Austria: Thousands protest vaccine mandate and COVID restrix in Vienna at 2nd ‘Sea of Lights’

Thousands of protesters marched through Vienna’s city centre with candles and lights to decry compulsory vaccinations and COVID-19 measures on Sunday. The march comes as a counterprotest in response to last weeks ‘Sea of Lights’ candlelight vigil in honour of the lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic, where an estimate of 40,000 people we present.

Source: Austria: Thousands protest vaccine mandate and COVID restrix in Vienna at 2nd ‘Sea of Lights’

2 thoughts on “Austria: Thousands protest vaccine mandate and COVID restrix in Vienna at 2nd ‘Sea of Lights’

  1. Pingback: Protesta kundër vaksinimit/ Me qirinj në duar, mijëra persona dalin në rrugët e Vjenës - Gazeta Bulevard

  2. Pingback: Protesta kundër vaksinimit/Me qirinj në duar, mijëra persona në rrugët e Vjenës - StraTirana

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