August 14, 2015 Truth2Freedom Christian Briefing Report



Six Christians Attacked with Cleansing Agent, Called ‘Scum’ Outside Oregon Planned Parenthood

(CN) — At least six Christians were attacked with a cleansing agent on Wednesday while preaching the gospel and standing for life outside of a Planned Parenthood facility in Portland, Oregon, but the man who committed with the act was not arrested and was let go without charges.

The pro-life outreach was part of the Biblical Church Evangelism Conference hosted by Beaverton Grace Bible Church and organized by its pastor, Chuck O’Neal.

T.D. Jakes Rebuked by Black Leader for ‘Riding Two Horses’ on ‘Gay Marriage’ in Recent Statements

(CN) — A prominent black leader is calling out T.D. Jakes for his recent comments on homosexuality—including a formal statement yesterday—which indicate that while Jakes is personally opposed to “gay marriage,” he supports the government granting homosexuals the right to “marry” and believes that practicing homosexuals should attend churches that affirm their lifestyle.

“I think he’s trying to ride two horses at the same time,” Jesse Lee Peterson, a California pastor, president of the organization BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), and leader of the BOND Leadership Academy for youth, told Christian News Network.

Hillsong Choir’s ‘Gay Couple’ Contradicts Brian Houston: ‘We Have Been Open, Forthright from Get-Go’

(CN) — Two “engaged” homosexual men who have served as ministry leaders at Hillsong’s New York campus have released a statement contradicting claims from leader Brian Houston, outlining that the church has known about their homosexuality from the “very beginning” and still allowed them to serve in ministry roles.

As previously reported, Josh Canfield, a Broadway performer, told Playbill earlier this year that he had become engaged to his boyfriend, Reed Kelly. Both had been featured on the reality show “Survivor: San Juan del Sur—Blood vs. Water.” He outlined that he is a choir director at Hillsong New York City and that he had admitted his homosexuality to his church.

‘I Don’t Believe in God’: Atheist Minister Resists Effort to Boot Her from United Church of Canada

(CN) — An ordained minister with the United Church of Canada is resisting efforts to oust her from the pulpit because she is an atheist.

“I don’t believe in … the god called God,” Gretta Vosper told the Globe and Mail. “Using the word gets in the way of sharing what I want to share.”

She said that she believes the Bible is “mythology,” and denies that Jesus is the Son of God.

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Politics and Christianity

Every four years Americans are given a choice between several political candidates to choose from as our next President.  And of course every one of them promises to “make America great again”.  As Christians we are, of course, to follow Jesus Christ.  Unfortunately, He is not on the ballot.  So how do we balance the […]

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Applying 2 Timothy to the Church Today

When you think of the prophetic books of the Bible, 2 Timothy does not usually jump out first.  But Paul’s message to Timothy warns and encourages not only Timothy, but is also a great teaching for us who live in a post-modern world where individual “morality” has replaced the concept of absolute truth.  Paul’s words […]

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If only Walter Palmer had killed baby humans instead of Cecil the Lion…

The world is in shock. The masses are horrified. Supermodels lead waves of international outrage. Jimmy Kimmel chokes up on air at the mind-blowing ugliness and brutality of it all. “A coward and a killer” sign is placed on the door of the healthcare business owned and operated by Walter Palmer, perpetrator of the repulsive act of extreme evil that has […]

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Everything orbits the Son.

Whether it’s the earth and its moon or the little yellow star around which they twirl, everything ultimately revolves around Christ. Whether Voyager in space or Enterprise in the minds of men, everything ultimately serves Him. Whether art or science or economics or law, everything ultimately lives through Him. That’s the creation in which we live, […]

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Presuppositional Law: Where we begin with law determines where we end.

What is law? What is the basis for law? What ultimately determines whether a thing is lawful or lawless? What we often automatically and unconsciously presuppose about the origin and nature of law determines what we will allow ourselves to see and consider from that point forward. Our presuppositions about the essence of law dictate which “truths” we […]

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The (All-American) Demonic Defenses of Planned Parenthood

If one thing is being made painfully clear these days, it’s that America is a thoroughly satanic culture. Pride defines us. And we’re proud of that. “We the People” see ourselves (and are encouraged by our Corporate-owned American State to see ourselves) as the gold standard for goodness on earth. We’re the “last best hope for humanity”. We’re […]

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A Move of Jesus in the Muslim World?

The spread of radical Muslim terrorism is a real crisis–one that is starting to hit nearly every nation on earth.  Christians being slaughtered for refusing to renounce Jesus Christ has become an almost daily event. But some are reporting that there is a movement of Jesus Christ–the true Jesus Christ–in the Muslim world.  And many […]

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New Campaign Rallies Millions Of US Christians To Urge Congress To Kill Iran Deal

A new campaign is working to rally millions of US Christians to call on Congress to nix the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. The campaign, which is led by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, warns that the Islamic Republic cannot be trusted and intends to destroy both the US and Israel. ………..  Click here for full story

Did Isaac Newton Predict Major Turn In Bible Prophecy This September?

