Daily Archives: May 30, 2024

Day 31: From Forsaken to Fully Forgiven – The Daily Declaration

Jesus chose to be forsaken by God so He could fully forgive all humanity. When the Church of the forgiven becomes the fellowship of the forgiving, that is truly the greatest miracle of all.



To receive afresh God’s forgiveness and give that forgiveness to others.


“So Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.’”

– John 20:21–23


At the cross, Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who had nailed Him to the wood planks of the cross. He cried, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

God could have rightly held our sins against us. We had forsaken Him. He could easily have forsaken us.

Yet even as evil humanity did its worst against His Son, God did His best for us. “In Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them” (2 Cor 5:19).

This was to fulfil God’s new covenant promises in Jeremiah 31:33–34:

“But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people…  they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”

Jesus voluntarily shed His pure blood through His sacrificial death on the cross. He chose to be forsaken by God so He could fully forgive all humanity. Jesus died as our holy substitute so we can live in this blessed new reality of His forgiveness.

God chose not to forsake us. His Son was abandoned in our place so that we never have to be. We have gone from forsaken to fully forgiven. In response, “he has committed the message of reconciliation [i.e. the message about forgiveness] to us” (2 Cor 5:19).

Before He went to the cross, Jesus had been in the Garden of Gethsemane. It was a time of great agony and travail. He deeply desired His disciples’ care and companionship – but they failed Him and went to sleep. Alone with His Father, Jesus prepared to drink the cup of wrath and suffering for us all, as Isaiah 53:5-6 prophesied.

When Jesus came and met His disciples in His resurrection body, He had just defeated hell, death and the grave. But they had been too afraid to witness the most momentous act in history! Jesus could easily have condemned them for failing Him in the garden.

But He didn’t. Instead, He came and demonstrated His forgiveness, mercy and compassion even as they remained hiding in a room. He understood their fears and trauma.

In our human nature, that kind of betrayal might have made us resentful. But Jesus did not choose to be offended. He knew the key to their breakthrough was to forgive. Only through forgiveness could they move on and fulfil their calling in the Lord.

He breathed on them and spoke the powerful, healing, mending peace (shalom) of the Holy Spirit over them. In His presence they experienced joy.

As the Father had sent Him to forgive, now Jesus was sending His disciples to go and forgive others, just as He had done. This was His first commission.

When the Church of the forgiven becomes the fellowship of the forgiving, that is truly the greatest miracle of all.



Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for my unforgiveness and offence towards others. Open my eyes to see You with reverential fear.

Show me where I’ve held onto resentment and hurt and been deceived by the enemy. I don’t want anything hindering me from sharing the gospel in love.

I choose to forgive from my heart those with the same spirit who desired Jesus’ cruel brutal death. Lord, give us heart understanding that we need to first “receive the Holy Spirit” and revelation of your freedom and peace that forgiveness brings. Give us Your grace to love, bless and forgive our enemies.

Help us to forgive those who unjustly choose evil and the control of the flesh, instead of Your ways of goodness. Also, help us to recognise, repent and forgive ourselves for how we have let You down, Jesus.

As those already forgiven, release us to preach repentance and Your forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47). Amen.

Author Bio

Hilary Moroney Bio Pic

Dr Hilary Moroney was born in England and has two adult children. She received her doctorate through Fuller Seminary in the USA. She serves as a prayer intercessor and watchman, co-founder and leader of the Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations. Her calling is to pray in Jesus’ kingdom destiny for nations including Israel, governments and indigenous peoples. To find Hilary’s resources for ‘going’, click here and here.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO Month 2024

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. 1 Chron 16:23–31.
  2. To pray for revival, repentance and deliverance for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Acts 2:1–41.
  3. To pray for five people by name to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20.

We invite you to support this prayer campaign to multiply prayer in Australia for revival and see millions come to Christ. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ His Son.

Join us for our nightly Zoom prayer call:

DATES: Every night in May

TIME: 8 PM (AEST); 7:30 PM (ACST); 6 PM (AWST)

ZOOM URL LINK: https://zoom.us/j/776881184

Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

View GO Month 2024 devotionals on the Daily Declaration website.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

The post Day 31: From Forsaken to Fully Forgiven appeared first on The Daily Declaration.

— Read on dailydeclaration.org.au/2024/05/31/day-31-from-forsaken-to-fully-forgiven/

June 1 – Is the Young Man Safe? | VCY

  2 Samuel 18:1-19:10
  John 20:1-31
  Psalm 119:153-176
  Proverbs 16:14-15

Welcome to June! We’re on the verge of the halfway mark!

2 Samuel 18:2 — Notice that David paid attention to the loyalty of Ittai the Gittite. Now he’s a four-star general.

2 Samuel 18:8 — This is a curious phrase. Gill’s Exposition of the Whole Bible helps:

… and the wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured; … there were more slain in it the in the field of battle, what by one thing or another; as by falling into pits and on stumps of trees, and being entangled in the bushes, and could make but little haste, and so were overtaken by David’s men, and slain; insomuch that, as Josephus observes, there were more slain fleeing than fighting, and perhaps some might perish by wild beasts; so the Targum,

“and the beasts of the wood slew more of the people than were slain by the sword;”

and so the Syriac and Arabic versions render the words to the same purpose.

2 Samuel 18:9 — Speaking of the wood, the urbane Absalom got stuck in a tree.

2 Samuel 18:12 — The certain man learned the lesson of the Amalekite (2 Samuel 1:10) – don’t kill anyone that the king wants to protect!

2 Samuel 18:32-33 — “Is the young man Absalom safe?” David is moved by emotion for Absalom, but does he have a right to? David married many wives and even had more concubines (2 Samuel 5:13), clearly disobeying Deuteronomy 17:17. At the grave of the famous evangelist Billy Sunday, his sons are marked on his family memorial. The death years for his sons is close to Sunday’s, and some are before that of Billy himself. A biographer for D. L. Moody made a brief mention that all of D. L. Moody’s kids turned out okay as opposed to those of Sunday. Sunday’s three sons had nine marriages between them. From BereanWife.net:

George Marquis Sunday was born in 1892, William Ashley Sunday, Jr. in 1901, and Paul Thompson Sunday in 1907. These three sons were the source of untold grief and despair for their parents. They were drunkards, while their parents fought for Prohibition. They lived wild, riotous lives and embarrassed their parents. All three died before the age of 40 in tragic violent deaths. The oldest son committed suicide after being arrested for drunkenness and auto theft, one died while driving home drunk from a party, and the other crashed an airplane.

Like Billy Sunday, David accomplished much for the LORD but both regretted how their sons turned out. Is the young man Absalom safe? No, but he hasn’t been safe for a while.

2 Samuel 19:7 — While Joab wasn’t ethical, he was very practical. Thus, the moral danger of pragmatism. If pragmatism didn’t work, nobody would be enticed by it.

John 20:1 — ”Christ the LORD is risen today!

John 20:9 — How many times had Jesus told them He would rise again? Matthew 20:19, Matthew 27:63, Mark 8:31, Mark 10:34, Luke 18:33, Luke 24:7, etc.

John 20:23 — Did the Apostles have special power to forgive sins? No!

The key to understanding the meaning of John 20:23 lies in the previous two verses: “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” He sent them, as He is sending us, to bring the good news of the way to salvation and heaven to the whole world. Jesus was leaving the earth physically but promised God would be with them in the person of the Holy Spirit living in them. As they proclaimed the gospel, they could honestly tell people who believed in that message that their sins were forgiven, and they could honestly tell people that did not believe in the message that their sins were not forgiven and that they stand condemned in God’s eyes. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36).


John 20:31 — The Gospel of John is not a collection of tales, inspirational stories, or morality plays. It is written that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God!

Psalm 119:153 — How much of God’s Law do you have memorized? It’s a source of promises (Psalm 119:154), a treasury of mercy (Psalm 119:156), an eternal anchor (Psalm 119:160), awe-inspiring (Psalm 119:161), and the cause for rejoicing (Psalm 119:162)!

Psalm 119:165 — Need peace? Love the law!

Proverbs 16:14 — How do we pacify the wrathful King of Kings? Psalm 2:12 – submit to His Son!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Heavy-Duty Shoes | VCY

Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. (Deuteronomy 33:25)

Here are two things provided for the pilgrim: shoes and strength.

As for the shoes: they are very needful for traveling along rough ways and for trampling upon deadly foes. We shall not go barefoot—this would not be suitable for princes of the blood royal. Our shoes shall not be at all of the common sort, for they shall have soles of durable metal, which will not wear out even if the journey be long and difficult. We shall have protection proportionate to the necessities of the road and the battle. Wherefore let us march boldly on, fearing no harm even though we tread on serpents or set our foot upon the dragon himself.

As for the strength: it shall be continued as long as our days shall continue, and it shall be proportioned to the stress and burden of those days. The words are few, “as thy days thy strength,” but the meaning is full. This day we may look for trial, and for work which will require energy, but we may just as confidently look for equal strength. This word given to Asher is given to us also who have faith wherewith to appropriate it. Let us rise to the holy boldness which it is calculated to create within the believing heart.

30 May 2024 News Briefing

Eternos Wants to Help You — or at Least an AI Replica — Live Forever
The startup offers an AI-based legacy service, which allows you to communicate with loved ones even after you die. Humanity has long sought, and failed, to achieve immortality. Now the AI era has a solution. Sort of.

Israel seizes Gaza’s entire border with Egypt, presses with raids into Rafah
Israeli forces have taken control of a buffer zone along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, the country’s military said on Wednesday, giving Israel effective authority over the Palestinian territory’s entire land border.

Putin’s plot to destroy Nato is reaching its devastating climax
Ukraine’s fight isn’t merely for its existence as a nation – it’s a battle for the very fabric of the global order. But what if Putin dares to cross these lines, dismissing Western threats as mere bluster? What if Ukraine falls, Will Nato truly honour its pledge to collective security, or is that promise nothing but hollow rhetoric? The fact is, Nato’s resilience is more fragile than we think.

Israeli national security adviser: Hamas war won’t end before 2025
The war against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip will last at least until the end of the year, Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi declared on Wednesday. “We expect another seven months of fighting in order to deepen the accomplishments and achieve what we have defined as ‘the destruction of the governmental and military capabilities of Hamas,’”

US Lawmakers Linked to Democratic Socialists of America Silent on Organization’s Public Hamas Endorsement
A caucus affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a left-wing political organization that counts members of the US Congress among its ranks, has issued a public endorsement of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

Terror tunnel spanning 1.5 kilometers destroyed in Rafah
the 401st Brigade Combat Team, in cooperation with the Yahalom Unit and Unit 504, have been operating under Division 162 in eastern Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip to locate terrorist infrastructure and tunnel routes. During the operation, large quantities of weapons, including short-range anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, explosives and grenades were found inside. The route included a hideout, toilets, and additional rooms. All the routes and compounds were destroyed.

Gallant to Hezbollah: Nasrallah is dragging Lebanon to war – civilians will pay the price
Minister Gallant presented a series of images of Hezbollah brigade commanders and emphasized that the IDF has eliminated over 300 terrorists and commanders in the terrorist organization. He explained, “I have just completed a situation assessment and tour of the Northern Command – I was very impressed with the precise work conducted by our troops, by the way they defend the border and engage Hezbollah.” “Nasrallah is dragging Lebanon into a very, very difficult reality –

US to boycott UN tribute to Raisi
The United States will boycott a United Nations tribute on Thursday to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed earlier this month in a helicopter crash, a US official said, according to Reuters. The 193-member UN General Assembly traditionally meets to pay tribute to any world leader who was a sitting head of state at the time of their death. The tribute will feature speeches about Raisi. “We won’t attend this event in any capacity,” a US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters.

