Day 24: The Unfailing Love of God – The Daily Declaration


Three Days of 24/7 Prayer in May

Join us on Zoom link anytime from 8 PM Friday 24 May to 9 PM Monday 27 May (AEST).


To go deeper in God’s love so that we can give to others what we have first received.


“We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in Him.”

– 1 John 4:16


So often I am struck by the goodness of God. When ministering on outreach, on the street or even in a church setting, I can’t help but notice that God has set people up, sent them to our street corner or been whispering “that song” over them. God continues to pour out His Spirit despite our inadequacies and failings.

The Bible teaches us that He became sin, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21). Yes, we are His very own sons and daughters, ambassadors in this world. As ambassadors, we plead with our family, our neighbours, our cities and our leaders to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:19–20).

This ministry of reconciliation we have been given has nothing to do with us. Yet, in our performance-driven society, we very often forget it. Our ministry is not based on our ability, talents, personality types, ‘worthiness’, or (dare I say it) – even our anointings.

No! It is only based on the goodness of God.

You see, for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). You and I have been made worthy by His blood.

It’s not because of what we’ve done. It’s only because of what He has done.

God is even more desperate to pour out His Spirit on those around us than we are. When we step out despite ourselves, the Holy Spirit is more than ready to encounter that person. Should we be surprised?

It’s His love, His strength, His heart for the nations. Again and again, I am amazed at how my simple obedience, even in my weakness, becomes a magnet for God’s favour and power.

So, this question remains: How can we become living tabernacles of God, ever-ready with the love and power of God?

Indeed, how can anyone give the love of God unless he has first received it? The apostle John wrote in 1 John 4:16, “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in Him.”

It is not enough to intellectually ‘know’ the love of God. We must believe it. And John himself did not stop at knowing and believing. He spoke God’s love over himself, gave himself a new nickname, “the beloved disciple”, and even wrote about it to others!

Right now, let’s make this declaration: “I am the one Jesus loves”. May we become the people who not only know about God’s love but also believe it for ourselves and others.

Above all, the hallmarks of true revival are people who have radically encountered the love of God and been transformed by it – long after the meetings have ended. It is this transformation in His presence, that we must make space for in every day of our lives.



Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, forgive us for our busyness, our distractions and our striving. Lord, mark us with Your love and mark us with Your holy fire. May we become living and walking tabernacles of Your presence, so consumed with Your love. May we find ourselves immersed in You, wherever, whenever and however You lead. For in You, we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).

Lord, may it be Your personal, unfailing love that I encounter and live out of each day. Lord, make me a vessel of Your holiness, washed in the blood, a yielded target for Your power and favour. I want to find the love of Jesus and live each day to love Him back.

Thank You, Jesus, for your radical, unfailing love for me. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Author Bio

Charlotte Jane

Charlotte has been singing, playing and creating music for as long as she can remember. Upon arriving in Australia, she stepped into the world of jazz, gigging with many of the country’s finest musicians. She holds a Graduate Certificate in vocal pedagogy from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Her music ministry can be found here.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO Month 2024

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. 1 Chron 16:23–31.
  2. To pray for revival, repentance and deliverance for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Acts 2:1–41.
  3. To pray for five people by name to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20.

We invite you to support this prayer campaign to multiply prayer in Australia for revival and see millions come to Christ. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us promote prayer and make a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ His Son.

Join us for our nightly Zoom prayer call:

DATES: Every night in May

TIME: 8 PM (AEST); 7:30 PM (ACST); 6 PM (AWST)


Daily devotions are brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.

View GO Month 2024 devotionals on the Daily Declaration website.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

The post Day 24: The Unfailing Love of God appeared first on The Daily Declaration.

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