The date Sept. 23 has become ubiquitous among the writings of many prophecy watchers. They don’t know what, if anything, will happen on that date but they question why it keeps popping up everywhere: in movies and concerts, on the pope’s appointment calendar, in the statements of politicians and the calculations of a famous mathematician from the 18th century. Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist and devout Christian, had a burning desire to study end-times prophecies of Christ’s return. He had a particular interest in Daniel’s prophecies, and he put together calculations that point to Sept. 23, 2015, as a key date………….  Click here for full story

Is Your Hope in the US or the I AM ?

“We are going to take America back for Jesus!” “It’s time to rise up and claim our nation for the Lord.” “Vote em’ all out and put some Christians in Washington.” “We are a Christian nation!”

There is a cycle I witness approximately every four years. It is the cycle of many Christians in America getting on the bandwagon of the: Peace & safety through America mindset. There are different variations of this belief, but at the core is this notion: If we get the right people in office, abolish certain items, and fill this nation with Christian principles, we’ll turn America around. . .

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Is Obama Paving the Way for the Antichrist?

Some Christian leaders say yes . . .

“Although President Obama is certainly not the Antichrist, his policies are paving the way for the Antichrist,” said Pastory Robert Jeffress, Jr., of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, Christian Today reported. “While I am not suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he was able to propose such a sweeping change in God’s law and still win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world leader will be able to oppose God’s laws without any repercussions.”

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The Universe Is Steadily Deteriorating And So Is The Human Race – Why Is This Happening?

There is a common misconception that humanity has been constantly improving and getting better, but scientists have discovered that the exact opposite is actually true. So why is this happening? Why is everything steadily decaying and deteriorating?

These are questions that our scientists don’t really have quality answers for.

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Court: Christian baker must provide wedding cakes for same-sex couples – Todd Starnes

A family bakery owned by a Christian cannot refuse to make wedding cakes for homosexual couples, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.

The court affirmed the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s order that Jack Phillips, the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop, violated the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act when he refused to make a wedding cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins.

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On Birthdays and Iran

Rumor has it that when a group of 22 Jewish leaders gathered in the Cabinet Room on President Obama’s birthday, he told them: “It’s my birthday and I’m going to be blunt.” At least one quote has it that Mr. Obama complained:

“…it’s been a really busy day. You’d think they’d be nicer to me on my birthday but it’s a tight schedule and I wanted to make sure we had a few hours to discuss this important issue.”

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Carly Fiorina’s Post 9/11 Speech in Praise of Islam Resurfaces

Consider her claims about Islam and America. She says, America is “indebted” to the Islamic civilization, whose “gifts are very much a part of our heritage.”

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Rand Paul and Aid to Israel – Hal Lindsey

Responding to a question from Bret Baier, one of the evening’s moderators, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who favors eliminating all U.S. foreign aid, said, “Each one of my budgets has taken a meat axe to foreign aid….”

When asked if that would harm Israel, Paul said, “…even Benjamin Netanyahu said that, ultimately, they will be stronger when they’re independent.”

Baier followed up by asking: “But you still say that Israel could be one of the countries that is cut from financial aid?”

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Lucifer Makes Prime Time

Jan’s first guest is World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah who says journalists can hardly keep up with breaking news. He also talks about his transformation from a far leftist progressive when he began in journalism to a Bible-believing Christian. Then Jill Martin Rische and Jan discuss the forthcoming Fox TV presentation “Lucifer” due to debut in 2016. They also sound a warning about the popular “Charlie Charlie” demon game that teens are playing around the world. All ages will benefit from Rische’s understanding and warnings about occult-based issues. We use the mobile app found at

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Why I Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

By Nathan Jones–Lamb Lion Ministry

11 reasons why Jesus will come back before the Tribulation

Frequently I am asked to explain or defend the end-time view of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. For that topic, lots of Bible verses, readings and references rattle around in my skull. I can extract each like a Powerball out of an air machine and present it to the inquiring mind, but never in a linear, comprehensive manner in which I particularly appreciate. And so, this article is my attempt to organize my brain on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. You’re welcome to come along on the journey!

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Christians: We’re Losing Our Religion

Slowly but surely, America is turning against (not just away from) the same God it relied on to establish the freest, most prosperous nation in history.

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How are evangelicals helping the Church of Rome to reverse the Reformation? Mike Gendron names names and gives quotes of people like Pastor Robert Jeffress calling Pope Benedict a Christian. How should Christians respond? Watch now before this program rolls into the Situation Room. Click here to watch now:…  

WVW-TV Presents: There is Only One Babylon But There Are Two Harlots

THERE IS ONLY ONE BABYLON BUT THERE ARE TWO HARLOTS What is the true interpretation of Revelation 17 & 18 in regards to the great harlot church and city of Babylon? Many theologians teach Revelation 17 as though the the harlot of Revelation 17:1 and the Mother of harlots of Revelation 17:5 are in the same. Some teach that there is a spiritual Babylon in Rome and a Commercial Babylon in actual Babylon. In this study you will see that there are two harlots but only one Babylon. Watch now before this program rolls into the Situation Room for members only. Click here to watch now: http://www….