US Senator blasts ‘raving antisemite’ judge heading International Court of Justice
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham excoriated the International Court of Justice Wednesday, over the court’s recent ruling demanding Israel freeze its military operations against Hamas in and around the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

‘Israel desperately needs Trump back in White House’ says MK Ohad Tal
Knesset Member Ohad Tal joined a growing number of Israeli politicians expressing support for the Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump. Tal told a group of Christian media leaders this week that Israel “desperately” needs President Trump back in the Oval Office. “We desperately need to see a change in the White House,”

Israeli tanks reach central Rafah as operations appears to intensify
Israeli tanks reportedly reached the center of Rafah on Tuesday afternoon, as the IDF appeared to begin intensified operations in the southern Gaza town. Palestinians reported the presence of Israeli tanks near the al-Awda Mosque in the center of Rafah, along with armored vehicles.

Christians in Ireland, Norway reject their governments’ ‘dangerous’ recognition of Palestinian state
Christian leaders in Ireland and Norway, affiliated with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), issued statements on Tuesday rejecting their governments’ unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. They denounced the recognition as a grave mistake and a “reward for terrorism,” arguing that the move would not contribute to peace in the region.

Danish lawmakers overwhelmingly vote down proposal to recognize ‘Palestinian state’
The Danish Parliament rejected a legal proposal to recognize “Palestine” as an independent state on Tuesday. Eighty-three Danish lawmakers opposed while 21 lawmakers supported the motion.

Australian LGBT activist seems to promote bestiality to high schoolers. Will Canada follow?
Some Canadian liberals will be quick to dismiss the Australian classroom incident as something that could never happen in Canada. But is it really beyond the pale considering the amount of LGBT indoctrination in our schools?

Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada
“What I found out yesterday that really bothered me was the mechanism of the actual procedure,” she began, comparing Canada’s current practices to those in Nazis Germany. While marketed and pushed under the guise of painless compassion, … the nation’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) euthanasia program may actually be akin to waterboarding.

Hamas terrorists open fire at Israeli village in broad daylight as West Bank terror intensifies
Hamas terrorists opened fire at the Israeli village of Bat Hefer from the West Bank, … The terror group later released footage of the attack on social media,

More than 75 killed as Tropical Cyclone “Remal” strikes India and Bangladesh
Tropical Cyclone “Remal” — which made landfall over the southern port of Mongla in Bangladesh and the adjoining Sagar Islands in India’s West Bengal on May 26, 2024, has left more than 75 fatalities by May 29. At least 14 people are still missing. The cyclone brought heavy rain and gale-force winds, leading to widespread destruction and significant loss of life.

Finnish Supreme Court to hear case of politician charged with ‘hate speech’ for citing Bible
The Finnish prosecution has appealed the case to the Supreme Court despite parliamentarian Päivi Räsänen having already been acquitted unanimously of ‘hate speech’ charges related to her citing the Bible before both the Helsinki District Court and the Court of Appeal.

Spain, Norway, Ireland Formally Recognise Palestinian Statehood
Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez led a group of European states in recognising Palestine as a state on Tuesday, saying the move was a step towards focussing “all our efforts to implement a two-state solution and make it a reality”.

Government Outraged Over ‘Foreigners Out – Germany for the Germans’ Chant While Remaining Silent on Migrant Crimes
While the government and media react with outrage to a drunken chant of ‘Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans,’ by trying to destroy the young people’s lives, they remain conspicuously silent on the rising tide of deadly and sexual migrant-related crimes and violence.

Dozens Of Palestinians Killed In Rafah Blast Died From ‘Secondary Explosions’ Likely From Hamas Weapons: IDF
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released results from their initial investigation into the deaths of dozens of people at a tent camp in Rafah on Tuesday, saying that the munitions the country used were too small and were used too far away from where the people died to have been responsible for their deaths.

A third of global trade in medicines and vaccines comes from EU countries; they are also WHO’s largest funders
…Regarding vaccines and packaged medicines, EU countries make up at least 36% of global trade, with Germany being by far the largest exporter of these products from the bloc. Is it merely a coincidence that Germany is the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) largest contributor and the European Commission is the fifth largest contributor?

Climate change cult targets livestock; Northern Ireland slaughters cows at a younger age to comply
The Beef Carbon Reduction Scheme is a new payment support scheme for beef farmers in Northern Ireland. The scheme aims to reduce the maximum age at slaughter of beef cows over a four-year implementation period to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” This scheme has been dictated down by the United Nations which is targeting livestock farming to eliminate chronic hunger.

Shot in their pajamas by Hitler’s death squads: Horrifying mass grave containing more than a 100 psychiatric patients rounded up and executed by the Nazis is discovered in Poland
The remains of over 100 psychiatric patients murdered by the Nazis during World War II have been found in a mass grave in Poland. The grisly discovery was made in fields near the small town of Chojnice in an area dubbed Death Valley by archaeologists due to the high number of wartime executions of civilians in the area.

Why Are Vast Numbers Of People Relocating To Small Towns All Over The Country?
In recent years, Americans have been fleeing our largest cities in unprecedented numbers, and many of them have decided to settle down in quiet little towns all over the country…Violence, theft, drugs, homelessness and international migration have all risen to crisis levels and are putting a tremendous amount of strain on our core urban areas.  Meanwhile, many small towns are absolutely booming as wave after wave of big city refugees comes pouring in.

As Civil War Consumes Black Lives Matter, $8.7 Million Goes Missing
The left-wing dark money giant Tides Foundation raised more than $33 million on behalf of the national Black Lives Matter group during the George Floyd riots in 2020. Now, Black Lives Matter is suing Tides over its refusal to hand the funds back. There’s just one problem—nearly $9 million of those funds have seemingly disappeared.

Headlines – 5/30/2024

Two-State Solution Pressures Nation of Israel to Give Up Historic Territory of Israel: ‘Theological Craziness’

European States’ Move to Recognize a Palestine Nation Adds to Biden’s Reelection Peace-Deal Efforts

Macron urges Abbas to reform Palestinian Authority with ‘prospect of recognition’ if he does

Nigel Farage: Left Is ‘Begging’ Muslims For Votes in UK General Election with Promises to Recognise Palestine

Christians in Ireland, Norway reject their governments’ ‘dangerous’ recognition of Palestinian state

Reports: U.N. Security Council Prepares for Another Resolution Demanding Israel Stop Fighting Hamas

Israel Claims It Has Killed Half of Hamas’ Initial Forces Inside Gaza

Hamas terrorists shoot at Israeli town from West Bank, spurring demand for crackdown

Two soldiers killed in car-ramming attack outside West Bank city of Nablus

Precise US munitions, which reduce casualties, used in Rafah strike

Fetterman: Civilian Deaths from Rafah Strike ‘Awful’ But Hamas Hides Behind Civilians, Kept Munitions There

Israel says it has control of smuggling tunnels on Gaza border, fighting may extend for 7 more months

Israel Seizes Gaza’s Entire Border with Egypt

IDF takes control of key Gaza-Egypt border road, locating at least 20 tunnels

Report: Israeli Tanks Reach Center of Rafah; Will Fight Outward

Three Israeli Soldiers Killed in Booby-Trapped Gaza Building

Soldier killed fighting Hamas in northern Gaza, raising ground op toll to 292

Biden’s Much-Ballyhooed Gaza Pier Is Now Completely Unusable, Officials Admit

Israel Land Authority tells UNRWA to evacuate Jerusalem premises for breaching lease

Turkey’s Erdogan says ‘spirit of UN died in Gaza’

Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts

Netanyahu ‘surprised, disappointed’ by US refusal to sanction ICC over warrants

ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu: Unlikely and Unenforceable

Israeli Opposition Parties Believe Chances of Defections From Netanyahu’s Party Have Increased

Israeli minister says Netanyahu ‘failing,’ calls for elections

Eisenkot: Israel needs elections this year; Netanyahu government must be replaced

‘Urgent Elections Needed’: Gaza War Cabinet Ministers Slam Netanyahu; PM: They Want to End War

For first time in a year, poll shows Netanyahu preferred to Gantz as prime minister

Lula removes Brazilian ambassador to Israel amid diplomatic spat

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm Police, Set Fire to Israel’s Embassy in Mexico City

Vanity Fair France apologizes for censoring actor’s Palestinian flag pin from film festival photo

NYC nurse fired after referring to Gaza ‘genocide’ in award acceptance speech

Iran’s supreme leader thanks US college students for ‘standing on the right side of history’

Syria reports young girl killed, 10 other people hurt in alleged Israeli strikes

Iran doubles down on Houthi support, as it supplies group with missiles

US to boycott United Nations meeting paying tribute to Iran’s Raisi

Claim: Russia Building Plant to Manufacture 6,000 Iranian Drones a Year

France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia

Sweden to Send $1.2 Billion to Ukraine in Military Aid

Delivery of US weapons to Ukraine helping stabilize frontline, Blinken says

North Korea fires missile barrage toward its eastern waters days after failed satellite launch

North Korea launches an annoying tactic over the border: trash and manure balloons

North Korea Dumps 260+ Balloons Full of Garbage and Feces into South Korea

North Korea flies trash balloons over the South as leader Kim doubles down on satellite ambitions

Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government

Hong Kong democracy leaders convicted in most significant verdicts since Beijing’s national security crackdown

European Union Experiencing a ‘Vast Conservative Shift’ as Public Rejects Failed Globalist Policies: Report

Bullets before ballots: Dozens of Mexican candidates have been killed as cartels seek more control

Mayoral candidate murdered, another wounded days before Mexico elections

US Coast Guard offloads $468M worth of confiscated cocaine

Historic criminal trial of Hunter Biden to probe drug addiction

Hunter Biden to sue Fox News for calling him a ‘degenerate crackhead’

Biden rattles off reasons Trump is racist as his own support among black voters sinks

Biden tells Black voters Trump wanted to tear gas them during ‘peaceful’ George Floyd protests

Biden claims Trump would not seek pardons for J6ers if they were black

RFK Jr. Files FEC Complaint Claiming Debate Collusion

Jury in Trump trial begins deliberations in NYC court

Jury concludes first day of deliberations in Trump trial without reaching verdict after coming back with questions for judge – The charges were raised to felonies from misdemeanors by Bragg, who alleged that the falsification of the records was done in concert with a second crime

Trump verdict coming? Jury asks about Playboy playmate, tabloid plot and damning testimony

Judge Merchan Issues Last-Minute Jury Instruction Designed to Convict Trump, Even if Jurors Don’t Agree

Stalinist Judge Merchan Directs Jury to Choose Among These Three Crimes to Convict Trump – Jurors Don’t Have to Unanimously Agree

Trump blasts case, judge after day 1 of jury deliberations: ‘Nobody knows what the crime is… The judge oughta end it and save his reputation’

CNN analyst admits NYC prosecutors ‘fell way short’ of proving beyond reasonable doubt in Trump case

Attorney Robert Costello says judge in Trump hush money trial is pushing hard for a conviction

Trump Lawyer: They’ll Do Everything They Can to Put Trump in Jail

Trump says ‘Mother Teresa could not beat these charges’ in ‘rigged’ case against him

Marco Rubio: Trump Trial Similar to ‘Sham Trial’ Soviet Union Used Against Political Opponents

Jesse Binnall: Judge in Trump’s N.Y. Case Trying to Sabotage ’24 Election

Elise Stefanik files misconduct complaint against NYC Judge Merchan, says his assignment to Trump case was ‘not random at all’

CNN’s Enten: ‘No Change’ In Public Opinion About Trump During New York Trial, People ‘Don’t Really Care’

