How Should Christians Approach Pride Month?

For Christians, that contentious time of the year is approaching—pride month. As June unfolds, relentless LGBTQ propaganda will practically engulf our lives. You’ll see it everywhere—on television, in your children’s schools, in your workplace, on billboards, in the streets, in restaurants, in advertisements, in social media feeds, in corporate logos, in sports arenas, in entertainment venues, in public libraries, and even in some synagogues of Satan that some people call “churches.”

The nation will essentially be draped in the rainbow flag for at least an entire month, and the parades and festivals will continue throughout the entire summer. It will be inescapable, barring quitting life altogether, locking yourself in your homes, and closing the blinds.

As Christians, how should we approach this onslaught of God-hating foolishness?

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