24 May 2024 News Briefing

Rare Tornado Hits Haiti, Injuring Dozens and Leaving Hundreds More Homeless
A rare tornado struck the northern Haitian community of Bassin-Bleu on Tuesday, injuring more than 50 people and leaving about 300 homeless, according to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs.

Memorial Day weekend severe weather forecast
The risk of severe weather is expected to continue through the Memorial Day weekend as threats of large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes will impact millions from Texas into the Northeast.

Nebraska, Iowa on alert for severe storms Thursday
Two days after devastating storms ravaged Nebraska and Iowa, causing widespread damage and flooding, another series of severe storms is poised to hit the same areas.

Bright green fireball over Montana, U.S. 
A bright green fireball illuminated the night sky over Montana, U.S., at approximately 05:45 UTC on May 21, 2024 (23:45 LT, May 20).

Monkeys dropping from trees, dying in Mexico heat wave: ‘Massive deaths’ claims conservation group
Heat-stressed, endangered howler monkeys are dropping out of trees and dying across Tabasco and Chiapas, Mexico, as the third relentless heat wave this season bakes the region.

NATO has become military wing of globalist cabal that promotes the self-destruction of all nations in a depopulated world
One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time
Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.  The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organization far more authority than it had during the last pandemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis.

Illinois Schools Will Soon Be Required To Indoctrinate Students With Man-Made ‘Climate Change’ 
With the United Nations and other powerful international players demanding more, government schools across Illinois will soon be required to indoctrinate every student with man-made “climate change” propaganda. But despite a brouhaha about the scheme, children across the state are already being bombarded with global-warming hysteria.

Netanyahu: Palestinian terrorists ‘cannot be given a state’ 
Plans by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize “Palestine” only seven months after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre constitute a reward for terrorism, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday night.

United Nations and World Invocation Day: A day to invoke satan and the antichrist
…The United Nations (“UN”) library was built by a group called the Lucifer Publishing Company, later changed to Lucis Trust. Lucis Trust cites the writings of Theosophical Society founder Helena Blavatsky constantly as the inspiration for their organisation. Since 1952, World Invocation Day has been observed every year on the day of the Gemini full moon. This year the day is being observed today, 23 May. It is marked by the use of the Great Invocation.

California legalizes human composting by 2027 for ‘eco-friendly’ burials
The human composting industry may not be legal yet in California, but residents found a workaround by flying the bodies of their deceased loved ones to a state where it is.

UK flood risk: We are being subjected to blatant lies, deception and misdirection
Yesterday, the Daily Mail published an article stating that Oliver Dowden, the UK Deputy Prime Minister, was going to advise people to make contingency plans for dealing with potential emergencies to help build ‘national resilience’ and ease pressure on emergency services. Dowden wants to encourage families to stock up with enough food and water to survive for three days in the event of an emergency like a flood.

Maryland: Governor signs bill ousting Hamas-linked CAIR from state hate crimes monitoring board
Richly deserved and long overdue. In fact, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) never should have been on the board in the first place. Also, there should be no such board. A crime is a crime. If you assault someone, you should be prosecuted. If you assault someone while calling him a racial slur, you should be prosecuted. “Hate crime” is a concept that is predicated upon the assumption that there is speech that should be prohibited. This opens the way to larger restrictions on speech, and to tyranny.

Ruling Class “Advances” Its “Plan” To Produce 4.8 Million Bird Flu “Vaccines” 
The Health and Human Services arm of the ruling class is now “advancing” its preplanned scamdemic “vaccines” for the bird flu. In order to “prepare” for the next plandemic, the ruling class is going to be creating 4.8 million H5N1 avian influenza shots along with a propaganda campaign to convince the slave class to get injected, once again.