Robert De Niro Solicits Donations for Biden Campaign: ‘Trump Is a Monster,’ ‘Not a Shred of Humanity to Hang on To’

Trump says De Niro suffers from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as two exchange verbal blows

Planning the Steal: ACLU Sues Pennyslvania to Force Counties to Count Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

Justice Alito Tells Democrat Senators He Will Not Recuse from J6 and Trump Cases; Defends Wife’s Right to Fly Flags

San Francisco removes ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag from city plaza after Alito ‘scandal’ – had been there for decades

Co-hosts of ‘The View’ scramble to clarify author John Grisham was not considering assassinating SCOTUS judges

Biden Predicts Next President Will Appoint ‘a Couple’ of Justices

Jill Biden: ‘We Will Lose All of Our Rights’ if Another Republican Gets on Supreme Court

Cyberscammers use AI to manipulate Google search results

Colorado Police Plan to Dispatch Drones Instead of Officers for Certain 911 Calls

Massive sunspot responsible for May’s epic auroras unleashes major X-class solar flare

Earth braced for more solar storms this week as radio blackout hits

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Mawlaik, Myanmar

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Kushimoto, Japan

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Sola, Vanuatu

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 24,000ft

Marapi volcano in Indonesia erupts to 20,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ft

Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 18,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,500ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Eruption starts north of Grindavik, lava fountains reach 50 m (164 feet) high, Iceland

Lava reaches defense walls outside Grindavik after Iceland volcano roars back to life in powerful eruption

More than 75 killed as Tropical Cyclone “Remal” strikes India and Bangladesh

NHC tracking 3 tropical waves just days before the start of hurricane season

Kentucky families struggling after being hit for a second time by a tornado in the same locations

Hailstorm coats Texas community in ice

India may have recorded its hottest temperature ever amid severe heat wave

Delhi-NCR registers national record-high temperature of 52.3C (126.1F)

1 killed, 7 injured after explosion at Chase bank in Youngstown, Ohio

Nearly 40% of Christians prefer not to tell people about their faith: survey

High Schooler Gets Denied Diploma After Boldly Proclaiming the Gospel During Commencement Speech

D.A. Indicates 39 Percent of Untraceable ‘Ghost Guns’ Traced to Queens

Biden: DEI are the core strength of America, and it starts at the top with the Vice President

Illinois Senator: ‘We Raised Your Taxes $1 Billion Just to Spend on Migrants’

Illegal immigrants use Facebook ‘black market’ to work in NYC, buy fake IDs and access human smuggling services

Wisconsin: Illegal Alien Mother Accused of Letting Illegal Alien Man Rape Her Daughter

Molly Ringwald: ‘You Can’t Be a Young Actress in Hollywood and Not Have Predators Around’

Vatican’s World Children’s Day Features Drag Performer

Target Reverses Course, Removes Hundreds of ‘Pride’ Items from Collection After Having More than 2,000 Last Year

Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

Cannes: ‘Emilia Perez’ Star Files Complaint Against French Politician for Saying ‘A Man Has Won the Best Actress Prize’

Biden Administration Announces ‘Menstrual Hygiene Day’ for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld

Report: Democrat PAC Plans $100M Abortion Blitz to Take House in November

Lawsuit: N.Y. AG Censoring Anti-abortion Groups

Doctor of Death: Woman Provides Abortions, Assisted Suicides – And Says ‘I Love My Job’

Medical Authoritarianism: Mayo Clinic Denies Life-Saving Lung Transplant to Mother for Refusing COVID Vaccine

Germany Ends Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate for Military Members

Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

Trump Hints at Holding Fauci Accountable, Says He’ll Consider Pardoning Julian Assange If Reelected

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

Mid-Day Snapshot · May 30, 2024

“From The Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)”.


“A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.” —Thomas Jefferson (1820)

Fellow Patriots, on this day in 1868, Americans observed the first Memorial Day, set aside to honor soldiers who had died during the War Between the States. It was originally called Decoration Day, and it was marked with flowers and flags on soldiers’ gravestones. As General James Garfield, who later became president, said in a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, “For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.” —Mark Alexander




Alito’s Appeal to Law

The justice refused demands for recusal after two New York Times hit pieces.

Nate Jackson

Justice Samuel Alito told the leftists screaming for his recusal exactly what he thought of their hypocrisy. He did so thoroughly and far more courteously than his emotions likely preferred or the idiotic criticism merited, but that only shows his class — especially compared to his cynical critics.

Multiple congressional Democrats called for Alito to recuse himself from Supreme Court cases involving Donald Trump or the 2020 election after The New York Times published two hit pieces attacking Alito for an upside-down U.S. flag at his Virginia home and the dreaded “Appeal to Heaven” flag at his vacation home.

Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse wrote a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts demanding Alito’s recusal, so Roberts rightly allowed Alito to respond with a letter of his own.

Alito made several points to distance himself from the decision to fly either flag. “I had nothing whatsoever to do with the flying of that flag,” he said of the first incident. “I was not even aware of the upside-down flag until it was called to my attention. As soon as I saw it, I asked my wife to take it down, but for several days, she refused.”

In the Alito household, the patriarchy is evidently not as severe as leftists fear (and, in this case, demand). Martha-Ann Alito has some agency of her own. Indeed, he said, “She makes her own decisions.”

He explained her reasoning, namely a “neighborhood dispute” followed by a neighbor calling her “the vilest epithet that can be addressed to a woman.” I’m probably not going out on a limb to guess that the neighbor is not a conservative but rather an unhinged leftist who clearly has no respect for women.

That likewise goes for the people engaged in what Alito called the “numerous, loud, obscene, and personally insulting protests in front of our home that continue to this day and now threaten to escalate.”

He didn’t mention Chuck Schumer, but he could have. The Democrat leader practically threatened the justices on the steps of the Court in 2020 when he said, “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”

Alito certainly knows what hit him. So does Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whom Schumer named and upon whose life a would-be assassin later made an attempt. That was after the gross character assassination that took place in his confirmation hearings.

As for the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, Alito said he was “not familiar” with it and “was not aware of any connection between this historic flag and the ‘Stop the Steal Movement.’” In any case, “The use of an old historic flag by a new group does not necessarily drain that flag of all other meanings.” Moreover, “Our vacation home was purchased with money she inherited from her parents and is titled in her name,” and that his wife chose it as one of the numerous other types of flags to fly at their vacation home has no bearing on his impartiality in any court case. In other words, back off.

Alito concluded more gentlemanly, “I am therefore duty-bound to reject your recusal request.”

Democrats have been discrediting the Court since Ted Kennedy made a sick sport of slandering conservative nominees beginning with Robert Bork, whose nomination was defeated in the Senate after Kennedy’s disgusting tirade. Joe Biden chaired the Judiciary Committee at the time. Clarence Thomas was next, as Democrats trotted out Anita Hill to make spurious accusations against him — a template they followed again with Kavanaugh.

Alito, who is guilty only of writing the correct opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, is their current target, but so is Amy Coney Barrett. That paragon of honest reporting known as Rolling Stone put out its own hit piece on her yesterday.

“Amy Coney Barrett’s Husband Is Representing Fox in a Lawsuit,” warned the headline of the “exclusive,” as if that somehow proves that she is also not objective. Short on evidence but long on insinuation, here’s Rolling Stone’s argument in a nutshell:

Fox News regularly covers matters at the Supreme Court and will surely continue to do so as the high court nears the end of its term. It is set to issue rulings soon on a slate of controversial topics, such as abortion, guns, public corruption, and whether Donald Trump is entitled to immunity for life for acts he committed as president.

Jesse Barrett’s work for Fox Corp. highlights one of ethics experts’ biggest complaints about the Supreme Court: Justices are not required to disclose their spouses’ clients, so the public has no way to track who is paying money directly to their families.

Leftists are keenly interested — one might say obsessed — with the activities of the spouses of conservative justices, though no one cared about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s husband’s legal firm or its cases before the Court. And oddly enough, leftists are equally quick to dismiss, just to pick a random example, the wastrel son of a former vice president who used his dad’s name to enrich the family.

The latter, of course, demonstrably affected policy decisions, even becoming the backward template for impeaching Donald Trump. By contrast, no evidence whatsoever exists that any currently scrutinized Supreme Court justice ruled differently on a single case because of the activities of a spouse.

But as the inimitable Rush Limbaugh used to say of the Left, “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” In each instance of smearing a conservative justice, the charge is all they’ve got.

Follow Nate Jackson on X/Twitter.

