Ready for your jab, America? 100 million Covid-19 “vaccine kits” with “immunity cards” await distribution –

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The Department of Defense (DOD) has released the first images of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards,” which CNN says will soon be administered to all Americans.

According to Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, every American will receive one of these written cards, which they will be able to “put in their wallet [to] tell them what they had and when their next dose (of the vaccine) is due.”

A classic papers, please attempt at nationwide fascism, the cards will link to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination clinics, which will work in conjunction with state immunization registries to keep track of and verify all Americans’ vaccination status.

Steamrolling right over the HIPAA Privacy laws that are supposed to protect Americans’ medical information from being disclosed without their consent, the DOD, CDC and other coronavirus-obsessed government agencies and partners are essentially now demanding that every American carry around their medical records in order to present them on demand.

Those who agree to this newfound fascism disguised as a “public health emergency” will also be asked to hand over their mobile phone numbers in order to receive texts from the government notifying them of when and where they can receive their next Chinese Virus shot.

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