Headlines – 5/24/2024

Elise Stefanik: ‘One of the reasons Trump will win is that the American people understand that we need to stand with Israel’

Spanish official: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

The War Is Shifting Europe’s Politics Away From Israel

Norway’s FM: Palestine recognition is an ‘anti-Hamas’ step, pushes two-state vision

Collapse or Recognition? The Palestinian Leadership Faces a Moment of Truth

Palestinians React With Joy – and Some Cynicism – to State Recognition by Spain, Ireland and Norway

In Ramallah, Palestinians welcome recognition by 3 countries with cautious optimism

Colombia’s Marxist President Replaces Israel Embassy with Office in Ramallah

IDF confirms Netanyahu got 4 strategic warnings prior to Oct. 7

Netanyahu Denies That the Israeli Army Warned Him Before October 7 of Hamas’ Intention to Attack Israel

Gantz demands immediate formation of state commission of inquiry into Oct. 7 failures

IDF says Netanyahu was warned 4 times in 2023 about how enemies saw internal discord

Visa bans for ICC officials urged by bipartisan senators after Israel arrest warrant requests

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA): Never a Wrong Time to Recognize Palestinian State, Should Have South Africa-Style Commission for Israel

Israel said bracing for worst as ICJ to rule Friday on demand to order end to Gaza war

Israeli Officials Fear ICJ Will Rule to Halt Gaza Fighting, Brace for Sanctions

Israeli PM denies starving Gaza civilians as method of war branding ICC arrest application ‘lies’

IDF continues operations across Gaza, ‘eliminating several terrorists’

IDF finds rockets in Rafah graveyard as troops push deeper into south Gaza city

IDF: 2 rockets fired from Gaza strike open areas near southern city of Ofakim; none hurt

Israel’s economic response fails to address war needs, says former central bank head

US treasury chief troubled by Smotrich’s threat to cut off Palestinian banks

Yellen Warns Israel Against Cutting off Palestinian Banks

Israel’s latest offensives unleash ‘hell’ in Gaza, aid groups say

IDF Investigation Finds Israeli Forces Breached Regulations, Mistakenly Killed UN Aid Worker in Rafah

‘Stairway to hell:’ A visit to the Gaza tunnel where hostage bodies were found

Under a rug in Gazan home, IDF troops found shaft leading to bodies of 4 hostages

Summoned envoys from 3 nations recognizing Palestinian state shown new Oct. 7 footage

Like father, like son – Hamas terrorists confess to rape, murder of civilians on October 7

IDF airs interrogation clips of terrorist father and son confessing to rape on Oct. 7

Father-son Hamas terrorists casually describe taking turns raping Israeli woman, then executing her, in bone-chilling video

‘Horrific’: World shocked by Hamas cruelty toward female Israeli captives

‘This is not Islam:’ Arab Israeli singer calls out Hamas’ abuse of female soldiers

Why did Reuters decide to change subtitles of horrific Hamas video? Reuters’ translations rendered a sanitized version

CIA director set to meet with Mossad chief in Europe to try to revive hostage talks

Whistleblowers allege widespread abuses at Israeli detention camp – Sources describe Palestinian inmates being beaten, kept shackled to hospital beds or made to stand for hours

Israel Police to Pay 20,000 Shekels in Damages to Palestinian Journalist Beaten by Cops at Al-Aqsa

Ra’am says Israel committing ‘unforgivable’ crimes against humanity in Gaza

Comedian Dave Chappelle calls Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza ‘a genocide’

Anti-Israel protesters deface historic London cinema

U.K. Snap Election Means Six Ugly Weeks for British Jews and Muslims – The outcome of the next U.K. election will have zero influence over the war in Gaza. But both the Conservatives and the far left hope that by injecting it into the campaign, they will put pressure on Labour leader Keir Starmer and turn Muslim voters against him

Hundreds of graduates walk out of Harvard commencement, chanting ‘Free Palestine’

Rubio demands Columbia president refund students after takeover by ‘lawless, pro-Hamas rioters’

Police descend on UCLA after protesters erect new pro-Palestinian encampment

Stefanik spars with head of top school over failing grade on antisemitism, stunning whistleblower claim

Dr. Yoram Hazony: “The West is suffering from an immense post-biblical void – They have removed the Bible from the curriculum of the US and Europe, and the outcome is that they are simply falling apart at the seams internally and too weak to deal with their external threats”

Goat Dies as Israeli Woman Attempts to Sneak It Into Temple Mount for Sacrifice

Police use water cannons to disperse Haredi protest against IDF draft in Jerusalem; 2 arrested

Israeli troops leave Jenin after 40-hour raid; 8 gunmen reported among 12 dead

Over 1,000 northern residents block traffic near Kibbutz Amiad, demanding to return to their homes