This ‘n’ That

  • This looks like it will be an amazing trip. I wish I could go!
  • Clint Archer discusses disorderly eating at The Cripplegate.
  • Oh, well, this sounds like it will be really…well, it will really be something.
  • I kind of think I want to go for a ride in a hot air balloon.
  • Here’s your weekly dose of adorable.
  • Listen as No Compromise Radio’s Steve Cooley (aka, The Tuesday Guy) discusses the social gospel on the Echozoe podcast.
  • There are so many things in this article that make me sad.
  • Because this might give you a chuckle.
  • As usual, Carl Trueman nails it, this time in regard to the Tullian issue.
  • Sexual sin does not ‘just happen,’ and one does not simply ‘fall into it.'”
  • Paul—his cloak and his books.
  • Christ is the true vine.

First Shock, then Winning Hearts

The content of these Planned Parenthood videos is difficult to take in, but they are a great opportunity for advancing the truth. I’ll point you to two people who can help us. Listen Now | Download


Seven Practices of a Listening Leader | Eric Geiger

Three Reasons Not to Homeschool | Christina Fox

I Want a Bigger Bible | TGC: Trevin Wax

High School Senior, Prepare to Launch | TGC: Joe Rigney

Free eBook: The State of American Theology | Ligonier

The Sixth Planned Parenthood Video | TGC: Justin Taylor

What Will Please God?

What Will Please God?What kind of heart and faith pleases God? In this lab, John Piper looks at several texts to try and understand what it means for us to fear God. How can we be terrified of God and still find hope in him at the same time?

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Bob Wilkins, False Faith, Lordship, and Assurance

Did a Radio Free Geneva today reviewing this video by Bob Wilkins on Calvinists and assurance.  Since he mentioned me by name, seemed appropriate to revisit this important issue.

Here is the YouTube link:

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Colorado Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Against Christian Baker | World Magazine
“The Colorado Court of Appeals upheld a ruling today that a Christian baker must make wedding cakes for same-sex couples or pay fines.”

Was Jesus Morally Depraved? An Assessment | Ref 21: Carlton Wynne
Very important subject with massive and serious consequences if you answer “yes.”

Undercover Videos Critical To Exposing Abuse | USA Today
An animal rights activist defends the use of undercover videos in general because “wrongdoing would go unseen, unpunished without undercover video investigation.”

Short Studies in Biblical Theology | Dane Ortlund
Dane introduces an excellent new series of short books on biblical theology. Yes, you read that right, short books on biblical theology.

Target To Move Away From Gender-Based Signs | Denny Burk
Time to move away from target perhaps.

8 Habits of Christians Who Live Out Their Faith Every Day, Not Just on Sunday

As our society grows more and more complex, our ability to juggle it all deteriorates. We make choices as to which activity, passion or pursuit we’ll entertain with our attention. And in the midst of this, we often push our faith to the margins of our life—to become something we do on the side, when we’re not focusing on our career or taking care of our family.

The danger of today is that in this excess of choice, we’ll choose everything and let the things that matter drown in our flooded schedules.

This is what has happened to many of us. We’ve let our faith become a Sunday thing, not a 24/7 thing.

Of course, I speak this from experience. There were times when I was overwhelmed with zeal and passion for ministry, and then other times when I struggled to do my devotionals. I still struggle with living faith out every day, especially amidst my heavy entrepreneurial schedule. But in bearing the dissatisfaction of a complacent faith, I forced myself to adopt new habits—habits that would allow me to bring my faith to the center of things again.

They are habits I learned from watching others and following their example. Now I’ve put a vocabulary to what they did differently. Consider these few habits, and learn from their example as well:

1. They have restorative times built into their days.

A pastor I know is an introvert, but with his job, he can easily be with people all day. He knows what he needs for his wellbeing is times in which he is quiet and still—but not times in which he is doing nothing. In this time, he is consuming God’s wisdom and taking the time to let something higher influence his actions.

This is what we all need for a healthy faith. In a time where messages are always being thrown at us, we need the space and quiet to let the right thing speak to us. It’s how we oil the gears of our faith so it can operate daily.

2. They don’t see service to others as a special, designated time.

Bob Goff, the author of Love Does, never saw love as something to schedule. He was always acting on his love in whimsical, daily ways. But today, we often designate this kind of service as something special or unique. In our small groups, we set aside time where we work in the soup kitchen. We designate blocked off times to do an act of love. And then we return to not practicing it daily.