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Executive News Summary

Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler


  • SCOTUS sides with free speech and the NRA: In a little win for Liberty, the Supreme Court ruled late this morning that the National Rifle Association can pursue its “unlawful coercion” case against a New York state official’s effort to get companies to end their association with the nation’s leading defender of Second Amendment rights. And the decision wasn’t even close — in fact, it was unanimous. The NRA is a gun-rights organization, but the justices agreed that its First Amendment rights were violated when Maria Vullo, the former superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services, pressured insurance companies not to do business with the NRA over its political stance. Writing on behalf of the unanimous court, lefty Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote, “Government officials cannot attempt to coerce private parties in order to punish or suppress views that the government disfavors.” Bully for Liberty!
  • A non-unanimous unanimous verdict? Donald Trump’s legal fate is now in the hands of a deeply conflicted Demo-donor judge and a Manhattan jury pulled from a pool that in 2020 voted 9-to-1 for Joe Biden. This morning, as Fox News reports, “Jurors sought clarification on the extent to which they could make inferences based on witness testimony. The jurors cannot have a copy of the jury instructions inside their chambers, meaning they must send notes to Merchan requesting clarifications.” That seems oddly inefficient to us, especially given that the rest of the world can view the jury instructions. Judge Merchan issued bizarre instructions to the jury, in which he essentially tells the 12 that they don’t have to be unanimous in their unanimity but can instead pick from a buffet table of “predicate” crimes so long as they agree that Trump falsified his business records. “This is anything but standard,” says former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy. “It’s the antithesis of standard. The idea that they do not have to agree on what the other crime is. We spent six weeks wondering, ‘What is the other crime?’ And in the end, the thud we get is this.”
  • Desperate Democrats set the stage for illegal voting: By now, we all know why Joe Biden has kept our southern border wide open: Democrats don’t procreate above the replacement rate, so they need to build their base by other means. Brown people like free stuff, they cynically surmised years ago, and they’ve been the Open Borders Party ever since. The rotten fruits of this calculation might show themselves yet this fall. As The Daily Signal reports: “A new study has revealed that roughly 10% to 27% of noncitizens living in the U.S. are illicitly registered to vote, which could result in up to 2.7 million illegal votes being cast in the November elections.” The study notes that the 2022 U.S. Census listed approximately 19 million adult noncitizens living in the country. (The real number is much higher.) “Given their voter registration rates,” the report continues, “this means that about 2 million to 5 million of them are illegally registered to vote.” In a presidential election that was decided four years ago by 43,000 votes spread across three swing states, these numbers would likely be decisive, both for the presidency and for control of Congress.
  • Another illegal commits murder: Earlier this month, police found the burning body of a woman near Martinsburg, West Virginia. She had been murdered, and the suspect in the crime was soon arrested. He happened to be an illegal alien from El Salvador with a criminal rap sheet that included several assaults committed in Virginia. Furthermore, this El Salvadorian national had done 22 years in prison in his home country for a slew of crimes, including robbery, sexual assault, and murder. After getting out of prison in 2021, he apparently headed north and illegally crossed into the U.S. on his way to Canada, where he sought asylum in 2023. Canada denied his claim and sent him packing, and he has evidently been wandering around the U.S. ever since. Thanks to Joe Biden’s open border, a woman who should be alive has been murdered, and three other people in Virginia have been assaulted. This is what happens when a political party prioritizes maintaining its own political power over and against protecting those citizens it was elected to serve.
  • Kidney equity: The Biden administration wants to subject Americans awaiting a kidney transplant to a new DEI-based metric designed to eliminate alleged historic “racial inequities” by prioritizing racial minorities for available organs. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra announced that the agency would implement its new DEI-based kidney transplant pilot program in 90 of the nation’s 257 transplant hospitals by January 2025. The program uses a point-based quota system to track a hospital’s transplants. A successful transplant earns the hospital one point, but the new system will add an additional 0.2 points to a hospital’s transplant quota if the transplant recipient is a low-income individual. Hospitals that meet the quota can receive as much as $8,000 per transplant, whereas those that fail to meet the quota may have to pay out up to $2,000 per transplant. Becerra justified this biased system by claiming that racial inequities in the transplant industry are indicative of racial injustice. “Black Americans disproportionately struggle with life-threatening kidney disease,” he asserted, “yet they receive a smaller percentage of kidney transplants. The Biden-Harris administration is taking concrete steps to remove racial bias when calculating wait times and rooting out profiteering and inequity in the transplant process.”
  • DOJ tracked Moms for Liberty as a hate group: In a rigged town with homogenous juries, the prevailing political party can operate with impunity, and that’s precisely what’s happening these days in our nation’s capital. That explains why the Biden Department of Justice, despite having been sternly talked to by House and Senate Republicans for having targeted pro-lifers and “radical-traditionalist Catholics,” can nonetheless continue to target conservative organizations as “hate” groups. As The Daily Wire reports: “A Department of Justice unit dedicated to ‘preventing and responding to’ ‘hate crimes’ tracked the conservative education policy group Moms for Liberty in the same manner it tracked the Ku Klux Klan, according to internal emails obtained by The Daily Wire. Moms For Liberty was tracked by the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) alongside symbols such as the noose, the Confederate flag, and the swastika. The only other groups whose movements were similarly tracked, the emails show, were the Ku Klux Klan, a second KKK-style group, and the Oath Keepers.” Yes, Merrick Garland’s DOJ has lumped Moms for Liberty onto the same watch list as the KKK.
  • Quick path to med license in Cali: California lawmakers are pushing a bill that would expedite medical licensing in the Golden State “for an applicant who demonstrates that they intend to provide gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care.” Under the deceptive euphemism “gender-affirming care,” medical professionals who engage in distributing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or mutilation surgeries would qualify for expedited medical licensing by the state medical board. This flies in the face of new studies out of Europe and particularly the United Kingdom, which show that so-called “gender-affirming care” is anything but helpful and, indeed, is dangerous to children. As Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, observes, “The problem is that [California lawmakers are] doing backflips to make it easier and easier for children to get these treatments” when they should be making it harder. This is all about pushing a radical ideology and political agenda over and against sound medical ethics and scientific evidence.
  • The apostate Episcopals: What one idolizes, one worships. And what one idolizes, one promotes. The Episcopal Church used to worship Jesus Christ, but it seems that with every passing year, it drifts further and further away from worshiping Jesus. In His place, the Episcopal Church has embraced the worship of the world and, increasingly, the sin of deviant sexuality. In a demonstration of this reality, the Episcopal Church, whose history is rooted in England with the Anglican Church, has long used a shield emblazoned with the cross of St. George as its official logo. Now, to celebrate “Pride Month,” the church has incorporated the “Pride flag” into the shield. In releasing its new logo, the Episcopal Church stated, “In affirmation and celebration of The Episcopal Church’s LGBTQ+ members, the Office of Communication is pleased to unveil a new Pride shield available online for churchwide use.” Jesus stated, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Publicly expressing love for sin is the opposite of keeping those commandments.


  • DOJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI “lovebirds” caught in anti-Trump text scandal (Fox News)
  • Jill Biden sells fear on “The View” appearance: “We will lose our rights and freedoms” (Daily Wire)
  • House Ethics Committee opens investigation into Rep. Henry Cuellar (NBC News)
  • San Fran removes controversial “Appeal to Heaven” flag from Civic Center Plaza (San Francisco Chronicle)
  • Al Qaeda, Iran praise left-wing protests on college campuses (Daily Wire)
  • Less than half of young adults “proud” to be American (Washington Examiner)
  • California setting up its next energy disaster (Hot Air)
  • Manhunt! Another donut driver harms “Pride” mural (Hot Air)
  • Finally, a “Visibility Day” for the people the LGBTQ movement finds inconvenient (Daily Signal)
  • Humor: Kangaroos ask people to stop unfairly comparing them to U.S. justice system (Babylon Bee)

For the Executive Summary archive, click here.

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Make Kitchens Great Again

Immeasurable physical and mental health benefits come from spending time in the kitchen with loved ones.

Samantha Koch

More than two weeks after Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College, his remarks continue to create waves online. After the football player encouraged the 2024 male graduates of the Catholic college to embrace their masculinity while guessing that the female graduates were excited to be wives and mothers one day, conservatives poured out their support for his bold statements in favor of traditional roles. Meanwhile, angry feminists lost their minds, grossly misinterpreting and misrepresenting Butker’s promotion of traditional gender roles as tying the value of women entirely to aprons and dishes.

Those of us, particularly women on the Right, who have offered enthusiastic approval of Butker’s speech have, unsurprisingly, found ourselves the target of criticism and insults for allegedly wanting to take women out of the workforce and confine them to the kitchen like it’s 1950.

Though the accusation is patently false and an absurd interpretation of why so many women support Butker’s words, the reality is that there are significant benefits to being in the kitchen. In fact, we should all strive to spend more time there. For starters, several studies point to the advantages of cooking at home and the improved overall physical and mental well-being of children who eat meals with their parents and siblings.

According to one recent study and an article on a cooking-focused website, both discussing this important issue, an adverse consequence of spending less time in the kitchen enjoying homecooked meals with your family is the declining health status of many Americans. More families than ever are spending more than half of their food budgets on eating out rather than making their own meals, often meaning the nutritional needs of children are not being met. Within the last 50 years, as the habit of eating out has increased, the rate of obesity has also doubled.

The Family Dinner Project outlined several other mental and physical health benefits for kids who grow up in households where family dinners are habitual: “Over three decades of research have shown that regular family meals offer a wide variety of physical, social-emotional, and academic benefits. While some of these benefits can be gained through other activities, eating together is the only single activity that is known to provide all of them at the same time.” The list includes several advantages, from better academic performance, higher self-esteem, and lower risk of substance abuse to a greater vocabulary in preschoolers. The perks of participating in family meals also extend to adults and include better nutrition, increased self-esteem, and a lower risk of depression.

The kitchen has often been called “the heart of the home.” An article published by Study Finds supports this sentiment, describing the kitchen as a place that brings families together regardless of culture, ethnicity, income level, or family size. As the article states, “Americans spend over 400 hours in the kitchen each year,” while citing the average time spent per day as around 67 minutes. Furthermore, almost 80% of those who weighed in on the survey shared experiences from their own upbringing, pointing to cooking with their parents as among their fondest memories.

It is also a place where history is passed down, as many hold onto favorite family recipes from their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents and are proud of the opportunity to share their heritage with the newest generations. Favorite memories from many who offered their input on the subject also included hearing stories from their parents and their grandparents about their own life experiences.

The feminist use of the phrase “go back to the kitchen” is, of course, meant as an insult. The people who hurl it insist that traditional homemakers embrace the role of servants.

However, a large part of speaking out against the woke mob is to re-normalize traditional views and values and to restore the opportunity for happiness and fulfillment. This is especially true as more women than ever fail to understand the significance of what they are denying themselves. A 2023 poll indicated the current mindset of young women, showing that “only 24 percent of women under 30 believe that women who get married and have kids live fuller and happier lives than those who don’t.” This belief system is false, as countless studies over several decades have proven, time and time again, that married women with families are happier than those who remain single and child-free.

It has also become a viral trend on TikTok to “depict marriage as a fast track to domestic chores like washing dishes, caring for a newborn baby, and cleaning the house” while glamorizing a life free of burdensome children. To their detriment, most members of Gen Z seem to view a lifetime of serving oneself as more fulfilling than making sacrifices to find a spouse, create a family, and build a home.

Most people, though — even those who mock the pursuit of marriage and family — can likely say that their childhood memories of time spent with their family in the kitchen were primarily positive. There’s also a decent possibility that they can recall a specific time of learning to cook with their mother, and as adults, they now embrace her tips for meal spicing, baking times, and the like.

The kitchen is where we’re most likely to cross paths with those we love, even in passing and even in life’s busiest moments. It’s where we spend time eating a meal and discussing the day with our spouse, children, or friends. It’s where we gather for drinks or to play games. It’s where we bond, socialize, help the kids with homework, and improve our mental and physical well-being. Personally, being told to “go back to the kitchen” brings warmth to my heart, as I know there’s a good chance that those I love will be there to uplift my day.

But I imagine that joy would be mostly missing if the only things that awaited me in that space, day after day, were my cat and an endless feed of TikTok videos of others in their equally empty homes, spouting their unconvincing claims of being happier than those of us whose cluttered kitchens are filled with laughter and chaos, and who even find joy in the making of a sandwich for a spouse or child.

I wouldn’t want to “go back to the kitchen” either if it only reminded me of how sad and empty my life was.

Follow Samantha on X/Twitter.

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Biden/Harris and the Black Vote

The Democrat presidential campaign is in major pandering mode.

Emmy Griffin

How can you tell a campaign isn’t doing well? Besides dragging out octogenarian actors to stump for votes outside of Trump’s New York trial and berate skeptics, President Joe Biden appeared at a rally in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to shore up the black vote. He and Vice President Kamala Harris have launched a new voter group called Black Voters for Biden-Harris.

This is not Team Biden’s first attempt in recent weeks to solicit the black vote. His disgraceful pandering at the historically black Morehouse College was an early indication of this campaign’s concern about this usually reliable voting bloc.

Both The Washington Post and NBC News report that Biden is bleeding minority voters. Biden is not the moderate he portrayed himself to be in his 2020 campaign. Instead, he has followed his radical left-wing handlers and alienated many independent voters. This more moderate bloc of voters includes a large number in the black community who are not on board with Biden’s radical push on culture war issues like transing the kids.

The Post also suggests that black voters are looking to vote for third-party candidates or are opting not to vote at all in the upcoming election. NBC blames social media misinformation for telling potential young black voters that Biden is a bad president. Memo to NBC: Biden is a bad president. Under his watch, our country has suffered economically, an invasion has been facilitated at our southern border, and bad foreign actors have been empowered to spark several wars abroad.

But even with the Leftmedia’s attempts to help spin this administration’s negatives as a positive, the Biden campaign is in desperate need of damage control.

Pennsylvania has a specific bone to pick with Team Biden. This battleground state has been particularly hurt by the Democrats’ green energy initiatives. It is the second-largest producer of natural gas and the largest coal-producing state. Biden’s recent halt on liquified natural gas exports coupled with his crippling of the energy sector in favor of green boondoggles hits states like Pennsylvania particularly hard.

It’s facts like these that Republicans are pointing to. Former President Donald Trump was very friendly to fracking. “Joe Biden’s approval rating is underwater in Pennsylvania, and he knows it,” commented Republican National Committee spokesperson Rachel Lee. “Despite Biden and Harris’s best attempts to gaslight Keystone State voters, they know exactly who is to blame for soaring costs, a spiraling border crisis, and staggering crime rates across the country.”

Prominent black Democrats were present at the Black Votes for Biden/Harris rally to encourage their constituents to vote for Biden. These include Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker, and Congressional Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford.

