“First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.” — Dwight Longenecker 

That quote by Dwight Longenecker succinctly captures a thought-provoking progression. Let’s break it down:

  1. Overlooking Evil: Sometimes, we turn a blind eye to wrongdoing or harmful actions. Perhaps we dismiss them as insignificant or choose not to confront them.
  2. Permitting Evil: Gradually, we become more accepting of evil behavior. We tolerate it, allowing it to persist.
  3. Legalizing Evil: At this stage, society may formalize or legitimize certain evil acts through laws or regulations. What was once considered wrong becomes permissible.
  4. Promoting Evil: Evil actions gain momentum. They are actively promoted, sometimes even celebrated, by influential individuals or groups.
  5. Celebrating Evil: Society celebrates and glorifies evil, often blurring the lines between right and wrong.
  6. Persecuting Dissent: Finally, those who still recognize evil for what it is—those who dare to call it out—are marginalized, ridiculed, or persecuted.

This progression serves as a cautionary reminder to remain vigilant and uphold moral standards. It prompts us to question our own complicity and the impact of our choices. 🤔

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