We can’t make this distinction with service any longer. Christians are meant to exude this serving love every day, and the more we entertain this perspective of service being something special we do, the more we divorce it from our daily lives.

Love should not be something we schedule. Love should be a reflex.

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Eight Steps to More Effective Discipleship – Rainer on Leadership #150

Podcast Episode #150

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes • RSS • Stitcher • TuneIn Radio

On today’s episode, we discuss a recent post by Chuck Lawless on discipleship and cover eight steps that can lead to more effective discipleship in your church. We also reveal some lead indicators which show that discipleship is growing in your church.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • The entire Bible is a discipleship passage—not just certain verses.
  • You will catch more people by example than by dictating.
  • Discipleship is not just content delivery.
  • Pastor will work for hours upon hours on their sermon but not have a clue what is being taught in the small groups in their churches.
  • True accountability takes place in healthy relationships.
  • One of my pet peeves is the silo-ing of evangelism and discipleship.
  • Committed church members used to be at church three times a week—now it’s three times a month.
  • Just because you’re showing up at church doesn’t mean you’re growing as a disciple.
  • If a mom and dad aren’t training their children, they are missing one of the most effective forms of discipleship.
  • Oddly, one of the lead metrics of discipleship growth in a church is giving.

The eight steps to more effective discipleship in your church are:

  1. Lead by example.
  2. Focus on content, application, and accountability.
  3. Ensure evangelism is part of the process.
  4. Church attendance is a good start but it’s not everything.
  5. It takes time and patience to change the discipleship DNA of established churches.
  6. Personal mentoring is one of the most effective forms of discipleship.
  7. Your personal discipleship must not be neglected.
  8. Parents need to be trained to make disciples in the home.


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A La Carte (August 14)

Today’s Kindle deals include many of B&H’s “Perspectives” books which are down to $0.99 each: Perspectives on the Sabbath; Perspectives on the Ending of Mark; Perspectives on Your Child’s Education; Perspectives on Family Ministry; Perspectives on the Doctrine of God; Perspectives on Election; Perspective on Children’s Spiritual Formation; Perspectives on Church Government; Perspectives on Christian Worship. Also consider Preaching in the Holy Spirit by Albert Martin ($3.99); Found: God’s Peace by John MacArthur ($1.99); How to Study the Bible by John MacArthur ($4.61).

We’re All Sadists Now

Carl Trueman: “DeSade’s ideal world is that to which we appear to be heading. Like him, we deny any intrinsic moral significance to sexual activity whatsoever and thus see it as something which is of no more ethical importance than buying a cup of coffee or eating a sandwich.”

The Story

You will enjoy this video which tells how it all began and how it will never end.

Exposing the Hate

“Abortion, racism, violence, moral apathy, and political posturing. This is the suffocating and nauseating smog that dominates American News. It makes Christian’s pray, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Lord.”

This Day in 1822: James Strong was born. The great labor of Strong’s life would be Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The concordance, which would take him thirty-five years to complete, is still widely used today. *

What To Do After You Preach

Dave Harvey has some wise counsel for preachers. “The conclusion of a sermon is a dangerous moment for the preacher.”

The Coddling of the American Mind

There are lots of interesting takeaways from this article about trigger warnings and the coddling of the American mind. “In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.”

What It’s Like When You Publish a Book

Nick’s experience of publishing his first book sounds an awful lot like mine.

Sophisticated Temples of Modern Idolatry


For decades, the consumeristic and narcissistic culture in which we live has served the unsuspecting and unconscious worshippers of North America with extravagant buildings in which to showcase the idols of a sophisticatedly synchronistic and paganistic society. In his profoundly insightful and influential 1989 article, “Mall Culture,” Steven L. Shepherd writes:

The malls are the Temples of our culture, and going to the mall is–in truth–an initiation rite. The shopkeepers should be glad about this behavior, because, as the children gaze through the windows of the well-stocked shelves within, they are learning to want, learning to ache for things supplied by others of which there can never be enough…Going to the mall is part of the relentless and powerful seduction of our children by that portion of our culture that affords human beings no more value than the contents of their wallets. It is part of the initiation into a life of wanting that can never be sated, of material desire that will never be satisfied, of slaving to buy and to have, of a life predicated upon unhappiness and discontent.1

Taking a cue from Shepherd, John Pahl, Stanley Hauerwas and James K. A. Smith have helpfully developed this idea in a more robustly theological and sociological way. For instance, Smith notes:

Let’s keep in mind that the mall is a sort of intensification of a wider web of practices and rituals associated with consumer capitalism. In this sense, one may say that marketing is the Mall’s evangelism; television commercials, billboards, internet pop-ups and magazine advertisements are the mall’s outreach. The rituals and practices of the mall and the market are tactile and visceral–they capture our imaginations through the sense of sight and sound, touch and taste, even smell. The hip, happy people that populate television commercials are the moving icons of the consumer gospel, illustrations of what the good life looks like: carefree and independent, clean and sexy, perky and perfect. We see the embodiment of this ideal again in the icon-like mannequins in the windows of the mall.2