Biden went out of his way to use the typical Democrat playbook — i.e., painting the Republican challenger as a racist — at his rally Wednesday, saying of former President Trump: “This is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder. The same guy who still calls the Central Park Five guilty, even though they were exonerated. He’s that landlord who denies housing applications because of the color of your skin.” Fox News was quick to fact-check Biden’s claim that the protests were peaceful. However, the main point is that Biden’s pandering is ridiculously aggressive and atrocious, and it is Democrats, not Republicans, who are obsessed with the color of skin.

Pandering isn’t going to be enough to convince some black voters that Biden has their back. The whole country is hurting because of Biden’s feckless spending and reckless economic policies that have sunk us into an inflationary cycle. He has proven in other ways that the American people aren’t a priority to the Democrat Party, particularly with his open border policy, and he has made the world a significantly less safe place with his poor leadership. America under Joe Biden is in rough shape, and it’s obvious enough that he’s bleeding support even among the black community.

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The Dems Are Right to Be Freaking Out

A new Politico article details the agony of the Biden-bound Trump-hating Democrats.

Douglas Andrews

It was the ultimate deal with the devil: Help us deny Donald Trump a second term, and we’ll ignore your obvious unfitness for office.

That’s essentially what desperate Democrat power brokers were thinking back in mid-February 2020 when it looked like their hard-left primary voters were going to nominate the first-ever socialist to run as the presidential nominee of a major party.

Joe Biden had finished a pathetic fourth in Iowa — behind a homosexual Millennial, a septuagenarian socialist, and a fake Indian. For an encore, he finished fifth in New Hampshire, and then Bernie Sanders clobbered him by 26 points in Nevada. Oo-ooooh, that smell? It was the smell of death surrounding Scranton Joe Biden.

Next up was South Carolina, and that’s where the Democrats and the mainstream media (but we repeat ourselves) made that devilish deal. They pulled Biden off the mat, and they shivved Sanders. Why? Because they knew Sanders had a hard ceiling of support and therefore couldn’t challenge Trump in a general election, and they knew that black voters, who are crucial to the Democrats’ electoral success, would never vote for a gay white guy like Buttigieg. So Joe Biden it was. South Carolina’s kingmaker, Congressman James Clyburn, made sure of that, and his endorsement of Biden in the state’s mostly black Democrat primary carried the once-moribund Biden to a resounding 28-point win.

From there, the already cognitively addled Biden cruised to victory on Super Tuesday, and the rest — including the rigged 2020 election — is history.

But ever since, the devil has been collecting his due. They propped him up, and now they’re paying the price.

The Afghanistan debacle marked the end of Biden’s honeymoon, but were it not that, it would’ve been something else. It would’ve been the open border or the inflation or the general embarrassment he began to visit upon us at every public event. His cognitive deficiencies were no longer hidable. He couldn’t execute the demands of the presidency from his basement. And by now, only the most delusional of Americans believe Biden has what it takes to serve another four years. His poll numbers are the worst in presidential history, and Trump is outpolling him in both the popular vote and the all-important swing states.

Thus, the Democrats are in an awful spot, and they’re freaking out about it. In a piece titled “Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden,” a trio of sad scribes write at Politico:

A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.

All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.

They’re about half a year late to the party, but whatever.

The Politico piece drones on about the fears of one Democrat fundraiser or consultant after another, all of them deeply fearful but none of them willing to speak on the record. And the piece mentions Trump 43 times, but it pays precious little attention to why they’re all freaking out — namely, Biden’s now fully exposed irreparable cognitive decline and his utter unfitness for office.

As Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld quipped, “One insider actually called it a freakout, as in, ‘We’ve got to get this freak out of the White House.’”

Biden spokesmouth Karine “The Binder” Jean-Pierre, though, has lately been the administration’s version of Alfred E. Neuman: What, me worry? When asked by Fox News’s Peter Doocy whether the White House was in “full-blown freakout mode,” KJP responded: “What are you talking about? What are you talking about, Peter?” Mmm-kay.

A new Rasmussen poll showing 54% of Democrats now approve of dumping Biden. But for whom? California Governor Gavin Newsom? The guy has nice hair, sure, and he can talk a slippery game, but he’s pretty much disappeared lately, and he’s not even popular in his own hard-left debt-ridden tent-city state.

The overriding thing to remember is this: Biden’s one and only term is Barack Obama’s third term. These are the same radical left-wing policies that Obama espoused, and they’re the same radical left-wing policies that a Biden replacement would hew to. Think about it: If the Democrats do a last-minute switcheroo, will the replacement renounce Biden’s ruinous policies and vow to chart a more moderate course? Of course not. So, the Democrats are stuck. And they’re bleeding their base. Blacks, especially, are taking another look at Trump’s economic populism, and they’re increasingly coming to grips with the fact that the Democrats only pay attention to their plight during election season.

Joe Biden may or may not ultimately be his party’s nominee for president. Our Mark Alexander long ago speculated that he won’t be. But the devil is in the details. How does a political party remove its president if said president doesn’t want to be removed? And if the Democrat power brokers did manage to remove Biden, what about his lady-in-waiting? Perhaps the only politician in America who’s less popular than Biden is the person in line to replace him.

No wonder the Democrats are freaking out.

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Leftmedia Bemoans Success of FL School Choice Program

Politico frames the growing number of families taking advantage of Florida’s voucher program as negative for public schools.

Thomas Gallatin

Is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis endangering children’s education in the Sunshine State? Is he threatening the future of a failing public school system in favor of the growing success of his school choice voucher program?

The answers are no and no, but given a recent Politico headline, one might assume such a dastardly scheme was being pursued by the popular Republican governor.

“School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close,” reads a Politico headline. The teaser warns, “The Republican governor’s school choice programs may serve as a model for other GOP-leaning states across the country.”

Despite Politico’s negative framing of the story, it is nearly impossible for it to be bad news for the students for whom the school system ostensibly exists. While Politico seeks to focus on the struggles Florida’s traditional public school system faces thanks to shrinking enrollment, the story is good news for Florida’s families and their children, especially for poorer and minority families.

Back in 2019, DeSantis signed into law a school choice scholarship program dubbed Family Empowerment. It was a voucher program that was capped at 18,000 students at the time. The targeted families for the program were those with household incomes 185% below the federal poverty level. The vast majority of recipients were from black and Hispanic households. The following year, the number of recipients was increased to 28,000. Last year, the state legislature passed a bill expanding the voucher system to make it available to anyone regardless of income.

The success of Florida’s school choice system can be measured by both the higher math and reading test scores of students involved in the program and the lower rates of absences and suspensions. Furthermore, students enrolled in the program have a 57% college enrollment rate compared to 51% for public school students.

“We need some big changes throughout the country,” said DeSantis at a homeschool convention in Kissimmee. “Florida has shown a blueprint, and we really can be an engine for that as other states work to adopt a lot of the policies that we’ve done.”

Indeed, DeSantis and Florida have shown the rest of the country how successful a school choice voucher system can be. It gives parents the freedom to get their children into the education situation that works best for them, including everything from private schools to public charter schools to homeschooling. It truly is the American way — expanded rather than limited opportunity.

Furthermore, the Left’s argument against school choice falls flat because of how badly the nation’s public schools have failed so many families — most of all those in poor and minority communities. DeSantis and Florida are proving that while granting school choice to parents may reduce public school spending, it is also producing better schools and educational opportunities for the state’s K-12 students.

What the Left fears is Florida’s school choice blueprint, as it shows how to successfully wrest educational control from the teachers unions and special interest groups and return it to its rightful place with the parents.

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Latest PodcastPopCon #46: Scarlett Johansson vs. AIScarlett Johansson has a voice nerds cannot resist. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is no exception, but he may soon regret that he couldn’t help himself… Join Thomas, Sterling, and Andrew as they dissect another instance of nerds overstepping, along with other topics.

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Jordan Candler

Useful Idiots

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history. You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure — which openly supports Zionists.” —Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (“When you’ve won the Ayatollah, you’ve lost America.” —House Speaker Mike Johnson)

Race Bait

“[Trump] is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder. The same guy who still calls the Central Park Five guilty, even though they were exonerated. He’s that landlord who denies housing applications because of the color of your skin.” —Joe Biden to black voters

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

“They’re going to turn off those mics so that somebody can’t ramble or scream at somebody — you know, not that my husband would be the one doing that. … But I think the American people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices. You need to see Trump and you need to see the president. And you need to see the differences. And my husband’s — and you’re going to see how smart he is and the experience he has, and then you’ll see somebody who … can’t put a sentence together.” —Jill Biden

For the Record

“Think of [Biden and Trump’s] upcoming debate as a boxing match between an Olympic heavyweight and a 12-year-old child with a limp. We all expect the Olympic heavyweight to beat the 12-year-old child with a limp to a pulp … but we also know that the Olympic heavyweight will then be judged for cruelly beating a 12-year-old child with a limp to a pulp. … In a strange twist of fate, much like Biden’s history of grief, he’s managed to turn his obvious mental fragility into a shield. This is why Republicans cannot underestimate Joe Biden.” —Ian Haworth


“Can you imagine if we put anymore Republicans on the Supreme Court? … We will lose all of our rights.” —Jill Biden (Democrats are the ones stripping God-given rights by making up nonexistent ones.)

Delusions of Grandeur

“We are in a better place now. … Joe has done amazing things for this country, and we have to get the message out.” —Jill Biden

“My husband … is calm and steady and strong and has character and integrity.” —Jill Biden

Dumb & Dumber

“We’re doing all we can to lower costs.” —Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Jared Bernstein (If that were true, the government would stop spending money we don’t have.)

“We are also lowering the price of gas, including by selling one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The BIG Lie

“The president has taken some actions … over the last three years to deal with what we’re seeing at the border.” —Karine Jean-Pierre


“The president doesn’t make decisions and he doesn’t execute on policy based on public opinion polling or on popularity contests. He bases his decisions on our own national security interests.” —National Security Council spokesman John Kirby

“Biden, a politician all his adult life, is defined by just that — politics. No word, no act emanates from our president that does not emerge from some political calculation.” —Star Parker

Political Futures

“Here are a few signs of a losing campaign: No. 1: Poll denial. No. 2: Inability to shift course. No. 3: Celebrity cameos. Welcome to Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign.” —Ben Shapiro

“The problem with Biden’s obvious and continued mental collapse … is that our expectations have also collapsed. The brutal fact is that we expect so little from Biden that it’s almost impossible for him to disappoint.” —Ian Haworth

“I notice that pollsters have regularly asked voters whether a conviction would change their opinion about voting for Trump, but have rarely asked whether an acquittal would change their opinion about voting for Trump.” —Jim Geraghty


“If charges are so byzantine that it is hard to convince reasonable people that a crime even occurred, then maybe Manhattan prosecutors should not have charged Trump with 34 felony counts that could result in a maximum of 136 years in prison over what is basically a bookkeeping matter. But such is the state of our justice system today.” —Byron York

“Remember, the only reason this preposterous case was brought is because Joe Biden is a weak, dishonest, and failed president who can’t run on his record.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

And Last…

“I’m sure [Ilhan] Omar could give you a detailed history of every Islamic holiday on the calendar. It’s the American holidays that so many leftists are ignorant about.” —Gary Bauer

Follow Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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A Future with No Bibles | Newsmakers – May 30, 2024 – YouTube

On today’s Newsmakers, Taylor Swift’s dark turn, a dystopian future, and potential threats of AI.