Dozens of rockets pound north after IDF strike kills top Hezbollah arms dealer

Children and elderly people tortured at Syria military prison, Paris court told

Iran-backed militia in Iraq claims attempted drone attack on ‘vital target’ in Eilat

Tens of thousands in attendance as Raisi is buried in Iran’s Imam Reza shrine – Services fail to draw same crowds as those seen at funeral for Soleimani in 2020, in possible sign of country’s feelings

Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

China Holds Taiwan War Games, Vows Blood Of ‘Independence Forces’

China starts ‘punishment’ military drills around Taiwan days after island swears in new leader

China unveils robot ‘dogs of wars’ with machine guns mounted on their backs – and handlers must ‘keep them on leash’

The world’s top chipmakers can flip a ‘kill switch’ should China invade Taiwan, Bloomberg reports

Ukrainian Drones Hit Russian Military Factories 1,000 KM Away

US plan may boost NATO arms production for Ukraine

US will announce $275 million more in artillery and ammunition for Ukraine, officials say

‘New ground is being broken’: EU seizes Russian profits for Ukraine

With Ukraine losing ground, allies debate how to squeeze cash for Kyiv out of frozen Russian assets

As Slovakia’s Prime Minister Remains Hospitalized, Politics Return to a Boil

America Will Be A ‘Nation Of Renters’ As Prices Soar Beyond Wages Under Biden’s Watch, Says Grant Cardone

Americans forgoing summer vacations amid rising price of everything: Fox News poll

CIA Blocked DOJ from Questioning Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s Sugar Brother, Whistleblower Emails Show

Election Analyst Nate Silver: Biden May Have to Step Aside

Comey: Trump election interference case ‘much stronger than I imagined’

Comey: ‘Overwhelming Chance’ Trump Will Be Convicted in New York Business Records Trial

Critics Rip Bragg’s Office, Judge Merchan for Process in Trump Trial: ‘Outrageous, Unethical, Unlawful’

“Calm Down!” – Judge Cannon Scolds Jack Smith’s Prosecutor After He Throws Tantrum, Pounds Fists on Podium During Hearing to Dismiss Classified Docs Case

Revelation of secret Obama-era program casts doubt on stated reason for Trump Mar-a-Lago raid

Garland blasts Trump’s rhetoric on FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid: ‘Extremely dangerous’

DA Fani Willis appeals decision to dismiss charges in Trump election case

Flags outside of Alito’s houses spark political backlash as Supreme Court nears end of term

“No blaming it on his spouse”: Critics say seditious Alito flags expose his “Christian nationalism”

FCC will consider rules for AI-generated political ads on TV and radio, but can’t touch streaming

Artificial intelligence town halls? House committee weighs new approach before writing AI rules

Arizona lawmaker says ChatGPT helped draft new deepfakes law

AI Relies On Mass Surveillance, Warns Signal Boss

China builds Xi Jinping AI chatbot to control ‘thoughts, politics and actions’ of citizens while US rivals are blocked – The data the chatbot has been trained on is designed to have “core socialist values”

Seoul AI summit aims to fill regulatory vacuum, but critics say voluntary pledges fall short

Nolte: Desperate Washington Post Turns to AI After Brutal $77 Million Loss

ChatGPT Developer OpenAI Partners with News Corp. to ‘Enhance’ AI Products

Startup claims they have created AI head transplant system, plans to perform first procedure within decade

Elon Musk’s Ultimatum: 25% Control or No AI and Robotics at Tesla

A Tesla owner says his car’s ‘self-driving’ technology failed to detect a moving train ahead of a crash caught on camera

SpaceX launches first satellites for new US spy constellation

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits the Southwest Indian Ridge

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the Carlsberg Ridge

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Gerash, Iran

Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 23,000ft

Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 23,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft

Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 19,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft

Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,000ft

Dukono volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft

Record ocean temperatures and La Nina signal ‘extraordinary’ Atlantic hurricane season

NOAA issues its most aggressive hurricane season forecast on record

New preseason hurricane forecast is highest ever issued. Brace yourself, Florida

Disturbance near Caribbean islands could develop before hurricane season begins

Rare Tornado Hits Haiti, Injuring Dozens and Leaving Hundreds More Homeless

Tornado causes havoc in Texas as record-breaking heat wave looms

Disaster declaration issued in Temple, Texas, after tornado – Wednesday was the 17th consecutive day with widespread severe weather in the United States

17 more Iowa counties declared disaster areas

More bad weather could hit Iowa, where 3 powerful tornadoes caused millions in damage

Is climate change making hailstones larger? The last two years have been banner years for large hail reports.