While some may rightly suggest that the shopping mall has essentially been supplanted by the internet, there are serval other Temples of idolatry in our culture–for instance, the universities, movie theater, stadium and gym. What makes these “temples of idolatry,” is not so much the size of the buildings as it is the potency of the worldview that preys on the lives of those outside its walls–calling them to enter into the rituals within. Consider how each of the following temples of idolatry function:

The University – The University is the intellectual idol factor in our culture. We continually witness every conceivable ungodly worldview taking root there, while the Christian theistic worldview is the great subject of hostility. In, Desiring the Kingdom, Smith captures the essence of Universities, calling them “Cathedrals of Learning.” Though many of the great Univsities in this country were founded on a Christian and Calvinistic Theistic worldview, they have become bastions of intellectual rebellion against the true and living God. Interestingly, even universities that have always been secular in the inception have take on the architectural form of a Cathedral. Smith notes:

I’ve always thought it fitting that a secular university like the University of Pittsburgh, which has no religious past, features one of the more stunning pieces of academic architecture in the United States: the Cathedral of learning. Towering over the campus (and the city), the building is intentionally gothic, invoking the architectural grammar of the medieval churches and cathedrals. But here the inspiring, pointed architecture is no longer striving to point to the Creator, but rather seeks to serve a different, more imminent ideal: the truth of enlightened human reason, marshaled for the progress of the race.3

Though the allurement of the university is discovered in the freedom that young adults feel as they cast off the restraints of biblical revelation and rely on their own fallen human autonomy, the result has been, for far too many, a lifelong bondage to the idols of the mind. The Psalmist captured, in the rawest form possible, the futility of such idolatry: “Those who make them become like them.”

The Movie Theater – Hollywood is, of course, the great popularizer of the philosophies of the universities–the evangelistic guild of anti-Christian thought. This is not to say that there are not moments in which the truth of Christ break through on the big screen. After all, Jesus is still Lord–and all truth is still His truth. There is no ultimate ideology or idolatry with which to finally and fully suppress the truth. However, what more influential idol factory could there be than these massive, in-ornate Temple-like buildings in which every conceivable worldview streams into our minds on mammoth 90 x 30 ft. screens? The theater takes the religious, philosophical and ethical worldviews propagated in academic form in the Universities and shrouds it narratival clothing, embodies it in the most gifted and gorgeous icons of our culture and dazzles onlookers with faux supernaturalism–all in entertaining form. In this way, the theater takes the idolatry of the University and makes it palatable to the lives of onlookers. The size of the building from which these ideas are spread rival any Temple in the ancient world. The cry, “Great is Diana of Ephesus,” from the towering structure of her wonder-Temple, is matched by the cries of the people as the celebrities of Hollywood walk off of the “big-screen” and into the real world of worshiping image-bearers.

The Stadium – The roaring of the fans, the lights, the music, the demigod like athletes rushing onto the field in a blaze of glory–it doesn’t take a genius to realize the idolatrous nature of sports in our day. Nothing shows just how consumed we are with creature worship as is true of our commitment to a particular team. There is, of course, an identity factor involved. We find solidarity investing the better part of our efforts propagating the liturgy of the football team of the university at which we happened to worship. It’s no wonder that we build the most spectacular amphitheater-like Temples in which to showcase our athletic gods and goddesses on the campuses of our universities.

In most cases in our country, American Nationalism provides the hymns that we sing at these sporting events. Smith again notes:

The rituals of national identity–and nationalism–have been almost indelibly inscribed into the rituals of athletics from Little league to High School football. “As is well known,” Stanley Hauerwas once quipped, “Friday night high school football is the most liturgical event in Texas. The imagination couples these spectacular displays at professional sporting events with the simplicity of the anthem and color guard at a high school football game, and together they build up a story of national unity forged by battle and sacrifice. Over time, these rituals have a cumulative, albeit covert, effect on our imagery. And together, I am arguing, these constitute liturgies of ultimate concern: the ideal of national unity and commitment to its ideals is willing to make room for additional loyalties, but is not willing to entertain trumping loyalties.4

In other words, our society will tolerate–and even promote–the worship athletes while confessing the creeds and singing the hymns of nationalism, but not the confessing of creeds and singing of hymns to Christ. This is not simply true in America. By way of contrast, it is demonstrated by communistic Russia’s desire to implant it’s anti-Christian ideology throughout the world by means of it demi-gods, namely, the members of its national hockey team.

Whatever else may be observed, of this much we can be sure: Worshiping athletes and musicians in Temple-stadiums is one of the greatest forms of sophisticated idolatry.