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Patrick Wood: Technocrats Scheme, Elitists Dream | Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Mary Danielsen chats with Patrick Wood on the Trilateral Commission and it’s 40+ year run in planning the future of the world, the one you and I have to suffer through for now. At first, they were the subject of conspiracy theories, today they carry on boldly,  using tech as their weapon of choice to usher in the end game of a New World Order, a phrase first mumbled out loud by George W. Bush. The changes in the world are tectonic, thanks to the Sam Altman types who really think it’s all just a game, but a prison planet – cashless and inescapable – is coming soon. Oh wait – it’s here. A packed hour talking about the darker parts of the last days, climate change, and how to endure just a little bit longer.

Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! https://www.redpillprints.com/stand-up-for-the-truth – Thanks for YOUR Support!

The post Patrick Wood: Technocrats Scheme, Elitists Dream appeared first on Stand Up For The Truth Podcast.

Lies for Profit and Control | Study – Grow – Know

A recent study details the fact that cows actually keep methane gasses lower when they are in pastures than if they were not there to eat the grass. [1] In essence, the study proves that cows do not cause so-called “climate change.”

What is also interesting about the study is that, though unmentioned, it appears to support the notion that God put a great deal of detail and intricacy into His creative plans so that there would be quality checks and balances in place since He obviously knew what would occur after He finished creating. The sin and death brought about first by Satan’s rebellion and then by our first parent’s disobedience and rebellion by believing lies told to them by Satan continues to resonate throughout this world. This will finally culminate in the destruction of this world by God Himself (not humanity), along with the creation of new heavens and a new earth.

In essence, ignoring the mutually beneficial relationship that cows have with the land is something that globalists do because they need to push the message of fear that says “climate change” is killing the planet and making it difficult to produce food (as if they actually care). If they truly did care, they’d be able to take some of their money they spent on “progressive” political causes and feed much of the world. Instead, their lack of action there speaks volumes.

The fact of the matter, according to many scientists, is that the only thing killing the planet deliberately are those globalists and their mouthpiece politicians and bureaucrats who are deliberately doing what they can to forcefully create a lack of food items for the world. This will result in these same globalists trying to force people to eat fake, lab grown meats and insects. The problems with these things are numerous. One major concern is how much energy it actually takes to create lab grown meat, which is far more than it takes to simply allow a calf to grow into a cow for humane slaughtering later.

But what else are globalists up to in trying to force the world to surrender to their control and dominance, while they enrich themselves all the while? We are all aware of the attempted overreach of The WHO, a group of UN unelected bureaucrats headed by a person who was a terrorist before he took over the mantle of The WHO. Anyone can do their own research and find out more about Tedros.

Seems that not all “nation states” affiliated with The WHO agreed with the attempted hijack of individual national sovereignty and could not agree on treaty terms. Because of that, the treaty was scrapped, temporarily, but of course, wheels are still in motion to create the signed and sealed document eventually. If this happens (and of course, Biden is ready to have Blinken sign on, though he has not committed to turning treaty over to the Senate as the Constitution demands[2]), then the USA’s sovereignty as a nation dies in the light.

I’m not sure what that ultimately means considering what this country (as well as other countries), already went through regarding C0V. During that time, people were forced to close their businesses unless they were one of the special businesses allowed to remain open (like Walmart, Target, grocery stores, liquor stores, strip clubs, etc., but not churches), and everyone was told to stay away from other people and even mask up as the world waited for the introduction of the inoculation that promised to eliminate the pandemic, but did not.

If you’d like to read more information about how globalists locked down the world and why, Vigilant News has a timely article on exactly what happened and why it happened leading up to and during C0V.[3] In other words, the purposes that directed globalists’ efforts were sinister and though they did not get all of what they wanted, they got quite a bit. They cannot go backward by letting up the pressure. If they do, they will lose the big prize they seek, so they must push on to foment and radicalize the type of fear they need to see throughout society that tells them people are so afraid of death that they will do whatever they are told to avoid it. That includes seeing other people as “enemies of personal health.”

We still see those people today, many of whom continue to live in fear of a virus and prove it by wearing masks in public. I always marvel that people who cover their facial breathing orifices with a cloth are doing more harm to themselves than any good they may believe. They are rebreathing their own exhaled CO2 and it with, the bacteria that their bodies are attempting to release into the air.

So, in being forced to lock-down, avoid people and stay home, the public was being tested to see how far we were willing to go along with the dictates. It appears that people overwhelmingly went along with every mandate issued. Globalists celebrated with delight, I’m certain.

The goal of all of it was to keep natural immunity from ruining the chance for the mRNA shots to save the day. That is also why we could not have off-the-shelf therapeutics. There could be no Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, not because they didn’t work but precisely because they did. The last thing the pandemic planners wanted was a cure that was not mRNA. (quotes from the linked article)

As most know, the only way the mRNA jab could be legally introduced and foisted on the public was if there was no other treatment available including natural immunity. This is exactly why Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were forcefully removed from the table and physicians who prescribed them were either fined, brought before medical boards for review with the potential loss of medical license, or both.

Keep in mind the perversity here: the goal was not health but sickness as long as possible, to be cured by a new technology. That was always the game plan.

They wanted us unhealthy and even sick until they could release the jab. They knew this prerequisite (sickness) had to exist in order to sell the world on the unproven jab, which turned out to be virtually non-effective and even harmful. So during C0V, specific definitions of various things (like “herd immunity” and even “vaccine”), were changed from what they had always been to something new. The process of stoking the fear became so complex that new apps were invented that could “trace” whether or not a person near you in public had tested positive for C0V, warning you to stay away. The PCR tests were far from foolproof and gave varying degrees of true/false results based solely on the cycle threshold number used during the testing phase (the higher the number, the greater the chance of testing positive).

Today the pandemic planners find themselves in an awkward spot. Their scheme failed. The truth about the lab leak has been revealed anyway. And now they face a population worldwide that has lost trust in all authority, from government to industry to technology. That’s a serious problem.

So what do these same pandemic planners do now? They simply ignore the obvious, refusing to acknowledge the elephants in the room. Regardless of how many times Fauci or anyone else goes in front of a congressional panel, they lie or state they don’t recall or provide any number of useless responses rather than a directly truthful response. If they begin to note the truth of their failures, they will be held accountable, but not by our illustrious DOJ. Instead, they act like they can either say nothing or they’ve already said everything. These people traffic in lies. It’s what they do and how they live because in one way or another, it’s all about their esteem and profits that can be made from the work they do. It’s not about saving people’s lives at all. It’s about profits and control.

The entire pandemic was built on the lie of needing to lock society down until the jab was ready for delivery. It was the way to get the mRNA jab introduced into society to be seen as the relief valve in dealing with any novel virus from there on out. Everything going forward will include an mRNA jab as the means of exterminating any pandemic, even if it doesn’t accomplish that purpose.

Yet, as noted by numerous others within the medical and scientific communities, the mRNA jab did not “…confer durable immunity and did not stop the spread of the virus. In other words, it failed spectacularly.” Honestly, do you think the powers that be care that the jab did not do what they promised it would do? Hardly. They’re far more concerned now with getting caught as opposed to the damage done to society in terms of the likely 17 million people killed by the jab, with a separate growing count for all those experiencing adverse reactions and serious harm.

In summary…what you have unfolding here is the biggest and most destructive flop in the history of public health. The entire scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination depended fundamentally on a shot that actually achieved its aim and certainly did not impose more harm than good. The trouble is that most everyone now knows what the pandemic masters tried to keep quiet for a very long time: natural immunity is real, the virus was mainly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and the experimental shots were not worth the risk.

This is exactly how Satan works. He traffics in lies in order to accomplish his will. He has always – since his fall – trafficked in lies and he will continue using lies until he is himself thrown into the Lake of Fire by Jesus. It is no wonder that Satan’s followers also traffic in lies. The apple never falls far from the tree.

There is simply so much out there it is getting very difficult to highlight, much less catalog. In an upcoming article, I’ll be talking about what Pastor Brandon Holthaus discusses in a very recent video: The Red-Green Axis, which is essentially when far-leftists and illiberal Islamists come together for a joint purpose. You can bet that purpose is not one that upholds the Constitution of the USA. It’s all about overthrowing “the great Satan” using lies as the main weapon.

Globalists, as Satan’s ambassadors, are in all of this to enrich themselves and gain full control. It’s what they do and the Bible is filled with examples of how this same type of thing went down between the rich and the poor over centuries. Nothing has changed except the specific generation of people. In every generation there are those who seek glory, fame and riches and they don’t care how they obtain any of it. If stepping on others to advance themselves seems reasonable to them, that’s what they do.

Again, this is exactly Satan’s main modus operandi as he began spinning is web of deceit thousands of years ago. He has since gained an appreciable understanding regarding the inherent weaknesses of humanity through the fall, all too well. Satan has been using this method since his fall and has somewhat perfected it. It has always worked so why would he change methods?

We can and should expect much more of the same going forward, especially with today’s generation of college people and those coming after them. Globalists know that many of us who are in the late 50s and older are not going to kowtow to globalists (without force). However, the younger generations are ripe for picking and for brainwashing. According to Pastor Holthaus, globalists and enemies of the USA have been working in earnest since at least early 2000 to subvert colleges and universities in the US with foreign money and nationals. They’ve also made sincere gains into the political realm of the US and we should expect that to increase.

It’s all about money and control to the left’s (including Islam’s), “highest power.”

[1] https://www.technocracy.news/study-confirms-cows-do-not-cause-climate-change/

[2] https://www.technocracy.news/anthony-blinken-does-not-commit-to-submitting-w-h-o-pandemic-treaty-to-senate-for-confirmation/

[3] https://vigilantnews.com/post/what-really-happened-lockdown-until-vaccination/

June 2024, Pride Month – Part VII: Your Answer To The Third “Horseman”

by Jim Fennell


These four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of ‘sexual freedom’ (and now gender choice), especially to children. The homosexual ‘community’ still claims to be persecuted victims of unlawful discrimination. But facts show they use their political power and agenda (thru laws and liberal politicians) to silence their opponents, calling them “ignorant”.

However, these four words have been manipulated and twisted by this ‘community’ for maximum political effect to defend their objectives which are sexual. Biblical morality is not recognized, because as modern-day pagans the Bible is not important and irrelevant. Their beliefs are based upon the foundational principle of atheistic evolution: i.e. there is no God and no absolute standards of moral right and wrong. To them, ‘truth’ is relative–if there even is any truth at all.  But let’s consider an answer for each word they use in their attack arsenal. Word #3 is IGNORANCE.

The homosexual movement claims that their enemies are ignorant about them. Of course, claims of ‘ignorance’ are an easy brick to throw. That begs the question “Ignorant of what?”

Blind Justice? Trump Trial Goes To The Jury | The NEWSMAX Daily (05/30/24) – YouTube

Today’s NEWSMAX headline brief includes…
2:11] – Former President Donald Trump speaks as jury deliberations begin in NY. [Newsmax Breaking]
10:01] – Lara Trump: Prosecutors have no evidence … Trump’s still standing strong. [Greg Kelly Reports]
12:13] – Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt: Trump’s persecution earning him more fans and voters. [Rob Schmitt Tonight]
15:53] – President Biden delivers same stale message on race and division in Philadelphia.
16:25] – Chris Plante and the Right Squad discuss the Trump case. [Chris Plante & The Right Squad]
19:51] – Greta Van Susteren previews Hunter Biden’s gun trial. [Carl Higbie Frontline]

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

Israel’s Major Breakthrough Against Hamas | CBN NewsWatch – May 30, 2024 – YouTube

Israel gains control of the strategically important Philadelphi Corridor, along with evidence it’s been a pipeline for Hamas in its war against Israel, and Israel finds a nearly eight-mile network of about 20 tunnels with weapons- and a place where Israel says Hamas has been holding hostages, and a top Israeli official says the fighting in Gaza will continue at least through the end of 2024; Chris Mitchell talks about why Israel’s control of the Corridor is a victory for Israel and a setback for Hamas, why the war could last for the rest of the year, Hamas’s other attacks against Israel outside of Gaza, and the political outlook for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the next elections; Canadian podcaster Leighton Grey talks to CBN’s “The Global Lane” about how China has compromised elections and the government in Canada, and why the US should guard itself from its neighbor next door; Ukrainian Christians visiting the US talk to government officials and American believers about how Vladimir Putin not only wants to control Ukraine, but silence the church and take away religious freedom; and the creators of “The Chosen” announce when the fourth season will finally be available for people to stream.