‘Heat dome’ leads to sweltering temperatures in Central America and the U.S. South

Reeling from one heat wave, Mexico awaits ‘highest temperatures ever recorded’

Dead Monkeys Are Falling From Trees Amid Brutal Heat in Mexico

Scientists worry so-called “Doomsday Glacier” is near collapse, satellite data reveals

U.S. Reaches $310 Million Settlement with Norfolk Southern Over Toxic East Palestine Train Derailment

About those ‘all electric’ ‘zero emissions’ fire trucks, they have diesel engines

Pope Francis congratulated California governor Gavin Newsom for his refusal to carry out the death penalty and for California’s leadership in fighting climate change

Retailers use police-like investigation centers to fight theft. Shoppers pay the price

Dem House candidate introduced ‘soft-on-crime’ bill backed by defund police groups: ‘Slap in the face’

Illinois Democrats Want to Change Term ‘Offender’ to ‘Justice-Impacted Individual’

Laughlin Air Force Base breached by Mexican national who ran from Border Patrol agents: CBP

‘Crisis to the front gates’: GOP governor rips Biden after illegal immigrants tried to breach military base

Turkish illegal immigrant says he paid $10,000 to cartel to enter US after legal application rejected

U.S. Customs Begins Tracking Criminal Activity by Venezuelan Tren de Aragua Gang

Illegal Aliens Caught Staging Armed Robberies So ‘Victims’ Can Apply For Green Cards

Schumer’s Revived Border Bill Promises ‘Orderly’ Flood of Economic Migrants

Sen. Tim Scott: Democrats Are ‘Virtue Signaling’ on Immigration to Keep Senate Control

Speaker Johnson: ‘Sinister’ Dems Want to Turn Illegal Immigrants Into Voters

Most Democrats voted against House-passed bill repealing D.C. law allowing noncitizens to vote

Illegal Migrants Hurry to Cross Southern Border: ‘We Don’t Want Trump’

UCLA Medical School Students Failing Thanks To DEI Policies

Whistleblower Claims Race-Based Admissions Have Turned UCLA into a ‘Failed Medical School’ – Elon Musk Warns of Risking Patient Lives with Incompetent Doctors

Pope clears way for ‘God’s influencer’ to become a saint

Florida priest charged for biting arm of woman he says was desecrating Eucharist

Nuns Denounce Pope Francis, Break From Catholic Church

Activists chide pope over handling of sex abuse and cover-ups

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of drugging, sexually assaulting model in new lawsuit

RFK Jr celebrates an infamous Dem gay rights leader Harvey Milk who was accused of grooming minors

Christian California Teacher Fired for Standing Against Trans Policies Discusses Role Faith Plays

Seattle Public Schools’ healthcare clinic offers sex change treatments for students

Biden Co-Chair: Letting States Decide Abortion Like Letting Them Decide Slavery, Biden Doesn’t Believe in Restrictions

Blue state gov signs bill to help doctors evade neighboring state’s abortion law: ‘Oppressive and dangerous’

Louisiana Republican Says Criminalizing Possession of Abortion Pills Is “Good for Women”

Cannabis Tops Alcohol as Americans’ Daily Drug of Choice

China Debuts Rival to Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip

Deadly pathogen that wiped out Eilat’s sea urchins reaches Indian Ocean

New COVID FLiRT variants spike as FDA delays key vaccine meeting

Commentary: NIH’s 2017 Reversal of Gain-of-Function Research Ban Only Applied to 2 Virus Families: Coronavirus and Influenza – One Caused the 2019 COVID Pandemic, the Other Is About to Cause a Bird Flu Pandemic

U.S. Bars Peter Daszak from Funding for ‘Improper Conduct’ at Wuhan Lab

Alberta premier’s support for town hall questioning COVID vaccines worries experts

Healthcare Kaiser Permanente in Desperate Plea – Begs Unvaccinated Doctors Previously Fired Over Draconian COVID Vaccine Mandates to Come Back

CDC says vaccination could protect the U.S. from more dangerous mpox virus

Source: http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

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