The Gym – Over the past four years, I have watched several gym instructors at the gym that I attend leave their spouses for someone else with whom they were sculpting their body side-by-side in colossal buildings of full of worshipers. Over the past three decades, the Gym has become a Temple for narcissistic worship of self in our culture.

Interestingly, it has also become, for many in our day, a conduit for eastern mysticism. Hot yoga, Restorative Yoga, Bikram, Hatha, Anusara, Iyengar, Vinyasa and Ashtanga have made their way into the Gym-Temples of North America, at such a speed and with such subtly that most Christians have not given much analytical thought to what is occurring. A number of years ago, Al Mohler wrote an important article titled, “The Subtle Body: Should Christian’s Practice Yoga?” I will never forget the surprise I felt as I read an overwhelmingly slew of vitriolic comments made by professing Christian soccer-moms who found their daily devotional fix at the gym. The comments online revealed the depth of the problem. Instead of giving a fair hearing to what Mohler had to say, multitudes wrapped their arms around the Dagon of their Yoga class and gnashed their teeth at any intimation that there might be something wrong with Christians engaging in eastern pagan mysticism.

At our local YMCA, banners hang down along the walls with depictions of men and women carrying out incredible feats of strength. At the bottom of each banner is a verse of Scripture–taken out of context and applied to these images of motivational and physical liturgies. Just as humanistic as the philosophies taught in the University, these banners fuel an anti-Christian worldview–while throwing it under the cloak of Christianity.

Let me be clear that I am not suggesting that it is necessarily wrong–in and of itself–to go to the Mall, the University, The Theatre, the Stadium and the Gym. What the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians about eating meat offered to idols is applicable in this regard. In fact, I would suggest that there is a great measure of wisdom in knowing the culture in order to effectively speaking the Gospel into the culture. The apostle Paul read the Greek philosophers and utilized them in his preaching in Athens. Paul also drew on the athletics of his day in order to give metaphors for the Christian life. There is wisdom in exercising regularly in order to take care of the body the Lord has given us. However, there are enormous dangers in these things because of the sinfulness of our hearts. We were made to worship. If we are not sitting at the feet of Jesus, singing His praises, reading His truth, feeding on His flesh and blood by faith, we will be engaged in the liturgies of our culture. The Gospel is the cure for our idolatry. Abiding in Christ by faith and abiding in His word on a daily basis protects our hearts from the consumeristic idolatry of the Mall and our minds from the idolatrous philosophies of the Universities and Theaters. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus protects us from setting them–in an idolatrous way–on the athletic demi-gods of our culture and from our own bodies and the bodies of those around us.

1. Steven Shepherd “Mall Culture” (an article in the Nov./Dec. 1998 edition of the Humanist)

2. James K.A. Smith Desiring the Kingdom p. 95

3. Ibid., pp. 112-113

4. Ibid., p. 106

The post Sophisticated Temples of Modern Idolatry appeared first on Feeding on Christ.

Why Don’t You Like the Christians You Know?

Why Don’t You Like the Christians You Know?In three minutes, John Piper asks why so many Christians don’t enjoy other Christians. In fact, many of us, if honest, would rather spend time with our nonbelieving friends. Piper gives us all two important and practical questions to ask about our feelings toward other believers in our lives.

This clip comes from a new sermon John Piper preached this week in Dallas. John Piper unfolds all of Psalm 16, climaxing in a chorus of Christian Hedonism. You can listen to the whole message, or watch the video.

Recent Sermon Clips

The Daily Discovery (August 13, 2015)

(Click title to go to full article)

Meet the Bereans – “I am convinced that the most dangerous lie is the one that is almost true. The regenerate believer can usually see through most pseudo-Christian scams, whether they be online, on TV, or in the pulpit. But Satan doesn’t always deploy his deceptions through shallow charlatans—he also carefully cloaks them in the garb of orthodox Christianity.”

Will You Read “Knowing God” With Me? – One week from today I am going to begin a very public reading of a very good book. I would love for you to join me. Why don’t you read on to see if it would be beneficial to you?  For the past few years I have been running an ongoing program called ‘Reading Classics Together.’ This is the way I force myself to read those classic Christian books that I somehow otherwise neglect. I do it by inviting others to join me so we can read those books together.”

Christians Assaulted Outside Portland Planned Parenthood – “On Wednesday, August 12, 2015, a group of Christians (of which I was a part) went to the Planned Parenthood at 3231 SE 50th Street, Portland, OR. We went to the location as part of an evangelistic outreach, which was organized and led by Pastor Chuck O’Neal, of Beaverton Grace Bible Church. The outreach was part of the third annual Biblical Church Evangelism Conference, which is also hosted by Beaverton Grace Bible Church.”

Where Faith Journey Theology Takes Us – “During the last couple of weeks, it has been revealed that Hillsong Church, NYC, has a festering community of sodomites actively participating in their congregation.  While church officials state that no homosexuals serve or have served on their pastoral staff, the two men at the center of the Hillsong controversy claim to have an active ‘ministry’ at the church including opening their apartment to host Connect groups, which I take to mean the Hillsong version of home Bible studies or small fellowship groups.”