Want more news from a Christian Perspective? Choose to support CBN:

https://go.cbn.com/ugWBnCBN News. Because Truth Matters™

— Read on www.youtube.com/watch

The Seeds of Biden’s Betrayal of Israel Were Planted A Long Time Ago | Christian Research Network

“The man to whom the Biden regime has given the responsibility of being its special representative for Palestinian affairs, a particularly important post during this war, has declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” Hady Amr has also said that Palestinian Arabs would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military, and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children….”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Israel on Thursday against cutting off Palestinian banks and spoke about the need to increase aid to Gaza, that is, Hamas, even further. Yellen’s words gained little attention, as the Biden regime’s betrayal of Israel is now old news….

It is now widely known that the regime, deeply afraid that it could lose Michigan in November, has brought a seventy-year-old alliance perilously close to rupture to gain the Arab vote. Yet the betrayal of Israel didn’t begin when the polls started looking bad for Old Joe. The seeds of it were planted long before Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

Back during the 2020 campaign, Old Joe vowed: “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level.” Although his career is an appalling record of seven decades of lying, this is one promise he has kept….  View article →

— Read on christianresearchnetwork.org/2024/05/29/the-seeds-of-bidens-betrayal-of-israel-were-planted-a-long-time-ago/

Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft | Christian Research Network

By Marsha West

Most Christians understand that witchcraft has its roots in paganism and that God admonishes His chosen ones to resist the temptation to participate in pagan practices. It’s imperative for Christians who hold a biblical worldview to do what God says. But sadly, numerous professing Christians are unfamiliar with what a biblical worldview is. They’re clueless that Scripture is the breathed-out Word of God. (2 Tim 3:16-17) All that matters is that they’re saved. What is willfully ignored is that the Bible is the absolute authority, the “only rule for faith and practice” Christians live by. So, it only makes sense that God’s people commit to read and study the scriptures; likewise, it’s imperative that the Bible comes to be a Christian’s final court of arbitration for making life decisions.

And yet so-called Jesus followers choose to ignore His very words, which are clearly stated in Scripture. Instead, they go through life rarely looking to the Lord for guidance. What they’ve created for themselves is “Have it your way Christianity.” These people see nothing wrong with cooking up a batch of Syncretism Stew that contains ingredients for a plethora of religious beliefs and refer to the odious concoction as “Christianity” or “Evangelicalism.” When a tried-and-true Christian attempts to steer them away from the mess they’ve made of their lives and point them to the Word of God, they become defensive. Since most of these people are unteachable, instead of going to the Holy Spirit inspired scriptures for wholesome ingredients to make a batch of Authentic Christianity, they create a stew lacking spiritual nourishment instead of heart-healthy Truth that sticks to the ribs and virtually guarantees to make believers strong in the Lord.

Which brings me to Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Taylor Swift who’s a professing Christian. I admit that I’m not a “Swifty” fan. And I’m not inclined to listen to her music or follow her on social media (nor do I follow any entertainer). However, a friend insisted that her recent songs contain satanic and witchcraft themes. Hearing this drove me to YouTube where I discovered “Willow.” While I watched the production, I paid close attention to the lyrics so that I could discern whether or not Taylor Swift promotes witchcraft. After viewing that video several times I agree with my friend that “Willow” is teaming with witchcraft themes. Don’t take my word for it. Go to the link *below* and judge for yourself. 

Popular Pagans

A few years ago, Taylor Swift posted the following on her Instagram account and had received 2,850,794 likes (by 12/15/2020):

Witches be like “Sometimes I just want to listen to music while pining away/sulking/staring out a window.” It’s me. I’m witches. Never fear, the “willow lonely witch remix” is here”.

Influencer and fan Freya Parker remarked about the song:

It is clear that “Willow” is dedicated to those of us who are lonely (and dramatic!) and love to zone out while we immerse ourselves in weepy, sad tunes. And it’s great to hear that Taylor is just like us!

This wouldn’t be the first time that Swift gets “witchy,” Taytay’s entire 2020 album evermore is chock-full of witch motifs and fully embraced the vibe of wooden cabins and special fairies. In fact, both evermore and folklore invoke imagery of the woods, wispy details, and feminine mystery. (Source)

Emily McFarland Miller of Religion News Service reveals what Swift posted about the “moonlit witch” remix:

Ever find yourself waiting for the signal & meeting someone after dark & happening upon a majestic coven in the woods? Me neither but do you want your (music) to make you FEEL like that?”

Ahead of the winter solstice, Swift also released several YouTube videos pairing those remixes with video of a burning Yule log. Many witches and pagans burn a Yule log on the winter solstice to brighten the longest night of the year.

McFarland Miller continues:

Ed Hubbard of Witch School, who welcomed Swift from its Twitter account, told Religion News Service after listening to “Evermore” he believes Swift has declared herself a witch.

That’s evident to Hubbard in the whimsy, the mournful sound and the themes of her latest album: self-forgiveness, self-healing, caring for one’s self and one’s own soul.

“All magic works very simply. It’s a matter of what’s in your will, your imagination, what you want to have in the world inside your head come out of your head and exist in the world,” he said. As recently as two years ago, Swift identified as a Christian.


Interest in and identification as witches has soared in recent years, fueled by politics and female empowerment, Hubbard said, and Swift appears to have made that transformation as an artist. (Source)

Witchcraft, a.k.a. Wicca, is an occult tool. In Deuteronomy 18:9-14the Lord declares that His people are not allowed to partake in the abominable pagan practices of other nations. To disobey is rebellion against God.

Listen Up Taytay!

If Taylor Swift is a born again Christian as she claims, then she must take her marching orders from King Jesus. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul lays the groundwork:

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Those who practice the magic arts are out of God’s will. However, many professing Evangelicals take their marching orders from the god of this world, namely Satan. “Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the majority of people. His influence also encompasses the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce. The thoughts, ideas, speculations, and false religions of the world are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.”

Because Taylor has been dabbling in witchcraft it appears that she’s under the spell of the god of this world. What’s even worse is that this superstar could very well be guiding her adoring fans to the doorstep of the enemy of God where they very well could become possessed by evil forces.

David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview, said in a promotion of Alex Newman’s Behind The Deep State:

Diabolical evil has infested every cultural sector imaginable including the music industry, Hollywood, and even sports, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. In fact, numerous leading figures in these industries have even spoken publicly about how they made a literal deal with the devil in exchange for success, fame, money, and more. It’s in the Super Bowl, the Grammies, and even in the music that is played endlessly on TV and radio. The impact of this evil on Americans and humanity is enormous.

No Laughing Matter

I’m not suggesting that Taylor is possessed by evil forces, i.e. demons, or that she has made a deal with the devil. But at the very least the music she writes seems to have been influenced by demons, likewise her videos and stage shows. When a Christian participates in occult practices such as witchcraft (Wicca), spell casting, fortune telling, crystals, astrology/horoscopes, contacting spirit guides (angels, ascended masters, entities), Lectio Divina (contemplative or centering prayer), numerology, the Ouija board, the Enneagram or any tool of the occult that God expressly forbids, they become a target for demonic oppression. Got Questions explains:

Demon oppression involves a demon or demons attacking a person spiritually and/or encouraging him/her into sinful behavior. Notice that in all the New Testament passages dealing with spiritual warfare, there are no instructions to cast a demon out of a believer (Ephesians 6:10-18). Believers are told to resist the devil (James 4:71 Peter 5:8-9), not to cast him out….Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9-111 Corinthians 3:166:19). Surely the Holy Spirit would not allow a demon to possess the same person He is indwelling. It is unthinkable that God would allow one of His children, whom He purchased with the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19) and made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), to be possessed and controlled by a demon. Yes, as believers, we wage war with Satan and his demons, but not from within ourselves. The apostle John declares, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Who is the One in us? The Holy Spirit. Who is the one in the world? Satan and his demons. Therefore, the believer has overcome the world of demons, and the case for demon possession of a believer cannot be made scripturally. (Source)

The Bible teaches that believers were once damaged goods. We were lost in our trespasses and sins — and many of us were guilty of egregious sins. But none of the sins we committed is a hindrance to receiving God’s saving grace. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul applies the term “new creation” to those who are regenerate. “The New Testament has little to say about any of these but demands the new creature—a new creation. Nothing is sufficient except a definite change in the spirit of the man—a change that is so complete and radical that it must be spoken of as a creation, an act of supernatural Divine grace, which makes the creature new, and all life new with it. 2 Corinthians 5:17 In Christ a New Creation (biblehub.com)

But there are those who hate God and love evil, such as Mike Nichols, a proud Wiccan, who heralded, “I will continue to proclaim that I am a Witch, and I am Wiccan, for it means the same thing. It is my religion, and it is my craft. It is my life.”

What do modern day Wiccans practice and believe?

Wicca is a faith system that has no central organization or theological belief system defined for all of its adherents. It may be best understood through its typical practices, which include performing magic and sorcery, casting spells and engaging in Witchcraft. It is a ritualistic faith based on a loose set of pagan beliefs that are generally pantheistic in nature. Those who are involved commonly go through initiation rites for membership, teaching and leadership. Contrary to a widespread assumption, however, Wicca is not synonymous with Satan worship. Wiccans most frequently worship gods and goddesses that are found in nature. Wicca generally embraces the notions of karma and reincarnation and promotes a laissez faire form of morality.” (Source)

Wiccans celebrate eight season-based festivals.  Typically, Wiccans worship the horned god and the triple goddess. “A key belief in Wicca is that the Goddess and the God (or the goddesses and gods) are able to manifest in personal form, most importantly through the bodies of Priestesses and Priests via the rituals of Drawing down the Moon or Drawing down the Sun.” (Source)

ReligionLink reports: “Wiccans are smashing stereotypes as their movement matures. Throughout the country Wiccans are organizing congregations and youth groups, training clergy, pursuing charity work, sharing pagan parenting tips, and fighting for their civil rights.” (Source)

Wiccan’s are fighting those who follow traditional mainstream religions. Pagan priestess Wendy Hunter Roberts offered this prayer: “I call out for protection of the Goddess’s people from the wrath of right-wing fundamentalists and their God.”

The media, including advertisers and book and magazine publishers, are lending their support to Wicca and Witchcraft. As one would expect, book sales have jumped dramatically since the late 1980s.

I’m Just Wild About Harry

The Harry Potter (HP) books, probably the best-known books on Witchcraft, have cast a spell on children.  The Potter books fly off the shelves like broomsticks and have made the author, J.K. Rowling, a wealthy woman.  Young and old alike read HP books and flock to theaters to watch the movies. When the books were popular parents purchased all the latest HP collectables for their youngsters.  Not surprisingly on Halloween kids dressed up like the Potter characters. Rowling was masterful at promoting the idea that Harry and his friends are “good” wizards and witches who battle the forces of evil. As a result of HP’s popularity, youngsters became enchanted by Witchcraft and all things pagan.

If teens and tweens wish to learn about Witchcraft they’ll get their fill of it on social media, where they’ll be exposed to nature worship, magic potions, become schooled in casting unfriendly spells (hexes, curses, jinxes) and how to use incantations (words spoken to cast a spell). Is your child tired of being the victim and wants to fight back? “A Master in Black Magic can cast a spell to help you even the score!”

