaponized international law in ‘incomprehensible’ way

Middle East Analyst Pans Egypt for Aiding Hamas, Blocking Gazan Emigration

Visiting southern Israel, Nikki Haley blames Iran, Russia and China for October 7

Haley, in solidarity tour, says Israelis should ‘never have to fear their security’

Top Israeli Military Lawyer Investigating About 70 Possible Legal Violations During Gaza War

Israeli TV Expose Uncovers Alleged Deep Corruption of Key Netanyahu Minister

NPR: More Christians Supporting Israel

Rashida Tlaib Speaks at Anti-Israel Conference Linked to Terror Group PFLP

FM accuses Spain’s Sanchez of being complicit in calls for genocide of Jewish people

In first, Israel to honor Diaspora Jews killed in antisemitic acts

‘Kill the Jews’: Arab mob attacks pro-Israel rally in Illinois

Iraqi police suspect anti-Israel motive behind attacks on KFC outlets in Baghdad

1 killed, several hurt in Tel Aviv clashes between Eritrean migrants

Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets at north after fatal IDF attack in south Lebanon

IDF downs 2 drones targeting Eilat in attack claimed by Iran-backed Iraqi militia

Iran’s Interim President Assures Terrorists of His Support

Ex-Tehran mayor reelected as Iran parliament speaker, cementing hardliner control

UN nuclear watchdog says Iran expanding stockpile of near-weapons grade uranium

Biden administration urges allies to refrain from rebuking Iran over nuclear program, apparently to avoid disruption with Iran before the US elections this November

Whistleblowers Expose John Kerry, Claim He Allowed Terrorists on US Soil to Protect His Iran Deal

U.S. “moving forward” with weapons for Taiwan, Rep. McCaul says

North Korea Condemns China for Supporting ‘Denuclearization’

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan – Residents of Okinawa Told To Hide in Shelters

North Korea says attempt to put another spy satellite into orbit fails, ends in mid-air explosion

North Korean rocket carrying its 2nd spy satellite explodes shortly after launch

North Korea said its new liquid oxygen engine caused the downfall of its latest spy satellite and blew it up in midair

Russian experts were guiding North Korea’s space program ahead of Pyongyang blowing up its latest satellite: South Korean report

Polish official claims the US told Russia it would strike Russian targets in Ukraine if Putin used nuclear weapons

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West

Ukraine carries out deepest EVER drone strike inside Russia blitzing radar system as UAVs buzz Putin’s Black Sea palace

‘Putin’s patience snapped’: Insiders marvel at Russia’s military purge

France’s Macron Tells Young People to Reject Nationalism, Embrace European Union

Joe and Hunter Biden Used Visit to Sandy Hook Memorial Service to Set Up Secret Meeting with Communist Chinese over $10 Million a Year Deal

Joe Biden Makes Surprise Late-Night Visit to Hallie Biden – The DOJ’s Star Witness Against Hunter Biden – 8 Days Before Gun Case Trial

Biden received sensitive data, briefings from security advisers via his private pseudonym email

Biden’s FBI Justified Its Deadly Force Policy in Mar-a-Lago Raid Because of “Life Threatening” Kitchen Utensils, Resort Gym Equipment

Trump Seeks to Thwart Prosecutors’ Gag-Order Motion in Documents Case

Stormy Daniels reads out ‘violent’ death threats from Donald Trump supporters

Bill Maher hits back at Democratic criticism: ‘I haven’t turned – the left has changed’

China Pumps Tens of Billions Into Key Industry Amid Tech War with U.S.

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits south of the Fiji Islands

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Boyolangu, Indonesia

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 25,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Papua New Guinea orders thousands to evacuate amid second landslide fears

Typhoon “Ewiniar” (Aghon) hits the Philippines, causing deaths and widespread damage

At least 21 dead, dozens injured, as suspected tornadoes leave trail of destruction across the South

Damage found from 6 tornadoes, including one that hit 150 mph in southern Illinois

‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It.’ Tornado Devastates Arkansas Town.

Colorado Rancher, 37 Cattle Fatally Struck by Lightning

Farage Sparks Leftist Meltdown After Stating Growing Number of Muslims ‘Loathe’ British Values

Islamic Leader Declares Muslim Domination of U.S. Politics Imminent – Vows to ‘Rule’ America from Congress to White House

Inspector General Releases Damning Report on California – Is the Whole State Defrauding Medicaid to Pay for Illegal Immigrants?

Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

Travel Influencer Found Dead While Under Investigation for Child Porn

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls Rep. Byron Donalds a MAGA Prop ‘Black Guy’

Pope Francis ‘Shocks’ Bishops in Italy With ‘Offensive Slur’ When Describing His Opposition to Gay Men in Seminaries

Richard Dreyfuss Takes Stage At Massachusetts ‘Jaws’ Screening Wearing Dress Before Delivering Rant Described As Transphobic; Venue Apologizes

Top Libertarian endorses Trump after party nominates ‘gay race communist for president’

Biden Admin Shells Out Taxpayer Cash on Foreign LGBT Events as Pride Month Approaches

‘Transgender’ Teen Attempted to Perform Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video

Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions

Veterans who served at secret base say it made them sick, but they can’t get aid because the government won’t acknowledge they were there

Biden’s got a plan to protect science from Trump – The White House has told the National Institutes of Health to safeguard its work from political interference

W.H.O. Seeks $7 Billion After Latest Pandemic Treaty Draft Collapses

W.H.O. Study: Pandemic ‘Wiped Out Nearly a Decade of Progress’ on Life Expectancy

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

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