What Will Please God? – “What kind of heart and faith pleases God? In this lab, John Piper looks at several texts to try and understand what it means for us to fear God. How can we be terrified of God and still find hope in him at the same time?”



Tom Buck – 1 Timothy 4:6-10


Presupp with Paul the Drunkard

A Call to Wonder

“If you alter or obscure the Biblical portrait of God in order to attract converts, you don’t get converts to God, you get converts to an illusion. This is not evangelism but deception.” – John Piper

The post The Daily Discovery (August 13, 2015) appeared first on Entreating Favor.

The Daily Discovery (August 14, 2015)

Gay Teens Have Higher Rates of Pregnancy Than Straight Teens – “A new report on adolescent sexual activity in Minnesota has produced some seemingly counterintuitive findings: Lesbian and bisexual females were three to five times more likely to have been pregnant than straight females while gay males and males who are questioning their sexuality were four times more likely than straight males to report getting someone pregnant.”

Why Don’t You Like the Christians You Know? – “In three minutes, John Piper asks why so many Christians don’t enjoy other Christians. In fact, many of us, if honest, would rather spend time with our non-believing friends. Piper gives us all two important and practical questions to ask about our feelings toward other believers in our lives.”

WWII Pilot Visits the Ark Site and Creation Museum – “While I was away in Australia, we had a special guest come and tour the Ark Encounter property in northern Kentucky. Harry Fike, a World War II pilot, will be 93 next month, and he drove all the way from Iowa by himself to see how construction was coming along on the Ark.”

What I Learned About the Church’s Legal and Financial Responsibilities – “I joined the Church Law & Tax Team of Christianity Today about a year ago. During my time on the team, my eyes were really opened to areas of church responsibility that I was pretty oblivious to before my time here. With that in mind, I wanted to share some areas of concern and resources that I didn’t even think my church needed, but have been thankful to find.”

The Bible Project: Free, Animated Biblical Theology – “The Bible Project is producing some great, free resources for the church. Because the medium they use is animation, you might assume (without watching it) that this is only for kids. But it’s really something that could profit all of us.”


Randy White – The Freedom of the Pulpit: An Essential Right


What the Early Church Taught About Abortion?

The Book of Genesis Overview – Part 1 of 2

“All death can do to the believer is deliver him to Jesus.  It brings us into the eternal presence of our Savior.” – John MacArthur


Christian Headlines Daily –

Only Two Religions!

I don’t know if you know this but there are only two religions in the entire world.

You might say I’m nuts.  There are hundreds if not thousands!

wearing masksBut there is one religion that likes to put on hundreds if not thousands of different masks on, and so ultimately there are only two: the religion of Human Achievement and the religion of Divine Accomplishment.

You see Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Judaism and every single religion that you have ever heard of, ultimately teaches some form of a works-based salvation. They say that you have to be a little more good than bad in order to make it to heaven. These religions encourage you to hand God a resume when you face Him one day. The resume will be filled with all your accomplishments. It will list everything you’ve done for other people, every penny you’ve given to charity and every good deed you’ve done. God will look over this resume and say, “Good job! You’ve made it into heaven”.

The problem is that if you were to enter into heaven because of a resume based on your accomplishments God would get no glory; you would be the one who gets all the praise. In fact, Ephesians 2:9 would say that salvation is not of works lest you patting-self-on-back-1should boast! Genesis chapter one shows us that God created the entire universe including you. Everything He created is designed to bring Him glory. The problem is that sin has entered the world, and from birth we all have replaced exalting God with exalting ourselves. Everything we do from birth is geared towards bringing us glory and bringing praise to ourselves. We all have a throne in our hearts that God should be sitting and reigning on, but instead we are born with ourselves sitting on it. We are so used to it we don’t even notice it to the point where we all think that our resumes are good enough to get us into heaven.

my mom thinks im coolOf course we are going to think that we are good people! Of course my mom is going to tell me I’m a good person! But what does your Creator think? He says in Romans 3:23 that we all have sinned and fall short of His glory. He also says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death. So if we stand before God and start listing accomplishments or hand Him a resume we might as well slap Jesus in the face because God is going to look at the resume and say, “I killed my only Son because you were not good enough to get to me!”

And that’s where the only other religion comes in.

The religion of Divine Accomplishment. God saw your situation, and decided that since man was so sinful and could not save himself, that He would come Himself and take the form of a man. He humbled himself, spent nine months in a womb he created, grew up with every temptation you and I face every day, but without sinning. He then died on the cross for our sins, and then rose from the dead and defeated death. He made it possible for human beings to stand before God one day and not hand Him a resume and condemn themselves further, but rather, tell God that they deserve His wrath but have placed their faith and trust in the work that Jesus did on their behalf on the cross and through His resurrection.