The above-mentioned occult practices supposedly influence circumstances and/or people. One site offers the Get Even Spell with this promise: “If you’re certain that a specific person has done you harm or wishes for your unhappiness, this is your chance to get even!

Hellywood Gets In On The Action

Hollywood has used its movie magic to promote Witchcraft and alter the public perception of witches for years. The 1930s classic “The Wizard of Oz” hit the silver screen to favorable reviews. The movie made a huge impact on the way people perceive witches.  Today when you think of a witch, who springs to mind but Margaret Hamilton, the actress who played the Wicked Witch of the West.  You remember her green face, pointy black hat, hooked nose with a wart on the end of it, and of course the broomstick she straddled as she streaked through the sky. Naturally there was a “good” witch, Glenda, who resembled a beautiful fairy princess.

Normalizing witchcraft has been going on for decades. In the 1950s “Bell Book and Candle” starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak was a big hit with audiences.  In the 1960s “Rosemary’s Baby” scared the stuffing out of movie-goers.  The 60s also ushered in one of the most popular television sitcoms of all time, Bewitched about an adorable witch married to a mortal. Bewitched aired for 8 seasons. The 1980s conjured up “The Witches of Eastwick.” That same year “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” won an Oscar for its visual effects. In the 1990s Tinseltown gave us “Practical Magic,” “The Craft” and “The Blair Witch Project.”  Do you see where I’m going with this?

What’s The Big Deal?  

It’s important to know about all the supernatural hullabaloo that has become such a huge temptation for the TikTok generation because God condemns such activities.  Sure, it’s a bummer since playing around with potions and charms and spells can be fun. But the Lord keeps us from such things for our own good, not because He’s a party pooper who ruins the fun. The Father knows what’s best for His children. The Bible could not make it more clear sorcery is dangerous.  Surprisingly, many folks aren’t concerned about the things God condemns. In the not-too-distant past, society frowned on dabbling in Witchcraft. Most Christians didn’t play around in it because they had a healthy fear of the Lord.

Why is it wrong to participate in a séance? I mean, what’s the big deal about contacting your deceased brother, or having an astrologer calculate the astrological compatibility between you and another person? Because the god of the underworld and his legions lurk on the other side of the protective guardrail put up by God. Once a person becomes ensnared by evil forces, it’s difficult to break free! In Ephesians 6:12 Paul alerted the Church who the real enemy is:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

To be fair, perhaps some people who fiddle around in the occult are babes in Christ and lack discernment which is not surprising as many believers are immature in their faith. Moreover, they’re not interested in studying God’s Word even though it’s the only way they’ll understand God and His ways. But it’s a fact that in our post Christian culture, those who say they love Jesus do not love the Holy Spirit inspired scriptures that contain His very words and teaching.

Why the Christian community chooses to remain on milk instead of graduating to solid food is a mystery to me. Hebrews 5:12-13reminds: “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.”

**Watch Taylor Swift’s “Willow”.


Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be? by Marsha West

Does Taylor Swift CAST SPELLS On Her Listeners?! (youtube.com)

Taylor Swift’s Dangerous Descent into Witchcraft Sorcery & Casting Spells – YouTube

— Read on christianresearchnetwork.org/2024/05/30/taylor-swift-may-be-causing-her-fans-to-stumble-into-witchcraft/

The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down | The Economic Collapse

I suppose that congratulations are in order.  It is no small feat to pile up a debt of $315,000,000,000,000, and we will never see a mountain of debt of this magnitude ever again after it comes crashing down.  Even though delinquency rates are rising all over the world, as long as conditions remain at least somewhat relatively stable the game will be able to continue.  Unfortunately, conditions won’t be relatively stable for long.  Global events have started to accelerate significantly, and that is really going to shake things up in the months ahead.

According to a report that was just released by the Institute of International Finance, the total amount of debt in the world has reached a grand total of 315 trillion dollars

The world is mired in $315 trillion of debt, according to a report from the Institute of International Finance.

This global debt wave has been the biggest, fastest and most wide-ranging rise in debt since World War II, coinciding with the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This increase marks the second consecutive quarterly rise and was primarily driven by emerging markets, where debt surged to an unprecedented high of over $105 trillion—$55 trillion more than a decade ago,” the IIF said in its quarterly Global Debt Monitor report released in May.

We are in the midst of the greatest global debt binge in the history of the world.

Household debt is at a level we have never seen before, business debt is at a level we have never seen before, and government debt is at a level we have never seen before

Of the $315 trillion debt stock, household debt, which includes mortgages, credit cards and student debt, among others, amounted to $59.1 trillion.

Business debt, which corporations use to finance their operations and growth, stood at $164.5 trillion, with the financial sector alone making up $70.4 trillion of that amount. Public debt made up the rest at $91.4 trillion.

For the moment, conditions are at least somewhat relatively stable, and so everything seems fine.

But it won’t take much to push us over the edge.

For example, during a recent interview with Greg Hunter, Chris Martenson suggested that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan could trigger a sudden meltdown of the bond market

In a new market meltdown, Dr. Martenson sees chaos and gives a hypothetical example: “China attacks Taiwan, and there is a 10 sigma move in the bond market. Oh no, all these derivatives have blown up. These people are supposed to be winners, and these people are supposed to be all losers. No, no, they don’t have any money for that stuff. It’s too complicated. I don’t think anybody understands how this works anymore. I could not find anybody who could tell me the whole thing. I could find people who knew bits and pieces, but they knew their slice. . . . I am trying to stitch this thing all together. I get uncomfortable when I can’t answer the most basic questions, and that is how much risk is there in the system and where is it?”

In short, Dr. Martenson is worried about the whole financial system going down. Dr. Martenson says, “Yes, I am worried about the whole system going down, and that leads to all sorts of speculation. . . . Imagine this, we wake up one day, and the markets are not open on Monday. Oh no, glitch. Problem. Then, it’s two days and not open, three days not open. People are getting worried. Friday, and the markets are still not open. Monday comes, and they say it’s a super big problem, and we don’t know how to resolve it. . . . They offer you 100% value today in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) account or you can wait it out and hope it gets resolved, and it might take a decade.”

The moment that the Chinese invade Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war.

This is one of the three major wars that I have been warning about for a long time.

Unfortunately, the Chinese continue to become more aggressive toward Taiwan.  In fact, late last week they conducted the biggest practice run that we have seen so far

China wrapped up a two-day, large-scale military exercise Friday after its forces deployed 111 aircraft and 46 naval vessels to areas around Taiwan.

Taiwan’s National Defense Ministry said 82 Chinese military aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and some got very close to the 24-nautical-mile line that Taiwan uses to define its contiguous zone.

The military drills, branded as a “punishment” for Taiwan’s new president, Lai Ching-te, who China views as separatist, focused on conducting joint sea-air combat-readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control and joint precision strikes on key targets involving China’s army, navy, air force and rocket force.

Meanwhile, both sides just continue to escalate matters in Ukraine.

It is being reported that French forces will soon be heading to Ukraine to help “train” Ukrainian troops, and that is a very ominous development

Ukraine’s military says it is ‘welcoming’ French trainers in Ukraine, in new remarks which strongly suggest that for the first time France is deploying its troops to Ukraine soil. This marks the beginning of major ‘boots on the ground’ escalation in a formal, public capacity by a NATO state.

“Ukraine’s top commander said on Monday he had signed paperwork allowing French military instructors to visit Ukrainian training centers soon,” Reuters reported Monday, referencing head of the armed forces Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi.

“I am pleased to welcome France’s initiative to send instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian servicemen,” Syrskyi said following video link talks with French defense minister Sebastien Lecornu.

We are getting closer and closer to the day when western forces will be in direct conflict with Russian forces, and this is something that I have been warning about for many years.

The third major war that will greatly shake the entire planet is the war that has erupted in the Middle East.

Israeli forces keep going even deeper into Rafah, and the IDF and Hezbollah continue to exchange fire along the northern front.

Eventually this war is going to escalate to an extremely dangerous level, and we could potentially see that happen by the end of this calendar year.

In addition to military conflict, major pestilences are also a factor that could turn the global financial system upside down.

Earlier today, we learned that over 4 million chickens at just one farm in Iowa will have to be destroyed because of a bird flu outbreak there…

More than 4 million chickens in Iowa will have to be killed after a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu was detected at a large egg farm, the state announced Tuesday.

Crews are in the process of killing 4.2 million chickens after the disease was found at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa, making it the latest in a yearslong outbreak that now is affecting dairy cattle as well. Last week, the virus was confirmed at an egg farm west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, leading to the slaughter of nearly 1.4 million chickens.

Overall, 92.34 million birds have been killed since the outbreak began in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Please keep in mind that the figure that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is quoting is just for the United States.

Overall, hundreds of millions of birds have been killed around the globe since the beginning of this pandemic.

Let’s just hope that H5N1 does not mutate into a form that can spread easily from human to human, because if that happens our planet will be paralyzed by fear on a much higher level than we experienced during the last pandemic.

It is also being reported that a hemorrhagic fever that can cause “Ebola-like bleeding” is rapidly spreading among rodents in northern Europe…

A potentially deadly virus that can jump from animals to humans is already sweeping through northern Europe, putting the UK highly at risk.

The horrifying virus can be transmitted from rodents to humans and cause Ebola-like bleeding, according to new research.

Bank voles in Sweden carrying the pathogen have already infected two people, causing them to come down with a Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) – the same type of illness as Ebola.

I will be closely watching for any human cases of that disease, because any type of hemorrhagic fever that starts spreading widely among humans would cause a tremendous amount of panic.

On top of everything else, I believe that we should brace ourselves for unexpected natural disasters in the months ahead.

For example, our sun has been exceedingly active lately, and we are being warned that more coronal mass ejections may soon be heading our way

Earth could be hit by another powerful solar storm this week that is predicted to trigger radio blackouts and incredible northern light displays.

Earlier this month, the sun unleashed the most powerful streams of plasma, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), in 20 years, causing communication disruptions worldwide.

The sunspot that caused the chaos has swung back around and released a powerful flare toward Earth’s region on Monday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) a 60 percent chance of radio blackouts on Tuesday and throughout the rest of the week.

Before this current solar cycle is over, I believe that solar activity will make a lot more headlines.

So much is happening right now, but what we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what is coming.

It won’t be too long before we are being hit by one catastrophic event after another, and that is going to cause tremendous chaos for the global financial system.

So take advantage of this period of relative stability while you still can, because we are moving into a time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s extremely controversial new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “End Times”“7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”.  When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing.  You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter.  Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

Kangaroos Ask People To Stop Unfairly Comparing Them To U.S. Justice System | Babylon Bee

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AUSTRALIA — Kangaroos hosted a press conference today calling for a stop to demeaning comparisons to the United States justice system.

“Please, we beg you – stop comparing the U.S. legal system to a ‘kangaroo court’. It’s insulting to kangaroos everywhere,” said kangaroo spokeswoman Savannah Buttercup. “We are proud of our superior judicial system and would never, ever behave like those clowns in New York.”

According to sources, kangaroos across the globe were infuriated by the sudden deluge of people comparing their justice system to America. “It’s downright offensive. We kangaroos have a very fair system,” explained Buttercup. “Misdemeanors result in getting your ears boxed. Felonies will get you a kick, square in the squishy regions. Every kangaroo is subject to the same laws, no matter if you’re red or grey, tree-kangaroo or wallaby. Our system is light years ahead of the clown show that is America.”

At publishing time, a group of clowns had held a press conference calling on the kangaroos to stop comparing their shows to the U.S. legal system.

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