You see we need someone to be a substitute for us because no matter how hard we try, we can never bridge the gap between God and us. And the substitute can’t be merely a human.  It must be God Himself.

Do you see the difference between Christianity and every other religion?


The Greatest Story Ever Told

Greatest StoryGod’s goal in all of His creative and redemptive work is to bring glory to Himself (Isa 43:7; cf. Eph 1:6, 12, 14).

Read more

What is The Gospel? is a website inspired by, with new content, images, audio and video that will help you understand more about who God is and how to know Him. The site is mobile responsive and has an infinite scroll which makes for a very user-friendly experience. After you indicate a decision on, you are directed to a page that details what it means to have a new and transformed life through Jesus Christ. There’s even a Facebook page for daily updates, encouragement and scripture sharing.

“My Last Day” — the Jesus Anime

9 powerful minutes of animation that begins with a thief behind bars watching the scourging of Jesus, and it ends with the thief dying next to Jesus, and waking to see Him in a beautiful place.

The dying thief: What was so great about his faith?

There are many acts of extraordinary faith in the Bible. The one that has impressed me the most concerns the dying thief on the cross. We could take the approach that he had nothing to lose, so he decided to cast his lot with Jesus. But this makes absolutely no sense of the text and the context.
In this conversion we have a specific fulfillment of Christ’s first words on the cross. No sooner had Christ spoken the words, “Father, forgive them,” had the Father answered that prayer by turning a once-reviling criminal into a Christ-glorifying saint. While the soon-to-be converted criminal was not directly responsible for Christ’s death, he nevertheless joined with those who were and was thus indirectly addressed when Christ asked for God to forgive “them.”
Christ, the sinless one, was numbered with or counted among the transgressors (Isa. 53:12; Luke 22:37), all of whom have a bigger problem than the day-to-day sins they commit. They hate Christ, the God-man. Anyone who has a master other than the Lord Jesus hates him (Lk. 16:13; Gal. 4:8). That these two criminals loathed him is clearly manifested during the crucifixion: “And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way” (Matt. 27:44).
When the criminal who was converted was doing his worst against Christ, Christ was doing his best for this criminal.
The conversion of the one criminal was most extraordinary and testifies to the power of Christ’s prayer and the grace of God. Why?
This criminal’s faith did not come at a time such as when Christ turned water into wine; or performed miracles, such as walking on water, opening the eyes of a blind man, or raising Lazarus from the dead. No! The criminal believed on the Messiah while he was hanging as one cursed upon a tree. The criminal trusted in and boldly defended the one whose disciples had abandoned him. Jesus was at his lowest when this criminal asked to be remembered in Christ’s kingdom.
When he was on the cross, did anyone publicly cry out, as John the Baptist did, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn. 1:29)? But this is essentially what the dying thief did. Little wonder, then, that Christ should promise him a place in his kingdom: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk. 23:43).
The criminal acknowledged he was guilty; he acknowledged that Christ was not (“this man has done nothing wrong”); he feared God; but, and here is the key: the criminal did not merely want to be in a better place. He wanted to be with Christ in a better place: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Lk. 23:42). The criminal believed “against all hope”.
Heaven is a better place because that is where Christ is. Everyone wants to go to heaven, but not everyone wants to go to Christ’s heaven. Not so with this criminal: he saw, with his eyes, Christ at his worst; but with the eyes of faith, he believed that Christ would soon be at his best, and so put his faith in a dying king.
Christ is always – always! – willing to save even the most miserable of sinners. A recognition of guilt (Lk. 23:40) and a confidence in him and not ourselves (Lk. 23:42) will always lead to the most assuring truth a sinner can receive: the Savior welcomes such into his paradise!
“One is saved, and we may not despair; the other is lost, and we may not presume.” Spurgeon


Our Time is Short

Read: Recommitting Your Life To God and Jesus Christ – Restoration and Forgiveness With God and Jesus Christ (Updated Version)

Ready to start your new life with God?

Who do you think that I am?

With that brief question Jesus Christ confronted His followers with the most important issue they would ever face. He had spent much time with them and made some bold claims about His identity and authority. Now the time had come for them either to believe or deny His teachings.

Who do you say Jesus is? Your response to Him will determine not only your values and lifestyle, but your eternal destiny as well.

Consider what the Bible says about Him: Read more

Look to Jesus
Have you ever felt a little lost and wished there was a quick-start guide to your relationship with God? This is it!

30 Day Next Steps
John Beckett, a leading Christian businessman, has written a series to read over 30 days for new believers.

New Believers Guide
The New Believer’s Guide is a series of articles designed to show you how to walk in the new life Christ has given you— a life of faith and freedom.

Jesus Booklet
Jesus is the Savior of the world. Discover who Jesus is today in this series.

About Christianity
Know Jesus Christ and your life will be transformed

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